#topic ; moogle kupo
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Szél wakes up after binding with the Magun. Maybe some good can come out of it, even though it hurts like hell.
CW for descriptions of pain, broken bones, death, and neglect. Implied abuse and (former) suicidal ideation.
A long groan leaves the boy's lips as he wakes with his head in a sea of fog and his body in a world of pain.
This damned gun is going to kill him. He just knows it, with how it feels his heart is trying to crawl out of his ribs and his back feels as if it's been lit aflame. His right arm - oh, his arm is the worst of all by far. It feels like every bone in it has been blasted to pieces. He can't move it and he can't feel his hand. His shoulder throbs with every breath that he takes and it's impossible to do anything but remain in this face-down position and sob. That only makes it worse, but the pain feeds into another cry - it can't be possible to survive this kind of agony.
He just wishes it'd come faster. It's not as if he'll be missed, after all.
Not with Soil like his. There are plenty of grey souls and far more of every other color, but his own... his own was labeled "undetermined" at his very birth. It didn't match any specific known hue and for that reason, his suffering began the day he took his first breath.
None amounted to this, though. Not even fucking close.
"Szél, right? Are you... feeling... okay?" a voice calls. He can't place it.
It can't be one of his superiors. They never give a damn about his "well-being". They never will.
Words won't come. Nothing comes out of him except another sob.
Small, fuzzy hands work a pillow under his head. He forces his eyes open and looks through tear-stained vision while those same small hands wipe the tears from his face.
It's a Moogle. Not one he's ever met, but a Moogle for sure.
"My last name is Kupo," he says. "... Listen, I know we probably won't get much time together. But I'm assigned to you, so... we might as well make it a little better, right, kid?"
His Moogle, apparently. They must have arranged a partner for him just to rub it in how dispensable he is. He expects Kupo to scoff at him any minute for crying like this, for being so weak, yet those little hands just keep rubbing his face dry. This is the most kindness he's ever known, and it's right here at the end of his worthless life.
"Kupo," he chokes out. The sound is strangled and it makes his heart skip several beats. Muscles across his back twitch and spasm as if small earthquakes are taking place underneath his skin. "What- What happens after this-?"
"... I don't know, to be honest. No one else has ever made it this far. Not until you." And again tiny paws wipe his face. They're so gentle. "You're really tough, you know that? No one else ever even woke up completely. It just kept sapping their energy until they went straight to the Spiral."
There's a long pause before Kupo continues. It's hard to believe anyone would think all this sobbing is 'tough', but... apparently Kupo hadn't been joking.
"I can't believe they put the Magun on a kid."
"I'm- almost twenty, I think," he replies breathlessly. His arm howls in protest at the intake of air required.
Maybe he is twenty. It's always been guesswork. No one ever told him the date of his birth. He could be nineteen or even maybe eighteen for all he knows, but twenty is his best guess.
"... That's still a kid, Szél."
Another pause. He's the first to speak this time.
"It's... stupid, but... can you- can you just- stay?"
"We're partners, silly. Of course I'm staying. And you know what?"
His eyes open again. His vision is still blurry. He's so tired.
"If you make it, you won't get rid of me. You're stuck for life, partner."
The corners of his mouth twitch into a smile. Being stuck with Kupo doesn't sound so bad. Being stuck with Kupo sounds like he'll be stuck with someone who finally gives a shit, or at least somebody who doesn't hate him just for daring to breathe the same air.
He starts to drift back into sleep, but for once in his life, he wants to wake up. If he can just get better, maybe he can be around Kupo some more. That sounds like a much more tolerable way to live instead of being totally alone forever.
#the helix of life ; szél.#the soul of gunmetal ; kupo.#the soil that drinks thirst ; mun's writing.#injury tw#abuse tw#death tw#depression tw#topic ; moogle kupo#topic ; the magun#topic ; lore#topic ; windaria#verse ; the land of soil (windaria)
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What is your favorite cuisine not from your home?
And what's your favorite color?
A lengthy hum and haw is given to answer the question. It was a serious topic after all, one's likes and dislikes; things that often meant a Mog or three was trying to get closer to you! A very good thing. His ears wiggled back and forth in time with the flick of his Pom-tail, before a slow nod as he spoke. "Dried fruits!" Kupo. "-Or the mushed up ice that tastes like fruits. We didn't have much of that where I come from." Culinary endevours for Moogles was a somewhat lacking department, why go through the effort to wait for a finished treat when you could just eat the Kupo Nuts as they were? "And I like uh... The sky? The specific one in the afternoon when there's no clouds." A bright color, vibrant and full of warmth from a distant sun. Upon the ground, it was a whole different hue than his mountaintop home.
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An independent and private roleplay blog featuring the adorably helpful Delivery Moogle of Final Fantasy XIV. Est. January of '24, Delivered by Volpe ♡ Spoiler free, original character AND crossover friendly. Follows back from @yaroudomos.
FIRST THINGS FIRST... Shoutout to my lovely friend Beckowsky for providing the graphics for this blog. Please, PLEASE give her commission blog a look over and consider supporting her yourself! You can find her over here @beckowskysgraphicscommissions ♡
Now, onto the topic of rules... °˖✧ This blog is selective and mutual exclusive. However! As long as you keep your posts trimmed, don’t spam OOC content, have basic information about your muse, and I believe our muses also have a decent chance with connecting, then there’s a good chance I’ll follow you back. I absolutely love original characters and I’m welcome to most fandom muses, so, there's no need to be shy here. °˖✧ Practice patience with me. I ask that you keep in mind that I’m a busy little bee, and that I also have many other muses that I write for. Though it usually takes me a while to get through replies, know that it’s just a matter of life simply getting in the way. °˖✧ Woah, there! I'm not quite caught up on FFXIV yet! Since I have several other series I'm invested in (and I'm quite slow with MSQ as it is), I'm currently still working through Shadowbringers. Note that this will not deter me from interacting with those who may have spoilers present on their blogs. Spoilers aren't really an issue for me! I just ask for your understanding that I may not catch onto certain references, etc. That is all.
And I think that about does it for my rules! A little about myself: I'm Volpe, 27, and I'm a very tired lady. Have questions, want to plot, or simply wish to chat? You’re more than welcome to shoot me a message!\(^▽^)
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Cha chas in here real smooth. For metaposting hours: what sort of foods does Caeda consider comfort foods? What sort of things are reminiscent of "home" and what foods are avoided?
okay so . funny thing about caeda is that she's a culinarian! she's like. fairly basic stuff initially because she had a ton of mouths to feed + not a lot of time so! lots of hearty stuff tht's easy to make/doesn't take a ton of time.
that's also sort of adventurer food, so i don't really think she'd be all that fazed when she does start adventuring. i think what she misses more than the food is the company. she is so used to tons of voices chattering over each other that when it's gone it feels so empty. i think in general quiet really disturbs her. it feels as though something is wrong to her.
THOUGH I AM GETTING A BIT OFF TOPIC, SO BACK TO FOOD. i think in general she reallyyyyy likes sweet things. i think kupo nuts are sort of a given for her diet, because. u know. moogles. i've gone on about what kupo nuts taste/feel like (they're large, have the texture of an apple but the taste of a green grape), so i think those sorts of sensations would remind her of home.
funny enough, if she also saw something like limes or something, she'd probably also get homesick because the moogles in her village had green poms odijfeopgijeror
as for food she avoids... oh lord do not bring fish around her. she loathes the smell. her mother was from limsa and so she cooked fish like. every day for caeda it was Exhausting. she's better with seafood than freshwater fish, but still can't stomach slimy fish texture. you're better off giving her lobster, crab, shrimp, things that aren't quite so easy to find in freshwater.
i think once she gets a taste of like. cuisine meals she won't wanna go back. like ofc she'll sustain herself on it because u kno. she's got ppl to save but also. that roast was super good ooh.... the kids would be excited to see what she can do, even if they're a bit impatient.
she prob also likes fruits ! they're sweet and easy to carry around, so she'll always have some berries on her or something.
#ooc ;#delivery kupo ! ;#headcanon ;#this was kinda rambly i feel like im missing smth but efijoeprjf#promethyne
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Putting all my thoughts on the 5.3 MSQ under the cut. Beware of course of spoilers! Overall I really enjoyed the patch. There were a lot of times where I sounded like an excited dinosaur.
So first things first, the way the patch started with the kids was so cute. I was expecting more with the Ardbert-esque kid, especially when he said he wanted to adventure with friends because he felt like he was missing something... but then they didn’t? I’m not sure what the point of that line of his was then. Ardbert’s soul is inside ours, and also has been shown to have moved on, but I wonder if some fragment of it--the part that is bound to the specific world’s Lifestream--can be reborn? Anyway. A bit bummed we didn’t get more with that train of thought but it was cute nevertheless. Also, apothecary. I was going “IS THIS A HINT?” the moment the kiddo said she wanted to be one as a WoL.
Also, I am totally writing a shortfic of the twins, Satella and Ryne hanging out in the Crystarium library with Moren bringing them books of interest while they sneak in tea and snacks. Ryne falls asleep and is eventually found by Thancred. Alisaie teases him for being a doting father. When everyone leaves, Satella is left cozily snuggled up as the evening turns feeling almost like home at the Arcanist’s Guild.
I really liked the bit where Alisaie’s desire to surpass the WoL and competitive nature is shown, and that some part of it is due to insecurity. I love the character depth and growth SE gives her over the patches. I just about had a heart attack when she started getting woozy with a noise in her head.
Elidibus feeling summoned by the WoL and seeing an Amaurotine in their stead gave me feelings, because it means we are whole enough now to form some sort of connection to the Ascians. Only sundered ones are left now though, so I wonder if that will still stay true.
I did have a heart attack at hearing Thancred collapsed. I was not expecting him to be okay when we got back to see him. Dawn’s Respite scene was very sobering and set me up for something entirely different than the ending we got (thank god).
Alisaie being stubborn and sullen with the Exarch made me wonder if she’s seeing the past with Louisoux in him, and Alphinaud’s comment about how she handled their grandfather leaving all that well all but confirmed it. That’s very sweet.
I made a very loud note as I was playing at the fact that a Rejoining soul must recognize its part on the Source as itself. Not sure if that was just for the Exarch’s case (though there are comments about how we and Ardbert fused very easily too) but I have Filed This Away.
Seeing Shtola collapsed gave me another heart attack but she’s definitely possessed of nine lives. The duty with Elidibus was fantastic, though the lack of voice acting caught me off guard (covid? are duties never voiced?). Fighting the baby Scions made me full of glee and then it got even better from there. Answers playing over the city, and then the HW theme, and then SB--fantastic. I especially paused when it started snowing. I appreciate a lot what Elidibus was doing, which was trying to show to us that the people who seem so ancient and recreated only as puppets had once meant something to him and his own. The fight was a lot of fun. I took a screenshot of berserk-Ardbert for kicks.
Also, the bit where he calls you by your name, and the name is switched from Elidibus to Ardbert. My heart. I have a lot of notes about this for future writing.
Elidibus as Zodiark’s heart and primal weren’t a big surprise as it’s been confirmed before (I think?) BUT he’s basically the primal for the idea of the Warrior of Light and I think that is magnificent. I still don’t have a full grasp on Elidibus as shown in this patch: his memories are fractured, whether by age or Zodiark; he’s driven both by his own ambition and Zodiark’s influence. He’s all over the place and I’m going to have to take better measure of him as I replay everything in NG+.
I have a note that says, “Ella why are you picking up random things off the ground that your enemies have dropped???” but it all turned out even better than okay. I don’t understand how he could have dropped all those Convocation crystals other than as a plot point but whatever. It was a great sequence. “All that remains is to pray. To pray that we will one day meet again, beneath a blue sky.” Made me tear up. The twisting of the Convocation from the gentle, kind Amaurotines to what they are today is brutally heart breaking.
I made a note of how the trees in Amaurot are starting to wither--I am not sure if we’ve always had that? But if not, definitely a small sign of Hades’ magic fading?
Bear with me now but I CAN’T STOP SCREAMING ABOUT AZEM. I of course didn’t get the title right (my 14th is Altima), but I got the duty/job so almost right. My Altima is the Shepherd, though to the souls on the planet living and departing to create and live alongside the Lifestream. The entire scene with Hyth had me shaking in my chair with excitement over how perfectly it described my headcanon 14th--down to her wandering the planet when she wasn’t in the city. Granted it fits with all our WoLs and is specifically made to be so, but I am so excited. Not sure what I’ll do with this when I write, whether I will alter my canon to fit the game or plow on ahead, but we’ll see. I’m just so excited. And the new TITLE fits my OCs to a T. God, thank you, SE. I also love that we are the “sun” and can’t wait for the future connections and theories about the 14th and Azeyma and Azim.
“After all, I cannot say whether I act of my own volition or by the will of my recreator!” Made me laugh-cry.
Scions confirmed that seeing Amaurot awoke a great grief in them, which was then supported by the random Eulmore NPC crying at the sight of it. So, it’s not even reliant on how whole your soul is: everyone who sees it feels something, a soul-genetic memory, maybe? I can’t wait to use this. Also makes me wonder if this is why in the patch the Scions are more wont to encourage you to talk things out with Elidibus, as in SHB they were pretty set against Emet-Selch.
The new dungeon was okay. I need to replay it again and look around more (is there a hint of Hildibrand there??). The Necromancer and Berserker class, though the latter may be Warrior same way Arcanists are called Ink Mage, made me pout a little. I want Necromancer. Also, THIER White Mages get Protect? Pffft.
I didn’t take any notes for the trial but. It was brilliant. The run through Crystal Tower with the Exarch was a wonderful callback (there were so many callbacks, it was great) and then when he told us to go ahead I was like, you better mean it that you don’t plan to play your trump card unless we’re present! The trial itself was breathtaking. When the Amaurotine first showed up I thought it was Azem, then when they snapped their fingers I was like cool we can do that too, and then they did the Emet-Selch wave and I lost it. HOW!? Shtola has a theory that even she admits is far fetched but. Wow. I am wondering which one it may be: Emet-Selch truly somehow having his soul live (we were just in the space where Ascians’ souls go between bodies) and assisted us; or was he called by Azem’s crystal as a memory; or was it a memory entirely? Just. That cameo. I miss you, Emet-Selch. For yours is the seat of the fourteenth broke me also and I’m just all over the place. Elidibus as the Warrior of Light was great.
I don’t understand why he went Baby in the end there. I can’t imagine the Convocation recruited and sacrificed a child. My headcanon is that it’s just meant to represent his childlike devotion and drive to his goals. He wanted to help his brothers and sisters so badly he detached himself from Zodiark. Seeing him sitting there cradling the crystals and talking about how it’s a beautiful day and they’re not there to see it was heartbreaking. The Amaurotines lost so, so much--and there’s no way to bring any of it back. I am glad the Unsundered have finally a chance to rest.
The goodbye scene with Ryne was a little lacking to me. I wanted Thancred to hug her, damn it. At least he told her he’s proud of her. She’s so brave with how she tries not to cry before them. She’s coming into her own, with her own ideals, but also so like Minfilia’s that it made my heart full. I will act as her post moogle to Thancred any time, kupo.
Also the one line she has in Twine about how Gaia is her friend who will be there for her is sweet and I laugh at the idea of Gaia’s reaction.
Okay, so, the ending. Probably the thing I did not expect at all. I expected death. No one died. The animations were beautiful, and Alisaie was such a joy to watch. Just. I don’t have words for it. I was so overcome with happiness at how perfect they all were: Alisaie sinking into her chain in a sulk, the Archons fondling their weapons, Alphinaud with tea and a book. Alisaie jumping off to go find a fight and Alphinaud’s brotherly exasperation. The banter between Urianger and Y’Shtola. My heart is so, so full.
On to the topic of the Exarch, which I did not expect to have this many feelings on: first of all, I expected him to die. We all did. How can one man survive SO many death flags!? When our WoL ran out of the Stones like a wound up mammet I was there with her, heart pounding praying for it to have worked. I am bummed that we didn’t get to experience him actually waking, but that means I can write about it... which I already did, actually. Because: I came out of this with a very unexpected, slowly unfurling Ella/G’raha ship. This was a surprise because ARR G’raha was not someone I even remembered all that well, as I played CT when it came out, but I remember thinking he was a bit too immature for romantic ships; and the Exarch always felt too distant and too much. I was fond of him in SHB but in a passing way, also because I was a little bitter that he put the Scions in such danger in the first place (though I understand all the good that’s come as a result, like uncovering the true Ascian plots). Seeing him at the end there, as a fusion of G’raha and the Exarch, somehow turned my view of him on its head and in that moment, I could easily see Ella and him running off and having proper adventures together. The driving attraction to all my ships is a form of shared experience, or at least understanding of what it’s like to bear a heavy burden on your shoulders. The Exarch was again, too much in his role, and I couldn’t see Ella feeling comfortable being close with him. But now, with this ending? Watching the two of them run off together? Oh, I am excited.
I even wrote four pages of fluff on how he got those bobby pins in his hair and I never write fluff. Please look forward to it being posted soon.
Lastly: Ardbert. If you’ve been around my blog long enough, you’ll know that I’ve been an Ardbert shipper since HW. SHB was so good to me in that regard. Personally, I got closure regarding him in the scene of him offering us his axe and was happy with it. I was overjoyed to see him get closure with Seto now, too. I’m not happy with Elidibus using his body and then tearing it apart as he did, but: it made for great angst and sometimes that’s actually okay with me. The confirmation that he can talk to and through us is interesting and I imagine that he does so rarely, as his soul is finally at rest with his friends--where it truly belongs. He lets us live our life, and a part of him is always with us, now. I imagine him and Ella at one point having a conversation about her burgeoning feelings for G’raha, as in my canon she’s never felt quite a strong enough connection or level of comfort with anyone but Ardbert, and him giving her his “blessing” and encouraging her that it’s okay to chase after the comfort and happiness G’raha can bring her. Especially since all of SHB she was in a very very bad place and this ending we got gives me such a sense of respite, no matter how fleeting.
Speaking of fleeting: Zenos and Asahi/Fandaniel. I am still hoping Zenos gets more interesting because I just can’t bring myself to like him, and seeing him destroy the Garlean empire before we even step foot into it is making me a little pouty. Fandaniel is interesting on a few accounts: he’s a sundered Ascians, so what will that mean? Clearly he’s been unhappy with the Unsundereds’ plans. He’s also pretty crazy for “the bringer of order”, if we follow the FF12 Espers. We didn’t get a lot so I am hesitantly interested. But also, Asahi? I hate that kid...
My last thoughts on this are: the Ascian storyline was meant to come to an end with this patch, but clearly we’re still getting content. So I am hoping that was for the Unsundered Ascians and we’ll find out more about the summon of Hydaelyn and all that. I... have exhausted myself typing all this. Wow.
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de moribus
The missive has her name on it.
When was the last time Orella received mail? Fifteen years ago or longer, most like. The Garleans would never bother wasting paper on someone they could heap errands on as she came as bidden to their summons, but she would be hard pressed to name the last time someone had sent her a letter as opposed to a note. Oh, the Kingsguard had passed papers to-and-fro when such banalities could be afforded them, and daily and weekly reports had been duly written and filed away, but nothing of such personal import had been hers in many, many years.
But this bears her name. Hers alone.
it reads, in a wholly unfamiliar script. She doesn't recognise the handwriting, but she'd never needed to learn such a particular skill, much less put it to practise. That was more Ingvald's field, and she doubts he would know who was sending her letters. Everyone that knows her lives within the manse already.
Frowning, Orella plucks the envelope from the mogmoogle's paws without so much as a thought of thanks, and it squeaks in righteous indignation when she turns her back on it.
"Pay up, kupo!"
"Piss off," she snaps. "Mail's free."
She leaves the moogle to furiously scribble a note and shove it into the Sandsea's mailbox for Ashelia to deal with later. Let the molerat tattle; Orella has better things to do, like sit at the bar with something to drink - if not a beer then mayhap a coffee so strong she'll forget how to sleep for a night or three - and unseal the wax holding the paper shut.
Orella Steelhand;
Make yourself known at Ul'dah's Hall of Flames at your earliest convenience. Flame General Aldynn requests your presence.
Present this letter to any guard who would stop you from entering. Previous criminal activity is to be overlooked until further notice.
Immortal Flames High Commander Swift Ryder
"Well?" Ingvald asks as she nurses her beer. Despite the earlier hour, he's graciously allowed her this single mug, and only because of the letter he's just read aloud.
It's just the two of them at the bar, everyone else out or still abed. Orella doesn't answer right away, wiping a line of foam from the rim of her mug with a fingertip before licking it clean.
"Feels strange to hear it again," she says. "Still expect to hear aan Steelhand wherever I go."
He has the look of a man who does not want to waste time on her avoidant bullshit today. "Are you going to go?"
Orella allows herself the luxury of another sip, relishing how hoppy it tastes. A good keg, this. "Don't see why not," she says eventually. "They clearly know where I am. Could've come in person."
"And why would we need to worry about that?" Ingvald asks dryly. He has his own beer - much smaller than hers - nestled between his hands, more a comfort to hold than to drink. "You never did say why you were arrested..."
"And I told you you'd be happier not knowing," Orella shoots back. "Look, it's not like this-" and she snatches the letter up, waves it while she takes another drink, "-is a warrant."
"Very well," says Ingvald. They both know if Ul'dah wants her in irons a single scrap of paper is not enough to protect her. "So what does Aldynn want with you? I didn't realise you knew one another."
"We don't," Orella admits. Oh, they've both heard of him, of course, knew of him even before his legendary gains upon the bloodsands. They'd had spies in and around Coldhearth, had had regular reports to sift through on both their desks. Hext had been public enemy number one, but plenty of impressionable young men had lived in the hamlet also. Any and everyone on detail in the Peaks kept certain names in mind whenever their patrols took them that way. Aldynn's had been one of them.
"Look," Orella says, and takes a great drink to gather her thoughts. "He wants me specifically? Best guess is they're after intelligence on the Empire, or he wants reparations of some sort. There's no other reason they'd want me."
They sit in contemplative silence for a long moment, interrupted only by the clink of glass on the wooden bar, the thoughtful sniff from him, the satisifed belch from her.
"Oh, out with it already," she says as she finishes her mug and slips off the stool to go rinse it out. From the counter, she doesn't need to turn to know Ingvald is glaring holes into her back.
"If you get arrested again, I'm not coming to bust you out," he says, quite seriously. Orella laughs and pushes hair from her eyes with wet fingers. It'll have to be clipped soon.
"Oh, relax," she says easily as she turns, and laughs again. His face is more serious than his tone; no small feat for him. "I don't plan on murdering anyone this time."
His face doesn't change. It could be set in stone. "I don't want to know if you're joking or not," he announces primly, and sets about draining his own mug before she can wheedle it from him.
Ul'dah hasn't changed much.
To be sure, were she a full citizen she'd no doubt be able to count its changes over the last year on her fingers and toes and have items left to count, but to an outsider the walls yet stand, and that is all that is importat.
The entrance she comes through is unknown to her, presumably used only by the numerous porters and their birds if the shit-caked cobblestones are anything to go by. Thank Rhalgr they do not stop at the stables proper, for the street stinks something fierce. "It's not so bad, miss," the driver laughs as he helps from the cart. "Stinks less than Pearl Lane does."
He either misses or ignores the glare Orella levels his way. Tucked into her shirt is Ryder's summons, opened and read and refolded so many times parts of it have already begun to tear. It is safe against her breast - more safe than Orella herself feels, and certainly less offended.
It has been a handful of months since the Riskbreakers returned from Dalmasca and left the memories of those cursed stones far behind them, or buried deep within. Some months, and yet Orella's left arm still pains her, the skin at her elbow still twisted as though burnt. For all intents and purposes she is healed - the wound no longer opens should she stretch her arm too far, and even the pain itself is dull, though bad enough for her to keep her arm crooked.
She hasn't yet sought out Linini, either to demand or offer an apology. She isn't sure if she will.
Armour no longer sits right on her, and she feels naked for its lack. Leathers are sturdy enough to be a comfort, but after decades of a second, sturdier skin, she feels as though a great part of her is missing. At Ingvald's urging, she has forgone even leathers in favour of a simple shirt, the better not to constrict her scarred arm, and the only steel she carries is a shortsword from Ashley's foge, undecorated and unassuming.
"If I never ride a cart again it'll be too soon," she grumbles, and the driver laughs. "Which direction to the Flames?"
No one so much as gives her a second glance when she enters the Hall, much to her surprise.
It has been something of an amusement to walk unfettered through Ul'dah's streets and not fear reprisal. She hasn't needed to be afraid anyway, for the only ones who have stopped her have been those showing off their wares in the Exchange. Wisely, she'd avoided Pearl Lane and the accusing stares of her countrymen. Paper wouldn't have kept her safe from the refugees.
It is much the same here as it is anywhere else, she supposes. Not everyone knows her face. Behind the clerk's desk, men and women sort through papers and beckon waiting adventurers forward. Around the hall stand bored looking soldiers; in-and-out dart Ul'dahns with this or that minutae.
Orella grabs the closest one. "Where's the commander?"
"How should I know?" the lalafell glares up at her, on his tiptoes even as she stoops to keep hold of his shirt. "Do I look like I work here? If you don't mind-"
The little upstart pushes her hand away and storms off, clearly too busy for the likes of her. It's been moons since the liberation, but Ul'dah cares not at all for Ala Mhigans still, refugee or no. The anger she'd felt at the porter comes flooding back, and a scowl erupts over her face. They all bake in the sun. See if they want for help when the Empire comes--
A hand on the shoulder startles her out of her angry thoughts.
"Did I hear you were looking for Swift?"
"So," says Raubahn Aldynn. Across the table, Orella sits, arms crossed, leaning back easily into the wooden chair she'd been shown to. If this is to be a test of wits, she has more than enough experience on her side to win, or at least weather the competition. "Ser Steelhand."
"I'd rather you didn't call me that," Orella says easily. "What did you summon me for?"
Swift had shown her to the small room, away from the bustle of the main hall, and she'd taken one of the two seats. Her first thought had been to leave had they kept her waiting for longer than a few minutes, but when she'd cracked the door to go she'd reconsidered. The guardsmen waiting had been enough to dissuade her, and soon enough, the Commander's footsteps had come echoing down, and she'd been trapped.
She doesn't miss the way Raubahn's chapped lips curve everso slightly into the barest hint of a smile. Ul'dah really is unkind to its guests. "Right to the point, I see. You aren't interested in how we came to know where you were?"
The question would have bothered her were she not so tired. All of an hour of her time had been spent thinking about that very topic when she'd been on the cart before she'd promptly stopped caring about it. "Not really. I presume you've been keeping eyes on me since I first entered Thanalan. Does it really matter?"
"If you don't think so," he concedes. "To business, then."
At once he changes from her junior, an imposing pencil-pusher, to the soldier he truly is. His face grows unreadable and serious; his posture grows sharp. Despite herself, Orella is impressed. In another life he'd have made a fine addition to the troop under her control.
"It has come to Ul'dah's attention that a free company known as the Riskbreakers have been harbouring a woman wanted for murder," he starts.
"That's me," says Orella, far more cheerfully than she feels.
"That's you," he agrees. "Said free company was instrumental in relieving Ala Migho of imperial rule, and its leader is known personally to the Eorzean Alliance. It would be most... unfortunate if it was discovered to be hiding a fugitive."
He pauses to arrange some papers on the desk between them. Orella can see her name in thick black ink on more than one. "Furthermore, you are a deserter of the Garlean army," he continues once they're sorted. "Named Orella aan Steelhand, escaped via Baelsar's Wall within the last two years and illegally crossed borders to come to Thanalan."
The name is a knife she didn't think capable of wounding her further. Raubahn must see something on her face, for he tilts his head as though inviting her to speak.
"Don't call me that," she says, ashamed to find her voice is but a croak.
"As you wish," he says. "May I continue?"
She can only nod, thoughts swirling, and he goes on, "After a presumed period of rest, you came to Ul'dah and murdered one Garlean soldier and seriously wounded another, unprovoked. You were arrested and subsequently broke free of gaol, releasing another felon in the process."
He pauses for breath.
"Would you believe me if I said the jailbreak wasn't my idea?" Orella asks, and Raubahn laughs aloud. It's a good laugh, rich and loud.
"Am I missing anything?" he asks instead of answering her question, and Orella closes her eyes to honestly think about it.
"The other inmate and I injured some guards as we escaped," she says after a moment. Raubahn takes a pen and makes a note. "Otherwise I don't think so. Ser. I presume charges aren't worth discussing? Awfully polite of you to invite me to my execution."
"Awfully strange of you to turn up," he answers, and she falls silent. "Actually, I'm willing to wipe the slate clean," he says, and props his elbow on the desk. For the first time she realises he only has the one arm, and by keeping his hand in sight he is offering her peace. "Sister."
He says the word in their shared tongue, and Orella frowns. Unwilling to start a fight he might well be, but she knows if she up and left she'd be arrested regardless of his intentions. It has been a long, long time since she was last called that; he defers to her as an equal would, pronunciation clear even after all this time spent away from home.
They stare at each other in silence for a moment that spans seconds and years all at once. Without another word, he slides a sheet of vellum across the table; she neither looks at nor reaches for it.
"You understand," he says finally, "That in agreeing to help us, we are willing to overlook your past transgressions."
"Oh, I understand perfectly," she says. "Spare me the bullshit. I won't be blackmailed by you."
She can sense his disappointment. She jerks her chin at him and leans back again, utterly defiant and revelling in the chance to behave so without fearing any real reprieve. She's working on borrowed time anyway, and a little extra mischief won't do much to change that. She'd never have behaved so before any Garlean.
"No?" he asks quietly, and before she can tell him where to ram the papers, "Well then, I'll have to find someone else willing to find Ser Folles."
Orella's hand slams down on the page before he can pull it away.
"Ser Folles?" she asks, low and dangerous.
"Wiegraf quo Folles," Raubahn says, "Centurio in the Garlean army. The Immortal Flames recently came into intelligence of him, most likely from Little Ala Mhigo." Orella knows deep within her soul Gisfrid is still unsuccessfully trying to curry favours for immunity. The knowledge brings her no joy. "I had thought you would delight in the chance to seek him out, but if i was mistaken..."
"Why come to me?" Orella asks. "You've enough men at your disposal. You don't need a washed-up soldier fighting your battles, let alone a non-native."
"You're right," Raubahn says, and she frowns. "I don't. But this is neither my battle, nor Ul'dah's. And I don't need to tell you what Garlemald is capable of."
"Ah. You can't risk throwing your own men into something that has been cleared up to the rest of the world or risk retaliation," Orella says, beginning to understand. She leans forward to slide the paper toward herself at last, and does not know whether to be disappointed or relieved that it has no image of the man in question attached.
"The last thing the Sultanate requires is war," Raubahn explains patiently as she reads it over. "And I'm sure given your... past experiences you can sympathise with just how delicate a situation this is."
Orella sets the paper down to look him in the eye.
"Actually, I don't give a shit," she says firmly. "Don't talk to me like you understand where I've been or what I've done. I suppose it's been alright for you, General, here in Ul'dah all this time. And now you want to appeal to the people you left behind for personal revenge?"
Before he can even draw breath, Orella presses further. "How is Feare these days? You used to run together, right?"
Silence reigns and she knows immediately she's said too much. Raubahn is not the same feckless teen to be watched over for the King's piece of mind; he is a man who has made the best of what was offered him. Just as she has done.
"I'm sorry," she says, as he says, "He's dead."
They stare at one another until they can bear it no more: Orella's gaze drops back to the vellum in her hands and she thinks, this is all your fault, you rat-bastard.
"I'll do it," she says heavily. "I presume you want him dead."
Raubahn's hesitation is all she needs to know he is better at heart than she could ever hope to be. "... I suppose he would be unwilling to go with you otherwise. No - Ul'dah cannot risk having him kept here. Nor, I think, could any city-state, asides from Ala Mhigo, but-"
"They won't have him," she murmurs. "It's been long enough that they'll have forgotten him, or at least moved on. There are better grievances to hold onto now."
"Are there?" Raubahn asks, and Orella stays silent for fear of the answer. "I thought one of the Kingsguard would be more expedient."
She snorts. She's been plenty immoral over the years, a fact Aldynn seems to hold as his trump card. He isn't wrong to.
"Just tell me what needs doing," she sighs.
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Mobius FF “It’s been 2 years! Everyone assemble! Mobius Final Fantasy 2nd anniversary live broadcast” 28th edition

Host Sanshi, who's in charge of the international release of the game, producer Kitase and project leader Hamaguchi.

The presentation was broadcast from the Theater Cafe & Dining STORIA before a live audience.
22nd large update: What's new in May
1. Update info
2. About Chapter 8
3. New contents
4. Jobs and spirits
5. Announcement
Update on May 30th
Deck copy paste feature, to easily fill other character slots with cards you prefer to use.

Check other weapons even while all slots have stat upgrades in process. Sort features added. Higher stat cap (each raised by two), lower stamina consumption when shortening the upgrade time.

Notification icon when a new summon gacha has become available

Requirement for card augments are lowered. Having the necessary materials is now enough (like in the Western version). Expand skills will unlock even faster.

New options for auto battle. Choose not use the rental card, choose conditions if and when ultimate should be used.
Retired cards are added to the revival store (similar now to the Western ability card store)

Hamaguchi explains his new role at the FFVII remake team and how it will affect his role in Mobius. He will stay with Mobius but wants to support FFVII Remake with the same effort he put into Mobius for the last three years. Since there is a limit to how hard one can work he will focus his energy on FFVII. He asks for the fans' understanding.
They're showing concept art for chapter 8, due in mid of June.
Also how they adapted it to 3d, paying attention to the details.

And a very early sneak peek of a cutscene that is still work in progress: https://youtu.be/ZqyXu0SKpcM?t=26m51s
For the 2nd anniversary, there will be special cards commemorating scenes from the first two years. They showed 6 cards from the first batch, which mostly show scenes from side stories.

Kitase asks Sanshi which is her favorite. Since she heads the international release the Alien invasion is still fairly recent for her and since it also was the first event that's the one she fondly remembers.

Sexy cards for both Wol and Echo.
On the week end of June 3rd/4th, there will be the chance to draw one free great summon, with a guaranteed 5 star card.
And a campaign with daily login bonuses. Lots of free magicite, 14 summon tickets and 2 grow stars.

And a free one card summon for 30 days all throughout June.

The new job quests for June cover the Dissidia Legend jobs. Job quests are maps where you have to use a certain job to clear dungeons with certain conditions. If you can clear them, you get ability panels that can greatly enhance that job and bring it up to speed with the current jobs, statwise.
Like last year, they will also have gachas for previous legend jobs during the anniversary period, so people that didn't get them the first time can try again.

There will be a collaboration with FFXIV:
Ultima Weapon can be fought in multiplayer.


Its drop items can be exchanged for powerful equipment:

The Ultima Edge for ranger jobs.

Ultima Mace for mages.

Ultima Wing for Meia.

Hamaguchi battles Ultima Weapon: https://youtu.be/ZqyXu0SKpcM?t=48m30s
The new jobs in June are FFXIV themed:

Knight of Eorzea.

Ya Shtra will be the first mage ultimate hero job.
Ultimate hero jobs are different from legend jobs. Legend jobs have Wol and Meia basically cosplay Tidus, Aerith, Squall and so on. Whereas the ultimate hero jobs really give them the appearance of Cloud or Sephiroth (warrior jobs), Lightning (ranger job) and now Ya Shtra (mage job).
This will make a job look and sound like those characters and also change their ultimate. Stats and elements are those of a different job that has to be chosen together with the ultimate hero one.
For Ya Shtra, both Wol mage jobs and Meia can be combined. But since Meia's weapons don't fit Ya Shtra's design, she will use her default weapon in that case.
Hamaguchi demonstrates the new jobs in action, including their ultimates: https://youtu.be/ZqyXu0SKpcM?t=1h23s
New spirits for June:


Hamaguchi shows them in game: https://youtu.be/ZqyXu0SKpcM?t=1h8m39s

Composer Mitsuto Suzuki announces the release of the second OST:
It releases on August 2nd, available on the Squenix eStore and other official shops. 3200 yen plus tax, covers chapters 4 to 8. Pre-orders open on May 27th.
Wol's voice actor Nobunaga Shimazaki is the first special guest.


It's his second time on the broadcast since the very first one 2 years ago. Kitase suggests that they use a more familiar way of addressing each other, maybe using nicknames. He asks Shimazaki if he has any.
Shimazaki says some of his friends used to call him Lord (because of the historical Oda Nobunaga) and when the manga A Chef of Nobunaga became popular, some even called him Chef. But most people call him Nobu, which is short for Nobunaga. So they settle for Nobu. Shimazaki says he's fine with anything, Lord, Chef, or even Devil, whatever the setting requires.
Now Nobu wants to know everyone else's nickname. Hamaguchi is an obvious case, his should revolve around the Hama part of his name. Hamaguchi confirms that's what his nicknames usually come from. Nobu comes up with an alternative: Animal. He can be like the mascot character.
Sanshi says that's her real name when read in Japanese (she's from Taiwan). But she'd like a nickname. To suit her radiant personality Nobu suggests Sunshine. She says she'll try to live up to the name.
Nobu heard stories about Kitase, being a Warunori rather than his actual name Yoshinori (yoshi can mean good, waru means bad). Apparently Kitase is a bit of a prankster in office. So today Kitase will be a character of darkness, like Voice (Vox in English).
Now that everyone has a nickname, Sunshine moves on to the next topic. The STORIA cafe prepared some Mobius themed meals and beverages just for this occasion:

Echo's fickle blueberry frozen yoghurt
Meia's azure tonic water
Mog's kupo kupo strawberry milk (the only hot beverage of the menu)
The meal comes as a set and is "really something like an onion".
The drinks have nice details like the wings for the Echo's yoghurt and the cherry on the spoon of the strawbery milk. Sunshine guesses the cherry is supposed to be the crystal over Mog's head. She assures everyone that no moogle was killed to prepare the drink.

Kitase has Nobu read a piece of paper out loud, in his Wol voice. He announces the next TVCM campaign:


They show one of the new commercials: https://youtu.be/ZqyXu0SKpcM?t=1h30m6s
In the commercial the Ultima Weapon (FFXIV collaboration) is mentioned, as well as the Warrior of Light part of the story nearing its climax.
Hamaguchi reads a letter from Mogy-Announce* to Shimazaki out loud (*Mogy-Announce is a handle used on the Mobius twitter to tweet news in Mogy's moogle speech pattern):
"Dear Master*, kupo! Your performance at the commercial recording was flawless and left no room for criticism. We recorded a few more takes just to be sure but they were all high quality and demonstrated your skills as a professional, kupo. The staff from the recording studio also said that Shimazaki-san is so amazing. The recording didn't even take 20 minutes and was over much sooner than anticipated. Thanks to that I could take some free time at a cafe before returning to office. The Caramel Latte Macchiato I had that day was the most delicious thing ever. All thanks to you, kupo. Yours, Mogy-Announce." (*onjin-san/life-savior in Japanese, as the moogles call Wol)
Nobu is amused and says it's not part of his job to enable Mogy-Announce to drink Latte Macchiato. But he had a good time himself recording the commercial.
Kitase asks Shimazaki about the two years he has been acting Wol. Shimazaki explains that contrary to the work for anime he usually does, which only requires around three months per project, he has had steady recordings for Mobius almost on a monthly basis. So that makes it rare among his work.
When he started out, he didn't want to give Wol too much individuality, him being the protagonist of a social game. He kept him neutral so anyone could identify. But over time Wol became more defined and Shimazaki very attached to the character, even developing a liking for Echo. He also identified more and more with Wol, reacting to characters in the story, like getting angry when Vox would make an appearance. The relationship with Echo is somewhat nasty but without being spiteful. He didn't trust Meia at all at first, then getting closer only to be shocked sometimes but understanding it was Palamicia that must have made her like that.
He had a lot of fun developing Wol's character. Now he hasn't read the script for the final chapter yet, he says, correcting himself, for the next chapter. So he's hanging on the cliff with which chapter 7 ended. But the recording for the next chapter should be soon.
Kitase asks him about what scenes impressed him the most. Shimazaki reiterates how much he likes Echo and raises a scene in chapter 5, when Echo gets scared. He felt Wol was very kind to her in that. A major plot point is that Palamicia as a system cannot be trusted. He mentions a spoiler for chapter 7. Echo seems to be also of this very system but Shimazaki really wants to believe that the Echo that traveled with Wol, his very own Echo among the many that exist, is better than that. But he suspects the next chapter will prove him wrong.
Of course he also mentions Mog. He constantly made him aware of the whole prophecy business and he still doesn't know what the purpose of Mog's part in the prophecy was. But same as Echo, even though there might be many Mogs, the time they spent together, both the warmth and the suffering, made Mog the one Mog for him. That might have been the salvation offered by Mog's fate. Also when he gets angry at Vox, Mog is like an anchor that enables Wol to calm himself.
Kitase and Hamaguchi suggest that the scenario writer might change the story according to what Shimazaki might want. Shimazaki says it's probably already written. But he really doesn't want Echo to turn out bad.
Sanshi asks about the process of the recordings. Do the actors get to record the scenes together? Shimazaki confirms what Mao told them at TGS 2016, as opposed to anime recordings they do their takes separately. But he listened to their lines so it almost feels like he had spoken to them.
Next they have a game of guessing missing lines of famous cutscenes, Hamaguchi versus Shimazaki. Depending on who will win, the players get different prizes:
An elixir if Hamaguchi wins, or 10 Expalights and 3 summon tickets if Shimazaki wins. Both remembering the correct line and interpreting it in the voice of the character factor into scoring.
If you completed the first two chapters and the third ranking tower, it's safe to watch this: https://youtu.be/ZqyXu0SKpcM?t=1h46m33s
Shimazaki wins, so unfortunately no elixir for the players, Kitase jokes.
Next up is drawing contest:
They all have one minute to draw Mog. The drawings will be given as a present to fans afterwards.

Kitase's Mog.

Sanshi's Mog.

Hamaguchi's Mog.

Shimazaki's Mog. He's quite embarrassed by his lack of drawing skills.
When they show what Mog is supposed to look like, Shimazaki says he couldn't draw him even he were looking at this sample.
To have a shot at winning one of the drawings, fans need to tweet one of their favorite memories from Mobius FF, using the hashtag #mebiusFF_2shuunen.
This concludes Shimazaki's segment.
They then take a ten minute break before the last segment featuring the other two guests, director Motomu Toriyama and scenario writer Kazushige Nojima.
The last segment is moderated by Kitase.

Nojima's slide lists that he's from Hokkaido, that he likes Heavy Metal (Iron Maiden etc., dreams of being a guitar hero) and a selection of games he worked on:
Jake Hunter series, script (1988~)
Bahamut Lagoon, director (1996)
FFVII, story, event planner (1997)
FFVIII, scenario (1999)
Kingdom hearts, scenario (2002)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl, part of the scenario (2008)
When Kitase asks Nojima to introduce himself, he comments the slide as follows: During the bubble economy he managed to slip into Data East and wrote the lines for a caddie in a golf game. People liked his work on that game and entrusted him with writing for the Jake Hunter series. And that's basically the pattern that continued throughout his career. Around 10 years later he aplied for a job at Square and then after another 10 years at Square he quit and has since then written for different games among them Smash Bros. He enjoys being free lance now.
Toriyama's slide lists that he's from Shizuoka and a huge fan of the Otoko wa tsurai yo movie series. His selection of games list:
Bahamut Lagoon, story event planner (1996)
FFVII, event planner (1997)
FFX, event director (2001)*
FFX-2, director (2003)
FFXII Revenant Wings, director (2007)
FFXIII, director (2009)*
[*Some years are wrong on the original slide. I corrected them.]
He explains that he first got a job at Square and started out working with Nojima on Bahamut Lagoon. Then he worked with Kitase and Nojima on FF starting with VII. With X, he started doing directing work. On DS he directed Revenant Wings and then FFXIII. He's been directing Mobius alongside Hamaguchi from the start.
Kitase points out that including the year they spent developing and preparing before they launched that is three years they have been working on Mobius. He then asks about Toriyama being a fan of Otoko wa tsurai yo. He says when he applied at Square, he told Sakaguchi that he wants to turn FF into a series that has over 40 installments like that movie series.
Kitase keeps asking about him being a fan of that series. Apparently, during his college days Toriyama participated on a quiz show on TV where fans can win by being knowledgable about their fandom. Toriyama aced the show.
Since the two of them are the core of development of Mobius, Kitase wants to do a Q&A.
Q: How did the story of Mobius FF come into being? (What process and ideas lead to its development?)
Toriyama says that around the time they started working on Mobius, smartphone games were becoming increasingly popular. Toriyama wanted to do a proper FF on smartphones, with the same quality as on consoles. That's when he started consulting Nojima about the story, roughly 3 years ago.
Nojima says it originally was supposed to be a small scale story. But when he wrote a plot of collecting items to become the warrior of light, Toriyama said, are you kidding me? So it gradually went up in scale and Nojima was wondering how far Toriyama would take it. And to his surprise, they really did go through with the project.
Kitase nods saying that at the time it certainly was their goal to go big with a smartphone game, and they communicated it like that to the press but of course it was still up in the air how it would materialize in the end.
Nojima adds that when the project started he and Toriyama hadn't met in like 10 years. Toriyama nods, saying they probably hadn't met since they originally started working on the story for XIII.
Q: What meaning does the term möbius encompass for the game?
Toriyama says it literally refers to the game being endless. The numbered installments he had worked on were establishing a connection to the player each time a new one released but this one should be an ongoing story, with monthly, never ceasing updates. For that reason, they called it Mobius.
Nojima says he still is used to writing stories with a proper ending. The first sequel he wrote was probably X-2 and Mobius is the first time since then he worked on a series. So he was nervous if he could actually turn the story into a proper möbius string.
Kitase takes him up on that saying so it might not turn out like the title. Shimazaki also felt anxious about what might happen to Wol. Toriyama nods, saying that the final chapter of the warrior of light story arc is coming up.
Q: What is the process you create the story for Mobius FF?
Toriyama says he delivers his ideas of what the story should be like to Nojima. He never writes it the way it was originally intended but what he comes up with is always interesting.
Nojima says at the time there were plenty of RPGs for smartphones and when he saw the ads for them on TV, they all said they were grand epics. His reaction was, what are they even talking about? He wanted to do something different.
Toriyama elaborates that they went for something more mature. People in their 30ies or 40ies, if they game they usually do it on smart devices. So they went for that adult audience. But then they wondered, what would be a suitable story for those adult players.
Nojima says, he feels they strayed far from the original question. As Kitase insists, he explains he wanted to pass the ball into other directions. He and Toriyama meet, like once every two weeks. And he made multiple suggestions on those occasions. Toriyama nods saying that he and Daisuke Watanabe, a scenario writer at Squenix, met with Nojima every two weeks.
Kitase wants to know about those changes Nojima suggested. What was something he wanted to get rid of? Nojima contemplates the question, then says he didn't like that their weren't any female characters.
Toriyama admits in the beginning there was only Wol, before they came up with Echo and Meia. About Echo's first appearance, they used the scene as Nojima had written it and it was Kitase who asked, will we be okay with female character like that?
Hamaguchi chimes in and says, they did show the game to target groups before release and those also felt there was a lack of female characters, back when they only had Wol.
Q: Why are Echo's hands always hidden?
Toriyama says there wasn't any special reason for that from their side. It was the character designer Itahana who wanted to give Echo some mysterious feature. Echo tends to wear pretty revealing outfits but her hands, they never show. Itahana insisted on that but Toriyama tends to forget about it. In fact, for one of the anniversary cards they showed earlier on the broadcast, the illustrator did originally draw her hands. When they noticed, they had to ask him to change it.
Q: What kind of life does Wol lead on his journey? (Does he sleep outside? Does he eat with Echo? Does Echo even eat?)
Nojima says, they did consider showing Wol eat. But then there would have been other things they'd need to show as well. They didn't want to open that can of worms.
Toriyama says, although the graphics look so real, there still is a lot left to players' imagination. If you tap a location, Wol automatically starts walking there. So he wanted to come up with interesting location names that would draw up feelings, like "this place sounds scary". He thought the details would be best left to the player's imagination as well.
Kitase interprets that so in between locations at some time Wol is eating. Hamaguchi jokes, he could be gobbling up some food in between battles.
Q: Are there any episodes they ended up not using?
Toriyama says it might be surprising but there actually aren't any. He says that that's due to them having to release new content every month so they couldn't afford not to use some of what they came up with. They really felt the pressure and had to use all ideas they had.
Kitase comments that it's certainly different from their other projects. Even if you stock up on ideas, you run out of that stock quite fast. Hamaguchi nods, saying they spent half a year of preparing content, intending to add more on the way but they ran out of stock much too soon.
Nojima says, once everyone finished their drafts, those all came to his place for rewrites and he had to spend more and more time on Mobius to keep up. For that reason he also didn't have to change any lines that usually would be subject to editing, if he didn't want to change them.
Hamaguchi says, before launch many voices on the team wanted to delay the launch to have more time for preparation.
Q: For collaborations like the FFVII one, characters like Cloud make appearances. When you write stories that are entangled in past work, what do you pay special attention to?
Nojima says that during the collaboration Cloud really overused his signature line "not interested". It was his job to cut down on the number of times of him saying that. He feels such a line should be used just once, for best effect.
Toriyama says that since their team consists of some of the same staff that also worked on VII and XIII, they could write those as side story extensions of their previous work. As for Cloud, they wanted him to be the Cloud from early in the game when they were blowing up Mako reactors, as opposed to the Cloud from after the end of FFVII that appeared in the sequels.
He adds that they wanted to ensure that the new stories would be faithful to the originals as not to betray the expectations of the fans.
Kitase comments that the FFVII collaboration went on for quite a while. Hamaguchi explains that it was because VII is so popular. Toriyama says they had to do ending staff roll for the VII collaboration or it might never have ended.
A: Mushroom Hills or Bamboo Villages, which do you like better?
Kitase explains that they asked Meia's actress Mao this very same question during the TGS2016 special broadcast.
Nojima says since he doesn't like snacks he doesn't have any preference. He probably hasn't even eaten either of them. If he has he probably didn't pay attention to what shape they had.
Toriyama says he also doesn't have a strong preference for either of those two. But he mentions a different kind of snack called Curl that will be discontinued soon. He quite liked those as they were popular among his generation. He'd like to do a collaboration with them before they're discontinued.
Q: Why did you want to work in the games industry?
Toriyama says he wanted to do a long running series like Otoko wa tsurai yo as a story game format. Square was a big game company specializing in RPGs at the time so he applied for a job there.
Nojima was told by his parents to go find a job. It was the days of the bubble economy and you could easily make 10000 yen a day by doing a part time job. There were a lot of part time jobs for boys at the time. He had a lot of fun doing part time but his parents nagged him to get a job already and a friend of his had just started a job at Data East. So he tried out for a job there.
Kitase asks, and then you just kept with it? Nojima says he's surprised himself that he kept with games so long. Upon question, Nojima says one of the part time jobs he liked was at a Namco arcade.
Kitase also asks Hamaguchi the same question. He says he was really impressed by FFVI back in the day, how you could tell a touching story within the game medium. That made him want to enter the game industry. And he's glad he could work alongside Kitase who directed FFVI.
Then Nojima asks Kitase. Kitase says after he quit the job he had before Square because it was too stressful he hadn't really done anything for half a year until he saw an application ad by Square in Famitsu while browsing it in a book store. His previous work wasn't game related but he did want to work in games for the story telling aspect. When he entered Square Final Fantasy still was at its 3rd installment.
Q: In your years creating FF, what memories and anecdotes of stressful periods come to mind?
Nojima asks if it's okay to not hold back on this one. Kitase says to feel free to criticize him, if he wants to. Nojima says he has no reason to do that. But during the many years working on FF there was really a lot of stress involved. For example, you'd never know when you should come in for work. He worked flextime and would show up at 1 p.m. but no one else would be there yet. Toriyama says it's different now. Nojima says as he comes to think of it, there were too many bad episodes to count. Like when the commercials started airing but the game still wasn't finished yet. The production style was different then, not as properly organized as it is today.
For Toriyama, waiting is the hardest. He had to wait 2~3 hours for this broadcast as well but one time he had to fly to the US for a Microsoft presentation, to show off FFXIII. There was a Beatles themed game so Yoko Ono and Paul McCartney were there as well. The Japanese devs and the Western ones all had to attend from early in the morning and were shut in a small room for hours, like half a day. That was the worst time for him.
Q: As the Warrior of Light story arc of Mobius FF approaches its climax, can you tell us about what will happen after? (Within what you can tell currently.)
Nojima comments it's not easy to judge what can and what cannot be said at this point.
Toriyama says the final chapter was finished at last and they started recording the dialog this week. The chapter will conclude the first section of the overall story, which dealt with the warrior of light. Of course the story will continue and they already started work on the second section.
Kitase notes, so even though te warrior of light part is concluded, that doesn't mean the story ends. He asks what Toriyama can tell them about what will happen in the next section.
Toriyama says that the warrior of light section will be followed by... he pauses and looks at Nojima. He continues: followed by the warrior of ruin, the warrior of destruction? He looks at Nojima for confirmation. Then he says that Nojima and he have worked out the plot for the next section together.
Nojima comments he managed to pass the ball into quite a different direction with this one.
Toriyama continues and says Warrior of Ruin will be the subtitle of this next section. He expresses embarrassment about how to communicate this to players. So far you were the warriors of light (he covers his mouth as if to conceal the following words) but starting next year you will be the warriors of ruin.
Kitase mentions new characters for the new chapter. Toriyama presents artworks for two new characters.
All Nojima can say at this point is that he is strong. Toriyama points out that his name is written on this artwork as well. He's called Graf. The name has a certain meaning but they won't reveal it at this point.
They have one more:
It's the new female protagonist Sofi. Wol will still be in this one but Sofi is another playable character. Kitase comments she looks like an active/lively character. Nojima says she somehow turned out like that. He adds that he suggested this character right when they started with the new section and was very detemermined to include her.
Kitase asks when the new section will start. Toriyama says the 8th chapter will finish in June or July. They will then need some more time to prepare the next section. It should be fall or winter until it releases. There might be more collaboration(s) in the meantime.
Sanshi returns and thanks the guests for their time. They have the usual after broadcast login present:

Former project assistant and host Asuna is back to congratulate them on their 2 year anniversary. She brought a flower arranged Mog made by her older brother:

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Friend to Foe to Friend || Relationship with Kumo
This WILL contain spoilers for literally everything in the series! Also, this headcanon pertains specifically to @symphonicsoul 's portrayal of Kumo (hence the exclusivity).
Today, I'm going to talk about Kaze's most important relationship, and that's the one he has with White Cloud/Kumo.
At the beginning of the series, we see Kumo flash in Kaze's very sparse memories. He appears to be carrying the body of Aura, Kaze's sister. He then assumes that Kumo is responsible for the destruction of his world, as all he can connect and remember are Aura and Kumo. He feels drawn to him further by the fact Kumo is his literal counterpart and the Magun seems to seek him out.
In actuality, Windaria was destroyed by Chaos, not Kumo. What actually happened, you ask?
Well, first, Chaos destroyed the enemy kingdom of Misterica. Kumo, then known as Pilvi, survived, but ended up thrown through the dimensional tunnel to Windaria. Aura found the boy as an unconscious child in a field and brought him back to the house she and Kaze, then known as Szél, shared. Together, they nursed him back to health and Szél quickly took the boy under his wing. To avoid any Windarian soldiers finding and executing him, he and Aura renamed him Holdfény, or "small moon". Holdfény was a curious, loving, gentle child whom he grew to see as his family over the three years they spent living together.
Chaos then set its sights on Windaria and ripped it to shreds in the same manner. Aura, who had been gravely injured, sacrificed herself to help Szél summon Bahamut. Szél and Holdfény then fought side by side, both turning themselves into their true dragon forms.
Szél fused himself with Chaos, ordering Holdfény to strike them down to seal the galaxy destroying god away and prevent it from doing this again to another world.
There was a heavy toll to pay with that seal: Kaze's memories. He forgot almost everything, including his own name, and Chaos corrupted what little he did remember when he fused with it.
Ai and Yu gave him the name "Kaze" when he woke up in Wonderland 12 years later. He spends most of the series hellbent on destroying Kumo right up until nearly the finale when he finally understood that Chaos was the real threat. This time, Kumo is the one who fused himself with Chaos and Kaze was the one to seal it away.
Kumo's price was damage to his soul, such that he lost his own Mist. In FF:U After, he eventually regains it.
Presently, Kumo and Kaze travel together as companions. Kaze doesn't remember him very well to this day, but over the past several years in his present verse, Kumo has become his best friend.
Kumo is actually who he considers his best friend, but deep down, Kaze is scared to voice that whatsoever because he knows Chaos could resurface to rip away everything he loves all over again. He sees to it that he protects Kumo and makes sure his counterpart is happy with everything he has, but he does so quietly and from a distance. After all, the last time he was visibly caring for someone in his own memories, Chaos killed her. The friend that survived Windaria being torn apart and who found Kaze again in Wonderland was also killed (in the finale) and he knows Chaos wouldn't hesitate to take someone dear away again if given the chance.
Sometimes, another glimpse of a memory will be recovered, but that's something Kaze is experiencing little by little. The bond he has with Kumo now is different than the one that Szél had with Holdfény. Still, it is crucial. Still, it is the strongest bond that he has. Still, he considers Kumo to be the only thing he really has left to lose.
He will not verbally admit to caring for Kumo. He will never call Kumo his friend. He feels that it's just too dangerous. Instead, he'll often simply say that Kumo is "my Other", "my counterpart", or "my Moon" on the very rare chance that the circumstances allow for that.
He can't let himself show too much that he cares for anyone because he truly believes that means they'll die. Kumo is no exception to that.
#the helix of life ; szél.#death tw#the critical point of everything ; headcanon.#topic ; chaos#topic ; the maken#topic ; the magun#topic ; white cloud#topic ; holdfény#topic ; lore#topic ; aura#topic ; moogle kupo#topic ; misterica#topic ; the death bringer's war#topic ; windaria#topic ; bahamut#topic ; tiamat
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