#traditional mormon
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gay-mormon-wizard · 5 months ago
when I see someone being HOMOSEXUAL or TRANSSEXUAL, I mind my OWN DAMN BUSINESS
I think all young women should learn INTEGRATED PEST CONTROL
I like my women how I like my men: VOTING IN EVERY ELECTION and BECOMING DOCTORS
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child-of-asbestos · 3 months ago
someone send me back in time so i can absolutely ravage joseph smith's ass and stop the mormon church from happening. i wanna fuck that little twink until he's seeing angels in the woods. some good dick wouldn't have fixed him but it would've made him found a considerably gayer cult at least
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hiseyeisonthesparrow · 2 months ago
Felt prompted to share this with the LGBTQ+ institute GroupMe but I think y'all might also appreciate it:
Reading Alma this week and the scripture Alma 34:26 really stuck out to me: "ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness." I know Alma didn't mean "closets" in the way that I read it [as in, closeted queer folk like unto myself], but I definitely felt heard when I read it. When I feel lost and alone and totally broken, I can pour out my soul to him -- especially when I feel like nobody else can understand. It's an especially helpful verse to keep in mind during the horror of current political happenings 🙃
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balkanradfem · 2 months ago
A few weeks ago, I was sitting in a park, and two young women approached me with a prompt. They could have been 16 to 19 years old, they looked young, and foreign, but could speak croatian pretty well. They told me they were holding an event where they prompted people to write down what made them happy. I thought that was nice and harmless, and I accepted to go and write things up on the board. People wrote down things like 'family, friends, love, food' and I added things like 'forest, mountains, sunlight, flowers, garden'. In return they gave me a piece of candy! I love taking candy from strangers so I was pleased.
Today, they approached me again, I was sitting in the same park. They recognized me from the event, and wanted to speak to me again. Both of them were holding the same book in their hands, and I tilted my head to read the title. 'Book of Mormon' it said. My expression changed from a smile to panic, because I hadn't up until that point realized, that they were missionaries. I'd never seen a mormon missionary in this area before. They asked me for my name, and I politely said I would prefer not to share personal information, and that I wasn't interested, and then I kept avoiding eye contact, until they went up to a different person. I felt awkward at first, but then figured there was no better way to handle it anyway, and went home worried. They were such nice and good girls. They approached me so gently and cautiously and never made me uncomfortable for a second, it was only the knowledge of their cause that made me freeze up.
I've been watching Alyssa Grenfell's videos to the point where I understood that these almost-children were on their mission. They were stuck for more than a year separated from their families and homes, and they can't go back until they complete the mission. Before this, they spent months or a year in a facility specifically to learn croatian so they could convert people in this area. They probably lived in someone's house and had a tiny budget of they were allowed to spend on food and necessities. They looked so thin and underfed in the park. They would continue to spend a year of their life trying to convert people to mormonism, because the mormon church could claim 10% of the income of their converts, making it even more rich. And the girls were doing it for free, exposing themselves to danger, isolation, loneliness, and fruitless effort of working 16 hours a day only to maybe get a few converts in a course of a year.
I feel so bad for them! And there's nothing I can do because it's integrated in their culture, their families will expect them to do this, and afterwards they'll be expected to marry as soon as possible. Mormon church integrated the mission of 'making the mormon church richer' into a cultural event that people held as an important part of their life, something to prove themselves over, something that should be an honour for them to do. I'm heartbroken about it, now that I've seen the girls up close. They really are so young, I think they had to be 19 to be allowed to go on a mission, but they looked 16. And croatia is dangerous for young girls, there are so many pedophiles, so many predators. I can only hope they return home safe.
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inbabylontheywept · 11 months ago
All that remains: Part I
In the land just past the Decapolis, by the tombs of the city's most ancient forebears, there lived a man called Legion. Some days, he howled like a beast, laughing as he savaged his own flesh with the jagged edges of stones. Other days he wept like a child, teeth chattering even as the sun blazed overhead. But more days still, he lingered in the quiet spaces, haunted but lucid: A stranger to the land and a stranger to himself.
He called himself Legion because he was made of many parts. Memories without attachments, stories without endings. Fragments. Worse, he felt like he could only hold a few of the pieces at a time. Trying to assemble himself felt like an endless effort of cupping his hands together tight, filling them with details, reaching up to his mouth, and realizing they had already slipped through his fingers. An endless thirst for which he had no cure. 
The town called him Legion, because they remembered what he often forgot: That he was a Roman, as well as a former soldier. If he’d been anything less, they’d have driven him away. Instead, they fussed over him endlessly, all too aware that to harm a single hair upon his head was to invoke the wrath of the largest army the world had ever seen.
(Which was a problem, because he was all too willing to harm himself.)
On Legion’s good days they simply gave him space. He’d tried describing once, all the things that could bring his demons out: The clash of metal, the twang of a bowstring. A scream of pain. Those were easy enough to remember and avoid, but others were not. Certain phrases in Latin, ones related to marching, used for giving directions. Certain smells - the roasting of pork, the burning of sulfur. The way some men from distant lands braided their hair. 
So many little things. 
They were a lot to keep track of, and the cost of failure was high. It seemed easier for the people of the town to simply avoid him altogether. That it let them ignore his suffering was simply a pleasant side effect. 
On his bad days, they had to intervene more directly. He was strong when he was well, but his sickness could make him almost invincible. Whole teams of men would be sent into the tombs while he screamed and roared, and it could take them hours to tie him down and pry the rocks from his trembling fingers. To put a rolled up rag into his mouth and silence the phrase he shouted over and over, summoning more demons into himself with each incantation: TORNA MIRA, TALIS EST COMODUM MILES BARBATI. 
Sometimes, it took more than a day of being restrained that way for him to find himself again. They’d send children out to the edge of the town to listen, and when he finally went silent they’d travel back to free him from his chains. It was a beastly, shameful task every time, and Legion made it worse by never being angry. Without fail, the first thing he said every time the rag was removed was:
Συγγνώμη, δεν ήθελα να σε τρομάξω.
Forgive me, I did not mean to scare you. 
Everyone knew that the way things were being handled wasn’t enough. Everyone, even Legion, knew how things would end. They just weren’t sure when. 
It turned out that it was longer than six years.
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iwantofall · 1 year ago
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been watching new vegas
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cthulhu-lemon · 7 months ago
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did I do this right
anyway this is mormon trauma Miku
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almondcroissantsandink · 1 year ago
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I'm moving and was going through my books today and found the Book of Mormon script book I bought in like 2016 so I could illustrate Kevin Price's coffee monologue and opened it up to the Spooky Mormon Hell Dream section and this line has no right to be so funny
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kellelkallel · 9 months ago
Elder price fanart bc I can't hold myself back anymore
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I love him soso much if he was a real guy we'd be best friends trust 🤞
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fireworkss-exe · 2 years ago
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back on my "tbom but with sisters instead of elders" bullshit
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peachnix · 1 year ago
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simptasia · 10 months ago
i love that my mum is buried in a park. a beautiful place that isn't just fulla death but lotsa pretty plants and animals too. she's near a duck pond and she'd love that, she liked to feed the ducks. and shortly after her funeral, a wallaby hopped by and that made me love the park even more
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mindfulldsliving · 2 months ago
Jesus as the Eternal God: Responding to Life After Ministry - "BOM: Jesus is God"
Critics consistently present information that causes misunderstandings of Latter-day Saint teachings. Specifically, they tend to confuse LDS understanding of Christ and His divinity. They often claim contradictions between the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and LDS teaching. The clear truth – the harmony affirms Jesus as the Eternal God and yet the Son of the Living God subordinate to the…
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iaminjail · 2 years ago
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doodle price pt 2
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mcpriceley is a given
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gnarlymetalghost · 1 year ago
​baby girl i talked to god and they said if you’re funny enough about it it’s not a sin
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shekeepsmeworms · 2 years ago
Had some wine feeling good made a really shitty bowl in ceramics class this morning that I’m really worried has a bunch of air holes in it and had a really crappy therapy session where I didn’t talk too much but was honest about some other stuff which is good overall I guess but now I’m doing drunk crochet and watching the Duggar family documentary and probably going to stop watching soon once they start talking about the awful stuff but yeah day in the life of a woman doing her best I guess
#like both sides of my family are either Irish catholic. converted assimilation catholic. or part Jewish but raised catholic.#but my mom read the Boston glob report so I wasn’t baptized or anything and despite her born again phase I’ve never really been religious#so the thought of growing up in that environment is like I can’t imagine the pressure oh my god#like I’ve had Mormon friends and have some friends who were raised homeschool Christian married young and all and like#i don’t know it’s just wild how different our lives are like I’ve got a problems and def inherited the guilt complex thing for sure but like#I also never got told to submit to anyone or that god was watching#or to be modest or any of the purity stuff beyond normal patriarchy stuff#like I’m not saying my life is better but I didn’t do church after age 5 and only go to funeral masses so I like the comfort of like#doing sign of cross and saying Hail Mary and all bc it provides structure for grief but beyond that I can’t imagine living with all of that#these are very long tags with no real point beyond wow. that’s literally bananas to me. but did I mention I’m a little drunk#and even then my family isn’t like hardcore catholic. my grandma and her siblings skipped church to get donuts bc no farm work on Sunday#and my dad grew up like doing fasted mass and everything but heard the 2000s Harvey milk speech and realized gay ppl are okay#and then rest of extended dads side is like catholic but vote blue and think human rights are good and all#my mom has a student who’s like very traditional catholic like she was trying to teach him math and whatever#and the live coverage of waiting for pope confirmation was on tv the whole time#and he fights with her about evolution and learning about the existence of other religions and everything#so I guess even in my own family like. everyone’s down with basic science and civil liberties which is even weirder for me I guess#like not even among fundamentalists like just regular Catholics I’ve had a pretty liberal upbringing re faith. it’s just wild to me#to see the differences of worldview#and even non religion stuff was pretty liberal overall despite living in pretty red area. idk it’s just wild how different life can be
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