#toy machine skateboards
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warhead · 8 months ago
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itspanimi · 1 year ago
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bam margera skating the encinitas civic center sign (toy machine: jump off a building [1998])
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chromet · 1 year ago
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Supreme X Toy Machine SS24
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ogrishtoonz · 1 year ago
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love you ed templeton
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6undxrground · 1 year ago
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Just got this today, for free! Never heard of Tech Decks, prior to today. But apparently, they used to be really popular🤔
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shopoverload · 2 years ago
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Some new and some classics from Toy Machine🔥
In-store & online
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thebonesofhoudini · 2 years ago
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Got the Toy Machine board in the mail...
Now I got 3 complete setups to ride? Why 3?
The Toy Machine board is the 7.75" x 31.5"
The Chocolate board is the 8" x 31.75"
Then I got the 8.25" x 32 setup...
The idea is all about being well rounded on different boards and riding different shapes and sized boards is always fun.
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viewsfromalove · 2 years ago
31 and still having fun on a skateboard. Not as nimble as I used to be, but at least I still have some fire ass fake flips.
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goingequipped · 26 days ago
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Toy Machine rip
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skateboarding1 · 1 year ago
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zizidraw · 2 years ago
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Commission that I did for SunSingerDawn (featuring SCRATCHY_ART1 ) (both from twitter!) 😎🛹
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stochastique-blog · 11 months ago
Love you
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Dan Lu - 50/50
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kindaasrikal · 2 months ago
Slapping the ninja with hobbies that aren’t just ninja-ing or the already clearly stated ones because they desperately need lives
Cole seriously likes arts and crafts. He’s got his own little area in his room thats just filled with arts and crafts supplies. Glue, glitter, fabric, ribbons, sticks, gems, you name it. He creates ribbon roses, makes his own birthday cards, creates cute little designs almost all the time and gives them to all of the ninja in random little areas.
Zane actually likes taking small random items and fixing them. Nothing big like how three certain somebodies (Cough nya jay and pixal cough) do but just little things everyone owns and can’t fix. Kai accidentally broke a massive candle in a har and he ran off to find Zane to fix it, a bracelet Nya owns broke so she immediately hands it off to Zane, Lloyd breaks a tea cup and presents it to Zane with a ‘please help me.’
Jay really likes any sort of skating. Roller skating, ice skating, skateboarding, you name it he knows it and much better than you do. He takes pride in knowing the most complicated of tricks and moves, and may or may not have used his ninja training to cheat a little but we all would do that let’s be real. He sometimes starts skateboarding in the monastery and Wu may or may not have snatched it from under his feet multiple times but Jay has no proof.
Kai, after having everyone constantly talk to him about how ‘fun’ it was, got hooked onto adventure books. he reads them all, he knows all the big authors, he knows every character and every piece of lore and if he's obsessed enough he WILL buy the entire series. A guilty pleasure he got hooked onto right after was fanfiction. He reads it all.
Nya, strangely enough, got hooked onto flowers. She loves making bouquets and giving them to anyone and everyone who wants them. She’s memorised every meaning each flower has been given, and soon enough she got interested in other plants too, especially ones under water. She takes care of them like her babies and if they die she will be found sobbing in a corner holding the pot or whatever it was in.
Lloyd tripped his way into making clothes. He learnt how to sow from Misako, who was used to altering clothes for Garmadon and Wu. Lloyd specifically likes making designs on shirts and hoodies and the such, usually working with Cole on that front. You could usually find him hunched over anywhere dimly lit with a needle, a shirt, a bunch of thread and a will to make something cool. He could use the machines, but he once accidentally shoved his finger right underneath and he’s held a grudge ever since.
Skylor loves to write, and write she does with that uncompleted 200k original story she’s afraid no one will like, and keeps procrastinating so much that she even writes fanfiction of stuff she hasn’t been into for years. The reader named ‘redhotshot204’ keeps leaving comments though, so she supposes she should keep updating.
Morro is unashamedly good at ballet. He first learnt it for his ninja business, but he became so good at it he couldn’t let it go. He’s graceful with every step he takes and never makes any mistakes every twirl and spin and whatever and he will kick people in the face. Hard. He honestly hates tutus so he will try strangling people with it if forced to wear one, but he absolutely loves ballet shoes. Spinning around in his tip toes became an instinctual habit after a bit.
Harumi likes making jewellery, and makes them as heavy and as sharp as possible. Shes capable of making earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, whatever. It mainly started because she couldn’t find the type of jewellery she wanted during her SoG years, so she began making it by herself. She even glued the spikes of her gi on herself.
Echo got interested in cars, specifically toy cars, and making them functional as actual cars. Not the most normal of hobbies but knowing who he’s related to its to be expected. He once accidentally made an evil toy car and it kept hitting everyone’s heels and ankles the entire day. Harumi ‘accidentally’ pushed Cole onto it so it would break. They had to perform a funeral because Echo was going to actually arrest them for murder if they didn’t.
Pixal got into painting. Sometimes shes slapping paint onto a canvas and then calling it a day, other times shes making something that rivals the Mona Lisa. Landscapes are what she prefers the most, often drawing the scenes they all see when going on big missions, with bright colours to show the beauty they saw. They love hanging it all up around the monastery.
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not-another-robin · 2 years ago
The bat teens make a pact that all of them should Damian out on the weekends for enrichment (normal child fun).
Duke takes him to a movie, and they end up hopping theatres to see a couple. They see a superhero movie and riff on the whole thing (Duke riffs, Damian mostly complains about accuracy). They also watch a surprisingly good kids movie Damian refuses to admit he likes. Duke peer pressures Damian into trying various movie snacks (popcorn is okay, hotdogs are appalling, junior mints are the best candy). They feel sick by the end of the day because they forgot to eat actual food. They win a shitty Batman plush from the claw machine before they leave.
Steph takes him to a shitty arcade super funplex. It is run down and kinda terrifying and mostly occupied by old people gambling and is definitely a front. Steph has been coming here since she was 4. She shows Damian how to get the highest score in skeeball (climb up on top of it and put balls directly in the highest score hole until it runs out of tickets). They run the place out of pizza and spend at least 45 minutes trying to throw candy into all the animatronics mouths. They spend their tickets on a cryptic bootleg Pokemon cartridge and the scariest looking pink bear imaginable. Damian puts it next to Duke's batman.
Tim takes him to the skate park. He really wants to teach Dami how to skateboard, Damian brings his rollerblades. Damian thinks tricks are stupid and juvenile, until he sees someone do a flip off the bowl. He insists he NEEDS to know how to do that. It takes literally all day because Tim has to figure out how to do it first, they come home extremely bruised but satisfied.
Cass takes him to the mall. Steph showed her the wonders of the mall and she's never looked back. They spend hours ambling through target, Cass drags Damian through the toy section (that he really wanted to go to) and makes him buy something. They both get crazy nurf guns to get the others with. They get starbucks and cinnamon buns (don't tell Alfred). They go spend 40 minutes in a candle store and decide they've seen better. They buy jewelry and honey and bits and bobs from local stands. They win a plush pikachu in a claw machine (goes next to the others, obviously).
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glyphotech · 9 months ago
i wish we got more of everyone teaching nico about the 21st century. teaching him stuff he wouldn’t have learned from the lotus casino or when he was by himself. i want percy to teach nico skateboarding. i want percy to show nico all his favorites movies and bands. i want annabeth to show nico all the new and weird inventions like pocket calculators and GPS . i want hazel and nico to learn all about how far space travel has come and how there’s machines on far away planets. i want piper to show nico all the long forgotten toys like etch-a-sketch and the easy bake oven. i want rachel to show nico all the art he’s missed out over the years. i want jason to show nico how holidays have transformed since the 1930’s and show him all the weird new food combinations people have come up with. i want nico to learn and enjoy normal teenager things. i want nico to be happy
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matthewswifeyx · 4 months ago
Dad!Matt headcannons <3
Banner credits to @bernardsbendystraws
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Dad!Matt who never raises his kids to be brats and acting spoilt
Dad!Matt who literally freaks out anytime his kids get hurt, even if it's a small scrape from playing on a tiny skateboard or even dropping a plastic knife on their feet. One time Matt's son fell down the stairs as a toddler and he went as white as a ghost mom!reader thought he was going to pass out. But in the end, Matt's son had a few tears but was alright.
Dad!Matt who does anything and everything to prevent his kids from getting sick, he will make all of his kids suit up in hats, scarfs, coats, and gloves at the beginning of the fall season. He doesn't his babies to get poorly :(
Dad!Matt who reads books to all of his kids every night, this encouraged them to read by themselves and all find their love for books, just like their daddy.
Dad!Matt who will always be there for his kids whether it is emotionally, physically or mentally he will offer the best advice he can give anyone.
Dad!Matt who pushes his kids to do things that he wouldn't have been able to do when he was their age, like asking shop workers where specific things were in the store to build up their confidence.
Dad!Matt who always participates in dressing up for halloween. When the kids were younger, Dad!Matt would always come up with a family costume but as the kids got older Matt still dressed up even if it was just a couples costume with you. His ideas were the best.
Dad!Matt who hosts the best birthday parties for his kids. He is going all out, he would hire a bouncy castle and a kids entertainer just so he could see his kids gleaming faces on their birthday.
Dad!Matt who is excellent on the grill, his kids love his hamburgers and speciality hot dogs.
Dad!Matt who shows his kids all of the TV shows he watched when he was a kid.
Dad!Matt who would anything for his kids even if they only mentioned it once, one time his son spoke about how he enjoyed his painting class and the next day Matt had bought him a full art set and a brand new easel.
Dad!Matt who loves play fighting with his children, he loves seeing their laughing faces when Matt beats them and tickles them.
Dad!Matt who lets his silly side shine through as soon as he has children.
Dad!Matt who makes sure that his children all feel like they have their own identity and aren't defined by their siblings and family successes.
Dad!Matt who buys loads of toys and accessories to make his kids' playroom their safe space and make them feel as comfortable as possible.
Dad!Matt who loves helping his kids with pre-k homework and showing them how to do word searches. But when they reach Middle school he has never felt so lost when it came to their homework.
Dad!Matt who helps his children fight their fears. If one of his kids is scared of dogs, Matt would take them to the park and would encourage them to stroke dogs while they would have a walk.
Dad!Matt who hosts movies nights with his family full with an endless supply of snacks and treats. He would even invite Nick and Chris' families to join as well!
Dad!Matt who would take mom!reader and his kids to Boston every time school was out. He would take his kids to specific spots that Matt grew up going to and he would tell them all stories about his childhood while acting it out in the spot.
Dad!Matt who would buy lego sets to build for each of his kids bedrooms so it would compliment your decorations that you designed the bedrooms with.
Dad!Matt who does so many arts and crafts with his kids, whether it is using a cardboard box to make a time machine or using used plastic bottles to create a shop that the kids can play pretend with.
Dad!Matt who loves dressing up and playing pretend with his kids. Matt really gets into character if he is pursuing the role of a fairy godmother or a ninja with his kids. Matt would create the most imaginative story lines when playing barbies with his daughter or action figures with his son.
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Hey guys! I hope you really enjoyed these headcannons! Dad!Matt hols a special place in my heart! If you have any requests/suggestions please do not hesitate to send me a quick message and i will try and get back to you asap! <3
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