#toshirei affair au
proxissima · 2 years
Okay, here me out though:
If Rei is having an affair with someone, doesn’t Toshinori as himself make sense?
- he’s unfamiliar (new to the area) and therefore less likely to be someone known to Endeavor
- he’s pretty much the opposite of Enji in every way in this form, not just physically but emotionally and socially
- he might be awkward and a bit self-deprecating but at the heart remains someone who puts others first, cares about their comfort and being reassuring, apologizes frequently (which we know Enji does not), and tends to be gentle in the rest of his mannerisms — when he isn’t trying to cringe away from being noticed. if Enji takes up space, Toshi’s practically trying to give it away
- his philosophy behind “I am here!” is to put people at ease, to make them feel safe. can’t imagine how relieving that would feel to Rei, even if it wasn’t coming from the usual source
Sorry for the late reply, my little cousin was over on the weekend (full time job) and I wanted to give this some more thought!
Ngl, I haven't paid attention to the ship all that much, until now. I primarily considered it because I was thinking along the lines, "What can be done so that Enji suffers the most? >:)", and what could possibly surpass the humiliation that is his wife having an emotional (and physical) affair with the one person that Enji centered his entire life around to defeating? ...And I'm saying this as someone who loves Enji lmao.
You made a good comparison between Enji and Toshi, and I also think it's really interesting just how starkly contrasting Toshi's own normal character is compared to his hero persona, even if his core ideology stays the same; very much like Clark Kent vs Superman. (I wanted to make a post about this... it's there, somewhere in my drafts...)
Toshi and Enji being so opposite personality-wise makes for a fascinating factor in the relationships of this love triangle (both individually with Rei and also Toshi & Enji among each other), considering that those dynamics are kind of reversed as Endeavor and All Might.
Anyway, it's kinda funny how there's a 2.20 meters tall blond giant running around, who always happens to be in the same street clothing as All Might and in the exact same area too, and no one's been able to connect the dots.
On that notion, I love the idea that when Toshi is speaking comforting words to Rei in a deeper tone than he'd usually use for his skinny form, Rei can't help but feel an extreme sense of familiarity, but just could never place it.
...Or maybe she did, once, promptly froze, looked back at Toshi – really looked at him – took note, in that moment more intensely than ever, of his coughing, the sunken, tired eyes and the scar spanning a good part of his slim torso; and then went, "Yep, I must be going insane to have even considered the possibility for more than half a second". It's what put her at ease, even if a minuscule, treacherous part of her mind keeps nagging at her, what if, what if.
Depending how prevalent and violent the emotional and physical abuse has become in her actual marriage, in her darkest and loneliest moments, the thought makes its way back to the forefront of her mind, and she entertains the silly little fantasy for a while. What it would be like if her lover actually happened to be All Might in secret. What it would be like to be officially in a relationship with him. How Enji, Endeavor, would react to it.
It's the last question that all her thoughts ultimately spiral towards. It fills her with grim satisfaction; knowing that Enji's greatest rival is taking the No. 1 title from him, and now his wife, too, besting him not just at his profession but also in private... It would drive Enji mad, leave him fractured, in the same way he's been chipping away at her.
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proxissima · 1 year
Brooo how about Rei for that ask thing. I will send three more asks on that stuff
-How I feel about this character:
I have no strong feelings towards her.
-All the people I ship romantically with this character:
-Enji, but there are days where I'm feeling this ship more than on others, ngl. I'm also not sure if I like it better in happy AUs than in canon, or canon-divergence
-All Might, for comedy or, imo, even better, for drama. *Slaps roof of ToshiRei affair* This bad boy can end in so much tragedy! (I only see this ship happening when Toshi, ofc, doesn't know that Rei is married or to whom. But I don't think Enji ever showed him a picture of his wife though.)
-Also all three of them together
Yeah, that's it.
-My non-romantic OTP for this character:
don't have one
-My unpopular opinion about this character:
She doesn't feel... organic. I feel like she's more developed by fanfic authors than by Horikoshi. 💀 Her breakdown makes sense but I don't understand why she was perfectly fine with being sold into a eugenics experiment. Was there some form of covert hero worship going on on her end?
-One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
MORE SCREENTIME. What was she like before meeting Enji? Why did she just go along with the marriage?
Give me a character; and I'll break their ass down
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