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sephirthoughts · 10 months ago
star rail quests be like
find the missing wubbaboos playing hide and seek around the station
make cat-cakes that look like all your friends
help this waiter follow his dream of being a comedian
take cute selfies with march 7th
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webkinztournament · 1 year ago
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White Terrier
Plush: Yes PSI: Trailblazin' Terrier Scooter PSF: Crispy Bone Scones
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Plush: Yes PSI: Ossilily Plant Seeds PSF: Collie Lolly
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goldom · 4 days ago
3.1 Trailblazin' adventure part 3 of probably 3 but heck if I know. I might be literally one scene away from the end of the update or I might have hours left. Let's begin (and hope for maybe fewer crashes to desktop in this episode).
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Stelle: Ah yes, I read about this phenomenon. It's called the bystander effect. Dan: You're not helping either. Stelle: Eh, I'm sure someone else will deal with it.
Ok so a lady faints from the bath being too hot and goes "Oof. Kremnoans did it. Bleh. x_x" This is the most obvious psyop designed to inflame racial tensions. I bet the council government is behind it.
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He's just worn out from too much sex with his bf don't worry
god Mydei is being all tsundere to Phainon. These two are such blatant M/M shipbait that they're even selling me on it.
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the heck does that mean? Googling HKS gets me nothing relevant.
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They know what they're doing.
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Oh come on hoyo, you couldn't take their armor off? We literally just got a bath scene in Genshin, why are you so lazy with Star Rail? (What is happening why am I pleading for more nude men this game is breaking me)
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You see my vision here, right?
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BECAUSE OF REASONS. If I seriously wrote that line in a fanfic people would say I need to take a break lmao
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I. Don't. Like. Aglaea.
To elaborate: Hyacine didn't deny anything. She didn't say "Don't worry, keep smiling~!" She said she'd try to help. That's it. But no, Aglaea, like oh-so many hoyoverse characters the authors put up on pedestals, finds that distasteful. And she doesn't just insult Hyacine, she then makes a snarky comment about "I can't wait to see what you come up with." What have you come up with? Have you tried anything, or are you so ready to accept people must sacrifice their lives for your grand plan that you act like a brat as soon as anyone challenges that conclusion?
Oh okay, HKS explained. I guess.
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I'm glad I waited to make that joke. They got there.
Krateros is reckless and impulsive, but damn if he didn't tell Aglaea some hard truths. And you just know she was about to have him executed – not for what he did, no, she didn't start to pull that out until he insulted her personally. She is really getting on my nerves. Good on the Tribbies for stepping in.
I can't remember the first mention of the Sea of Souls or if it's been explained beyond "the thing Mydei went in," but knowing hoyo's history with things that start with "Sea of" I can't help but wonder if it's going to be literally another synonym for Quanta.
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I feel like the conspiracy theory pinboard guy meme with hide and seek at this point. I can't stop seeing it everywhere. Mostly because hoyo can't stop putting it everywhere. WHY? I WANT TO KNOW WHY!
There's a LOT to unpack in this Tribbie dream sequence, but I'm most interested in this rocketship diagram.
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Yeah she has rockets in her animations, but that slid under my radar as just a combat animation thing. But here she directly addresses it: "What is this thing? Why do I recognize it?" Combine that with the fact that we're on a world that has been forced to lose awareness of the stars beyond its own horizon, and... hm...
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These are adorable and merchandisable! Where's my 3-pack of Tribbie dolls, hoyo amazon store?
I'm not great at interpreting plot but even I can get a prophecy when it's bludgeoned over my head. Tribbie's alters are all gonna die.
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Who's in denial now, Aglaea?
No, sorry, I'm being bitter. That's actually the nicest thing she's ever said, and I admit she seems to genuinely care for Tribios and feel bad for what she has to do... even if she knows full well Tribbie won't take her up on this offer. *presses button* yeah.
Goodness, there's still at least an entire gameplay segment still left?! How is this patch running for as long as 3.0? Welp, I guess I have to call it here for tonight. See ya in part 4...
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ashleesimpsons · 5 days ago
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jessicasimpson: Moments with you, @ jdmcphersonpix , are simply magic 💫 It is very special what this beautiful universe has been up to with the 2 of us and this unexpected soul collision.
I can’t wait for everyone to hear what we have been cookin’ up. You have inspired me by simply makin’ me feel creatively understood with your one of a kind artistry and unparalleled talent and vision. I’m pretty sure that God and all of our chosen angels are communicatin’ with some trailblazin’ purpose. My life is for ever changed by the gift of YOU.
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astrxlfinale · 9 months ago
This is the guy Elio is revolving his script around now? Seriously? This universe is doomed.
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Naturally a cool sound had to be made in response to such thoughts. Whereas doubt could be a billowing storm, here one soul stands, resolute. No amount of storms would ever daunt this brazen soul, even as he stands before the veritable belly of the beast. The IPC was a megalith if he's ever seen one. Yet, in the eyes of a Trailblazer, can't that be considered just another challenge in the wide sea?
"Come what may. Having things work out for the best can be called my own form of a Trailblazin' specialty deal."
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got-that-webkinz · 6 months ago
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White Terrier facts below the cut
The White Terrier was released May 2006 and the Lil' Kinz was released January 2007. It was Pet of the Month February 2010 and featured in A Dog with a Bow in Her Hair. It's pet specific item is Trailblazin' Terrier Scooter and pet specific food is Crispy Bone Scones (pictured below)
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The description reads:
"Terriers aren’t your average dog; aside from being extremely energetic, they’re also very loyal and friendly; this pup will follow you anywhere! With its curly white fur, big shiny eyes, and sweet face, you know this little pooch will be the perfect pal."
There are two figurines: School Time Terrier and Take It Easy Terrier (pictured below)
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cj-writes-things · 1 year ago
For anyone looking for a little musical exploration or some pre-curated themed playlists, I've got you. Feel free to check these out if any of them sound like your kinda vibe!
My main/default playlist; there's a little bit of everything in here so it's good for when there's no particular vibe and you just want random shit on shuffle for hours:
ERROR: title_not_found
Playlist I listen to when I'm feeling alone/down; made from a place of feeling unable to accept or reciprocate love and having difficulty forming or maintaining personal relationships, with a few comfort songs mixed in:
"wdym ur lonely? so many ppl love you"
Playlist for hiking, roadtripping, setting out on an adventure, admiring the cosmos, pondering existence, etc (very indie/folk-heavy playlist):
Trailblazin' & Stargazin'
I mentioned this one in my valentine's day post; the title pretty much sums it up I'd say:
love songs I actually like
This one goes along/overlaps with the previous one & was also mentioned in my valentine's day post; basically, songs that helped me get an idea of the kind of love I hope to experience and a better understanding of love in general:
a love like this
Collection of mostly soft, comforting/uplifting songs to listen to when I'm stressed out or anxious or whatever, with a little bit of subdued angst sprinkled in:
calm down
Another one that doesn't really need a description; I don't know exactly what the vibe is with this one I just needed to make it bc reasons:
my personal collection of Sam Smith & Calum Scott songs
Slowed & reverb songs for my adhd bitches who have to have background noise 24/7 but get distracted by more upbeat lively music when they should be sleeping (I've used this one many a night):
Trying to fall asleep
Playlist for feeling overwhelmed, unprepared for adulthood, resistant to growing up, scared of change:
I'm not ready
Songs that either feel trans-coded/supportive or just that I like to listen to specifically during more masc/enby phases, usually because they feel gender-affirming somehow:
For Your Dysphoric Days
Touch-starved, depressed, out of it, and desperate to feel something playlist:
feeling numb.
A few more based purely on vibes whose titles more or less speak for themselves:
life in a YA dystopian fantasy/sci-fi epic
Villain POV
Run Away with Me
Phantoms, Fables, and Echoes of the Divine
Chilled, Somber yet Mellow (mostly SYML)
ripples through murky water
This Might Be The End
POV: angsty queer teen with religious trauma
That's all for now, hope somebody gets some enjoyment out of these
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furyohin4urr20 · 1 year ago
i had the absolutely horrendous idea of making humanizations of some of my favorite pokemon and started with my beloved cacturne 🌵💚 ☆<]:) ◇◇◇
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some design notes (click read more if you'd like to see them) :]
according to cacturne's dex entries, they are a sort of desert bandit and stalk weary travellers, which elicited the choice of western-esque styles
where would she be without her hat?
hehe spiky hair
for her mouth i wanted to make it look similar to the holes making the smile on the base design, so i did like these little scarecrow stitch/teeth lines on her lips??? idk how to explain it
she has one larger diamond on her shirt similar to the dimorphism of an actual female cacturne
super long sleeves make up for long, stubby arms :)
bullet belt of seeds because... y'know... bullet seed... ok i'll show myself out
spiky chaps for extra swag
her trailblazin' boots were made for walking 🎶🕺
overall, i'm really proud of this design! i put a lot of thought into the details, and it really paid off for my girl buttons :]
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lunasilvis · 2 years ago
Woke up with a sudden burst of energy and a head that feels more cleared today. Finished doing my taxes yesterday and college is going well. I’ve almost gotten out of my state of emotion regarding my old love, but hell, I miss you most on mornings and when I go to sleep. ((ok not diving in too much again, I am healing and not sabotaging myself again :-) )) Trailblazin’ through my internship document, hopefully hand it in before Monday, and then start writing my thesis AKA the end of my 4-year study in Amsterdam !!!
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praeteritus-memories · 19 days ago
[ txt -> rootin tootin cowbaby 💕 ] [voice message] baby ! i hope you're headin' back t' jarilo-vi soon! i dunno if th' times are th' same where y'are cuz- system hours are confusin' t' me but!
[ txt -> rootin tootin cowbaby 💕 ] [voice message] i'd really like if y'were here f'er m'birthday ! i love ya heaps and hope y'er safe! kisses~ mwah mwah!
When Boothill plays the voice message as he's dodging bullets from IPC workers for taking out another man on the bounty, he ducks behind an alleyway of a city to hear the rest.
A bit of a romantic sigh escapes him, the sound of his lover's voice enough to motivate him to finish the job and get back on that ship.
[Boothill] : [Voice message] : I'm headin' back ASAP, baby! As if I'm missin' ya birthday? Tch, it'll be a cold day in heck for that! Say, you tell me anythin' ya want an' I'll get it!
Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot is heard through the voice message.
[Boothill] : [Voice message] : YOU SON OF A BENCH, I'M TALKIN' TO MY BABY HERE!
Another gunshot before a 'yee haw' is heard. Seems he escaped at least!
[Boothill] : [Voice message] : I think I'm passin' by the Loufu on m' way there! Ya want one o' them cakes they got there? Heck, that pink trailblazin' girl was trainin' here for a while so I might just ask her for help surprisin' ya with somethin' real sweet for my sweetie pie!
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webkinztournament · 1 year ago
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Merry Mistletoe Bear
Plush: No PSI: Merry Mistletoe Fireplace PSF: Mistletoe Milkshake
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White Terrier
Plush: Yes PSI: Trailblazin' Terrier Scooter PSF: Crispy Bone Scones
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goldom · 1 year ago
Stelle's Trailblazin' diary✨
Day 322: The new friend I met the other day turns out to have been manipulating me for their own ends. Again.
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lemoncatshop · 3 months ago
Trailblazin! ❤️🏕️🌲
#campervan #vwvan #camping #van #travel #summer #plannerstickers #stickeraddict #stickerlove #cutestickers #stickers #stationerylove #stationeryaddict #stationeryfinds #stationerylover #stationeryshop #cutestationery #stationeryhaul #love #stationery #happy #planning #plannergirl #decal #journaling #journalstickersheet
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astrxlfinale · 9 months ago
"Caelus, Pompom made peach pie. Want some?" - stelle (traincarsandstars)
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"Hell, is the sky blue? Isn't space some infinite void where over 99.9% of things out there can't breathe?"
"Damn right I want some! This is the snack of a trailblazin' champion!"
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maximuswolf · 5 months ago
Blazin Trails: Where the Outlaw Spirit Meets Hip-Hop?
Blazin’ Trails: Where the Outlaw Spirit Meets Hip-Hop? I’ve been ponderin’ lately ‘bout how outlaw ways fit right into the heart of hip-hop. Ain’t too different from the old days standin’ tall, takin’ what’s yours, and livin’ by your own rules. Got me thinkin’, anyone else out there mixin’ these worlds together? Seems like there’s room for some real trailblazin’. Submitted September 21, 2024 at 10:10AM by jerichoblaze1899 https://ift.tt/plKhHgc via /r/Music
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doc8692 · 1 year ago
Black History Inventors: Mary Kenner 🩸
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