#torryn perris
negative-speedforce · 7 months
Look I'm just gonna continue the chain - if your OCs were given the choice to swap with mine, who would they choose?
This one should be easy because you have way less OCs than I do so I'm just going to match as many OCs as you have so the answers don't get too repetitive
Liah chooses to swap places with Mira, since she's used to taking care of a non-human body and she'd be scared to severely injure a human by doing something that her normal body wouldn't be able to handle.
Cassandra switches with Rae. Her shields are extremely useful, and Cassandra, being an extremely pragmatic person, would only want to switch places with someone who had a good power set.
Meredith chooses to switch places with Robin- after all, she's been nearly totally deaf her whole life, and it wouldn't particularly like to be overwhelmed by a completely new sense.
Max chooses to swap places with Madison- he's always wanted superpowers, and having venom and turning invisible sounds like a great way to take out some billionaires and redistribute their wealth.
Siv would switch places with Ophelia, since she knows Ophelia's always wanted superpowers anyway, she can have fun in Siv's body. Meanwhile, Siv relishes in the fact that they can finally reach the top shelf and she grabs down anything from where they can't reach before they have to turn back.
Athena would love to swap places with Eris, since she's definitely the most chaotic figure in her universe, and living as a being who thrives with that chaos would be ideal for her. Have fun dealing with Athena's absolutely horrendous reputation, Eris.
Khalil would switch with Nikoletta, mainly because he'd be curious to see how her shadow magic differed from his own. Nikoletta could enjoy being able to touch things without being worried about spreading her shadows onto them (my recommendation? she should go visit and pet Jay's therapy dog, Stella)
Pyrrha would probably choose to switch places with Indigo, since I don't think she'd particularly want to go to a universe that was too different to her own. She'd probably also enjoy having a full sense of touch again too.
Torryn would swap places with AJ, since they're already pretty used to living with one eye (technically he can see with both eyes, but their left eye is like a glowing ice blue so he covers it with an eyepatch in order to stay under the radar). He'd also prefer to stay in the body of someone who's used to doing undercover work and all the stunts necessary to do so- Torryn as a secret agent, and AJ as an assassin.
Pippa switches places with Quinn, for completely altruistic reasons, because Quinn in Pippa's body will get a taste of what being a speedster in the best shape of her life is like. Quinn might have a little trouble adjusting to Pippa's body proportions (short and stout rather than tall and lanky), but I think she'd enjoy it.
Onnie would want to switch places with Katherine, solely for Katherine's connection with the gods. Onnie would love to manipulate the hell out of that, fuelling their own god complex even further. Have fun with eldritch horror powers, Katherine.
Jay would love to swap places with Jasper, but only with their consent, since Jay's physically disabled, but he would love to be in a body that was free from pain for once, and he'd probably end up doing a lot of good with Jasper's empath abilities.
Hailey would want to switch with Prometheus, since as a dream, Prometheus is vaguely similar to Hailey's ghostly status, and it would be really hard for her to adapt to being in a living person's body again.
Arya would probably want to switch places with Kestrel, since they honestly couldn't imagine living without the ability to shapeshift whenever they feel the need to. They'd probably use it as an opportunity to look for other Fae creatures, since they haven't talked to anyone from their realm in centuries.
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negative-speedforce · 7 months
Your OCs find themselves face-to-face with a fairy-tale trickster! They're told they have to perform one song of their choosing, and it must be suitably entertaining to the trickster, or they'll lose their greatest skill forever! We're talking superpowers, Max's ability to design tech, Hyun-Ki's kills with performance (how ironic), whatever it is that makes them stand out.
What song do they pick, and how do they make sure the trickster is entertained by their performance?
Siv: Shows off their years of guitar lessons with a half-decent performance of "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"
Jay: Can't sing to save his own life, so he gives backup vocals for Cassandra's performance.
Cassandra: Sings "Texas Hold 'Em" by Beyonce, and while her performance by itself would have impressed the trickster by itself, she ends up making them leave because they got uncomfortable when Jay and Cassandra started making out.
Hailey: "Jokes on you, you can't curse me, I'm dead."
Ember: Uses his powers to make gemstones rain on them from the earth as they lipsync to P!nk's "Raise Your Glass" in her glitteriest outfit.
Arya: Mostly impresses the trickster with the fact that every songbird and squirrel was falling out of the trees around them because of their siren song, rather than their performance of BlackPink's "As If It's Your Last"
Gina: Asks if the trickster can wait like ten minutes, and she calls a few of her choir friends over and they perform "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" together.
Esme: Performs "Work Bitch" by Brittany Spears, and impresses them with the fact that no one should be able to dance that well while wearing heels that high and a skirt that short and tight
Cat: Joins Gina and her choir friends for "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" because they're gonna need someone for the alto line (or potentially the tenor line, if Freaking Travis doesn't show up again).
Max: Takes the microphone and starts singing Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" while slow dancing with Kyle and looking longingly into his eyes.
Kyle: Gets his old turntables from when he tried to learn how to DJ and makes a sick remix of Mad Love by Mabel
Eric: Pulls out his violin and performs "The Devil Went Down To Georgia".
Jacob: Serenades his husband with Elvis Presley's "I Cant Help Falling In Love With You".
Khalil: Sings "Daniel In The Den" by Bastille, attempts to impress the trickster by using his magic to create illusions to go along with the lyrics
Ameerah: Growls out a passionate cover of Hell's Coming With Me by Poor Man's Poison
Reggie: Manages to get through Rap God by Eminem without missing a single beat, impresses the trickster because xe's just this tiny kid who can rap that fast.
Antonio: Follows the trickster around for two hours playing The Song That Never Ends on kazoo until they promise not to curse him (yay psychological warfare)
Rania: Sings "Can't Catch Me Now" by Olivia Rodrigo and manages to impress the trickster with the sheer emotion coming through her performance (she is actually crying tears of rage by the end)
Kelsie: Sits the trickster down and pulls out a pad of paper and her glasses, and begins digging down into why they feel the need to do things like this. They feel much better after this impromptu therapy session.
Torryn: Just steals the trickster's magic and runs off with it.
Cory: Impresses the trickster with her fry scream and midair acrobatics while singing Monstarrr by Ennaria
Meredith: Starts signing aggressively about how she's "deaf and mute, dipshit, how is she supposed to perform music?" until the trickster feels bad and goes away.
Director Hawke
Onnie: Disintegrates the trickster before they can curse them and then she goes on with her day to day life.
Pippa: Sings a dreamy cover of "Flowers In My Hair" by Wes Reeve while daydreaming about kissing that mysterious Thawne girl she's only met a few times...
Jessi: Performs one of her own hit singles, puts on a really great show, and attracts a crowd of people because "OH MY GOD IS THAT JESSI JUNO???" (if you're looking for a real-world song with a similar vibe to her music, try "Bitches" by Tove Lo)
Hyun-Ki: Sings a haunting cover of Ave Maria, because no one expects the K-Pop star to be classically trained.
Marie: Screams out Girli's "More than a Friend" while useless lesbian-ing out over Qiara's existence, until she's blushing so bad that her face is bright green.
Liah: Dances to "Bombay Dreams" by KSHMR and shows off her skills from her former job as a Bollywood star.
Qiara: "No." *vanishes*. Jokes on you, you can't do that to an omnipotent space god.
Soraya: Asks for a religious exemption, since she's of the school of Islam that doesn't allow music or singing, so therefore she doesn't really know that many songs.
<note: for the Star Wars OCs, just assume it's the space equivalent to the song>
Thalia: Sings Elastic Heart by Sia (Space Version), actually does a fairly good job.
Reyna: Thinks she sounds great, but actually sucks so hard as she quite literally screeches out Space Demi Lovato's "Cool For The Summer".
Laila: Sings "Trouble" by Space Halsey, very obviously singing it to Athena. Stabs the trickster for even daring to suggest cursing her once she's done.
Athena: Manages to capture the trickster in a sack and then takes them back to her lab, where she decides to vivisect them to see how they work, all while singing a very sultry, seductive cover of Space Ariana Grande's "Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored"
Pyrrha: Screams out "Weapon" by Space Against the Current (which is basically her theme song), and impresses the trickster with her dance moves, since her cybernetic limbs have higher strength and range of motion than her natural ones.
Samira: Duets "Rewrite The Stars" with Aldrich, since it's their song as a vampire/human couple (BIG taboo on that one)
Aldrich: Duets "Rewrite The Stars" with Samira, taking Zac Efron's part while Samira does Zendaya's part.
Sohelia: Sings "Snakes" By PVRIS, all while visualizing Mr. Head of the Hunters' Guild, immortal alchemist, and accidental creator of Vampires everywhere, Thaddeus St. James, so she puts far more vitriol into her performance than necessary.
Dolores: Sings "Which Witch" by Florence + The Machine and impresses the trickster with her powerful belting and the sheer emotion behind the performance (living your life at risk of being hunted for sport will do that to you)
Victorie: Plays Vivaldi's Four Seasons on violin, since that was new music when she was alive.
Matt: Sings "Believe" by Cher, can't really do anything that special with his performance with his EDS and everything, so he makes sure and puts some extra "oomph" in with his voice.
Vanessa: Sings "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri, while slow dancing with Victorie, putting special emphasis on the line "Beauty is all she is".
Ellis: They're an angel, so they sing the Hallelujah Chorus with the voice of one. Probably go into the full "be not afraid" Biblically Accurate Angel form too.
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