#totally stealing that last one from lua but what can one do--
airlock · 2 years
1, 16, 19
(pertinent to this ask meme)
#1 - What's your favorite main game of the series?
Blazing Blade. it wins by a bit of a narrow margin, though; I like all the Fire Emblems that I like just about equally, despite them tending to have pretty distinct strengths. still, Blazing Blade is the one I'd say has the most solid array of qualities overall; a strong central plotline (that one youtuber and every redditor who parrots him can bite me), excellent characters, good gameplay -- and while worldbuilding is the weak link (which is unfortunate seeing as that's usually one of the things I'm most doggedly looking for), it still puts a surprising amount of elbow grease into taking Binding Blade's bland-if-colorful Elibe and growing some layers under it.
  #16 - What's your favorite world/setting?
Tellius and Fódlan are neck-to-neck there; they're two of the most pristinely well-built settings in the franchise, including elaborate and engaging historiographies -- my favorite treat. (shocking coming from a history major, right?). Tellius has the more interesting global geopolitics, while Fódlan does more with the internal structures of its domains -- figures, being that we're looking at 8-odd countries vs. 3 or 4 lands with a shared historical background and a smattering of neighboring minor players.
I probably have to give this w to Fódlan in the end though, if only on account of making more of its history both accessible to the player and relevant/of interest to the present characters. I didn't even know that Tellius had an entire historiography until, what, at least ten years after I first got my hands on Radiant Dawn? meanwhile, Fódlan has everything right there in its dusty ol' monastery library, but even if you're not much for reading, you hang out with characters like Claude or Ferdinand long enough and you will hear about history, there's just no avoiding it.
  #19 - Favorite canon pairing?
oof. I'm not inherently interested in shipping as-is, and I'm even less interested in litigating what can or can't be considered a canon ship.
that said, I am all for married couples that just turn up on the battlefield kicking ass together. we need more Pent and Louise in this series
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kerahlekung · 5 years
Antara Kes Rogol Dan Kes Semburit...
Antara Kes Rogol Dan Kes Semburit....
Exco Perak Paul Yong Choo Kiong terus ditangkap polis dan disiasat apabila pembantunya buat laporan polis kononnya dia dicabul dan dirogol oleh Exco daripada DAP itu. Sebaik dibuat laporan polis, polis pun tangkap dan siasatan. Pergilah Paul ke balai polis dan ditahan dalam lokap. Maka kecurlah seluruh dunia. Setelah disiasat polis, Paul pun dibebaskan. Selepas bebas beliau menafikan dia tidak pun merogol pembantu rumahnya. itu. Nasib Paul tidak sebaik nasib Timbalan Presiden Keadilan, Azmin Ali yang juga telah dilaporkan sebagai menjadi pasangan homoseksual kepada seorang jantan lain. Polis tidak segera pun tangkap dan siasatnya. Dia bebas bergerak ke mana-mana, termasuk jumpa ulama dan Mufti. Apakah kerana Paul, berbangsa Cina dan daripada DAP pula maka dia siasat segera manakala kerana Timbalan Presiden itu daripada Keadilan dan kebetulan pula berbangsa Cina, pernah didendangkan sebagai anak angkat Dr Mahathir maka ia tidak diperapa-apakah? Saya tidak faham macam mana keadilan dan kebebasan diamalkan dalam negara ini. Cuma teringat kepada sepatah kata-kata bekas PM Abdullah Badawi setelah menjadi PM, katanya: Selepas jadi PM baru saya tahu kuasa PM sangat luas dan boleh melakukan apa-apa yang dia hendakinya. Cis. - MSO
Bersama Menteri Pertahanan 
Menteri Pengakutan vs PAS...
 Najib and Zahid May Be Plotting How 
To Strip And Plunder UMNO Assets...
When Mahathir Mohamad openly invited all Malay parties, including the UMNO, to join his party PPBM (Bersatu) under the pretext of Malay unity, it raises eyebrows. To the people who had shed sweat, tears and probably even blood bringing down the corrupt and toxic UMNO last May General Election, the prime minister’s invitation was seen as a betrayal of the highest degree. For a while, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the UMNO president who suddenly made an unexpected but shameless comeback from his so-called garden leaves, thought that Mahathir’s invitation was like a gift from the God. Could it mean his prayers have been answered and his record 87 corruption charges would be dropped and he gets to walk away scot free if he joins the old man’s party? Zahid probably had slapped his face a couple of times in disbelief over the offer. Even his colleague, Khairy Jamaluddin, son-in-law of former PM Abdullah Badawi, has advised his party UMNO to give a serious thought to the invitation to join hands with rival Bersatu. Khairy too believed the offer was too good to be ignored. Clearly, life as an opposition is too tough after ruling the country for 61 years. The next warlord who was equally excited to the extent he almost orgasm at the proposal was Hishammuddin Hussein, the cousin of former PM Najib Razak. He too said UMNO’s top leaders should not dismiss any chance of a new political cooperation if it can unite their race, even though his reason to join Mahathir is to gain immunity from prosecution over past corruptions. But Zahid Hamidi figured he had to play hard to get. After all, his party has 37 MPs, more than Mahathir’s party which possesses only 26 MPs. It probably crossed Zahid’s mind that he might not be accepted. But if Mahathir wants to acquire UMNO, it has to be sold as a complete package. Hence, the UMNO president rejected the prime minister’s invitation.
  Najib Razak - Malu Apa Bossku
The 93-year-old Mahathir later made an incredible clarification. His invitation apparently was for “members” of other Malay-based parties – not the Malay parties. So, Zahid’s illusion, and Najib’s for that matter, that the ruling Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition would be enlarged to accept UMNO as a new component for the sake of Malay unity was crushed. To be fair, everyone had the perception that Mahathir’s offer was for Malay parties, including UMNO Malay nationalist party and PAS Islamist party, to join the ruling Pakatan Harapan coalition. Perhaps the premier was a bit senile. But it’s also absolutely possible that the old fox was testing the water, having fun watching crook like Zahid Hamidi squirming and begging to be invited. Essentially, Mahathir’s clarification that UMNO as a party cannot join Pakatan closes the door for big time crooks like Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi, Tengku Adnan and Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, just to name a few, from any immunity deal. The line has been drawn. Those crooks can never be forgiven as long as Mahathir sits on the throne. Two days ago (July 9), out of the blue, ex-PM Najib was appointed chairman of Barisan Nasional (BN) advisory board, whatever that means. His appointment was unanimously agreed upon by the BN Supreme Council. The funny thing about welcoming the crook back to BN is that there was previously no advisory board. The post was created specially for Najib. Exactly what can Najib advise the BN now when the same coalition was defeated under the leadership of the same man in the May 9th General Election last year? If he is such a gem, he should not have had stepped down as UMNO president after BN’s defeat in the 14th General Election. It’s an educated guess that both Najib and Zahid had planned to make the comeback together. Khairy, probably the smartest man left in UMNO, said he was not happy with the return of his former boss Najib. He had earlier expressed his displeasure at the comeback of Zahid too. Hishammuddin has opted to play safe, offering neither support nor objection to the return of his cousin. Surprisingly, the biggest critic came from Nazri Aziz, once the biggest supporter of Najib in his 1MDB scandal.
  Khairy and Nazri Aziz
Nazri said – “Who did we lose under (in the last general election)? What kind of advice can he give us? I think it is regressive.” Does the appointment of Najib as UMNO adviser prove that neither the leaderships of acting president Mohamed Hasan nor president Zahid Hamidi were effective, despite the trumpeted propaganda that UMNO and PAS alliance will crush the current government? On the surface, Najib’s comeback looks positive. Like a white knight in shining armour, he could inject his fund – “Malu Apa Bossku (Why The Shame, Boss) moniker” – into UMNO and rejuvenate the almost bankrupt corrupt party. But if even his cheerleader Nazri could smell a rat with the return of his former boss, the crooked Najib is definitely up to something not good. The last time Najib modified the constitution of SRC International Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of 1MDB, at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to make him the “adviser emeritus” of the company, he controlled the company and ordered retirement fund KWAP to loan RM4 billion to SRC, a company known as “Najib’s company”. Yes, Najib’s express appointment as the adviser to UMNO, a non-existent position previously, has very little to do with strengthening the party. It was actually a humiliation to UMNO Council of Advisors chairman Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, who was surprised at Najib’s appointment. Effectively, Najib’s new role as an adviser will make Razaleigh’s role redundant and obsolete. It’s both entertaining and amusing that the foolish Razaleigh has thrown his support behind Najib, not realising that the crook has come back to plunder the party’s coffers. Coincidentally, all the crooks – Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi and Tengku Adnan – are part of the roundtable plotting how to strip UMNO assets as the party faces the prospect of de-registration.
Tengku Adnan, Zahid Hamidi and Najib Razak
It was reported that UMNO once has assets totalling RM100 billion under proxies, trustees and nominees. UMNO president and its treasurer, who happens to be Zahid Hamidi and Tengku Adnan respectively, are a handful of leaders currently possessed the information of all the asset holders. However, the dumb Zahid probably was clueless as to how to recover the assets. That explains the real reason as to why Zahid suddenly made a comeback from his garden leave, and the sudden appointment of Najib as BN adviser. Obviously, Najib cannot be made the UMNO Council of Advisors chairman since Razaleigh occupies the position. If there’s one man who can plunder and steal UMNO’s remaining assets, that man has to be Najib Razak. Mr Treasurer Tengku Adnan was tasked with tracking down UMNO’s cash and property since last October. By now, he should have a list of assets belonging to the party. Sure, over the time, not all of the RM100 billion can be recovered. But there should be billions worth of assets left. Recently, UMNO sold its 123 million shares in Media Prima Bhd for RM73.81 million. UMNO secretary-general Annuar Musa has announced that the party will sell more assets to boost its finance and cash-flow. UMNO members should start tracking where that money is being parked. Facing the likelihood of being declared illegal, Najib’s wide experience in money laundering is definitely useful in advising how to transfer cash out of UMNO to unknown entities. To fight the present government, UMNO and BN need truckloads of money to mobilize its supporters. Selling assets for cash is one thing. Siphoning them for the rainy day is another thing. The very fact that Najib’s appointment was done with such secrecy, so much so that even Razaleigh was kept in the dark, speaks volumes that the crook’s mission isn’t just to blow his horn about “Bossku”. - FT
Dr.M jelaskan mengapa orang Melayu perlu bersatu di bawah PPBM, dan juga mencelah jawapan Anwar Ibrahim sama ada beliau akan menukar dasar selepas mengambil alih kuasa.
Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Raja Permaisuri Agong berkenan menganjurkan 
sambutan hari jadi secara mengejut untuk Dr.M di Istana Negara
Sumber asal: Antara Kes Rogol Dan Kes Semburit... Baca selebihnya di Antara Kes Rogol Dan Kes Semburit...
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mengskuniverse · 7 years
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Last Fall
He sat there on a bench in the cold morning air, nursing a cup of hot coffee. The park was surreal in the morning like it was from another world and how everything that any body did has a curtain mysticism that tugs on a chord deep inside you.
He lift the coffee to his fair face to fight off the cold and though it did little to fend it off, it comforted him none the less. It reminded him of warm hands that used to keep him warm. Of hands that fend of the cold and intertwines perfectly in between his fingers. Of vague figures in his head that he cant piece together. Of people from a past life that refuses to be forgotten. All of this kept him warm.
He sat there for an hour until a unknown feeling deep inside told him to go home, that he's waiting for nothing. But he told himself "just another hour". So he sat there, his coffee now cold from the morning air.
Then the tugging in his inner chords rang louder, telling him to go home. This time, he followed. He took a cigarette from his pocket, then a lighter. He cupped his hand and lit the cigarette, took a long puff and stood up. Leaves crushing beneath his feet, he leaves.
The walls reek of cigarettes and paint. Though the smell of moving boxes over powered it temporarily. Erick was in the middle of the clutter, sorting his clothes from books. Beside him is his phone and a Bluetooth speaker. It was playing Lua by Bright Eyes, the tempo set his speed as he sort the stuff into the boxes. He never realized how much stuff he had and how much clutter he accumulated over the years. Small trinkets from events, sample prints for posters he designed and random key chains as souvenirs that friends brought home. Some of them went to a separate box except for a chosen few.
In the middle of his packing a knock on the door came. "It's open" Erick said. A girl in her mid 20s came into the room, long hair, black rimmed glasses that framed her face perfectly and a black shirt that says "Pessimism".
"Malcom couldn't make it. He said he had to band practice." said the girl.
"It's so like him to ditch me, even for the last time." said Erick as he lowered the volume on the speakers. "Well atleast I have you to help me Yan."
"I'm only here for the free coffee you promised." She looked around the room and grabbed a marker, looked inside one of the boxes and labeled it "Shirts". "You don't have a lot of stuff do you?"
"Well graphic design doesn't pay well." said Erick. "Plus most of my money goes to a freakin Creative Suites account since the ad council has been strict with pirated softwares."
"That doesn't seem to stop you from buying cigarettes and coffee." Yan said as she taped some of the boxes. She proceed to another box and checked the inside of it. It was filled with art books and a paper that had an address on it. "Do you really want to go to New York?"
"Mom has always bugged me on moving there for so long. Might as well put my dual citizenship to good use right?" said Erick. "That and a couple of other reasons."
"Couple of reasons?"
"I'm not leaving just because of that, ok?"
"Well it did contribute the most. Didn't it?"
"Can we not get into right now?" Erick lit a cigarette. Yan went over to him and took the cigarette before he could puff another. She look a puff and sat in front of Erick. Erick took another and lit it up. "This is called running away." said Yan.
"No. This is called forgetting." said Erick before taking a puff.
"I've known you for so long, you're not one to forget." Yan stood up and returned to the boxes.
Erick blew a long smoke and whispered under his voice "I can try."
Yan's phone suddenly ran. Her ring tone was the bass riff of Seven Nation Army by  The white stripes. She had a different ringtone for each person. "Yan, Malcom's calling." said Erick as he picked up his own phone. He changed the song to Seven Nation Army.
"Zup ditcher? Having fun not packing boxes?" said Yan as she put Malcom on speaker. "Can totally feel your fun all the way here. Listen I'll make it up to you tonight, come over to the QX, Tracy called us up for a gig. Booze's on me."
"I rather have coffee man." said Erick without looking up from the boxes. "I'll bring a bottle of Bailey's if that'll get you to come out." said Malcom from the speakers. "Fuck." he whispered. "Fine, I'm in." "Awesome, see you there." Said Malcom. Before Yan pressed the red button on her phone, "And Yan, don't bring Joshua, he's an asshole, bye." Then the call got cut off.
"You're still dating him?" said Erick. Yan sighed and took a long puff as he took Erick's phone. "Well, we got back together. Malcom was so busy with his band and you're always zoned out since 'that' happened. Needed someone to talk to." Yan scrolled through Erick's playlist and changed it a Gising by Autotelic.
"But he's such a prick. So clean and organized. He's practically the complete opposite of me."
"That's the point." There was a long awkward silence.
They continued to pack with the music on the background. Suddenly it stopped. They didn't bother to check why it stopped. They continued in silence. The silence was unsettling especially on the 30th floor where the noise of the street below doesn't reach them. Just the sound of the wind and the occasional plane flying by.
Then in the middle of the silence, Yan started humming a familiar tune. A tune they both knew. It started slow with a single note dragging a few seconds then a few melodies entered. Erick stood up and lit a cigarette. Walked to the corner of the room where a digital piano lay on the floor. Yan didn't notice this so it took her by surprise when his fingers caressed the first note. She stopped for a moment and smiled and continued humming. And as the melody continues its crescendo, Yan started to sing:
We saw them coming from miles away, With hearts on their faces and minds out of place. So don’t give me a reason to stay To be fooled by them and take my mind away Because only in your heart, my mind is at bay.
Erick entered:
Steal your heart dear, I know you're at bay For I am a fool for letting you stay When the winds wants you what more can I say But to look down on my feet and walk away
Erick stopped playing. "We should really finish writing that song." said Yan. "I rather not." said Erick before continuing packing.
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Our interview with the Weedo Games team, the creators of Shoot the Dragons
Do you remember our recent review of an insanely high-quality shooter game called Shoot the Dragons? You do!? Perfect! because today we’d like to share with you our interview with the amazing developers of this super high-end game.
Today’s interview may just be the most in-depth review of a single game we have ever done, so if you are interested in making an insanely high end-game, this is an interview you can’t miss.
If you’d like to check out our review of Shoot the Dragons, you can do that here.
Before we start, we’d like to thank the Weedo Games Team for participating in our interview, and for spending some of their valuable time answering our questions. Thanks guys!
Now without any further ado, our interview begins.
  The Interview
Ok first up, why did you decide to make Shoot the Dragons?
We made this game due to three ideals that drove us:
– Firstly, in our opinion a classic idea never really dies, it is just reborn in a new form. We wanted to make a game filled with classic gameplay but packed with our humor and with a modern design. 
– Secondly, we wanted to make a good game, but at the same time more than just a game. We got inspired by not only gaming and the classics found in there but also the passions that are found in the rest of our lives, rock music, dancing, soccer, and beauty. 
-Lastly, we wanted to bring back the joy that can be found just enjoying a really good game, just because it’s a mobile game doesn’t mean that it can’t be immersive to its players. 
How long did it take you to create the Super-Smooth Graphics in Shoot the Dragons?
We have an amazing Art and Design team who have gone through three periods to create the graphics that you see in the game now: 
-First off we spent half a year on research. We analyzed the graphics issues of currently existing mobile Shump games already out there. 
-Next, we spent a whole year designing this game and the characters and items within it. We’ve created over 4 prototype games and then reworked, updated and refined their graphics many times. 
-Last of all, in order to ensure that players can enjoy a great gaming experience, we then spent six months in development with certain players, where we continually listened to the player’s feedback and suggestions to optimize and improve our game through numerous rounds of testing (unfortunately building a game, especially a good one takes a lot of time and even more effort). 
Even now, we constantly update and improve our game (especially the Graphics and User Interface areas), so we really hope Edamame users can also help us to continuously improve the game with any feedback or ideas they would like to contribute!
Was Shoot the Dragons supposed to be a “simple” game from the beginning? Or did it develop over time?
We always wanted to make a game which can be enjoyed by the hardcore gamers out there, but also by the casual player and everyone in between. 
We have adjusted the difficulty curve on the game to allow anyone to be able to pick up and play the game, but we also want those that are our long-term players still to get enjoyment and be challenged by it. 
To do this we created a non-linear difficulty curve for the game. Instead of simply getting harder the further along the player gets, the difficulty flows in peaks and troughs to provide a more varied, and we believe fun experience. 
As new players progress and get more familiar with the game and can upgrade the character and his multitude of buddies that accompany him the game becomes easier, however, the further you progress in the game the greater the difficulty and larger the challenges facing our hero become.
Now for some geeky questions. What programming language and or software did you use when making Shoot the Dragons?
OK, geek out time! The game engine is Cocos2d with the programming mainly being obj-C and Lua.
The issue with COcos2d though is that it isn’t suitable for cross-platform applications. We want to provide the best gaming experience across multiple platforms when we are finished, so to be able to do this we plan to move the game engine from Cocos2d over to Unity.
Ok, here is a difficult question. What was the hardest problem you needed to overcome when developing Shoot the Dragons?
After a heated debate across the team, we finally (after agreeing that each part can indeed be difficult lol) came to the joint decision that the one thing that caused the most problems was our game design with what we wanted to accomplish with ‘Shoot The Dragons’.
We wanted to be a successor to the classic games of old but needed to remove elements which did not work well on the mobile platforms’ features. During pre-launch we listened to the feedback our testers were giving us and added this into our game as well also designing more varied experiences in-game ourselves for the players. When all these elements combined the design became more complicated as different elements mixed together. Making these elements work together in harmony was for sure one of the hardest tasks we faced. Seeing the feedback now from both the media and our players makes us glad we stuck with what we wanted to try and do, even if it was a challenging and at times sleepless process… it was fun to get here at the end!
Last question. Where do you get your inspiration or ideas from?
Our inspiration we took from many things, both in the computer game world and outside of it. 
-For the game design, we looked at games like Rayman Legend and the awesome Ratchet and Clank series (which helped us with the initial Buddies idea of a support character), classic games which were our starting point of the whole project included Salamander and Metal Slug. 
-Outside of gaming, we have been inspired by characters in films, especially the superhero genres when working out what makes a good hero! Our art team are massive fans of Pixar as the characters and humor found in some of their films is certainly unique, just like us! 
-An idea of some inspiration that struck us, was the creation of one of the bosses during the European Cup last year. Iceland’s team with their unique yet devastating ‘Viking Clap’ just called out to be put into the game somehow, so we came up with the ‘Viking Walrus’ character loosely based on their team captain with the clap as one of his special abilities.
We are so glad you did because the Viking Walrus is our favorite character! ❤️
A few words to Shoot the Dragons fans on Edamame Reviews.
-First off, guys, please give us a 5* review if you love us! ;) Lol, just joking there. We totally believe that the quality of a game is always the core point, so constantly work on improving and refining ‘Shoot The Dragons’ as part of our goal of trying to make the best ‘SHUMP’ (sideways scrolling shoot-em-up) out there. 
-Also, we are working on developing and implementing some new and very interesting systems such as the ability to steal the bosses skills after you have defeated and captured them (Exclusive future news only for Edamame’s readers there!) 
-In the meantime, our team constantly works on creating new and interesting content for the game which we put out on a regular basis to keep the game fresh and interesting, be it new buddies, new characters or new baddies to try and beat. We guarantee our players that there is a lot more to come in 2017 for ‘Shoot The Dragons’ and you will love it!
Lastly a few words on how you feel about Edamame Reviews and our service.
We really appreciate the review that you have given our game and the unbiased reviews that you give to all games you test. It’s given us invaluable feedback so thank you, Guys! Also, the interview is a chance to tell the story around the game and share this with your readers and this for any game developer is such a great opportunity to expand on the processes that are behind the game you play on your device. Thanks again for allowing us the chance to do this Edamame!
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You are more than welcome guys! Thank you for this extremely in-depth interview!
Are you inspired to give you ready to give Shoot the Dragons a try? The download link is just below😉
Let us know what you thought in the comments section below and as always thanks for following edamame.club
Interview with Weedo Games, the creators of Shoot the Dragons Our interview with the Weedo Games team, the creators of Shoot the Dragons
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