#topic: sitruuna shokki
shiroi---kumo · 2 days
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Välkkyvä Hiillos is soul bind to Lord Aurinko and his third soul bind. He was once his dance instructor but took over as Festival Advisor along side his older sister Palava Tuli when Aurinko ascended the throne. Hiilos is a loud fun loving dancer who loves to joke around. He is playful and adores just having a good time with his family, even if his Liege is grown now. He was close friends with the previous king and Queen, Lord Huippu and Lady Hiekka.
He was also extremely fond of Tuli's husband Sitruuna Shokki, who died in the war with Windaria. He is close with Shokki's best friend Indigo Tuulta as well. He helps the lot of them look out for his nephew Sitriini Sinfonia and loves to take it easy and have a good time.
Hiillos however, is not a man to be crossed and can be deathly serious when there is a need for it and even if he is the Festival Advisor, as one of Aurinko's Binds he is considered a Pillar of the Misterican Government and has the power to match.
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shiroi---kumo · 2 months
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Help I love him. Sitruuna Shokki (see-true-nah show-key) || Lemon Shock
He's Tuli's husband and Sinfonia's father. He's a member of the royal knights and friends with Taivas. He died in the war with Windaria when Sinfonia was very young so Sinfonia has almost no memories of him, but Sitruuna loved his wife and son so very much.
Sitruuna is the one who named Sinfonia.
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