bat-luun · 1 year
bitches in my class are making fun of my autistic classmate whos missing today. :/
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Best Rehabilitation Center in Central India
What is Drug Rehabilitation Center:-  The goal of Drug Rehabilitation Center is to help people recover from drug and alcohol addiction. The intensity and duration of the treatment program can be adjusted according to the needs of each individual, as no one type of treatment is suitable for everyone.
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What happens during Drug Rehabilitation Process ?
Rehabilitation covers a huge spectrum within our patient pathways. This includes supporting the learning of basic communication skills, exercise classes to improve or maintain health, wellness and occupation. There are several substance abuse treatments undertaken in order to treat substance abuse:
Detoxification : Detoxification is the beginning of the rehabilitation process. This is the process by which people are given medication to rid their bodies of harmful substances that have been introduced through abuse.
Behavioral interventions: Behavioral interventions aim to change an individual's attitudes and behaviors related to substance use and help them develop and increase healthy lifestyle skills.
Multidimensional family therapy: Multidimensional family therapy is a therapy that focuses on substance abuse problems and maladaptive family patterns that contribute to substance abuse. It also helps improve the overall well-being of the family.
Group therapy: Drug rehabilitation encourages group therapy. These group classes encourage recovering addicts to learn and grow from each other's experiences and progress. It helps people tremendously to know that they are not alone in their recovery struggles.
Find the Right Treatment Center at Ankur Rehab Centre
Ankur Rehab Center  is a residential Rehabilitation Center in Indore  located in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. We are a high-end treatment center that helps patients overcome their dependence on drugs and alcohol. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 91-9893765543 information ready, Please take this important step in your recovery today.
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deaddictioncentre4 · 1 year
De addiction Centre in Jammu
Our Best De addiction Centre in Jammu offers everything that could be wanted to find. Our patients are totally treated with a wide perspective. This is thinking about the way that we genuinely need every one of our patients who come to the Recuperation Social class in Jammu to be in the best condition so they could continue to have merry, significant lives. Thusly, to happen with the most likely splendid life notwithstanding having struggled with persecution beginning here until a really long time to come an incredibly extended time frame, come to De addiction Centre in Jammu.
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chronickey-luka · 2 years
reminder for my mutauls who followed me here from the blog where i actually talked about my psychosis (and maybe a heads up for those of you that didn't know /nm): please don't tag my stuff as unreality, especially now that i can see when people tag my stuff in notifs. okay thanks ily guys bye
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n3onwraith · 2 years
Was just told by my mom that the reason nobody wants to play fight with me is because of the one time i accidentally choked out someone because they were on my nerves and o was in a blind rage at the time. everyone was fine and it was an accident!!
it's nice to know everyone sees me as a monster because of something i didn't mean to do. /sarc
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theworldibuilt4you · 3 months
[Snake clutches their monitor, almost pressing their nose to the screen in panic.]
What... what is this?! Shit, I didn't mean to be a prophet earlier-!
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"Homrr- cwzj ch phmm bs W xvwn'b- v'r big eoavsu uahtprw chr, vour tb-  Matkm, V.. N'a nerivt yc uqcuag yvy sxel, ozh yixn Q pfb'n fxe lbbb nutt nnw! Topd! FCPP! qizx ov-"
"YVYEX! I- Qg xosf bta ttwht mhzbzub ont- Jhy W wng't ARJ hbrf-! I-Q gmwhx roc'ej uiaga vrjr nb ue ul jmyf TNL ztinu, Lnixj! W-C'z lozed!"
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dojae-huh · 2 months
huh.. always heard about jaehyun being popular in the west. What abt in korea? Or asia?
He is popular everywhere. Not on the 1st place in every country though. He usually topd brand rankings in SK among neos.
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this is your second mate giselle speaking,
HII COVEY!!! how was prom??? and how are you doing??? anyways, omg i have a little love life update (the legacy of aphrodite is coming out) and it’s pretty crazy!!! okay so first of all, i met this amazing guy, let’s call him joe. so i’ve seen joe around in the halls since like september and i’ve always been like woah i love his style he’s so cute and he was so silly like so adorable. and he’s waved to me in the hallway before even though we didn’t even know each others names, and he’s smiled at me, OMG AND ONCE HE TRIED TO THROW SOMETHING INTO THE TRASH CAN AT LUNCH AND HE MISSED AND THIS DUDE FR PUT BOTH HANDS ON TOPD OF HIS HEAD AND GOES “OH NO 😨” IN THE MOST DRAMATIC WAY AND I BURST OUT LAUGHING- anyways, so we made eye contact and i felt really bad and embarrassed because i was laughing with him but he didn’t know that, but we make eye contact and he just smiles at me like- i ascended into heaven. anyways, turns out my friend is besties with him so she was like imma put u on fr fr. so she like talked to some of his friends as well and they were like oh yeah i know giselle blah blah she’s really pretty and i think she’d go great with joe! and like trust me, we would’ve been AMAZING TOGETHER. like, basically he’s a skater boy and i’m like coquette, rory gilmore, academic weapon yk? like he was fr a punk (skater) and i did ballet (figure skating) so it was like perfect because i’m also really academically driven and he def isn’t failing but yk he isn’t like me? like imagine a short (i’m 5’2) girl in a black turtle neck carrying her books that takes things way too seriously and is super uptight with her brunette hair in a bun, and then a guy with super messy curls that’s super tall and really lanky with baggy jeans and sweaters and headphones that is super chill all of the time just balancing her out! literally the lyric “you know how to ball i know aristotle” by taylor swift! and our mutual friends said he would get me to loosen up and he’s super sweet and i’d get him to lock in for once and i’ll being calmness and stuff into his life. it would’ve been opposites attract! so we meet, we hit it off, he says he liked my outfit, (he even stood up to talk to me instead of just sitting down at his lunch table!), asked for my number, and he laughed at all of my jokes, i made him nervous (in the good way), and it was just so amazing. and afterwards i heard him saying like “woah she was so pretty thank you for introducing me to her sm” to my friend. and now we’re texting nonstop and he’s trying to meet me after class and walk me from club meetings (i asked him to pick me up from class and he went “time and place” LIKE OMG!!!) and we have the same music taste and and and one day he leaves me on opened… just completely ghosts. and i ask him if he wants to walk around and he goes “nah i have to lock in for this class” which like yea i get! but combined with the ghosting and becoming dry and bored with me… and he hasn’t responded for six days… and all of our friends are so confused because even his closest friends were like dude he likes you i know him trust me (body language, the way he acted with me, the fact that he gave me his number, and the fact that they know him super closely). i’m just like torn because idk what happened! anyways this is the longest thing i’ve ever written and i hope i wasn’t boring you 😭 but yea my love life will definitely make aphrodite proud!!! at least it’s entertaining… oh and you don’t have to like give me advice or anything if you don’t want to i thought it’d just be fun to update you on my crazy love life! spilling the tea is one of my many passions frfr
this is your second mate giselle signing off,
with love,
dior giselle
my beloved heart, dior, giselle
the switch up is kinda insane...i wonder if like maybe hes feeling insecure or something??? like maybe he likes you too much and feels like hes not good enough or something??? i dont know boys are so confusing sometimes i wish i didn't like them lmao-
anyways, i hope you reached out to you eventually!! you guys do seem like you'd make a cute couple!!
all my love,
covey 𐙚⊹ ࣪ ˖
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garfield-69 · 2 years
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Homestar runner addiction kicked back in. ALSO NOBODY TOPD ME THERE WERE MUTIPLE PS3 HOMETSAR GAMES????? ok and why is the cheat plush 300 on ebay :(
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supernaturalgirl31 · 2 years
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Tyrion was in his room geting ready for a meeting with his father he knew what it was about since his wife was still not with child that was one thing that he agreed the night of his wedding that he would not make y/n have a child till she wanted one and seeing how there marriage was arranged by his father and y/n was just leting him in bed but they didnt do anything that let her get prgeant. He walks to the bed and kissed her head . "Mmmm Tyrion?" "Shhhhh go back to sleep love you need rest . "Were you going?" "Meeting with my father i will be back i promise.
With tyrion and his father. "Tyrion nice of you come " "i can olny guess why you asked me here " tyrion sits down . "Why haven't you got your wife prgeant?" "Shes not ready for that " "im sorry father but i will make her be ready for that . "SILLY BOY DO YOU KNOW WHST YOUR DOIBG BY WAITING?" Yelled his father. "Yes im geting to know y/n sinve you arranged arr marriage its only right to get to know my wife befor i have her carry my child " Tyrions father leans in his chair . "Why is this so important to you . You should be lucky i got her to marry you . ".
"And for that i should put a baby in her when shes not wanting it just yet . Tyrion gets a drink. "Relax father you will get a grandchild from me soon enough. But till then keep in mind that . Y/N is my wife and we will have children when we are ready but not befor that . He puts his drink down and went to his wife . He saw her reading . "You just get up." "No i been up since you left for your meeting . "I told you to rest . " he walks over to her and kissed her . "Couldn't help it was worried what your father would say since im not prgeant. "Tyrion put a hand on hers "y/n im not going to make you have a child till you want to try and i topd my father that . She hugs him . "Thankyou tyrion .
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abel-brannigan · 4 months
“and you expect me to believe that?!”
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Ankur Rehab Centre has come up with this novel idea of setting up central India’s first & only 200-bed professional Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Centre for catering to addiction, psychiatric, psychological & old age problems.
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
wilbur topd aros to listen to his lyrics and when talking about said lyrics there was several aromantic themes like all your friends fall in love around you so people are going 'you know a liiittle to much' and truething
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twitter users when someone is able to empathize and relate to other people’s experiences
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forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
Umm I think I'm about to get on trouble for something I didn't even do. And well obviously I'm not gonna say anything and risk being topd im talking back, but like this is not cool beans 🙃
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anatmantv · 6 days
Commentaires de l'atelier "L'Odyssée Anatman" et de Dialogue avec l'être du 22-09-2024. Les secrets de la manifestation consciente. Initiations, autorisations accordées...
Pour vivre cette méditation guidée, Cliquez ICI. Un essai gratuit de 2 semaines à ANATMAN TV ? Cliquez ICI. Commentaires : De moi à tout le monde 02:57 PMBonjour, Est ce que le son est bon ?De Suzanne Bacave à tous les panélistes 02:58 PMoui Tina Turner est au topDe Matthieu à tous les panélistes 02:58 PMyesDe Danièle Argot à tout le monde 02:58 PMYep, c’ est la fête, son impeccet coucouDe yvon…
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laiperoconi · 1 month
Oigan porke topds ot m dij394! B kosas lindas d mi ku340o la kiero muxo ab73luata lala
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