#tormented me on discord with blue shells
blue-champion · 6 months
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Build me a canon that shoots blue shells at people
The sword isn't enough anymore
I need a gun
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casselisims · 5 years
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♔ →  westeros  presents  BETH CASSEL, the  LADY of  HOUSE CASSEL. a raven sent word that she bears the resemblance to  SARAH BOLGER. the  TWENTY-FIVE year old  FEMALE  was  COMPASSIONATE & KIND before the dawn of war, but have now become  MISTRUSTFUL & MELANCHOLIC. when songs are sung, their verses speak of  INNOCENT SMILES HIDING MILES OF TRAUMA, BLOOD RED ROSES SITTING ON PURE WHITE SNOW, MELANCHOLIC BABY BLUES. whispers throughout the seven kingdoms claim that their allegiance lies with  HOUSE STARK, but fealty means little when you play the game of thrones.  (  jane, 19, gmt 2:00, she/her.  )
hello everyone! my name is jane and i’m a 19 year old from newfoundland! i love to read and write, and i’ve actually been writing since i was probably like three or four, though obviously back then my stories were just gibberish. my father was a poet, and my mother used to write romance novels, so writing has been a big part of my life. i use it mostly as a means of escaping the real world, honestly. i do try to be as active as i can be, though when you can’t find me here on beth you can reach me on discord which is open for everyone! beth is the loml, she’s my precious sad baby girl, and i hope that everyone grows to love her as much as i do.
BIOGRAPHY Growing up the daughter of the Master at Arms, Beth was expected to have found some interest in weaponry. But, she took the complete opposite route. She was as soft as a flower, as many people said. She was soft spoken and gentle, excelling at needlework. She spent many of her days hanging around the Stark children, namely Sansa, due to favoring her aura. Many of her days were spent practicing her dancing and singing, or drawing her father and the boys he trained when she was allowed to sit and watch.       As time passed and the world fell into a state of peril, Beth struggled within herself for being so cowardly. While her father, the Stark boys, and all of the North went to war fought for not only their freedom, but the Kingdoms well being, while she sat in the North and practiced her needlework. Eventually the young girl grew extremely anxious and began observing more fights, more training. As the world grew colder and colder, and winter descended onto Winterfell, the once soft girl found herself hardening. She was enraged that the Lannisters could behave in the manner which they did, that the Freys could’ve betrayed the Starks in such an extreme way, that even in her home there were whispering of harsh words about their new Royal family. As the shell of ice wrapped itself around her raging heart, Beth Cassel vowed to do SOMETHING, anything, to aid not only those who were her friends, but those who had become her superiors. Much to her fathers disapproval, Beth’s focus shifted from simple needlework and the typical Lady duties to doing what she could to help with the army: sewing their banners, aiding in the cleaning of their armor, and even helping with the sick and injured.
HEADCANNONS: 001  ⇻ Beth is known for her ability with the arts. Although her singing and dancing talent is far more prominent than her drawing/painting, she enjoys doing them all equally. For nameday gifts, she’ll often give out a painting or drawing that reminds her of the person, whereas she’ll often dance or sing to entertain at parties and feast. She prefers dancing with a partner over alone, and most commonly sings about legendary kings and warriors alike.
002  ⇻ Despite being so good at Needlework, she doesn’t enjoy doing it. She does so only because it’s expected of her, and she hates to let down her father, Ser Rodrik. Under the belief that he wouldn’t approve of her doing anything less than perfect when it came to any of her duties, she thrived to be so. Her idol of course being Sansa Stark, one of her few friends, who was known to be perfect at everything she did.
003  ⇻ Growing up being so close to the Starks, Beth had a crush on the elder Stark boy, Robb, and the Stark’s bastard, Jon. Although it was definitely no secret among the girls, and even her father, she denied ever having any feeling for either of them. She eventually grew out of the childlike wonder she had with both boys, and although she has no reason for being embarrassed over her past feelings, still refuses to admit that it was ever a thing - even if her father still torments her time to time. (Although, feelings do linger)
004  ⇻  After the war began, Beth was in a constant state of fear. Although she was safe in Winterfell, she worried for the people she cared about going out and fighting these wars. She spent many nights worrying over her fathers wellbeing along with many of the boys she’d grown up with, knowing all of them were fighting for their rights and freedom. Knowing many of the boys were still just that - boys - with no experience with war. Her terror left her a shell of the girl she had been, and she slowly withdrew into herself, reflecting on what she could do to help.
005  ⇻ The discovery that she wanted to not be a fearful little girl anymore came suddenly and at random. It dawned upon her that not all women had to sit at home waiting for the men to come back and simply be fearing for them. There were plenty of female warriors - ones she had idolized in legends like Visenya Targaryen. While she would never be able to pick up a sword and wield it, or ride into battle on the back of a dragon like the formerly mentioned, she could do what she could with the skills she’d been forced to hone over the years to take care of her soldiers.
006  ⇻ Despite being such a beautiful young lady, and one that had been well known and fairly well respected in Winterfell, Beth has never known love. Too shy as a young girl to pursue boys or even give them a response when they had tried to court her. As a young lady, she became too focused on aiding in the war to even think about finding a husband.
001  ⇻ The biggest, most interesting plot point, would be someone seeing how eager she was to do something other than tremble. Learning how to fight and protect not only herself, but those around her, and take the first steps in following in her fathers lead, and becoming one of the woman warriors that she idolized in the past, would be huge for her. This development would break the barricade around her mildly sexist outlook on how she was meant to behave, and drown out the fear of her father disapproving of her for wanting to protect her people. I think she’d struggle with it a lot, and most likely become easily frustrated when things didn’t work out immediately. ( like the swords being too heavy )
002  ⇻ Meeting Daenerys Targaryen would also break down those barricades and drown those voices. Seeing a woman who belongs to no man, who does everything a woman isn’t supposed to do, would be magical for her. On top of that, she’s always idolized the Targaryen women and their fighting abilities, and dragons are pretty cool.
003  ⇻ Having someone actively remind her of her duty as a woman to find a husband and bear children would be interesting. She does want that, she wants a family, to continue the family tree. After all, she’s her fathers only living child. To not do so would be the biggest betrayal. Even more interesting would be her finding someone she wants to settle with enough that it draws her attention from the cause, and bringing about the chaos of her struggling between deciding on acting on these impulsion or continuing to do her job.
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