cosmicpeko · 5 years
Tool ㅡ Chapter 2: Beauty
Word count: 1,688
OTP: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Peko Pekoyama | Danganronpa 2
Additional characters: Hiyoko Saionji, Nagito Komaeda, Ibuki Mioda, others implied
Story type: Fanfiction
Short summary: Peko Pekoyama dives into her most precious memories in an intimate journey to self-love, trying to live with emotions she can’t control and to discover what it’s like to be a real person. More notes at the end.
Read on AO3.
Quick notes before you start: More characters will be mentioned in this chapter and the plot will be a little more consistent this time - while still keeping Peko’s introspective style and thought processing. Remember this is a collection of memories, so the story will follow a timeline, but the episodes are not related. Enjoy!
My lips whisper: I am a tool. I was brought to this world to be by his side; I shall fulfill my purpose.
« Remind me why we joined this lame-ass party in the first place. »
I awaken from my dissociation. I forgot where I was ㅡ I don't know how long I was absent.
« Well, for one: you need to step out your yakuza royalty zone and stop being an uptight asshole; for two, this isn't a party, it's an extra-class briefing and as long as class rep wants you here, you come here. Are you afraid we see your momma come pick you up? » « I will fucking slit your throat, you nasty pigtailed bitch. » « Do it, pussy. I'm waiting. »
Conversations float above my head, never touch my ears. Crimson eyes mix with peach and tangerine lights of a summer sunset. Rays filtered by the see-through texture of the room's curtains. Dust flies around bothered by the slightest movement. Hazy comfort.
"Are you having fun, tool? Are you relaxed?" Hands stop mid-air, vainly attempting to catch a rivulet of light for myself. To steal it ㅡ they are now cold, uninhabitable. "You are failing, I see," heart shakes, "at keeping your priorities in check." Head immediately turns around, facing the inside of the room. Analyzing every face. Looking for guilty expressions. Fingers reach for the sword bag, then stop once again. Body is all tensed up. Pure anxiety ㅡ need to control. "Do not let your guard down. Protect your Master."
In no way I was going to be at peace.
« AAAHH!!! I can't believe this sewer rat grabbed my kimono!!! Pekoyama, come get your fucking boyfriend!!! » « Imma kill you right here, right now, or I swear my last name is not fuckin' Kuzuryuu! » « Yakuza is societal filth that can't live in the civilized world and I hope you know that very well!!! » The sight of a rather normal teenage scenario unraveling before me ㅡ it's soothing. This is what 'young' looks like. An inaudible sigh leaves me.
« Fuyuhiko. Is there something bothering you? » calm voice keeps a secret ㅡ I would be ready to kill anyone who touches him. First sight is enough to me. « You even got your girlfriend to hate me? Fine! You two smell too fishy. Are you yakuza too, four-eyes? » I refrain to reply. Just at first. Blonde hair floats on traditional clothing. Face too pretty. Mouth too lousy. « I have no reason to hate you, » I wouldn't know how. « You have been screaming for a while now - it's wrecking my ears, and everybody else's in this room. »
« Oi, Saionji. » something in that call alerts me, too. I immediately turn ㅡ to hear soft chuckles. Hands waving innocently. Pale and sickly. His walk is unbalanced in a way that disturbs me. « I advise you not to provoke the swordswoman in any way. She might hurt you real bad, » he lowers his sight, « ...hehe- and I mean, serious boo boo. You wouldn't mess with such a wonderful couple anyway, would you? » Something about this person is not healthy, both physical and mentally speaking. He reminds me of a haunted house ㅡ terrifying. Abandoned on its own pity. With empty rooms and hollow hallways ㅡ inhabited by ghosts only he can see. « What's this? A congregation of rats?! And like, aren't you fucking dead already? » « You're right, » chuckles, « I should be. I wonder why that hasn't happened to me already, given my circle of luck- »
« YOOOOOSHHHH! We now announce you - we?? Well I, me, myself, Ibuki Mioda - I'm bored!!! » Everything in the room ceases to exist for a minute, overshadowed by this loud screaming entry. Mioda ㅡ overwhelming. Personified hyperactivity. Too much energy unchanneled. « Since this meeting seems to come to nnnooouu~ conclusion whatsoever, »  Mioda has this way of speaking that would make my sword terribly easy to wield. "We - we?? No I, me, myself, Ibuki Mioda - decided to start having fun - in the girls' way!!! » « Oh, here we fuckin' go- » « SHUT UP!!! We're hosting a makeover!!! I'm gonna make you shine with a perfect look!!!" her expression changes drastically in a fistful of seconds, « I need a volunteer though. » I find myself even more puzzled. I wouldn't quite know how this would be fun. In fact, I am convinced I have ever experienced that kind of amusement in any way, at this point. Only the thought of it ㅡ a context where I do not possess self-control. Where I am not focused enough. Uneasiness inducing thoughts ㅡ they make me frown immediately. « Oh??? And why is Komaeda even here?!? The boys spent the entire afternoon looking for you- » « I've always been inside this house. » eerie man speaks again. Voice is incredibly pacifying. It clashes with his spectral look. « Besides, I would rather not spend all my time with those idiotic peasants. To be fair, I'm here to get away from them. May I share a suggestion for who you should do this makeover to? » His eyes wander for a little more just for the suspance. Greyish and dull. They find me very soon, and try to lock into mine. I secure an exchange of glances before I retreat into something more comfortable ㅡ like afternoon warm rays posing and reflecting on the almost unsettling white of my skin. I tried to outrun him. In vain.
« Pekoyama Peko, perhaps? Will you have the guts to accept the duty? »
I can hear my Master gulp from a distance. « YOOOOSSHHH!!! Then it's settled!!! » she took the suggestion before I could reply. Komaeda grins like he defeated an enemy. « I'll gather all the girls here!!! Take a seat and enjoy the ride~! » Anything that happens in between the moments is way beyond my knowledge. Eyes immediately to my Master as soon as my classmates push me into the project. A part of me needs to let him know I am fine, in every context. Istinct. Pure guts.
Hands and tools start unbraiding my hair, let it flow on my shoulders. Some other are on my face. I close my eyes. Panicking. Uncontrolled discomfort. Every inch of my body is ready to fight back the danger. But there is no danger. The danger is an illusion. And this illusion ㅡ I feel it wrecking me. Making me paranoid, and at the same time, always ready to protect. A machine, brought to life to be forever on the edge. Walking on the thin layer between total control and madness. This, this will make me mad.
« Peko, you have the longest hair ever. It's a pity you always braid them!!! You reaaaally have this beauty potential- I'm sure Fuyuhiko agrees with me!!! »
I feel my eyelids snap open. No one is allowed to even breathe his name. I frantically look for him. I can't see between the many bodies. I can't keep in control of things. I start to panic even more. I never felt this. Never. But control needs to be the first thing. My Master needs to be the first thing. My life is in forever duty. His safety is my duty. I do not have time for this. I do not have permission for this. I do not deserve-
« WE DONE!!! Classmates, be gone. Let the girl admire the Gods' work!!! » Mioda's high pitch in distance shuts everything silent. In my brain. In the room. Bodies have left my side, letting light fill my now-closed eyelids again. I can feel its warmth. And I don't want to wake up from the dream of ignorance. But voices urge me. Impatient vibes torture my spine. I need to confront it.
I decide to ㅡ so blood-shot iris anxiously point the picture on the mirror before me. And they don't recognize it.
On the other side, mirror Peko's hair is completely free, fallen gently on her shoulders, on her back. Sweet curls rest on her body. Face is filled with light makeup, to contour, to refine ㅡ the beauty of the picture, and the ugliness of the inside.
I can not handle this. This is so new, so unexperienced. So beyond my knowledge of reality. My image has drastically changed ㅡ I can not see the pain anymore. I can't feel the hardness of the skin anymore. The sorrow. The solitude. The constrained acceptance of my fate. Tool. Mumblings inside my head are gentler. Tool. Faces all around me are gentler. Tool. The world feels lovely to my heart. Tool. Tool. Tool. Tool. Tool. Tool. Tool. Tool. Tool.
« Well? Peko???! Moshi moooshhh??? » I can't help it. I can not help but struggle to live with this new truth that is unraveling before me. I need to go back to reality.
How dare I. How dare I. How dare I-
« Will you shut the fuck up? Both of you! Mioda, Saionji, and even Komaeda - yes I see you! Fucking stop!!! » A splash of freezing water leaving me breathless ㅡ His voice. His rushed breath, his running towards me. His hands on me. Everything is just right the moment he comes back to my side. I sense him reading me, like the title of an old book lying on a low shelf.
He knows something I don't know. He sees something I can't see.
Something I need.
« Peko. You really are beautiful, » he says. Not even a flinch on his face ㅡ he wouldn't dare to show weakness in public. But I can sense it. His true self. « You deserve this moment. »
My mind loses it, slowly, entering a coma of self-soothing mumbling. I feel my eyes water instantly. Painful drops suddenly tear my skin.
« What??? What the heck?? You made her cry!!! » « I said close your fucking mouth or I swear to God- » « You're not supposed to make her cry!!! Oh Lord of make up- please forgive him! » « Mioda, one more word!!! » « You made your girlfriend cry!!!! Watch her being desperate and know it's your fault! » « Ah...the hope and despair born from love...how strangely beautiful...how terrifying... » « You really should be dead already!!! »
Voices fade, as I close my eyes again, indulging myself in a moment of wet abandonment.
Soooorrryyyyyy for keeping you wait! This is the second chapter of our dear Peko’s memories collection! I really want to thank you for the overwhelming support I received for the 1st chapter. I did not see that coming!!! Thank you so much ;_;
Ps. I might need to call off the weekly update restriction, cause I find it kinda...limiting? I really need inspiration to work, I can’t afford to feel pressured on this too ;; sorry guys. But I’ll still be quick cause I already have the story aaaall in my head. See you soon with the next chapter! Also, any kind of sharing and support will be deeply appreciated!
Next chapter hints: We’ll get a bit more into something we’ve already seen in Danganronpa, both the story and the game. Even with the episode being canon, I’ll describe it using something out of my fantasy. Hope you’ll love it!
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ironwoman359 · 5 years
My fiance and I were watching youtube the other day, and we noticed the guy doing the show we were watching, a quite hilarious fellow called Brian David Gilbert, was wearing nail polish. I had noticed in the first video we saw the first video, but on our second, my fiance suddenly paused and leaned a bit closer to the computer. 
“Is that...” he sent the video back a few seconds until Brian’s hand was in the frame. Then he was all “Ok, yeah, he’s wearing nail polish, I wondered what was going on with his hands there.”  
I nodded, and then, because I think about Virgil Sanders and listen to P!ATD way too much, I said aloud “Maybe he’s emo.” Then, as I looked at him and took in his pastel colored suit with a floral print tie, I added “or gay,” because emo didn’t seem too likely after all. My fiance nodded thoughtfully, and just as I was saying “Or it could be neither, after all it’s 2019,” he said “My bet is on the latter. Hang on...” and he proceeded to pull up the about page on the polygon fandom wiki. He read aloud some bits, and one was this quote: 
“Brian" is 30 feet tall and very powerful but uses his magic toolfFe abilities to shrink himself down to a 5’9 (5’10 with his hair) to be a normal human twink.  
“Oh, there you go then,” I interrupted, and he turned to look at me with a frown. 
“Does that mean gay?” he asked. 
A record scratch and freeze frame would not have been out of place in that moment, as I realized “oh my goodness, my fiance is so Straight.” 
It was so funny to me, and funnier still that the only way I could think to perhaps jog his memory at having heard that word before was with a John Mulaney bit, but he has not committed John Mulaney’s stand up to memory the way I have so me saying “ya know, like from when John Mulaney was all what would Leonard Bernstein do?" was not effective, and he still had no recollection of having ever heard the word “twink” before.
Suffice it to say that I love my fiance very much, but if there’s two things we don’t match up on, it’s  knowledge of queer culture and the ability to use John Mulaney references. 
*also just to be clear I do not know Brian David Gillbert’s actual sexual orientation, as that was a fan written wiki, but I would not be surprised if you told me that this man: 
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
was queer. Thank you and goodnight. 
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jetsonhacks · 5 years
RACECAR/J – Programming the Electronic Speed Controller
RACECAR/J – Programming the Electronic Speed Controller
RACECAR/J is now using VESC 6 electronic speed controllers. Newer versions of the VESC now require the new VESC Tool to program them. Looky here:
For RACECAR/J, we replace the stock TRAXXAS ESC with the VESC 6 Plus from Trampa Boards. This is the official VESC from the creator of the VESC project, Benjamin…
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cosmicpeko · 5 years
Tool ㅡ Chapter 3: Love
Word count: 1,437
OTP: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Peko Pekoyama | Danganronpa 2
Additional characters: Sato | Danganronpa 3
Story type: Fanfiction
Short summary: Peko Pekoyama dives into her most precious memories in an intimate journey to self-love, trying to live with emotions she can’t control and to discover what it’s like to be a real person. More notes at the end.
Read on AO3
Quick notes before you start: This is something that canonically happened in Danganronpa 2 and 3, so this might be a little spoiler for some of you (sorry! I needed to follow a real timeline). Other warnings: semi-graphic depiction of violence, slightly gore. Enjoy!
My thoughts reminisce: I am a tool. I was brought to this world to be by his side; I shall fulfill my purpose.
I see blood. All around. All on him. All on her. Who was her. What was her. The remains of a pathetic figure laying on the cold floor. Where she belongs. Where she will always belong. The glimpse of life slipping between her hands. Falling from her open skull. Dripping from her forever unblinking eyes.
Him. Young Master ㅡ he is standing tall, near the body. Wide eyes. Far from reality. Far from himself. He is searching for pride and honor to justify himself. Before her. Before God.
Floor as slime ㅡ I hear my own heartbeat. Eardrums shattered. My body and my heart are ready for action. Leaving nothing for thoughts. Readiness ㅡ is an unconscious mechanism. Fists closed.
« You had to call me for this, Young Master. You had to command me. This is what I should be here for. » Unhealthy explosion of emotionality that clouds my judgement ㅡ I've felt this before. I know this. I don't need this. I don't want this. I inhale. Then exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.
« I killed the bitch. »
« I am the one who did this. » Green eyes reveal total emptiness. Freckles that tasted of summer on his skin now resemble black stains on a pale white board. Pools of blood are where his watch is headed to. He's not here. « Young Master, please refrain to look at the corpse. » I did not intend to be this morbid. « Listen to me. We're doing this togheter. Please... » Useless is every word I call aloud to divide him from the unsettling view. They echoe between the walls of an hollow corridor.
Inside the girl's own house.
She was alone. And she knew. She saw it coming, every day. Every minute. And I, myself, knew it too. I was preparing my sword, every day. Every minute. I knew my own fate. I knew my mission. I was ready to kill.
But I failed.
I let my Master take responsibility for something I had to do first. Killing people is not his job, and it didn't have to be. I am so afraid to lose him ㅡ I start to panic.
I would tear each and every limb of my skin just to fit all of his pain inside me. And free him from it.
Quick thinking. In a hurry, I enter her own room ㅡ not a moment to stop to look at her possessions. At her smiling pictures hung on the wall. Not for a moment I am moved by her scent, still lingering, present, between the sheets I am stripping the bed from.
She has no value to me.
The only priority is dividing the body from my Master's watch; preparing and delivering it to the Kuzuryuu family as prize for the vengeance, second. Offering some first-hand preparation to the pitiful corpse, her own sheets I tuck her lifeless self with. Laces ripped out of my shoes, tight around her.
It takes all my will to have respect for the dead.
Clothes drenched in blood, I approch my Master again. I dare to move before him. « Young Master, please look at me. Please. » I find myself quivering as I keep staring at his eyes ㅡ drained. Hands slowly reach for the bloody weapon, trying to take it from him. He's gripping it. Holding onto it for dear life. Breathless. I shake his shoulders, obtaining just some uncomprehensible muttering. His body tensing as if it's turning into stone.
I don't realize I've been biting my lips until I had my own blood resting on my tongue. Quickly suck it off. Swallow. He can't stand more blood than that. Thought I could block the view, but he's seeing through me.
Or he's not seeing at all.
« I did this for Natsumi. » His words snap me out of it not even a second before I totally went berserk. Stop the thinking. Focus. « I cracked the bitches fucking skull. With this baseball bat. » The muttering suddenly transforms into precise and lucid statements.
Inhale. Exhale.
« Fuyuhiko, » gripping his arms, « Say it. Many times. » The approach is stupidly risky. And my only chance. « As many as you need. Please. » The stake is high. I'm inducing the trauma, attempting to unlock his brain. For the first time, I am not sure of the outcome. I have to try. I have to save him. For I know, and remember, how it is not to be saved.
His lips start to tremble again. « I killed Sato. » His chest rising. « I killed her. I killed Sato. » « Yes, » warmth under his skin. « Yes, you murdered her, Fuyuhiko. You took her life with one single blow. » He is looking at me with wide eyes. Hollow. Struggling to reach out to me. Pure horror. « I killed her. » he repeats, « I killed her. » he quivers, « ...I killed her. » he takes more than a pause to breathe. Sour tears.
« ...I...I... »
He finally realizes.
« Oh my God...Peko... »
One instant.
I grab his entire body. Push it onto mine, embrace it. Tight. As I break any formality between us just by making him feel my body against his ㅡ his entire being crumbles. He cries so loud he shouts. He grips my clothes on my back. Loosing them. Marking my skin with his nails as he's trying to climb his way back to reality. Ribs shaking so much I am worried he could break them just like this.
I am witnessing my Master searching for my protection for the first time.
I do not know what is he trying to reach for until I feel it exploding inside me. Waterfalls ㅡ I cannot help but crying, as I realize too, holding my Master's body entirely, I want to be with him forever. How painful it is ㅡ to hear his sorrowful cries, to feel his bones cracking under my touch. How beautiful it is ㅡ to feel what they call love. I hide within the softness of his blonde hair. I inhale his perfume, feeling it overpower the smell of blood around us. I hear no sound, other than the pace of his breathing, slowing down.
The world is straying further from this moment.
« Look at me. » I whisper, aiming to better calm him down. Hands grab his face softly. Slowly rise his head little low to my own.
Fool me ㅡ I was not ready.
I'm choking on my own breath. Air blocks in my lungs, in my stomach. Then leaves me. Subtly. Eyebrows frown in a blink of time. My eyes, filled with a unique kind of light ㅡ the same which I witness, appearing in his. He's so close, I feel him stealing my soul. « I will protect you, Fuyuhiko. » A promise freed from any written fate ㅡ for a moment, I am human. I possess human will, human warmth. I am human just enough to be with him. Just to let him feel me. To be home for him.
« We ain't fit for this, Peko. This whole yakuza vengeance shit. » I swallow more breath as I hear him talking. His voice scratching his throat on the way to me. « We leave right now. We close accounts with my dad, then we fuckin disappear. I was never fit for this role anyway. I'm a coward, to the core. » He does not fully realize, cloudy mind ㅡ he is the only one left for his family. A duty is to be fulfilled, higher than mine, higher than anybody else's. I know better than my Master knows ㅡ you can not escape that bound. Some things are to be done, and we, what are we if not desolate pawns, my dear Fuyuhiko, what is our value in a greater scheme? What is the meaning of our life, if not to suffice the roles defined for us? Is it even possible to escape it ㅡ do we find salvation in what we feel?
« Let us dispose of the body first. » « Peko. Say you will run with me. Say it. » As I lose myself in sweet caressing his skin, My heart breaks in a million pieces. I would run with him forever. ...
« I will follow your orders, Young Master. »
Ahhh ~ our wonderful lady finally realizes she actually WANTS to be with Fuyuhiko... it’s not a duty anymore... ahhh my shipper feels ~
I seriously hope this chapter did not disappoint you. Disjointed narration is soooo difficult when you want to describe lots and lots of details in your heart, like, Sato’s home, the terrible smell of blood, or how Fuyuhiko’s embrace felt like... ╰(▔∀▔)╯
Please support the ff both here and on AO3! Only a few chapters left!
Next chapter hints: it’s going to be VERY complex, VERY abstract, VERY hard to read. Like a Picasso. It will leave a huuuuge space for opinions and interpretations. Two major characters will be starring the story as well. Someone you might love or hate... +__+
See you on chapter 4!!!
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cosmicpeko · 5 years
NEW: one-shot requests + some news!
Hello everyone! 
Here’s some stuff you might want to know:
My fanfiction “Tool ㅡ Peko’s memories” will be updated weekly. If you’re new to my blog and you don’t know what’s it about, I’ll tell you: it’s a collection of various memories of Peko Pekoyama, a character from Danganronpa 2. It will involve romance, lots of introspection and... a little spice maybe?
New chapters will be posted both here as a post and on my new AO3 account.
Anything related to this FF will be tagged under #toolFF :)
Now the cooler stuff:
While waiting, you can request one-shots of every kind to me. For now, I’ll be accepting Danganronpa characters ONLY. There are no limits to what you can ask: from romance, smut, fluff, angst... you know the drill!
There are some ifs and buts. Here’s what I will NOT accept:
Pedophilia/Incest/Rape/Weird stuff involving non-consensual or inappropriate sexual encounters.
Anything that makes me feel weird, lol
Here’s what I could agree to, eventually:
Kinks. This is a kink-shaming free blog folks, but as a person, there are things that could make me feel uncomfortable.
AUs. Simply cause there are some contexts I might not be educated enough on, or that I might not know how to deliver and/or picture.
Character x reader. Same as above + I might host a little event for that!
Now then, here are some OTPs and BROTPs I’m really into (and that I can write quite the things about):
Komahina (though I’d like to explore more the concept of,,, a bisexual Nagito,,, yall know. Nagito and girls, girls and Nagito)
Please send requests as following: Single character: character / story type (stream of consciousness, diary page, memory recalling -the “Tool” kind) OTP/BROTP: OTP / story type (fluff, smut, angst etc.) / (optional) context suggestion 
Some last warnings:
Remember that English is not my first language, so there might be some form or grammar mistakes (I have friends correcting me, but even so...)
I will be accepting requests in my first language too (Italian) but a small plot summary will be posted in English as well. If you’re interested in reading it and you can’t understand Italian, just send an ask to me and it will be translated right away!
All these things said, remember I WILL take my time to write :)
I’ll be taking requests both here and on my Instagram stories + my friends’ suggestions!!!
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