#top 10 criminal defense attorneys in texas
tripodilawfirm · 17 days
Houston Criminal Defense Attorney
In the bustling metropolis of Houston, a city renowned for its diverse population and vibrant culture, the legal landscape is equally complex and multifaceted. Among the myriad of legal professionals, the role of a Houston criminal defense attorney stands out as particularly crucial. These attorneys serve as the defenders of the accused, ensuring that justice is upheld and that every individual receives a fair trial.
A Houston criminal defense attorney specializes in defending individuals and organizations charged with criminal activity. Their expertise spans a wide range of offenses, from minor misdemeanors to serious felonies. The breadth of their work encompasses initial investigations, plea negotiations, trial representation, and, if necessary, appeals. Each case they handle requires a deep understanding of both state and federal laws, as well as a strategic approach tailored to the unique circumstances of the case.
One of the key responsibilities of a criminal defense attorney in Houston is to provide a robust defense for their clients. This begins with a thorough examination of the evidence presented by the prosecution. By scrutinizing police reports, witness statements, and forensic evidence, the attorney works to uncover inconsistencies or procedural errors that could benefit their client’s case. This investigative diligence is crucial in building a defense strategy that can withstand the scrutiny of the court.
Moreover, a skilled Houston criminal defense attorney possesses strong negotiation skills. Plea bargaining, a common practice in the criminal justice system, involves negotiating with the prosecution to reduce charges or secure a lighter sentence for the accused. Effective negotiation can often result in a more favorable outcome for the client, avoiding the uncertainty and expense of a trial.
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When cases do go to trial, the courtroom becomes the arena where a defense attorney’s skills are most visible. Here, they must present a compelling narrative that casts doubt on the prosecution’s case. This involves not only a clear presentation of facts and evidence but also the ability to cross-examine witnesses and present alternative theories. The goal is to convince the jury of the defendant’s innocence or, at the very least, to introduce reasonable doubt.
Beyond their technical skills, a Houston criminal defense attorney must also provide emotional support to their clients. Facing criminal charges can be an overwhelming and distressing experience. A compassionate attorney helps to alleviate some of this stress by explaining the legal process, setting realistic expectations, and being a steadfast advocate throughout the ordeal.
In conclusion, the role of a criminal defense attorney in Houston is indispensable to the integrity of the legal system. They are the bulwark against potential miscarriages of justice, ensuring that every individual’s rights are protected and that the principle of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ is upheld. Through meticulous preparation, strategic negotiation, and persuasive courtroom advocacy, these attorneys play a pivotal role in shaping the outcomes of criminal cases and, by extension, the lives of their clients.
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canserves · 25 days
Criminal Defense Lawyer in Houston TX
Criminal defense lawyers play a crucial role in the justice system, ensuring that the accused receive a fair trial and their rights are protected. They provide legal representation to those charged with crimes, navigating the complexities of the legal system on their behalf.
Relevance in Houston, TX
Houston, TX, with its diverse and populous nature, sees a wide range of criminal cases. Having a competent criminal defense lawyer in Houston is essential due to the unique legal landscape and the seriousness of the penalties involved.
Understanding Criminal Defense Law
Definition and Scope
Criminal defense law involves representing individuals accused of crimes, ensuring their legal rights are protected throughout the judicial process. This branch of law covers a wide array of offenses, from minor infractions to serious felonies.
Key Principles
The key principles of criminal defense law include the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair trial, and the right to legal representation. These principles form the foundation of a just and equitable legal system.
Types of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Public Defenders
Public defenders are appointed by the court to represent defendants who cannot afford private attorneys. They are typically employed by the government and handle a high volume of cases.
Private Attorneys
Private attorneys are hired directly by defendants. They often have more resources and can dedicate more time to each case compared to public defenders.
Panel Attorneys
Panel attorneys are private lawyers who take on cases assigned by the court when the public defender's office has a conflict of interest or is overloaded with cases.
Common Criminal Charges in Houston
Drug Offenses
Drug offenses in Houston range from possession to trafficking and can carry severe penalties, including long prison sentences and hefty fines.
Driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) are serious offenses in Houston. Convictions can result in license suspension, fines, and even jail time.
Assault and Battery
Assault and battery charges can stem from physical altercations. These charges can vary from misdemeanors to felonies, depending on the severity of the incident.
Theft and Burglary
Theft and burglary charges involve unlawfully taking someone else's property. Penalties vary based on the value of the stolen property and the circumstances of the crime.
White Collar Crimes
White collar crimes, such as fraud and embezzlement, are non-violent offenses typically committed for financial gain. These crimes can have severe legal and financial consequences.
Roles and Responsibilities of a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Houston
Pre-Trial Duties
Before the trial, a criminal defense lawyer investigates the case, gathers evidence, and prepares a defense strategy. They also negotiate with prosecutors to potentially reduce charges or dismiss the case.
Trial Duties
During the trial, the defense lawyer presents evidence, cross-examines witnesses, and makes arguments to support their client's innocence or mitigate their culpability.
Post-Trial Duties
After the trial, the lawyer may handle appeals, file motions for a new trial, or negotiate reduced sentences if the defendant is convicted.
Qualities of a Good Criminal Defense Lawyer
Experience and Expertise
A good criminal defense lawyer should have extensive experience and expertise in handling criminal cases. This includes a deep understanding of criminal law and procedure.
Communication Skills
Effective communication skills are essential for negotiating with prosecutors, presenting arguments in court, and explaining legal options to clients.
Analytical Skills
A strong analytical ability is crucial for assessing evidence, identifying legal issues, and developing defense strategies.
Negotiation Skills
Negotiation skills are vital for plea bargaining with prosecutors to reduce charges or secure lighter sentences for clients.
How to Choose the Right Criminal Defense Lawyer
Research and Referrals
Start by researching potential lawyers and seeking referrals from trusted sources. Look for lawyers with positive reviews and a track record of success in criminal defense.
Initial Consultation
Schedule an initial consultation to discuss your case and assess the lawyer's expertise, communication style, and compatibility with your needs.
Questions to Ask
During the consultation, ask about the lawyer's experience with similar cases, their approach to defense, and their fee structure to ensure they are the right fit for your case.
Costs and Fees
Factors Affecting Cost
The cost of hiring a criminal defense lawyer can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the case, the lawyer's experience, and the duration of the trial.
Average Cost in Houston
In Houston, the cost of a criminal defense lawyer can range from $150 to $700 per hour, with total fees potentially reaching several thousand dollars.
Payment Plans and Pro Bono Services
Some lawyers offer payment plans to make their services more affordable. Additionally, there are pro bono services available for those who cannot afford legal representation.
The Legal Process in Criminal Cases
Arrest and Charges
The legal process begins with the arrest and formal charges against the defendant. The police gather evidence and present it to the prosecutor, who decides whether to file charges.
During the arraignment, the defendant is formally charged and enters a plea. This stage involves setting bail and scheduling future court dates.
Pre-Trial Motions
Pre-trial motions involve requests made by the defense or prosecution to shape the trial. These can include motions to suppress evidence or dismiss charges.
The trial is the main event where both sides present their cases to a judge or jury. The defense aims to create reasonable doubt about the defendant's guilt.
If the defendant is convicted, the judge imposes a sentence based on the severity of the crime and other factors such as prior criminal history.
The defense can appeal a conviction if there are grounds to believe there were legal errors during the trial that affected the outcome.
Defenses in Criminal Cases
An alibi defense involves providing evidence that the defendant was elsewhere when the crime occurred, making it impossible for them to have committed the offense.
Self-defense claims that the defendant acted to protect themselves or others from imminent harm, justifying their actions.
Insanity Defense
The insanity defense argues that the defendant was not in a sound mental state at the time of the crime and therefore should not be held responsible.
Entrapment occurs when law enforcement induces a person to commit a crime they would not have otherwise committed. This defense can be used if the defendant was coerced or tricked into committing the offense.
Case Studies
Successful Defense Strategies
Examining successful defense strategies provides insights into how skilled lawyers navigate the complexities of criminal cases to achieve favorable outcomes.
Notable Cases in Houston
Notable cases in Houston highlight the city's unique legal challenges and the impact of effective criminal defense.
Expert Insights
Quotes from Renowned Criminal Defense Lawyers
Quotes from experienced criminal defense lawyers offer valuable perspectives on the legal process and defense strategies.
Advice from Legal Experts
Legal experts provide advice on navigating the criminal justice system and securing the best possible outcome for defendants.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What to Do If Arrested?
If arrested, it is crucial to remain calm, exercise the right to remain silent, and request an attorney immediately.
How to Get Bail?
Bail can be obtained by paying the set amount or using a bail bondsman. The defense lawyer can also request a bail reduction hearing.
What Happens After Arraignment?
After arraignment, the case proceeds to pre-trial motions, plea negotiations, and potentially a trial if no settlement is reached.
How Long Does a Criminal Case Take?
The duration of a criminal case varies based on its complexity, ranging from a few months to several years.
Summary of Key Points
Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer Houston in Taxas  is crucial for navigating the legal system and ensuring the best possible defense. Key points include understanding the legal process, knowing what to expect from a lawyer, and exploring defense strategies.
Call to Action for Legal Consultation
If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges, consult with a reputable Criminal Defense Lawyer in Houston in TX to protect your rights and achieve a fair outcome.
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harrythegreekblr · 4 years
The evil behind Lisa Page's child trafficking ring
Lisa Page (above)
Lisa Page works for NBC.
Page is a former attorney for the:
Her sidekick was Peter Strzok.
They reported to former FBI James Comey.
Strzok also reported to former CIA Director John Brennan.
Because Strzok was CIA.
Battelle has 1636 persons working for it in Columbus, Ohio.
With top secret clearance as a defense contractor and bioweapons manufacturer.
With access to the Pentagon’s top three bio labs in Ft. Detrick, MD.
Lisa Page has worked with Jens Kuhn.
He admits being recruited by the CIA.
To develop bioweapons for the Pentagon.
According to the Army, Kuhn is the world’s top bioweapons scientist.
In March, Kuhn starting working for Tunnell Government Services of Bethesda, Maryland.
Tunnell is a subcontractor for Battelle.
Who is the only person in the world with access to smallpox in Russia and the U.S.?
Jens Kuhn.
How secure are the facilities that contain 110 tons of smallpox?
None of it.
According to the:
the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
the Pentagon (DOD)
Lisa Page worked six years for the European Adoption Consultants (EAC) in Strongsville, Ohio ending in 2016.
It was set up by former CIA Director.
George H. W. Bush.
In 1991.
When he was President.
Robert E. Hughes helped get Bush elected President.
At the time, Hughes was Ohio’s State Chairman of the Republican Party.
Two fake charities were set up.
To provide income for family members of Robert E. Hughes.
The first was European Adoption Consultants (EAC).
Incorporated on Aug. 17th, 1991.
Closed Aug. 16th, 2001.
The other was American International Adoption Agency.
Their criminal acts would be protected by the State Department under diplomatic immunity.
Margaret Cole, Bob’s daughter-in-law, was made Director.
She married Tim Hughes.
Bob’s son.
The other fake charity was American International Adoption Agency.
Incorporated in Ohio on Jan. 28th, 1997.
Closed down on Aug. 23rd, 2015.
Charter number 966648.
Margaret Cole signed the paperwork as “Margaret A. Hughes”.
Ohio document number 05729-0215.
The European Adoption Agency (EAC) was closed down by the State Department for 18 violations on Dec. 16th, 2016.
Such as failing to prevent the:
. . . and abuse of children it its care.
And for paying bribes to get children illegally from Poland and Uganda.
The United Nations (UN) control international adoptions through treaties.
Judge Christopher Boyko (above)
As a result, federal prosecutors have charged four former employees of EAC with crimes.
They are:
Robin Longoria
Debra Parris
Dorah Mirembe
Margaret Cole Hughes
Robin Longoria has already pled guilty.
Her sentencing is Oct. 14th at 10 a.m.
source: Pacer, the official record of the federal courts
Charges would have never been filed but for action against the EAC Four but for reporting by local media
Scott Taylor, ABC7 TV of Washington, D.C.
Staff at Cook Children's Health Care System, Fort Worth, Texas, who reported child abuse to Denton Police
They said the EAC case was the worst case of child abuse they had ever seen.
It involved a five-year-old girl.
It involved the son of Debra Parris.
John Tufts.
Parris is one of the four charged in the EAC conspiracy, bribery, fraud case.
Please fast forward the EAC video in the link below to 25 seconds. Debra Parris is a defendant in the pending child adoption case in Cleveland.
Many thanks to KoronaKnievel19@faster34me for his primary source research used in writing this story.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Trump administration backs off plan requiring international students to take face-to-face classes (Washington Post) The Trump administration on Tuesday dropped its much-criticized plan to require international college students to leave the United States unless they are enrolled in the fall term in at least one face-to-face class. The abrupt reversal, disclosed in a federal court in Boston, came a little more than a week after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued an edict that stunned U.S. higher education leaders and students worldwide. Under the July 6 policy from ICE, international students enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities for the fall semester faced a mandate to take at least one course in person. Those students, ICE said, “may not take a full online course load and remain in the United States.” That mandate posed a major obstacle to plans for online teaching and learning that colleges are developing in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology had sued to block the new policy. In a hearing in that case on Tuesday, held before U.S. District Judge Allison D. Burroughs, the judge announced that the schools and the federal government had reached an agreement that made the lawsuit moot. Separately, 20 state attorneys general had also challenged the guidance in court in recent days.
Patients are still delaying essential care out of fear of coronavirus (Washington Post) Jim Johnson was elated when his hip replacement, canceled in March along with other elective surgeries, finally was performed in May. For months, his pain had been so severe he couldn’t sleep, golf or do his job. Just a few weeks after the operation, he tossed his cane away. Hospitals and doctors practices across the country are hoping there are a lot more Jim Johnsons out there—patients willing to shake off fears about the coronavirus and come back for tests and treatments put on hold early in the pandemic. Yet persuading them to return for non-emergency care is a tricky message right now, with the virus slamming the South and West. In parts of Texas, Arizona, Florida and other states, elective procedures have been halted again. For some patients, the spike in infections is reigniting fears about catching the virus in a hospital or a doctor’s office. Doctors worry that could undermine their efforts to win people back, and lead to more lives being lost from other, often preventable causes, such as cancer and heart disease. Doctors say “elective procedures,” including for cancer, can’t be delayed indefinitely without ill effects. Hospitals, meanwhile, see orthopedic, cardiac and cancer surgeries as their key to survival after losing billions of dollars on the shutdown of lucrative procedures.
Global surge in coronavirus cases is being fed by the developing world—and the U.S. (Washington Post) When the United States began shutting down this spring, a virus that emerged months earlier as a mysterious outbreak in a Chinese provincial capital had infected a total of fewer than 200,000 people worldwide. So far this week, the planet has added an average of more than 200,000 cases every day. The novel coronavirus—once concentrated in specific cities or countries—has now crept into virtually every corner of the globe and is wreaking havoc in multiple major regions at once. But the impact is not being felt evenly. Poorer nations throughout Latin America, the Middle East, South Asia and Africa are bearing a growing share of the caseload, even as wealthier countries in Western Europe and East Asia enjoy a relative respite after having beaten back the worst effects through rigorously enforced lockdowns. And then there’s the United States, which leads the world in new cases and, as with many nations that possess far fewer resources, has shown no sign of being able to regain control.
Rules once lifted are reimposed to try to curb new outbreaks (AP) Virus restrictions once lifted are being reimposed, shutting businesses and curbing people’s social lives as communities try to curb a disease resurgence before it spins out of control. Residents of Australia’s second-largest city were warned on Wednesday to comply with lockdown regulations or face tougher restrictions. Melbourne’s 5 million people and part of the city’s semi-rural surroundings are a week into a new, six-week lockdown to contain a new outbreak there. Indian authorities will impose lockdowns in high-risk areas in nearly a dozen states as the nation’s coronavirus caseload approaches 1 million. Renewed restrictions took effect in Hong Kong on Wednesday, with public gatherings limited to four people, restaurants restricted to takeout after 6 p.m., and a one-week closure for gyms, karaoke bars, and selected other businesses. Masks also are mandated on public transit for the first time, with the non-compliant being fined. In the U.S., places including Washington state are delaying timetables for reopening their economies. Gov. Jay Inslee said counties will remain at their current stage of economic reopening at least until July 28.
Chaotic protests prompt soul-searching in Portland, Oregon (AP) Nearly two months of nightly protests that have devolved into violent clashes with police have prompted soul-searching in Portland, Oregon, a city that prides itself on its progressive reputation but is increasingly polarized over how to handle the unrest. Divisions have deepened among elected officials about the legitimacy of the more violent protests—striking at the heart of Portland’s identity as an ultraliberal haven where protest is seen as a badge of honor. Small groups of protesters have set fires, launched fireworks and sprayed graffiti on public buildings, including police precincts and the federal courthouse, leading to nearly nightly clashes with police who have used force that’s caused injuries. Similar unrest engulfed many U.S. cities when Floyd died after a white Minneapolis police officer pressed a knee to his neck on May 25. But in Portland, which is familiar ground for the loosely organized, far-left activists known as “antifa,” or anti-fascists, the protests never stopped. Lost in the debate are the downtown businesses racking up millions in property damage and lost sales and the voices of the hundreds of thousands of Portland residents who have stayed off the streets. “The impact is terrible because what people have seen on the TV ... has scared people who live outside the downtown. They feel it’s that way 24 hours a day,” said David Margulis, who said the protests have caused sales at his jewelry store to drop more than 50%. “I talk to people, on the phone, who tell me: ‘I don’t know if I’ll ever come downtown again.’”
Drug cartel ‘narco-antennas’ make life dangerous for Mexico’s cell tower repairmen (Reuters) The young technician shut off the electricity at a cellular tower in rural Mexico to begin some routine maintenance. Within 10 minutes, he had company: three armed men dressed in fatigues emblazoned with the logo of a major drug cartel. The traffickers had a particular interest in that tower, owned by Boston-based American Tower Corp, which rents space to carriers on its thousands of cellular sites in Mexico. The cartel had installed its own antennas on the structure to support their two-way radios, but the contractor had unwittingly blacked out the shadowy network. The visitors let him off with a warning. The contractor had disrupted a small link in a vast criminal network that spans much of Mexico. In addition to high-end encrypted cell phones and popular messaging apps, traffickers still rely heavily on two-way radios like the ones police and firefighters use to coordinate their teams on the ground, six law enforcement experts on both sides of the border told Reuters. Traffickers often erect their own radio antennas in rural areas. They also install so-called parasite antennas on existing cell towers, layering their criminal communications network on top of the official one. By piggybacking on telecom companies’ infrastructure, cartels save money and evade detection since their own towers are more easily spotted and torn down, law enforcement experts said.
Massive flooding in Southern China (Foreign Policy) Floods in Southern China are a recurring threat, but they are worse than ever this year—with some 38 million people evacuated and at least 141 dead. Rainfall has been double than the predicted amount in many places, threatening millions of lives and numerous important cultural sites. Thousands of soldiers have been dispatched to help shore up defenses against the rising tides. Water control has been a preoccupation for every Chinese ruler, and it will only worsen with climate change. China’s worst-known flooding, in 1931, killed over 2 million people.
South China Sea positions (Foreign Policy) The United States has dispatched two aircraft carriers—likely to be backed by British support—to the South China Sea, increasing the possibility of a regional flash point. It has also declared its formal alignment against China’s disputed claims for the first time, saying that it would use “all tools” to oppose them. In the last decade, China has made significant gains in the South China Sea, building a formidable infrastructure of artificial islands to act as bases while strengthening its naval militia. It is also increasingly aggressive in challenging rival claimants, including stalking Vietnamese oil ships and clashing with fishing boats. The U.S. move is long overdue, but it’s also risky: Xi stakes considerable credibility on the South China Sea claims, and there’s no likelihood of Beijing backing down. The pressure on Chinese officials and military personnel to demonstrate their nationalist enthusiasm is growing, increasing the chance of serious conflict similar to the deadly clash on the Indian border.
Trump signs Hong Kong sanctions law (Foreign Policy) On Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump continued a week of moves against China by signing a new law that imposes sanctions on Chinese banks doing business with Chinese officials involved with new national security laws in Hong Kong. The president also signed an executive order, largely mirroring existing policy, that revokes the special treatment Hong Kong had received from the United States under the “One Country, Two Systems” doctrine.
Red alert in Tokyo (Reuters) Tokyo raised its coronavirus alert to the highest “red” level on Wednesday, alarmed by a recent spike in daily new cases to record highs, with Governor Yuriko Koike describing the situation in the Japanese capital as “rather severe”. The resurgence of the virus could add to the growing pressure on policymakers to shore up the world’s No. 3 economy, which analysts say is set to shrink at its fastest pace in decades this fiscal year due to the pandemic. “We are in a situation where we should issue warnings to citizens and businesses,” Koike told a press conference, urging residents to refrain from unnecessary travel.
Lebanon looks to China as US, Arabs refuse to help in crisis (AP) Facing a worsening economic crisis and with little chance of Western or oil-rich Arab countries providing assistance without substantial reforms, Lebanon’s cash-strapped government is looking east, hoping to secure investments from China that could bring relief. But help from Beijing risks alienating the United States, which has suggested such a move could come at the cost of Lebanese-U.S. ties. A tiny nation of 5 million on a strategic Mediterranean crossroads between Asia and Europe, Lebanon has long been a site where rivalries between Iran and Saudi Arabia have played out. Now, it’s becoming a focus of escalating tensions between China and the West. In recent months, the Lebanese pound has lost around 80% of its value against the dollar, prices have soared uncontrollably, and much of its middle class has been plunged into poverty. Talks with the International Monetary Fund for a bailout have faltered, and international donors have refused to unlock $11 billion pledged in 2018, pending major economic reforms and anti-corruption measures. Left with few choices, Prime Minister Hassan Diab’s government—supported by the Iran-backed Hezbollah and its allies—is seeking help from China.
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Top Rated & Board Certified Criminal Law Firm - The Medlin Law Firm
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**Over 36 Years Criminal Defense Experience**
** Board Certified in Criminal Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization, since 1989**
Our law firm in Fort Worth Texas is driven with one simple goal in mind and that is to deliver the best possible result on every case we represent. We know that for every criminal case that we pursue, there is a human being that is dependent on us for defending his or her rights and freedom. This type of an understanding is the foundation of any successful attorney-client relationship. Everyone should be deserving of a lawyer that they feel comfortable working with. You need someone by your side, who knows and understands the sum and substance of the Texas criminal justice system, and who is familiar with the courts, judges, prosecutors and clerks in the various jurisdictions of the state of Texas.
We are committed 110% in being that firm for you!
Selection of your criminal defense counsel should be a careful and thorough process. You need and deserve a highly experienced and devoted advocate that you can rely on to protect your rights and your future. Our team of defense lawyers at The Medlin Law Firm will always give you honest answers to your questions and will dedicate the time that is needed in order to properly outline your defense strategy and possible scenarios of resolution. When you hire our firm, we get to work right away on uncovering and investigating every single detail of your case and the charges you are facing. We know what it takes to build a strong defense on your behalf. Our philosophy in handling each and every new criminal case, is to prepare for the worst, but expect the best from the get go; and therefore, we look to dismiss every case if possible, but won’t hesitate to escalate to trial if it serves your best interests.
We prepare for each criminal case by planning multiple possibilities and courses of action, so when your case unfolds, we are in an optimal position to choose the best and most beneficial resolution. Working with The Medlin Law firm means you are always informed and involved at every step of the process.
In over 34 years of criminal law practice, Gary Medlin has handled criminal matters of every type and has successfully defended thousands of criminal cases in the state of Texas. His experience practicing on both sides of Texas state and federal criminal law cases offers a significant advantage to his clients.
Before becoming a criminal defense attorney, Gary Medlin served as assistant district attorney for over 8 years, prosecuting criminal charges against those accused of breaking the law. Today, this experience gives him invaluable insight on how prosecutors prepare cases against the firm’s clients. He knows the prosecution’s priorities as well as their pressure points, and as a result is much more resourceful and effective in the preparation and defense of his client’s cases.
For the past several decades, Gary has been a highly regarded and trusted Texas criminal defense lawyer. He is Board Certified in Criminal Law as designated by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, a distinction achieved by only 10% of criminal defense attorneys in the state of Texas.
• 100% Criminal Law
• Board Certified in Criminal Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization, since 1989
• United States Supreme Court
• United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
• United States District Court, Northern District of Texas
• Texas courts by the Supreme Court of the State of Texas
• Tarrant County Bar Association
• Tarrant County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (Immediate Past President)
• DUI Defense Lawyers Association (Founding Member)
• Texas DWI Defense Lawyers Association (Founding Member)
• State Bar of Texas
• Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
• National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
• National College for DUI Defense
• Texas Tech University, Bachelor of Science 1979
• Texas Tech University School of Law, Juris Doctorate 1982
• State Bar of Texas Licensed: 1983
• DWI & DUI Offenses
• Assault/Battery Charges
• Domestic Violence
• Murder/Manslaughter
• Drug Crimes
• Weapons Offenses
• Violent Crimes
• Theft/Burglary/Shoplifting
• Arson
• Bribery
• White Collar Crimes
• Conspiracy
• Cyber Crimes
• Embezzlement
• Forgery
• Sexual Offense Crimes
• Trespass
• Vandalism
Services List
• Criminal Defense - All Levels - All Case Types
• Individualized DWI Defense & Hearing to Save Your License (ALR)
• Extensive Experience in Jury Trails, Obtaining Dismissals, Reductions & More
• Motions to Suppress, Occupational License to Cover Periods of Suspension
• Obtaining Jury Acquittals at Every Level of Crime Including Capital Murder, Intoxication Manslaughter & DWI (Past Performance is No Guarantee of Future Results)
• Bonds Free for Clients
• Frequent Speaker On DWI, ALR, and Other Criminal Law Matters
• Admitted to the United States Supreme Court, U.S. Dist. Ct.-Northern Dist. TX., U.S. Ct. of Appeals-5th Circuit
• Member, College of State Bar of Texas, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
• Former Tarrant County Assistant District Attorney
Contact Us:
The Medlin Law Firm Address: 1300 S University Dr #318, Fort Worth, TX 76107, USA Phone: (682) 204-4066 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.medlinfirm.com/
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Near Houston TX
Houston, TX
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Greco Neyland, PC
Clients all over Houston and nearby cities trust Greco Neyland Attorneys at Law because of the good reputation that the firm upholds. Since the lawyer from this firm was a former prosecutor, he had spent substantial time in the courtroom where he developed strong litigation skills and a deep understanding of how prosecutor build cases. This experience is one of the strengths that is manifested by lawyers from the firm. They have a lot of actual trial experience, have experience on serious felonies and an excellent reputation for a tough defense. The firm is consistently getting an A+ rating and is considered as the tough defense lawyer providing top-rated legal advice.
5 reasons Josh Allen, Buffalo Bills will defeat Houston Texans on Wild Card Weekend
Defeating the Texans will not be easy, but Houston has some weaknesses that the Bills can exploit. Houston’s weaknesses--and one key matchup--could push Saturday’s matchup in Buffalo’s favor. Read more here
Since I always want to receive updates from Buffalo Bills, I am subscribed to syracuse.com. Today's news is about five reasons why josh Allen, Buffalo Bills, will defeat the Houston Texans on Wild Card Weekend. Since 1995, the Buffalo Bills have never won the playoff, but Buffalo Bills can change it on Saturday against Houston Texans at the NRG Stadium. Although defeating the Texans is not easy, they also have weaknesses that the Bills can exploit. The five reasons enumerated are the red zone defense, Tre Davious limiting DeAndre Hopkins, and so on. You can read in detailed at syracuse.com. I have been following this story ever since, and it is cool that I am always updated.
Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX
NASA's Johnson Space Center located in Houston, TX, is a hub for human spaceflight activity. It has been doing this for more than a century now. Johnson's Space Center is the home of the astronaut's corps of the USA, International Space Station mission operation, Orio Program, and more. There is nothing more satisfying than to note that Johnson Space Station is the host of future space developments. Thus, it is fascinating to visit this center because it is crucial to the enhancement of the scientific and technological knowledge that benefits the people. I enjoy every moment in this beautiful place. It is such an incredible environment to learn about space.
Link to map
Driving Direction
35 min (33.1 miles)
via I-45 N
Fastest route, the usual traffic
This route has restricted usage or private roads.
Space Center Houston
1601 E NASA Pkwy, Houston, TX 77058, United States
Continue to E NASA Pkwy/NASA Road 1
2 min (0.2 mi)
Take I-45 N and I-10 W to Old Katy Rd in Houston. Take exit 762B from I-10 W
34 min (32.2 mi)
Follow Old Katy Rd and N Post Oak Rd to your destination
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10 Things You Learned In Preschool That'll Help You With Find An Attorney
Assault can be defined as any deliberate act that leads to another individual to fear that she's all about to suffer bodily injury. Normally, an assault takes place when a individual directly or indirectly employs force intentionally to a different person without their consent. Following a determination by a jury or judge that it had been committed, the next step is to ascertain what compensation is suitable. Assault is generally a 2nd Degree felony. An aggravated assault is one which happens under conditions.
What Will Attorney Search Be Like In 100 Years?
Your attorney can give you with sound legal counsel and can represent you in court if needed. It's unethical for the lawyer to attain that. These responsive and accomplished attorneys can supply a solution and allow you to keep a strategic distance from imprisonment. A powerful defense lawyer will help you locate the best route toward resolution of your specific case. To hire Memphis Arthur Horne the greatest criminal defense attorney, ask to comprehend their history in writing and after that visit the court and test them out!
After the tortfeasor banged on the door the very first time, it wasn't assault because he didn't induce apprehension. Assaults and batteries may also be pursued via civil ( rather than criminal) laws. It can occasionally be difficult to comprehend, largely due to the manner it is misrepresented in popular culture. Any domestic assault or domestic battery charge will most likely be an even more complex legal problem as a result of these factors, therefore it is much better to aggressively pursue your defense of such charges as rapidly as possible.
An attorney can use you to come up with a defense strategy that satisfies your requirements. A criminal attorney is a person who is in managing different varieties of law and case connected with crime, experience. When you involve a criminal defense lawyer from the start of your case you'll have the possibility of refuting the charges brought against you.
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You ought to confiding at a friend or relative fist who will be in a position to give aid to you, if you're the victim. The sufferer can talk prior to a defendant is sentenced if there's no trial. If you're a domestic violence victim or fear that you're in danger of domestic violence it's important that you be aware of that assistance is available and that the law is on your side.
Violence is made up of confrontations between family. It's not a disagreement. It's a significant issue and should not be dismissed. It is a serious accusation. Obviously, it is a cost, and as soon as it happens it may have exact a massive cost and a tremendous impact upon victims. Domestic violence, which is generally called domestic battery, can happen in many forms.
This Is Your Brain On Expungement Lawyer
Your lawyer will have the ability to counsel you on whether it's the situation that you get a legitimate situation, and your chances of winning it, along with the maximum likely award you're very likely to get, dependent on the sort of damage endured, and the limitations on damage awards which are sometimes imposed by state legislation. Their work makes certain that people reside in a secure environment and society, although conduct injury attorneys aid their customers in their time of need. Personal injury lawyers are attorneys that handle instances that must deal with somebody getting hurt or killed because of the negligence or abuse of some business or person.
There are different kinds of attorneys and a few of them are specialized in particular fields like civil and criminal. It's highly a fantastic idea to have an attorney representing you at the event you have been sued or if you intend to file suit in state or federal court. It is quite easy to find Miami family law attorneys online, if you don't know of one personally.
The majority of the states in america provide legal aid services to individuals who can't afford to cover lawyers. It's wise to be honest with the attorney, so the defendant's interests can be protected by him. The next sort of case attorney is the person who handles.
Help agenciesIf you can't afford an attorney, you might have the ability to find free or low-cost legal aid . An attorney can counsel you. In such situation you may demand a lawyer that is experienced guard you and to manage your situation.
You should find a attorney to submit the shape and proceed through the immigration process. A attorney isn't allowed to take a case if the attorney doesn't have sufficient experience. Finding the lawyer to represent you might be the choice when you're faced with a tough legal matter which you make.
A few for-profit directories on the online offer search vehicles through. Lawyers may provide many legal services which will allow you to efficiently and smoothly solve disputes. If you're referred to a attorney the first consultation is not going to be any greater than $20.
Even when you're not certain if a situation demands a attorney, in several cases it's useful and can be cheaper in the limitation to acquire the recommendation of a lawyer early in case. Lawyers are going to have the ability to assist a party. The first step would be to locate an attorney or law firm that fulfills your business's requirements.
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Your lawyer needs to be seasoned and well-acquainted with the custom of traffic tickets. Please check carefully to be sure you have selected the lawyer that is ideal. Employing the attorney for your situation can signify the difference of thousands of dollars and maybe even potential jail time in the event you don't possess the best lawyer possible.
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How To Master Assault Law In 6 Simple Steps
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If you're a casualty of a felony, you should call the authorities. If a felony was expunged from one's record, the public cannot get information about the felony charges. Class 3 felonies can lead to imprisonment of 5-20 decades. Class 4 felonies might cause imprisonment of 2-10 decades. A Class 6 felony could result in a minimum prison sentence of a single calendar year.
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Particular laws identify if a federal crime is a felony, but there are general rules about what constitutes a felony based on the most length of potential imprisonment. Texas law permits for defenses which aren't found in different states. Texas Legislation laws can be challenging.
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maxwellyjordan · 6 years
Empirical SCOTUS: Attorneys and firms for the 2017 term
The current term at the Supreme Court has been anything but ordinary. With two argued cases already dismissed, the justices are down to 61 argued cases for possible signed decisions. This would tie last term for the fewest signed decisions in the modern court era. Not only are the cases few and far between, but the court’s pace in deciding cases is exceedingly slow. The justices have completed 32 signed decisions so far with 29 still pending, so they still have to write opinions in almost half of the argued cases, with just over 10 percent of the term remaining.
With so few total cases, one might expect the same group of elite Supreme Court attorneys that has become a mainstay of Supreme Court practice over the past decade to continue monopolizing the balance of the court’s merits docket. This has primarily proven true this term, although with some exceptions. This post looks at the attorneys who argued cases before the court this year and then at the counsel of record on merits and amicus briefs.
Main parties’ representation
Although mainly well-known Supreme Court repeat players, the most frequent arguing attorneys this term also included some attorneys who have had an increasing hand in Supreme Court cases in recent terms.
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Paul Clement was the leading oral advocate before the court this term with six appearances, covering almost 10 percent of this term’s argued cases. His count surpasses even those of Office of the Solicitor General attorneys Noel Francisco, Jeffrey Wall and Michael Dreeben. Ohio’s solicitor general, Eric Murphy, argued four cases. He did not argue in the Supreme Court last term. Along with OSG attorneys and Supreme Court regulars Jeffrey Fisher and Neal Katyal, Stris & Maher’s Daniel Geyser and Texas Solicitor General Scott Keller had three arguments apiece. Geyser’s presence is especially notable because it highlights the increasing profile of this boutique appellate firm before the court (Stris & Maher is not new to the court, however, as named partner Peter Stris mainly handled the firm’s Supreme Court litigation in the past.).
Focusing on counsel of record in cases according to Supreme Court dockets, the next figure shows the repeat-player counsel of record for the term with OSG attorneys removed. Because these are gleaned from Supreme Court dockets, they do not necessarily match the arguing attorneys in every case.
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Several, but not all, of these attorneys were top oral advocates this term, including the most frequent counsel of record, Paul Clement. Even though he argued only two cases, Orrick’s Josh Rosenkranz was counsel of record in five cases. Rosenkranz is followed by William & Connolly’s Kannon Shanmugam, who argued three cases this term. Many of the other attorneys in this figure are well known to the court, yet several of the state government attorneys, including Loren AliKhan for the District of Columbia, David Franklin for Illinois and Matthew McGuire for Virginia, each argued their first cases before the court this term.
Another way to look at attorney participation to compare this term to last term. The following figure looks at the involvement of the most active attorneys of record this term compared to last.
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Daniel Geyser had the largest jump this year, increasing 200 percent as he moved from one case as counsel of record last term to three this term. Shanmugam and Clement both doubled their counts from last term, with six and four cases as counsel of record respectively. Rosenkranz went from three cases last term to five this term. On the other end of the spectrum, Katyal moved from six cases last term to three this term and Fisher went from four cases last term to three this term.
The firms of record on the merits counts mostly parallel those of the attorneys of record, yet a few firms are notable because several of their attorneys participated in cases before the justices this term.
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The numbers for Kirkland & Ellis are driven by Paul Clement. Orrick’s numbers are generally driven by Josh Rosenkranz, although several other Orrick attorneys, including Bob Loeb and Kelsi Corkran, also argued cases this term. Multiple attorneys were counsel of record on the briefs for several other Supreme Court powerhouses, including Jenner & Block, Jones Day, Gibson Dunn and Goldstein & Russell. Along with big and small law firms, several states participated before the court in multiple cases this term, as did interest groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union and the Pacific Legal Foundation.
Several of these top groups and firms also saw jumps in their participation from the 2016 term.
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Jones Day and Williams & Connolly made the largest jumps this term, moving from two cases last term to four this term. With Paul Clement’s increased participation this term, Kirkland & Ellis also saw a jump in cases, as did Orrick and Stanford’s Supreme Court Litigation Clinic.
Merits participation only tells part of the story, because few trends in the Supreme Court are more significant than the rise of amicus filings. The sheer volume of such briefs filed each term eats up much of the court’s resources. (A co-author of mine, Aaron-Andrew Bruhl, and I proposed using plagiarism software as a partial solution to this problem in a recent paper.) This shift in resources is possible with the court’s declining caseload, as the court is on pace to hear only about 40 percent of the number of cases this term that it heard in the early 1980s.
There are many explanations for the rise in amicus filings, probably the most prominent of which is that it began as a conservative backlash to liberal decisions around the time of the Warren court. Whatever the explanation, approximately 890 amicus briefs were filed on the merits in cases this term. This blog post profiled amicus participation around the term’s midpoint, and there have been lots of changes since then. The lay of the land at the end of the term for counsel of record who filed amicus briefs looks as follows:
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While Ilya Shapiro led attorney filings in the earlier post, the two attorneys with the most filings this term were Mayer Brown’s Andrew Pincus and the Constitutional Accountability Center’s Brianne Gorod. Shapiro ended the term with the third most amicus briefs, followed by Gupta Wessler’s named partner Deepak Gupta. Gupta’s increasing presence in the Supreme Court, like that of Daniel Geyser from Stris & Maher, is particularly notable because of the small size and boutique nature of the firm.
Several of these top filers increased their amicus counts this term from last, but none as much as Gupta.
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Gupta jumped from one amicus filing last term to seven this term. Barbara Underwood on behalf of New York state moved from zero amicus filings last term to five this term. The other attorneys on this list had more moderate but nonetheless noteworthy increases, including Shapiro, who went from four briefs last term to eight this term, and Pincus, who went from six last term to 11 this term.
Similar to the firms of record on the merits, some of the top amicus firms on the merits are driven by one attorney’s participation, while other firms have more distributed resources.
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Many of the briefs by WilmerHale were authored by lead appellate attorney Seth Waxman, for instance, although several other of their attorneys were also counsel of record on amicus briefs, including Alan Schoenfeld, Jason Hirsch, Mark Fleming, John Walsh and Philip Anker. Jenner & Block had a mix of filers as well, including Jessica Ring Amunson, Adam Unikowsky, Joshua Segal, Matthew Hellman, Lindsay Harrison, ex-Acting Solicitor General Ian Gershengorn and Sam Hirsch. Similarly, Gibson Dunn’s amicus counsel included Douglas Cox, David Debold, Mark Perry, Ted Olson, Matthew McGill and Theodore Boutrous. This mix of participation at the firm level shows both firms’ and clients’ willingness to use a diverse set of attorneys in such instances.
Several of these firms with top participation levels saw increases from the 2016 term, although others saw dips.
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As with attorneys of record on amicus briefs, the biggest jump for firms was Deepak Gupta’s firm Gupta Wessler. Other large jumps include that of the Cato Institute, which moved from four briefs last term to nine this term, and Patterson Belknap, which moved from four briefs last term to eight this term. After a huge term in 2016, Jones Day saw a decline in amicus filings this term, going from 14 in 2016 to eight in 2017.
Although sometimes the groups sponsoring amicus briefs have their own in-house counsel write their briefs, in many instances outside counsel are used. The following figure looks at the first named group sponsoring at least three amicus briefs on the merits this term.
Click graph to enlarge.
One of the most prolific amicus filers over recent years, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers tops the list of groups, with 13 briefs as the first named group. The Cato Institute and the Chamber of Commerce, two top filers for the past several years, filed the second and third most amicus briefs, with the ACLU and Pacific Legal rounding out the top five. The ACLU and Pacific Legal also participated in three and two cases on the merits respectively.
Some of these briefs have a significant impact on the Supreme Court’s opinions. For example, the majority and separate opinions in Jesner v. Arab Bank cited amicus briefs a total of 20 times. Even in cases in which the briefs are not cited, they may still affect the court’s final products.
Merits attorneys, through effective arguments and briefs, also have the capacity to sway the justices’ decisions, and their arguments are at very least reflected in those decisions. Justice Elena Kagan’s majority opinion in Sessions v. Dimaya cited the oral argument on four occasions. Although it is not possible to know whether oral arguments and briefs shift the justices’ views or just confirm their suppositions, they perform necessary roles in the genesis of the court’s jurisprudence. This term we saw both veteran attorneys and rising stars take lead roles before the justices. These attorneys came from small and large firms, with several boutique firms taking on an oversized presence. One thing that will be interesting to track in terms to come is whether such small, focused appellate practices begin to take on larger roles before the court. It will also be intriguing to see how big firms attempt to maintain their presence in the court with these additional attorneys vying for the biggest cases.
This post was originally published at Empirical SCOTUS.
The post Empirical SCOTUS: Attorneys and firms for the 2017 term appeared first on SCOTUSblog.
from Law http://www.scotusblog.com/2018/05/empirical-scotus-attorneys-and-firms-for-the-2017-term/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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conniejoworld · 3 years
PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION | GEORGIA Trump on call: Find me votes Recording reveals effort to pressure state’s top election official to change outcome By AMY GARDNER The Washington Post WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that legal scholars described as a flagrant abuse of power and a potential criminal act. The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue Trump’s false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.” Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate. Trump dismissed their arguments. “The people of Georgia are angry, the people in the country are angry,” he said. “And there’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, that you’ve recalculated.” Raffensperger responded: “Well, Mr. President, the challenge that you have is, the data you have is wrong.” At another point, Trump said: “So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.” He later added: “So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break.” ‘There’s no way I lost’ The rambling — and at times incoherent — conversation offered a glimpse of how consumed the president remains about his loss and how he still believes he can reverse the results in enough battleground states to remain in office. “There’s no way I lost Georgia,” Trump said, a phrase he repeated again and again on the call. “There’s no way. We won by hundreds of thousands of votes.” Several of his allies were on the line as he spoke, including White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and conservative lawyer Cleta Mitchell, a prominent GOP attorney whose involvement with Trump’s efforts had not been previously known. In a statement, Mitchell said Raffensperger’s office “has made many statements over the past two months that are simply not correct and everyone involved with the efforts on behalf of the President’s election challenge has said the same thing: Show us your records on which you rely to make these statements that our numbers are wrong.” The White House, the Trump campaign and Meadows did not respond to a request for comment. Raffensperger’s office declined to comment. Trump tweets about call On Sunday, Trump tweeted that he had spoken to Raffensperger, saying the secretary of state was “unwilling, or unable, to answer questions such as the ‘ballots under table’ scam, ballot destruction, out of state ‘voters,’ dead voters, and more. He has no clue!” Raffensperger responded with his own tweet: “Respectfully, President Trump: What you’re saying is not true.” The details of the call drew demands from congressional Democrats for criminal investigations. Biden’s top campaign lawyer, Bob Bauer, said the recording “captures the whole, disgraceful story about Donald Trump’s assault on American democracy.” Republicans, however, were largely silent. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, when asked about the call while campaigning in Georgia on Sunday for the two GOP senators who face a run-off Tuesday, dodged the question. Trump’s pressure campaign on Raffensperger is the latest example of his attempt to subvert the outcome of the election through outreach to state Republican officials. He previously invited Michigan Republican state leaders to the White House, pressured Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp in a call to try to replace that state’s electors, and asked the speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to help reverse his loss in that state. Congressional challenges His call to Raffensperger came as scores of Republicans have pledged to challenge the Electoral College’s vote for Biden when Congress convenes on Wednesday. Republicans do not have the votes to successfully thwart Biden’s victory, but Trump has urged supporters to travel to Washington to protest the outcome, and state and federal officials are already bracing for clashes outside the Capitol. During their conversation, Trump issued a vague threat to both Raffensperger and Ryan Germany, the secretary of state’s general counsel, suggesting that if they don’t find that thousands of ballots in Fulton County have been illegally destroyed to block investigators — an allegation for which there is no evidence — they would be subject to criminal liability. “That’s a criminal offense,” he said. “And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer.” Trump also told Raffensperger that failure to act by Tuesday would jeopardize the political fortunes of David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, Georgia’s two Republican senators whose fate in that day’s runoff elections will determine control of the U.S. Senate. Trump said he plans to talk about the alleged fraud on Monday, when he is scheduled to lead an election eve rally in Dalton, Ga. — a message that could further muddle the efforts of Republicans to draw out their voters. “You have a big election coming up and because of what you’ve done to the president — you know, the people of Georgia know that this was a scam,” Trump said. “Because of what you’ve done to the president, a lot of people aren’t going out to vote, and a lot of Republicans are going to vote negative, because they hate what you did to the president. OK? They hate it. And they’re going to vote. And you would be respected, really respected, if this can be straightened out before the election.” ‘Tripping the emergency meter’ Trump’s conversation with Raffensperger put him in legally questionable territory, legal experts said. By exhorting the secretary of state to “find” votes and to deploy investigators who “want to find answers,” Trump appears to be encouraging him to doctor the election outcome in Georgia, which could violate both state and federal laws. Trump’s apparent threat of criminal consequences if Raffensperger does not act could be seen as an attempt at extortion and a suggestion that he might deploy the Justice Department to launch an investigation, they said. “The president is either knowingly attempting to coerce state officials into corrupting the integrity of the election or is so deluded that he believes what he’s saying,” said Richard Pildes, a constitutional law professor at New York University, who noted that Trump’s actions may have violated several federal statutes. But Pildes said Trump’s clearer transgression is a moral one, and he emphasized that focusing on whether he committed a crime could deflect attention from the “simple, stark, horrific fact that we have a president trying to use the powers of his office to pressure state officials into committing election fraud to keep him in office.” Edward Foley, a law professor at Ohio State University, said that the legal questions are murky and that it could be difficult to prove Trump knew he was encouraging illegal behavior. But Foley also emphasized that the call was “inappropriate and contemptible” and should prompt outrage. “He was already tripping the emergency meter,” Foley said. “So we were at 12 on a scale of 1 to 10, and now we’re at 15.” ‘What’s wrong with you?’ In the end, Trump asked Germany to sit down with one of his attorneys to go over the allegations. Germany agreed. Yet Trump also recognized that he was failing to persuade Raffensperger or Germany of anything, saying toward the end, “I know this phone call is going nowhere.” “Why don’t you want to find this, Ryan?” he asked of Germany. “What’s wrong with you? I heard your lawyer is very difficult, actually, but I’m sure you’re a good lawyer. You have a nice last name.” But he continued to make his case in repetitive fashion, until finally, after roughly an hour, Raffensperger put an end to the conversation: “Thank you, President Trump, for your time.” There is no role for the military in changing the election results, all of the living former defense secretaries said in an extraordinary rebuke to President Donald Trump and other Republicans who are backing unfounded claims of widespread fraud at the ballot box. THEIR WARNING: “Our elections have occurred. Recounts and audits have been conducted,” the former defense secretaries wrote Sunday evening in an opinion piece that they co-authored and published in The Washington Post . “Appropriate challenges have been addressed by the courts. Governors have certified the results. And the electoral college has voted. The time for questioning the results has passed; the time for the formal counting of the electoral college votes, as prescribed in the Constitution and statute, has arrived.” THE AUTHORS: The former Pentagon chiefs included in the piece were Trump’s two former defense secretaries, Jim Mattis and Mark Esper, as well as each living Senate-confirmed Pentagon chief dating back to former Vice President Dick Cheney, who was defense secretary under President George H.W. Bush. The Washington Post
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10 Fundamentals About Criminal Charges You Didn't Learn In School
Assault can be defined as any intentional act that leads to a different individual to fear that she is all about to suffer physical injury. Normally, an assault takes place when a person directly or indirectly employs force intentionally to a different individual without their approval. After a determination by a judge or jury that it was dedicated, the next step is to determine what compensation is appropriate. Assault is a 2nd Degree felony. An aggravated assault is one which happens under conditions that are particularly violent.
This Is Your Brain On Expungement Lawyer
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After the tortfeasor banged on the door the very first time, it wasn't assault because he didn't induce apprehension. Assaults and batteries may also be chased through civil ( rather than criminal) legislation. It can occasionally be hard to understand, largely due to the way it is misrepresented in popular culture. Any national assault or domestic battery charge will most likely be an even more complex legal problem as a consequence of the factors, therefore it's better to aggressively chase your protection of such charges as rapidly as possible.
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Violence consists of violent confrontations between family. It is not a debate. It is a serious issue and should not be taken lightly. It is a serious accusation. It is a cost, and when it occurs it can have precise a huge cost and a tremendous impact upon sufferers. Domestic violence, which is generally known as domestic battery, can happen in many forms.
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A few for-profit directories on the internet offer search vehicles through. Lawyers can provide a few legal services that will let you efficiently and easily resolve disputes. If you're referred to some attorney the initial consultation is not going to be any greater than $20.
Even when you're not certain whether your situation demands a attorney, in several cases it's useful and may be cheaper in the limitation to get the recommendation of a lawyer early in case. Lawyers are going to have the ability to aid a celebration. The first step would be to locate an attorney or law firm that fulfills the needs of your business.
Your lawyer needs to be seasoned and well-acquainted with the practice of traffic tickets. Please check to be certain you have chosen the right lawyer. Employing the correct lawyer for your situation can indicate the difference of thousands of dollars and even jail time that is potential you don't possess the best lawyer possible.
If you must figure out if an attorney is licensed to practice in a state then go to the aforementioned collection of attorney directories. You should discover whether the lawyer has any disciplinary action taken by means of court or a state bar, before you employ an lawyer. You may also use the hyperlinks to investigate if the attorney was disciplined or disbarred besides using the links to learn whether the attorney is licensed in a condition. Whatever sort of issues it can be, it is going to be better to be aided by expert divorce attorneys.
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If you still want a attorney to direct you you can by all means get one too. If you think you are unable to search for the help of a lawyer because of financial circumstances or if you feel that hiring a lawyer is a waste of time, there are lots of attorneys who offer completely free services or take charges exclusively on success of situation. Top lawyers or attorneys may be costly, but their charges vary greatly, together with their expertise and expertise.
Just because you can't afford an attorney doesn't indicate that you don't deserve a great one. Considering an lawyer should be legally allowed to work in a state or city, it will become critical to come across a local lawyer. The fantastic Texas mesothelioma lawyer should also have extensive expertise in trials and appeals, along with knowledge of negotiation.
9 Signs You Sell Attorney Lawyer For A Living
After you have hired a lawyer and a appropriate answer was filed, most cases go in a comparatively similar fashion. Essentially, a family law lawyer ought to be bale to advice you on distinct approaches that are accessible so that you are able to consider one which is quite suitable. A lawyer well-versed in family law is going to get the skill to counsel you on the ideal dwelling arrangements for you and your boy or girl.
If you can't afford a lawyer and are eligible for a court-appointed attorney if you're indigent, the court will provide you with a form to complete that gives the court advice about your fiscal circumstance. A personal injury lawyer will function to ensure victims get the compensation they are entitled to. He's always considered as the very first person to turn to when involved in an accident which causes an injury to you.
Generally the lawyer will begin by tracking the crucial info to submit the appropriate paperwork. As an example, you and your lawyer may agree all the case records for you expungement situation required will be gathered by you, along with your lawyer will draft your expungement request. A Virginia Beach criminal lawyer is able to help you.
A criminal record has many consequences on the professional and private life of somebody. You might also deny that you just receive a criminal record once the question arises on employment applications or if you are asking for a mortgage or a Small Business Administration loan or grant. With the aid of a Mankato criminal defense attorney, it's possible to have your debatable unlawful record expunged if it's possible to show that it's causing you a hardship and when it's an offense that may be expunged.
Your lawyer will examine your standing along with the records as a way to inform you if not there's a superb likelihood of expungement. Therefore a proficient lawyer that is unlawful will search to check whether felony charges might be reduced to a misdemeanor. Your southern Minnesota criminal defense lawyer will inform you what matters to expect, will file paperwork to your advantage, and will inform you of what's occuring.
The lawyer wouldn't only offer you advice but in addition take your case to the conclusion no moment. The cases your lawyer has lately dealt with may not be identical to the one which you would like them to take care of. Hiring divorce attorney is surely an advantage since they may assist you making the tough decisions as and if required with regard to the circumstance.
In spite of the title, it ought to be noticed that the individual that you select does not have to be a attorney. Lawyers may also practice a sub-specialty in a specific area. To start with, as in the event of any attorney, a criminal defense attorney functions as a representative because of his client.
Should you've attorneys you're conversant with, inquire who they believe would be ideal for you. It's preferable to go for legal counsel, through this type of recommendation. A car crash attorney can get there in handy as a supporter to the individual who's seeking out for rightful impartiality after an incident.
5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Attorney Search
When writing the lawyer resume, you would like to incorporate the substantial job certain skills in your own application to produce a favorable influence on the prospective employer. It is essential to bear in mind that a power of attorney doesn't replace a living trust for the reason that it expires when you die. When having disputes on your company dealings or together with your associates, you're in need of a litigation lawyer.
If you're a casualty of a felony, you need to call the authorities. In case a felony was expunged from one's record, the general public cannot get info about the felony charges. Class 3 felonies may lead to imprisonment of 5-20 decades. Class 4 felonies may lead to imprisonment of 2-10 decades. A Class 6 felony could create a minimum prison sentence of a single calendar year.
There are a number of instances when a driver is charged with DUI for a number of times. If your situation isn't overly complex then it is possible to opt for a less reputed person who will cost you. However, it's not.
Based on the circumstance, you might not require an attorney for something such as a traffic-ticket case. If your DUI attorney isn't a local one then odds are that he isn't well used with the regional laws and its complexity. Rusk County DUI Lawyer ought to be consulted with as soon as you get accused as it can assist you in the long term.
Specific laws determine if a federal offense is a felony, but you will find general rules about what constitutes a felony based on the most length of likely imprisonment. Texas law allows for defenses which aren't found in different states. Texas sentencing laws can be challenging.
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