#tragic claudeth
nightshadedawn · 18 days
Alright, alright! That's what I'm talkin' about! We are now at the end of the musical journey, after a (very rough) stretch where I had continuous difficulties with Guns and Ships and One Day More. But now it's all put together, in an acceptable manner I think.
Anyway, what we've got this time is:
Clean up time after Edelgard's death (pretending that the timeline adds up, shh)
Discovering "oh shit, there's and even bigger baddie" and taking care of bussiness.
Claudeth S Rank (people can fight me, this is peak Claudeth song, especially after all the star imagery I assigned Claude, and the game did on its own)
And the credits! (I found most of the name, I think acucrately)
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nightshadedawn · 2 months
Back at it again with three uploads in one day. I'm powering through because it's almost done. Next time I do some it'll probably only be 2 videos at a time.
Anyway, what we've got this time is:
Byleth dealing with emotions and the lack of Sothis.
The OG Golden Boys doing some bonding before battle.
The aforementioned battle. (Featuring dialogue from the game people think it sacrilegious to use)
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