ofamclias-blog · 8 years
👀 + "Which of your sisters was meaner/more annoying to you growing up?
“Is both an appropriate answer? They annoy me both in their own special way.”
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jasperbrennan-blog · 8 years
👀 + "Why do you even bother stirring up all this trouble? I don't see how it benefits you, so why do it?"
“The benefit, darlin’, is a rousin’ good time! It’s fun, that’s all there is to it. Sure, I get shot at, maybe stabbed a bit, run outta town more often’n not. But it’s thrillin’ and I wouldn’t trade it. ‘Cept fer maybe some down time every now and then, just bein’ left totally alone for a while to relax. But eventually I’d git bored again and have to go find somethin’ else to get up to. It’s just my nature, sugar.”
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maerussell-blog1 · 8 years
👀 + "Seriously, why do you still live in Salome? I don't understand how the Mayor got you tied down."
“It’s home. There’re monsters out there, some of them people, and Goliath isn’t a place to rest easy. And the Sanctuary? It’s alone out there and there aren’t many people, how long is it gonna last? Delphine gave me a safe place to live. I spent my time as a kid without one, so I won’t give that up too easy.”
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freyturner-blog1 · 8 years
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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jesuismarcy-blog · 8 years
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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gideonhendrix-blog1 · 8 years
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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10, 20, 30, 60, 70
10. When was your last physical fight?
"Oh, quite some time ago. During the war. It was... it was incredibly unpleasant. I’d rather not talk about it, dear. Why don’t we move on to something more pleasant?”
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
"...Well, that wasn’t what I had in mind. It would have been... *a pause* It would have been in my first life. In Paris. I can’t remember the details. It might’ve been at my last birthday? Or at the presentation for Charlotte’s daughter. One of the two.”
30: What’s irritating you right now?
"A few things. Another outlaw brigade came by, one or more of my police officers might be working with them, that hellhole across the river still exists... the list goes on.”
60: Do you wanna get married?
"It’s not much of a concern for me at the moment. My life is quite rich without such distractions. And I’ve been down that road before, in any case. It wasn’t a success.”
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
"Perhaps, but what would be the good in revealing who unless I wished to reveal weaknesses?”
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jasperbrennan-blog · 8 years
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for from you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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ofamclias-blog · 8 years
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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maerussell-blog1 · 8 years
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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maerussell-blog1 · 8 years
fight me!
Leave a “Fight Me” in my ask, and I will write a drabble out my character fighting with/or against yours.
Mae prided herself on understanding people quickly. She needed to do so, for a con to work she had to understand the mark and what they wanted. But someone who could settle so comfortably in neutrality was a bit of a mystery to her. Tracy was pretty nice, though, as far as she could tell. And it was nice sometimes to have company on the longer and more dangerous trips out into the wilds. People didn’t always have the decency to live within a day’s journey of town, and nobody liked to be out alone at night. As if she had summoned them by thinking that, Mae heard the bloodcurdling cry of skreelings to their left, and turned her head just in time to see one leaping out of the darkness. BANG. A shot rang out from behind her and the skreeling dropped. 
The two women pushed their horses forward as two more emerged, the horrible clicking getting louder and louder with every second. One nearly caught up to Tracy and Mae shouted. “On your right!” She leveled her rifle, taking a shot at it as it swung its head toward the other woman. She missed and barely managed to grab her knife from its sheath to stab at the one following her. Another shot and another scream left the skreeling by Tracy behind. Mae sliced at the claw reaching toward her, then managed to kick at its head, forcing it away. At almost the same time, they both shot at it, leaving it twitching on the ground. “I got that one!” Mae insisted, her heart racing as she looked around. “Okay, okay, we need to go. That was loud.” They looked behind again, then raced into the distance, ears peeled for the call of other monsters.
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gideonhendrix-blog1 · 8 years
get me!
Leave a “Get Me” in my ask, and I will write a drabble about my character saving yours. 
“I didn’t fucking sign up for this,” he said to himself, checking that his gun was still secure in its holster as he stepped closer to a hut a few miles out from the Sanctuary. Usually, if Tracy had gone awol nobody really became all that worried about where she had ended up because she came back every time with a huge smile on her face and story to tell. But something about the tone in which the request he was given to find her told him that he had to find her without a moment to spare. There was nobody outside the hut, just a horse that looked very much like one he’d seen tramping through the Sanctuary hours earlier. As he got closer to the door Gideon heard a rather loud thumping noise but little all else - nobody was talking. One hand gripped on the door handle, other poised on the handle of his gun he shoved the door open. Only to find Tracy trussed up on the floor, making as much racket as she could with her mouth covered. “Now, how in the hell did you manage to get yerself into this mess?” he said knowing full well that she was going to kick his ass the minute he untied her. 
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maerussell-blog1 · 8 years
26: What are you craving right now?
“When I was a kid, my Ma would make this rabbit stew. It was a treat. Haven’t been able to recreate it quite the same.
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
“I think if my Ma were alive, some of what I’ve done would break her heart.”
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
“Wouldn’t surprise me. Never found him out if he did.”
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
“Only one person ever who I’d count as a boyfriend, and I don’t think he was able to cry anything that wouldn’t come out of a crocodile.”
30: What’s irritating you right now?
“Some men have taken it in their heads it’s funny to shout at me when I’m going by. I’ve got a job to do, I don’t want to spend all my time teaching them a lesson.”
31: Does somebody love you?
“I don’t know if anyone loves me, exactly, but I’ve got people to care about. That’s good enough.”
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freyturner-blog1 · 8 years
52, 54, 62, 69, 70
52:  Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
54:  Is cheating ever okay?
“If you think cheating can be justified you are sorely mistaken.”
62:  What makes you happy?
“Spending time alone, nothing feels better than not needing to trust anyone but myself...”
69:  Do you believe in soulmates?
“...It’s a kinda silly concept when you think about it, but I think there is some truth to the thought that two people were born to be together - whether they stay together is completely different y’know?”
70:  Is there anyone you would die for?
“Yeah, and I did...”
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