#top fridge in india
proctocheck · 1 year
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Deal with Hitachi Refrigerator Accessories from Shop
Looking for a refrigerator accessories shop near you? Check out our store, conveniently located and stocked with a wide variety of accessories for all major brands including Hitachi. From water filters to shelves, we've got you covered. Visit their store today! For more information please visit the website now.
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eunoia-writes · 8 months
Confessions • Felix Catton x Reader
Summery - after a night of drinking bottle after bottle of wine Felix makes a confession which spirals his and y/n’s life into a whirlwind of romance only to be momentarily put on hold due to his jealousy.
Warnings - Drinking, jealous!Felix, Felix being a bit of a dick, secret romance
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There was a soft humm of laughter from the other room while y/n walked into the dimly lit kitchen in search for the other wine bottles. She opened the fridge grabbing a bottle of Red and a bottle of white before she walked back into the living room where everyone was sat reminiscing on old summers stories. She placed the bottles down before sitting back down next to her friend, Farleigh.
“Y/n… do you remember that guy that put the love note your dorm letter box?” Indi said laughed as Felix groaned while y/n just nodded. Felix grabbed the bottle of red and topped up her glass before Turing to face his friend Indi.
“Can we not talk about this for the 100th time?” Felix asked
“Oh but why it was so adorable the way he fumbled over his words and laughed at everything y/n said.” Indi added
“Y/n doesn’t need someone who laughs at everything she says or can’t form a coherent sentence. Hell she’s smarter than all of us.”
y/n couldn’t help but blush slightly. Yes it was wrong and juvenile of her to he crushing on her friend who protects her no matter what cost.
“That’s real sweet of you, Fi.” Oh how he adored that nickname she gave him
“Anything for you.” He said looking at her for what could have been slightly too long
“We should really head off.” India said sharing a look with Felix y/n couldn’t quit read.
“We’ll see you guy tomorrow?” Felix said his arm wrapping around y/n’s waist. The pair had always been close and the physical touch of their relationship had never bothered either of them.
“Definitely we be here around 2.” Farleigh Said before the three of them made there way out of Felix’s flat
“Are you sure you don’t mind me staying?” y/n asked as she helped Him clear away a few things. Felix smiled
“you’re always welcome to stay here you know that.” Felix said pouring the last of the wine down the drain as y/n leaned against the counter
“What was that look Indi gave you about earlier?” y/n more asked him, he immediately stopped what he was doing and turned to her
“What do you mean?” He asked confused
“Fi, don’t do that you know exactly what I’m talking about.” She said as he moved closer to her
“Fine fine, she has been telling me how I should tell you that it wasn’t Daniel who wrote you that letter, it was me.” Felix said
“Fi that’s not funny.” She said looking up at him “come on tell me what it was.”
“Im being serious y/n, I had the biggest crush on you when we first came to Oxford.”
“oh come on that’s not true.” She said she didn’t realise how close they now were neither did he
“I still do.” he whispered
“I always thought you were the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He whispered just inches away from her
“Stop it.”
“That’s not funny.” Instead of saying another word Felix just leans in kissing her softly which she immediately reciprocates a surge of electricity coursed through them, igniting a passionate exchange that transcended words. Time seemed to halt as Felix pulled her impossibly close wanting nothing more than her close to him.
“Believe me now?”
The pair had been seeing each other for a while now they decided to keep it a secret knowing the complications of their loved ones finding out. They wanted it to be there’s and there’s only.
Felix, with a playful smile masking the excitement in his eyes, told Farleigh he was going for a run. This wasn’t anything new for him every so often Felix took himself off on a run to clear his head if Farleigh wasn’t so caught up in himself he’d of probably noticed the escalations in the amount of times his friend seemed to be disappearing. This worked in their favour though.
Felix jogged down familiar paths, exchanging pleasantries with others on campus as he made his way to the back road that was far less traveled by to the one place he craved to be.
"Hey there," Felix greeted, panting slightly from his faux jog. Y/n grinned, as he walked into her flat and straight over to her "Thought I could use some company for my workout ." They chuckled, finding solace in their secret rendezvous.
Things were going well for a while the two sharing nothing but pure unadulterated admiration of each other Beneath the facade of friendship, stolen glances and secret smiles told a tale of something deeper. Their perfect secret relationship thrived in the subtleties – a brush of hands, lingering gazes, and whispered confessions hidden amidst the mundane. The world remained oblivious to the symphony of emotions playing out beneath the surface, allowing Felix and y/n to savor the intimacy of their unspoken connection for themselves. Y/n adorned nothing more than the late nights in his arms talking about anything they could think of but what she hated most was waking up to an empty bed.
It had been almost three months of sneaking around before anything of great significance had its effect on them. All until the party at Farleighs new flings flat.
As they mingled at the party, Felix couldn't shake the knot of jealousy tightening in his chest. Y/n , unaware of Felix internal struggle, engaged in casual conversation with a charming boy named Jake. Felix gritted his teeth, feigning a smile while attempting to mask the possessiveness bubbling within. In a strained attempt at nonchalance when y/n returned to his side later that night, Felix remarked, "Jake seems pretty interested in you tonight."
Y/n, oblivious to the brewing tension, responded with a casual shrug, "Oh, he's just friendly."
Unable to contain his frustration any longer, Felix snapped, "Friendly? Or maybe you're enjoying the attention a bit too much, y/n." The words hung heavy in the air, and y/n's eyes widened with surprise and hurt.
"What's your problem?" Y/n shot back, her own defenses rising. Felix fuelled by the fear of losing y/n to the allure of someone else, retorted,
"My problem is that everyone thinks you're fair game. Maybe it's time they know the truth – that we're more than just friends."
Y/n now fully grasping the depth of Felix's jealousy, countered, "Are you threatening to expose us? You know we can't do that, Felix. Fuck me you were the one who wanted it to be a secret so bad." The argument escalated, echoing the clash between the passion they shared in secret and the turmoil of emotions exposed in the harsh light of reality.
“Oh fuck me y/n, maybe I wouldn’t have to say anything If you weren’t such an attention whore!”
“Excuse me!” She said through gritted teeth trying not to cause a scene
“Don’t play dumb, god forbid my attention is on something other than you for a moment you start acting like a brat.” Felix said and y/n couldn’t believe what she was hearing, how dare he talk to her this way. She wasn’t one of his little flings that only lived to please him. She had more respect for herself and wouldn’t bat an eyelid at leaving if he didn’t treat her the way she wanted.
“I don’t know where you get off speaking to me like that but you better cut that shit out.” She said tempers growing for the both of them
“God I could have anyone I wanted but I choose to be with you and do nothing if you -“ Felix began at this point it was soon to turn nasty between then
“No one asked you to do nothing.” She snapped
“Fuck off.” He mumbled under his breath pinching the bridge of his nose as she turned to look at him arms folded across her chest while they stood on the balcony
“I will fuck off, I told you do what you want Felix.” she was staring daggers at him while he let out a frustrated sigh there friends all a few feet away watching the whole ordeal go down not a single of of them having a clue what was happening.
“Like you wouldn’t go off at me if I even looked at anyone else!” He said usually if someone as tall as Felix was getting pissed off at you while towering over you it would be enough to intimate anyone, but not y/n. She wasn’t one to back down from an argument.
“Well I didn’t ask you not to, do what you fucking want. Talk to a few girls shag them for all I care I’ll just fucking laugh at ya.” She spat clearly pissed off at not only him but the thought of him touching anyone else made her skin crawl.
“Maybe I will!”
“You know what Felix, go fuck yourself.” Y/n almost yelled as she stormed out of the flat knowing he wouldn’t dare follow her.
The argument with Felix lingered in her mind like a relentless echo, leaving her overwhelmed with a torrent of conflicting emotions. As she stormed out into the night, the crisp air did little to cool the heat of frustration burning within her. The music and laughter from the party slowly faded, replaced by an unsettling silence that mirrored the void growing in her chest, each step marked by the weight of unspoken words and unresolved tension. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over, but she fought to maintain composure, not wanting to reveal her vulnerability to the indifferent darkness. The dimly lit streets witnessed the internal storm playing out on y/n’s face, the glow of streetlights casting shadows that mirrored the turmoil within. With each step, she found herself grappling with the realisation that the argument had not only fractured her connection with Felix but also exposed the fragility of the carefully constructed façade they had maintained.
Alone in the dark, y/n finally allowed herself to cry, the frustration and heartache escaping in silent sobs that mingled with the night's hushed symphony. The journey home became a painful pilgrimage through the shadows of her own unresolved emotions, the echoes of the argument haunting her every step.
Days passed in a heavy silence between Felix and y/n after their heated argument. Felix grappling with a mixture of regret and longing, found the absence of y/n more challenging than expected. Each passing moment without her presence heightened the ache in his heart. Felix had never felt this way before. No one had every evoked the same emotions from him that y/n does and the lack of communication became increasingly unbearable. Felix scrolled through old messages, the weight of the unsent apologies pressing down. Pride clashed with the undeniable truth – Felix missed y/n more than words could express. Swallowing the pride, He finally sent a hesitant message, "Can we talk?" The pause that followed felt like an eternity.
Y/n - Come over?
Felix shot up from his bed wasting no time rushing over to her flat rehearsing exactly what he wanted to say to her , everything from how sorry he was for the way he treat her and that he should have never spoke to her that way because he let his idiotic jealousy take the wheel to how stupid he feels for making her keep what they have a secret and how he wants nothing more than to shout it from the rough tops. However upon letting himself in with the key she’d given him not too long ago that all faded when He walked into the flat to find her curled up on the couch in his jumper and her beloved blanket she’s had for as long as he’s known her.
“Y/n.” He whispered as she stirred from her sleep while he sat down on the edge of the couch a few feet away from her
“Hi.” She said as she sat up rubbing her eyes slightly bringing her knees to her chest as she looked over at him
“I’m so sorry baby.” He began but before he could go on his tangent of how sorry he was and how much he adores her she whispered almost inaudibly
“Do you not trust me?” Felix felt his heart sink he hated that he’d upset her
“I do trust you baby, i was just being jealous I should have never taken it out on you.” He said cautiously moving closer to her not wanting to make her uncomfortable “I hate the idea of someone else looking at you the way I do, the idea of you making someone feel the same way you make me feel.”
“I’d never do that intentionally.” She said looking at him with her big do eyes that made him melt the same why they did when he first saw her
“I know… I’m so sorry for speaking to you like that and I’m so sorry for making you keep us a secret.” He told her as she shuffled closer to him letting him pull her into his lap
“What?” She asked confused
“You’re my girl, and I want no I need everyone to know that.” He told her and she couldn’t help but smile. Felix had never outright claimed anyone so y/n couldn’t help but feel special that she was the first
“But Fi, I don’t want you to feel like you have too… baby come on it’s about time I tell my parents and everyone else you’re my girlfriend.” Felix watched the way her eyes lit up as he said that word
“Girlfriend?” she whispered while Felix just nodded leaning in to kiss her softly “I like that.” She mumbled into the kiss
“Missed you.” He whispered as he pulled away
“I missed you too, I’ve hardly slept not having you here next to me.” Felix let out a sigh of relief knowing that she missed him just as much as he missed her.
“Then let’s get you to bed, yeah?” Felix scooped her up carrying her into her bedroom just as he had done so many nights before. In one swift motion he laid her down before crawling beside her and letting her get comfortable as she found her place on his chest.
“Y/n.” He whispered his hand running through her hair. It took her a few seconds to hum in response but he didn’t mind “I love you.” He said the words lingering in the soft glow of the bedside lamp. Y/n absorbed the sweet declaration like a lullaby. The words wrapped around her like a comforting embrace, and a tender smile played on her lips as sleep gently claimed her. In that moment, the room held the echo of those three precious words, affirming what they both already knew before they both drifted into the night.
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sixlane · 5 months
so sweet
Bartylily microfic | 1.4k words | NSFW
for india @certifiedl0verboy because they said the world needed barty and lily getting high and sharing a costco cheesecake, and also han @honeybcj because the image of barty and lily shotgunning hasn't left my head in days <33
Lily opens her fridge and stares. The cool air and soft light leaks out into the empty kitchen as she contemplates how she became this person. The type who, completely unprompted and for no good reason, buys a whole Costco cheesecake for herself. 
The soft, round monstrosity sits on the bottom shelf of her fridge, taking up so much space she was forced to shove her yogurt into the vegetable drawer. The thing stares back at her, mocking, taunting, begging to be left to mold when she inevitably fails to eat it all. 
The sound of a key in the door snaps her out of the silent stand off.
Fuck, Barty’s home.
She can already imagine his confused smile and snarky comments when he opens the fridge for his nightly Red Bull just to come face to face with Lily’s unexplainable decision. It’s not like they’ve been roommates for long, or friends for that matter. They keep it cordial, stay out of each other's way, smoke the occasional bowl and watch old seasons of America’s Next Top Model, but this seems a little too close to soul-baring for comfort. 
Lily sits down at the table with a glass of water, tries to act casual, tries not to look at the fridge. 
“Hey,” Barty says, dropping his keys on the counter.
Lily nods her head, taking a sip from her glass. For a minute she thinks she’s in the clear because he’s already started to leave the room, but he doubles back at the last minute, realizing he’s forgotten something. 
He pulls the fridge open, reaches down, and stops, just for a second, before grabbing his energy drink and letting the door fall shut. 
Lily pretends she hasn’t been watching him this whole time.
He pops the top on his can, takes a sip and gives Lily a once over. “You having a party or something?”
“Will you leave me alone if I say yes?” Lily deadpans, though she can feel her face heating up. 
“Nope. Then I’d probably have to ask why I wasn’t invited.” He walks over to lean against the island, just a few feet between them, and looks down at her. He takes another sip.
“Ok look I needed more laundry detergent so I went to Costco and obviously I had to look in the bakery section and it was just sitting there. So. I bought it.” Barty’s smile widens as she explains until he’s just grinning at her. “What?” she asks, defensive.
“So you just bought the whole thing for yourself?” He says it curiously. He’s not judging, but she can hear the ulterior motive in his tone. 
She raises an eyebrow at him. “Spit it out.”
Barty huffs a laugh. “One second.” He sets his drink down and heads toward his room, leaving Lily to wonder what his plans are. She can never quite read him. He likes to play up this persona of his, effortlessly carefree and nonchalant, but she has always sensed something just below the surface. She notices it in the way he remembers her work schedule, the way he seems to have eyes in the back of his head. 
When Barty comes back, he’s got a bag of weed in one hand and his grinder and bowl in the other. He holds them up, mouth quirked in a dangerous way, waiting for her response.
Lily reflects the smile back at him. “I like the way you think, Crouch.”
So, Lily grabs the cheesecake, two forks, and some napkins, while Barty packs the first bowl of the night. They light up next to an open window in the living room, inhaling as the warm breeze kisses their cheeks and slides through their hair.
They wait until they’re properly high before digging in, and as Lily brings that first bite to her lips, allows it to settle on her tongue, she swears it’s the best thing she’s ever tasted. 
“Fuuuuuck,” she moans. “This was the best decision I’ve ever made.” She licks the back of the fork, wanting to savor the tangy goodness, and she doesn’t miss how Barty watches before he huffs a laugh and shifts his focus to take a bite of his own.
“God,” he says around a mouthful. “What does Costco put in this shit?” 
“It’s fucking amazing right?” 
It’s at that point that she notices a bit of cake smeared across Barty’s lower lip, so she leans over and wipes her thumb across it. It happens before she can even register she’s done it, but she fully commits, sticking her thumb in her mouth after, tasting sweet and something else.
“You use Aquaphor?” She asks.
Barty stares at her. Red eyes slightly widened. “You can identify Aquaphor by taste?”
Lily smiles with all her teeth and reaches into her back pocket to produce the tube she takes with her everywhere. 
“Put some on,” he says before picking up the bowl for another hit.
She looks at him suspiciously. “Why?”
“Just do it.” He sparks the lighter and breathes in deeply. 
She brings the tube to her lips and smears some on, watching his chest expand behind his t-shirt.
He holds the smoke in his lungs but motions for her to come closer and oh. She sees where this is going. 
The realization doesn’t stop her from leaning in anyway.
Barty’s lips ghost over hers and he breathes the smoke into her open mouth. She inhales in turn, taking the air from his lungs into her own. 
It’s intimate, she thinks, in a way that not many things are. To hold a vital piece of someone else inside yourself. To pass it back and forth with such care, not letting anything slip through the cracks. 
And that thought is what causes Lily to close the barely-there distance. To allow their lips to push together. To allow herself to fully taste the leftover sweetness and Aquaphor and Red Bull on Barty’s tongue, which he doesn’t waste a minute before sliding into her mouth.
It’s sloppy and uncoordinated where they lean over the half-eaten cheesecake between them, and Lily pulls back before her arms give out underneath her. 
They stare at each other for a moment, both smiling and laughing like idiots. 
It’s so easy between them, always has been.
“One more?” Barty asks.
“One more what?” Lily volleys back, eyebrow raised.
“Bite,” He says motioning toward the cake, sly smile across his face.
She rolls her eyes affectionately but nods, leans forward as he scoops another piece, sure to get some of the buttery crust on his fork. He holds it out for her to take but before she can, the pile of cake and graham cracker falls right onto her left tit.
Lily stares down at it, mouth agape for a second before she starts giggling again. Because it’s funny. Everything is so funny she can’t help herself.
That is until Barty’s tongue is dragging itself along the skin there, collecting the cake and making way for his teeth, which bite hard enough to leave a mark. 
He stares up at her as he does it, gauging her reaction. He gets the all clear when Lily fails to stop the needy whine that leaves her throat.
Barty trails his mouth upward, leaving open-mouth kisses along her neck until he reaches her ear.
“You taste so good,” he whispers. Voicing out loud the thoughts she’s been having all night.
Lily lets the corner of her mouth tug up. “You have no idea.”
“Fuck.” He reattaches to her neck and his hands find the button of her pants, dexterous as they undo it and work the zipper down. He reaches beneath her underwear, letting his long fingers slide through her wetness, collecting some before he brings them to his mouth, sucks sinfully and stares her down the whole time.
The haze around Lily’s thoughts sharpens to want, and Barty must see the change in her eyes because he smiles devilishly around the digits before replacing them where she needs them most. 
“So fuckin’ sweet,” he says, circling her clit lazily, not enough pressure to really get her there.
“Please…” she begs, arching into him, trying to push harder against his fingers. She’s too far gone not to act as desperate for it as she is. She wants his fingers inside of her, wants him to lick every inch of her, put his mouth in places it probably doesn’t belong.
“Shhh princess,” he coos. “Just enjoy the ride.”
Once they finish, Lily twice and Barty all over her stomach before licking her clean, Lily will realize they left the cheesecake in the living room under the open window.
Oh well, she was never really going to finish it anyway.
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
LongDistance!Series - Part Three: Home - Manny x Reader
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Tagging:  @darqchilddaydreamz  @theesirenteller @wnbweasley @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx @skyesthebomb @delightfulbelieverwerewolf @redpool @trublu2u @fleureeee @thiashazzywriting @lauraaan182 @hatersaremymotivators @fanfic-n-tabulous @ravennaortiz @just-a-throw-away @yousigned-upforthis @kabloswrld @keyweegirlie @@pansexualhailstorm @wabi-sabi1090
Part One: Melina - Manny x Reader - Manny's daughter wants to meet you.
Part Two: Club Business (feat: Hank Loza) - Manny finally sits down with Hank Loza to discuss his relationship with you.
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Another postcard, another country, another city.
It’s Italy this time, Verona.
In the past few weeks, Manny’s received one from both Milan and Pisa.
He looks at his fridge, inundated with the evidence of your adventures and he wonders what he’ll do when he runs out of space, where he’ll put them all then. It occurs to him that he’s thinking in the long term, not months but years down the line. You out there exploring the world, him here managing his club. It shouldn’t work but somehow it does. He’s the stable presence in your life, the grounding force and you’re his wildness, the part of him that remembers how to live.
“Put them in a scrapbook.” His daughter Melina suggests as she perches at the kitchen table, carefully cutting out a picture of an elephant from a magazine he’d picked up.
“That’s not a bad idea.” You say from the phone propped up against the saltshaker on the table. “You’re going to have to help him choose one though because his taste is a little…”
Manny knows you’re pulling a face, it’s in the way Melina laughs.  
The three of you have been video chatting regularly since the initial introduction over a month ago. You’ve become as integral to their routine as breathing. Manny looks up from chopping peppers before handing off a slice to Melina, she crunches it between her teeth.
“Orange is his favourite colour.” Melina says with a sigh, picking up one of her colouring pens to show you. “He thinks it goes with everything.”
“It does.” Manny argues, rolling his eyes before he washes his hands in the sink. “It’s bright, it’s uplifting, who doesn’t want that in a colour? It’s you two that are wrong, who likes the colour blue, it’s dour, depressing.”
“Relaxing, soothing.” You correct him, shaking your head. “What will we do with him Melina?”
“Alright, alright.” Manny says, picking up a hand towel and drying his hands as he steps around the breakfast island. “If you two are done judging my colour choices, we still need to get Melina’s homework done. The two of you were talking about India and the elephant sanctuary.”
“That’s right.” You agree, straightening your shoulders. “Ok kid, what other questions do you have?”
He cooks dinner while the two of you talk. They’re having pasta tonight because Melina’s decided she wants a taste of the Mediterranean, thanks to a conversation the two of you had yesterday about how much you love Italian food. He’d tried to bargain it down to pizza, but she’d given him that look and reminded him he’d already promised that as their Saturday treat so pasta it is.
“At least she’s trying new things.” Sam had shrugged when he’d told her. “She could be eating chicken nuggets all the time like that kid Jeremy at school.”
Small blessings, he thinks as he watches the water simmer. He turns it down a little before he approaches Melina’s chair, his hands come to rest on her shoulders lightly before he presses a kiss to the top of her head.
“Mi Nina.” He murmurs. “Dinner’s almost ready. Go wash up, ok?”
Melina complies slipping out of her seat and heading to the bathroom. Manny picks up the phone, a smile tipping up at the edges of his mouth.
“Thank you for that, I know it’s late there.”
There’s eight hours time difference between Italy and Yuma. It’s six o’clock here and almost two am your time. You’d been photographing the afterparty at the Parma Tattoo Nerd Fest and just gotten back to your room when he’d called.
“It’s cool.” You tell him, running a hand through your hair. “You know it takes me a while to wind down.”
He can tell you’re tired, he’s been noticing it a lot recently. You’ve been working yourself into the ground, chasing the work where you can get it. It’s the nature of a freelance career. You take the jobs when they come in. Your skills are in high demand, you’re well known in the Expo circles for the quality of your work and your reliability. Some creatives were flakes but you, you’re dedicated.
“So, I’m going to take some time off one I’ve finished up in Fiuggi.” You tell him, toying with the silver stacker rings on your fingers. “The last couple of months have been intense and I need to take a break.”
“I think that’s a good idea.” He tells you, leaning on the breakfast bar as he holds the phone between his hands. “You need to take some time for yourself Mami, rest and relax. Working that hard, it’s not good for you.”
“I’m going to book a flight back to the States, I need to make a stop in Joshua Tree, drop some of my stuff at my storage locker…”
“Storage locker.” He repeats because he fully expected you to say apartment.
Something clicks into place then, something he hasn’t considered until this very moment, and it breaks his fucking heart. When he thinks back over all the conversations you’ve had he realises you have never once mentioned an apartment, or a house or anything resembling a home. The storage locker is literally the first place of permeance you’ve brought up. Up until now it’s been hotel rooms and Airbnbs.
“Mami…” He says quietly, lowering his voice so that Melina doesn’t overhear. “Where is home for you?”
“I…” You trial off, your eyebrows furrowing as you contemplate the question. You glance back up at the camera on your phone and the look in your eyes it kills him. “I’ve never really thought about it until now… I guess I don’t have one.”
It’s the nature of the foster system he thinks, moving from place to place, never settling long enough for a home of your own. You’ve emulated the pattern over and over again without even realising it. He sees the moment it dawns on you, something shatters deep inside and it resonates over the six thousand miles that separates you. He wishes that he was there right now, that he could wrap his arms around you and hold you close, that he could take away the anguish he sees in your features, but he can’t. Instead, he places his hand over his heart as he speaks his truth.
“It’s with me Sara.” He tells you. “Your home, it’s with me.”
You’ve been travelling for over eighteen hours by the time you make it to Phoenix. It’s ten o’clock at night and you are bone achingly tired, you’d tried to catch a couple of hours on the plane, but the truth is you were too excited to see Manny. You’d called him during the two-hour layover in Atlanta to let him know you were back in the country and that there were no delays with your connecting flight.
“I can’t wait to see you.” He’d told you, the tone of his voice sending a rush of heat surging through your body.
“Me too.” You say, a smile gracing your lips. “It feels like it’s been a lifetime.”
He still looks as good as the day the two of you first met, black jeans that hug his lower body just right, that khaki green shirt buttoned all the way to the top. When his eyes meet yours, a small smile graces his handsome features and something inside you just lights up. You’re in his arms in an instant, his aftershave filling your nose as he holds you close. He smells like leather, lavender and patchouli, scents that make you think of home.
“It’s good to have you back.” He whispers into your hair, and you nod because right now there’s all this emotion rising up in your chest and you just can’t speak.
It’s been a journey over the past few days, facing up to the reality of your patterns, the ones that have been ingrained since childhood. You realised it’s time to change, time to put something permanent in place and you want that to be with Manny.
He draws away, his palms clasping your face. His thumbs chase away the tears that leak down your cheeks, his forehead coming to rest upon yours.
“Hey, hey.” He soothes, his lips brushing over yours. “You’re home now.”
Love Manny? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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offshoreoilrig · 6 months
literally 2005 software engineers playing with blocks and plastic dinosaurs in the break room with their big ass beige wooden block style gateway pcs drinking soda eating candy and coding googie and booger and ooloo and beebo while they played with toys. those motherfuckers ruined millions of lives and they were actually slipping and sliding around their primary color schemed cupertino office buildings drunk as hell off the proto west coast india pale ales plucked from the mini fridge. and now they're 45 years old still rolling molly in the quarterly board meetings bragging about how they can raise another $800 million next round if they just ramp up the sales org 40% and lay off their top ethics researcher
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mariacallous · 3 months
If you’ve been to a falafel or shwarma stand in Israel, then you have probably heard of amba. Amba is a spiced pickled mango condiment. Its popularity in Israel comes by way of the Iraqi Jewish community. This flavorful condiment is commonly found in Iraq, across the Middle East, and in India as well. In fact, amba originated in India, and the word “amba” means mango in Marathi.
You can find countless recipes and variations for amba, but the main and required ingredient is mango. Most recipes also include mustard seed, turmeric, chili and fenugreek. Fenugreek is an herb that’s often used in Indian, Persian, Turkish and Middle Eastern cooking. It has a unique maple syrup-like aroma, and can add an herbacious sweetness to a dish.
Traditionally, amba is made by slicing and salting green mangoes and placing them in a jar in the sun to ferment for five days. Afterward, the mango is removed from the jar and left to dry out in sunlight for 3-4 hours. Once dried, the mango is simmered with spices and is then jarred for use. You’ll definitely get a deeper flavor if you allow for longer fermentation of the mango, but you might want to make amba when you don’t have access to five sunny days in a row or when you just don’t want to wait that long.
Inspired by the techniques of many home cooks, I decided to make a quicker-pickled amba. You still salt the mango, and you let it sit in that salt overnight, but that’s the extent of the wait time. The cured mango then gets cooked with a variety of spices and aromatics, and finally vinegar is added. Amba is ideally made with green unripe mangoes, which can be tricky to find. For this recipe any mango will work, but it is best to use ones that are firm and not fully ripe. This recipe makes a mildly spicy amba; you can adjust the level of heat depending on how much chili and cayenne you add. Skip the cayenne entirely if you don’t like things spicy. Add an extra chili and a bigger pinch of cayenne if you can take the heat. I like amba that is a little thick with small chunks of mango, but if you like yours smoother and thinner you can purée it until smooth and add water to thin it out to your desired consistency.
Amba is as versatile as it is delicious, and it is unlike any other hot sauce. In our home we especially like to have it on hand during the summertime because it goes great with just about any grilled protein: chicken, steak, tofu, or fish. It’s also nice to have it on hand for a grain bowl topping. Amba added to some yogurt with a little lemon juice also makes a perfect dip for vegetables or pita chips. Amba adds a tangy, fruity, pop of heat to any dish.
Note: Amba keeps well in the fridge for about 2-3 weeks.
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you-dont-know99 · 2 years
Rear cars that you don't know !!!
These are Rear Cars that you might not hear about or seen. Read this article and please tell me in the comment which one is your favorite and what you like about it.
Peel P50: smallest car in the world
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Peel P50: produced in the 1960s, it is only 3.5 feet tall, 8.5 feet long, and has a single door that opens upwards. It has only one seat and a gasoline engine.
Amphicar: a car that can float on water
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Amphicar: made in Germany from 1961 to 1968, it had a top speed of on the water of 7 knots and on the road of 70 mph.
Tatra T87: aerodynamically advanced car from Czechoslovakia
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Tatra T87: produced from 1936 to 1950, had a rear-mounted air-cooled engine and streamlined body for improved fuel efficiency and stability.
Messerschmitt KR200: bubble car from 1950s Germany
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Sinpar 4x4: developed in the 1970s, it was used by the French army for amphibious operations. It can drive on land, float on water, and has the ability to be airlifted by helicopter.
Terrafugia Transition: a flying car that can fold its wings for road use
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Messerschmitt KR200: produced from 1955 to 1964, it was a bubble car with a canopy-style roof that enclosed the driver and passenger. It had a rear-mounted engine and a maximum speed of 60 mph.
Tata Nano: ultra-low-cost car from India
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Tata Nano: produced from 2008 to 2018, it was marketed as the world's most affordable car. It had a starting price of $2,500 and was designed for India's growing middle class.
McLaren F1: a high-performance sports car with a three-seater layout
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McLaren F1: produced from 1992 to 1998, it was one of the fastest and most technologically advanced cars of its time. It had a top speed of 240 mph and a 6.1-liter V12 engine.
Isetta: microcar with a single door that opens like a fridge.
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Isetta: produced in the 1950s by several European manufacturers, it was known for its unique design that allowed the entire front of the car to open like a refrigerator door.
Reliant Robin: British three-wheeled car infamous for its tendency to roll over.
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Reliant Robin: produced from 1973 to 2002, it was a three-wheeled car notorious for its instability and tendency to roll over, especially in strong winds.
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montdigital1 · 1 year
What Is a Tiffin Box Indian, Tiffin Service?
In Tiffin Box Indian is a lunchbox used to carry a simple Indian meal. They are usually carried or transported to a workplace or school but can be found in homes as well.
Traditionally, a tiffin box consists of three or four stainless steel compartments that are stacked on top of one another and clamped down from the sides or top to hold all the food. They have a lid and side clip to prevent spillages, a handle for carrying, and are easy to clean. If you are looking for Indian tiffin then you should search tiffin service near me keyword on Google.
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Tiffin boxes became the ideal way of transporting home-cooked meals in a time when restaurants were rare and hotels scarce. They kept flies away, kept the food warm, and allowed for a full thali-style meal.
The term tiffin is now applied to any home-cooked light meal, such as lunches prepared for working Indian men by their wives or school children by their parents. The word is also used to describe tiffin centres, which are restaurants serving these meals. You can get Indian tiffin service in London.
Dabbawalas, a network of dhoti-wearing tiffin wallahs in Mumbai, provides a vital service of speedily delivering piping hot home-cooked lunches to office workers in the city. The dabbawalas use a complex system to get thousands of tiffin boxes from people’s homes and deliver them to the offices of their customers close to lunchtime. Today, tiffin service offers a variety of cuisines including Indian, Chinese, and even continental dishes.
In many parts of India, it is still a common practice to carry a tiffin for lunch. However, the advent of delivery apps such as Zomato and Swiggy has made it redundant. As a result, some Indians may be wondering what to pack in their dabba for lunch. You can get tiffin service in Slough, Berkshire UK.
What Is Punjabi Tiffin Service?
Are you looking for a Punjabi tiffin service near me in the UK? Punjabi tiffin services are a great way to get delicious Indian food delivered straight to your door. These services are perfect for people who don’t have the time to cook themselves or don’t want to eat boring meals.
What is Vegetarian Tiffin?
Are you looking for a vegetarian tiffin service near me in the UK? Vegetarian tiffin is an English term that refers to a light meal or snack taken between meals. It is usually served at restaurants, catering companies, or in a home setting. Typically, these tiffins contain a combination of vegetarian dishes and non-vegetarian foods.
What Makes a Good Tiffin?
The key to a good tiffin is to make sure that the base of the dessert is made from the correct ingredients. These ingredients should include butter, sugar, cocoa powder, and raisins. You can tiffin menu on the website.
If you are looking for a delicious, easy-to-make traybake, this chocolate tiffin recipe is perfect. It is dairy free and only four steps are required to turn this no-bake fridge cake into a scrumptious chocolate tiffin that everyone will love. You can get Indian home cooked food delivery near me according to your location.
Tiffin recipes are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without sacrificing any of the nutrients that you need for a healthy lifestyle. They are also easy to make and make the perfect edible gift for any occasion.
What Can I Add to My Tiffin?
I often use a mixture of shortbread cookies and digestive biscuits in my tiffin recipes as they are both low in saturated fat, high in fibre, and easy to crush. Crushed graham crackers are also fine, though they will not have the same level of fibre as shortbread. You can get Indian tiffin service in London.
To start, melt the vegan butter in a saucepan with maple syrup and cocoa powder. When it is melted, stir in the crushed shortbread cookies and raisins. Transfer to a lined 9x5 loaf pan (sprayed with non-stick spray) and place in the fridge for about 2 hours to set. You can order Indian tiffin online from the website.
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thepanvelite · 27 days
Popular Fridges with Festive Discounts in India
Upgrade your home with efficient, stylish refrigerators at festive discounts.
As the festive season approaches in India, it’s the perfect time to upgrade your home appliances with some fantastic discounts and offers on refrigerators. Here are some top picks that combine efficiency, style, and advanced features to keep your food fresh and your kitchen modern. The Samsung 236 L, 3 Star, Convertible, Digital Inverter with Display Frost Free Double Door Refrigerator…
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beeseverywhen · 1 month
Ideas for staying cool!!! 💙💙💙
[Hotter] summers have totally changed when I can grow certain crops,and things that I used to grow in the summer I’m now growing over the winter – onions, peas, various greens.
I’m lucky to have a lot of trees and shade on my property. It’s usually cool in the early morning, so in the summer I live on farmers’ hours – in bed at 8pm and up before 5am. That way I can do the heavy physical labor before it gets too warm out. After 10 or 11am I’m indoors for the rest of the day.
I have an absorbent neck band that holds water – I put it in the fridge and put them on when I’m too hot to keep working.Those of us in the south-west have a head start on the rest of the country, because we are used to this kind of heat. We’re used to getting it in August rather than in June, but at least we have tools and routines already developed.
Many of Baltimore’s old homes are equipped with wooden shutters. I keep them closed during the day against the sun, close rooms that we don’t actively use, and create good airflow through the rooms that we do.
I take cold showers, I run the air conditioners on high at night, so that I can run them less during the heat of the day. I avoid using the oven, the dishwasher and the washing machine during heat spells. I use my car as little as possible, and utilize a reflective windshield and sunscreen to block the sun’s heat.
I spend a few hours a day in a large public air-conditioned space, such as a museum, to avoid going stir-crazy. I try to spend as much time outdoors when the weather is not overly hot, so that I can tolerate being indoors when it is.
Many years ago, when I was in India and did not have air conditioning, I would soak heavy towels in cold water, wring them out, hang them over a chair and blow a fan on them. This would cool the room.
At night, I would spray my top sheet with cold water and then blow a fan on it. Soon it was so cool I had to turn the fan off. When driving without air conditioning, all occupants of the car had wet towels spread over their laps and chest. With all the windows open and the air blowing in and hitting the wet towels, it felt like air conditioning.
I, and other mail carriers, carry a small insulated cooler [that] I stock with frozen bottles of water along with packets of Gatorade powder to replenish electrolytes. I also keep both a frozen therapeutic cold pack and a damp bandanna in the cooler, in case the ice-melt bottles aren’t quite cutting it.
Staying indoors in a cool environment is key. Even being in a shady area in a splash pool outside was detrimental for my child. If your home doesn’t have cooling, finding somewhere that does is important. We like to spend time at our local library when we need to get out of the house. Staying hydrated in extreme heat is not enough either. Electrolytes are important – either dissolving ones you add to your water, coconut water, or foods like bananas or pineapple can work.
And of course do not exercise after the sun comes up. I jog regularly and get up before it gets light in order to exercise. Once the sun comes into view over the horizon, back indoors we go.
I leave a little water in dishes outside for our local wildlife to make their experience in the heat a little easier too. Even the snakes take advantage of it in extreme conditions.
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sathyashop · 3 months
How can I buy/order refrigerators online in India?
Looking to upgrade your kitchen with a new refrigerator? Buying a refrigerator online in India offers convenience and a wide selection. At Sathya refrigerator stores, we make it easy to find the perfect fridge to suit your needs. Visit our website to explore a diverse range of refrigerators from top brands like Samsung, LG, and Whirlpool. Compare features, capacities, and prices to find what fits your budget and space requirements. Check out https://www.sathya.store/category/refrigerator for more refrigerator offers. 
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proctocheck · 1 year
Deal with Hitachi Refrigerator Accessories from Shop
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Looking for a refrigerator accessories shop near you? Check out our store, conveniently located and stocked with a wide variety of accessories for all major brands including Hitachi. From water filters to shelves, we've got you covered. Visit their store today! For more information please visit the website now.
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Add a Nutty Flavour to Your Meals with the Best Peanut Butter
Peanut butter, a beloved pantry staple, is more than just a spread for your toast. Its rich, nutty flavour and creamy texture can elevate several dishes, from breakfast to dinner and everything in between. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast looking for a protein-packed snack or a culinary explorer wanting to add a unique twist to your meals, peanut butter is a versatile ingredient that deserves a spot in your kitchen.
Let's dive into how you can add a nutty flavour to your meals with the best peanut butter in India from Veeba.
Breakfast Bliss
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Start your day with a boost of nutty goodness by incorporating peanut butter into your breakfast. Here are a few ideas:
Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie: Blend a banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a cup of milk (or a dairy-free alternative), and a handful of ice for a delicious and nutritious smoothie.
Peanut Butter Overnight Oats: Combine rolled oats, a tablespoon of peanut butter, chia seeds, and your choice of milk in a jar. Let it sit in the fridge overnight for a quick and satisfying breakfast.
Peanut Butter Toast: Spread a generous layer of peanut butter on wholegrain toast and top with sliced bananas, berries, or a drizzle of honey. To experience the taste and flavour of these delicious meals, you should use the best natural peanut butter in India.
Lunchtime Delights
Peanut butter can add a delightful twist to your lunchtime favourites:
Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich: A classic choice that never gets old. Opt for whole grain bread and natural fruit preserves for a healthier version.
Peanut Butter Noodles: Toss cooked noodles with a sauce made from peanut butter, soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and a splash of lime juice for a tasty and satisfying meal.
Peanut Butter Salad Dressing: Whisk together peanut butter, soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey, and a bit of water to create a creamy, nutty dressing perfect for Asian-inspired salads.
Dinner Innovations
Yes, you can even use peanut butter in your dinner recipes! Here are some creative ideas.
Peanut Butter Stir-Fry: Add a spoonful of peanut butter to your stir-fry sauce for a rich, nutty flavour that complements vegetables and protein.
Peanut Butter Curry: Enhance the depth of your curry by stirring in a tablespoon of peanut butter. It pairs particularly well with chicken and sweet potatoes.
Peanut Butter Glazed Chicken: Mix peanut butter with soy sauce, honey, and a dash of garlic, then use it as a glaze for baked or grilled chicken.
Adding peanut butter to your meals is a simple way to enhance flavours and boost nutrition. Its versatility makes it a fantastic ingredient for a wide range of dishes, from breakfast smoothies to dinner stir-fries and everything in between. When choosing peanut butter, look for quality ingredients and a flavour that you love. With these tips and recipes, you can enjoy the nutty goodness of the best peanut butter in India from Veeba in new and exciting ways every day. Happy cooking!
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umichenginabroad · 3 months
Week 10 in Singapore: Step 10 Group Work
This week I had a lot of group work to do. In contrast to my studies at U of M, NTU really enjoys their group work and projects. Collaborating in classrooms is a huge part of the curriculum especially in humanities courses. My favorite courses that I took were my sociology classes. The professors were incredibly enthusiastic and passionate about their work and their students. The courses were “Global cities and Globalization” and “Environmental sociology”. I highly recommend these courses and are very niche to NTU. For these courses, I had to do group essays which can be difficult as everyone has different writing styles etc but it is a great way to meet locals!
I was able to meet some of my Singaporean friends through group work. My Singaporean friends and I would hangout by either heading to fresh markets, FairPrice, Biking, Little India, Chinatown, Haji lane, Marina Bay Sands. These are great places to spend time and understand Singaporean culture and view the strong multiculturalism within Singapore and the dynamic of modernity and nature. Not to mention, the food in all of these places are amazing! If you are not vegetarian, you must try chicken and rice (halal options available) and satay. One of my favorite places to eat is Haji Lane. This week my friends and I went to Haji lane to grab some falafels!
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Another activity I love to do is biking. I was never very fond of biking before Singapore as I lived in the suburbs and there was not a lot of access to bike paths but Singapore does a great job of providing bike paths. It is absolutely beautiful biking during sunset. My favorite spot to bike is quite close to campus. It is called Jurong Lake gardens. You would leave campus taking the 179 or 199 bus and then head to pioneer train station or boon lay train station and then get off at lakeside gardens. Walk 2 minutes into the garden and the entrance side should have a bike park area where you can grab an Anywheel bike. Here are some pictures of biking at Jurong Lake Gardens. 
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After biking, I came back to my dorm and went down to the basement to get cold water. My block of the coldest water is the big dispenser in the basement which can be inconvenient so make sure to get a big water jug so that you do not have to keep climbing down the stairs (girls take the top two floors for housing). Additionally, if you would like to have a refrigerator (for possible ice cubes or other foods), you must declare the fridge and must pay a fee of 80 SGD. This helps cold drinks on a hot day or just cold water whenever you need it! I personally did cook a lot so I had a fridge. Nonetheless, here is a beautiful view of my dorm as I come up from the basement.
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Have a great day!
Ayushi Chowdhury
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photojaanic · 3 months
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Custom Wall Art For Wall Decor and Home Decor
A home is a place that is only made with a happy family and fond memories. Turn photos of your fondest moments, memories, and people into customized custom wall art India! "Unique and eye-catching custom wall art design featuring bold colors and intricate patterns, perfect to add a touch of personality to any living space." Whether it's through customized wall painting or customized wall art, these pieces can transform any room into a vibrant and meaningful space.
Living Room Wall Hanging Decor that Fits Your Style
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Tell your story with Wall Decoration Items
Wall art decor posters and photo frames are a fantastic way to tell the story of the people who make up your home. Tell your family's tale with a photo gallery that will transform an otherwise empty wall. Decorate your home with memories in the form of customised wall painting, mounted photo prints, canvas prints, posters, fridge magnets, collage wall posters, and more. Explore custom wall painting options, custom wall decor, customised wall hanging, and personalized wall decor to truly personalize your living space.
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swastikprofessionals · 4 months
Commercial Kitchen Equipments in Delhi: A Comprehensive Guide by Swastik Professionals
In the bustling city of Delhi, the heart of India's culinary scene, the demand for high-quality commercial kitchen equipment in Delhi is ever-present. Swastik Professionals, a leading provider of kitchen equipment in the region, offers a wide range of solutions to meet the diverse needs of restaurants, hotels, and catering services. With a focus on quality, durability, and innovation, Swastik Professionals is the go-to choice for businesses looking to outfit their kitchens with top-notch equipment.
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The Importance of Quality Kitchen Equipment
A well-equipped kitchen is the backbone of any successful food business. From stoves and ovens to refrigerators and prep tables, having the right equipment can make a significant difference in the efficiency and productivity of your kitchen. Swastik Professionals understands this importance and offers a comprehensive range of high-quality kitchen equipment to meet every need.
Wide Range of Products
Swastik Professionals offers a wide range of commercial kitchen equipment to suit every need and budget. Whether you're looking for a single appliance or a complete kitchen setup, Swastik Professionals has you covered. Some of their popular products include:
Cooking Equipment: From gas stoves to fryers and grills, Swastik Professionals offers a variety of cooking equipment to suit your needs.
Refrigeration Equipment: Keep your ingredients fresh with Swastik Professionals' range of refrigeration equipment, including fridges, freezers, and coolers.
Food Preparation Equipment: Make food preparation a breeze with Swastik Professionals' range of food processors, mixers, and slicers.
Storage Equipment: Keep your kitchen organized with Swastik Professionals' range of storage equipment, including shelving units, racks, and cabinets.
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Swastik Professionals understands that every kitchen is unique, and therefore offers customized solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether you're looking for a specific size or configuration, Swastik Professionals can work with you to design and deliver the perfect solution for your kitchen.
Exceptional Service and Support
In addition to their high-quality products, Swastik Professionals also offers exceptional service and support to their customers. From installation and setup to maintenance and repairs, Swastik Professionals is committed to ensuring that your kitchen equipment is always in top condition.
In conclusion, Swastik Professionals is the premier choice for commercial kitchen equipment in Delhi. With their wide range of high-quality products, customized solutions, and exceptional service, Swastik Professionals is the perfect partner for your kitchen needs. If you're looking to outfit your kitchen with the best equipment, look no further than Swastik Professionals.
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