#took one look at raphs sleeves and extra coat thing
poppysinpebbles · 11 months
Sewer Crypt
Chapter One
What would happen if Raph, Donnie, Casey, and April were never cured?
My idea from Here.
The night air was chilly, especially up on the rooftops. Perhaps too chilly for mid june, but it didn’t bother him, not anymore anyway. In fact, he loved it, reveled in it actually. The bite of the cool breeze in his throat tasted like power. It tasted safe. Safe as this side of the city. The stars were bright here and he was glad for it. The telltale light pollution of civilization disgusted him, it reminded him far too much of the burn of sunrise. But this part of the city had been taken by his kind long ago.
Never had he actually found the darkness of night all that dark. Whether or not that was the result of his dimly glowing eyes or just the abilities that came with the transformation was beyond him. At the moment, It didn’t matter either way because it allowed him to watch his newest batch of ghouls run around the street like roughhousing children. He enjoyed watching them, it took his mind off things.
He’d always been a natural at controlling ghouls. Even back when he was a little fledgling surviving off spiders and rats. He still had his baby fangs back then. That thought brought a smile to his face, one that quickly faded when his mind provided another memory from back then. The time he’d invited his brothers to join him. He was quite naive at the time and he wished he could go back to give his younger self the cold, hard truth and maybe a slap to the face. His hand reached up to his bicep to fiddle with a long, red piece of fabric tied around his sleeve. A habit his master encouraged. It probably made him easier to manipulate, whatever, he didn’t really care all that much.
Pulling his hand away quickly, he reminded himself he still had one of his brothers and two of his friends. Sighing loudly he glanced at his watch and a not so quiet cuss rang out. Taking a deep breath of air, he let out a bone chilling screech that echoed across multiple blocks. His ghouls took action immediately. Scrambling through open doors and windows and into sewer grates and manholes. There were even some clambering into ventilation shafts at the top of buildings. It looked like chaos, and it was, but they all had one goal in mind; to get out of the open. The time was 4:30, far too close to dawn for his comfort.
He himself hastily made his way to a manhole, jumping off the building he had stood on. He hated taking the sewers, they were filled with painful memories from… less complicated times. His hand wandered to the strip of red, tattered fabric just as his mind wandered to old memories. Memories of laughter, memories of fighting, of crying and hugging, of joy, of playing and injury, training and youth, memories of brotherhood.
"Raphael!" A voice yelled way too close behind him. Startled, he whipped around to see a pair of familiar glowing eyes.
"Donnie?" His voice sounded shakier than he anticipated. He blinked away tears he hadn’t realized were there and cleared his throat. His brother's annoyed expression morphed into pity. He hated that. "What the hell, man? You scared the shit outta me!" His voice had a lot less bite than he wanted.
"Look where you are." Donnie’s voice came out unimpressed and somehow it was worse than pity. "I’ve called your name like twenty times!"
Raph glanced around the environment and quickly realized where his brother's worry had come from. He was in his old room in the old lair, muscle memory must have taken him here when he wasn’t paying attention. Weird. He’d think after thirty three years his body would know not to go here anymore. It was the exact same as it was all those years ago, minus the thick layer of dust that seemed to coat everything, he also noticed that his extra mask was nowhere in sight but he decided not to think about the implications of that.
"Oh, whoops! Muscle memory am I right?" He forced a smile onto his face which Donnie immediately gave a look to.
"That’s probably the single worst fake smile I have ever seen." Raph decided Donnie’s deadpan was definitely worse than pity.
He chewed the inside of his cheek and kept from meeting his gaze. Had he always found it this difficult to lie to his purple clad twin?
"Sorry." He eventually managed to sigh out.
"Don’t, just… don’t. Let’s just go home." Raph couldn’t help but wince internally. He hated making Donnie worry, he was his only brother who didn’t see him as some death obsessed, bloodthirsty monster. Probably because he was one, too.
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demonsandco · 2 years
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People keep asking for it, so here's some funky lil angels to go with my demon form designs!
(Brief notes/hcs under the cut)
The higher ranking the angel, the more intense their true form is, but they all keep a vaguely human-like appearance. Raphael, being a Seraph, has the most going on, while Luke could almost pass for a regular kid in comparison. When he was a Seraph himself, Simeon's true form would've been quite similar to Raph's, but now he's somewhere in between the two.
All angels quite literally have eyes on the back of their heads. There's now way to sneak up on these guys and not get spotted immediately.
While their halos definitely glow, it's nowhere near bright enough to be harmful, so there's nothing dangerous about human's seeing their true forms. They are rather obnoxious, though, especially in dark rooms. Movie nights and angelic true forms do not mix well.
Luke's wings closely resemble a sparrow's. They're perfect for fast bursts of speed an allow him to maneuver in the air easily, but it takes so much flapping to stay up that he can't go very far or fly for long.
Simeon and Raphael both have wings built for soaring. As long as the wind is favorable, they could stay in the air for ages, hardly ever needing to actually flap. Simeon's resemble an owl's wings, while Raph's are shaped like a sea gull's.
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