#total ripoff and lies
arrowpunk · 8 months
Anybody else feel really lied to as a child when they ate spinach for the first time and it didn't immediately make them jacked as hell like popeye the sailor or was that just me and my little brother?
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menherasy · 6 months
original callout post is by @menheratic !! if you want more info, please ask them. i am merely reuploading the original callout post of ezaki. please do check out the link of the jp community calling him out in 2019 ^^ https://togetter.com/li/1327770
! The following post talks about the various bad things that Menhera-chan's creator, Ezaki Bisuko, has done.
Here a japanese summary of all the shit he did so far, including but not limited to:
• registering Yamikawaii as trademark
• sending his fans after gyaru YouTuber Usatani to harass her into a suicide attempt over unknowingly buying a shirt with stolen PPG fanart he drew
• himself buying products with stolen art, even promoting their sales, because it’s totally ok when he does it
• the reason why Usatan’s original design was changed aka it was a ripoff of Cult Party’s iconic rabbit mascot that was designed by their artist Maromika-chan
• wrote a whole guide on how to legally get away with sex work as child
• proof of him tracing art for the more detailed MCH artworks
• how he attended the Menhera Exhibit only to smear misogynist bullshit with blood on maxipads
• complaining about how anime for little girls are evil feminist agenda TM because ain’t nobody need men to be saved anymore
• boasting about being a fashion designer only selecting the finest fabrics for his merch when it’s actually made by the japanese equivalent of Redbubble
• “parody” works featuring child characters like Chibi Maruko-chan prostituting themself, the message being all women are whores regardless of age for the right amount of money
• the small “terms and conditions” shield he has at his con booths where you agree that you need to buy anything you touch
• how he setup an earthquake victim fundraiser only to keep the money
• telling his english fans they are not allowed to use any of his art for private use, like as icon, unless they pay him
• how he wants to move to the US when he turns 30 because of all the evil haters TM in Japan
• copyright claiming everyone left and right
• japanese Menhera speaking out about he keeps hurting the community
In regards of the maxi pads:
TW, CW // nooses, misogynistic text in red on maxipads
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Our favorite being the second row second one, “Abortion is murder”.
Some more recent event: When he started harassing and hating on disabled people after Tokyo Fashion translated a Tweet of his because being disabled is discriminating yourself.
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It’s like a trainwreck that refuses to end, now with 100% more crypto on NFT while shitting on those who warn about the dangers.
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His NFT sales can be found here: https://foundation.app/@bisuko_ezaki
For some reason, after 7 years, he also decided to re-release the infamous wrist-cut bracelet to sell at events. The leader of the Neo-Decora group bought one for example:
TW // Bracelet that imitates sh, includes blood
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Also keeps doing collabs with “Tokyo Uragawa” under Yamiko so Seigi (Mental illness is justice), which focuses on self-harming girls as fetish objects.
TW, CW // drawn sh
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Recently, he also wrote a long-article on his definition of Yamikawaii:
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Still not sure where overseas people got “this is about mental health awareness” from, might be based on mistranslations because the word for mental health and illness is one in the same, and his definition is about glorifying mental illness. In fact, this is why he was banned from Tumblr because he kept posting other people’s self-harm photos to his aesthetic blog Menherabusu.
Next up: Made suicide baiting posts over his following decreasing in the hopes of getting attention, fans sent him photos of cute animals to cheer him up, and he decided to post about destroying the pictures.
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Tbh, this list could go on forever as he does this kind of bs on an almost daily basis now, but apparently people don’t care enough to stop throwing money at him.
Meanwhile the Japanese community made a whole Wiki for tracking all of his drama considering how much it is by now.
TW // mention of shotacon
Decided to nickname himself Shotabi, the name being a combination of Shotacon and Bisuko, while using nsfw anime edits of male child characters in sexual situations as decor for his selfies.
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Is it ok to still like Menhera-chan?
Sure, the problem is really only Ezaki himself and his increasing problematic remarks fueled by his ego, the manga is a lot older than him being like that.
Fun fact: Ezaki actually hates Menhera-chan because it's the only thing he ever gets approached for by the media, he constantly rants about this on Twitter. If you have noticed, he barely makes new MCH content anymore (unless he gets paid for it) and mainly reposts old artworks and fanart (without permission) instead because it's the only way he can still get attention as his other works, like the misogynist Manapisu, which is just him hating on women as "dumb wh*res" as a manga, flopped badly.
Just try to not fund his bs by buying new goods.
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alex-multiverse · 8 months
Dumb concept for a magical girl
So, yesterday i decided to watch "The magical revolution of the reincarnated princess and the genius girl" and after realizing that anis is "a little messed up actually" i wondered, has there been any darkness themed magical girl that wasnt a villain? (Only one i kinda know is sailor saturn but i really dont know any other so please feel free to tell me if theres any non-edgy MG show with darkness as a main power going on)
SO, i decided to try to come up with something: A sailor moon-ish ripoff magical girl concept except the main girl's main powers are darkness and demon themed and shes the hero. Also totally not heavily inspired in persona 5 because i cant help myself
Note: this is all made for fun and kinda sorta goncharoved a whole ass franchise while i was at work today, enjoy
Our protagonist is a 16 year old girl named yosuru yoruhime (because pun names are fun) who one day can turn into a magical girl by quite literally making a deal with a devil to protect her best friend from an angel-like monster. Armed with a trident, and using shadows to bind the creature, she killed the monster and saw it morph back into a girl (she was a bully shown earlier in act 1 of the episode), something something using darkness to purge corrupting light from her heart.
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(shittyly made concept art of mc yosuru, drawn in paint)
were this made into a show, it would be a 24 episode season that slowly introduces the side characters, which include the other 4 members of her entourage of magical girls themed around other monsters (ie, a fire girl that is a red oni while theres also an ice girl that is a blue oni) and her bestie who ends up being manipulated into turning an angelic magical girl and ends in a gay magical girl fight a la symphogear. most of the show would be a monster of the week scenario with slow hints of the big bad group themed after the inner circles of angels, the monsters are "angelized" people who get so deluded in their self righteousness they turn into people who think are allowed to smite anyone who disagrees and can turn people into a mob that adore them. Most of the non fight part of the show would feature yosuru doing stuff like, being lazy at school, getting sent to detention, going to her friends important events and being gay with her best friend/future rival Gabrielle
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(even more hastily concept art)
around episode 15 there gabrielle should be introduced as a "rival" for our group, and on the course to the end of the series it should have a "best friend girl/crush is betrothed to some anime man who is obviously evil and she has no real choice about it but she doesnt want to be there" plot. which most of the climax before their fight revolves around them in an aquarium school trip that ends with yosuru revealing her identity on accident to her and leads to the fight
something something 3 episodes before finale they fight except not really because yosuru cant harm her bestie, and ends the fight crying over her in a hug, and in the finale they join forces along with the other side girls to kill the giant monster version of the fiancee who was the true mastermind of the whole operation with a light/darkness magic combo. final scene of episode ends with a kiss during tanabata in summer, and a season 2 stinger in the post credits....
The overall theming of the whole series is about the repression of the individual for the sake of societal order and the conflict that lies within, with yosuru being a vigilante that constantly fights monsters who want to make the world bend to their wills and how everything should work, and how we should never bow down to anyone else's desires but ours, and live our best lives with the ones we love.
also, like, magical girl yuri guys. its not that complicated
The gang are the typical 5 men gang, with a fiery bancho girl with a heart of gold, a sarcastic icey bookworm that is tsundere for the bancho, A straightforward thinking gun user (a la mami from madoka) and a hikikomori lightning girl who is both fascinated by the gun girl, and also dumbfounded (basically the dynamic that yusuke and futaba have in p5, but with lesbians) And of course all their names are pun names:
Yosuru yoruhime
Gabrielle hikariyama
Himeko atsui
Honsuki kanrei
Yumi ite
Kairo denki
AND for autenticity's sake, i also made them 4kidz names for funsies:
nancy nightley
gaby highgraces
Hestia Heatmore
Libra colden
Carol electra
(Yumi doesnt get one because im not smart enough to make "bow shoot" into a pun name in america)
I could come up with more stuff but i would have to come up with it first.
Anyway please enjoy the mad ramblings of a man who liked symphogear and has a fondness for the tropes of magical girl stuff
(Special thanks to @lolapinta for also enabling my brainrot a bit)
Thanks for reading
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syrupspinner · 5 months
i defeated Fae Tactics
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i love how many tactics games need to put "tactics" in their title. imagine that with any other genre.
so theres a genre of indie game i like to call "that ratatouille gif". i have attached it for your convenience
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you know what i mean. Bloodstained, Yooka-Laylee, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Palworld, its a whole thing. this is a dangerous genre to classify things into, because theres a very thin line between "taking heavy inspiration" and "being a sequel". like, its easy to say that Paradise Killer is a Kill The Past game with that got sent to the wrong address in the morphogenetic field. theres the moon symbolism, the assassins, theres literally a silver case for gods sake. but i cant call it a ripoff because it brings so much unique to the table with the worldbuilding, presentation, and gameplay.
thats how i feel about Fae Tactics. when it first lit that spark, inspiring me to play it for as many hours as i could as many days as i could until i finished it, i felt my childhood. i remember one of the first video games i ever owned: final fantasy tactics a2 grimoire of the rift. i played the ass off of that game, expiring everthing you could do multiple times over. it inspired a lifelong respect for the tactical rpg in my bones, and Fae Tactics scratched an itch ive been feeling for a while
i dont want to give the impression that im nostalgia blind, thats not the case at all. comparing a trpg to final fantasy tactics (even what i consider the worst game in retrospect - man the law mechanic was a pain) is like comparing a fighing game to street fighter. remember that time capcom tried to sue someone who made a fighting game that stole too many mechanics and design elements from street fighter 2. the court said, paraphrased, "sf2 was so influential on the genre that MOST games have street fighter mechanics now. like, platformers with powerups arent ripping off mario, that just how platformers work now." yeah thats what fft did too.
what im saying is, the game takes the fundamentals of the genre as estalished by its best examples, and builds on them in unique and engaging ways. monsters have a random chance of dropping cards, which lets you equip them as summons for the next battle. its great to have more experimental low-stakes party members. instead of focusing all your valuable main character slots on healers if youre going into a heavy damage fight, you can just bring a bunch of water summons to power through it and support your glass cannons until they end the fight pronto. or, you can have a lot of ranged summons that suppliment your tankier party members; or expendable summons to distract enemies while you buff your party. this is a huge strength of any tactical game - letting you stratagize in a way that is functional to your playstyle.
something id like to note is that there are tons of mechanics, but i only felt overwhelmed at the very beginning. by fight, like, three? i was totally in sync with the games tools and how to use em. this is tough. i remember by playthrough of zanki zero, where i got so overwhelmed by shikabane and character relationship gene splicing and the crafting mechanic and the cloning and the aging and the attack windup and those stupid tentacle attacks that i just fizzled out and gave up trying to comprehend stuff (until chapter six, but im getting distracted). i never saw a new mechanic in Fae Tactics that made me think "whats the point? im not doing this". instead, i was always interested in how i can use this new element to enhance my gameplay. its that classic theory of Get To vs. Have to. i never had to do the cooking minigame every time i slept - i got to play a game where i boosted my partys stats.
so how about the story? i think it was pretty good! each continent that you can explore has its own little isolated plot, and while it all connects in the end, i was worried it would fall into the same trap that i felt saints row 2 did. it didnt feel like you had a gang, it felt like you had 3 friends who all did their own thing and you helped. i think this is managed in the most effective yet realistic way - have peony as the center of the communication because its just her personality. shes doing the talking because shes just a friendly person with leadership skills. also like 1/3 of her party cant talk. the only hurdle then is making everyone feel too isolated - i wont lie, there are shades of that, but i think letting the characters relax in the background if they arent immediately relevant to a scene is a good compromise of this. like, your dog chico doesnt always show up in cutscenes unless they have a weapon upgrade or something. thats fine, cuz like, theyre a dog. itd waste everyones time if everyone chimed in every time anything happened. so its not like gat is inexplicably uninterested in the non-ronin gangs, its just that characters are allowed to be offstage if they dont have any lines. it really helps the group feel more cohesive and friendly, and in general it feels less like oure going on mission sidequests waiting for the area to clean and instead youre going on a real ass adventure
also, if i can be candid, matilda is one of the most badass characters ive ever seen. i love how her intro quest brings so much validity to the scrap youve been collecting so far as more than just "upgrade points". it really builds up peonys compassion and heroism when she puts in that much work to save the life of a stranger, and the time limit adds so much urgency while still being very generous, at least to my collectathon playstyle. finally i just love her character conceptually. shes a fairy that esentially rides her own iron lung like a mecha. the fact that shes lowkey the best ranged fighter in the game doesnt hurt.
closing thoughts. i was insane about this game when i first played it. like, i cannot bring myself to play anything else because im so enraptured about this game. im talking "oh yeah i guess i havent had a meal today" at midnight. thats how you know that youve got a very special game. also that i am very autistic.
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endless-minds · 2 years
WIP Title tag game!
I was tagged by @dramaticvoiceover! Thanks for the tag!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oh boy. All of them?? D-do you know how many I have?? We are going to be here for a while, bro.
Ok well here’s the WIPs I’ve at least mentioned on this blog:
Samantha & Yuki
Book 1: A Call to Adventure
Untitled S&Y Book 2
A Normal Story
And here’s... all the others:
Cuentos aztecas modernas (Modern Aztec Tales)
Ayer el mundo se murió (The World Died Yesterday)
The Monsters on Forrest Street
A Road to Somewhere
The Rise of Mitalun
What Lies Ahead
Dreams Long Gone
Breaking the Fourth Wall
that one story with the mage and the robot
the story with the bug duo (them!)
that one other story with the guardians
that new story with the ghosts
that other story that is totally not a ripoff of another game’s story
I tag...oh boy...uhh @writing-is-a-martial-art, @asomeoneperson, @abalonetea, @ink-flavored, @quilloftheclouds, @writing-with-melon, @corishadowfang, @lekhaisprocrastinating, @odysseywritings, @pagesofcursive, @galaxy-writer, @livvywrites, @keyboardandquill, @lowslore, @kudzupocalypse, @ratracechronicler, @henrike-does-writing-sometimes, @a-completely-normal-writer, @writerfae, @zmwrites, and @wildswrites. -wheeze- NO PRESSURE, IF YOU DON’T WANNA DO IT, YOU DON’T HAVE TO AND THAT IS OK!!! <3
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altercation-bureau · 2 years
When I was a kid I liked the idea of beat-em-ups but the original 90s ones always got old after just a few levels--you start off with ten moves and besides maybe finding some better weapons later that’s all you get as you face down hoards of enemies and bosses. This game solves that with a Mega-Man-ripoff-inspired system in which defeating certain bosses grants you the ability to use their special abilities, channeled through Magic Belts with color schemes homaging the famous characters inspiring the moves; here Maxi-Belle shows off the Belt of the Damaging Aura, inspired by Street Fighter’s Blanka. Only one belt can be active at a time, but they can be swapped at any time (ideally without having to pause every time, but I’m not sure if there should be an inventory screen or not)
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(Originally they were going to be Masks as used in Italian Carnival, but I never could come up with a design that I liked)
In-universe the belts are part of the magic of Fleischverzug Tuesday, that enchanted time of year in Wassnabeu when traditional characters come to life in the parades and festivities for whimsical mock-battles. Each one has its own power meter (again, 100% ripping off Mega Man here) which can be recharged with another icon of the holiday season: colorful Wax Tulips.
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What powers will the Belts grant? The list keeps changing, as well as which boss has what, but the current roster:
Fireball (Ryu, thousands of his clones): whatever gang leader is driving the Fire-Breathing Dragon
Freeze Ray (Sub Zero): whatever gang leader is driving the Ice-Breathing Dragon
Head Stomp (M. Bison and the Mario Bros): leader of the Pierrot Méchant Outlaw Acrobatics Society
Spin Attack (Crash Bandicoot): ???
Dash Attack (Dante in Smash): probably the Spineshark Scooter Gang
Damaging Aura (Blanka): ???
Get Over Here (Scorpion, Yoshi): whatever gang leader is driving the Tractor-Beam-Breathing Dragon
Super Uppercut (Ryu again, using Ken for the colors I guess, but couldn’t most MK characters do it too? “Toasty”???): this Boxer, probably to be adapted into the leader of Die Frosche Boys since this was also big in  “Battletoads”
Rapid Jab Storm (E. Honda’s slaps, Chun Li’s kicks): ???
Shockwave Stomp that destabilizes enemies, stunning them briefly (I thought this was a standard move but uhhh Roy Koopa?): a sassy socialite I haven’t designed yet
Invincible Statue Mode (Tanuki Suit): the Living Statue Gang
Homing Projectile (Halo Needler): Marguerita Kuzushi, City Badminton Champion
Wasps, a ring of them that circles you as a protective aura that damages enemies (Mega Man’s Wood Man, Skull Man, Plant Man, etc.): ???
Ghost-Eater (Pac-Man): the Phantom of Toteschnüffler Falls although I’m not totally sure how a ghost would get it to begin with, maybe left behind by a failed ghost-hunter?
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Movie Review | Soul Brothers of Kung Fu (Hua, 1977)
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The last two Bruceploitation movies I watched, True Game of Death and Enter the Game of Death, were about what I expected from the genre. They're clear ripoffs of Bruce Lee's actual movies that restaged specific sequences. Though they differed in quality (the latter was quite a bit better than the former) and had their pleasures (the latter more so than the former), they were definitely of the schlockier vein. Neither movie approached any respectable notions of quality (not that they needed to). Which makes Soul Brothers of Kung Fu a pleasant surprise. In the grand scheme of things it's not substantially more polished than those other movies, but you can see the filmmakers putting in actual effort into the end product and treating the material with a certain seriousness. It's a better and more ambitious movie than it needed to be.
The plot follows three migrants newly arriving in Hong Kong and struggling to eke out an existence. One of them, played by Bruce Li, runs into some mob goons beating up on a young black man played by Carl Scott. After he fends off the goons, he decides to take Scott under his wing and teach him self defense. During their practice on a rooftop, Li ends up demolishing a celebratory watermelon brought by his girlfriend in order to demonstrate his nunchaku technique. Li is a mostly sympathetic figure in this movie, but this is a total asshole move. (This visual is astutely reused in a later fight scene to provide some gruesome punctuation.) Li finds some success as a competitive fighter, but any happiness is purely transitory. You see, the mobsters did not take lightly to Li's insult, and begin to close in on Li and his friends over the course of the movie. One rather effective scene has the main villain train a protege to fight, and you can contrast the warmth between Li and Scott with the cruelty being instilled in this scene. I understand there are two cuts of the movie, with alternately upbeat and downbeat conclusions. I watched the one with the downer ending, and it felt true to the preceding story.
Li is considered the most respectful of the Bruce Lee imitators, and compared to the over the top antics of Bruce Le in Enter the Game of Death, you can see him trying to turn in an actual dramatic performance instead of just an imitation. It's a pretty effective one, although hampered a bit by the dubbing. (Li fares better than Carl Scott, who is saddled with a voiceover artist who initially aims for the "wise guy, eh?" cadence of the Three Stooges.) The movie actually resists excessive Lee imitation at first, although it starts to cave in when Li's character reads a book about Lee, gets asked about his Lee influence in a post-fight interview, and spends the last act of the movie in tracksuits that resemble ones worn by Lee in his movies. The movie is also not immune to schlock, particularly in a training sequence that has Li practice his "Iron Finger" technique with a dummy that makes a beeping noise when he hits it in the crotch and two little red nubs pop out from where the testicles should be. (This visual is also reused in a later fight scene.)
But at the same time, its meager production values give it a certain tension, even if it tries to hide the low budget with Bill Conti's score from Rocky. Hong Kong in this movie is depicted as a cruel, predatory place, and the fight scenes here, which are surprisingly grisly and have a certain gymnastic quality to their choreography, feel especially bruising when staged in the claustrophobic slums and industrial settings that populate this movie. This is not a feel good movie, but I admit by the end I was fairly moved.
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highdio · 4 years
Could you elaborate on what you said about Dio being somewhat inspired by Holmes?
Sure. My reply’s a little quote-heavy, but it helps establish Araki’s own thinking. Most are from a 2019 Kotoba Magazine interview.
Basically Dio's prototype, BT, is based directly on Sherlock Holmes. For Araki, it's deeper than just an reference: he credits Holmes as the 'guardian spirit' of his life as a mangaka:
If I hadn't read Holmes when I was a boy, I don't know that I would have become a manga artist, or could have drawn 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.'
Regarding 'BT,'
I can say it proudly now, Devil Boy BT, my first serialized comic for Weekly Shonen Jump, was a total 'Sherlock Holmes' ripoff. The main character, BT, is Holmes and his companion, Koichi-kun, is Watson. Even his outfits, like the checked suit and hat BT wears in his first appearance, are influenced by Holmes.
Araki learned some lessons from Doyle, like the importance of creating attractive characters and how having a narrator character like Watson allows the MC to retain an aura of mystery, by not having to say too much himself about his own motivations. But imo what's most important to both BT and Dio is how Araki describes Holmes:
What makes Holmes amazing is that he may be a genius, but he's also clearly an asshole.
For Araki, Holmes is a compelling hero because he's not a 'good' guy. Instead, he's sort of a jerk, with antisocial tendencies and a host of faults.
Araki applies this 'charismatic genius who's also an asshole' model to BT, who's a sort of an amateur magician/detective/con artist-type boy hero ... and, later, to Dio. BT's an early version of Dio in every way: his speaking style, his personality and mannerisms, his ego, his intelligence and even his physical appearance (visually, BT’s like a super-simplified version of Dio:
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And BT is evil. The series is called 'Devil Boy BT' for a reason, and in every interview I've read re: BT, Araki straight-up refers to him that way:
a bad boy who uses his intellect to outdo his opponents and win through trickery. I aimed for a theme of evil defeating evil. ... The response I got [from Jump's editorial team] was that a 'devil boy' had no place in a wholesome shonen magazine that held to the principles of friendship, effort and victory.'
It's worth mentioning that, for Araki, Evil is simply an alignment: you can have a Devil Boy as your series' hero just as easily as you can have a man who's the 'devil incarnate' as your series' villain. It's their choices - how to act and what to value - and not their evilness that define their roles as either hero or villain.
BT's 'bad' side is what makes him an engaging, even charming, protagonist: 
I titled the series 'Mashōnen' (Devil Boy) because I thought having a hero who's a genius and a ‘good guy’ would be boring.
Araki says he learned that by reading the Holmes series.
ofc when I said Dio's *somewhat* inspired by Holmes, I'm acknowledging the degrees of separation between Sherlock Holmes and Dio - Dio's based on BT who's based on Holmes. Those degrees are pretty significant. BT lies, steals, poisons and maims but he never made a lady eat her own baby. Unlike Holmes and his devil boy successor, Dio's solidly, unapologetically, in the Villain category. But it's worth noting that, when he wrote Phantom Blood, Araki viewed Dio - like Holmes and BT - as a protagonist, with his own upward-rising story arc, rather than as an antagonist defined in opposition to a hero. imo Dio’s centrality to the story allowed Araki to carry over the 'charismatic asshole hero' formula he loved reading in Doyle's books to the ‘villain’ he wrote for his new series.
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vyglitchcraft · 4 years
More of Gantz's Coworkers
Again Designs will be coming later
Army of One
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Real Name: Nui Ito
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4
Alias: Army of One, Stitching Killer, Thread of Death
Nationality: Japanese
Job: Enforcer, Assassination
Weapon of Choice: Needles, Poisons
Bio: Nui has been a known serial killer for a long time, she's known to stitch together bodies and placing them in public in intricate ways. Her personality is very chaotic, she's cocky and psychotic but always smart and observant.
Likes: Sewing, Music, Shinto Shrines, Traditional Music
Hates: Fruits, Uselessly Expensive Things, Religious Chanting
Menhera Scythe
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Real Name: Niseki Akikawa
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8
Alias: Menhera Scythe, Happy Death, Nise-san/tan
Nationality: Japanese
Job: Tracking, Assassination
Weapon of Choice: Scythe
Bio: Niseki or Nise-san by her coworkers is a happy go lucky girl that's always oblivious to everything, it's unknown if she's faking this persona or not. She's fairly sadistic and seemingly always faking a smile and keeping a happy face (which fits for her name Nise = fake and Ki = joy)
Likes: Japanese Street Fashion, Carnival Rides, Festivals, Loud Places, Cute/Pastel Coloured Things
Dislikes: Masculine Clothes, Nui Ito (finds her personality "uncute"), Sports, Being Bored
Mirror & Dreams
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Real Name: Specchio and Sognare Gallo
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Specchio: Mirrors, The Ghost in The Reflections, The Fallen Gallo Twins
Sognare: Dreams, Freddy Kruger's Less Interesting Ripoff, The Fallen Gallo Twins
Nationality: Italian
Job: Enforcer, Interrogation, Intimidation
Weapon of Choice: N/A
Bio: The Gallo Twins were born from a high class and rich family (including their little brother Illusione that's a student council in Murashima Academy), the family had their reputation in stakes by the mafia from having a hefty unpaid debt that they can't pay, so Specchio and Sognare was forced to work for the mafia and currently working with a partner gang called The Urban Empire. They're basically copies of eachother and do things in perfect sync even when separated. Both are very professional and surprisingly loving for eachother, they treat everyone with respect but sometimes coming out as emotionless and cold.
Likes: Eachother, Expensive Meals, Suits, Champagne, Wine, Money
Hates: Disrespectful People, Liars, Blood/Gore, Modern Art
La Glace
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Real Name: Arctite Le Brillant
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Alias: Ice, Le Glace, Arctic, Diamond Death
Nationality: French, Russian
Job: Debt Collector, Treasurer (not really but similar), Information Gathering, Reputation Keeper (keeps the gangs reputation high/good)
Weapon of Choice: Long Sword
Bio: Arctite is one of the members that oversees the gangs money, his background is mostly unknown but it is known that he has a brother named Crystalline that works as a teacher in Murashima Academy. Same as his brother he usually teach new members and even help out some of the younger members in school or work outside of the gang. Although he comes out as cold he's very heartwarming and kind, having a high reputation with civilians as caring although strict and a bit cold but angered his whole persona will shatter and he'll be more sadistic and violent.
Likes: Money, Fashion Brands, Winter, Metal Smithing, Classical Music
Hates: Messy/Unorganized People, Action/Blockbuster Films, Oblivious Attitudes, Mindless Vandalism
Garden of Lies
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Real Name: Eden Kouris
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Alias: Garden of Lies, Siren of The Land
Nationality: Greek, Italian
Job: Information Gathering, Spy, Assassination
Weapon of Choice: Flora (able to control and create them like Giorno Giovanna)
Bio: Don't be fooled Eden is not the nice and shy boy that he may show himself to be. He's a cruel and sadistic man and a pathological liar. He keeps his past a secret so not much is known about him. He kills by luring other people to his garden using his charm then wrapping veins around them until they got crushed, so manipulative is also a part of his personality, although there are some reports of the shyness and niceness maybe a bit genuine.
Likes: Gardening, Being Alone, Books (Novels specifically), Tricking People, Pranks
Hates: Tobi (Finds him annoying), Loud Places, Sweets, Soft Drinks, Alcohol
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Real Name: Nathaniel Giordano
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11
Alias: Codifica, N, Giovanni
Nationality: Italian, American
Job: Hacker, Information Gathering, Recruiter, Interrogation
Weapon of Choice: N/A
Bio: Nathaniel (usually just called N) is one of the best hacker in the gang besides L. His personality can be described as very carefree, sarcastic (in a "bad bitch" way), and friendly. He usually gets along with anyone if he didn't talk about how he would brutally have sex with the person he's crushing on that week.
Likes: Snuff Films, L (best friend and works with him often), Women's Magazine, Expensive Perfumes, Chemistry, Anime
Hates: People that can't take a joke, Emotionless People, Drama, Musicals
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Real Name: Nicholas Dawn
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6′8
Alias: Nicotine, Nico
Nationality: African, Italian, American
Job: Drug Trade, Weapon Trade, Recruiter
Weapon of Choice: Razor Blades
Bio: Nico is the no joke boss of the trading team. He's always serious and professional, usually only doing things because he needs too. He comes from a fairly poor family which forced him into working with the gang. Besides as a recruiter he also train new members and fairly known as a good teacher albeit a very emotionless and almost oblivious teacher.
Likes: Metal, Rock, Weapon Smithing, Philosophy, Manipulation
Hates: Giving more than you have too, Laziness, Expensive Prices
Feed The Machine
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Real Name: Suiker Bakker
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Alias: Sugato (given by his classmates), Feed The Machine
Nationality: Dutch
Job: Overseer, Last Defense Guard, Debt Collector
Weapon of Choice: Metal Scraps
Bio: Sugato is one of the nicest person you'll ever meet, he's very sweet and caring which fits his name and uni major which is Culinary Arts. Although that is when he's in his normal mode, when using his powers his personality change from sweet to the total opposite. His power is to control anything he eats as long it's inside him (ie he eats some bolts, he'll able to control metal) but the side effects cause him to be more violent and sadistic, which he regrets.
Likes: Baking, Cooking, Giving Gifts, Teaching Others
Hates: Hurting Others (for no reason, he's weirdly ok with killing innocent people as long it has a reason), Not Thinking Before An Action, Mindless Vandalism
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So when I was an egg in high school, I created a self-insert OC named Yar Kramer. I used him for a bunch of RPs, and several works of fiction, only one of which I actually completed. There were like two sprite comics and one thing I made that was literally just "sprites + dialogue and descriptions of the action", plus an unpublished and incomplete novel.
The original original roleplay was on a Hitchhiker's Guide website called the H2G2, created by Douglas Adams as an attempt at realizing the eponymous Guide (which has been largely supplanted by Wikipedia). My username was originally "Adolescent White American [wronggender] Who Likes 47" (I liked the number 47 to its frequency in Star Trek); people shortened this to "Yankee Kid, likes 47" and subsequently "YK-47" and just "YK", which I backronym'd to "Yaradovich Kramer"[sic], after Yaridovich from Super Mario RPG and Cid Kramer from Final Fantasy 8. He was originally a coolkid Jedi in a red jacket, but at some point I retconned it to generic "psychic powers."
I also roleplayed him on a few RP MUDs, but I don't really remember any details there.
The "Original" Story
The novel was going to be called "Red Jacket", I think. "Yar Kramer" was a witness-protection alias, and his original name was Daniel Lancaster (hmmmm, someone's primary identity doesn't match their birth name!); he and his family had been forced to work for an evil organization called Project Robinson, which intended to create genetically-engineered espers for reasons I'm not sure about now. Project Robinson was led by an evil scientist called Dr. Krause and a computer named Mother Brain; I justified stealing the name "Mother Brain" because there were three unrelated video games which featured a character by that name (Metroid, Phantasy Star II on the Genesis, and Chrono Trigger).
The Grim Reaper was a woman who talked in underlined dialogue, and whacked people over the head with her scythe rather than actually reaping. She'd changed her form in the 1960s because she found the whole "skeleton" deal to be depressing. She had a black motorcycle with a flame pattern and the text "Pale Horse", and the souls she collected traveled in a pink sidecar which said "Binky" on the side in Comic Sans (where "Binky" is obviously a Discworld reference). When I created this in the 00's, there was totally nothing significant about a character who'd clearly changed her gender, nuh-uh.
Yar's love interest was Mackenzie Robinson, one of Project Robinson's creation. Despite the fact that the gummint had an active hand in extracting Yar's family from Project Robinson, there was some FBI/CIA spook called Agent Pinkerton who hounded Mackenzie like Inspector Javert. I know he had a classmate named Eckhart, who was this ratty-faced jerk with a heart of gold, who was inspired by one of my RL classmates.
I also found a half-written script for a comic, which gets as far as a prologue, followed by a scene which estalishes the witness protection business. Yar jokingly introduces himself Trigun-style as "Yaradovich Halvorsen Thompson-Stryfe-Gainsborough Donatello Leonard Raphael Michelangelo Farnsworth Anderson-Smith Jean-Luc Jones Solo Pepper Tibloxley Amelia Fayette-Mahoney Kierkegaard Williamtonshireworth Melora Kramer I." Wow. Let's see, "Halvorsen" and "Kierkegaard Williamtonshireworth Melora" are clearly made from whol cloth, and I'm not sure where "Jones" came from, but other than that, I can see in order ... Trigun (Thompson and Stryfe), Final Fantasy VII (Strife and Gainsborough), all four Ninja Turtles, Futurama, The Matrix, Star Trek, Star Wars, Cowboy Bebop (re-engrished "Pepelu Tivruski"), and Slayers. Again, wow.
First Reality
The "main" sprite comic, which was a sort of Final Fantasy parody made mostly in RPG Maker, and which ran from 2001 to 2004 on Keenspace. Yar Kramer was a "Neo-Samurai" (basically a ripoff of SeeD from Final Fantasy 8), fighting alongside a dude named Shigeru 'Gary' Oak (Gary Oak except as an adult, with a gunblade and dressed as Seifer Almasy, with no sign of any pokemon), and Tina Branford (Terra Branford without her tragic backstory).
The setting was incomprehensible if you didn't have detailed knowledge of Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8, and also Mega Man X; nearly every single place name was named after something from Final Fantasy except for Death Mountain, where they went to in order to get the Triforce (long story). A pink-haired goofy-and-hyperactive Celes Chere was the princess of Mysidia, and was a FF8-Sorceress; she frequently went in disguise as a thief named Fobby, and used a Reploid named Dancer as a body-double.
The main villain was named Darklumen, and his evil plan was to destroy the world by weakening the fabric of existence by leveraging sprite comic cliches, thus demonstrating that I have always been Like That. (The fact that I had a direct author avatar called the "Ultimate Guardian Force" with semi-omnipotent powers over the comic isn't even worth dwelling on, because omnipotent "author" characters are par for the course with sprite comics.)
The other party members: Kefka Palazzo, who was the court jester for Mysidia; Enerion Imusen, a half-Esper who was invented from whole cloth, who overcame his hangups about being half-esper with Tina's help before he got killed off by the bad guy; and "Rock Light" (because one of the reality-damaging sprite comic cliches was "Mega Man is present"), who was actually the Great Guardian Force Yu-Yevon in disguise for convoluted reasons.
In the ending, it's mentioned that Gary marries Princess Celes, and sort of vaguely implies that Yar ends up with Tina. (Tina made actual romantic overtures to Yar halfway through the comic, but they were interrupted by shallow comedy.)
I absolutely refused to let go of a running gag in which a male character would say something that broke the fourth wall, and at least one female character would immediately yell at him for doing so.
... I actually found some MIDI songs in the First Reality files which I personally composed. Well ... I say "composed", but the Darklumen final boss music was clearly based on the Super Smash Bros 1's Final Destination music with techno-twittering from All Your Base, one was based on a boss theme from Final Fantasy X combined with anime music, and Yar Kramer's personal themesong was chiefly based on Glyde's theme from The Misadventures of Tron Bonne.
The other sprite comic, hosted on a subdirectory of First Reality's site. The name came from Yar's evil twin, Ray Remark ("Yar" and "Kramer" spelled backwards), and also from the Japanese expression "yare yare" (translated in JJBA "good grief").
It was a shallow Bob and George-esque thing with Mega Man sprites, and invovled Yar's shenanigans opposite Ray Remark; a straightlaced roommate with blue hair named Elbert Ssab (I don't know where I got "Elbert" from, but I came up with "Ssab" after noticing that "Elbert" backwards is "Treble"); a Reploid named Jive who was an orange recolor of Zero from Mega Man Zero; and a girl in a pink shirt named Kira, whose character concept began and ended with "hyperactive blonde girl." At one point, there was a comic which depicted First Reality as an actual console RPG being played by Kira; this comic was then ported directly to First Reality.
I abruptly stopped updating it in the middle of a story arc in which Jive went off with a group Maverick Hunters which inexplicably included Zio from Phantasy Star 4, who was just there to be generically evil rather than actually pursuing any of his canonical goals.
Super Adventure Yar
And finally, the "sprites plus dialogue" thing. It used whatever anime, video game, and internet characters I was interested in at any given moment, and there were inserts from several people I knew online. All of whom were basically overpowered in some respect, i.e. one of the friend-inserts was literally just a redheaded Goku in a trench coat, except his Saiyan name was "Suckarot". It was the most absurd and ridiculous of these things.
Yar was your basic inexplicably-overpowered action-shounen protagonist, and people kept going "What!? Why is he so powerful!?" (If there was going to be an explanation, I never got a chance to give it and I don't remember what it was, but I doubt there was anything reasonable.) Of course, this was also true of pretty much every protagonist.
His fighting style involved throwing energy blasts, and his signature move was named "Island King Kamehameha", because I knew the etymology of the Dragonball attack, but the kind of creative person I was at the time was that nuance, self-awareness, and "general understanding of what I was putting into my stories" were something that happened to other people.
Mayl Sakurai was impulsively violent with a squeaky-mallet.
At one point, while the protagonists were discussing a plot point which Mayl wasn't present for, she said, "What the hell are you talking about?" and then tossed an entire burger into her mouth.
Cut Man's NetNavi was FishMan.exe.
Yar bought Chii Chobits from Strong Bad, who ran an unbelievably shady second-hand electronics store; Chii's copycat tendencies extended to copying other peoples' magic and superpowers.
He also bought a generic NetNavi and expressed the intention to customize it, but all sign of NetNavis were dropped after a few episodes.
The "ageless faceless gender-neutral culturally-ambiguous adventuring person" (AFGNCAAP) from Zork/Enchanter was one of the main characters. They frequently used spells from Enchanter such as "gaspar" ("provide for your own resurrection" -- basically like a Final Fantasy "Auto-Life" spell, but AFGNCAAP was also able to use it on others), "vaxum" ("make hostile creature friendly", and every single target which it actually worked on promised to kill them after it wore off), "krebf" ("repair willful damage"), and "talcor" (healing; this seems to be something I made up myself, because I can't find any references to it in Enchanter canon).
I insisted on using "he/she" and the like instead of just the singular "they", wow I was deep in the egg in 2004. But they did say "I don't have a gender" at one point!
Magus/Janus from Chrono Trigger was trying to take over the world using robotic Sinistars. His minions were "the Terrible Trio", which consisted of Onslaught from Marvel vs. Capcom 1, Dalton from Chrono Trigger, and Dynamo from Mega Man X.
I stole the "now I'm wet and on fire!" joke from the webcomic Adventurers! during a fight between Dalton and AFGNCAAP.
Magus got a Vegeta-style "suddenly I happen to be on the same side of the heroes" redemption with the sudden arrival of, um, the Saiyans. Starting with Raditz as just a retread of Dragonball Z.
After Raditz was beaten, he sent a message to Vegeta and "Zappa", who was just Nappa but with a terrible wig and an atrocious southern accent; I have no idea what I was going for there.
The planet Arlia from Dragonball Z was populated by clones of Alia from Mega Man X5. It had the same fate as in the show, namely that Vegeta and Zappa just casually blew it up after going on a rescue-a-princess quest.
There was an "It's a gundam!" joke there.
The Goku-expy friend-insert taught Yar how to fly Hitchhiker's Guide-style ("throw yourself at the ground and miss"), and how to use bullet-time.
Mayl trained under Magus. At one point, while she was fighting a friend-insert with a sniper rifle (who'd previously stolen everyone's wallets for no apparent reason), Magus remarked that she had "hidden potential" and noted that in her hands, her squeaky mallet was just as powerful as the sniper rifle.
Vash the Stampede showed up, and the plot promptly started getting derailed as everyone around him dropped everything to try to claim his $60 billion bounty (Onslaught, to Dalton and Dynamo: "We'll split it 50-50-50!").
At one point, Vash ran off with Chii for reasons that only slightly made sense in context, and Yar chased them to a town called Las Eisley.
The three of them got into a bar fight at a "restaulant"[sic] (I thiiiink this was originally actual engrish from Trigun itself?) which completely wrecked the building.
After the bar fight, Yar called up AFGNCAAP to make repairs using the krebf spell; AFGNCAAP asked, "Was all the damage willful?" and Yar replied, "Well, I definitely proceeded in the full knowledge that massive destruction would occur." Due to the rules of sprite-comic comedy, this was enough for krebf to work.
There was a "Dear Strong Bad, how do you type with boxing gloves on?" joke.
In the middle of everything else, I started writing an episode introducing Valkyries and Loki -- which displayed a surprisingly deep knowledge of Norse mythology on 18-year-old-me's part -- but I never finished it and my files don't even have the sprites for the main Valkyrie character, who was another friend-insert.
... All of these continuities just feel amazing to me in retrospect, because this is the kind of thing that can only happen in fanfiction. Only something using existing characters, our existing associations with these characters, can possibly reach this level of ridiculousness.
Which isn't to say it's all fun and games, though. I was a particularly un-woke Rotten Egg, which meant that there was rampant sexism, and lowkey fanservice. The concept might look fun, but the execution was invariably "the worst parts of the sprite comic fandom."
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literary-masochism · 4 years
Midnight Sun: Chapter One - My Descent Into Madness
(reposted from my blog)
I kind of want to be dramatic and say I have a long, sordid history with Twilight, but I’m not sure that’s accurate. I do have a history, but it is one of pain, tears, and frustration.
I’m a firm believer in reading a ‘bad’ book to form your own opinion on it instead of just believing what you’re told...
The criticisms against Twilight were more than justified.
It took me multiple attempts to get through the first book – The first time I didn’t even finish the first chapter. I loathed Bella Swan from the moment we met her. She whined nonstop, she bitched nonstop, and was instantly so shallow and two-faced to everyone she met that I wanted to punch her in her (at the time) nondescript face.
But I tried again and again and finally finished the series. I remember crying during the Breaking Dawn because nothing was fucking happening and there was so much left in the book and I just wanted it to END.
Then my brain, trying to save me, made me forget everything about what I read. When I realized what had happened, I checked my Goodreads to make sure I did, in fact, read those books and they weren’t just a fever dream sent by the forces of evil to torment me.
As much as I appreciated the attempt, I earned those scars... at least audiobooks are easier to get through, even though I had to pause them to rage, again, at the idiocy.
And now... Now we have Midnight Sun. I believe I skimmed the leaked book but never gave it any real attention... so, of course, the full book gets released the day after my 34th birthday.
But it gives me an excuse to try something I always wanted to do: Snarking bad books... because if I have to suffer, you might as well too!
So... without further delay... here is the first chapter, as seen by me, of Midnight Sun.
Chapter 1: First Sight
We open up with Edward being a melodramatic prick about having to go to school and how boring it is.
High school.
Or was purgatory the right word? If there were any way to atone for my sins, this ought to count toward the tally in some measure. The tedium was not something I grew used to; every day seemed more impossibly monotonous than the last.
Followed quickly by how much humans, especially teenagers, suck absolute ass.
When it came to the human mind, I’d heard it all before and then some. Today, all thoughts were consumed with the trivial drama of a new addition to the small student body. It took so little to work them up. I’d seen the new face repeated in thought after thought from every angle. Just an ordinary human girl. The excitement over her arrival was tiresomely predictable—it was the same reaction as one would get from flashing a shiny object at a group of toddlers. Half the sheep-like males were already imagining themselves infatuated with her, just because she was something new to look at. I tried harder to tune them out.
Don’t you just love him already?
This is only the first page... It’s not even a full page... Edward tells us how he tries not to listen to his siblings then tells us exactly what his siblings are thinking.
He shames Rosalie for thinking about how hot she is, but since that’s her only personality trait we ever got in the entire saga (besides bitch), I’m not that worked up over it. She’s hot and she knows it.
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Emmett is just thinking about kicking Jasper’s ass which, I feel, is a goal everyone should aspire to because Jasper’s thoughts...
And Jasper was… suffering.
Alice mentally calls his name and Edward is kind enough to let us know that it’s just the same as if someone said it out loud... you know, because we’re too dumb to work that out ourselves.
Also, he is so thankful that the name EDWARD has ‘fallen out of style’ in the last few decades.
Alice is worried about Jasper slaughtering everybody within a ten-mile radius because he’s become a literal statue (because Meyerpires are made of stone and this is in no way a ripoff of Anne Rice) and, stupidly, she asks Edward how he’s doing...
I guess Alice forgot she could, you know, SEE INTO THE FUTURE. Because checking to see if your boyfriend is about to go on a murder spree is a telepathy situation.
She relaxed. Let me know if it gets too bad.
I moved only my eyes, up to the ceiling above, and back down.
Thanks for doing this.
Was it really necessary to experiment this way? Wouldn’t the safer path be to just admit that he might never be able to handle his thirst as well as the rest of us could, and not push his limits? Why flirt with disaster?
For a group of vampires that don’t want to kill humans, so we’re told, they certainly don’t give a fuck if they kill humans.
It had been two weeks since our last hunting trip. That was not an immensely difficult time span for the rest of us. A little uncomfortable occasionally—if a human walked too close, if the wind blew the wrong way. But humans rarely walked too close. Their instincts told them what their conscious minds would never understand: We were a danger that must be avoided.
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So... which is it?
Edward thinks about how oblivious the humans around them are and how they avoid the ‘odd-looking’ group.
Okay, if I had to guess, the avoidance has more to do with how fucking weird you are. A group of five incredibly attractive (And yet odd-looking? Sure Meyer) teenagers sitting by themselves with full trays of food that they don’t eat, all while wearing designer clothing. They don’t talk to each other, they barely even look at each other...
That’s fucking weird. THEY’RE WEIRD.
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Meyer: They’re either so attractive as to lure their prey in for the kill or they’re so inhuman looking that no one wants to go near them. It can’t be both.
Anyway, a girl walks by and Edward starts frothing at the mouth while he and Jasper get a vampire erection over Jasper imagining MURDERING AN INNOCENT GIRL.
Also, calling her a ‘little girl’ is very creepy in an entirely different way. Just sayin’.
Edward snaps Jasper out of it and Alice lies and says he wasn’t going to slaughter an innocent human being in the middle of the cafeteria.
We had to stick together, Alice and I. It wasn’t easy, being the freaks among those who were already freaks.
Shut the ever-loving-fuck up.
And Alice, ever-so-helpfully, reminds Jasper to think of humans as people... because, you know, they aren’t really. Not compared to vampires anyway.
Someone mentally says the name ‘Edward’ so Edward turns to them as though they had actually called his name. Only it was in his head, not in real life. In case you didn’t catch that. That Edward is telepathic... so he hears thoughts as though they were being spoken to him. That’s why he looked over when someone thought his name.
In case you didn’t understand what was going on.
This is the first time Edward sees Bella and... he gives no fucks. But wait! Turns out it was Jessica Stanley thinking about him, not Bella!
In fact, Jessica thinks Bella is already crushing on all the Cullens.
Good for you, Jessica, not assuming Bella is only after the undead D. Rosalie/Bella shippers thank you.
Edward is relieved Jessica got over her fixation on him (because it’s totally normal for teenager girls to crush on weird-looking weirdos). He then goes on to show he has no idea how teenage girls (or adult women for that matter) work:
What a relief it had been when she’d gotten over her misplaced fixation. It used to be nearly impossible to escape her constant, ridiculous daydreams. I’d wished, at the time, that I could explain to her exactly what would have happened if my lips, and the teeth behind them, had gotten anywhere near her. That would have silenced those annoying fantasies.
That is the exact fantasy most TwiHards were having.
Jessica complains that she doesn’t see why all the boys are looking at Bella, thinking she’s ‘not even pretty’. I know this is supposed to make Jessica unlikable but, you know what? That is a very wounded teenage thought process. It’s immature and turning the blame somewhere else but that’s teenagers in a nutshell.
Edward comments on Jessica’s new obsession with Mike Newton – creepily calling him a child.
There is the implication that Jessica’s not a nice person because she’s being outwardly nice to Bella while bad-mouthing her mentally and... that’s such a Christian mentality: the idea that your thoughts matter as much as your actions. Just putting that out there because, clearly, we can see what Meyer’s opinion on that is… as long as it’s one of the Cullens or Bella doing the thinking, it’s fine! In Twilight, Bella was putting down everyone who looked at her until the hideously beautiful Edward was so mean to her.
No, I didn’t forget that shit.
Jessica continues being a teenager girl, hoping that with Bella’s ever-shining light of beauty shining beside her that maybe Senpai Mike will notice her.
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And, of course, Edward is an asshole because he’s upset that a teenager girl has teenage thoughts.
He tells Emmett what’s going down with the new girl and tries to listen in on Bella’s thoughts to see what she thinks about all this.
And, because Bella doesn’t actually have thoughts, all Edward hears in the unending howling void.
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Edward tells us he has to use his powers to protect his family! He has to listen to everyone’s thoughts in case anyone gets suspicious about the beautiful/weird/attractive/repulsive family in their midst.
I feel like that would be easier if Edward didn’t actively try to ignore everyone.
But sometimes people get it right and the Cullens have to disappear before... I don’t know. Meyerpires are indestructible by humans to the point that they can outrun nuclear bombs. The Vultori might come whine at them for exposing the secret but by that point, the Cullens disappearing would just draw even more attention.
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Edward tries to listen to the new girl but gets nothing. He turns to check and all he can see is the brown-void eyes of Bella.
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There’s also a bit in there where Edward wonders if Bella is still sitting there because she must be since Jessica is still talking. He turns and sees Bella still sitting there because of course she is, because Jessica is still talking to her. You see, Bella was still there and Edward suspected as much as Jessica was still talking to her because she was still sitting there.
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He gets another hard-on as Bella blushes. He comments that she “looked surprised” as she “unknowingly absorbed the signs of subtle differences between her kind and mine.”
Bitch, you don’t know that. You can’t read her fucking thoughts. You’re just assuming this bullshit. This is some of what I remember from skimming the first Midnight Sun. You just make up shit about her personality to suit what you want! Reality is completely optional.
And we get this:
[...] as she listened to Jessica’s tale; and something more… Fascination? It wouldn’t be the first time. We were beautiful to them, our intended prey.
You know, the hyper attractiveness that turns people away because of how odd-looking they are but also draws people to them while also making people avoid them because they’re so inhuman.
And yet, though her thoughts had been so clear in her odd eyes—odd because of the depth to them—I could hear only silence from the place she was sitting. Just… silence.
Yes, because she’s the void personified.
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Try and keep up.
Edward decides that he’s just not trying hard enough and stops blocking out all the teenager chatter – you know, the chatter he constantly listens to to ensure the safety of his family? That chatter.
Also, shout out to Ashley Dowling for obviously having a crush on Bella.
Angela Weber is the only one not thinking about Bella. I’m sure Meyer’s just trying to show how ‘unusually kind’ she is but... acting like a completely normal person doesn’t really qualify as being ‘unusually kind’.
Then Meyer, again, tries too hard to make Jessica unlikable by having her mentally calling Bella an idiot for asking about Edward Cullen. But since Bella is an idiot...
We get the infamous “He’s gorgeous, obviously.” line even though all of student body finds the Cullens odd-looking and want nothing to do with them.
And Edward gets this strong impulse to protect Bella from Jessica’s nefarious plots to... get mildly more popular for the short time people care that there’s a new student at school. He describes how fragile Bella looks and how translucent her skin is...
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Then we get this little gem where Meyer, apparently, forgot Edward can’t read Bella’s mind while describing things he’d only know if he could read her mind.
It was unbelievably frustrating! I could easily see that it was a strain for her to sit there, to make conversation with strangers, to be the center of attention. I could sense her shyness from the way she held her frail-looking shoulders, slightly hunched, as if she was expecting a rebuff at any moment.
This is a one-way street, Meyer. Edward has to stay his ass in his own lane.
Edward informs us that, despite not being able to hear Bella’s thoughts, he’s not going to let himself get too interest in them just because they’re hidden from him... then immediately says he’s going to find out what she thinks no matter what it takes. No matter how petty, trivial, self-absorbed, whiny, and shallow they are! He will find out!
Emmett interrupts Edward’s obliviousness to his own faults and asks if Bella is afraid of them yet.
“They sit by themselves, never talk to anyone, and stare at the wall.” Absolutely terrifying.
Lunch is over and the Cullens to go their classes. Edward is an asshole prepared to be bored because he’s so much smarter than the biology teacher.
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He also tells us the reason he has a table to himself is because everyone is avoiding him and they were too stupid to know why. Yes, that is the word he uses.
Such a Prince Charming, isn’t he?
Again, Edward laments his inability to sleep when Angela leads Bella into class! Then Edward remembers he was totally thinking about Bella just now and not wishing he was asleep!
Also, Angela? Shut up.
The Void comes in and Edward still can’t hear her and, in one of the few moments I like, he worries that he’s losing his gift. Don’t worry, nothing comes out of that thought.
Edward notes that the only available seat is beside him so he clears a bit of room for her, feeling sorry that she’s doomed to spend so much time next to his hideousness. BUT THEN!
Bella Swan walked into the flow of heated air that blew toward me from the vent.
Her scent hit me like a battering ram, like an exploding grenade. There was no image violent enough to encompass the force of what happened to me in that moment.
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Now comes a page long description of Edward losing his shit. He tells us, multiple times, how much he wants to eat her, how he’ll have to get rid of the witnesses, blah blah blah. It’s basically the same paragraph repeated a few times... But you know what? It’s better than the whiny shit we’ve been getting and it’s nice to actually see the ‘good’ vampires struggle in a not completely idiotic way... so I ain’t that mad at it.
I was actually enjoying it a bit until Meyer stuck her dumb in my chocolate by having Edward rip a bit of wood off the desk. Like no one would have heard that. Or wonder why there’s a pile of sawdust under Edward’s desk.
Edward... I know that you’re far older than anyone in that room but... calling people children is just fucking creepy. Stop.
He calculates the best way to slurp Bella up and kill witnesses in the most efficient way (interrupted occasionally by an eye-roll worthy melodramatic thought about murdering innocents). I would like this if it wasn’t such a stark reminder of how Edward doesn’t actually give two fucks about humans – he just doesn’t want to disappoint his Not-Dad... who, from what we’ve seen in the guide (shudder) doesn’t really seem to care either as long as he’s not the one doing the murdering. They don’t kill people not because they care or want to protect them but because Dad said not to.
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Bella sits down beside him (And he’s absolutely sure she’s terrified of him though she’s shown no sign of that and HE CAN’T READ HER THOUGHTS.)
Anyway, he whines that now he has to kill her for existing.
This is another little plothole that bothers me: he doesn’t have to stay in the classroom. He can ask to be excused, say he’s feeling sick or he has to use the bathroom. Yeah, it would draw a few moments of attention but, you know, IT’S BETTER THAN PLOTTING THE MURDER OF THIRTY PEOPLE.
Meyer decides to call me out on that thought and claims:
Every life in this room was in danger while she and I were in it together. I should run. I wanted to run, to get away from the heat of her next to me, and the punishing pain of the burning, but I wasn’t one hundred percent sure that if I unlocked my muscles to move, even just to stand, I wouldn’t lash out and commit the slaughter I’d already planned.
Fuck you, he only needs to resist for the half-a-dozen seconds it’d take to get out of the room. But no, he’d rather try and resist for an hour instead.
He, again, talks about Bella’s skin and calls it ‘See-through’.
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Edward’s becomes increasingly paranoid that Bella’s ‘trying to hide her secrets from him’.
Chillax, Eddie. She ain’t that deep.
He changes tactics. He’ll try to get her alone and his plan for this is flawless!
If he asks to walk her to her next class, she has to be polite and say yes! Even though he’s certain she’s terrified of him (because he completely fails at reading human reactions if he can’t read their minds), she’ll have to do the polite thing! Because reasons!
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While he doesn’t realize how stupid that is, he does notice that everyone with an interest in ladies is already obsessing over Ms. Swan so people will probably notice him leading her away like the serial killer he is.
So he plots to wait until she gets home to murder her.
And you guys, he just hates her so much! I mean, he hates himself but he hates her for making him hate himself but also her because she exists but also himself but also her but also himself...
And apparently that was his entire thought process for the next hour because class is suddenly over!
Edward runs out of the room – you know, the thing he said he couldn’t do before because even just moving might prompt him to murder everything – and mopes in his car where he realizes that ‘Wait... I don’t have to do the thing’.
He wonders why Alice didn’t break their cover and draw attention to themselves by barging into Edward’s class to help him get rid of either his murder-boner or the bodies caused by his murder-boner. He decides that she’s focusing on making sure Jasper doesn’t get a murder-boner and she’s concentrating ‘vary’ hard on that.
(Is pointing out typos a bit too petty? Maybe but I did it.)
And Edward feels a new burn coursing through his body! The burn of SHAME!
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(I'm glad I got to use this Gif so early on!)
I should say that, through out all of this, Edward’s been going on about his little monster (not that one) growling around his head but all I can imagine are the critters from Critters Attack:
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He decides to just avoid Bella as much as possible while being in the same building as her and goes to try and change his classes halfway through the semester.
He startles Mrs. Cope by being so vampirey, though humans are too stupid to notice that, because he came in quietly while she wasn’t paying attention. Her panties are immediately soaked at the sight of teenage boy bod (ew) and asks how she could help him. Eddie lays it on thick because... I don’t know. I’m pretty sure she’s not in charge of the classes, so there’s no reason for him to make her flood the office like this...
Even he’s uncomfortable but he still does it. Gross.
Also, statistically, women prefer men close to their own age or slightly older, so...
We get a whole paragraph of Mrs. Cope thinking of how smart and perfect the Cullens are – actually thinking the line ‘Perfect Cullen’.
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When she says that he can’t change or drop the class, he tries to stare her into submission, lamenting that his eyes aren’t gold but the terrifying black instead.
Uh... dark dark brown, almost black eyes are pretty common and can be very alluring. Have you forgotten Ben Barnes exists?! Here, I'll remind you:
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I’d be more freaked out by the gold.
Bella, of course, interrupts this awkward seduction and sends Edward running with his tail between his legs. He passes by some random guy in the parking lot and, since Edward is so all important, the guy wonders where Edward came from and, instead of deciding he must not have noticed him before (Like a normal person not in a SMeyer book would do) he decides his imagination is getting the better of him.
Edward makes it to the Volvo where the others are waiting. He takes off like a bat out of hell (lawl) and in a moment of stupid where Meyer, once again, forgets how her characters's powers work:
She looked ahead for me now. We both processed what she saw in her head, and we were both surprised.
“You’re leaving?” she whispered.
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You see... Alice’s visions are based on people’s decisions... Edward didn’t know he was leaving until he saw that Alice saw he was leaving... which makes no sense in the context of what we’ve been given.
And so, after a moment of Edward thinking about killing Bella, he decides to flee the entire country.
And that’s the end of chapter one! It took me way longer than I expected and I used 74 tabs... This is going to be an experience and a half...
Until next time, I'm out!
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serotoninsuggestion · 4 years
2, 4, 9 (just an excuse to hear more about ur tattoo!!), 20
thank u honey (u know i love any excuse to talk about it lol) x
2. how many houseplants in your room, and what kinds are they?
four. and i’m Terrible i don’t know what they are. i think at least one is a flowering kalanchoe. two are other miscellaneous types of succulent and one is a cactus. i’m living for the day i can have a room full of trailing ivy and huge pot plants but there isn’t the light or the shelf space in my room (or the organisation in my life) atm
4. an account on social media whose posts make you smile
i watched the great pottery throwdown (a ripoff version of great british bake off) and all the contestants were, as expected, total gems. i follow a lot of them on instagram but rosalind in particular was the sweetest little cupcake (i cried when she left) and her little pottery farm animals make everything better
9. a quote that you would consider getting tattooed
here she is!!!!!
it’s from the scene in jane eyre where she’s found out rochester’s already got a wife. she’s battling with herself, wondering (as he clings to her legs like a toddler) if she should maybe stick around just to make him happy, even though it would make her miserable.
she asks herself: “who in the world cares for you? or who will be injured by what you do?’ Still indomitable was the reply: ‘I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself.’”
when i first read it it took the wind straight out of me. i was 13, i was being badly bullied, had few friends and “who in the world cares for you” was the exact kind of thought that used to whirl through my head. the fact that the answer might be as simple as “i care for myself” blew my little mind.
shortly after jane reaches this conclusion she pisses off into the moors because she’d rather sleep in a hailstorm than live with a man who lied to her and that’s the single most badass thing i’ve ever witnessed. so i got that image to go with the tattoo to remind myself i should always do the same. care for myself.
20. a skill you’ve picked up in the past few years
i’m very very very slowly learning to knit.
stay at home ask game
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uwuprime · 5 years
TFA Liveblog - 1x08 Nanosec
I don't see how this could possibly live up to last ep tbh
Is this a fourth of july ep?
Ope no nvm
Detroit really is always gonna be Detroit huh
Who is this rat boy and why is he orange
Aww yes a speedy boy doing his thing.
What are the fireworks for????
"Who died and made you Big Boy?" Me. You killed me. Just now in fact asdfhjkl
Aaaaaand there they go. Welp.
I regret tk inform you that the Good Boy Squad has now gone 0 days since last Incident
Did they just drown rat boy??
Oh no wait there he is
Oop and there he goes
Hey OP!!!!!
Ah, back to the domain of Sumdac and The Brain...
"You can't make shit dawg." I agree with Megs here. I haven't seen Sumdac m a k e anything for himself yet.
Whaaaaat is desdronium????
God he's so dumb
Isaac they talk about the war all the damn time please wake the fuck up
Oooooo OP is learning to use his disappointed dad tone. "Have fun sneaking out you two? Have a nice swim? You're grounded, you know."
Use your head not your a s s
Oh god not another Isaac Bullshit "Invention"
Oh jesus christ
Bee confirmed for helm up aft 2020
Thank god Ratchet's a sensible mech.
"My dad's equipment is perfectly safe!!!!!" Sari. Sweetheart. You're smarter than this.
I'm sorry did this man make a fucking gravitron????
So. A ripoff of the TENS-Steroid implants by Goop Goopman.
Who is he testing on? His scientists???? I don't like this.
Oooookay. Here we go. This is what I've been saying for like a week. The "bio" in bioengineering has to come from somewhere, and if the "engineering" portion is coming from shady sources already, this is definitely not the first time that Isaac has essentially bought himself a test subject.
So he's going to have Sexton STEAL the sample? How does he do things like this? Does he also have a contract/payoff stacked on Detroit PD?
Holoforms?????? Canon freaking holoforms?????????????
Bee honey no
So lemme get this straight. Isaac gave rat-boy/Neeno Sexton the suit. But no instructions? Is he just taking what he wants for now?
Here comes the WeeWoo Crew
And thus begins the tale of Nanosec, snarky speedy rat boy.
Him running into Bee is fucking hilarious.
"It makes you look ten years older" wtf?
Oh god he isn't also about to become Goo is he???
I remeber learning about muscles and electricity and movement and shit. If you use past a certain amount of your total strength you can like... liquify yourself. Oh god. This show already pulls no punches please god no.
Prowl!!!!! The boy is here!!!
Mans got his foot stomped on and let go?????
Bee has to fucking s t o p omfg
Bulkhead being a Big Strong Boy! Look at him go I'm so proud!!
"I'm nobody's errand boy.... unless?"
Okay so I'm not surprised that the MegIsaac brain trust at Sumdac Systems is wiring a felony money from isaac's personal finance account(s) after everything I've been shown thus far. I am, however, surprised that Megatron is taking the lead on giving it to him? What???
Thats.... a lot of money.
Bee boy running laps!!!! :0
Awww he just wants to go fast ;_;
"Upgrade me" "I'd rather die, thanks."
So Nanosec is really doing this huh
Oooo I was wondering where the key was these last few eps.
Oil slick???? The fuck? OP did you just-
Ohmygod it's the Orange Slippy Gel from Portal 2
Prime noooooo
Wait didn't he lose his grapplers to Lockdown?
These two being buddies is so fucking wholesome I stg
"Where'd you get the duit" yes tell himmmmmm
Welp, here lies Sari and Bumblebee. We hardly knew ye.
OP saving the day!!!!
U n o R e v e r s e C a r d
Ayyyy Ratchet back at it again with the telekinesis.
The suit is aging him. I was right goddamnit here comes the Goo-
Desdronium is highly radioactive if that small an amount can do that there Big Bang. They hired him to steal what is now, essentially, a fission bomb.
"Didn't you use to be a redhead?" my boy paying attention!!!
Ratchet out here putting the braincell to work!
I've realized that in this series Bee kind of has like... himbo energy? He doesn't necessarily fit the Himbo Formula but he is Big Friendly and Mad Brainless and I love him
No time to get rid of the boosters. Big oof. OP is p i s s e d
Bumblebee got his Braincell privileges back!!!
Oh ok wow Nanosec really does not age well.
Oh god the nuke!!!!
Oh no. I'm getting Avengers 1 Vibes. Please dont kill my sons??
Remember, kids: say YEET to nuclear explosives!!
Oh he dead
Ope nope there he is!!! ...aaand now hes on fire nvm.
Look at my bots working together!!!
Oh thank god no hes okay.
"How did Nanosec get the Turbo Suit?" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW
I would like everyone to know I typed "Kegatron" right now i accident and laughed so hard u bad an asthma attack.
Look at bb boy walking.
Okay. Less mad now. Dear god. What the fuck my good dudes.
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Shark Tank Keto Diet Capsules: The way to Area a gimmick
Back in July, we created a YouTube video clip known as, Biggest Keto SCAM Possibly! (SHARK TANK KETO SCANDAL) and that we were actually absolutely astounded by the reaction.
During the time of recording our secondly portion to this online video, we possessed over 300 comments from people who had either almost been ripped off by this firm, or who experienced unfortunately not noticed our movie before getting these supplements and misplaced large sums of money.
Precisely What Is this Shark Tank Keto Fraud?
Should you be on social websites, then you have witnessed ads for your groundbreaking keto diet pills shark tank Supplements or perhaps the amazing weight loss supplements Sarah from Stanford intended to dissolve the fat right off the body. If the appears to be too good to be true, it is as it is…So, what diet pills had been on Shark Container? The truth is that these tablets were never on Shark Tank (or Dragon’s Den for people who reside overseas) nor did Melissa McCarthy, Kevin Smith, or Chrissy Teigen shed weight taking them.
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These s0-referred to as Shark Tank slimming tablets certainly are a affordable, 800 mg BHB pill that may have no impact on the body. Everyone is slipping for your celeb fat loss pictures and claims of quick fat reduction, purchasing the affordable trial offer, and achieving their bank cards charged hundreds of dollars. And also the most detrimental aspect? Many people aren’t even finding the merchandise. Getting in contact with customer support is difficult and the only method to buy them to quit payment your greeting card is to plain end it.
Precisely why are People Slipping with this?
With incredible pre and post images of famous people like Kim K and Meghan Markle, 5-star testimonials on Amazon online, articles from trustworthy reports web sites like Us Every week and Fox, and in many cases airtime on TV shows like Shark Reservoir all promoting this product, it appears as if both an effective and legit product. That will be the way it is if any of their “evidence” was true. The websites and critiques are faked, the photos are thieved, and also the promises are simply lies.
The corporation has even gone in terms of to either recommend or create a phony health supplement assessment internet site. We had been contacted by ketogenicsupplementreviews.com when it comes to looking at their educative keto information. Soon after undergoing their webpage, practically nothing appeared unexpected for the review site. All things considered, they have around 100 reviews, breakdowns, and academic content articles and they all looked moderately medical. It appeared legitimate until we go through their webpage about the PureFit Keto pills, what are the exact same Shark Tank keto scam tablets).
This evaluation was extremely biased and completely incorrect. The article author mentioned, “When I attempted it, I saw a noticeable difference in just 1 week. Ketone markers had been up 14.4Percent above my non-extra baseline”. There are many issues wrong using this type of declaration:
•800mg of BHB is not really enough to cause an increase in ketone ranges
•A 14.4% increase of your .1-.2 mmol baseline would only increase from .1 to .11.
They also make an effort to cover up the rumours of this organization stealing money from clients by declaring, “We should also deal with an element that is documented online where some consumers were automatically rebilled right after their first get. From whatever we can identify, it was not a problem about the company’s aspect, as those clients had mistakenly preferred the subscription package offered.” We now have inspected the keto slimming pill web sites and they don’t have alternatives for month to month or a one-time membership. They can be just invoicing individuals automatically as well as for much more than the advertised value.
This overview then went in terms of to try and delegitimize the claims this item is a gimmick by stating, “It appears greater than a little probable that from the mostly unregulated keto dietary supplement marketplace, players from contesting goods are behind much of the scam chat.”
The writer of this evaluation then advocates purchasing the item and consists of an affiliate marketer hyperlink. Internet sites like this hide their deficit intends around reputable, technological details to try and create trustworthiness round the product or service.
What Merchandise In Case You Be Aware Of?
When examining these tablets, we noticed it was more than just one product or service offered. Whenever you click their website link, the burst-up webpage is designed for a whole new keto bodyweight-decrease pill, with a totally different title and product packaging, although the identical claims, outcomes, and pre and post images. Here are just some brands of your pills we have discovered so far out of this Shark Tank keto scam:
•PureFit Keto
•Keto Quick Optimum Real
•Keto Tale
•All-natural Satisfaction Keto
•Keto Supreme
•Keto Max Burn off
•Keto RX
•Jealousy Naturals Keto
•Super Apex Keto
•Maxwell Keto
How Do I Prevent Dropping for Cons Similar To This?
Here are some swift techniques for staying away from any keto diet pill ripoffs:
1.BHB is not efficacious under a minimum of 3 grams. You cannot match this amount in the supplement develop, so avoid supplement forms of BHB.
2.If your product claims to have spectacular outcomes, make sure these outcomes are mentioned. If there are actually no studies to confirm its consequences, it probably doesn’t actually have any.
3.Do your homework on reliable web sites. Use PubMed or Google Scholar to get released reports on elements. Find what dose you need for the merchandise to work.
4.Reach out to reliable solutions. You could always DM Ketogenic.com on Instagram or Doctor. Ryan Lowery on Instagram and ask for assistance.
5.Spread out the saying! Even though you will not be enticed by this swindle, it doesn’t signify a friend or acquaintance or really like will not. Let’s get the word out there that it product is a scam and conserve as numerous individuals as you can through the head ache and reduction in a lot of money.
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crowmero · 4 years
Meme taken from summer-grace16 I hope you don’t mind (:
Names of otome games you play:
Games where I’m active right now:
Midnight Cinderella.
Wizardess Heart.
Corazón de Melón / My Candy Love.
Games were I log from time to time:
Ikemen Sengoku.
Blood in Roses.
Love Tangle.
Lost Alice.
Love tangle in Niflheim.
Ikemen Vampire.
Mystic Messenger.
Ghost Love.
EPHEMERAL: Mini Garden.
Obey Me.
PC Games:
Cute Demon Crashers.
Lost in Secular Love.
From the otome games you play, list your top 5 favorite characters. Meaning take your favorite characters from the game and list them.
Klaus Goldstein (Wizardess Heart)
Albert Burckhardt (Midnight Cinderella)
Lysandro Ainsworth (My Candy Love)
Sigurd Curtis (Wizardess Heart)
Priya (My Candy Love)
Special Mention: Skeletiano (The Niflheim) because is the best and most sweet skeleton in the whole world.
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What was the first otome game you ever played?
Corazón de Melón (My Candy Love).
What made you fall for your number one favorite character?
The only reason why Klaus is there is because I really liked him for a very long time and right after playing his route when I started playing Wizardess Heart, but pretty much the other four deserve spotlight too, is kinda hard to put one over the others.
Klaus Goldstein
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(Here is where Klaus haters get a good laugh about me)
I actually don’t know why I fall in love with him because he is a asshole (maybe I’m really into meanie fictional guys) but I love him so much. Klaus is the very indiscutible king of Wizardess Heart and the number one character of the game, you hate it or you love it, or you ignore him completely.
Klaus is almost perfect: He is handsome, he is rich, he has status, he is smart, capable, he has everything to win and conquer the world. The reason why many people is not into him, is because he has a really dreadful and sadistic character from the start. I guess because he was still a student in his first story, his immaturity shows, so he treats MC really poorly and for him, she is a idiot and a nuisance. Right off the bat he call her “Bunnyhead”. Talking with other friends, we agree that the only reason why he took the personal challenge of help MC to improve her grades and abilities is because his grades were in jeopardy too and because he gets the opportunity of fullifying his personal wish of be a teacher and help people (YES! surprisingly he has a very humanitarian way of think).
We learn that Klaus is not really good at showing or admitting his true feelings (he is not very sincere and he gets really embarrassed of showing his good side, like he things showing his true feelings is some kind of weakness). You kinda get it, since Klaus have to grow in a very fake environment since he is nobility, you have to pretend and people would try to get close to you, just to get something from you. So that’s why Klaus looks and acts really cold at the start.
Klaus is actually a very passionate, compasive and very caring person and he really cares for his family and close friends. I know some of his takes (speacily with his brothers) were not good, so I really hope he could work to make things better for them.
The romance is good! The MC gets teased a ton, but I loved that he would never cross the line if you don’t want to, something I really appreciated, but I do really enjoyed all the romantic moments with him. I think the only thing I really craved was having a wedding or something like that in his story, but my guess is that probably is not Klaus style at all.
I think I get over the top with this explanation (really?) I think I really need to talk more loud about my characters.
Are you waiting for a new otome game that is coming out this year? If so, which one and when is it coming out? Chou No Doku! 
I don’t know you people, but I was really intrigued with this game since I read the review, and also is a porn game with twisted bad endings, but the art of the illustrations are great!!! and I have a mighty need to experience the game myself. The three bad sides: I don’t have a phone right now to play and the other is that the company releasing the game is know for buggy/poorly done games and since is a portable, probably they cut the pornografic content. Also, looks like the game is more expensive in this version than the original -sigh-
Out of the otome games you play, which game you would recommend the most and why? (Note: You can pick top 3 if you want but I would also love to see the number one game you play the most.)
For the time I started writing this meme, the sad news about this game were not announced yet, but still I want to talk about how great this game is.
I understand this game is silly and a total ripoff of Harry Potter and also could sit like a bit childish for some players, and while I laughed this things at the start, this game become really meaningful to me in the long run.
There is a ton of LI’s in this game (over +20) so there is really options to all the players, there is good and bad but is really entertaining to discover every story and point of view of every character of this game. I totally love everyone, even the bad guys.
There is a bunch of trivia, you get to learn a lot about the magical world and the universe where this characters live so taking classes never gets boring.
You don’t only get to get romance and lovey dovey moments, you also get to resolve a mystery in every route, so at least if you’re not much of the romantic part, you would like to learn more about the general mysteries of the game.
Something I really loved too was that when the universe expanded more and more with the new characters, the interactions between them developed too and was really sweet to know how some of the LI’s formed bonds of friendship and seeing this interactions and slice of life moments really enriched my experience on this game as a player looking for some fun and comfort.
You get to get a ton of illustrations for free in every route, something I really appreciate because in other games you hardly get illustrations, or you have to pick the right answer or you have to paid for it, you don’t need to worry about it playing this game, just enjoy the story.
There is no NSFW content of this game (and this could be good or bad depending of your preferences) but there could be some sexual undertones depending of the route (especially with the most older LI’s) and of course there is some fanservice but nothing too crazy.
This is the game I recommended to my close friends so while not everyone's got full into it because the language barrier, more of least they tried to taste the experience and I enjoyed the years I spended talking about this game and every route I played so far.
I take this meme just for my own entertainment (probably I was really busy with work) so everyone who wants to respond this feel free to do it and tag me if you want to. 
Use the tag #cuteotometag.
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soprone · 5 years
lila manages to form a close relationship with a celebrity instead of just claiming she has one but unfortunately it’s XY so she doesn’t want to brag about him cuz he’s XY
he’s mad dumb and believes her lies and becomes totally smitten with her. she wants to shake him off and admits she was lying when letting him down gently doesn’t work and flat out calls him dumb. he’s still completely charmed and he’s like ‘uh yeah im a big phony ripoff too so it’s whatevs’
so. fine. she keeps him as a minion. they’re like yzma and kronk. like. maybe through him she can meet other celebrities worth bragging about
she comes to hate bob roth, he’s dishonest like her but he rubs her the wrong way with his cowardice. she’s XY’s new daddy now
XY does grow on her, she gets a bit of a soft spot for him, it’s faint at first but there. he boasts about protecting her but whenever there’s an akuma attack he cowers behind her and needs to cry on her shoulder afterwards (even if she was the akuma villain) she rolls her eyes but lets him& after a while she’s like ah shit,,
it’s nice to have someone she doesn’t feel like she has to pretend to around like he’s not telling her to not be a liar like marinette & adrien but he already knows what’s up so she can be more comfortable w him
he could even be a ‘morality pet’ for her cuz even if he’s arrogant and rude his stupidity is pure somehow,, it grows on her and becomes endearing n she has a moment where she almost wins as an akuma villain (or a miraculous holder one idk) but is like ahh xy would cry if i destroyed the city………
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