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ofcadence · 6 years ago
hi y’all ! i’m lexi and i’m from the est timezone. i’d like to introduce you all to my MF ! BABY ! charlie. she’s a moody ass angry ass quiet ass mess fkdffg. anyways, like this or hmu on im or d*scord if you’d like to plot ! 
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[king princess – cisfemale – she/her] – who’s that walking onto the stage? that’s [charlotte ‘charlie’ baker], the [drummer] for the band. she is [twenty-two], and is from [ohio], like the rest of the band. gossip mags like to say that she is [stubborn], but i believe they’re also [insightful]. i read that they’d be a [web developer] if they weren’t in the band, and that their favorite song was [bad habits by fidlar]. hopefully it won’t come to that though, i like their stuff too much.
so obvi anything relating to the band/her marriage is subject to change w/ further plotting :-)
charlotte baker was born on june 12th, (oof, a gemini) the only child/pride and joy of james and lacie baker. her mother, a retired beauty pageant queen, her father the owner of not one, not two, but three ford dealerships in and around town.
her fate was written in the stars. at three she was being paraded around in pageants, crowns twice her size sitting on her halo of chocolate curls, too young to have a say.
it wasn’t long before the young child was stealing tonka trucks in the park, playing with he-man action figures she’d haggled out of her neighboring kids.
soon after, it was sneaking out to the skate park with friends, and getting caught kissing the middle school cheerleading captain under the bleachers.
her parents like to say her sexuality, “choices” they so delicately put it, wasn’t the reason for the divorce, that it had been a long time coming, better for everyone.
charlie never believed that.
though when she caught her mother sitting in her father’s top salesman’s car while skateboarding home, things got…icy between the two.
at fourteen she was living alone with her father in the big empty house meant to hold a family living the american dream.
there was no way to control the angst spilling out from the teenager. after nearly getting kicked out of school twice for fighting, her father desperately soundproofed the basement and bought her a drum set.
and just like that, charlie found her passion.
days turned into nights turned back into days as she drummed away, broken blisters painting the wooden sticks red, unable to stop playing out her emotions.
the quiet storm that was charlie baker was finally getting known for something other than kissing people’s girlfriends and giving football players black eyes. she was fucking good with a set of drums.
when the manager reached out to her, she was hesitant. she’d never had friends, she was the definition of a lone wolf. but who’s ever heard of a drummer making it solo?
she hesitantly agreed to play a few sets with the others, and though she hates to admit it, fell for the band the minute they played their first note.
once a lone wolf, she was now fiercely loyal to her band, and rode the highs of their small town fame.
when the band started drifting apart, charlie took a big hit. she was ready to go all in, she thought everyone was on the same page.
the dream was all but extinct as fast as it had been conjured, and she reluctantly went to college for computer science, filling in for shitty cover bands on the side to pay the rent. the resentment of her friends abandoning her was eating her up inside.
that is —- until she met the groupie. [this point will obvi be discussed w/ the groupie mun so not much here hehe]
though still quiet, grumpy and tumultuous, charlie now had someone loving her. unconditionally.
slowly, the dreams of stardom and musical expression were replaced with domestic bliss, wedding bells ringing in the near future as they settled in together.
now that the manager has called charlie, she is more than reluctant to give her heart back to the people who shattered it. but the dreams of being the drummer she’d always thought she was destined to be is too damn alluring.
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kendallwhittaker-blog · 6 years ago
howdy, hello, i’m logan and i’m from the est timezone and i’m like always asleep so don’t be shocked if i’m awake at not normal hours! but you can like this post or message me on disco to plot!
[ashley moore – female – she/her] – who’s that walking onto the stage? that's [kendall whittaker], the [roadie] for the band. she is [26], and is from [ohio], like the rest of the band. gossip mags like to say that she is [self-destructive], but i believe they’re also [hopeful]. i read that they’d be a [physicist] if they weren’t in the band, and that their favorite song was [high hopes p!atd]. hopefully it won’t come to that though, i like their stuff too much.
kendall was born and raised in the suburbs of toledo, ohio, born on a crisp fall morning on october 16th, 1993. her parents had been trying to get pregnant for ages and she had been their happy little accident. the daughter to two accountants that had met at work and fallen in love—joseph and abigail had been ecstatic. they’d wanted this for years, had planned everything before she had even been born. they had everything picked out for her, down to the very toys that she would play with to the friends she would have. due to the lengthiness of the process, kendall was an only child in her family and was absolutely and beyond spoiled as she grew up.
kendall, despite loving her parents dearly, was rather fond of her grandfather on her mother’s side, robert long. they two were as thick as thieves with him spoiling her even more and taking her out from her family to go fishing, camping, anything that wasn’t the prestigious view that her parents had initially planned. she would express to him wanting to try these things as they were unattainable to her for the most part and he would oblige every time. it was in 2003 that disaster struck and her grandfather passed away, leaving her heartbroken and grieving. she was ten. she had no true understanding of processing death, she had never experienced it before and it had hit her rather hard. during this time, she grew closer to her grandmother and her own mother, realizing just how much it had hurt them as well.
middle school was rough for her. the looks of her peers as she came in on the first day, the school she went to having heard about everything that had happened over the summer with her grandfather. it became to be too much, she found a solace in reading and studying to take her mind away. space became her favorite topic—the moon, the stars, the planets, the possibility of life being out there. she sheltered herself away from her family and her peers, watching the friendships that she had made sink down the drain. she didn’t feel happy much anymore, unless she was reading her books. her father took notice and tried everything—anything to make his only daughter come back out of her shell like she used to.
he would take her to concerts of bands she seemed to show an interest in, the movies, buy her things that revolved around the things she loved. for awhile, it didn’t work. kendall still showed no true interest in these things. it was when kendall started speaking with her school counselor about the possibility of graduating early in the coming years that she started looking up again. she had hope in her eyes. her grades that had been falling since the fall of 2003 improved and her life started to feel like it were turning around again.
in 2010, two years earlier than kendall had been slated to graduate, she received her high school diploma. she had essentially taken to ignoring anything except for her studies, giving no time to herself or the things she loved. she came out of high school without friends but with a new passion in her heart. that fall, she began college at bowling green state university in the physics program and learned to let herself feel more. she made friends, people she would never have thought to be friends with before, people who influenced her in such amazing ways. they became her rocks—josh, madison, kayla, all of them brought her into the person that her family had been trying to get her to be for so long. happy.
kendall within those four years was the most laid back that she had been in a long time. she lived off campus with her family but she was more often found bumming in her friends apartments, listening to pop-punk and pop music and having the time of their lives on game nights. her family didn’t mind because it meant that their daughter was back—for the time being. kendall had never truly been able to shake her depression and the fall of her senior year, had finally begun seeing a therapist. anything to talk about her problems or her life with someone. the stress of the year took a toll on her and her friends’ as well, as they began to drift away, but still maintaining contact.
the spring of her graduation, she started dating madison, something that neither of the two had expected. she had been kendall’s first real girlfriend, as for all her life, she’d only had crushes on men. there was no denying that she loved her, even if the relationship was vibrant and fun—concerts every weekend, clubs on the occasion, get aways to columbus once in awhile. but it came crashing down with madison accepted a job out of state in a hospital. it crushed kendall, more than she would’ve ever admitted that it did.
graduation came and kendall had been accepted to work at a job in a big city as an entry level physicist, something that she had been more than thankful for. she wanted to live this town and get away from the memories that it had given her. three months after moving to the new city, she found herself in another relationship, this time with someone that she had met off of tinder. he was sweet, she would admit that. but he wasn’t right for her, between never being there emotionally and the words that he would sling at her, it wasn’t right. she left him at the start of 2015.
it was around this time that kendall truly started listening to the music that she loved. she fell into it while she was working, letting the noise be her guidance at times. she starts going to more shows, getting her act together, life is looking up for her again. she befriends people in her area in the music scene and they give her the details to a record company that’s looking for help, if she really wanted a get away. part of kendall is worried that it’s too much for her, she’s never done any type of work in the music industry before and she hated the idea of leaving her current job high and dry. but she bites the bullet on an afternoon where her mind is spinning and she can’t make heads or tails of why she’s doing it. she waited two, three, four months before she received a call back.
they had been looking for help with setting up stages and had come across her information in their hiring system. they were impressed that someone with a degree like hers was willing to take the plunge into a completely new industry and they had wanted to meet with her for an interview. of course, kendall had said yes. she wasn’t going to turn down this opportunity. in another month’s time, she had been hired by the label and slowly worked her way through her training and understanding in the off days from her ‘day’ job. she worked for various bands, tours, festivals, for the new few years before being asked to help a band that the record were looking to sign and had been asked to join warped tour as their roading for that final summer.  
kendall still had dreams though of being something more, of finding her work elsewhere, so this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for her. she had informed her job at the lab that she would be gone for a few months, taking an extended leave, and they’d been more than understanding. but part of her worried that things weren’t going to last and the other part of her worried that she would be giving up on the one dream she had of working with a space program one day because of this type of job she had picked up as a mere hobby.
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ohgcmma · 6 years ago
hi ! i’m zelda ! you might see me referred to as quincy in a few places, im just trying to start using an alias but im very bad at it so. we’ll see how long that lasts. anyways ! like this post or message me to plot !
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who’s that walking onto the stage? that's [gemma valentine], the [guitarist] for the band. she is [twenty-three], and is from [ohio], like the rest of the band. gossip mags like to say that she is [impulsive], but i believe they’re also [passionate]. i read that they’d be [going to law school] if they weren’t in the band, and that their favorite song was [bishops knife trick by fall out boy]. hopefully it won’t come to that though, i like their stuff too much.
trigger warning for death & cancer under the cut !
gemma valentine was born and raised in rural ohio. her mother’s name is bridget and her father’s name is michael. she has one brother named nathan, who is older.
michael valentine was the sheriff of the small town. he was a hard ass, and because of this gemma and him have never been close. 
bridget valentine was a nurse at the hospital a few towns over. she worked a lot and was often not home. gemma isn’t close to her either.
nathan left home when gemma was eleven, and has only been home sporadically since.  
the only person gemma was ever close to was her best friend alex. 
they were complete opposites. where alex was calm and focused on his future, gemma was a force to be reckoned with. this never stopped them from causing trouble together, though.
they spent their childhood and early teen years causing mayhem. 
they would “borrow” their parents cars and drive too fast on back roads surrounded by farmland, laughter flying out the window and disappearing in the night behind them. 
they were partners in crime, finding trouble where they could and creating it where they couldn’t.
they had big plans to escape their dead end town and never look back. they started a little band, gemma on guitar and alex singing and shakily drumming out a beat on an ancient drum kit. they even posted a few covers on youtube. they never got any traction. 
**tw cancer & death**
but all of that came crashing down when alex got sick. he fell ill when they were fifteen. he was soon diagnosed with cancer
his family and the doctors tried everything they could, but the disease didn’t relent
he passed away within the year, just before gemma turned sixteen.
she absolutely lost her mind when he died, she had lost the only person that had ever meant anything to her. 
**tw over**
she retreated into herself. once a bright class clown, she became distant and withdrawn. 
she didn’t start the band with the original intention of creating some strange tribute to alex. she played a little bit of music with jiahou, and they sounded great together, and suddenly they were a band.
the band became gemma’s only lifeline. as the group filled out and more joined the little pseudo-family, gemma found a way to hold on to alex. the band was finding some degree of success, achieving everything gemma and alex had talked about.
gemma never fully recovered from the tragedy of losing alex, never managed to bring back who she was before. 
but she found people who she cared for, and cared about her, which made a world of difference
everything comes to an end, though, even the best of things. used to loss, gemma was resigned to end of the band. their last summer together was bittersweet, and then gemma went off to college, half expecting to never see them again. 
she went west for college, to a school smothered by sunlight and plenty of parties to keep gemma busy. undeniably intelligent, gemma managed to land herself in a pre law major at a prestigious university that was not quite her style.
college warped gemma into a strange facsimile of who she was before, too many nights drowned in vodka and spent with strangers to be quite the same girl she was when she left ohio. 
her four years out west a bit of a blur, she left college with a degree she didn’t care about and an acceptance letter to a law school she wasn’t looking forward to. out east this time, ivy covered walls were not what gemma wanted for her future. 
it seemed like fate, maybe a bit of luck, that gemma got the call about getting the band back together. she agreed immediately, thankful to put off her bright but disenchanting future as long as possible. 
this tour means a lot to her, reconnecting with some of the most important people in her life and a chance at a future that gemma can actually look forward to. 
gemma is the kind of reckless and impulsive that only comes from growing up in a rural town
have you ever met someone who is really intelligent but also makes the stupidest decisions? yeah that’s gemma. she uses twizzlers as a straw sometimes
she’s a bit angry at the world, which is why she’s going to law school so she can make some changes and that seems like the best way. 
she likes to have fun but sometimes gets a lil dangerous about it, definitely needs to be reigned in a bit
chaotic neutral
thats all for now, folks ! if you have any questions lemme know !
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