#toward the end mochi does a lot of this especially for murda
musubiki · 1 month
This might've gotten retconned, but I think I remember you saying that one of the reasons Mochi's dad might not have been in the picture was because he had to take care of things with his own coven and I guess I'm curious; are there any rules about Witch Covens mixing? Like would that be considered too much of a consolidation of power or just a logical partnership? (For Example, if one of the Raven witches brothers joining the Snake Witches coven, would that be seen as a way to ally both covens or a betreyal from the brother/The snake coven "stealing" a member?)
oooo this is actually an interesting question honest i havent thought about it!!! i dont think theres any hard-set rules about "mixing" guilds before, in my head ive always seen it as the kind of thing where any person/guild member has the right to choose if they want to be in your guild or not, or if they want to be in someone elses guild..
that being said, if corven rejected his sister to be in the snake covern i KNOW murda would be PISSED LMAO!!!! i can DEFINATELY see that happening if there's bad blood between siblings or something, maybe a son jealous that the daughter became a witch (because males cant inherit witch magic) and joins another guild out of spite
in the case of mochis dad, i think he was a guild member for someone else (and/or possibly a relative) BEFORE he knew tiramisu, so he already had obligations to them prior to falling in love.
but there ARE rules about too many witches being in close geographical proximity for too long. especially if its two or more members of the 5, having that much magic power concentrated together just attracts bad things...the coattails catch on, the m-34th gets winds, everyone suddenly knows theres witches in this area. so either mochis dad would have to leave his current guild or one of the witches (tiramisu and the other whose guild he was in) would have to give up their power, neither of which was going to happen unfortunately :')
i also think that theres no rules against leaving a guild. its made clear very early on that the guild position is a choice and youre never stuck in that path in life. but again for mochis dad, i think it was the kind of thing where he was so ingrained in that persons life that leaving wasnt an option (it would be like corven leaving murda, she depends on him for a lot of things and he cant just up and leave)
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