#tossing this out into the ether finally so that i can rub my bird special interest all over everything
morguecrow · 2 years
the primordial bowerverse was conceived many years ago during a prompt game by the tumblr user now known as toastyglow wherein people would send them one fancy word and they would spin out an entire writing prompt. their response to "iridescence", sadly lost to the mists of time when their entire blog was deleted, imagined a world where people courted each other like birds--men dressing up in brightly colored clothes and dancing, and the dully-dressed women judging their performance--and suggested one could have quite a lot of fun writing queer lit in such a setting. from such roots sprouted my bowerverse.
 bowerverse changes from iteration to iteration depending on how much effort i or anyone else wants to put into writing a world with cultural norms fairly different from our own. these are the elements that i would keep: 
inasmuch as gender norms transfer over to any given setting: bright colors are masculine, over-the-top makeup is masculine, glitter is masculine. this is the most goddamn important element of bowerverse
everyone is more-or-less expected to be interested in interior or exterior design. if your mans lives in a plain beige apartment with no decor but a metal bowl of fake lemons Why Are You With Him.
not everyone uses their bedroom as their bower but it's, like. the standard space. if you're in somebody's room and you're messing with where their stuff is you're their wingman, flirting with them, or doing a power play. possibly all three.
everyone is at least a little bit into using their skills to decorate themselves and/or their space. theoretically you could make a bower that looked objectively good from entirely storebought objects and wear exclusively off-the-rack clothes & accessories but like your bower is supposed to be a reflection of your best and sexiest traits so. Why Would You, Put Any Effort In, Come On
widespread fashion trends are less of a thing because people are generally trying to look like Themselves instead of trying to fit into a crowd. goths still exist though. theyre called shrikes and they decorate their bowers with scavenged bones. sick af
(on the heels of this, ironically there is probably Less emphasis on developing an aesthetic and/or tastes completely unprompted -- there’s no such cultural concept as “an entirely self-taught artist” when everyone is an artist and stealing their favorite bits of each others’ styles all the time)
go forth and 
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