#tor is stoic and arne is a ball of smiles
ronkoza · 2 years
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soft and silly
Tor belongs to @littleulvar
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kagedaddy · 4 years
Hi! I'm not sure about your rules for asks, but I was wondering if you could do a 'prom-posal' thing for Akaashi, Noya, and Kageyama? Thank you!!
promposal - akaashi, kageyama & nishinoya
Warnings: none
akaashi keiji
kageyama tobio
nishinoya yuu [masterlist]
thank you for the request, is it prom season already? always such an exciting time and one of the best of high school. hehe
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It was Prom season and everyone was busy, as seniors it was your class’s job to organise the whole event, that entailed getting the venue ready, the invitations that need to be sent a week before Prom, the stress of picking the right dress and the pressure of finding a date as a senior student you’d hope for Akaashi to be your date but every girl wants him, a girl can dream. Everyone was staying extra hours in school to complete the elements for the venue. “I’m so tired.”you friend groans beside you and you just laugh at her slumped form you had just finished the decorations for today and were heading to your lockers, “At least you know our Prom will look nice,”she nods her head feeling a little bit more motivated.
“(first name) look!”your eyes follow where your friend was pointing and to your surprise on your locker was a single (favourite flower) with a pristine white note attached to it.
You pick up the (favourite flower) and the note, a smile forms on your lips, this person knew that you liked (favourite flower) it was kinda sweet, examining the note for any signs of the sender but there was none, all that was written.
‘hey. i hope you liked the flower. if you want to find out who i am meet me at the courtyard.’
“It’s leading me to the courtyard, should I follow it?”you turn to your friend who had a wide grin on her lips eyebrows wiggling, “You know who set this up, don’t you?”she just smiles at you before bolting for the exit before yelling, “go find your mystery man, he’s been waiting for you!” You shake your head at your friend and begin your journey to the school’s courtyard and your heart was beating rather loudly in your chest, who’d be waiting at the courtyard for you?
Your eyes widen in surprise and your hands fly to your mouth as you gasp in disbelief, standing under the cherry blossoms, a bouquet of (favourite flower) in hand was Akaashi, fucking the gorgeous setter Akaashi Keiji. Oh my don’t tell me my mystery man is the all too talented setter, you walk up the path leading to him, “Akaashi?”his figure whirls to the direction of your voice, you shyly walk up to the male and such a pretty smile graces his lips. “Am I right to assume you’re my mystery man?”you raise an eyebrow, his gentle laugh makes your heart all warm and fuzzy that you have to hold in a squeal. “Surprise!”comes his sheepish grin and you’re swooning, his free hand tucks a stray strand behind your ear, “I’ve never asked anyone to Prom so please bear with me.”he clears his throat and cheeks tinted a lovely shade of pink.
“(last name) would you do me the greatest honour of being my Prom date? There are thirteen (favourite flower) to represent the thriteen months I’ve waited to ask you.”his voice was soft and gentle, you felt yourself melt and cheeks burning in embarrassment, he waited that long to ask, you had not expected this. Akaashi Keiji of all people to ask you it was unreal, “Of course I’ll go to Prom with you!”you engulf the tall setter in your arms, Akaashi is taken a back but slowly moves to wrap his arms around you, pulling both your bodies closer.
“You’re quite the romantic Akaashi.”
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“Uhh (friend name), will you go to prom with me?”
“Yes Jouji!”your friend throws her arms around the male and you smile at the scene, it was another successful promposal, Jouji-kun had asked you to help him set up his promposal for your friend, he enlisted your help because you were close to (your friend) and knew what she wanted. “I’m so happy (first name), thank you for helping him.”Your friend walks over to you bouquet in hand, you knew she was super happy, she would not shut up about the dream promposal she wanted and you were happy that you were able to let it play out.
“Nee (first name)-chan, do you think Kageyama will ask you to Prom?”your friend pulls her seat to sit across you opening up her bento box, “I don’t think so, it’s Inter-high season so they’ll be busy practicing.”you shrug your shoulders before taking a bite of your lunch, “you’ve been helping plan out everyone’s promposal don’t you want one?”you thought about her words, of course you wanted to get a promposal what girl wouldn’t want? But you had accepted the fact that your boyfriend wasn’t the type to do such sweet acts and he was busy with volleyball no way this would be in his mind. “I mean I want one but I’m fine not getting one! It’s fun to help out you know!”you answer truthfully but deep down it kinda hurt, seeing everyone get asked and helping plan out but it’s okay.
The rest of your afternoon classes flew by and it was time for dismissal, as you were packing up your things your friend hands you a stack of papers and you tilt your head in confusion. “Sensei wants you to bring this to the faculty.”a way too big smile sits on your friend’s face, you eye her suspiciously before brushing it off as happy remnants from her promposal. You accept the stack of papers and slung your bag over your shoulder. Heading for the faculty room, “Ah (last name), thank you for bringing them but I remember asking (your name) to do it.”your sensei thanks you in confusion, that bitch I knew something was up, she dumped her task on me. After biding your sensei goodbye you pull out your phone writing a long message to (your friend) before shaking your head and heading for the volleyball gym.
Your push the large grey doors open, “Sorry I’m la-“you cut yourself off noticing that the volleyball court was empty except for your overly awkward boyfriend who stood in the middle of court, hands behind his back and a nervous smile on his handsome face. You quirk an eyebrow at his odd behaviour but he shakes his head, before you could get a question out he beats you to it. “Uh (first name), can you bring me that ball.”his faces begins to flush red and his voice is not his usual stoic tone, you nod your head and picking up the blue and yellow Mikasa ball. Your boyfriend seems to stiffen more and it’s then you noticed the volleyball had words written across the material.
‘I set this up, it would be a nice kill if you were my date to Prom?’
You read over the writing again double checking if you weren’t imagining things, you look to your boyfriend and he held out a beautiful bouquet of (favourite flowers), you can’t help the smile that breaks out on your face. Clutching the ball and charging towards your very flushed partner. “Tobio, yes I’ll be your date!”you excited throw your arms around him, Kageyama sighs happily and returns your embrace, all of a sudden balloons are falling from ceiling surrounding the both of you it was kinda romantic. Confused you looked up to the balcony to find the members of the volleyball club and your friends fashioning bright smiles and teasing grins. “I knew it, you didn’t set this up yourself.”you tease your awkward boyfriend whose cheeks burn a bright red and you can’t help but swoon at the male, you were thrown for surprise but your were so happy he asked. You couldn’t love him more.
“But thank you for asking me.”
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Your joruney to the club room was an eventful one, left, right and centre was filled with Promposals. Prom was rounding the corner and everyone was asking each other as their dates even some of your friends had been asked. You weren’t really fussed about the idea of Prom or getting a date for that matter, you were still excited for Prom it was an excuse to doll up with your girl friends and to drool over the nicely dressed men in your class.
Especially a certain libero.
Sliding the club doors open you plop yourself on your usual table, arms sprawled out on the table, “Oi (first name)-chan anyone asked you for Prom yet?”one of the editors in the club takes the seat beside you, “no, I don’t need a date.”you mindlessly scroll on your phone, social feed filling up with promposal posts, it was gonna be that way till the end of Prom season. “Ayy everyone says that but I’m sure you want one. I can be your date,”he teases you ruffling your hair in the process and you turn to him sticking your tongue out, playfully pushing the male and him retaliating. “Alright kids cut the games, (first name) I completely forgot you need to picture the men’s volleyball club for our big article.”you raise your head to face your club president.
“Awwe does it have to be me? I went last time tor the basketball club.”you pout from your slumped form, you were feeling extra lazy and weren’t in the mood for more promposal encounters. “Yes yes, Shuna is busy with another club so that leaves only you also isn’t Noya in the club why don’t you ask him to Prom.”your president crosses her arms and tries to narrow her eyes at you but you don’t miss the mischievous glint in her eyes, what was she up to?
“Now go!”
“Fine I’m on it!”you playfully salute your president and she just rolls her eyes at you, slinging the strap of camera over your head before waving one last time before turning the corridor towards volleyball gym. Standing infront of the doors it was odd to not here their shoes squeaking on the court but you guess it was because they’ll be taking photos. Slowly lifting your hand on the metal door your rack your knuckles before pushing the door open. The boys all jump in surprise and you looked at them oddly, “Hi, I’m (last name) (first name) from the school’s newspaper. I’m here to take your photos.”you bowed your head introducing yourself, their captain, Ennoshita welcomes you.
The boys seemed unlike themselves today, they seemed more jumpy than normal but you ignored it and thought they were just excited for the photos, your eyes find Nishinoya and boy did he look tasty in his uniform. The Captain moves the boys into their position and you take some candid photos of the club, capturing them as they are. “Alright, I think we’re good.”you nod your head before adjusting them slightly and positioning yourself at the perfect photo snapping distance.
“3, 2, 1”
Just as you snapped the was to be picture perfect photo the five tallest boys all of a sudden held out individual letters, putting the letters together it all clicked in your brain it spelled out.
‘P R O M ?’
“uh, (first name) will you rolling thunder with me all the way to Prom?”a red faced Nishinoya walks up to you, a large (favourite flower) bouquet on one hand and the other rubbing the back of his head nervously, you were taken a back cheeks just ablazed as his. “Yes I would like that.”as soon as the words left your lips the gyms erupts in cheers and Nishinoya jumps in excitement handing you the flowers and trapping you in an embrace. Your ears pick up the sounds of camera shutters and you turn to find the newspaper club members with a shit eating grin snapping photos of the promposal, all the more your face flushes and it dawned on you, they had set you up! But your attention turns back to the Libero, his handsome face adorned with the most cute smile and reddened cheeks, this beats all the promposal you’ve seen. a little bias, maybe.
“I’m so glad you said yes!”
hi hi! i love this really like this idea, it gives me the feels haha! i was only asked to prom once it wasn’t the most extravagant but i thought it was sweet. well hope you guys enjoyed it and gave you the warm feeling haha! leave a like and comment, have a great one! jaa mata!
the late valentines special will continue tomorrow. check out the other specials here [masterlist]
happy birthday akutagawa ryuunosuke 💕
my twitch
all the love xx
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