#top ten male characters i feel an urge to call babygirl
dextervexter · 3 years
(steeples fingers) tell me about your boy roy.
ok ok ok ok OK i'm doing specifically Young Justice Roy so CONGRATS!!! You picked one boy but on all technicalities thats three in one LETS GOOOO
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Sexuality Headcanon: extremely bisexual. often forget how bi he is
Gender Headcanon: for Will I kind of always figure a little non-binary but still goes by he/him. he just never really vibed with gender stuff.
A ship I have with said character: BIG sucker for Malcolm Merlyn/Will Harper. no they have never met in canon the ship was born from an inside joke and I got way too into it
A BROTP I have with said character: Kaldur and Will of course. Best friends. Will encouraged Kaldur to be a little more insane. Kaldur is the only one stopping Will from going ape on everyone. Their past adventures were usually either missions or getting kicked out of Panera (will's fault)
A NOTP I have with said character: Artemis/Will. that shit was 12 different flavors of gross and I can't believe the show even attempted it. I'm also not fond of Will/Jade but that's mainly because the show did not develop Jade enough to make me want to see them together.
A random headcanon: LOVE THIS MAN HAVE MANY
1) He struggled a lot with identity after discovering he was a clone. The way he saw it, he was a copy of the original Roy and therefore had no right to call any aspect of who Roy was his. He stopped referring to his parents as his, he stopped thinking of his childhood as his. he even had trouble looking at himself in the mirror because that wasn't truly his face. It was the face of someone he replaced. Roy of all people was the one to force him to accept that the memories and experiences they shared are just that: shared. Will didn't replace Roy knowingly. For such a long time he really thought he was Roy. He does get to call his past his, even if he never truly experienced it. He still has bad days where he physically can't bring himself to say that a memory is his, but he's worked hard and created a new life for himself. Maybe soon he'll be able to think about his past without that hurt attached to it.
2) Will has never raised his voice to Lian. He's an incredibly patient parent and as a result, Lian is very well behaved and incredibly well spoken, as Will taught her how to talk through her feelings instead of melt-down.
3) (incorporates events from Snowbirds Don't Fly) His relationship with Ollie was never the same. Will knows that Ollie tried very hard to support him after he found out he was a clone, but what it boiled down to was that Ollie reached a point where he decided Will should get over it. Will left after that and being on his own kick started his problems with addiction. Ollie criticized him for that too, going so far as to cut contact completely. They went years without talking. When Will retired and focused on being a father, Ollie tried to get in contact again but his inability to acknowledge he failed Will ultimately left them unable to carry on any relationship beyond civil acquaintances. Will still let's Ollie see Lian, he'd never deny him the role of grandparent, but he doesn't trust him the way he used to.
General Opinion over said character: He is my baby boy, my son, my boyfriend, my sweet cheese, the light of my life, i am like smeego and he is that gay little ring, he is my treasure, my FAV
Sexuality Headcanon: he is the straight clone
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: None
A BROTP I have with said character: Jim/Will/Roy. Individually people can handle the Harpers, when together however they're barely coherent sibling chaos
A NOTP I have with said character: None but I do have a running gag that he keeps accidentally dating lesbians.
A random headcanon: Jim struggles with mental and emotional issues due to the mind control he lived under for years. Given his role at Cadmus, one of his problems is an intense aversion to authority. He's not aggressive about it, he usually just tries very hard to avoid people he knows are louder and bossier than most. Being told what to do, even if it's a polite and casual request, can trigger a flight response most times, or a sharp tone at worst. More often than not he stays close to Roy and Will because they're both really good at keeping him busy or just providing him much needed company. They've become a bit of a safety net for him.
General Opinion over said character: I like Jim a lot, but out of the three Harpers I think he's probably the one I leave alone the most. The showrunners didn't do a lot with him after the second season and while I liked his appearance in season 3, they need to do more with him this season.
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay gay gay he is gay
Gender Headcanon: cis, but flexible
A ship I have with said character: LOVE Jason/Roy. my extremely specific love for YJ roy revolves a lot around him being the iconic Angry Small and shipping him with canonic giant brick shit house Jason is my bread and butter. Mean Bisexual dates even Meaner Gay Little Cat
A BROTP I have with said character: Tim and Roy. Often times Tim has upgrade ideas for his arm that make working with it a lot easier. Plus Tim is one of the only people who brushes off Roy's rude, snarkish attitude. Tim is pretty much the only person other than Jason allowed to touch Roy's arm
A NOTP I have with said character: Not fond of Cassie/Roy
A random headcanon: GOD i have so many have like three
1) Roy's time in the cryo-chamber left him with a lingering chill. He gets cold very easily and when he gets cold he gets cranky. The coldness is something that is pretty much always present. He layers up a lot because of it and sleeps under as many blankets as possible. He prefers Jason practically on top of him when they sleep because he can't get warm and Jason is an oven. Everyone is pretty sure its psychological, but it can be dangerous. He overheats easily and doesn't realize it's happening because he still feels cold.
2) Roy doesn't apologize for things verbally. It sucks because some people need to hear it, and most times Roy is the one in the wrong. He tries to make up for things through actions like buying food for people or turning on their favorite movie. He should just learn to apologize, but he's an angry, over-sensitive ass-hat who takes everything too personally and would rather die than be wrong. He is making an effort to get better though.
3) Roy gets phantom pains in his arm. More often than not, they're triggered by stress or anxiety. He doesn't know what to do when this happens and it can make him way crabbier than he usually is. When this happens he usually goes to his brothers because he's ok with being touched by them. Jim has a heating pad he gives him, and and talks him through it. Compression pads help too, and Jim is allowed to touch Roy's arm to put it on for him. Will is usually busy with Lian, but Roy still tries to be around. Lian is adorable enough to keep him distracted. When Will has a spare moment he'll usually come in and make sure Roy is okay and just sit with him a bit because sometimes Roy just really needs to feel someone there with him.
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