sortd21 · 1 year
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appsortd1 · 2 years
In the present-day scenario, the goal should not only be to increase app downloads but to retain users. So dont just focus on user acquisition but also pay attention to app engagement and user retention. Converting users to loyal customers will always help you in increasing average lifetime value (LTV) and generate more revenue. With the above considerations, you can easily achieve this. Make sure you get the app developed by a reliable web and mobile app development company.
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sortd2 · 2 years
The above-mentioned tools can efficiently strengthen your SEO activities while enhancing the chances of positive outcomes. However, we offer mobile app development services but can always guide our clients to improve SEO activities. These tools will indirectly contribute to enhancing the brand’s visibility and growth.
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sortd21 · 2 years
If you want to boost your ad viewability, get in touch with us now. We have a team of experts who are well versed with the latest and best ad practices. We can always assist you in maximizing your ad revenue.  
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sortd21 · 2 years
Mediology Software is WordPress VIP silver partner. Mediology is a software solutions company with a focussed & decade long experience in providing end to end technology solutions for the media and publishing industry.
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sortd21 · 2 years
Tips for creating a robust mobile advertising strategy
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Do you know more than 50% of internet users use mobile devices to access it? This makes mobile websites or apps a crucial platform to attract and engage your users. Businesses capable of doing this can quickly expect to grow their revenue.
Mobile advertising is a great way to add an alternative revenue stream to any online business with a presence on mobile devices. It is a marketing method displayed on smartphones and tablets through paid channels. Whether it’s SMS or banner ads in mobile games, mobile advertising is one of the most efficient advertising methods in today’s digital era. In this blog, we will share steps to create a robust mobile advertising strategy. Let’s get started!
1. Define your goals
The first step towards building an effective strategy is clearly defining your success metrics. Set realistic, clear, and measurable goals to understand better what campaigns you are running and their purpose. Some objectives may include the following:
Increase in-app purchases
Drive brand awareness for a specific demographic
Improve retention rate
Increase repeat purchase rate
2. Precisely define your audience
Every marketer has a specific budget on which they would like to work. Mobile advertising is an excellent way to reach your target audience with the highest level of personalization.
Assess your buyers’ personas and identify which potential users could be most profitable. With this, you can more accurately find a relevant ad network, customize your creatives, and understand what ad types you can utilize. This is also applicable for apps but make sure you get it developed by a reliable smartphone app development company.
3. Master ATT prompts
Now over 75% of apps utilize the ATT prompt, but the question is, how many are doing it right? Generally, the highest opt-in rates occur when ATT prompts are shown upon the first launch but mastering the ATT prompt is always beneficial to your brand and app category.
App marketers should learn to optimize pre-prompts to boost opt-in rates.
4. Check in-app performance
Poorly performing apps can cost you really high. So, getting them developed from a top mobile app development company in India is better. Also, 70% of mobile users will abandon an app that takes a long time to load, and a one-second delay can result in a 7% drop in conversions.
Frustrated users not only uninstall your app but may also look up to your competitor. You can easily counter this by preventing crashes, improving response time and screen rendering, and optimizing energy consumption.
5. Keep a check on numbers
Advertising is a crucial investment. If you want to ace it, you need to understand your revenue, cost, and returns. Measuring the return on an ad could be slightly tricky in this privacy-centric world.
But there are several other ways to measure your campaigns better. You must explore a measurement solution that best fits your budget and size.
6. Stick to privacy guidelines
Consumer privacy regulations have undergone extensive changes lately. It is essential to stay on top of the privacy guidelines, and you need to ensure that your app meets them to avoid penalties.
With the above tips, you can quickly and effortlessly create an effective mobile advertising strategy.
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sortd21 · 2 years
WordPress AMP plugins are available nowadays, and many are free. You can quickly boost your traffic, leads, and revenue by catering your mobile users right. To know more about the SORTD plugin, call us now!
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sortd21 · 2 years
The way of advertising and promoting your business has constantly been changing over the years. Digital ad spending has increased significantly, especially after Covid-19 where most companies had to operate remotely.  
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sortd21 · 2 years
SEO is an ever-changing and competitive industry, so you need to go beyond the basics. By understanding and implementing the above-stated tactics, you can bolster your SEO strategy. It will further help your brand to stand out and make an impact in the industry.
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sortd21 · 2 years
As a cross-platform app development company, we can always help you improvize the Core Web Vitals. We have even designed an amazing tool (Diagnostic tool) that will quickly provide you with a detailed report on your website performance, including all the Core Web Vitals.
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sortd21 · 2 years
As a cross-platform app development company, we can always help you improvize the Core Web Vitals. We have even designed an amazing tool (Diagnostic tool) that will quickly provide you with a detailed report on your website performance, including all the Core Web Vitals.
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sortd21 · 2 years
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Depending on the audience you are trying to target, an app's user interface can appear differently. By adhering to industry standards, you can create a user interface that is easy to understand and use. If you want your mobile app to stand out from the crowd, try using a unique user interface. The more you understand your audience's requirements, the better you will be able to cater them. 
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sortd21 · 2 years
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You will be able to get the best Android app with the above considerations. You may come across some roadblocks, but these tips will help you keep going. Assess your app requirements first and delve into the development process. In case of any confusion, consult with an android app development services provider.
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sortd21 · 2 years
3 Tips to Develop an Android App in 2023
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Working towards your business objectives seems exciting as well as daunting, right? You ought to have a strong digital presence to survive and succeed in this digital landscape. This is where an app can give your business the much-needed push. Most businesses nowadays build apps for ios and android which is a little hectic task. Only if you know the right way to go about it can make the work easier. In this blog, we will share some powerful tips to develop an Android App in 2023. So, let’s begin!
1. Use App Builders
App builders not just speed up the Android app development process but also eliminate the need for complex coding. Most app builders have a simple interface wherein users have to just drag and drop the elements to develop an APK (the extension file for Android app). Some of them even support the creation of progressive web app development and cross platform app that supports both Android and iOS.
Remember these app builders don’t come for free. They do charge for either development or licensing or both.
2. Website Development
If you know how to create a website but don’t have much idea about Android app development, you can utilise those skills to produce amazing outcomes. Basically, Android app builders are “wrappers” that use website code to develop apps.
First, build your website either from scratch or use WordPress. After this download Android Studio as this will give you both — the right app development environment and the Android SDK that will transform your code into a functional Android application. You get everything in a single package without any delay.
3. Outsource app development
If you have no expertise in coding or app development, it is better to hire an expert. Consult with a native android app development company for the same. Regardless of your app requirements, they can help you develop almost anything. Hiring an app development company means you can build almost any kind of app.
Such companies have a team of experienced app developers with a wide range of skills. You can rely on their expertise. After all, this is their job so they know what is trending and can always guide you on app development.
You will be able to get the best Android app with the above considerations. You may come across some roadblocks, but these tips will help you keep going. Assess your app requirements first and delve into the development process. In case of any confusion, consult with an android app development services provider.
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sortd21 · 2 years
Due to the dropping popularity of printed content, publishers have quickly switched to e-content now. This digital content includes online magazines, news websites and even trade sites. Just like journalists, content marketers are always looking for innovative ways to reach new audiences. While the basic principles of content marketing remain the same, SEO best practices keep changing.
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sortd21 · 2 years
A brief guide to SEO for publishers
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Due to the dropping popularity of printed content, publishers have quickly switched to e-content now. This digital content includes online magazines, news websites and even trade sites. Just like journalists, content marketers are always looking for innovative ways to reach new audiences. While the basic principles of content marketing remain the same, SEO best practices keep changing. 
In this blog, you will learn about the latest SEO practices that will help your news website rank better and attract high traffic. You should also know some of the best ways to optimise your website. So, let’s get started! 
Content optimisation and marketing 
High-quality content is the backbone of any website or mobile application. A company can entice potential customers and grow its customer base through interesting content. However, your ideal content should be very specific and relevant. A subject matter expert should write it. 
Also, you should know the various ways of marketing your content. When you market the content efficiently, it increases your brand awareness. Content marketing works best when it is a part of a bigger campaign, including off-page SEO techniques. 
Internal linking and backlinking 
The internal links on your website link all the pages and become the building blocks of your website. These links will also help push your search engine rankings, but most importantly, they help your users find relevant content. Also, it allows visitors to navigate to other pages of your website quickly. 
Backlinks help Google to understand what pages are important and increase your chances of ranking on the first page. They also contribute to increasing your domain authority. 
Guest posting 
The significance of guest posting is often overlooked if you approach it purely as a link building strategy. It helps you to reach a new target audience and establish your brand. It is a great way to establish brand authority and reach the targeted audience. Try to find the websites that readers of your blog would likely visit, and then post content that will bring value to them. This can make guest posting quite effective. 
The above tips and tricks will help publishers push their website ranking efficiently while boosting their brand awareness. It will eventually increase website ad revenue, making it a win-win situation for publishers. You can also take the advice of a smartphone app development company for the same and make sure you use the best mobile cross platform framework. 
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