thephoenix-hq · 5 years
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☞ NAME: Dorcas Meadowes. ☞ AGE: Nineteen (10.11.1959). ☞ BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood. ☞ HOUSE: Former Ravenclaw. ☞ GENDER: UTP. ☞ FACECLAIM: UTP.
Dorcas Meadowes was an only child until she turned five years old. On her fifth birthday, in fact, her parents sat her down amidst a room full of presents and told her she was going to be a big sister. She had been excited at first. The prospect of being a big sister, being someone another human being looked up to was a big deal to her. This all changed when her little brother had actually been born. He cried all the time and was a rather sickly child, taking up most of her parents attention. Dorcas didn’t mind once they started dropping her off at the park every day after school. She would happily spend time with children her own age anyway.
However, around the time Dorcas was seven years old, her magic began to show. It scared the other children and many of them turned mean, pointing their fingers at her and calling her names. Dorcas’ parents warned her against telling anyone what she was. They wouldn’t understand, they told her. Better just to keep it between us. So Dorcas didn’t tell anyone. She played by herself at the park and tried her best not to say anything whenever someone did come up to talk to her. They were either being callous, or they didn’t know any better. And Dorcas found it easier simply to ignore them. That is, until she met Mary MacDonald who became her dearest companion.
The two girls would go their separate ways once school started. Dorcas was sorted into Ravenclaw, the sorting hat making a sharp comment about how powerful the young witch was and how well she was going to do once she began learning how to hone it in. Dorcas was one of the top students throughout school, excelling the most in ancient runes and care of magical creatures. She was a viable quidditch player and enjoyed the physical activity that came along with it. Rather quickly, she became known as the girl with the studded boots and tangled hair, unafraid of giving her opinion and quick with a strong hex if crossed the wrong way. When she graduated, she was offered a position at the ministry but turned it down in favor of working with wild dragons around the world.
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She had been packing her bags for a month-long stint in Romania when Albus Dumbledore showed up at her parents front door. He told her of the cause, explained to her the intentions of the Order of the Phoenix, and Dorcas had taken to it immediately. Her desire to protect Mary, the sweet, innocent girl she had known her whole life from the ugliness their world was being swallowed by was insurmountable. Dorcas felt as though she didn’t truly have a choice in the matter. “Yes.” She said, a cold determination in her voice. “Yes, of course.”
← C O N N E C T I O N S →
← Mary MacDonald
One day a little girl fell out of a tree. Dorcas had been on the nearby swing set when she heard it. There was a small squeal and then a telltale snapping of bones. Dorcas ran over to help her, a tangled mess on the ground. The girl was screaming, but it was dying on the air, giving way to shock as confused tears streaked down her cheeks. Her wrist, which had been bent awkwardly was healing itself. Dorcas was grinning because she knew what this meant. There was another witch in her neighborhood. Dorcas wasn’t alone anymore. However, by the shock on the young girls face, she could tell her parents were likely muggles and it was going to be quite a shock to learn of their daughters abilities. Heeding her parents warning, Dorcas never told the girl why it happened. She merely shrugged and told her it happened to her sometimes, too. They were immediate friends and it was another two years before the girl, Mary MacDonald, discovered the truth. Albus Dumbledore came to her home and explained everything to her and her family, offering her a place at Hogwarts school. Mary had run to the park afterwards to tell Dorcas everything. Dorcas, admitting that she knew and had always known, didn’t realize at the time that this would put an almost permanent phisher in their friendship. They would go off to school, be separated into different houses, and drift almost completely apart. Six years would go by before they became friends again, and it was by a far more devastating accident to Mary. However, since she awoke with Dorcas by her bedside, they had been all but inseparable ever since.
→ Sirius Black
The annoyance of all annoyances. Sirius never left Dorcas alone. When they had been in school together, it had been an entirely random day that he came up to her. He asked her something about quidditch that was so obviously a line she had done nothing more than fix him with a deadly contemptuous stare. This only seemed to spur him on further, however, and before Dorcas knew it, he was around every corner she turned. He was still annoying, but she found it oddly endearing and took to hanging out with him any time they weren’t separated by their other friends. They seemed to have a similar mindset on the matter. Mary was more important than him to Dorcas, and the Marauders were more important than her to Sirius. Their similar thinking patterns was why they got on so well. They had a mutual understanding. Graduation took them along different paths and they drifted apart exceedingly naturally. That is, however, until now. They both have the determination and the desire to take part in the order, knowing neither would pass up such a thoroughly rebellious opportunity.
← Peter Pettigrew
Peter isn’t a follower. He’s not timid or shy. He’s sneaky, devious. He doesn’t say much because he would rather you think him dim and be able to prove you wrong than put on as extravagant a show as, say, James Potter. That was incredibly clear to Dorcas. Her ability to read him came naturally from the first conversation they had. He approached her in the Three Broomsticks during their seventh year. Dorcas had been deep in a story recently published by the Daily Prophet about the discovery of a new breed of dragons in Brazil when he seemed to appear across from her as if out of thin air. She knew that hadn’t been how it happened. She had been too involved in the paper and he had been purposely quiet. ‘Hullo,’ he had said to her with a charming little smile and a sweet tint to his cheeks, as if he was embarrassed. Dorcas called him out on it. He wasn’t embarrassed and if he was going to pretend to be anyone other than himself, he could go. He watched her in baited surprise for a few minutes as she went back to reading her paper. When the barkeep sauntered over the them, finally, Peter ordered two butterbeers. She looked up and he was grinning, genuinely. She quirked an eyebrow, put the paper away, and from then on, they enjoyed each others’ company endlessly.
→ Marlene McKinnon
trigger warning: eating disorder
Dorcas had been made a prefect in her fifth year. It was something she did out of duty, but she didn’t mind it once they started letting her take late shifts. She would patrol for a few hours past curfew to make sure there weren’t any straggling students out of bed, but really she typically found herself wandering around aimlessly. It was the only time she was truly alone with her thoughts and she enjoyed it. She had been thinking about how she was going to approach a particularly difficult advanced transfiguration assignment when she heard something. Her ears pricked up, her footsteps growing silent as she crept along a third floor corridor. A hauntingly beautiful piece of music was drifting out of the girls bathroom. Lovely as it was, it set her hair on end and Dorcas pulled out her wand before pushing into the room. At first, she thought the room was empty except for a small, portable phonograph that balanced precariously on the sink. But then she saw her. A crumpled, scrawny blonde girl sprawled on the floor inside one of the stalls. A gasp left her mouth, it’s true, but Dorcas’ instincts kicked in and she dashed over, pulled open the door and knelt down to her. Her eyes were rolling around in her head as her lids bobbed, fighting hard to stay open. She was pale, sweating. There was a thin redness under her eyes which were primed by dark, heavy bags and her lips were turning blue at the corners, breathing incredibly shallow. Dorcas didn’t think. She simply scooped her up and headed straight for the hospital wing. She knew this girl. She was normally incredibly put together - so lovely it was sometimes painful to look at her. Marlene McKinnon. The Slytherin girl with the world seemingly in the palm of her pretty hands. Seeing her like this was a shock, but it had made Dorcas realize how little she knew about the people around her. She didn’t know who Marlene’s friends were, wasn’t sure who she could trust to keep this incident a secret. She had seen her talking with Lily Evans lately, however, and as Dorcas had been academically parring with Lily for seven years, she knew the redheaded Gryffindor was a good person to have around. So Dorcas wrote her a note and told her owl to keep tapping on her window until she opened it and read the letter. Dorcas wouldn’t mention it, but she wished Marlene well. No one deserved to put up such a front as she seemed to. This had been the start of Dorcas paying more attention to those around her. She became exceedingly good at reading people, seeing through the cloud of how they presented themselves and to who they really were inside. At the very least, she had Marlene McKinnon to thank for that.
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thephoenix-hq · 5 years
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You have been accepted for the role of DORCAS MEADOWES, with a faceclaim of DANIELLE CAMPBELL.
We adore your Dorcas. From the personality traits, to the way she treats Mary with such kindness you have captured her bio and more. Specifically, we loved seeing her taking care of Mary and find a way to still be there for her friend without forcing her way in to Mary’s life. It shows Dorcas’ ability to care, wholly and fully, without inserting herself in any completely obtrusive way. On top of that, it was just lovely. We can’t wait to see this ray of sunshine on the dash! 
Please go to this WELCOME CHECKLIST and make sure to send in your account within 24 hours!
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thephoenix-hq · 5 years
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You can find the total application count here!
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thephoenix-hq · 5 years
Could I get some faceclaims recs for Dorcas, por favor?
Hey! Of course, friend. Just so you know, though, this list totally does not limit who you can pick! We left the faceclaims open so that you can pick whoever you see fit for the character. That being said, here’s some that I could see: 
Kiersey Clemons
Aisha Dee
Kimiko Glenn
Laura Harrier
Maia Mitchell
Lindsey Morgan
Daisy Ridley
Christian Serratos
Han Seungyeon
Cassie Steel
I hope these helped!
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