#trade voorhees
mara-ma · 8 months
❗ART Trade❗
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For @kittycutiebutforadultsonly 💌
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zegrasdrysdale · 7 months
[ photograph ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) decides to fly out to Philly for Valentine’s Day after watching Jamie say in an interview that he’ll probably be spending the day alone
warning(s) : just some tooth rotting fluff with no angst for once, a heavy makeout
author’s note : this is just a (not so) lil fluff filled thing bc i wanted to write something for belated valentine’s day. sorry or you’re welcome (idk)
“Yeah, uh, I don’t actually have any plans tomorrow,” he explains to a reporter through the screen on her phone. “Everyone I know here does have plans and everyone else I know is across the country so I’ll most likely spend the day putting together furniture in my new apartment.”
That was the moment she decided that she was getting on the first flight she possibly could to Philly so Jamie didn’t spend Valentine’s Day alone. No one should have to spend the day alone. She doesn’t have any plans and she’s off from work for about two weeks because they’re doing renovations so a little trip to Philadelphia doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world.
Last year he spent the day with Trevor on the couch and watched movies in their shared apartment. This year, he is in Philly and Trevor actually has a girlfriend. Not very ideal for Jamie.
She isn’t Jamie’s girlfriend, but she is one of his best friends and could never let him be alone on Valentine’s Day. Especially not after hearing what his actual plans are for tomorrow. She’s going to at least help him put furniture together in his apartment.
A flight out of LAX is scheduled for 10 that night. It’s six so she has about two hours to pack for a week long trip to Philly. She even buys a ticket for Saturday’s game at MetLife since she wants to see Jamie play a game while she’s in Philly.
By eight, she’s out the door with a suitcase that’s packed full of clothes and non-liquid toiletries. The jersey Jamie sent her about a week after the trade is neatly folded with the rest of her clothes. She orders an Uber to drive her to the airport.
While in the Uber, she debates texting Jamie and telling him that she’ll be at his new apartment early tomorrow morning since she’ll be landing a little before six in the morning. It’ll probably take about 45 minutes after she lands before she’s on Jamie’s doorstep.
Maybe a surprise wouldn’t be the worst thing so she puts her phone away until she has to pull out her plane ticket.
Getting on the plane takes an hour between getting past TSA and buying snacks for the nearly five hour flight. She boards the plane twenty minutes before it takes off so she has time to get comfortable.
She’s asleep before the plane even leaves the ground.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
All the snacks she bought before the flight are going to be the snacks she eats while she’s in Philly because she slept for the entire flight. It didn’t feel like she slept for 5 hours but she did.
By six, she’s at baggage claim and grabbing her suitcase. She orders an Uber to Voorhees while she waits for her things. The car is waiting for her when she get outside.
It’s a lot colder out than she thought it was going to be. All she has on is a Ducks hoodie that Jamie gave to her the year before and a pair of leggings with Uggs on her feet. Her feet are warm. The rest of her is not. She shakes as she puts her things in the trunk of the car.
She gives the driver Jamie’s new address and she’s off to surprise her best friend.
The closer she gets to Jamie’s, the more nervous she gets. What if he found someone after moving to the Philly area? What if the whole putting furniture together comment was a lie so he didn’t announce to the entire world he was in a relationship? What if he doesn’t want her there in general?
Maybe a spontaneous trip across the country without at least letting Jamie know she was coming wasn’t the best idea she’s ever had.
A call comes through from Trevor. Confused, she answers the phone. “Good morning?”
“Are you in Philly?” he asks.
“Maybe,” she slowly replies as she watches the Philly skyline pass. “Why? It’s like three in the morning.”
“Not for you apparently,” he retorts. “I looked to see where you were because Mason said you weren’t replying to his texts so I wanted to make sure you were okay and I see that you flew across the country.”
She smiles and shakes her head. The way Trevor would find out she’s in Philly is by checking her location. He and Jamie are the only ones that have her location because she’s closest with them.
“Just wanted to surprise Jamie,” she tells Trevor. “That’s all. Tell Mason I’ll call him later because I’m about ten minutes away from Jamie’s apartment.”
“You gonna tell him you love him?” Trevor questions. She opens her mouth to object but he keeps talking. “It’s so freaking obvious so don’t even lie to me.”
A nervous laugh passes her lips. “We’ll see,” she replies. “I’ll talk to you later, Z.”
“Tell me how he’s really doing,” he tells her. “I worry about him sometimes.”
“Will do,” she says as the driver pulls up to Jamie’s place. “Talk soon.”
The line goes dead and she looks out the window at the apartment building. Jamie’s somewhere in there asleep and she’s about two minutes away from calling him to come let her into the building.
She gets her things out of the trunk and thanks the driver before he drives off to pick someone else up. She sighs and pulls up Jamie’s contact.
When she presses the ‘call’ button, it rings about four times before Jamie answers. The entire time, her hands are shaking and she isn’t sure if it’s because of the cold or if she’s nervous to see Jamie for the first time since the trade.
“It’s like four in the morning,” he croaks when he picks up. “Are you okay?”
She smiles at the sound of his morning voice. “Actually it’s almost seven in the morning and I’m currently freezing my ass off outside your apartment building so if you could come let me in, that would be great,” she says.
It sounds like Jamie falls out of bed when she says that she’s outside of the building. If he broke anything then she’s going to have to explain to Torts why Jamie will be out for six weeks.
He isn’t holding any body parts when he swings the door open and blankly stares at her from the top of the steps of the building. He blinks a few times like he’s trying to decide if he’s still dreaming or if he’s awake. She waves and a barefoot Jamie runs down the stairs to hug her.
A laugh passes her lips and she wraps her arms around his torso. “You’re actually here,” he says against her ear. “I thought you were lying to me.”
“Nope,” she replies. “I’m here. I didn’t have anything else to do so I thought I’d come surprise you. Help you put together some furniture for Valentine’s Day.”
Jamie pulls back from the hug just enough to look at her. “You saw that interview?” he asks.
With a nod and a smile, she replies, “It sounded like a very boring way to spend Valentine’s Day so I thought I’d come keep you company. Maybe watch you play at the outdoor game this weekend. I have another week off from work and spending it in the Philly area with my best friend didn’t sound like the worst idea.”
“You are actually insane for buying a plane ticket without knowing if I’d be here or not,” he tells her. “I could’ve left for Toronto before you got here since we play them tomorrow.”
“Yeah I know how your travel schedule works,” she retorts. “That’s how I knew you’d be here.”
He shakes his head and grabs her suitcase. “You have some of the best timing because I took a maintenance day today so I have a day off from practice, but I leave tomorrow morning for Toronto,” he says to her as they walk into the building together.
“Listen, I’m spending a week in the area,” she replies. “I get to watch you play at the outdoor game on Saturday when I wasn’t planning on being on the east coast at all. If you’re gone for a day or two then it’s fine.”
The smile that forms on Jamie’s face makes her heart do somersaults in her stomach.
She can tell how excited he is that she decided to visit him. She knows how much he has been missing Anaheim so she brought Anaheim to him for a week.
When Jamie opens the door to the apartment, she is very surprised by how decorated it is and how much of the stuff he had in his Anaheim apartment has made its way to this one. It still needs some work done, but that is why she’s here. She’s here to help him finish putting it all together.
“I need to build some shelves,” Jamie tells her. “And put together the guest bedroom. The frame still needs to be built for the guest bed too. This is what my plans were for the day.”
She turns her head to look at him as he closes the door behind them. “So it wasn’t come ruse so you didn’t have to admit to the world that you had a secret girlfriend?” she questions.
If she should expect Jamie to have a girl over then she might as well get the girlfriend question out of the way early on in her visit.
“Uh, no,” he replies. “No secret girlfriend. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had any time to find a girlfriend. Yorky has tried but he’s not the best wingman.”
She can’t help but laugh. Jamie smiles and rolls her suitcase to the unfinished bedroom.
She decides to make some coffee for the two of them so they can get started on the day’s plans. They have to put together the guest room and build some shelves. It can’t be very hard to do either of those things. Right?
It turns out that Jamie can’t follow simple instructions to save his life. She has had to refrain from throwing whatever is in her hand at him so many times because he can’t read a piece of paper.
“Jamie, what am I supposed to do with this screw?” she asks as she holds up an extra screw. “Do I have to put it in your head so you can use your brain or something? You missing one in there? Do I need to get Trevor on the first flight out of LAX to come help you figure out how to read the instructions?”
Jamie looks up from his spot on the floor and throws the instructions at her. “Here, you try to read this and tell me if it makes any sense,” he retorts. “It’s all confusing. My parents helped me build shelves when they came to visit a few weeks ago. I didn’t have to do this. Maybe it’s just an extra.”
She grabs the pamphlet and reads the directions. The screw was supposed to be put in when putting the shelves in place. A shelf is missing a screw.
“You dumbass,” she says. “It’s not an extra screw. It was supposed to be put in on the bottom shelf to make sure it is secure and even. You now have an unsecure shelf in your guest room.”
Jamie flattens out on his back on the carpeted floor with a groan. “This is why I’m a hockey player and don’t work in home improvement,” he says as he rubs his eyes. She laughs and tries to keep her eyes on his face instead of on the sliver of skin that peeks out between what is a new Flyers t-shirt and pajama pants. “This is so dumb. I am not about to take that whole thing apart to put one screw in.”
She walks over and slaps the pamphlet on his stomach. He gasps and sits up with the paper in his hands. “Then get it together, Drysdale,” she tells him. “We have a bed frame to build.”
“Fuck the bed frame,” he sighs as she grabs the box in the corner and drags it into the center of the room. “You don’t need a bed to sleep in tonight.”
With a light laugh, she teases, “If we don’t get it set up then I’m gonna be sleeping in your bed until we get it put together.”
Jamie mutters something that sounds like “would be okay with me” but she pretends she doesn’t hear it. She can’t hear it or else she will just say “fuck it” and sleep in Jamie’s bed the entire time she’s here instead of putting the bed together.
The mattress is sitting up against the wall next to where the box with the bed frame was. He has everything he needs to put this bed together and he hasn’t done it yet. Not even over the All Star break when he had a few days off before going to Mexico with the Flyers.
Putting the bed together takes less time and a lot less arguing back and forth. Within an hour, the mattress is on top of the bed frame. Five-foot-eleven 185 pound Jamie flops on the mattress to make sure it’s secure and won’t fall apart if someone were to jump on it.
They do not need to have another shelf problem with the bed that she will most likely be sleeping on while she’s in the area. If it is like the shelf and it’s not safe to sleep on then the couch is in the living room for a reason.
The two of them stand in the doorway and look at their work when they decide the bed is secure. “We make an amazing team,” she comments. “Aside from the shelf.”
Jamie groans and walks down the hallway to his own room. “Shelves are stupid anyway,” he replies. “Who is actually going to use them in this room aside from me just putting a handful of books and pictures on them?” She laughs and goes to unpack her stuff now that it’s safe to do so without stepping on wood, metal or a screw on the floor.
The Flyers jersey that he sent her gets hung up in the closet along with her shirts, hoodies, and nicer pants. She’ll pull bras, panties, and socks out of the suitcase as needed. The beanie she brought to wear on Saturday is put on the bedside table.
Then she pulls out the gift that she brought for Jamie. It isn’t much but she’s hoping that it means as much to him as it does to her. The pictures she brought were taken at such important moments in Jamie’s career and she hopes that he doesn’t mind having a few pictures of his best friend around the apartment.
She walks down to Jamie’s bedroom and knocks gently on the door. There are footsteps behind it before the door swings open. “I, um, had these printed and framed in case I ever came to visit you,” she tells him as she holds out the three picture frames. “Thought you might need some décor.”
Jamie looks down at the pictures and shifts through them.
One of them was taken on Jamie’s Draft Day. He has on a Ducks jersey and she has on his Ducks hat. He looks so happy. He has an arm around her shoulders while he holds up six fingers and is smiling at the camera. She has a smile on his face and is looking up at him with a proud look on her face. Messy ponytail and all.
The second one was taken the day Jamie made his NHL debut and scored his first goal. It’s a selfie she took of her, Jamie, and Trevor at dinner that same night. They’re both holding their pucks because they went right from the arena to a restaurant to eat.
The third one was taken during the 2021 World Juniors tournament where Canada placed second. She’s putting the silver medal back around his neck after he had given it to her. “Silver just means you lost” is what he had said to her a moment before this was captured. She had told him that she was a winner to him and put the medal back around his neck. There is heavy eye contact between the two of them in their matching jerseys.
It was as the third picture was being taken she realized that she loved Jamie. The first two pictures, she knew she had feelings for him, but the third was when she realized that she wanted to be there for him as more than just a friend.
“I had no idea you had any of these,” he says after he’s done looking through them. Jamie looks up at her. “All at different points of my career.”
“Been with you since day one,” she replies with a smile on her face. “You didn’t think that I wouldn’t be here with you while you succeed in a whole new city, did you?”
Jamie laughs and shakes his head. “Absolutely not,” he tells her. “You always make sure you’re a presence in my life.” He pauses and looks right at her. “It’s one of the things I love most about having you in my life.”
She could almost cry when he says that.
There have been so many times over the years where she thought she was annoying or that he wanted her out of his life. She followed him to California when he started playing with the Gulls then the Ducks. He asked her to come with him, but she thought for months it was out of pity.
He has erased years of insecurity with one comment.
“Thanks for keeping me in your life,” she replies after a brief moment of silence.
“You’re like Trevor,” he teases. “You’re always around. It would be hard for me to get rid of you.”
She smiles up at him. “Except he would never fly across the country to see you,” she retorts. “Especially without at least telling you he was coming to see you.”
Jamie laughs. “No, he wouldn’t.”
They look at each other for a second before he walks past her. He has the picture frames in his hand as he walks into the living room. She follows him even though she is confused with what he’s doing.
He puts the picture of himself, Trevor, and (Y/N) on the coffee table under the lamp next to the couch. It’s the most public place in the entire place so it makes sense that that’s the picture that is put in the living room.
The picture of the two of them on Draft Day goes on a little table that leads to the hallway with both bedrooms and bathrooms. The table is under a little mirror that’s been hung up. A little less public but it also joins the other pictures that were taken that day. It looks like it belongs.
Jamie glances at her and walks back into his bedroom. She follows right behind him and stands in the doorway of his room. Her eyes are on the picture of the two of them at the 2021 World Juniors as it’s placed on Jamie’s bedside table.
“This one means the most to me so it deserves a little more privacy than the others,” Jamie tells her without a look in her direction. “You were there for me and picked me up when I was down. I didn’t want anyone else there but you. You were the one that convinced me silver was okay. The team worked hard to get to that moment. The medal was very well deserved because we did everything we could to make it to that game. I did everything I could to get the team to that game. We just came up a little bit short.”
She pouts and walks further into the room. He finally looks over at her. “I didn’t know you felt that way,” she softly says to him. “I didn’t know that I was the person that convinced you it was okay to wear silver around your neck.”
“I needed silver because my gold medal was you,” Jamie shakily admits. His voice is soft. “You’re my gold medal.”
His words have her speechless. Her jaw drops in surprise. She has no idea why he’s saying this to her now.
He reaches out to her and brushes a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She takes a step forward and feels her heart race in her chest as she looks up at him. Her body shakes as she realizes that their relationship is changing.
A line that she never expected to cross is about to be crossed. She can see it in Jamie’s eyes as they examine her face, landing on her lips.
“Can I kiss you?”
She nods because she doesn’t trust herself to speak. She is afraid that she’s going to admit how long she’s been in love with him if she says a single words.
So she nods, and Jamie leans down to capture her lips in a soft, hesitant kiss. He’s testing the waters to see if she’ll push him away.
She’ll never push him away.
Not when she finally has him like this. Not when she finally knows what it feels like to kiss Jamie Drysdale.
When she feels him begin to pull away, she wraps her arms around his neck and leans more into him to deepen the kiss instead of Jamie breaking it. Her fingers find a home in his hair.
She is scared he will regret it if the kiss breaks, and she doesn’t want that. She doesn’t want to see that look. It might break her if he looks at her like that if the kiss breaks.
Jamie cups her cheek and brushes his thumbs over her cheekbone. She melts against him with a sigh.
“(Y/N),” he mumbles after a second. “I need to breathe.”
That’s when she lets him pull away. The sight of his red, swollen lips and unruly hair is almost too much for her. There’s a hint of a smile on his face and something overcomes her.
“I love you,” she tells him. “I’ve loved you since that was taken.” She points in the direction of the picture on his bedside table. “It’s always been you, Jamie. That’s why I flew across the country on Valentine’s Day. I wanted to be with you today because I miss you and I love you.”
Jamie smiles and brushes his thumb over her own lips that are as red and swollen as his are. “I love you too,” he says. “I think I’ve been in love with you since I saw you at my first NHL game in my jersey. I’m very happy you came to the east coast to watch me play in the Stadium Series game this weekend. I was going to probably fly you out anyway.”
She laughs and shakes her head before burying her face in his chest. They’ve been in love with each other for years and are only now saying something about it after Jamie was traded to Philly and she’s stuck in Anaheim for right now.
“Only took me bringing you pictures to finally kiss me,” she teases.
He rolls his eyes. “Shut up and come here.”
Their lips meet in a heated kiss. Everything they’ve been feeling is coming out in the kiss. Jamie tugs her until she is sitting on his lap while he’s sitting on the mattress. She drapes her arms over his shoulders.
It’s that moment when she realizes they put together a whole bed for no reason because there is now no way she is getting in that bed now.
She pushes him down until Jamie is lying flat on his back and their chests are flush against each other. Her hair creates a curtain around their faces despite his fingers curling in her locks.
“Wait, hold on,” Jamie says. She pulls back from the kiss. “Have something to ask you before we get distracted.”
“Will you come to family skate on Friday before the game at MetLife?” he asks. “As my girlfriend?”
The biggest smile forms on her lips. “You’re going to have to give me skating lessons because despite watching you play hockey for years, I have no idea how to skate,” she tells him.
“I will give you skating lessons,” Jamie laughs. “You’ll come though?”
She nods and kisses him. “I’ll come.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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liked by jamie.drysdale, philadelphiaflyers, and 193,872 others
yourusername life recently w my 🤍
view all 15,982 comments
masonmctavish23 ig i forgive you for not answering my texts last week
yourusername we can hang out when i get back into cali on wednesday
masonmctavish23 good. i’m mad that jamie stole you from us
fan2 oh my god. this is so cute
fan3 you were at metlife ??? i think i walked past you at one point
yourusername i had on the drysdale jersey
trevorzegras oh this is all i’m gonna hear about when she gets back
leocarlssoon it’s about time. i was praying this would happen bc the way jamie talked about you was insane
jamie.drysdale let me live !!
philadelphiaflyers Thanks for coming out
jamie.drysdale skating w my girlfriend for the first time was the best feeling 🩵
yourusername being your girlfriend is the best feeling
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edgeray · 2 months
Ray. Couples costume. You and Arlecchino.
Hi Anon!! This is so random but I suppose Halloween is coming up. Wasn't 100% sure what you're talking about but I'm assuming you're asking what dressing up in matching costumes would be like with reader and arlecchino? Gonna assume this is like Halloween costumes, I apologize if I'm assuming wrong. Feel free to send me another ask to correct me. To be honest, I haven't like... gone out for Halloween in a really long time, or even dressed up. Last time I dressed up was probably before the double digits, but let's see what I could whip up.
Anyways. Let's say it's modern au 'cuz I can't see how this would apply in the Genshin world. You'd of course have to be the first one to bring up the idea, as it's something she is against. (The Trio managed to convince her to dress up one time when they were younger, and she vowed to never submit again. It'd be something stupid, like a fairy. 💀)
It'd take a whole lot of convincing for you to get Arlecchino to dress up with you. Prepare your puppy eyes, and maybe have the children with you, because she will never dress up willingly. You and the children would have to pester for weeks on end for her to give in (or you have to trade something if. If she's trading her dignity, you better give something of equal value). She also has to accept and tolerate the costume beforehand.
In terms of matching costume designs, (I'm so unoriginal but I had to google 'couple costume ideas for this'). She'd be fine with anything that isn't cutesy or silly. Those are her hard limits. She doesn't like any full blown suits/one pieces, so if you're expecting her to get into those inflatable dinosaur costumes, I'm sorry to say this, but you can't turn Arlecchino into Arledino (Laugh 🫥.) She probably won't want to pull off anything that takes too much effort/time, like dying her hair or needing a bunch of makeup. Nothing that will make her stand out too much either, and she doesn't want to be deal with the inconvenience of prancing around in heavy/dense layers of fabric.
I feel like some matching costume would be Slasher characters. Ghostface or Jason Voorhees are some she'll be acceptable to-- masked characters, so she doesn't have to face anyone she knows in if that were to happen.
I don't know how I could be this stupid, but vampires should have been the first thing that came to my mind. She's perfect for a vampire. I don't need to explain more.
king/queen or prince/princess costumes are also something she can tolerate, though steer away from any disney-esque costumes. Though she'd hate the costume, she would never pass up the opportunity to roleplay and treat you like the queen/princess you are <3.
Masquerade ball costumes are also fine, as long as they're not too gaudy. She appreciates that there are masks and she can tolerate wearing a suit.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. Let me know if you think otherwise or have any ideas. Feel free to send me other random asks, even if they're not related to Genshin or Arlecchino <3.
Thank for the ask, anon!
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brokehorrorfan · 2 months
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Gallery 1988 has released Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, and Freddy Krueger trading cards designed by Tom Whalen. The set of three costs $18.
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in April 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Spring on the Peninsula - Ery Shin 🧡 When I Arrived at the Castle - Emily Carroll 💛 Bloodline - Jenn Alexander 💚 Grey Dog - Elliott Gish 💙 Every Time You Hear That Song - Jenna Voris 💜 I'm in Love with the Villainess v. 2 - Inori and Hanagata ❤️ The Caravaggio Syndrome - Alessandro Giardino 🧡 Leather, Lace, and Locs - Anne Shade 💛 Firebugs - Nico Bulling 💙 I Married My Female Friend v.2 - Shio Usui 💜 The Final Curse of Ophelia Cray - Christine Calella 🌈 A Sweet Sting of Salt - Rose Sutherland ❤️ The Selected Shepherd: Poems - Reginald Shepherd 🧡 Rough Trade - Katrina Carrasco 💛 Aubrey McFadden is Never Getting Married - Georgia Beers 💚 Taming of a Rebel - Eada Friesian 💙 Dayspring - Anthony Oliveira 💜 The Titanic Survivors Book Club - Timothy Schaffert ❤️ Orphia And Eurydicius - Elyse John 🧡 The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers - Samuel Burr 💛 A Good Happy Girl - Marissa Higgins 💙 Winnie Nash Is Not Your Sunshine - Nicole Melleby 💜 Here We Go Again - Alison Cochrun 🌈 Women! In! Peril! - Jessie Ren Marshall
❤️ Blood City Rollers - V. P. Anderson and Tatiana Hill 🧡 The Prospects - KT Hoffman 💛 Crazy Like a Fox: Adventures in Schizophrenia - Christi Furnas 💚 WATCHNIGHT - Cyree Jarelle Johnson 💙 Love From The Sidelines - Tuesday Harper 💜 The Pleasure in Pain - Roxie Voorhees ❤️ Mal - Perla Zul 🧡 The Black Girl Survives in This One - Desiree S. Evans and Saraciea J. Fennell 💛 Darker by Four - June C.L. Tan 💙 Otherworldly - F.T. Lukens 💜 Hearts Still Beating - Brooke Archer 🌈 Tryst Six Venom - Penelope Douglas
❤️ Teenage Dirtbags - James Acker 🧡 The Heart Wants What It Wants - D.M. Batten 💛 Something Kindred by Ciera Burch 💚 Sheine Lende - Dr. Darcie Little Badger & Rovina Cai 💙 Rainbow Overalls - Maggie Fortuna 💜 Flowers for Dead Girls - Abigail Collins ❤️ Canto Contigo - Jonny Garza Villa
❤️ Court of Wanderers - Rin Chupeco 🧡 Molten Death - Leslie Karst 💛 Triad Magic - ‘Nathan Burgoine 💚 You, Me and Bad Movies - Twoony 💙 The Faithful Dark - Cate Baumer 💜 A Case for Discretion - Ashley Moore ❤️ Party of Fools - Cedar McCloud 🧡 The Last Love Song - Kalie Holford 💛 This is Me Trying - Racquel Marie 💙 Dear Wendy - Ann Zhao 💜 Sun Eater - Dre Levant 🌈 The Breakup Lists - Adib Khorram
❤️ Bad Dream - Nicole Maines & Rye Hickman 🧡 If We Were Stars - Eule Grey 💛 The Broken Lines of Us - Shia Woods 💚 Eye of the Ouroboros - Megan Bontrager 💙 Henry Henry - Allen Bratton 💜 Dear Bi Men - JR Yussuf ❤️ Paige Not Found - Jen Wilde 🧡 Mechanic Shop Femme’s Guide to Car Ownership - Chaya Milchtein 💛 Wide Awake Now - David Levithan 💙 Merciless Saviors - H.E. Edgmon 💜 Smile and Be a Villain - Yves Donlon 🌈 Crash Landing - Charmaine Anne Li
❤️ Call Forth a Fox - Markelle Grabo 🧡 Central Avenue Poetry Prize 2024 - Beau Adler 💛 Good Bones - Aurora Rey 💚 Curiosities - Anne Fleming 💙 Someone You Can Build a Nest in - John Wiswell 💜 Revisiting Summer Nights - Ashley Bartlett ❤️ Bright Spring - Emmaline Strange
❤️ Girls Night - I.S. Belle 🧡 Late Bloomer - Mazey Eddings 💛 Withered - A.G.A. Wilmot 💚 A Wolf Steps in Blood - Tamara Jerée 💙 It Always Finds Me - Anthology 💜 Dulhaniyaa - Talia Bhatt ❤️ Moon Dust in My Hairnet - JR Creaden 🧡 Blood Justice - Terry J. Benton-Walker 💛 Relinquishing Control - J.J. Arias
❤️ Selamlik - Khaled Alesmael 🧡 Houseswap 101 - Jaime Clevenger 💛 Earthflown by Frances Wren & Litarnes 💚 Covenant v.1 - LySandra Vuong 💙 Honey - Victor Lodato 💜 The Dragonfly Gambit - A.D. Sui ❤️ Double Dyno - Sharon K Angelici & Taylor Rose
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kikikihermommy · 2 months
lamb to the slaughter
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iii: a martyr’s soapbox
Timeline: [1980s] F13-III Content: 18+, possessive, canon typical events / violence, Jason isn’t an idiot, religion references Type: jason voorhees x f!reader | pc: pinterest | x-posted to ao3
cw/ body horror, blood, abuse
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“I think I liked you better when you didn’t talk to me, Ralph.”
Were the first and final words you uttered to the unpleasant man. 
Your chest heaved under the statement, rattling your frame down to its core. A feverish sweat brewed down your chest, eyes yearning for the relief a small civilization embraced you in. 
But Ralph just offered you a crooked grin. Once again, you never questioned his odd displacement of where the forest kissed the town, but you always pondered it—
 it was as if he were awaiting your return. 
The man was a martyr, and Jason a ruthless fallen angel among beings. Mercy is for the weak and doubtful, which Ralph was not shown, sacrificed for both a blasphemous tongue and curiosity. 
God had told Ralph to warn the masses, and so did the alcohol. The bottle must have had a stronger grip than the duty to serve his God and people. 
Somewhere within a short timeframe, you had inherited Ralph’s testimony of good faith. You saw it with your own eyes after all. 
It was now your duty to warn the campers, but their visit would become permanent, merging as one with the lands that Jason both roamed and inhabited.  
The bodies piled up so high, you needed wings to stay above it. 
—wings you would never be granted, both forfeited and traded for the similar chains that Jason wore. You had already bit his bait, awaiting to be pulled down and reduced to the same fiery depths he was promised on Friday the 13th. 
It was clear Jason Voorhees had been quite busy at work the past couple days— his burlap sack and poor farmers getup had been retired, only to be swapped in favor of a hockey mask, trousers, and a green button-up. 
The beast in question was turned away from you, tending to an especially difficult victim, limbs and body being hacked up beyond identification, reduced to meat and a gorey mess. 
In the best case scenario, the boy would be identified by the remnants of blood-spilled fabric covering his torso, but would ultimately result in dental records. 
Squelching and crunching filled the room upon every triumphal machete strike, exerting his seemingly endless energy with satisfaction— it was an easy day's work anyway. 
Your face resembled that of a famine induced foal; both sickly and pale. The once beautiful cabin with cherry oak floors, now converted into a sick representation of hell, nearly mocking you in your savior efforts. 
The strong smell of iron and corpses stung your nostrils, paying homage to your eyes that bounced around his newly decorated room. 
It wasn’t often Jason was taken by surprise, his senses were comparable to a hungry hawk feasting on rodents, being granted gluttonous amounts for his effort and skill. 
Similar to the sound of a mouse, your shoes creaked against the hardwood as your weight shifted from foot to foot. 
And that’s all it took for the brute to stop hacking up the unfortunate body. 
In one coordinated motion he rose and turned towards you, nearly doubling in size. 
The one he had spared dare return?
Jason’s daunting steps sang against the bloody floor, both carefully and causally stepping over the decomposing bodies that separated his path from you. The machete he now wielded glistened towards you, leaking a sinful red. 
You awaited your judgment as he stood before you, a fit of rage or your impending death brewing within the one eye that confined you— A part of you almost preferred the hacking machete to fill the void of the soulless room. 
Yet he just stared, 
Your little doe eyes would soon morph into the same vessel that portrayed his short childhood— scared, helpless, and pathetic. 
A stray dog would often visit his childhood home, and linger for dinner scraps the young boy so kindly shared. 
Like Jason, the stray was a deformed runt. It’s shaggy gray hair matted with clumps of mud and foliage. 
Despite the fleas and stench, the boy loved him. 
Deformities always came with isolation and ridicule, Mommy kept him safe and tucked away from the evils of society. 
Jason had assumed the same rules applied to his new best friend, and that all Mommy’s hid away their special children. 
While Pamela didn’t mind the new companion, Elias found it infuriating. 
First clinging to his mother like a parasite, now this inmasculine bullshit?! Elias took it upon himself to set his son straight— it was for his own damn good. 
With one weathered hand on the back of Jason’s collar, the other gestured towards the mutt.  
Often barking in two word sentences, Elias figured it was all the little monster could understand. 
Kill, son!
That had been the first time he had referred to Jason as an equal— nonetheless his own son, instead of the usual ‘thing’, ‘it’, or ‘monster’. 
Despite his fathers newfound praise, Jason crumbled under the previous commandment, fleeing the scene in a sea of tears. Like Jason’s victims, there was no escape. Mommy wasn’t here to protect him nor his new friend. 
Elias’ husky cackle carried through the acres as little Jason sobbed. He withstood any comfort and merely granted his son a shovel.   
The tears you cried would resemble his own, an abnormally large hand, hot with adrenaline and fiery passion would wipe them away. 
Jason’s unusual gesture would leave a smear of crimson on your cheek, uniting violence and woe.  
His machete blade staggered from your neck, leaving a small flesh wound and Jason scornful. A storm began brewing within, his muscles tensing and contracting as the memory forcefully resurfaced. 
The sorrow behind the mask was ill fitted, his jaw clenching and pulsing. A new fight was on the horizon line, an inner war to desperately regain the monotone engine that automatically drove Jason. 
It was uncharacteristic—
Nearly taboo for the psychopath. 
Your coughing from the attack would stir him back to reality, to finish you off once for all. 
From the bloodbath you laid, your reaction would unknowingly determine your life. 
The fear and dignity you wore washed away with colossal reapproaching steps.  
“That’s enough now, Jason,”
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tyrantisterror · 9 months
I think it's interesting how the remakes of Black Christmas take it in two very different horror genre directions.
The original film, like many early slasher and proto-slasher films, goes with what I call the "anonymous killer route" - i.e. the slasher of the film is kept hidden from the audience as long as possible, ultimately being more of a force than a character. This was sort of a defining element for slasher flicks and, indeed, a lot of horror from the 70's in general (think of Jaws as a good non-slasher example). I think it stands out among early slasher films for also having a really well-defined and sympathetic cast of non-killers/victims. You feel for those sorority girls, dammit.
The 2006 sequel, by contrast, tries to re-structure the plot in the mold of the most popular slasher series, which is to say, it tries to make an Icon out of the killer in the vein of Jason or Freddy (little sidenote: I kind of consider Friday the 13th the turning point from "anonymous killer" slashers to "iconic killer" slashers - the first movie in the series is full on an anonymous killer story, but the personality they give Pamela Voorhees after the reveal of her nature in act 3, and the stinger with Jason's ghost, shifted things for the sequel, to the point where Jason not only became a character, but something of a focal point for the series from then on). And because the plot is designed to focus on the killer and try to make him an icon, the other characters get reduced to more or less one-note victims for a rising body count, and the suspense of the original is mostly traded for shocking gore. You get to see what the original Black Christmas would be under a different slasher mold.
The 2019 remake then goes an opposite route of interpretation, doubling down on the feminist elements of the original and focusing particularly hard on humanizing our non-killer characters. The villain of the piece, meanwhile, is in some ways more anonymous than the original, as this time it's not a single killer, but a whole evil fraternity that's really just the agents of the far greater evil at the core of the movie's plot: patriarchal misogyny. In this movie's case, the villain is really a force, a system of cruelty, with the killers all being its agents rather than the individual source of terror themselves. Rather than trying to refit the original story into a modern slasher mold, it looks at the themes and structure of the original and figures out a way to amp them up to eleven.
And I think that's pretty cool for an often overlooked slasher classic.
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Can you do a bunch of jason headcanons bc I can barely find any. Thank you ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
I’ll do both general and romantic headcanons, since you didn’t specify, hope that’s okay <3
Jason Voorhees Headcanons
General Headcanons
-His time living alone in the woods made Jason incredibly resourceful, not only when it comes to killing. Fishing, foraging, hunting, woodworking, cooking, you name it. He is a real jack-of-all-trades. His mother even taught him some sewing and crocheting when he was a child, though he is a bit rusty in those areas.
-He doesn’t dislike cats, but is definitely more of a dog person.
-His favourite food is his mother’s meatloaf. He tried to recreate it with whatever meat he could get in the middle of the forest but it’s just never quite the same.
-Absolutely tried to befriend some woodland critters back when he was a child living alone in the woods, and learned that hard way that that is not a good idea.
Romantic Headcanons
-He is bisexual, but it takes a long time for him to find out. Due to his rather conservative upbringing, the idea to also view men as possible partners doesn’t even occur to him at first (then again, viewing ANYONE regardless of gender as a possible love interest is difficult for him). It would take a man hitting on him for him to realize „Oh wait, men can love other men?!“
-No matter what gender, chances are that he is going to be a good bit taller and stronger than his partner, so he naturally views himself as the protector and provider. And he will take that role very seriously.
-Will want to get married. That is non-negotiable. It doesn’t have to be an official ceremony. Which is good because organizing one without ending up in jail or worse should be difficult for a serial killer with a bodycount in the 200s. A small, intimate „ceremony“ that is literally just the two of you exchanging vows (and rings if you can get your hands on them) while standing on the docks down at the lake is enough for him to consider himself married to his partner.
-His love language is acts of service with a dash of physical touch.
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anonymouscomrade · 1 year
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one guy with a bamboozler is nothing. it's a kid Sheldon tricked into trading a license for literal garbage they'll use once and never touch again. it's about as scary as someone on the enemy team DC'ing five seconds in, and only slightly more useful to their squad
THREE guys with bamboozlers, all in identical gear, are fucking terrifying. they're about to wax your ass with the worst weapon in the game, and they know it. i'd rather fight Jason Voorhees unarmed in my underwear on his home turf than play against these guys
(they fucking annihilated us, by the way. it wasn't even close)
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whatyadrawin · 2 years
Crystal Lake Shadows 18+ Only!
Approximately 1, 845 words
Pairing: Jason Voorhees x AMAB character
Warnings: Violence, strong language, strong sexual themes
A/n: I wanted to write a fic with a created character. This fic may not go anywhere as my life gets busy again but I like what I have done here so far and I hope to see it blossom and I hope you all want to see that too.
Chapter 1
A gentle breeze caressed the face of a scruffy looking man as the noon sun shimmered atop his thick black beard while he drove his pickup truck into the town of Crystal Lake. Sergio Lorry came to the town to make minor repairs to a small lodge that was recently bought by a private owner. Sergio was a jack of all trades craftsman who was extremely good at remodeling and repairing homes, he made his living travelling from town to town fixing up older homes and cabins.
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The town of Crystal Lake was not well known to him, he grew up in a town a fair distance away called Forest City in Pennsylvania which did not have much of a population but made up for that with friendly townsfolk and gorgeous nature surrounding it. Sergio loved nature so when he got called for this job repairing a cabin on a lake he jumped at the opportunity. The drive was long and a numbness had taken over Sergio’s legs so he was eager to get out and stretch after he parked in front of an apartment complex with a small café nestled on the ground floor around the side; he was given free housing in the apartment building for the duration of his work here and the building looked like it was built in the late 70s with not much upgraded but nothing run down or unkempt. He walked up towards the double doors at the apartment lobby but they were locked “Now how the hell am I supposed to get to where the manager is?” he said. Sergio looked through the glass into the lobby and it was empty, he took out his phone and looked at the email the private buyer had sent him, the name they gave was just ‘Mrs.P’ and no phone number, the last email sent said to go to the apartment manager to get the key and she could be found in the lobby or in the café, Sergio huffed and said to himself “Cripes this better not have been a scam I swear to god” and with that statement he set out to the café lodged in the corner of the building.
The café was named ‘The Golden Apple’ and the inside was painted a warm pale yellow with white trim, it looked clean and the painted white wood chairs and tables added a rustic charm. Sergio walked up to the counter and looked around, there were two customers but he hadn’t seen a server anywhere so he asked the room “Sorry to bug you guys but do you know where the manager to the apartment is?” an older man sitting in the furthest corner of the café looked up at Sergio, his face was tan from the summer sun and his hair was grey and cut short, he began to speak “You aren’t bothering us son, the person you are looking for is Marina, she owns the apartment building and this café” he then looked over toward the kitchen area and yelled “MARINA! THAT NEW CARPENTER IS HERE!”. Sergio looked shocked, he asked the man “I guess word gets around in this town hey?”, the old man replies “Oh well there’s not too many of us left after all the hubbub at the campgrounds” Sergio raised an eyebrow and said “What hubbub? The cabin I’m working on is at the lake, is there something I should know?”, just before the old man could reply a woman’s voice picks up from behind the counter “Sweety don’t worry nothing has been going on around that lake for years and years”. A full-figured woman with unbelievable curves and heavy chest came out through the kitchen doors, her hair was bright red and curly and her light blue dress hugged her body with a clean white half apron cinching her waist; she peered through her glasses at Sergio and smiled “You must be Sergio, I have your apartment key for you in my office just let me get Bob’s pie” she spun around and went back through the doors to the kitchen. The old man sighed and said “Sorry son, I should have introduced myself. My name is Bob Deerling and I own the garage in town, so if you ever need a repair feel free to swing by”. Sergio smiled and took the business card Bob held out to him, a pie appeared under his arm followed up with “Woop just let me squeeze that in past ya there” Marina placed the food in front of Bob from behind Sergio, she then took her apron off and placed it near the register and said “Alright hun just follow me and I will get you all settled with the apartment”
The two walked towards the lobby entrance and Sergio asked “What um… hasn’t happened in years and years at the lake if you don’t mind me asking?” Marina sighed and replied “Well, don’t get freaked out or anything but there was a string of deaths…eh, murders, that occurred in and around the lake campgrounds for a while but the guy was killed and nothing has happened since 2009 so there’s nothing to worry about its very safe here”, Sergio was taken aback, he asked “Who was the killer?” Marina smirked a bit and reluctantly said “Jason Voorhees… now some of the nutty folk who live here think he’s still alive and he’s not! Its to the point where he’s become an urban legend like the sasquatch but he’s dead, HE IS DEAD OK?!” a long pause followed as Marina unlocked the lobby door, once the both of them got inside she began to speak “I’m sorry, its just that the murders have been a black mark on this town and no one ever comes by here anymore, keeping up in this economy is really tough when we have no tourists or hell even residents spending money… so you see its just… just don’t mention any of that crap to anyone in town ok?” Sergio shook his head in agreement and said “That’s fair, I will try to keep it to myself then, thanks for telling me”. Marina walked over to a front desk area and went in the back, unlocked a drawer and grabbed a key, she walked back over to Sergio and said “Here is the key to your door and the key to the lobby door as well, now I know that sounds strange but I just like to lock up when I am not in the apartment building and I expect you to do the same. No one else lives here anymore except me so you can be as loud as you like if you want, I am at the far-end of the hall upstairs if you need me” Sergio nodded and thanked her for the key, she gave a few other bits of information for his stay and promptly headed back to the café.
Sergio went to the truck and grabbed all his belongings and started bringing everything to his new living space, once all the bags were packed inside, he sat on the couch which smelled a bit dusty and he looked around. The apartment was decently sized, a living room with a TV, a full kitchen, a bathroom with a bathtub, an in-suite washer and dryer, and a large bedroom with a queen size bed and everything was fully furnished with mostly modern appliances but 90’s style furniture. Sergio sighed “Well at least it’s all free, if not a bit dusty”. The bathroom didn’t have any soap or towels and the kitchen was missing dish soap, along with a few other little essentials, he hung his head and said aloud “Ah shit I guess I need to go to the store” and with that he put on his shoes and headed down to the truck to get to the store.
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The drive wasn’t even necessary since the grocery was just 2 blocks away from the apartment, the store was a small independent grocer which had a gas station right next to it on the same property, Sergio parked in the first stall and went in to start looking for his items. The store seemed so outdated and musty, all the items being new was such a flagrant clash of decades and it was off-putting. Once all the items were grabbed, he went up to the register where a chunky man stood reading a magazine with scantily clad women on the front, his head was shaved almost bald and he was pale and mean looking, like he used to be handsome but age claimed what was left of his youth. Sergio started placing his things on the counter and the man didn’t look up so Sergio cleared his throat, the man looked up at Sergio and said “Oh, sorry didn’t notice ya there lil guy” Sergio thought to himself little guy? I’m taller than him! The man started scanning the items and asked “Are you that carpenter dude whose s’posed to fix the shitty cabin on the lake?” Sergio replied “Yeah I am heading out tomorrow to see the damage” the cashier makes a coy smirk and huffs “Hmpf, I hope you aren’t a pussy” Sergio furrows his brow and says “Excuse me? It’s just a lake I am not scared of wild animals or urban legends” the cashier laughs and raises his eyebrows and says “Uh yeah it’s not the urban legends you need to worry about.” The man was being cryptic and it was getting on Sergio’s nerves, the cashier adds “The camp killer is still alive out there, I’ve fucking seen him, he’s huge and he lurks round the whole perimeter of the grounds there” he looked at Sergio waiting for a response but Sergio just glared, the man said “Well, since you aren’t a pussy, maybe he’ll spare your life haha” Sergio looked at the total on the screen and grabbed some cash and asked “What’s your name?” the man looked up at Sergio and said “Names Robert but you can call me Robbie, I own this store” Sergio started grabbing his items and replied “I’m Sergio, nice to meet you… I think” and headed out, Robbie yelled after him “You come back now y’hear? Hahaahahha!”.
Sergio got back to the apartment and lay on the bed looking up at the white popcorn ceiling that the glow of the sunset reflected onto, small gold flecks in the lumpy ceiling material sparkled and he thought to himself What have I got myself into? The people here are strange as hell and the story about that killer… I can’t believe it’s freaking me out, I am a man! Men aren’t supposed to fear anything… I’m not a fucking pussy… that asshole. The night stole the last ray of light from the sunset and Sergio got himself ready for bed, the day ahead of him was simultaneously frightening and exciting, what if the killer wasn’t dead? I better bring my pistol just in case.
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total-cards · 1 year
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Horror fans rise up! The cult classic movie The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is coming to our consoles in the form of a survival PVP reminiscent of Dead By Daylight! If that wasn't enough to sell you on the game, then we've got 5 epic reasons why you should invest in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre!
Welcome to the Family!
What sets The Texas Chain Saw Massacre apart from it's competition is the amount of players in the lobby. Unlike Dead By Daylight, which features 1 killer and 4 survivors, you'll be up against 3 killers! That's right, Bubba has backup! There are 5 killers to choose from: Leatherface, the Cook, the Hitchhiker, Johnny and Sissy. Each comes with their own set of abilities, as well as a selection of attributes. Their victims follow suit, with 6 different survivors to choose from and a variety of abilities to improve your survivability - this game really has a leg up on other popular titles.
Crossplay? Cross-yay!
Are all your friends on PlayStation, but you have an Xbox? Don't worry, because The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has crossplay! So no matter whether you're PC, PS5 or Xbox Series X | S, you can play with anyone at any time! As long as you're playing on a next generation console or a PC you will be able to experience all the scares together. Keep in mind though, PS4 and Xbox One users cannot play crossplay, and can only match with players on the same console.
Getting Horror Right!
With classic horror characters such as Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers having the pretty supernatural ability to disappear into thin air, the creators over at GUN Interactive and Sumo Digital wanted to make the players feel like they were immersed in the horror. To quote Ronnie Hobbs, the Creative Director over at GUN, "You don’t you see him, you know, he’s there, he’s not gonna disappear on you." Leatherface has the ability to be stealthy, and jump out on people when they're least suspecting - but he is grounded in reality, and you will see and hear him coming when that chainsaw revs up. We feel this is important to get the true vibe that the Texas Chain Saw Massacre presented to viewers back in 1974, and this upcoming game truly captures that vision.
Fight back, or use the shadows?
Forget flashlights and sabotaging hooks, in Texas the survivor is given tools of the horror trade to give them a higher chance of survival. Because who wouldn't pick up any weapon they could get their hands on when being pursued by a murderous family? Utilise objects to hold off the Slaughter Family, or protect your fellow survivors to give them the chance to slip away to safety, using bone shards from the macabre basement. But be careful, this game still features many mechanics that will let Leatherface and Co. know you're nearby. Sound traps, poison powder and a skilled hunter tracking your footprints are just some of the tricks that are up the family's sleeves, so be cautious where you walk...
The Idyllic Texas Countryside!
Take in the beauty of rural Texas as you're running for your life from a chainsaw wielding maniac. This game is truly stunning, with ambient lighting in the darker parts of the house casting shadows across the fearful survivors as they hide from the killers. But something that's quite the change from your classic horror games is the fact that Texas is set during the day. It's clear that so much thought has been put into the construction of this world, the detail is incredible and the way that the environment interacts with itself has a hyper-realism you'd expect in Triple A games from the likes of Naughty Dog or Rockstar. If you're someone who appreciates the true beauty of video games, this is one to add to your collection.
Are you ready to pick up that Chainsaw and chase down your friends? Then be sure to pre-order The Texas Chain Saw Massacre now on our site for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Xbox One/Series X!
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fearofahumanplanet · 2 years
For whichever OCs have the most fun answers: 69. How energetic is your oc? Are they constantly tired, or constantly bouncing off the walls?
70. What about your oc’s lifestyle would they change if they had the ability? Why?
71. What is your oc’s go-to for offense? What weapon, what style of fighting? Or are words more their weapon of choice?
The ask game in question
"69. How energetic is your oc? Are they constantly tired, or constantly bouncing off the walls?"
I think everyone knows the answer to this question for Wadjet lmao, that girl is constantly moving at a million miles an hour and somehow expecting everyone to keep up. The other three protagonists are varying levels of chronic fatigue and constant need of more sleep
"70. What about your oc’s lifestyle would they change if they had the ability? Why?"
Jörmungandr would... I'm honestly not sure how to answer this question, because I don't think there's a single thing about her life she doesn't want different.
Wadjet would want to maintain more of a consistent social group instead of just bouncing from party to party to drown her woes.
No one knows what Badb wants and she doesn't either.
Huītzilōpōchtli would want to live somewhere else and put all the violence and war and sacrifice of the past behind them, just be somewhere nice with their wife.
"71. What is your oc’s go-to for offense? What weapon, what style of fighting? Or are words more their weapon of choice?
Jörmungandr is the horrifying epitome of jack of all trades, being both very strong and very fast and pretty damn talented with practically every weapon you can throw at her. That said, she prefers polearms (particularly war scythes), agility, and ingenuity in combat.
Wadjet, on the other hand, relies more heavily on speed and - I've always found no better way to say this - she fights like a belly dancer might if given combat experience and two khopeshes. It's pretty damn entertaining.
Badb prefers not to fight at all, instead manipulating others into fighting in her stead or (if forced to engage) relying on her INCREDIBLY HORRIFYING illusion magic and firearms to keep her distance and psychologically torment people to death
Huītzilōpōchtli is essentially just Jason Voorhees but faster - not exactly speedy, mind you, but in that nice mid-point between being quick and lumbering. They rely heavily on brutality, psychological warfare & shock tactics, and essentially killing most people in one ridiculous blow.
Thanks for the ask, I hope you're doing well!
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theuniquestore · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Funko Pop Movies: Friday the 13th Jason Voorhees Vinyl Figure.
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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Lester Oliver Bankhead (April 20, 1912 - February 12, 1997) was among a handful of pioneering Black architects in Los Angeles in the 1950s. He faced the racial prejudice of his time, he was able to obtain work from Hollywood celebrities, such as actor Lorne Greene of the television series Bonanza; Kelly Lang, a well-known Los Angeles, California news anchor; and H.B. Barnum, noted music producer and arranger for Frank Sinatra and Smokey Robinson & the Miracles.
He was the eldest of six children and was born in Union, South Carolina. His parents were John Hayes Bankhead and Pearl Eugenia Eskew. He had hoped to attend Tuskegee Institute, but the lack of financial support forced him to seek training elsewhere. He wrote to Voorhees College and was enrolled in 1937. He graduated from Voorhees with a BS in Agriculture and a certificate in Carpentry in 1941.
He was drafted into the Army in 1942. Upon completion of basic training, his unit was ordered to assist in the liberation of North Africa. After being discharged from the Army, he moved to Los Angeles and settled within the Central Avenue community. He attended the Los Angeles City College, Otis Art Institute, and Los Angeles Trade Technical College. He worked various jobs and began his practice in the 1950s.
Although he designed homes, his emphasis as an architect was church design. His most notable buildings include the Chapel of Faith Baptist Church, Greater Life Missionary Church, and New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church. Voorhees College honored him as one of the “100 distinguished Alumni” at the Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education in 1988. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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writer59january13 · 6 months
Convalescence of Richard McGeehan
Spouse of my eldest sister marital bond fixed in place strong as mortise and tenon, he hales of hearty Irish stock genes of said septuagenarian analogous to pith and marrow wrought courtesy divine providence. At present aforementioned brother in law recuperating after orthopedic surgeon alleviated severe pain NOT linkedin to damaged, injured, and ossified rotator cuff as initially surmised, nevertheless temporarily forcing kinsman to become a southpaw. Thankful his insurance coverage picked up what I imagine to be a hefty tab to cover cost of surgical spine procedure, whereat the discs located between the vertebrae C4 thru C7 were bulging and pressing significantly into spinal cord nerves. Three discs delicately removed fragmented discs taken out tweezer like and titanium pieces put in their place. Months long physical therapy will build back better common Joe biden his time to trump and amp up body electric. Today (March 29th, 2024), I recently spoke with Amelie over the telephone (the above referenced sibling in first line of poem), whose aura, charisma, dogma, karma, and persona fully yet unpretentiously regaling her unbridled love larding with emotional munificence effecting, eliciting, embodying, and exhibiting love in plain view genuine care and concern lavished toward him, whom she pledged her troth methinks more'n thirty five years ago. As a longtime surveyor for Gloucester County, New Jersey he acquired familiarity with tools of the trade and truckload of skills to boot.
Prime years of his life working hard schlepping, and positioning
moderately heavy duty equipment;
no doubt ofttimes
said weighty implements,
I imagine said paraphernalia routinely
being figuratively toted, lugged,
and dragged across all types of terrain (while being exposed to elements of nature) making precise measurements
to determine property boundaries;
providing data relevant to features of the Earth's surface, such as shape and contour, for engineering, mapmaking, construction, and other purposes back breaking physical labor
taxing his then robust
essentially got paid exerting conditioning, and applying
his brute strength courtesy the sweat of his brow
yielded laudatory results.
Exemplary track record (as a career employee acquiring well deserved promotions) plus stellar report card regarding characteristics of attendance,
performance, and punctuality
allowed, enabled and provided
current accumulated earned paid time off
countless months to recover from
major necessary operation videlicet outstanding team of specialists at prestigious Virtua Voorhees Hospital.
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willkdawson · 7 months
Trading Card King: A Close Look at Ken Goldin’s Net Worth
Ken Goldin was born on August 18, 1965, in Voorhees, New Jersey, in the United States. Growing up in a well-established family, he spent his entire childhood in his hometown. Currently residing in New Jersey, Ken takes pride in being an American citizen.
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