#trader darkwood
00-blackraven-00 · 3 days
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redhairedfish · 10 months
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every night it’s a mushroom party
it’s okay
let’s wait
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livnoy · 4 months
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sketchygabz · 1 month
Wolf man getting clocked in the face by Traveler! >:D
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You know exactly what to please my brain meats 😎
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nebulavertigo · 18 days
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red-tea-lover · 24 days
Даже в тёмном польском лесу бывают дни когда цветут цветы и не происходит ничего плохого 💖
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В последние дни слишком сильно фрустрирую и не могу рисовать . Артблок подкрался незаметно и ударил меня по голове лопатой сильнее чем хотелось бы . Ежедневные скачки электричества что убили две моих работы и закараптили файлы тем что комп перевключался и случано стёр бэкапы. Просто нежелание что либо делать и тяжёлые ощущения от бытия.
Я решила развлечь себя и играла в Дарквуд версии Альфа 1.3 , читала все изменения и мягко говоря запойно поглащала контент. Просто попытка себя сдержать в нормальном состоянии а не спать 24/7 , странная но рабочая . Ну и случано сломав себе голову я потратила чуть меньше 2 часов на разработку лайна и остаток ночи на развлечения с покрасом и т.п . Я просто уже хочу цветочков и прикольных штук а не всего этого
Дополнительно очки фрустрации дюпаются от осознания того что я не рисовала персов из Дарквуды не в чиби стиле и теперь вообще не ебу как их по нормальному рисовать того же Грибного ГГ не делая из него маркетбл плюш
Уэ ??? Бонус ???
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pixer45936 · 2 years
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The home is the place you belong.
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nprdsh · 24 days
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The Protagonist and The Trader sketchbook spread
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lemotyan · 3 months
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thank u @monochromatictoad for idea!! trying to fight artblock
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monochromatictoad · 3 months
The Trader, The Stranger, and The Bugperson don't kiss. They physically can't kiss each other. So they just headbutt each other instead.
Sometimes they'll nuzzle each other if they're feeling particularly affectionate.
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monochromaticwriting · 4 months
A little Darkwood fic, for a personal fic length challenge!
The Bugperson walked through the forest. It was dark and silent that day. They hadn't seen the Stranger nor the Trader for the day, and that made them worried. The two had grown to be the closest thing of Friends to them, and they wouldn't want anything happening to them. So, onwards they walked. Most creatures in the woods left them alone, not wanting to challenge the one being who can out scream a banshee.
Well, as the woods came alive with the sounds of gunshots and those little beasts. What did the Trader call them...? Dogs! That's right. They shook their head, lifting the hood to their shirt, and putting their hat back on. The straw hat itched against their head, and the shirt felt wrong on their thorax, but that didn't matter right then. Their own comfort came second. They needed to secure more wood for the nest.
The Bugperson walked in the direction of the guns and dogs. Dead creatures meant more things to trade for wood. They came across the scene. The Stranger was fighting a pack of dogs, and it looked like it were having trouble with the numbers in this pack. The Bugperson knew they had to step in. Running forth, they raised their own gun, shooting off some of the infected canines. Luckily, the large pack decided not to waste energy on the two, darting back off into the shadows of the woods.
With a nod, the Bugperson looked over at the Stranger. They notice it had some bites, some very nasty looking bites. Reaching into their bag, they toss the Stranger some bandages, and stayed watchful as it bandaged itself. If it looted the dog corpses for meat, the Bugperson wouldn't judge. The Stranger was an outsider. They knew it needed meat. How did they know it needed meat? Its mandibles were like the villagers. The ones who lived off the poor sow in the barn. They didn't know why the villagers continued to harm the poor creature, instead of eating the plentiful wood around them. But, they weren't accepted by the villagers, so to each their own. Well, it wasn't accepted by the, except one. They could hear his broken violin in the silo. Something about the noise was.... Nostalgic. Like they knew that sound somewhere else, but couldn't place it. The Bugperson had a soft spot for the boy in the mask, who carried that broken violin.
They turned back to the Stranger. The sun was going down, and they knew it needed to get back to its hold. Staying by its side, the pair quietly go through the meadow, back towards the shelter of the Stranger. The meat on it smelt so good, though not as tantalizing as the wood it carries. As they got to the Stranger's shelter, the Trader was already inside, waiting for them. Well, waiting for it. He spoke primarily to it, though it never truly answered much. They certainly never hear its voice. Not that the Bugperson could speak back, even if they wanted to.
Getting the Stranger safely back to the shelter, they turned to go back to their wandering, but a deep voice startled them.
"It's dangerous out there. Please. Stay here till the morning." Came the deep, muffled voice of the Trader. They turned back to the duo. The Stranger was already cooking and eating some of the meat, and some strange mushrooms, over the oven. How could they reject that offer? It saved them some ammo of fighting off hoards of aggressive creatures.
They stepped inside, and moved the dresser in front of the door. Their many eyes looked around, taking in as much as they could. It wasn't often they were invited inside a shelter. They became aware of the itch on the top of their head. Quickly, they took off their strawhat, letting their antenna out from under it. As they relaxed in the shelter, in the unnatural quiet of the night, a soft snore could be heard. They turned towards the noise, and looked at the scene in front of them.
The Stranger had its head on the shoulder of the Trader, resting its poor tired body for once. Something about the scene was very.... Familiar to them. Like they had.... Been in this situation before. Flying high over the strange forest, resting their head on the shoulder of one of the researchers they were assigned to work with. No matter how hard they tried, nothing more came up.
It didn't matter now. They were where they were now, no point in focusing on a possible past. The Trader looked up at The Bugperson, a silent question on his masked face. All they could do is nod, and took over a full guarding position in the shelter. They came to a silent pact that night. They would both do what they could to help the Stranger. Both had grown attached to it, though they were sure in different ways. But this Stranger was their friend now. It needed them, as they needed it. And though the Bugperson and Trader didn't care much for each other, they bonded for their love over the Stranger, sleeping the night away for once.
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00-blackraven-00 · 4 days
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 2 years
I havent seen the new puss in boots movie but I've seen a few shots of the wolf guy and all I can think of is. Its Wolfman. Its Wolfman Darkwood. Thrilled to see his acting career branching out
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Requests are open again but I am goin on break for a bit. Be back on the 15th-ish <3
Check my rules and requests before requesting!
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cadavercrafts · 2 years
Are there good OK K.O. figurines to buy or will i have to add prof Venomous and Boxman to my endless list of characters i need to sculpt immediatly? Next year is gonna be so much fanart it’s gonna be terrible/great
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nebulavertigo · 5 days
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