dayene · 3 years
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#koreanhotdog #jongroricehotdog #toreorechicken #toreore (at Hmart) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO5s4vcDER4/?igshid=pwjcot74kwap
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fyeah-redvelvet · 8 years
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unclejuho · 5 years
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yoonique-ty · 5 years
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cr. Toreore Chicken
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fy-juho · 4 years
[ ! ] Controversy regarding Zuho’s appearance on 고꾸남
In regard of the recent controversy surrounding Zuho and his appearance on 고꾸남, I would like to explain the current situation to Fantasy who might not be aware of it (since most is happening on twitter and fancafe). 
Zuho had his first personal schedule on a variety show yesterday, you can watch it here. A lot of kfantasy are angry because he seemed ‘disrespectful’ towards SF9 in the episode. 
Around halfway through the episode Zuho was asked to introduce himself and he didn’t introduce himself as SF9 Zuho, rather as just Zuho. So the MC asked him to introduce himself again as SF9 Zuho and he seemed a bit soulless doing so, really it’s just kind of meant as joking.
He also made a joke saying SF9 should be thankful to him for producing songs and working hard for them. I guess a lot of people didn’t understand that he wasn’t trying to be rude or disrespectful saying these things. It’s his first appearance by himself on a variety show in the 3 years since he’s debuted so of course it’ll still be new and strange to him and he’ll have to learn what people can accept and what they can’t accept.
However, a lot of kfantasy’s are spreading so much hate and saying he’s been disrespectful really often, even during fansigns and on other occasions. They’ve been attacking Zuho and demanding he apologizes. Fansite Love it! has even closed because they’ve suddenly done a whole 360 on Zuho and decided to leave him now he’s ‘done this’. 
I would be glad if people could help spread some positive words to Zuho. Last time kfantasy akgae’s were also so quick to hop on him after he spoke up about his corn allergy while they’re modelling for Toreore chicken. 
If you have twitter you could help out a lot by reporting the malicious comments being made against him and reporting the accounts making these for targeted harassment. Someone here has posted everyone included. You can also send an e-mail to FNC staff using the template mentioned here so they can take action against these fans and blacklist them.
It would also be great if you could leave some supportive messages on twitter or fancafe for Zuho so he’s not only seeing the hate being directed towards him. Zuho’s always shared his feelings for Fantasy in his songs and he really doesn’t deserve all the comments he’s getting. 
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dawonlog · 4 years
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200420 Fancafe Update - “Betrayal”
I’m sorry, Ore-ya*
Also, I didn't do a pictorial^^ bang-bang
*referring to Toreore Chicken, which SF9 has done CFs with
(translation cr. SF9_Unofficial)
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sfnet · 5 years
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sf9 for toreore
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honeyvoice-jy · 5 years
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cr. Toreore Chicken
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fyeah-irene · 8 years
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fyeah-redvelvet · 8 years
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toreore9292: 봄을 닮은 상콤한 조이짤로 봄기운을 미리 느껴보세욝😉 #또래오래 #또래오래치킨 #치킨 #치킨스타그램 #먹스타그램 #chicken #치느님 #맛스타그램 #일상 #레드벨벳 #레벨 #조이#RedVelvet #JOY
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unclejuho · 5 years
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taeyepn · 8 years
irene is such a master scammer, everyone knows she can’t eat chicken but BAM she promotes toreore chicken with rv. everyone knows she doesn’t drink coffee too but BAM she gets a solo deal with maxwell this girl is so fake and making big bucks too
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baeyeonsei · 7 years
» prompt date: 08/14 - 08/20 » completion points: 10,340 » objective:  Make a list of brand deals/ endorsements your muse has completed and add it to your bio. You can link the videos or cfs if applicable.
1. Ivy Club with EXO (since 2014) 2. Baskin Robbins with SM (since 2015) 3. Black Martine Sitbon with Red Velvet (since 2015) 4. Meters/bonwe with Red Velvet (since 2015)  5. Rosemonte with Seulgi & Yeri (since 2016) 6. Toreore Chicken with Red Velvet (since 2016) 7. The Saem with Red Velvet (since 2016) 8. Maxwell House Korea (since 2016) 9. NUOVO (since 2017) 10. Pro Baseball H2 with Red Velvet (since 2017) 11. Age of Ring (since 2017)
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fy-juho · 5 years
[ ! ] About Zuho’s health
Hello fantasy! Normally I don’t really make posts like this but I felt like this is a topic we need to talk about, let’s get it out here once and for all. 
This is mainly regarding Zuho’s mental and physical health, but the current issue also contains other SF9 members. Let’s start at the beginning and talk about his waist problem. This will be a long post so please read it all.
Everyone now probably knows about Zuho’s waist injury. It’s the reason why he couldn’t participate in Narcissus promotions even after having been practicing the choreography, recording songs and joining the album shooting.
The first time we all saw how bad his injury really is was during the second story fancon when SF9 was performing Go back in time and Zuho fell and couldn’t complete the performance // he had to get [dragged] off stage by the other members.
Keep in mind, the second story fancon was June 2018. He still promoted for six months with this injury through Sensuous, and before.
However, Zuho assured Fantasy later on fancafe that while he was hurt, he got treatment and we shouldn’t worry about it a lot.
Obviously this isn’t really true, and Zuho ended up on hiatus from February 20th till~ March 17th. The doctor told him to rest for at least a month and Zuho’s back promoting ever since.
However, Zuho’s still not been completely healthy since he had to sit out a few performances during the current Unlimited world tour and, practically speaking, a waist injury barely heals in three months, let alone one month.
The second issue is Zuho’s eyes. Some of you might’ve noticed that in yesterday’s SFMuVi Zuho looked like he was in pain the entire 30 minute video, and basically at any point he’s squeezing his eyes shut or lowering his head.
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Today in Zuho’s vlive fantasy was concerned and asking about what was wrong. From what I could understand he answered that his lenses have been bothering him lately and he got some sort of infection to his eye, so he had to go to the hospital in Korea to get it fixed. Again he tells us not to worry though... There might be more to this as I couldn’t understand everything he said but he kept assuring us nothing was wrong.
The third issue is what came to light especially today, and what made a lot of fansites/fantasy really upset.
SF9 are currently the face of the brand ‘Toreore Chicken’. You can find their commercial here. The problem with this company is their chicken is made with corn. Some of you may know Zuho has a corn allergy.
Zuho said this in his vlive yesterday: 
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However, only a year ago even smelling corn made Zuho feel nauseous [the entire video he keeps pointing out the smell of corn], so this seems unbelievable. Zuho had to apologize for what he said in this vlive [about not liking corn] by FNC, which he did in today’s vlive. Some Fantasy have also sent Zuho hate comments because of this for some reason. Which leads us to the current issue of FNC not taking care of their artists in general.
The vlive has been deleted by FNC because of Zuho saying he doesn’t like corn. 
Fantasy are sending in complaints to FNC for mistreating their artists. I contacted a fansite to ask if they could explain the entire situation and this is basically what’s happening right now: 
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basically it says "if you're a fantasy you would know that Zuho is allergic to corn and that Hwiyoung and Chani are the only members who really like corn [the other members dislike it]." im not sure whos blaming Zuho for what since i dont think it would be the members so maybe thats fans,,, "today in the vlive broadcast Zuho said that it was difficult to do the commercial because the smell of corn makes him want to die // because he has food allergies he thinks he could die smelling the food. because he's an idol it was a mistake for him to speak up about not liking corn" im not entirely sure here either "but FNC takes money for the ad without checking the health condition of SF9 first" because Zuho has a corn allergy it means they shouldnt have taken this ad "FNC deleted Zuho's vlive in which he said he didn't like corn and scolded Zuho, making him apologize on vlive today. he shouldnt have to apologize for that"
To sum it up, it seems like only Chani and Hwiyoung thought positively about this brand before doing a commercial. FNC is getting money from Toreore Chicken while Zuho in particular has to suffer through a corn allergy, and they’re not taking his health into account at all. 
My final point is Zuho’s mental health in general. In “Together with Zuho”, a series he had on vlive a few months back, every week he told us how he wasn’t eating well. Zuho said he barely slept and took one meal a day, if he ate at all. He gained a little bit of weight during Mamma Mia but SF9 members teased him a lot about it and some kfantasy asked him to lose weight which he did back then. However now he looks so skinny it’s becoming a little bit concerning. 
Zuho is also always thinking he’s not good enough, feels apologetic very quick and touches upon sensitive thoughts during these vlives. I’d recommend you watch them [they’re partly subbed] because it also gives more insight to Zuho’s mentality. He just seems... Very mentally unhappy and insecure about himself, and I never talk about this seriously but it’s actually a concern we should have.
↳ the mental health part is something im personally worried about and obviously not confirmed // i just always get particularly sad when i listen to Zuho’s vlives because he seems so sad and mostly exhausted himself
I just wanted to update everyone on what’s currently happening since I feel like Fantasy on tumblr aren’t really aware of how bad the situation has gotten. 
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sfnet · 5 years
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sf9 for toreore chicken
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fyeah-redvelvet · 8 years
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