#topaz adorned
vorpaelyzis · 6 months
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(oc) young busbus! c:
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desertforged · 8 months
@topaz-adorned liked for a post-calamity starter
He'd always liked the Faron region, the warm breeze, bright greens, and rain - even the thunderstorm had always been welcome to a young man raised in the harsh desert. He'd longed for the familiar comfort of the rainforest and its ruins, the rivers and towering trees. One hundred years trapped in a prison with the Calamity wearing his body and soul down, with only a Princess who would never understand his pain, he yearned for the respite of what had always been his favorite getaway.
For the first time since he woke in that ruined castle, exhausted and weak, Ganon felt life finding its way back to him as he walked barefoot off the road, following a creek deep into the ruins of an ancient tribe. Scarred skin took in the gentle rain that fell as he approached what, at first, seemed like just another stone dragon's head among the ruins. With the sun already set, it was hard to tell the difference between stone and scale, right up until he was mere feet away.
He tilted his head, approaching the head - he could feel breath, hear a heartbeat, and he reached out hesitantly, lightly resting his hand against the dragon's nose. Ganon let his gaze take in the dragon's features. "You remind me of someone I once knew..."
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lunarisdeus · 7 months
[ 𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑 ] ― sender bites receiver hard enough to draw blood - from Bussaba (@topaz-adorned)
The Depths were a place he disliked coming to. The pull was near instant, some part of him enjoyed it here and he hated that part of him... The darkness, the scent and pull of warmth. It was unmistakably similar to his memories of his past, a past he couldn't help but miss.
Unfortunately there were qualities here he found unpleasant as well. It was alien, the plants especially. The monsters were a severe pain in the ass. And the fact it took an incredibly long time to get Bussaba from one place to the next, he had refused to stay on the surface and she was now stalling progress. Usually he was the one that had to keep up with her.
Normally his patience didn't suffer from a sense of urgency, his stress was constant.. he knew how to effectively exist with it and use it to his advantage. Although, right here and now... he snapped, regrettably.
Bussaba had slowed to a stop again. He could see how tenative she was, nothing about this situation was comfortable. If it had been any other time, maybe he'd be sensitive to how her body language screamed in fearfulness. But not today, not right now.
" Let's move, now, Bussaba, " trying hard to not sound as frustrated as he was, and failing, " You're being ridiculous, I can see just fine. We're safe, but we won't be if we keep stopping, " Goddess forbid should they stop and a stahl scout found them. Or worse.
He didn't heed her warnings— not as she backed up when he took grip of her arm and definitely not when she snarled as he urged her forward with a tug. And that seemed to be enough.
She launched herself at him, teeth snapping and finding a home in his right shoulder. Slicing deeply into his flesh and muscle, gritting his teeth to remain as silent as he can despite the pain. Holding her at the base of one of her secondary horns and his other hand holding an upper arm, voice grinding out a command, " LET GO. "
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dutifulsilence · 1 year
@topaz-adorned {cont.}
Link gave a shake of his head, one of his subtle smiles on his lips. "You're worse than I am, Chabah," he told her, before reach to gently take the map, rolling it up carefully. "This treasure's not going anywhere if we take a break to sleep for a few hours."
As old as the map was, they were probably the only ones who even knew the treasure existed. Link took the rolled up map and very lightly bopped Bussaba's head with it. "You look more exhausted than I do on a blood moon. When was the last time you even napped?"
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nerieae · 1 year
@topaz-adorned wants to go on an adventure!
“Well, that ought to teach them.” She wipes the flat edge of her blade against one thigh, to rid it of…Most of the monster blood coating the metal. A grimace curls her lip. Nasty things, those bokoblins— not terribly bright, though.
Desinii is more annoyed by their interruption of her excursion than anything. That little scuffle had eaten into her daylight hours…Which means she now has to find a good place to make camp, and settle for the night, to ensure she’s rested enough for the rest of the journey.
With tent pitched, fowl roasting over a crackling fire, and the distant glimmer of the night’s first stars; Desinii feels…At peace. The Faron grasslands are rather lovely, without monsters bumbling about. Though, she thinks nothing will ever beat the view of the sky over Gerudo desert, when the sun dips out of sight, and the moon takes her rightful place above the lands.
The reds and oranges of the fire dance in Desinii’s gaze, as she watches her dinner cook— only for her attention to snap up and to one side, where she’d heard the distinct sound of limbs shuddering overhead…But the lack of wind has her on edge.
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hyliagenesiia · 5 months
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@topaz-adorned sent: ' umbrella ' [ idea was Zelda was perhaps mourning at one of those headstones dedicated to those lost to the Calamity under the rain? And Bussaba comes by to make sure she won't catch a cold. Can be in the past!]
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She had stayed long after the dedication of the first memorial, placed just outside the ruins of Castle Town. Where most everyone else had departed, Zelda remained standing in front of the small stone - she'd gone so far as to even dismiss Link, though she was certain he was close enough to keep an ever-watchful eye on her. She'd needed to grieve. Her people, the boisterous town, women, children, soldiers both seasoned veterans and young new recruits, all of them gone.
Her own father gone. She'd never even gotten to say goodbye - her last words to him were a faded memory, but she knew they'd been angry, bitter, and hurt. He'd been gone long before she'd returned to the castle to entrap the Calamity with her power.
The rain had been a welcome one - cold, steady, enough to hide her tears and cool her hot face as she wept. It was only when she felt it stop falling on her that she even noticed Bussaba at her side.
"It's not enough is it?" Zelda asked, a choked sob in her throat. She kept her gaze on the memorial - she'd designed it herself, refused help in creating it, but now it seemed so... impersonal to her. "It's too small for all that was lost. I tried to find the last census in the library, to try to name all those who died. They deserve more from me than a small brick on the side of the road."
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balladetto · 9 months
🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s)
💯 ― your headcanon posts are always on point
✨ ― i love the way you write
💫 ― i enjoy writing with you
💖 ― you seem like a genuinely nice person
❤️ ― you're one of my favorite blogs
🌺 ― simply admiring you from afar
— @topaz-adorned
small symbols of kindness / @topaz-adorned
aahhhh, vorpy!! 🥺😭 thank you so, so much! you have been nothing but kind in what ooc interactions i've had with you, and i really hope to fix our lack of ic ones soon. bussaba is such an interesting muse and the amount of work you've put into her, the tyai, pruksakorn, and just! everything about her! is amazing and always a joy to witness! plus, gosh, your art is absolutely scrumptious. here's to throwing our blorbos at each other more in the new year!!
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gloryseized · 8 months
🧠 [ brain ]﹕ I’m struggling to think of ideas for interactions, or my ideas are vague and consist only of specific Vibes™️
— @topaz-adorned
Meme -- @topaz-adorned
A vibe can be a helpful starting place though because at least it's something! I do love an ask meme too to see if something rolls or sticks. I know I've got at least one starter that I'm noodling on for you, so also very much in the vibes place too
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query-bot · 11 months
“ Hello, Query-bot! Do you have a name you go by? And how are you today? ”
— @topaz-adorned
"Beep- Hello! This unit is designated LD-131. We have been given the name Spark. We are not sure why. Bzzt-- tktk- Hello!"
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swevene · 8 months
❛  you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?  ❜ for Alv!
— @topaz-adorned
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That was a bit of an understatement. Here in the desert it was like nothing he had seen before. It felt empty, lifeless. If he focused very hard he could feel a few plants growing in the harsh climate. Which was amazing to even consider despite this harshness life still thrived. He had seen a couple lizards scurrying across the sand and no doubt other creatures he wasn't aware of lived here too. It was amazing to him.
"I am." He spoke with a nod of his head as his eyes scanned the and and sun. A cactus or two in the distances. "But it's amazing. There is a beauty here and proof life can thrive anywhere." A smile formed on his lips as his teal-green eyes turned to look at his companion. "You are the very opposite aren't you? You are use to such an area?" He'd love to hear more from here about the stories that are here. The land, the animals, the people. It was a chance for new knowledge and new things that he could learn.
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livingecho · 6 months
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@topaz-adorned liked for a smol starter !
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she hummed , adjusting her coat so it laid flat against her corset as she entered the dinning room of her manor : she had invited bussaba & any others who wished to see whatever valskhan had to offer to her humble abode . they all were treated well ⸻ rooms for them all , clothes that fit better for the colder weather & anything they would request she would have the maids get them .
but she made sure they only saw the best side of her kingdom : the parts she could offer to them . the kingdom of advancements , of learning , of glory to the shadows . not the dirt nor the ... lesser born , those with deformities . cover your eyes from such things ; please at least for a little while ( she will help them but first ⸻ she needs connections before she can gone against the wishes of her god . )
her manor is a cold thing , not in temperature no but ... there is a deep silence . the house is old ⸻ as old as she is . the halls seemly stretch out with dark wood paneling that tells of her kingdoms culture with intricate carvings of squids , whales , the oceans waves & the very island rising from the ocean itself . the wallpapers rich purples , greens , blues ⸻ but not a mirror to be found ... what is more curious is any artwork had its eyes covered . statues were blindfolded , paintings had their eyes covered in thick , black strikes .
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❝ my maids can bring you whatever you need & each of you have a room ⸻ i do hope everything is to your comforts . ❞ she smiles , sly like the sea snake she is . the wrinkles becoming more pronounced but the grin doesn't quite reach her eyes ... just enough so it looks pleasing . ❝ but i have a grand feast planned for your arrival ! i do hope you like fish , whale is a delicacy here . but we care not to over hunt of sacred creatures : but for such special guests ... i see why not ? ❞
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vorpaelyzis · 6 months
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his golden sundelion
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desertforged · 2 days
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@topaz-adorned sent: — “ I'm.. sorry I've been gone. I didn't mean to scare you ”
Her appearance was a surprise - a very welcome one at that. He ran right up to her, lifting her off her feet to spin her around before hugging her tight.
"Ne ama'vi, you terrified me," he told her before pressing a kiss against her lips. "All that matters, though, is that you have returned and are safe. That is all I could ask for."
Setting Bussaba back on her feet, Ta'ariq held her for a long moment, keeping her close. "I assume your kingdom needed you far more than I did?"
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lunarisdeus · 6 months
[ PALM ]: taking the receiver’s hand, the sender brings it to their mouth, and places a tender kiss against the receiver’s palm. [ LINGER ]: taking the receiver’s hand, the sender lifts it to their lips, and gently kisses their knuckles, lingering for a moment before withdrawing.
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This was different... Relaxed, that was the first thing that was different. He wasn't sure what Bussaba was doing, but it felt good. His hands and arms were always so stressed, they ached at times with this mortal host body. He held his sword with an unyielding grip, his strength was unmatched, it left him feeling acutely painful after particularly trying fights. Like after today's battle.
Laying next to her, he hadn't even been sure if she was awake. It was dusk, it was likely they'd just sleep here for the night. Under the trees and sky, clean open air. And then he felt her hand take his, Nihl hummed as she applied pressure carefully, some of it stung but not enough to really hurt. He closed his eyes and just let her do as she pleased. She moved to his left hand shortly after. Hiding a sharp gasp as she massaged overworked tendons, they took the brunt of the work with his sword. Relaxing slowly despite the burn, both pleasant and unpleasant, he sighed deeply and slowly.
The touch of her mouth startled him a moment, blinking, " Bus? " he isn't sure if there was any significance to this as she presses a kiss to his palm. Not stopping her even as she moves to the top of his hand. He rolls over on his side to face her better as she lets him go. He isn't sure what this feeling was, but he reacted to it. Taking Bussaba's hand and pressing a kiss against her palm, his eyes watching for her reaction.
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dutifulsilence · 6 months
♡ for busbus!
- @topaz-adorned
●●●○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
He loves and adores his wyrm girlfriend, when they actually get to spend time together. She's as much of a handful as he is. He wishes he could spend more time with her, but the whole Hero business keeps them separated more than he'd like.
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obraveyouth · 6 months
“   I’m coming for your kneecaps. ”
“ Haha! Just kidding... Or am I? ”
from Bussaba [ @topaz-adorned ]
words spoken as silk dipped in toxicless venom reach link and the hero of twilight isn’t sure what to make of the person before him. her features are a mix of something like telma but also otherworldly ( so alien in form that his mind could only register them as twi ): but he knows this to be but a trick of mental hopes and wayward dreams. any connection to the realm settled in dusk was long gone and had been for many years and upsettingly, would remain so.
still, she is pretty. the kind of pretty that one might gasp in gaze as breathtaking. truly, a serene and exotic beauty. from the way the stranger adorned her jewels to her features to the mischief within her topaz irises, link was captivated, if not, a bit confused by her mannerisms. ❛ huh? ❜ bewilderment is voiced and he just looks more at her but his expression has moved from awe-stricken to something more regular, more commonplace.
the women was as if the snark-ridden tongue of midna in her cursed form had met the elegant, pristine, and refined visage of her truth. an enigma was she and well, link had always loved a challenge, especially when they came from unexpected people or places.
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 ❛    n’ wha’ do ya plan on doin’ wif’ dem? ❜ if she could throw misplaced words towards him then he’d meet her tomfoolery right back or at least—cause her to think about her choice of language and make her feel as silly for saying such phrases as link did upon hearing.
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