#tota moodboard
jamjjamm · 1 month
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Campbell Bain
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starlight-bread-blog · 8 months
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Campbell Bain
Takin' Over the Asylum, 1994
22 notes · View notes
greyson11 · 8 months
Campbell bain moodboard cuz ya boy was bored yuhh
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This moodboard also works well for james potter from hp i suppose
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joelmillerisapunk · 1 month
Joel Miller x f!reader
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Wordcount: 5,733
Summary: The grumpy Joel, one bed, who did that to you trope fic no one asked for/ Ellie matchmaking for Joel
Warnings: 18+, smut, joels a grump, ellie's there, reader experiences a tiny bit of ptsd from being captured prior to meeting joel and ellie.
Notes: Ty to @evolnoomym for the moodboard and beta reading and @syd-djarin & @joelslegalwhre for the beta read. and @saradika-graphics for the divider.
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The world changed in the blink of an eye. Civilization, with all its comforts and securities, crumbled under the weight of a relentless pandemic. The infected roam the earth, their minds and bodies ravaged by a virus that turns them into mindless, ravenous creatures. Humanity, once the masters of their domain, is now just another prey in a landscape that has turned savagely against them.
You are on your own for months, ever since the virus claimed your sister and the raiders took everything else. Your husband and son, Ethan, are lost to the chaos, leaving you with nothing but the clothes on your back, a backpack filled with meager supplies, and a book - "No Pun Intended: Volume 1" - a cherished memento of a life that once was.
The days blur into a testament to your will to live. You scavenge for food, avoid the infected, and keep moving, always moving. The world is a graveyard of memories, and you are just another ghost haunting its ruins.
As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, you find yourself in the remnants of a once-bustling town. The buildings stand like skeletons, their windows shattered, their doors hanging off their hinges. It is here, in this desolate place, that you decide to make camp for the night.
You choose a spot behind an overturned bus, its rusted shell providing a modicum of shelter. You gather what little dry wood you can find and build a small fire. The can of beans you scavenged earlier in the day heats slowly, the metallic smell mingling with the scent of smoke and decay that seems to permeate everything.
As you wait for your meal, you allow yourself a rare moment of stillness. The book lies open in your lap, its pages a portal to a time when puns and laughter were the greatest concerns of the day. You are so lost in the world of words that you almost don't hear the low growl that signals the approach of danger.
It happens in a heartbeat. One moment you are alone, the next an infected lunges at you from the shadows, its bloodshot eyes and snarling mouth a terrifying vision of death. You have no time to react, no time to defend yourself. The creature pins you to the ground, its fetid breath hot against your face.
Panic surges through your veins, a scream lodges in your throat. Darkness creeps in at the edges of your vision, and you brace yourself for the end. But then, the deafening crack of a gunshot splits the air. The weight of the infected creature collapses onto you, its lifeless body trapping you beneath its bulk.
For a moment, time stands still. You lie there, stunned and gasping for breath, the world around you reduced to the pounding of your heart and the ringing in your ears. Then, as quickly as the nightmare has descended, the weight is lifted from your body. You scramble backward, your hands and knees scraping against the rough ground, until you reach the sanctuary of your sleeping bag.
Looking up, you are met with the imposing figure of a large, rugged man. His rifle is still smoking from the shot that has saved your life. His eyes, hard and suspicious, bore into you as he demands, "You bit?”
Your hands shoot up in surrender, tears threatening to spill as you vehemently shake your head. "Please don't shoot, I- I wasn't bit," you plead, your voice quivering with fear.
The man nudges his gun towards you, his voice gruff as he commands, "Get up slowly."
You rise to your feet, hands still raised, and perform a slow pirouette to prove your uninfected state. Satisfied, he lowers his weapon.
"I totally could have done that," a smaller, younger girl boasts as she steps out from behind him. His daughter, you presume, exudes a mix of bravado and youthful naivety. 
"I told you to stay in the woods," He chides her.
The girl ignores her father's reprimand, instead, bounding over to your belongings. "No fucking way!" she exclaims, holding up a book that clearly means something to you. "No Pun Intended - the first volume." She chuckles, turning to the burly man. "Can you believe it?"
You rush over, snatching the book from her hands. "That was my -" Emotion chokes your words as you clutch the book, a tangible piece of your past. "It was my sister's," you manage to say, hastily stowing the book in your bag.
The man surveys your camp, his expression a mix of concern and disapproval. "Ya know it ain't safe to be camping out in the open like this," he remarks. You follow his gaze, taking in the vulnerability of your setup, and release a heavy sigh. "I - I know. There used to be more of us - a group. We traveled together, always finding safer places to go. But now - now I'm on my own, alone and..." Your voice trails off as you turn away, taking a seat by the dwindling fire. "Well, it doesn't matter anyway. I'm not gonna survive too long out here alone. It's only a matter of time. If you weren't here, I'd have been dead already. But thank you for your help. Help yourselves to some food, I don't have much else to offer you."
Abruptly, the girl's head bobs up, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Come with us, oh yeah, it's going to be a blast. Finally, another girl around here!" Her voice rings out with a mix of eagerness and camaraderie.
"Ellie, quiet!" the man snaps, then pinches the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb, a clear sign of mounting frustration. "We don't have the space for anyone else."
You stand by, a silent observer, as the man and his daughter, Ellie, butt heads over the possibility of taking you with them.
"You're just going to leave her here alone," Ellie emphasizes, her voice sharp as a knife, "to die? Come on, Joel." Her plea hangs in the air, reminiscent of someone who's just found a stray puppy and can't bear to leave it behind.
Joel's gaze flickers to you as if searching for a reason to abandon you. He heaves a sigh so heavy it seems to carry the weight of the world. He turns back to Ellie, frustration etched on his face, then looks at you once more. "You have five minutes to pack your things, and then we're leavin’. With or without you." With that, he strides off into the thicket of trees, leaving Ellie behind with a look that speaks volumes of his exasperation.
"Sorry, he's not always so grumpy... well, actually, he is," Ellie admits with a sheepish grin. "Don't mind Joel; he's just set in his ways. I'm Ellie, by the way."
You can't help but giggle, kneeling down to gather your belongings. "It's nice to meet you, Ellie," you say, your voice tinged with a mix of relief and curiosity. "But why do you call your dad by his name?"
"I ain't her dad," Joel's voice cuts in, as he reemerges leading a horse by the reins.
"He's not my dad," they echo each other, their voices intertwining in a strange harmony.
"Oh," you reply, hurriedly stuffing your meager possessions into your sister's old backpack—a white and black checkered bag adorned with random sunflowers. You hoist the thick black straps over your shoulders and roll up your sleeping bag, tucking it under your arm. Rising to your feet, you dust off your flared blue jeans. "Sorry, I could have sworn you two were related, the way you bicker like that."
Ellie nudges Joel with her elbow, a playful smirk on her face. "It's just Joel. He's old and cranky."
Joel stands there, stoic and unamused, the reins held firmly in his grip. "Need to find shelter before nightfall," he declares, his tone leaving no room for argument.
"Why can't we just stay here?" You ask, genuine curiosity lacing your words.
"The fact that you almost got killed by one of those things, and you couldn't even hear it creeping up on you, should make it pretty damn clear why not," Joel retorts, his voice rising as he gesticulates wildly, emphasizing the danger lurking in the shadows.
"Be fucking nice, Joel!" Ellie interjects, smacking his arm with back of her hand.
"I am being very nice by lettin’ her come with us. Now why ain’t we movin’?" he asks.
"I have no idea where we're going, lead the way, cowboy." 
"Actually, Joel was a contractor before this, super cool, right?"
You can't help but laugh. "Yeah, totally."
"What's so funny?" Joel asks, his brow furrowing as the three of you begin to navigate the rugged terrain.
"You actually managed to make being a contractor sound like the epitome of cool to young Ellie here?"
Joel's patience wears thin. "Can we all just keep quiet until we find a place to hole up for the night?"
Ellie clears her throat, her curiosity piqued. "So, what's the story with your group?"
"Ellie, you don't go asking people you just met that stuff." Joel snapped. 
You let out a soft chuckle, the memory of your past still vivid. "It's alright. My sister got bitten. I had to...you know, in the middle of the night." The weight of that memory tugs at your heartstrings. "My husband and son, Ethan, they were killed by raiders who tried to overrun our camp. They took me captive, but I managed to escape. And now, here I am." You pause, the chilling recollection making you shudder. You shake off the dark thoughts, not wanting to dwell on them now.
Ellie offers a sympathetic smile, and you catch the hint of one on Joel's face too. "That's rough. I'm really sorry that happened to you," Ellie says, her voice gentle.
"Thanks, Ellie," you murmur, your gaze falling to your boots, a mix of gratitude and embarrassment washing over you.
You look up at Joel, who seems to be wrestling with his own thoughts. "So, where are we actually heading?"
He takes a moment, staring off into the distance before heaving a sigh and meeting your eyes. "My brother and his wife are part of a large group just north of here. We can make it there. It's not far—a couple of days' travel at most."
"We should find a spot to camp soon. It's getting dark," Joel suggests, scanning the surroundings.
With the three of you working in unison, the camp comes together quickly in the shelter of the woods, hidden from any unwelcome eyes.
"Wanna get the fire going?" Joel asks, kneeling on the ground and rummaging through his bag. He extends his hand to you, offering a small amount of kindling and a pack of matches.
"Uh, sure," you reply, your voice tinged with uncertainty. The truth is, you're still pretty green in this post-apocalyptic world, and tasks like starting a fire are always more challenging than they seem.
You step forward and accept the kindling and matches from Joel, then set to work. Carefully, you arrange the kindling, trying to remember the techniques you've been taught. You strike the first match, the flame flickering to life. With trembling hands, you bring it close to the kindling, only for the wind to snuff it out.
"Shit," you mutter, hoping no one noticed. You try again, but the result is the same. On the third attempt, you realize Joel has been observing you all along. Each failed attempt makes him wince. Finally, on the fourth match, he's seen enough.
Joel stands abruptly and strides over to you. He takes the matches and kindling from your hands and, in one swift motion, ignites the fire. "Just go set up your sleeping bag," he says, a sigh of exasperation escaping him as he avoids your gaze. The sting of being a burden weighs heavily on you.
You rise slowly and move toward your sleeping bag and backpack, which are nestled beside a tree just off to the side of where Joel and Ellie are sitting. You drag your things closer to the newly lit fire and spread out your sleeping bag. As you search through your bag, you pull out a small handgun and begin to load it.
"Whoa, cool!" Ellie exclaims, bounding over to you and eyeing the gun with interest.
"It was my husband's," you tell her as you finish loading the weapon. "I'm going to get us something to eat." With your bag slung over your shoulder, you head toward the edge of the camp. But before you can leave, a hand grips your upper arm, halting your progress.
You turn to face Joel's frustrated expression. "No, absolutely not. You can't even start a damn fire. How are you going to shoot us something to eat?" he challenges.
You pull your arm free, determination flashing in your eyes. "I can handle it myself. I did fine before you came along, and I'll do fine after you're gone." You resume your course, but Joel isn't done yet.
"I'm not letting you go out there alone. I saved you once; you don't get another chance," he calls after you.
You turn back, extracting your arm from his grasp for the last time. "I didn't ask for your saving or help. You have no obligations to me. Thank you for saving me once, but I don't need it again." With that, you continue into the dense woods, leaving Joel standing there, conflicted. He returns to the camp, muttering to himself, "Fuck sakes. You stay here. Don't fucking move. I'm not in the mood to save two of you today." He grabs his rifle and follows you into the woods, the setting sun casting long shadows across the forest floor.
A few moments later, he hears your gun go off, and panic starts to seize him.
After about five minutes, he finds you huddled over something, "What the hell? You can't just go shooting your gun off like that. Raiders, fucking infected, someone's gonna find us." His voice is laced with urgency.
As he approaches, he sees you covered in blood, and fear races through him. But then he realizes it's not your blood. You've actually killed a deer.
You turn around to see Joel standing near you, his expression a mix of relief and irritation.
"So now what? You even know how to skin it?" Joel challenges.
You shake your head, "No."
"What was your plan then? To just try and drag it by yourself back to camp?" He's exasperated, but there's a hint of concern beneath his gruff exterior.
You shrug, admitting your inexperience. You've always known you're not very good at hunting, but the desire to contribute, to ensure a decent meal tonight, drove you to try.
"Come on, I'll teach you," Joel says, resignation in his voice. He shows you how to skin and butcher the deer, his frustration still evident. It's clear he resents the extra burden you represent. 
After you've all eaten your fill and packed away the rest for tomorrow, you and Ellie crawl into your sleeping bags, while Joel takes the first watch.
In the dead of night, a sound pierces through the silence, and you jolt awake. You see Joel leaning against a tree, his vigilance unwavering. As you approach, you offer, "Here, let me take over. Get some rest."
He turns to meet your gaze, "No. I don't know you, can't trust you."
"I don't know you either, and I trusted you to keep me safe," you rebut. 
"I think saving you before I even knew you is proof enough of my trustworthiness. You've done nothing but add extra work for me since I've been here. I'm not lettin’ you keep watch. You couldn't even hear the damn thing when it was close." Joel's frustration is palpable.
Your eyes narrow as you step into Joel's space, "Fuck you, Joel. I never asked for your help. If you want me to leave, then tell me to leave, and I'll go." Despite barely knowing the man, his words sting.
Joel rolls his eyes, a silent admission of the care he feels for you, a care he'd never voice. His tough exterior belies a growing attachment, one that complicates his solitary existence. He avoids looking at you, his gaze skittering away whenever your eyes meet. "Go to bed, please. I've got this," he says, his voice a low rumble. Joel doesn't turn his attention to you until you retreat to your sleeping bag, where you curl up, seeking warmth and comfort. As you drift off to sleep, he watches over you, a silent sentinel in the quiet night. There's a palpable sense of relief that washes over him when you finally succumb to sleep.
The next morning, the sound of footsteps rouses you from your slumber. You blink against the bright morning light, using your arm as a shield. Rolling over, you're greeted by the sight of Joel's back; he's crouched, presumably packing his bag for the journey ahead. The remnants of sleep slowly clear from your mind as you extricate yourself from the sleeping bag and roll it up. To your right, Ellie lies fast asleep, her soft snores a gentle backdrop to the morning.
You leave Ellie to her dreams and approach Joel. He's focused on his pack, his shirt inching up to reveal the taut skin of his lower back. You catch yourself staring and quickly bite your lip, a futile attempt to redirect your thoughts.
Attraction? No, that's not it. He's infuriating, self-centered, and yet here you are, sharing this strange journey with him and Ellie, who might as well be his daughter.
Joel looks up, his eyes betraying a deep exhaustion that seems to have settled into his very bones. "We're leaving once the sun's up. Make sure you're ready. We'll cover more than half the distance by nightfall," he informs you, rising to his feet and hoisting his pack over his shoulder.
You find yourself captivated by his deep brown eyes, noticing for the first time the kindness hidden beneath his gruff exterior. A silent exchange passes between you, a moment of unspoken understanding, before Joel clears his throat and breaks the connection, turning his attention to the horse.
The tension in the air is almost tangible as you both look away. Once Joel has secured everything onto the horse except for Ellie, he gently wakes her.
The three of you fall into a rhythm, traversing the desolate landscape. The day stretches on, filled with endless walking. As the sun begins its descent, casting long shadows across the land, fatigue sets in. But Joel, ever perceptive, anticipates your need for rest.
"There should be a town up this road," he says. "We can find an old house to spend the night. No need for watches tonight; we all could use some proper sleep."
As night falls, Joel guides the horse with practiced ease over the unforgiving terrain. Before long, a small farmhouse emerges from the twilight, its isolation suggesting it's been long abandoned.
Ellie's voice cuts through the stillness. "Is this the town you were talking about? It's tiny, Joel. There's barely a house here."
Joel just chuckles, a soft sound that carries the weight of countless stories and experiences. "Sometimes, the best places are the ones that are hardest to find."
The three of you brace yourselves for the night, the assurance of safety and rest offering a much-needed refuge from the relentless challenges of your travels.
"This isn't the town, but it's likely safer to camp here. Raiders might be patrolling near the town. Now go inside and get settled, Ellie, help me with the horse."
You move silently into the house, scouting for a suitable spot to bed down for the night.
Ellie and Joel lead the horse towards the barn at the back.
"So, you planning to make a move, lover boy?" Ellie abruptly inquires, her voice laced with playful mischief.
Joel's eyes narrow in confusion, "What?"
"Ugh, it's so clear you two are head over heels for each other. It's adorable how you bicker." She giggles, mimicking air kisses.
Joel dismisses her with a shake of his head, "Mind your own business, would you?"
"So it is true! You like her... ha! I knew it. Can't wait to spill the beans."
Joel's eyes widen with a hint of panic as he secures the horse to a post, "Ellie! Cut it out, this isn't the time for matchmaking. I'm not in love. I wouldn't bat an eye if she left."
Ellie smirks, her eyes gleaming with a devious spark. "Oh Joel, dumb dumb Joel. Don't worry, I'll help you out." 
Joel pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing, "Ellie, please, just drop it, head inside. I'll be there shortly. And don't say a word to her!"
By the time he finishes, Ellie is already darting back to the house.
Upon entering, you're arranging an old, grimy mattress when Ellie bursts in.
"Hey, lucky for us, there's another mattress upstairs. I figured we could each -"
Before you can finish, Ellie dashes up the stairs, calling out, "I'll take this one!" She pauses at the top, looking back, "And tell Joel I'm really upset with him and I don't want to talk."
Perplexed, you try to stop her, but she's already disappeared, the door shut behind her.
As the door closes, Joel steps in, and you turn to face him, "What happened with Ellie?"
Joel looks up, puzzled, as he sets his gear aside, "What do you mean?"
"She just bolted upstairs, saying she's upset and doesn't want to talk to you."
"She's a kid, I don't know. So this is the only bed then?" 
"Well, you must have done something to upset her. She dashed upstairs and staked her claim on the other mattress."
The realization dawns on Joel. "Goddammit, Ellie! Get down here now!" he yells, but his call is met with silence. He races up the staircase to the closed door, pounding on it. "Ellie, come out here. We need to talk."
"No! I'm not talking to you. I locked the door, you can't come in," her voice is muffled but defiant. Joel continues to pound on the door. "Ellie, get out here."
"I can't hear you..." Ellie's voice trails off, barely audible.
Frustrated, Joel descends the stairs, his gaze shifting between the bed and you. "You can have the bed. I'll just crash on the floor in one of the sleeping bags."
You raise your eyebrows, surprised by his offer. "Just get in the damn bed, Joel. We're two grown adults; we can share a bed for one night, can't we?"
He looks like he's about to argue but then relents. "Fine... whatever." He grabs a sleeping bag from his pack and tosses it onto the bed. You slip under the covers, turning away from him. As Joel settles down to sleep, the room falls silent.
After a few minutes, you hear him chuckle softly to himself.
"What's so funny?" You turn to face him, a hint of irritation in your voice.
"Nothin’, just thinkin’," he replies, the chuckle turning into a full-blown laugh.
You sigh and turn back around, but his laughter is infectious. "Seriously, Joel, if you don't stop, I'm going to punch you in the face." You turn to face him again, trying to suppress a smile.
"It's Ellie," he says, the laughter subsiding. "I know why she's upset."
"Then why aren't you talking to her about it?" you ask, curiosity piqued.
He studies you for a moment, his gaze intense. "It ain't that simple. She thinks she's doin’ us a favor by making us share a bed."
Your cheeks flush with warmth. "Oh."
"So I guess that means it's your fault," he teases, a smirk playing on his lips. The atmosphere shifts, becoming both more relaxed and more charged at the same time.
"How is it my fault?" you challenge, playing along with his playful tone.
"If I didn't have to keep saving your ass, we wouldn't be in this situation," he jabs, his tone light and teasing.
"I think you owe me, if anything, for that deer I killed," you retort, a small smile tugging at your lips. The tension that's been building over the past day begins to dissipate.
"Oh yeah?" he says, inching closer to you on the bed.
You swallow hard, your heart rate picking up. "Mhm, you sure owe me big time."
His eyes flicker to your lips, then back to your eyes. Suddenly, he leans in and kisses you, his hand cradling the back of your neck while the other pulls you tightly against him. The kiss is gentle and sweet, causing your thoughts to scatter as you surrender to the moment, pressing closer to him. 
 In the quiet hush of the room, you pull back slightly, your gaze meeting his. Joel's face is mere inches from yours, his eyes brimming with unspoken desire.
Nervously, you wet your lips with the tip of your tongue, whispering his name like a secret, "Joel..."
A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth as he slowly leans in, closing the distance between you. His forehead gently meets yours, a tender gesture that sends a shiver down your spine.
"God, I've wanted this since the moment I saw you," he confesses, his voice a low rumble that resonates deep within you.
Without warning, his hand shoots out, capturing your wrist in a firm yet gentle grip. He pulls you towards him, your bodies aligning, pressing tightly against each other.
Your lips find his again, this kiss more urgent than the last, fueled by a hunger that has been building since your first encounter. Joel's lips move against yours with a newfound intensity, his tongue exploring, claiming every inch of your mouth.
You surrender to the kiss, losing yourself in the sensation of his lips on yours. His hands begin to roam, tracing the curves of your body, eliciting a soft moan from you. The sound seems to spur him on, and he deepens the kiss even further.
You can feel the heat of his skin, the strength of his muscles beneath your hands. His grip on you is firm, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your veins. He breaks away from your mouth, his lips trailing a path of fire down your neck. His hot breath against your skin causes goosebumps to rise in its wake.
His hands slide lower, gripping your hips with a possessive intensity. Joel lifts himself off the bed, pressing his body against yours, the evidence of his arousal unmistakable.
A gasp escapes you as he grinds against you. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer, while his hands explore the softness of your breasts through the fabric of your shirt. A whimper slips past your lips as he teases you with a gentle squeeze.
You can feel his smirk against your neck as he continues his descent, leaving a trail of kisses and small love bites in his wake. The sensation of being consumed by him is intoxicating, and you find yourself yearning for more, desperate to feel his skin against yours.
"Joel...please..." you beg, tugging at his shirt, eager to remove the last barrier between you.
He chuckles at the desperation in your voice, a sound that only fans the flames of your desire. His lips return to yours, and he begins to move his hips in a rhythm that matches the urgency of your kisses. Your body responds instinctively, arching against him, seeking friction.
"Ahh..." you groan as his bulge hits just the right spot, causing your body to tremble with anticipation.
"Shh... just relax. I'm going to make you feel so good," Joel whispers, his voice a promise against your ear. He quickly strips you of your shirt, tossing it aside, leaving you exposed to his hungry gaze.
You bite your lip, your eyes fluttering closed as the sensation of his hands on your skin sends you reeling. His touch is electric, igniting a fire within you that only he can quench.
"Look at me," he commands, and your eyes snap open to meet his intense gaze. His face is a portrait of desire, his eyes dark with need, his hair tousled from your eager hands. His fingers find the hem of your pants, and he takes his time, drawing out the anticipation as he peels them off your legs.
He plants a gentle kiss on your belly, causing you to sigh with contentment. His lips continue their journey downward, and you can't help but arch your back, moaning softly as his fingertips graze your sensitive flesh. His tongue darts out, teasing you, tasting you, driving you wild with need.
The years of longing, the pent-up desire, it all comes crashing down as his tongue delves into your core. You can't hold back the moans that escape your lips, each one a testament to the pleasure he's bringing you. He continues to tease you, his hands tracing a path back up to your breasts, his fingers teasing your nipples into hard peaks.
The sensation of his mouth on you is almost too much to bear. You come undone, your body shuddering as wave after wave of pleasure washes over you. Joel's mouth is relentless, his lips and tongue working in unison to draw out every last ounce of your pleasure.
As you come back down to earth, your breathing slowly returning to normal, Joel pulls away, his lips glistening with the evidence of your desire. He wastes no time in shedding his own clothes, revealing the full extent of his arousal.
He positions himself at your entrance, the tip of his shaft teasing you, promising you the release you so desperately crave. And then, with one powerful thrust, he's inside you, filling you completely.
The world around you fades away as Joel sets a punishing pace, his hands gripping your hair, pulling just enough to send shivers of pleasure down your spine. You match his rhythm, your bodies moving together as one, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge.
Sweat beads on your foreheads, your chests rising and falling in sync with each other's breaths. All you can see is Joel's face above you, his eyes locked onto yours, filled with a passion that takes your breath away.
"Joel..." you whisper his name, a benediction, a plea, a promise. Your fingers thread through his hair, caressing his cheek, feeling the stubble beneath your fingertips.
With a final, powerful thrust, Joel reaches his climax, his body shuddering against yours. You hold him close, feeling the aftershocks of his release mingle with your own.
For a moment, the only sounds are the ragged breaths filling the room and the pounding of your hearts. In this moment, there is nothing else—just you and Joel, two souls intertwined in the most intimate of dances.
You lie there, your breaths heavy as they echo in the quiet room, your gaze fixed on the ceiling above. In the stillness, the sound of your own ragged breathing mingles with Joel's intense scrutiny of your body. It's then that he notices the jagged scar marring your torso. His fingers trace its length, a silent question hanging in the air. "What happened?" he asks, his voice a mix of concern and curiosity.
The question yanks you from the serenity you'd found, hurling you into a tumultuous sea of memories. "Uh - it's nothing, just a battle wound," you reply, your voice trembling despite your attempt at nonchalance.
He looks at you, his eyes probing, seeing right through your facade. "Who did this to you?" he presses, his tone insistent.
Tears well up as you feel the rough pads of his fingers grazing your scar. You pull his hand away, sitting up on the bed's edge, turning away from him. A heavy sigh escapes you before you begin to unravel the story.
"When the raiders took over our camp, they brought me to some abandoned warehouse a few cities over. They held me there for weeks, torturing me, starving me. They left bruises everywhere. Every night before they would sleep, they would have their way with me." you confess, your voice wavering. "One night I guess I fought them a little too hard and I was awarded this fucking thing as a lovely reminder."  You gesture to the scar on your abdomen with a trembling hand.
Joel moves closer, his cool hands unexpectedly cradling your face, turning you to meet his gaze. He wipes away your tears, his eyes locked onto yours. "I'm here now, baby girl," he assures you, his voice firm with conviction. "Ain't nothing gonna happen to you like that ever again, you hear me?"
A small, sad smile tugs at your lips as he leans in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss. He then reclines on the bed, drawing you into the sanctuary of his arms. Your head finds the rhythm of his heartbeat, a comforting lullaby that resonates against your cheek. In this moment of vulnerability, you allow yourself to trust in his promises, your defenses crumbling as sleep claims you, cocooned in his embrace.
"I knew it!"
Suddenly, a sharp whisper slices through the silence, "I knew it!"
Joel startles awake, his heart pounding in his chest. There, at the foot of the stairs, stands Ellie, her eyes wide with the realization of the scene before her. He glances down at you, still nestled against him, and for a moment, time stands still. With a quick gesture, he signals Ellie to be quiet, his finger pressed to his lips. "Go back to bed," he commands softly.
"But I'm not tired -" Ellie protests, her voice a whisper in the dark.
"Now," Joel repeats, his whisper now a stern command. Ellie sighs dramatically, rolling her eyes, but she complies, her footsteps retreating up the stairs. "Jeez, okay, lover boy," she mutters under her breath.
Relief washes over Joel as he watches Ellie disappear from view. He turns back to you, your peaceful slumber a stark contrast to the tension that just gripped the room. He gently kisses your forehead, his whisper barely audible, "I got you, baby girl."
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Hey there, I hope you're doing great!!
New chapter yay 🥳
Thomastair!!! 🤩😍
An entire day had passed, and his father is still yelling.
Seriously? Dude... let it go, they're in love 🤷🏻‍♀️
🤬🤬 I hate Robert!
His father doesn’t respond to that. Instead, he lets out a groan. “I had dreams for you, Alec. You were supposed to carry the Lightwood name forward.”
What an awful thing to say 🤬 how long until he dies? 😠
It has never felt like home to Alec. Not in the way that matters.
Reading this after last chapter is hard, cause we know Alec’s home is Magnus and then I remember Magnus leaving and then I want to cry 😭😭
“For Christ’s sake!” his father throws up his hands. “Then why did you stop there? Why did you stop at the executive mansion? You should have taken him to the goddamn White House and fucked him there!”
Give him time, he'll get there 😈
Alec hadn’t reached out to Magnus yet. It’s almost been a day. Magnus had texted him multiple times. Alec hasn't responded yet. 
Alexander Lightwood, how dare you? You call your baby right away
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Poor Magnus must have gone through all the worst case scenarios by now 🤦🏻‍♀️
Just tell him that you're alive, that you miss him and that you'll return in a few days!
“You will stop seeing this boy and you will stop acting recklessly in public,” his father says. “If anyone says anything about what happened, we can release a statement denying all of it.”
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"Enough about the kissing, dad!" Izzy yells again. "How dare you give him shit for this? Alec likes Magnus! It's what people do when they like each other! When was the last time you kissed mom?"
Yasss!!! Izzy queen!!! Tell him!!!
“I hope you don’t fight against me,” Alec says – no, he warns. “Because I intend to obliterate anyone who stands in my way.”
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Not what he wants to hear. But it’s not a bad place to start.
At least she's trying and that's what matters...
Alec sighs into his hands. He picks up his phone and considers texting Magnus back.
Do it!!! Text him!!
😮😮 is Thomas!!!! 🤩😍🥰
“He is seeing someone else, I think,” Thomas says quietly.
Wait what?? Who??
“To being free,” Alec clinks it with a grin.
Cheers! 🍻
Oh no 😔 I already feel the sadness 🥺
“You know what my biggest fear is?” Magnus asks. “I’m scared my kids will hate me for this.”
Poor Magnus 😭
“There is a chance,” Alastair says, his voice low. “There is a chance that your mental health will be used against you.”
Alec would NEVER!
“Even if he calls me mentally and emotionally unfit to be a parent, I will not be calling him an abuser,” Magnus says firmly. “This is not up for discussion.”
I remember a snippet about this and I don't like what my memory is showing 😫😫
Alec is his family.
Is? Was?
IS and will always be!!!
Magnus didn’t want to go back to the mansion and Alec didn’t want to come to the apartment.
Where have they been meeting for the last couple of months???
“He doesn’t have a fucking choice, Magnus! We are all just saying yes to whatever the fuck you want!”
My children are in pain!!! Help!!! It hurts!!
“He isn’t doing anything! He isn’t even coming out of his room. He isn’t eating. He isn’t talking to anyone. He stopped talking to David for fuck’s sake.”
Max thinking that love is going to hurt him is breaking me, he needs David 😭😭😭
“Yeah, well, just because he has a nice ass, it doesn’t mean he can say whatever he wants.”
Magnus blinks. “What?”
Alastair blinks. “What?”
How dare you make me laugh just as I'm enjoying the sadness 🧐 so rude! 🤭
When he looks up, his blue eyes are wet.
When he speaks, his voice is broken.
“Rafael chose Magnus.”
What did Rafael said?? 😭
I have the mightiest need to go and make a moodboard but I also don't want to stop reading...
What should I do??
From divorce to wedding 😍
This is going to be awesome!!!!
“Oh my god, it’s boring as fuck,” Max groans. “But don’t worry. I’m gonna get through this shit. I will not rest until I meet Trudeau and kiss him on the mouth.”
🤣🤣 I can totally picture Max creating an international incident!
Max, who is wearing an official outfit, shirt and trousers, looking handsome as ever, seems to be wearing an expensive watch too.
A Patek Phillipe, in fact.
Look at that, is Fuck Shinyun time!
Christ. Shinyun always has to go overboard.
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“Is to share it with those who don’t have it,” Max finishes. “Yes. Yes. I know. Don’t quote dad. It’s very unsexy of you.”
Impossible, everything Alec is, says or does is sexy! 🥰
“David is here, by the way” Magnus says gently. “Thomas and Alastair invited him. You could have come with Alec. David would have liked that.”
When are we getting a Mavid scene? One where they talk to each other!
[From: Shinyun]
Just landed in Seoul.
Nobody cares! 😒
Should he ask her how she is doing? Should he tell her misses her? Should he maybe make her laugh? Maybe use a smiley emoji or something?
What you should do is get a restraining order against her...
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Alec, whom Magnus had loved more than anything or anyone.
Alec whom he loves still.
They love each other!!!!
Magnus wonders for a minute why in the world Alastair and Thomas would make them sit next to each other on purpose.
They should be the ones that remarry you!!
“I’ll consider stopping when he stops growing,” Alec mutters. “He is taller than Thomas for fuck’s sake! What is he trying to see from up there?”
Ugh! Tall people, I love them so much 🙃
“Malec,” Alec had smiled when he had said it out loud, the word new but soft on his lips. “I think it’s my third favorite word.”
“I didn’t know they were cat shows. I just thought it was for dogs,” Alec says to him now. “Did you ever take Chairman Meow to these things?”
What a clueless man, I love him so much!!
“Isn’t your last name Lightwood?”
“Isn’t your last name Bane?”
When are you going to be Lightwood-Bane again??? 😌
It makes Magnus wonder if they should have moved here a long time ago – when they still had a chance.
It makes me wonder if my dream of president Alec is ever going to come true? 🤔
Magnus has no idea how Alec can eat this disgusting fruit so elegantly. But he does so anyway.
Why is this sexy? Do I have brain damage?
If you like or support raisins, please stop reading. This fic has strong anti-raisin propaganda.
HEY!!! Raisins are fine... 😋
Thank you so much for sharing another chapter!!!
PS: I made another moodboard, it has become a problem, TLND has it's own folder on my phone now 🤦🏻‍♀️
I love your mood boards tho 🥺
A song rec for Model Magnus (I love this song): Movements by Pham ft Young Fusion ;)
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rosalind-of-arden · 4 years
Tota Est Gratia: A Great Library Fan Appreciation Project
As you all have probably heard, Rachel Caine was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. This project is a Great Library fandom collaboration to show her how much we appreciate her work. In keeping with the themes of the series, the goal is to show the power and immortality of her writing.
The end result will be a book, or at least a booklet. What else could it possibly be? That book will contain a collection of messages describing the impact that the Great Library series has had on us and the parts that we have found most meaningful. I’m leaving this open-ended to allow for a variety of responses, but here are some options:
Choose a quote from the series and write about why it speaks to you.
Write about a favorite character, setting, plot, theme, scene, chapter, or book.
Write about the influence the series has had on your life.
Write a thank-you note.
In addition, I will also include creative and related work, so long as it is NOT fanfiction. In particular, I would love to have visual elements to add. Options:
Fan art
Moodboards and other visuals
Lesson plans and class activities
Scholarly essays (or book reports/homework!)
Links to audiovisual materials
Please DO NOT send:
Fanfiction. This is a boundary violation for authors.
Anything including negativity or hate toward anyone. You are welcome to say that you like this series more than any other media, but please don’t bash other media in the process.
Bigotry of any sort, including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. As Wolfe made very clear in Ink and Bone, the Great Library does not tolerate any of that.
Adult content. It’s a YA series, so keep things PG-13 rated.
None of these have to be long. Short messages are as welcome as long contributions. The goal of showing appreciation is what matters. Feel free to be creative with formatting, fonts, colors, visuals, etc., just please give credit where credit is due if you incorporate any words or images that you did not create yourself.
You don’t have to produce anything new. Feel free to send in work you have already done if it’s relevant!
I will note that I am not especially talented with visuals, but I will attempt to design the final document in a way that is aesthetically pleasing, or at least professional and readable. I will not edit or change the content anyone’s work, but I may adjust fonts, spacing, etc. to make things fit neatly on pages. If there are formatting elements of your submission that you feel especially strongly about, make a note of it and I will do my best to maintain those.
All submissions will be due no later than Saturday, October 17th. Send your work either to my inbox or in a reply to this post. Work may be sent as plain text, links to online content, or Google docs (make sure to set sharing so I can access it!). Basically, if it can be sent to my Tumblr inbox or you can link it, I will take it.
I will compile everything into a single pdf document. Thanks to @thelonelyrainbowenby, we have a contact for Caine’s assistant, who can pass it along. I will also share the final document here on Tumblr, and I would be grateful if anyone active on Twitter, Facebook, etc. could share it there as well. Let’s show how much we appreciate Rachel Caine’s work!
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fairytalefragments · 4 years
Hey, if you don’t mind can you show what requests you have? I think my request got ate up
✦ yeah sure, from oldest to newest we've currently got:
Deadpool moodboard
Nezuko Komado icons (working on these rn)
Ema Skye icons
N stimboard
Kid Cosmic reply icons
Untitled Goose Game icons
Aurora (PL) moodboard
Spidernoir graphic
Luke (TotA) icons
Link (OOT) moodboard
Fairy moodboard
Catra graphic
Cat moodboard
Akira P5 moodboard
Moobloom moodboard
Greed icons
Dedf1sh moodboard
Dipper Pines aesthetic
Cosmic Girl stimboard
Susato Mikotoba icons
and that's everything! I've had to delete some requests recently for violating the rules (mostly ppl rqing moodboards for sources i can't do moodboards for) but yeah! feel free to send yours in if it's not here!
༄ Mod Story 💐
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costumingofkira · 8 years
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"It doesn’t matter if you accept me or not! Here I am... alive.” 
First three Cosplay photos by @latibulefizzgig
Last two cosplay photos by  Artisicaise Cosplay Photography
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