#took a nap til like 9 pm .
gorgeouslypink · 1 year
HIIII PINK!!! When I heard you were leaving I was so sad I even started crying and started to doubt myself on entering the void. I was like “how tf am I going to get into the void without pink???” I started procrastinating reading some of your post basically stalking ur page staying up til 4 in the morning (I was desperate 😭). I realized that I already read all of ur post, nd I just was surprised on how much time I wasted trying to get into the void. And I always dreamt abt putting a success story in your inbox. I already had all the knowledge i needed so what’s the point of more? I deleted tumblr and thought of anything that could help me get in the void. I did SATS while listening to my subliminal playlist, i daydreamed abt the void and my desires for fun, i affirmed for my void concept randomly throughout the day, feeling of the wish fulfilled, listened to delta waves when I was abt to sleep, and I meditated once a day for 10 mins. Meditation was optional but whateva 🤷‍♀️. I ONLY DID THAT FOR THREE FREAKING DAYS. And Im still mad at myself for wasting time procrastinating for 9 months. I was going to take a nap and I was in a drowsy state, so might as well affirm for the void right? I started saying affs like “I’m in the void”, etc etc. Once I started affirming, everything was just calm Yk? My body wanted to move but it was like it couldn’t cause the state I was in was calm asf. So I closed my eyes and just repeated the affs in my head over and over and over until I got this feeling like as if my body was floating, then I payed attention to it for a split second then ignored It after. I kept on affirming then I felt like I was being pulled then let go and it was as if I was falling. Everything got darker and quieter. So then I got scared and jumped because that scared me soo bad (I’m a easy person to scare 😔). After that, I felt like I was actually a master at the void, I took a nap again and I had the same feeling but when I felt like I fell I kept my calm. Then I couldn’t hear my fan which was louddd, I opened my eyes to total darkness, I was scared for two seconds and realized I was in the void!! Ngl I had a whole list set up with my desires and I was ready to affirm and goooo!!! But I realized how calm the void is and stayed there for what felt like 5 minutes. I did affirm I had all my desires and that I was able to wake up in the void under 5 seconds. When I woke up from the void it was 9 pm and I took a nap at 2!!! I woke up with all of my desires nd shi. (I would explain in more detail in how I got in and stuff like that but I was in a rush and didn’t want to make this too long 😀)
Hi love!!! Omgosh I'm so proud of you! This is so cute and you deserve this so much and I'm genuinely happy for you. 💗
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ladysmutwriter · 2 months
Morantic: Better luck next time. (1)
Bruce Wayne/Batman x Female Reader.
Inspired by "There is no good or bad, just actions".
⚠️: This chapter does not include anything NSFW, however the next chapters will include graphic content. MDNI, dub-con, violence, stalking, obsessive love disorder, eventual smut.
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You stared at the window, seeing your town slowly go tinier and disappear as you went into unknown territory. Your hands nervously played with themselves, picking at your skin as the train softly moved, the occasional sound of someone coughing or someone with their phone wathing videos being the only things distracting you.
Searching in your bag, you took out your printed curriculum, such a simple paper yet it included so much from you: your full name, capacities, where you studied, etc. Your parents had made sure you never missed a single class, even in university. They had made sure to give you the best tutors; without them, you'd never have been as prepared as you were today, and now your biggest test was about to begin. Gotham. A city with no laws, filled by sin and corruption, where the strongest survived and the weakest died with no mercy.
But you were here to make a change—you knew you had it in you.
As you drifted off thinking, you slowly closed your eyes, falling asleep as the day outside became darker 'til night arrived. A few hours later, the train stopped.
You walked to your new apartment, your low heels clicking against the dirty floor as you struggled to carry your heavy suitcase, filled with clothes and books. Opening the door, you felt the smell of moisture on the walls and dirty feet. You had some work to do; after all, this was your new home. The hours passed as you cleaned, your limbs aching as you made sure that no room smelt like shit, successfully making it look somewhat hygienic; you still had to buy furniture and some food; your stomach aching in hunger—outside the morning was arriving, the first rays of sun coloring the grim city, making you give a small smile—your first day here.
To no one's surprise, getting outside was awful. On your way to a furniture store, you saw homeless people eating rats all the way to someone being stabbed in an alley. But as you bought a simple bed (king-sized; you were a messy sleeper), some stuff for the kitchen, and a couch, you went to buy something to eat. On the way to it, you stopped at a drug store, buying a first aid kit since you never knew when you'd need it.
Going back home with a warm meal in a plastic bag and the other one filled with supplies, you arrived at your apartment. You looked at the hour, 3 PM; the furniture was supposed to arrive at 5 PM, so you had some time to kill.
Sitting down to eat as you watched Youtube on your phone, then you took a nap on the hard floor, the hours of no sleep taking a poll on you, and even if it was short and uncomfortable, that nap helped as you now felt ready to keep cleaning. A few minutes later, your doorbell rang; the furnite had arrived.
As the men let the boxes inside, you began decorating the place with the new stuff—the couch next to the window, the bed in the side room, etc.—and soon enough, it was 9 PM. Feeling your stomach growl as you felt hungry, you called for some Chinese takeout. Probably half an hour passed as you were called by the delivery man, and going down to the first floor, you picked it up, paid, and went up—except you heard something on the fire exit stairs, as if someone had collapsed on them.
Peeking your head out of the window, you saw someone in what seemed like full black armor slumped against the metal stairs outside your room, a puddle of blood running down his armor.
Groaning, you thought of your chances—you had heard something about this "vigilante" everyone called Batman, your guess being that this was him, or perhaps it was some sort of comic villain that once you healed him would gut you like fish. But your morals won the fight, and you decided to climb out of your window and drag him inside your home. It wasn't easy; he weighted a shit ton and was leaving a bloody mess as you dragged him through your floor. You laid him down on your couch, quickly taking off his chest plate to see how deep his wound was. And holy sh*t, were you met with a nice view, a nice, toned torso, pale skin covered by different scars, and soft skin to the touch? You had to take a deep breath as you collected your thoughts and went to heal him up.
It probably took you about an hour and a half to stitch his wound, clean the blood, etc. Your eyes tired as you yawned, feeling proud of your little work. Moving to discard the bloody gloves, you went outside for a smoke break, hoping the stranger would wake up and lean by himself so you'd avoid the uncomfortable moment of being like, "Hey, I sort of practiced my doctor skills on your unconscious body!" Yeah, that'd be too awful.
Thankfully for you, as you were on the metal staircase smoking, the man inside woke up, his senses being on high alert as his last memory was being stabbed on the chest, his eyes frantically moving around the room, only to find first aid kits and some boxes filled with house stuff. Seeing your shape outside the window as you smoked, he took the chance to slip out of the front door without making a single sound.
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taboodreamsforlife · 1 year
A few years ago at the age of 30 ish find out i have a half sister. Pops had a child from a previous relationship. He knew but his x wife left when my sister was 3 days old traveling the country hiding. (X wife was weird and crazy and still in today). I was already married and had a career in mind and a family so her and i didn’t jive much until about 2 years ago we started texting more. I find out she’s been married once for about 6 months. For the most part she’s been a government support person which i don’t condone but it is what it is. I’m now 53 and she is 58. My wife and i are open in our relationship so after i guess a year of talking i find out sis hasn’t been laid in 8-9 years and i am like how. So i eventually tell her or how my wife and i are open and since we’re not really related so to speak and honestly when i was younger i always dreamed of having a sis to play with sexually. So now she knows about me fucking other women occasionally and somehow through the conversations over text i offer her my services. She initially declined but after weeks of talking i finally accidentally on purpose send her a pic or 2 of me and someone. She liked it and would then say she had to live vicariously through me. I again offered to come help her in that area. She always laughed it off but i was serious. 3-4 weeks ago i had to be in her town for business so i asked if she wanted to do lunch. She said sure i jokingly said ima get you buzzed and see if i can finger you to where u cum. She again laughed it off. We went to lunch and had a few drinks around 2 pm. I think she drank fast on purpose but she never acted like she had any intentions. After goofing around after lunch i acted like i was tired and needed a nap so we went to her house. She showed me her room and i laid down on the bed like i was gonna take a nap. She went on to do her thing, not sure what that was but i rubbed myself til i got hard. She walked into the room i acted like i was asleep and i can hear her tell her dog wow looky there. So i finally decide to act like I’m waking up since she won’t touch it. She said damn you fall asleep fast. I said yea. Then she finally say AND you were hard while you sleep what the heck was you dreaming about. I replied i think i was dreaming that i made you cum. She says i hadn’t came in 6-7 years. I tell her to come sit down next to me. She initially says nah but finally i talk her into it. I started like i was tickling her back and sides cause she laid down on her side facing opposite of me but she finally relaxed and i moved to more sensitive areas while whispering just relax. Don’t think of anything just enjoy the moment. It took awile cause she as majorly nervous and would squirm. I honestly think she came the moment my fingered entered her panties and touched her pubes. The moment i touched her clit her body convulsed. I leaned over and nibbled her ear and neck while she came so many times. I worked my way to a point where i sank a finger deep on her pussy and she screamed. Almost a scared scream. I asked her if she was ok and she said i never dreamed my own brother would ever do this. I never dreamed i would allow it. It’s so wrong. I said but it feels so right. The first time i only entered her with my fingers. I wanted her to want more. Her panties, pants and bed were completely soaked. We never kissed during that but before i left that day she kissed me wow and rubbed my cock thru my shorts. She said maybe next time she wants to see it
Let me know if you’d like to hear more
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golbrocklovely · 21 days
I know you don’t really like or believe Amanda but her and mackie uploaded a video about Amanda jumping timelines where she basically was driving and she skipped the usual exit she takes and was taking another exit instead and she had no more gas and she pulled and later a cop pulled to the side as well and asked her if she was OK really concerned about her. She was confused and the cop told her that the station received multiple calls that they have seen a homeless man beat her up to the point she could have died, matching every details from her car to her physical features. Right after she was saying like no, I am fine, the homeless man comes up to her and gets all over her face physically and the cop tells her to get inside her car. So she experienced a timeline where the beating never happens while others saw another timeline where she was beaten to death. And i basically wanted to know your thoughts about this and if you or anyone else here has heard something similar? Apparently there have been situations like this when it comes to death mainly and I found this very interesting. Hopefully it makes sense 😂
honestly, i do believe in things like that or that we can jump from one timeline to the next. i myself have experienced something like that years ago.
i know i wrote this out a long time ago, but i'll do it again. so continued to read if you're interested.
the best way to describe this situation is like this: imagine you and i are in a room together, and you have X amount of time to study it, notice everything you can, take in all the details. i tell you to leave for five minutes, you do, and when you come back i tell you that something now is different in this room and you need to figure it out. now granted, maybe it's a huge difference, like a whole piece of furniture missing or moved around. but… it could also be something insignificant, like a quarter that was in the couch cushion that you didn't even know about is now gone. all you know is that something is different and you can't place your finger on what, but you know it is. but to everyone else, everyone not clued in, they think the room looks normal. that is how this situation felt and feels to this day.
so back when i was in college, 2017, it was around mid november. it was a week before thanksgiving break. i had a terrible sleeping schedule at the time and basically my days would go like this - go to school around 8/9 am (up from the night before), stay at school til 5ish, come home around 6/7 pm, pass out until anywhere between 12-3 am, then be up all the way until 6/7 pm the next day. sometimes when i was lucky i would get a nap in midday, or maybe i would get to sleep the whole night away if i didn't have homework.
so i go to school monday, i came home and stayed awake just long enough to finish some art homework i had, and then i went to sleep. now i purposefully chose to sleep, that's important. i didn't just pass out or forget i fallen asleep. bc suddenly, around 2 or 3 in the morning, i woke up and looked around my room and was deeply confused. mind you, i didn't have a confusing dream or nothing. i just woke up incredible confused. i said out loud "something's not right" and then went back to sleep. i was able to sleep the night away since i had no other homework and then in the morning i went to school.
on tuesdays and thursdays, i had 2 classes a day - the second one being different either day. i had a bio class first thing in the morning. then an art class midday on tuesdays. on thursdays, i would have a bio lab instead of art. and on wednesdays, i had only one class, and would usually spend the rest of the day getting work done for school or just chilling on campus. all of this is important to know. on this day, tuesday, i took my portfolio for my art class in. it was huge, basically half the size of me. my dad worked at the school i went to, so i had all of my shit in his office.
i go off to my bio class and it's going normal. but midway thru i start wondering why the professor hadn't given us our test yet. she kept telling us that we were gonna have a test the last class before thanksgiving (tuesday), so i was confused why she was teaching us all of this new material. we finished up the chapter we were on, and class ends. then she tells us all that she'll see us thursday. i remember sitting there, basically ready to raise my hand and tell her that thursday is thanksgiving and thus we won't be here and then it hit me, "omg it's not til next week".
the thing is, when i was in school i was always sure what date it was. bc i tried to be on top of projects and shit i had to get done. i pride myself, even still to this day, that i never needed an extension for anything (even tho in reality i definitely could have used a couple/my time management skills are ass bc i'll just work myself to the bone to get something done on time no matter what). so being a whole week ahead was confusing to me, but i shrugged it off.
i walked to my dad's office, and i was thinking about the rest of the day. and i thought "oh i'm done for the day". even tho i knew tuesdays and thursdays i have at least two classes. but now suddenly i was thinking it was wednesday. i get back to his office and see my portfolio… and i'm like "jesus how could i forget i have art today". especially when the previous night it was my only homework.
so i went from thinking it was tuesday the following week, to wednesday of this week, to now tuesday - the actual day. very odd.
i chill in my dad's office until my art class. i walk over to that class. on my walk over, i used to pass this beautiful fuchsia flower bush. it was one of my favorite things to pass on campus bc it was just so pretty and vibrant. the previous day, i saw it. it was gorgeous. as i'm going to class, i stopped dead in my tracks.
the entire bush was dead.
i'm talking it looked like someone burned it, that's how badly all the flowers were gone. like there wasn't even any petals on the ground or nothing. and the thing is, the temperature hadn't changed dramatically. so the fact that they all died instantly within less than 24 hours was extremely weird. i get to class, i ask my one friend in there if she feels like the day is off, and she says no.
the next day, wednesday, i don't have class until midday (if i remember correctly now lol) so i usually spent my time in the library getting work done. now on this day, the cast list for the last musical and play were gonna be announced. i had auditioned for these the week before and these were my last chances to get into some shows before graduating. i was really hoping for the musical. as for the play, idc. i figured i wouldn't get it only bc i was the first person sent home after callbacks, so i kinda knew i wasn't gonna get it lol
my friend from art class, also a theater major, texted me letting me know that the cast list was posted. she sent it to me, and i saw i wasn't on either list.
i was truly riding on these shows, bc while i had been in this program for (at this point) almost four years, i had only two or three shows to show for it (which wasn't that many) and i felt like a failure. i felt like i made a mistake with the major i chose or that i just wasn't good enough to be an actress/singer. so i really needed these shows. i genuinely thought i had a chance, as i was a senior and usually we were favored to get parts and then on top of that the musical director had praised the hell out of me at callbacks. so i thought i was gonna get a part.
and when i didn't get part in past years productions, i would be so hard on myself. always kicking myself down, calling myself names, crying, the whole works. that was always what would happen. and then usually a couple hours later i would be fine.
but this time around…. things were 100% different.
i remember tearing up, and getting really upset. and i felt embarrassed bc i was in the library and so many ppl were around, and i didn't want to cry. so i held it together for a second. i squeezed my hands really tight, held my breath for a moment. and then all of the sudden, all of my feelings were gone. i was… happy? which needs to be said that that is a rare occurrence for me, even now. like i genuinely felt elated. i got my work done faster than usual too. and then i walked back over to my dad's office for lunch, and i was…….. giddy. i was ready to start smiling and pointing at ppl and saying hi. like…. that's not me. that's never been me. but that's how good i felt.
i remember telling my dad i didn't get in the shows, and he was more upset about it than i was. hell when i saw some of my friends later at a party that week or the following, they were apologizing to me about not getting in and that it was fucked that so many of us didn't make the cut, and i was like "i'm not upset about it tbh". and i truly meant that.
all of this is extremely odd and weird. and it felt like, to me at the time and now, that we switched to a different timeline. like we moved a whole week ahead or something. bc that would also explain why i was able to get over the not getting into the shows things instantly.
a couple months later, like in feburary, i was talking to my mom about how things felt different or that i felt like we moved timelines or something (i hadn't told her the story yet tho), and she agreed with me. and then she asked "when did you start feeling this? bc i felt it around thanksgiving."
so i'm just saying… i think something happened in november of 2017 lol so i can believe when others say they experienced things like this before bc so have i
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libraryshadows · 2 years
college is just was up til 3 and woke at 9. had a productive morning but didn’t do homework. did a bit of work then took a quick nap. it’s 8 pm when i woke up and i still have a bunch of work to do for tomorrow but it feels like my day is done and i just wanna smoke some weed. okay bye now i will acquire a beverage and then post up in the library for the time being
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fightshurricanes · 4 years
iv.   will get to those asks tmrw !   gotta plug my laptop in .
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blissfulsaturn · 5 years
Story time:
March 2nd, 2018
A month before this date i went to the movies and watched The Maze Runner : The death cure. I went alone because two of my friends bailed on me (for weed/girlfriend) and my own brother, because he was ill. So i went alone and had a blast. What is totally normal for me is to get addicted to the characters and read fanficion and search for pages about them etc. The 3rd part of TMR came out 2 years later than when it was scheduled because the main character (Dylan O'Brien) got injured on the set and the movie couldn't continue without him. Back in 2016, I was addicted to them, and yet again in 2018. I shipped two characters Thomas (Dylan) and Newt (Thomas Brodie- Sangster), and they were everything to me. I've been reading and writing about them, watching the interviews of the entire cast, BTS, stalking so many pages because of them...which is totally normal for me.
On that Friday morning, i had a class at 8am and it was also the day of my big presentation on which I've been working the entire previous day. I woke up and rushed to YouTube to see if there's something new about Newtmas. And then i saw a fanvideo that caught my attention; a thumbnail showed two pairs of legs, big and small, lying on bed, intertwined. Back then, i had no idea they were Elio and Oliver, during their first night. I didn't watch it, i saved it, and then i saw that Thomas BS was in a show called Godless, there was a trailer. I didn't watch it, i just made a mental note to watch the TV series when i come back home. Yes, that was my goal for the day.
I went to class, kicked ass with my presentation, got a perfect score and, because it was snowing, i wasn't rushing back home, i love the snow. My grandmother lives 20 minutes from my University so i decided to go and visit her. On my way to her i called her, she didn't answer, so i went outside her door and when nobody answered, i turned around and went home. I enjoyed the snow on my way back home.
On my way home i scrolled through Google and saw that there were Oscar nominees. The Oscars were 2 days away. I read about some but the entire attention was focused on only one movie and on one actor : Call me by your name and Timothée Chalamet. I had no idea what was it about or who he was (i didn't recognize him from Interstellar). So i read about the plot and my God, i swear to you, when i saw that it was an LGBTQ movie and that Armie Hammer was the other character :SOLD!
I've been a fan of Armie's for years and he's always given me such gay vibes and the fact that he starred in this type of movie, I thought "Finally, something where he'll shine!" and my gentle giant did shine. As for Timothée, i read his name and thought "Huh, he's probably a tall black haired dude", and he waaaaas, i had no idea what he looked like until i got home and searched his name. I was sold, he was, still is, beautiful. I was hooked to the both of them almost immediately.
So I got home, ate something, and somewhere around 8 or 9 pm I started watching Call me by your name. I never made a bathroom break, never played with my phone, never paused it; my full attention was on the movie in front of me. I don't think i changed the way i was lying while watching it. It was like i couldn't blink or breathe or speak. When the movie was over, i cried like i never cried before, it took me about 30-40 minutes to gather my shit and go drink some water so i don't dehydrate. The next morning, i couldn't stop thinking about it. I had to study, but instead of that, i watched the movie again, and the next day as well, and 30 minutes before the Oscars. I watched the Oscars from 2am til 6am, never missed a second and cried again when they won the Best Adaptive Screenplay. Then i took a short nap of almost an hour, got up, went to class. The next day i found the book online and read it. Again...crying like a maniac. And after that...i haven't been the same since. My addiction grew so much that in the first year i lost count after watching the movie for the 20th time, I now own 5 different versions of the book, a fan account on Instagram and a blog here on Tumblr, plus, the multiple fanfics/one shots i wrote about them. I have Elio's bracelets, my Elio shirt, i don't look at peaches the same way and thanks to Elio i now know how to finger them so i get the seed out, and the big finale : why this movie shook me so much is because i, myself, have an Oliver in my life. It hit so close to home.
My day is still filled with everything related to Timothée, Armie and Call me by your name. I've changed so much, in every way possible and i have this movie/book to thank only. They had such an impact on me, i don't remember what my life was before this. I never watched that TV show i wanted or went back to shipping Newtmas.
Two years ago on this exact day, my life changed and changed for good. It's something i can't explain and yet, I'm in a mood to talk about all of this for hours.
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shytiff · 4 years
Jan 2021 Wins
ive “journaled” for 6 months now. it started as small ___ wins because when you feel rly empty, even doing the bare minimum feels like a win. written down some of the wins. i think until now i’d like to keep the “win” part. a win against my shadow sometimes. a win in life. some things to be grateful for. a win for remembering it later in the future. i know some days im just basically doing nothing.  there are a lot of wars not won by me. but im still tryna ✨manifest✨
1 - woke up. watched bts’ 2021 seasons greetings. read trap city. afternoon nap. pupuy’s mbah passed away. i got DOMS in my body even though i did the barest of exercise yesterday (frail, i know). shower, matcha latte.
2 - the x banner atikah and i sent for racil post thesis defense has arrived lmaoo. mom made delicious (and sweet) fried banana. did some studying (more than usual, bcs the bar is on the floor)
3 - ate muesli, 3 risols. Kopsus coklat at flavola. Stayed there from 12-ish to 17:30 lmaooo. weekly bahas soal w/ fi. Rapat nemo
4 - first day of collab module. Barely cicil ukmppd. My mood is normal-ish but i hardly have the will to study. Dinner is fried fish with mentai sauce, potato wedges, and saladdd by mom
5 - collab module, qa presentation for rsui reps. finished reviewing tryout 2 solid. did padi pretest (got 66,5). ate chicken porridge, a bit of muesli and vsoy, tan ek tjoan bread, matcha latte, fish and chicken and potato wedges and salad, fried banana. i ate well today lol.
6 - slept during collab webinar, went to clara’s place to study osce and attended padi together. i ate well at clara’s placeee lol. ate nastar, kusuka, white kwetiaw with soup (?), and lele goreng. went back home @ 9 pm. i feel refreshed. even though we’ve half studied half mukbang all day. human interaction rly does heal me. i need human interaction more than i think. at night i dreamed about going to bali, to waterparks, seeing sea creatures, watching a movie displayed on a concert-like stage and screen at the front row. 
7 - woke up at 07:55, finished my part for collab group work. felt a bit tired today. the rest of fam went to DM, and when they were on the way back i HURRIED my way out, not even taking a shower lmaoo. got pistachio matcha latte at starbucks dm. now im more skilled in searching the best spot in a cafe to distance myself from people lmao. the matcha latte is served with some sort of pistachio cream and sprinkled with nuts on top. its like when sbux had taro matcha latte and it had purple cream on top. the pistachio taste is quite strong. reviewed TO 1 padi, sent proposals for nemo sponsorship.
8 - did syndrome try out and padi 2 web try out. studied for osce and padi @ clara’s place. wanted to order pizza since clara bought me food before, but she insisted in ordering lmaoo. so dinner is pizza hut
9 - woke up at 11.00 lmao. havent had breakfast. lunch is muesli with the brand new delishhh chocolate granola and cimory banana milk. did one shot try out, got 71. had a google meet with Prof Agus (that ethics book ghostwriting job from a year ago is not finished until now huaaa) that went from 20.00ish and finished at 22.30,,,,, reviewed syndrome try out along the way. havent made my collab self reflection hhhh. i also need to study for osce. also havent edited article for bukang solid. and there goes my saturday nooo
10 - i swear i keep waking up late lmao. Flavola w atikah, racheel later came with wawa. Kopsus coklat and ukmppd class w dr yudo. After class i just talked at flavola (and ended not studying osce at all for sunday). Went to racheel's to pray and talk some more. Hurriedly went back for booty call with fi, watched konser dies natalis first. Tryout and sum study with fi and clar that went from 20:30 to 00:10. Powered by left over kopsus and 2 snackit pia. Rip my sleeping schedule
11 - woke up at 10:30 ish, the lack of meal and horrible sleep pattern (for my standard) produced stuffy nose during the day and a bit of headache that went away for a bit after i ate. Late bfast is muesli, drank protein, ate tan ek tjoan, plus 2 brownies in the evening. Tht coaching w dr niken. Did self reflection for collab. Had dinner without rice, as usual. Ukmppd class w dr ayu. Finished reflection at 21:30 lmao (deadline is 23:55). Tryna sleep and my nose is still itchy and i sneeze a more often. i hope it goes away 2mrw
12 - DV coaching, scele tryout, took a nap before padi cause my head kind of hurts. Les padi while drinking matcha with vsoy less sugar and no added sugar. I can withstand the horrible sugarless cy matcha taste bcs theres a taste of soy. Didnt do anything else. Havent studied osce on my own until now. Astagfirullah
13 - my head still kind of aches. Its goes away when im eating. im eating so well during the weekdays that i gained 2kgs lmao. lazed around the first half of the day. padi. finally tried saint matcha and damnn its an amazing upgrade from Cy matcha. the green color is super different yall. Cy’s green looks sick and tired compared to saint matcha. the taste? immaculate (although coco deli is more fragrant). caffeine? hits. awake and feel normal? yes. messaged an ao3 author and got replied and turns out she’s making a sequel for my fav fic of hers. yay
14 - osce practice w ara ren ness. bedah and anak osce coaching. had 3 of mom’s cinnamon rolls and matcha latte for the afternoon. cicil osce DV. edited some pld articles. did nothing else basically
15 - wasted my day, didnt have the courage to study osce (i feel like i procrastinate on it bcs it feels overwhelming to me), TO FKUI 2, hurriedly reviewed to 1 before, les padi. i feel like this is the least focused im being in a les. maybe its the too few matcha powder.
16 - woke up at 9 am. breakfast is muesli. reviewed to 2 fkui w apa salahku (finished at 12 pm, there goes half of my saturday). tried fried chicken master. its good and tender but i still prefer moon chicken. 
17 - breakfast is muesli, banana and 2 martabak tahu. snack is keripik pisang aduuu wenak (and picking bits of meat cooked by mom). went to devi’s place w/ racheel silvi. brought RJ to be wrapped. we watched okay madam and its super fun, hilarious and full of twists anddd a bit of cutesy romance. just the right balance to enjoy and let the stress out. late lunch is moon chicken yay!! went home after maghrib, did to padi 6 w/ fi and matcha latte. talked about a senior’s wedding and eating healthier til 22:30
18 - To fkui 3, wasted my afternoon playing my phone, finally mustered some will to study after ashar. My progress is rly slow today. Watched hilarious jessi interview with eric, heechul. Im telling u, i thought tiktok is the funniest internet content but i was wronggg. Seeing heechul flustered is hilarious. Tried to study again at night but only learned 1 disease hiks
19 - had no idea what i did before dzuhur lmao. went to racheel’s to surprise atikah. actually napped at her place lmaoo why do i feel so sleepy. gifted rj to atikah. we ate fried chicken master and pempek on a small green table and talked. its like korean movie lmao. we talked while im simultaneously listening to padi lol.
20 - woke up at 8, chicken porridge + muesli and low sugar vsoy for breakfast. arrived at clara’s @10am. to fkui 4. reviewed it. reviewed general physical exam. finished up to padi 7. tried bombo donut. studied osce. i felt sooo dumb in osce (and clara is already super smart). superrr motivated to learn after going back home (arrived at 7) but i ended up opening youtube and drinking protein lmaooo and its suddenly 9 pm
21 - matcha latte at starbucks dm. Studied osce. Obgyn coaching w the super kind dr ilham. Les padi. Read angel buddy and played with my phone til 12 pm
22 - to fkui. padi as usual. had low motivation, so i did the tryout that day close to the actual course.
23 - left home at 06:30 to study together in capitol. had breakfast in mcd first. thank god i ate rice + chicken and breakfast wrap cuzzzz. studied osce together w ara, ical, kelvyn, dio and kak ilonka til about 2 pm. WALKED to bk bcs my parents are there. apparently simply driving to capitol is too much for them. immediately ate muesli at 4 pm cause i didnt eat anything in capitol. did nothing else after that. did not pray maghrib together lmao somehow mom had mercy on me and let me sleep som more. mom bought sate padang but i didnt eat it. i cried in bed because as yoongi said, “this is the real you and this is the real me”. did not shower/wash my face at night bcs i felt like shit lmao rip my face (its a week before bukang photoshoot)
24 - i feel tired, lazy, and just wanted some sleep. like all that’s in me is drained. ate muesli with strawberry milk. tried fitmee beef. its better than i thought. because the noodle is chewy you spend more time to chew. also ate fried chicken and daun singkong. usually i cant wait to go to flavola but even at 12 pm i just feel like laying down. finally mustered the will to shower and go out. its raining a bit on the way. colddd. 
25 - to fkui 6, osce briefing, covid lecture (that was actually for ppds), padi
26 - spaghetti for brekkie, coaching neuro and ophthalmology, cicil osce
27 - cicil osce, the second to the last padi omg. the fastest padi ever
28 - obgyn osce practice at kak ilonka’s place (that nice kosan at forkabi) with ara, ren ness, kelvyn, dio with mannequins from og dept, tried meokja salemba that serves bulgogi rice. quite good. after arriving at home, studied neuro together with menno til about 20:45 an and i just dont have the energy lmaooo so i gave up and slept
29 - today is bukang photoshoot at bintaro. put base make up on the way. even put glue on my eyebrow. got eyebrow, eyeshadow and blush done by renata. took lots of photos. nebeng om coro afterwards to bxc to meet mom. we ate at genki sushi (renata ara kris mendel oca regan geordie eka). i missss road trips hua. did tryout fkui on the way back home. after shower and prayer proceeded to review TO with apa salahku. Last padi (havent done the questions beforehand so i sprinted it out while on the actual course). Muhasabah osce with kak widia afterwards lmao. Studied osce with clara
30 - studied osce with ara ren ness @ merra. I ate eatlah, moms muffin, kemplang, tango. I ate so welll. Its a productive sesh, neuro and infectious disease. At home i studied osce w clara til abt 22:15 ish. I feel like i miss my me time lmao its been 3 days. I can still go on w clara but i dont wanna get myself sick
31 - simul osce in the morning. Osce study with clara almira. Cicil osce alone. Played my phone at 10 pm even though i still have mental clarity post matcha latte -___-
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sadly-not-minhos · 6 years
Han Jisung x Reader
Jisung: Idol au
[Your POV]
*District 9 - Stray Kids*
I pressed the snooze button of my alarm. I slept for 5 more minutes, the line every student says in the morning. I then went on spotify and played my morning album and got ready for school.
*fast forward*
School was halfday today so technically it ended early. I didn't wanna go home and see my messed up family. So I went to a fair with my bestfriend.
When we arrived at the venue I saw posters of Stray Kids and I somehow started freaking out. It still ain't sure if they'll perform so we asked a staff memeber. "Excuse me? Is Stray Kids performing today?" The person nodded. "Where can we get tickets?" Yomi asked. "Well today is a weekday so less people. Your entrance ticket is your ticket already." My heart started beating fast.
Since the performance was still at 2 pm we went around the fair and ate some food. I saw a tteokbokki shop so I went there, since I love them. I ate with Yomi to pass time til the performance. Gladly there were only a few people since it's a school day.
*few moments later*
They started performing and we were in the front area. Finally first time to see them perform. My mouth was probably wide open the whole time. I can't believe I'm watching them live now.
They sang grow up and it was Jisung's part and he looked at my direction. I felt butterflies in my stomach. First time ever that HAN JISUNG OF STRAY KIDS// AN IDOL looked at me for straight 1 minute. After that staring contest we had I immediately looked at my feet because I felt so scared// to many butterflies in my stomach.
I looked at him again and he did the same thing but he also smiled. Then the concert//performance ended. I don't  wanna expext too much that Jisung likes me.... you get me right?
The fair ended late at night. Stray Kids was also roaming around the fair grounds, but I didn't want to bother them. I respected their time.
I walked out of the venue, said goodbye to Yomi, and waited for a taxi. There was no taxi or bus coming but then it started drizzling so I went to a convenient store. I ordered some ramen since it was so cold and I'm not wearing the proper clothes.
"1,000 won please." I handed the money, sat down and ate. I finished the food but the rain//snow wasn't stopping. I decided to just wait there longer. I asked for hot water since it was really cold.
I actually didn't notice but I took a nap. I woke up when someone was placing a jacket over me. "Did I wake you up?" Jisung said. I was speechless as just looked at him. "Is that really you?" I asked then he nodded and smiled.
"Oh you didn't have to give this to me. I'll be going home now anyways." "No its ok. It's still cold outside. Btw I'm Jisung and you?" I smiled and said "Oh really thanks... I'm uhmm... Y-y/n" I saw him smile.
"I have to go now. Thanks for this." I waved goodbye and then opened the convenient store door. "Wait Y/n!" I looked back and saw him running towards me. "Maybe can I get your number." I smiled.. of course I gave it to him.
Part 1 || Part 2 (to update soon)
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figuringoutme · 6 years
4 Goals for 4 Weeks
Here goes - 4 weeks til I’m back at school (aka work), so I’ve got a few things to focus on daily while I’m prepping for good school year habits. These are from my 30 habits for 30 days - the biggest things that I either didn’t stick to as well I should have, or that just need a little more tweaking.
1. 7 to 8 hours of sleep. During the summer I can nap during the day - school year means no naps. 😭 So I’m putting the pressure on myself now to start scheduling bedtime earlier in order to still get enough sleep. [8 pm electronics off, 9 pm bed, 5 am wakeup]
2. 5 days of the gym. Every week. No excuses. I took some spin classes with my sister (she’s an instructor) while we were on vacation, and I loved how many calories I burned in under an hour!! I’m going to try some of those workouts on my own at the gym. For the next few weeks I’ll be working out during the day with hubby, but when school starts back up, I’ll be going alone first thing in the morning (and he’ll be doing the evening shift when I get back from work).
3. Skin care. I know better - I have all the great products. I literally have a schedule in my head that I think of every day when I go into my bathroom. And I still skip half the time. NO EXCUSES HERE EITHER! Self care is just as important as eating healthy and working out, so this is it. Wearing makeup to school every day will trash my skin if I’m not taking good care of it. Morning AND night - cleanse, treat, moisturize.
4. Healthy food. I maintained during vacation (impressive considering it was a wedding month and my sister was the cake decorator 😍), but I’m back to needing a schedule. Planning the following: eggs with bacon and cheese and toast for breakfast, prepped salads for lunch, mainly protein for dinner, small snacks (fruit, cheese, etc) as needed - CRAP TON OF WATER. I know myself, and trying to cut anything entirely makes me want it sooo badly. So instead, I’m just going to focus on mostly water. A soda once in awhile won’t kill me, some juice is alright, coffee when I really need it (lol #teacherlife). But mostly water. Like 100 oz per day of straight, clear, H2O.
Here we go guys - August is gonna be good.
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flamestoflight · 6 years
DPT year one
This morning I woke up, had breakfast, went back to sleep until noon. Hung out with my parents, only had my first cup of coffee at 3pm, watched Netflix. It’s called relaxing, and I am loving it. It’s dark and rainy outside, and it has been all day. I had a wrap with beans, corn, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, and hummus for lunch. I ate some fresh strawberries that were buy one get one free. I’m a bit groggy, because the past three weeks I’ve been needing 2-3 cups of coffee a day to get through. But it’s okay, I can be groggy, I’m on break.
Summer semester starts next week - I’ll be home through Monday, back at school to take competencies on Wednesday, spending a couple days with my sister in MD, and then heading to a vacation house with my family for the long weekend. It looks like it’s going to be gross and rainy, so that’ll mean a lot of card games, tv watching, naps, and wine. Which sounds PERfect to me right now. Absolutely perfect.
I think I really have a lot to say about this year, but I wouldn’t have the time to get to it all and I honestly don’t want to talk about it all. Some things will just be and don’t need to be acknowledged and that’s fine. But I’m me, and I like getting closure, I like wrapping up time periods of my life, and I like going back on these things. So I guess it’s worth my while to go back through some of the things that seem most important/most relevant to me.
They said that we would all “become a family” during these years in grad school together - that we’d help each other through because it’s the only way to survive. That we’d become more than comfortable with each other because we’d spend all day every day together. By the end of the first summer semester I don’t think I can say that was true. By the end of this year....I can. I stuck to my little friend group for the first couple months, but most everyone has come together in some capacity over the past year
I made an instagram post on new years eve that said something about my new year’s resolution not being about food/weight/exercise this year, but about being happy and passing my classes. It sounds like the kind of thing that someone just ~says~ and it’s the kind of thing that I’ve just said before but not had the strength or been in the mental place to make it that way. I can genuinely say that this year I have. 
When I was in classes full time and also treating patients 3x/week, I simply did not have the time to get to the gym. Or rather, I could have, but I didn’t make it a priority. I did not work out for a solid 6-8 weeks straight. I drank wine in the evenings, I ordered pizza with my roommates and went out for drinks or dinner most weeks. I started making pasta for dinner (not chickpea pasta or black bean pasta or quinoa pasta....regular pasta) as a go-to because it was quick and satisfying and tasted good (dare I admit that pasta tastes good!??!). When I went out to dinner I order quesadillas and pastas and stir frys and sandwiches....I didn’t look at the menu ahead of time and I didn’t always order a salad.
I went through a breakup this semester. I was completely shattered for 2 weeks, and then I stood myself up, pulled myself together, and got my head back in the game. I enjoyed my time with my friends, I worked hard in my classes, I formed relationships with my patients. I took care of me, I focused on me, and not being accountable to anyone else or feeling like I had to update anyone else. I felt independent and capable and like I was getting shit done. *That* was an extremely important aspect to the way I grew this semester
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: being in clinic this past semester made me feel just awful about myself in ways I hadn’t felt before. I felt incompetent, I felt disorganized, I felt like I actually *couldn’t* handle what was on my plate. I came home and cried after clinic probably at least 25% of the days. I think I honestly increased my resting heart rate by ~40bpm this semester from clinic stress alone. I lost a bunch of weight, I gained some back, I lost it again. I’m not sure where I stand now, but that’s not the point. The point is that this semester was hard, it beat me down, it was exhausting.
But oh god was it worth it. I am infinitely thankful that through whatever algorithm or randomization or whatever formula they used to assign us to clinicals, I ended up in the first one. Notoriously the hardest one, but I knew I’d be able to handle it. And I did. And it reminded me of why I was here. Why I was studying so hard, why I was being pushed through coursework at breakneck speed. It’s not about me, it’s about the patients. They made me excited for clinic, their injuries/diagnoses challenged me to try new things, adjust my treatment plan, work a little bit harder.  My CI’s challenged me every single day, questioned everything I did, pushed me to develop my own way of thinking and working. I am thankful for everyone who played a role in teaching me this. 
Okay and now I’m done talking about this lol. That’s another thing about me this semester. I’m not sure if it’s related to my breakup or if it’s related to just not having time, but I don’t really tell people things anymore, unless I’m asked. If someone asks me how PT school/clinic is going, I’m more than happy to tell them the highlights and some stories or whatever. But if someone doesn’t ask, I never bring it up. I brush things off like they don’t matter, I don’t really talk about how busy I am. I don’t think anyone actually understands what my days look like because I never ever talk about it. I’m relatively sure it’s related to the fact that I was called “pretentious” for talking about this stuff early this year when I first started, and so now I just kind of shut down around it. But either way.....I really just don’t feel like typing more about this right now
I’ve got plans for this summer. I have class til 9 or 10 pm every night (except Fridays), but I have some gaps in the afternoon....and I’ve got plans. Again, don’t really feel like talking about it until it happens or is happening (if it happens), but I am very much looking forward to this semester, to afternoon breaks, to not having to juggle class and clinic anymore, and to enjoying my last summer not working full time.
Goodbye #mygrad, time to start up #mygrad2
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rnr4ev · 7 years
‘Tis the Season
Merry Christmas @autumnsayshey here’s my gift to you from the @personasecretsanta2k17 I hope you enjoy it (AND thank you so so much for the art it is adorable and I love it).
P5, Ryuji/Akira -> mistletoe kiss with supportive hugs for all and some pt Akechi friendships. (also snuck in a ponytail Akechi for you)
fic length ~2k
AO3 Link
Akechi watched as the last customer walked out of the cafe, letting his polite smile droop into a relaxed expression as he turned to start rinsing out the dishes and coffee maker. The sign on the door said closed but he didn’t need to worry about locking up just yet, not with Sojiro still out shopping with Futaba. The water was warm under his hands as he scrubbed out the coffee machine. This was the first time Sojiro had left him alone in the shop. It was nice to feel trusted, even after, well after… Akechi was thrown out of his musings by the sound of the bell on the door jingling, followed by a loud bang and muffled swearing.
 Akechi turned to see Ryuji clutching his knee, his previously non injured knee, if he remembered correctly, and some colorfully wrapped presents scattered around him.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah just walked into a chair and tripped. Man, why’d the girls make me carry all the gifts over?”
“Oh are those for tomorrow? I can help you take them upstairs, although I can’t promise if Akira is back or not.” Akechi replied, quickly drying his hands off. Things were, while maybe not the best with Ryuji, they had improved a lot after Akira vouched for him and Sojiro started letting him work at the cafe. He’d never be Ryuji’s best friend, that place would likely always belong to Akira, but Ryuji had put his trust in him surprisingly fast after everything. He’d trusted Akechi enough to let him slowly back into their friend group, he’d trusted him enough to help him through the physical therapy he had had to go through and most telling, he’d trusted Akechi’s help with his mother’s legal proceedings regarding her court official divorce with his father.
 “Man, I didn’t even recognize you at first with your hair up like that. Boss make you do that to keep hair out of the food or you trying to something new?” Ryuji replied, straightening himself up and picking up the pile of presents.
 Akechi reached up to feel his hair, it was up off the nap of his neck. “No, Futaba shot a hairband at me before she left, but she missed so Boss made her pick it up and that somehow translated to putting my hair up for me in Futaba language? I’m not sure it was a bit strange.” Akechi responded.
 “Huh, well it looks nice. You should put it up more often.” Ryuji, now carrying a towering pile of presents responded.
“That’s what Akira and Mona said as well, maybe I can ask Sae-san if she could help me braid it sometime, since she was nice enough to let me stay with her and Makoto, or maybe I could ask Makoto, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Are you sure I can’t help you with that?” Akechi watched as a particularly small package wobbled with every step Ryuji took.
 “Nope, I got this.” with that Ryuji continued walking towards and then up the stairs to the attic where Akira was staying. Akechi went back to washing dishes, stifling a laugh when he heard the telltale sound of crashing and thumping as the package pile no doubt collapsed again upstairs.
 In theory, Ryuji’s plan was simple, so simple it was flawless. So how the eff did he keep on messing up?
 Sure dropping all the presents on the floor and waking Akira from his nap had meant that he wasn’t able to sneak mistletoe up on the beam by Akira’s desk but still, that’s what his back up plans were for. But yesterday he and Akira had been under the holiday decoration at a nearby store and when Ryuji had turned to point it out to Akira, his boyfriend had somehow managed to teleport himself to the other side of the store, examining a small cat costume. Admittedly imagining Morgana in the costume had raised his spirits but this wasn’t the first time Akira somehow managed to wiggle his way out from under the mistletoe with him. If it wasn’t for the fact that Akira’s had given Ann a kiss on the check when they were caught under one together, Ryuji would be convinced that Akira was just flat out avoiding them. But he wasn’t and that somehow made it worse.
 On Thursday, Ryuji had planned everything out, putting mistletoe near the entry to the attic and  of course as soon as he and Akira were about to reach the final step together, Mona slipped between them causing Ryuji to lose his balance, fall into his boyfriend and then tumble onto the attic floor, a few steps away from the mistletoe.
 On Friday, first Akira and Ann were stuck under the mistletoe, and then Futaba and Makoto, and then Ryuji and Ann, who had blown him a kiss and giggled at his frustration.
 On Saturday the worst happened when the mistletoe that Ryuji had strategically placed disappeared right when Akira and him were perfectly situated underneath it. Ryuji kicked over a chair (and then sheepishly picked it back up) when Yusuke told him that the mistletoe made the scene “off balance” and so he had moved it to “improve the composition” or whatever fancy art words he’d used.
 Akira sleeplily blinked up at him as he shuffled the present pile near the small decorated tree in the attic.
“Ryuji? What time is it?” Akira asked, voice groggy with sleep. Behind him Morgana let out a low grumble that was either a complaint or insult or possibly both.
Ryuji shrugged, Akira had a hellish work schedule the past few days so he could comfortably take Christmas Eve off.
“I’m not sure, late probably because Akechi seemed like he was closing. But you should go back to sleep.”
“-m not tired” Was Akira’s reply, slightly muffled under blankets. Ryuji sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Listen, you and I know that Makoto might kill you if you sleep through the party tomorrow so go back to sleep dude”.
Ryuji heard some more muffled grumbling before Akira poked his head out from the covers.
“Your worse than Mona.” he replied sticking his tongue out, “but I am really tired and I did promise Yusuke I’d help him look over the decorations tomorrow, so see you tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow.” Ryuji replied, leaning over to give Akira a brief forehead kiss before standing.
 12/23/xx 9:00 pm
Ann: wat
Ryuji: i think Akira’s psychic
Ann: ?
Ann: explain
Ryuji : avoids mistletoe better than palace shadows
Ann: lol. Why don’t you just ask him for a kiss under the mistletoe
Ryuji : nah, that’s not romantic or smooth at all!
#1 Best Hacker: >implying that u can be smooth
Ryuji: what the eff futaba stop eavesdropping, aren’t u supposed to be wrapping presents or something
#1 Best Hacker : no, already finished
#1 Best Hacker: >:3
Ann : u just put them all in gift bags didn’t u?
#1 Best Hacker is offline
Ann: just grab him and give him a smooch Ryuji, you can do it
Ryuji: ...
 Ryuji sighed setting his phone down and throwing his arm over his eyes. Two days left ‘til Christmas and all his plans for getting Akira under the mistletoe had failed. The guy just had an uncanny ability to dodge and duck out of any place with mistletoe in it before Ryuji got there. Whatever, tomorrow was Christmas Eve and the party they’d been planning he’d get his mistletoe kiss or die trying. Resolve set, Ryuji rolled over on his side, falling into a peaceful sleep.
 Futaba walked into Leblanc just in time to catch Akira posing with his arms in the air, completely covered in tinsel as Yusuke circled him trying to add to his masterpiece and Akechi surreptitiously tried to take photos on his phone. On the side Makoto was standing worriedly by occasionally taking a worried step forward to break them up and then stepping back as she thought better of it.
 Her phone dinged as Akechi sent out a picture of Akira covered in the glittery decoration to the group chat. She plopped herself down on the booth next to him.
“They been at it for awhile?” She asked scooting over to him to grab a handful of mixed nuts on the table.
“At least an hour” Akechi replied, “I got here an hour ago with Makoto and they were already like that”.
Group Chat
Akechi : [pic]
Ryuji : Oi tell Yusuke the decorations go on the furniture not my boyfriend.
Ann : oo tell Yusuke to add more red
Haru : oh no
Ryuji: Ann no! Tell Akira I’m coming to rescue him rn
 “Akira, your knight in shining armor is coming to save you!” Futaba called out, laughing as Yusuke let out an “excuse me” and Akira let out a grateful smile.
 By the time Haru arrived the decorations had been thankfully, put up in more traditional places with Yusuke instead choosing to fiddle with the tree ornaments.
“Hi everyone, sorry I’m late, the meeting took longer than anticipated.”
She was greeted with various hello’s as she took in the state of the cafe.
Akechi was smooshed in the corner of a booth with both Makoto and Ann fiddling with braids in his hair and talking animatedly to each other. Ryuji was cuddled next to Akira, manga in hand as Akira read over his shoulder. She took a seat next to Futaba who was tapping away on her phone on a bar stool.
 “Okay coffee and hot chocolate are done so if anyone wants any come get it” Sojiro stated passing out drinks to everyone.
 “You know”, Haru started after everyone was sitting comfortably around, warm drinks in hand, “It’s been a long time since I was able to celebrate a holiday like this, dad was always working or he’d go to really official fancy parties to rub elbows with politicians, so I guess I just wanted to say thanks.”
For a moment the group fell silent, then Akechi opened his mouth,
“I -uh never really celebrated at the orphanage, or had actual friends to celebrate with. It means a lot that after everything that happened, everything I did, you all accepted me and helped me recover. So I… thanks” Akechi trailed off, taking a sip of his coffee.
 Ryuji wasn’t sure who started sniffling, probably Ann, although she would definitely slug him if he pointed that out.
The next few minutes where filled with a combination of hugs and sniffles as the group consoled each other.
 As the party wound down, the members took their leave one by one, first with Makoto and Akechi who both mentioned wanting to be home in time to surprise Sae with some presents, then Haru who drove Ann home since Ann was complaining about being too full to move. Next was Yusuke, who after staring fondly at the “Sayori” for awhile stated that he had to get back to his dorms.
Finally the only ones left were Morgana, Futaba, Ryuji and Akira. And then, Futaba scooped up Morgana (despite his protests) and waved goodbye to Ryuji and Akira. It was around this time that Ryuji became acutely aware that one) it was christmas eve and two) with all the celebration going on he’d forgotten about the mistletoe. He reached into his back pocket frantically, and when he didn’t find the sprig he’d been carrying with him he began searching through his jacket pockets.
“Ugh for reals?” he exclaimed as he came up empty.
“Hmm did you misplace something?” Akira asked, carrying over another cup of hot chocolate for Ryuji.
“N-no, it’s nothing” Ryuji stammered, blushing at being caught
Akira looked at him a twinkle in his eye.
“Hmm could it be that you’re missing this?” He replied dangling the mistletoe above their head.
“Wha-?” Ryuji’s question was stifled as Akira leaned over, pressing his lips to Ryuji’s.
“Merry Christmas Ryuji” Akira stated, laughing at Ryuji’s gobsmacked expression.
“You, you- When did you?” Ryuji questioned looking at Akira with an adorably confused expression.
“Well  you seemed disappointed that we didn’t get to have a kiss under the mistletoe and I may or may not have found this in your back pocket so...” Akira trailed off as Ryuji reached up and grabbed the mistletoe from Akira.
“Merry Christmas Akira.” Ryuji replied, leaning over to give Akira another kiss.
Ryuji: I did it!!!!
Ann: good job
#1 Best Hacker : we poppin’ the biggest bottles
Ryuji: Hey what’d i say about eavesdropping
#1 Best Hacker: :3c
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takokola · 7 years
Plot: Canyon Conquest - Prologue Part 4
((This story takes place during the Squid Sister Stories. Which is 9 months, after the Final Splatfest. Fynn was feeling melancholy since the new year had started. Just what made him down in the dumps?))
Team Pinkognito (Fynn, Angela, Maye, and Dewey), Team Sky Splash (Skyla and Scorpia), Mysti, and Tundra belongs to me.
Eimie belongs to @eiden-squid | @marchant-girls
Overtime, Fynn’s mobility and combat is improving since the first day of training. Each day, he recieved a heavier set of ankle weights from Tundra. As always, Fynn followed her instructions by walking in a patient manner around the dojo.
After perfecting his slightly toned ankles, he’s feeling as light as a Carbon Roller when he took them off. It feels weird at first, but it didn’t take long for him to move around freely. He was feeling quick and nimble as a result. Now that the first session is done, he stick to his usual regiment. 50 pushups, 50 situps, 50 squats, and a 5km run around the dojo. After he was done with his set, Tundra and Fynn began sparring on the battlefield.
“C'mon, don’t tell me that’s all you got?” Tundra was wielding a Classic Squiffer for battle. She looked down on Fynn, who is on his knees and covered in teal ink.
“Haa… ha.. Not even close..” Even though he’s taken so many beatings, he still smiled up at him. Fynn slowly got up on his knees, still gripping his Wasabi Splattershot. “Again..!!” Fynn lets out his battle cry and charged in, guns blazing.
Tundra readied her charger and aimed at Fynn’s head. She might have lost her eye, but it doesn’t mean that she’s out of commission. She fired her weapon and… she missed!
Fynn had swiftly moved to the right and managed to get behind her. He dropped in a Splat Bomb near her feet.
“Oh, man..!!” She was too late for to escape from the blast. Luckily, she survived the inksplosion from the Splat Bomb. She was about to recover, until Fynn had trapped her. A cunning tactic to flush out the enemy and finish the job. She’s rather impressed than surprised.
Fynn looked down at her with his Splattershot in his hand. “Yield, now.” He demanded. He could splat her in any moment.
Tundra looked around to see that her weapon had fallen out of her hands and she’s unable to move in his own ink. She sighed in defeat and held her hands up. “Ya got me. I surrender.”
“Not falling for the same trick, again.” He still has his finger on the trigger. He was tricked the first time when Tundra had swept him off his feet, causing him to lose his balance.
“Shoot..! Thought it would’ve worked a second time..” She had been toying with the new disciple for a month and a half. It’s about to time to end today’s session. “I mean it, this time. I, Tundra shall admit defeat. Now, can you help me up?” She asked, extending an arm.
Fynn lowered his weapon and reached out his hand to Tundra. He pulled her up with a bit of strength left. He was completely drained from today. “So, that’s it for now?” He panted, lightly. He was wondering how long has he been cooped up in this dusty old dojo? After every session, he felt homesick. He really misses his girlfriend, Eimie and the rest of his friends and family.
“You’re worried about your friends, eh?” Tundra can read him like a book. She glanced over to see the calendar. Today’s July 5th and it's 11:00 pm, which is close to Fynn’s 20th birthday. “Since you’ve improved well since the beginning, I guess I’ll let you go for a few days.” She’s got some other errands to run while he’s away from the dojo.
Fynn’s eyes lit up when she said it. “F-For realsies?! I can return back to Inkopolis?!” He’s not sure if she was joking or not. Definitely not.
Tundra nodded happily. “You’re free to go for the time being. I got some other things to attend to." She walked upstairs to her own room. She looked back at him and said: "Hurry along, now. It'd be best to return home and rest.” She waved goodbye to him and proceed to take a nap in her room.
Several minutes later, Fynn was returning home from Octo Valley with his stuff in tow. It's already nighttime and everyone's either asleep or enjoying their evening. Once he made it home safely, he noticed a certain purple squid on the rooftop. She seemed very sad and lonely, which made Fynn worry. ("Eimie... please forgive me for leaving you....")
Eimie was about to get back down until she had noticed the random squid who is super jumping to her on the rooftop. Hopefully, it doesn't disturb the other neighbors. She was startle at first until she saw Fynn, right next to her. "F-F-Fynny..?!" Eimie stared up at Fynn, shaking like a leaf. It's been a month in a half since Fynn was missing. Not only Eimie was worrying about her boyfriend, but Team Pinkognito's Angie, Maye, and Dewey. Without warning, she hugged him tightly. "W-Where on earth have you been?! We were worried sick..!!" She began to sob.
"Shhh.. It's okay.. I'm here now... I'll explain this til' morning.." Fynn wrapped his arms around her waist and shushed her. It didn't take long for Eimie to calm herself down from the uncontrollable sobbing. All it matters is that he returned back to Inkopolis for the weekend.
Once the sun raises on the horizon, Fynn got plenty of good sleep with Eimie. For some odd reason, the nightmares were gone after each training session with Tundra. Now, Fynn was sitting by the dinning room table and he was face-to-face with Eimie. She was waiting for an answer from Fynn after so long.
"If you're wondering about my disappearance, I was out in Octo Valley. I met a pro battler like me who knows more about mobility and endurance. Her name is Tundra and she's my personal trainer at her own Battle Dojo. I've been training for at least a month in a half. Soon, I'll be finshed for a couple of months. It's a good thing, I got here in time to see you." Fynn smiles for a bit until he stared down at the table. "I'm sorry for making you and my friends worry like this.."
Without warning, Eimie flicked him on the forehead, causing Fynn to cover his forehead in pain. "You just don't go off without telling me, dork.." She couldn't stay mad at him after his explanation. She kissed the bruised spot on his forehead to make it feel better. "How about I make you some breakfast? You seemed starving from the training." She walked over to the kitchen to fetch some pancake mix, bacon, and eggs.
"I have been eating fruit because I'm staying fit." A little fattening wouldn't hurt him. He'll just burn off the calories during a light jog.
A few moments later, Fynn was feeling satified and refreshed after breakfast. It's great to have a girlfriend who can cook, as long as Fynn cleans the entire apartment room with ease. Fynn was sitting on the couch, reading all the birthday wishes, not to mention the "please come back safe" messages from his friends. He scheduled a meeting at his place in response. He sent the same message to both Sky Splash and Kriller Bees.
Once he was done with his phone, he noticed Eimie was about to leave. "We're you heading off too, babe?" Fynn asked, feeling curious. Before he left Inkopolis, he'd noticed that Eimie went off to see Eika.
"I'm going to stop by the grocery store and pick up some food and drinks. Just in case if your friends show up." Suddenly, Eimie gave him a kiss on the lips. "It won't take long, Fynny. Don't go anywhere~" Who knows what would happen if Eimie starts to worry again.
Fynn did some summer cleaning around the apartment while Eimie was out to buy some groceries. It's been an hour or two to make preparation for their arrival. As he was about done with cleaning, he heard a light knock on the front door. He spun around and made his way to the door. "I'm coming!" He said, before unlocking the door and opening it. Suddenly, he was immediately glomped by another pink inkling with a straw boater hat.
"Ohmygosh, you're back!! I've been trying to reach you, but you didn't answer and..." Fynn's teammate, Maye blurted out quickly. She was later, shushed by her twin brother; Dewey.
"Calm down, sis. He's not dead or anything." Dewey's gaze was focused on his captain. "Seriously, Fynn. Where on earth have you been? As a captain like yourself, you shouldn't just leave without an explanation. Everybody knows that."
And then, there's Angie with her roomate, Mysti. "The other two are arriving, shortly. Unfortunately for Dawn and Hanzo, they're both busy at the moment.. And Hunni's team aren't going to make it because they're already training for the tournament.." Behind Angie, Mysti was standing there and looking over her roommates shoulder. The Mimic Octoling seems to be a bit concerning about Fynn's health.
"I'm relieved, you're alright..!" She stepped closer to him and checked for any scars or injuries. She noticed that Fynn's face still has a bit of dirt from outside. ("There's no mistaken it.. He must've been training hard.. I know someone who would do such a thing...") She rubbed her chin until she looked up into Fynn's gaze. "There are no major injuries on your body. That's good."
Fynn was rather exhausted after each session. During training, he didn't whine or complain and he takes it easy on his own pace. "Of course, I'm alright. There's no need tp worry about me. Noow then, let's all sit down and I'll tell you what really happened." Everyone including Fynn sat down on either the couch or the floor. Before Fynn could confess, there was another knock at the door. He quickly opened the door ro reveal his cousin, Skyla and Scorpia. "Hey, cousin! Scorp! Come sit with us. I was just about to tell you my story." He went back to his seat.
"Where the hell were you for the past few weeks!? Dawn, Aunt Cherry, AND Uncle Ray were worried sick about you!" The tiny inkling sat down with the rest of them. She had already signed the applications for the fall semester and she has gotten the word from Angie.
"......" Scorpia leaned against the wall, crossing her arms. During Fynn's absense, she got a new mask from the new Galleria as a present from her sister, Azalea.
And so, Fynn explained why he was gone. He met a teal-colored inkling at Arowana Mall while Fynn and Dawn were out shopping. He accepted her as her new disciple and began training at her Battle Dojo in Octo Valley. He's been working hard for a month in the half, until he came back to Inkopolis to spend some quality time with the gang for the weekend.
I see.. So, that's why you kept this to yourself? And what about your nightmares that Eimie me mentioned about..?" Angie said, still worried about him.
"I.. kinda forgotten all about that during training. I slept well, I ate well, and there's nothing wrong with me." Fynn shrugged. He stopped worrying about himself and others, just his main purpose. "So, there you have it. I've been improving for a month in a half I couldn't bare the thought of letting my teammates down.. No, everyone down.." He lowered his gaze.
Everyone remained silent for a while until Skyla walked up to Fynn. She planted a light and painless jab to his cheek. She looked up at her cousin and smiles. "You really are an idiot by heart, but you're my idiot. There's no need to worry about us. Whatever training you're doing, don't lose faith." Skyla has known him for 6 years when he started moving in with his aunt, Naomi.
"Sky's right. You're still stronger than you think. We'll be there to support you." Scorpia took off her surgical mask and smiles. She's not worrying about revealing her scar on her mouth.
Next up is the Berri Twins. Dewey stepped up to face Fynn. "I've always been frustated because of you. But you're a great addition to the team. I hate to admit it, but I respect you."
Maye nodded, ethusiastically. "I couldn't thank you enough for treating me for ice cream after my rejection, about a year ago. I'm happy to have you as our captain!"
Last but not least, Angie and Mysti approached to Fynn. "You're not a burden to everyone. You've done so much for the past year. You don't need to worry about us, all the time. If you're feeling down, please tell us. Because that's what friends do.." And with that, Mysti nodded happily with her.
Fynn was moved by everyone. He's been worried about his dark past for a while. Angie was right about one thing, he has friends to support him and guide him in the right direction. "Everyone.. Thank you.. You don't know how much this means alot to me.." Fynn was about to shed a tear, but he dried up.
The heart-warming moment was interrupted when his girlfriend immediately opened the door with some groceries in her hand. She looked very shocked and frightened.
"F-Fynn, everyone, You've got to see this!" Eimie cried, reaching for the remote to the TV. She flipped the channels until she found the Inkopolis News.
"Eimie.. What's going o-" Fynn stopped his sentence when he saw there's no Great Zapfish on the tower in Inkopolis PLaza. It's been captured again. But they were far from over. Everyone was questioning about Callie's disappearance. Once the news is over, everyone went silent again.
"M-Missing..?!" Mysti gasped. She knows who is behind all of this. The Mimic Octoling has heard about her kind's attempt at stealing the Great Zapfish once. She's got a bad feeling about this.
"W-What happened to Callie?! I thought, she was going to do a fan meeting at Starfish Mainstage..!" Maye panicked, a bit.
("This can't be happening.. At a time like this..?!") As a former agent like Fynn, he used to defend Inkopolis during situations like this one. Now that the Great Zapfish is missing again, they'll lose power for good. He needs to find Tundra and fast. Maybe, they'll investigate the problem and inform a Squidbeak Splatoon member. If only Agent 3 was here.
"E-Everybody, remain calm!!" Eimie stood in the middle of the group. "We still have generators, in case of emergency. For the meantime, I brought snacks and drinks over. Ain't that right, Fynn?" She looked around to find Fynn, but he vanished without a trace. Eimie's heart felt cold. "F-Fynn..?! Fynn..!!" She cried out, but he was long gone.
The group searched for Fynn as well, still no use. He must've snuck out to find help while Eimie was talking. "Oh no... Where did Fynn go, this time...?" Angie said, worrying about him even more.
Fynn rushed out of the apartment, heading straight towards the Plaza by bike. The situation is starting to take effect. Some of the lights began flickering on and off until the flickering stopped. He must head back to the dojo, before it's too late.
A few moments later, Fynn arrived at the Battle Dojo and he came to a screeching halt. He quickly stepped inside of the dojo and Fynn froze in place. The entire dojo is trashed and covered in fuschia ink. That ink is color is coming from the Octarians. ("There's no mistaken the ink.. It's from the Octarians.. I need to search for Tundra..") Before he could go up the stairs, he heard an eerie and cute giggle from afar.
"Lost, little rat?" A female voice filled Fynn's ears. It wasn't long until one Octoling approached to him with an Octoshot in her hand. If Fynn could see through her new shades, her eyes were filled with inklust. Suddenly, the other three soldiers have surrounded him.
"Okay.. What's going on..?" Fynn looked around to see the 4 Octolings that are aiming at him. Could they be out for revenge from 2 years ago?
"I'll ask the questions here, punk!!" The black-tentacled elite barked at him, causing Fynn to silence himself. "Tell us where Unit-237 is or we'll start splatting you to bits. We've already found your location during your so-called training." She has her finger on the trigger and ready to shoot if he tries to escape or not answer to her question.
Today's been a huge mess for him. There was no Great Zapfish, no sign of Tundra, and worst of all, no escape. The four elite have cornered him in all directions. ("So much for a pleasant weekend from the dojo.. Without my gun or roller, I'm screwed... Unless, I need to think carefully and fast..!") His memories came rushing back to the ankle weights training. Maybe, he could juke them out and outsmart them without his weapons. Fynn's sufficient training with Tundra will be put to good use for odds like this.
To Be Continued...
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awriteratcsssa · 7 years
Day 23 - 10:54 pm
- lazy morning for me and pretty much everyone else. pushed 8 am breakfast squad to 9 am, bc none of us were even awake at 8. 
- bfast: hash browns, fruit
- I headed back to dorms to get some work done. even though I started off by watching youtube, I was actually pretty productive in the morning. a little ways in one of my friends popped in and worked under my roommate’s bed. she and i were the only ones out of our group that weren’t going to the getty field trip. quiet writing solidarity is the best. before lunch, I had about 900 of the 1000 word minimum done, so I was doing pretty well.
- lunch: tofu and turkey nachos! technically not nachos bc no cheese, which was a discussion I had with said friend. so I guess I had chips with toppings?
- laundry time! once again, the laundry room was relatively empty, so I had no trouble finding open washers and dryers. I set a timer this time so that I could head back to my dorm instead of wait in the laundry room. by the time laundry was done, I was totally done with my nonfic piece. yay!
- I don’t really even know what I spent the rest of the time doing. I surfed the internet, talked to some friends, wrote a blog post. at around 4 my friend left to take a nap. we met up again at 5:30.
- dinner: baked potato w/ vegetarian chili 
we got to meet up with all of our field trip friends! seems like they had a good time.
- I took a shower back at dorms with conditioner bc the ends of my hair were so dry. I decided to just put on my pjs bc why not. I headed over to my friend’s room, where three of us hung out before the movie screening at the bijou.
- the movie showing was What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, a psychological thriller/horror film from 1962. before the movie began, we got some background of the tumultuous relationship between the two stars of the film, Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. we even got to see an exclusive press clip that was filmed by a CalArts student who had snuck into the Oscars. then the movie began. it was one hell of a ride, and the screams and groans of the audience only added to the atmosphere. i’m not typically one for horror films, but i’m so glad I went to see this one.
- we stopped by the computer lab, but it wasn’t open (even though it was 9:30 and the lab is supposed to be open ‘til 10.) then we returned to my friend’s dorm, where I cut my fingernails and she put rollers in her hair. after, we made a stop at the vending machines and another friend’s room, who is stocked with matcha snacks. I stayed with new friend for a little. she was (probably still is) going slightly crazy with Asian food cravings and binge watching YouTube food videos. how relatable.
- headed back to my dorm with 10 minutes until hall curfew. since, I really haven’t done much. tmrw starts the last week of classes, and I am so, so not ready. but alack, we must go forward.
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beshtravel · 7 years
This trip is one of my strenuous escapades yet fulfilling.
We did an inter-island adventure for four days and three nights. Let me start with my first ever solo flight since the three of them were already in Iloilo a day ahead of me. The plane ride was quite fine although I did not have enough (beauty) sleep due to excitement.
I will post our itinerary in a separate blog just let me narrate our experience.
Our first stop arrived was Campuestohan Resort in Alangilan. It is an hour jeep ride municipality from Bacolod City. We patiently wait for the jeep to be fully occupied before heading to the place. The queue was not part of our itinerary but we still manage to reach the next destination at the desired time.
Campuestohan is a highland resort and said to be the New Zealand of the Philippines. They have numerous outdoor activities for family and barkada outing. They also have various structures which made my heart jump to long for beautiful pictures with them. (See photos for ideas) We did not have the luxury of time to try every amenities of the resort but we were able to try their ice cold infinity pool. It was relaxing and freezing at the same time. After a hot day of strolling and traveling from air to seas to land, we all deserve the coolness the pool could offer.
*We haggled the jeepney driver to be our official ride from Bacolod City to Campuestohan to The Ruins 😉
After our short visit at Campuestohan we headed to “The Ruins”, one of Bacolod’s gems. We planned and fulfill the plan of being in The Ruins with the sun up til the sun went down.
There were not much tourists in the place when we arrived. We had a chance to tour the place, take pictures, enjoy their live music (which is very soothing in the ears), and taste their pizza. We had an ample time to own the place before a bunch of people invade the area. Mostly of them were like us who would like to witness the beauty of the relics during the golden hour. The most inviting look of the mansion is during twilight, it’s when they start to light up the place with golden bulbs. I was mesmerized by its fine details which were beautified by the lights and the ambiance.
We ended our day with a walk with our pasalubongs.
In our second day, we woke up early to catch the first trip to Cadiz City. We were in the bus already as early as 5 in the morning. It was an hour trip so we were able to have some nap. From the bus terminal we rode a tricycle for P120 (we divided it by 4 so we only paid P30 each), it was like a 30 minutes amazing ride. Amazing in a way that they’re like driving a mustang and not a tricycle haha. Anyways, from the wharf we took a boat and arrived at Lakawon Island safely.
Lakawon offers a nice view for picture taking and cool ambiance. The water is quite itchy though I think because of the seaweeds and jellyfish, so swimming is not so recommended that time.
Lakawon island offers a lot of picture perfect spots. It is a white sand island with pretty cottages and landscapes.  One of the best the resort have is it’s floating bar which is the largest in Asia. There are several aqua activities in the bar but we opted to just lay in their comfy bed around the bar and drink (I just drank an iced tea only).  Their drinks are quite pricy though,  little drink,  food and chit chat would suffice the clamor for relaxation.  We spent a couple of hours in the bar doing nothing but savored the moment.
We then took a trip back to Iloilo City around 11 am to catch the last trip of the bus bound for Carles. We did catched the bus but did not expect the ride to be so long.  It took us 4hours to arrive in our destination.  It was around 9 pm when we jump off the bus and we’re all hungry but there was no available food house at the moment. We were thankful that the caretaker/owner of the inn we checked inn cooked some instant noodles for us (it was the only available food she could offer according to her). Ate was very accommodating and welcoming.
We washed up early the next morning for our day tour at Gigantes Island which was scheduled to depart from the port at 8 am that day.  We ate our breakfast in a carendia near the port to warm up our stomachs. The tour actually came late for about an hour so we aboard the boat at around 9 am.  I had fun on our journey to the island. I enjoyed the water flashing in our faces it’s like we already had a bath with that alone.
The first stop of the tour was the Cabugao Gamay island which is I guess the most famous of the islands since a lot of Gigantes featured photos are taken there. We did a little rock climbing to reach the photo opt area of the island.  It was a short climb in a rocky cliff with some sort of staircases design for the tourists’ convenience. The scenery though can relief the tiring trek. It is beautifully awesome. Another tourist attraction in the Isla is the “Tangke” or Lagoon. It was low tide when we went there so we were able to enjoy the center portion for picture taking (hehe). The sad part is that we were not able to try to cliff jump as planned in the lagoon. However the sadness was washed away by the lunch (inclusive in the day tour we availed).
There were a LOT of scallops, crabs and binakol na native manok. It was the most sumptuous lunch we ever had during this trip (hahaha) so we ate with all our belly powers.
After lunch we had a short stop over at Antonia’s Island Beach Resort. They offer water activities such as banana boat and Jet Ski. I saw a number of foreign nationals in the island which means that the place is now known internationally. The crystal water was very inviting that we really swim without any hesitation even the biting heat was not able to stop us. We headed back to Carles port afterwards.
Tip: The fresh water in the island is worth P30.00 per gallon as I remembered so it is advisable to wash in the port instead wherein you’ll just pay 20 pesos for taking a bath.
We just did a quick wash up to catch the bus’ last trip thinking that the unit parked in the port is the bus that will take us back to Iloilo. But guess what?! We thought it wrong because the bus is broken. We decided to call the van dispatcher we met earlier. He told us that we could ride a van from Balasan (Municipality prior to Carles). We rode a tricycle for 30 minutes to Balasan and paid P250 (we divided it by 5 because a solo traveler joined our group in the ride).
We arrived in Iloilo terminal around 7 pm and headed to Ong Bun Inn to check in.  We bought some food and ate dinner in nearby establishments. We took turns in the comfort room to take our shower then went to bed. We were in Ilo-ilo International Airport around 7:30 am and safely arrived in Davao around 9:40 am. The other two went home directly while the two of us went to Abreeza to feed our pets (tummy).
All in all it was an unforgettable and exciting adventure that we had. The road trip with the public transport, the walk, the sun burn, the sand, the sea, everything was wonderful.
  From the City of Smiles Bacolod to the City of Sweet Ilonggos Iloilo This trip is one of my strenuous escapades yet fulfilling. We did an inter-island adventure for four days and three nights.
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shytiff · 3 years
September 2021
1 - MTBS 0 pt. tried out kopsus from jannor coffee with gofood pickup promo (10k). it tasted nutty and yummy even though it seems to use regular milk. but its kinda hot. the ac was not satisfactory. finished up the word for Prof. bought jasuke on the way back. filled out IDI form since i still have energy. 
2 - mtbs again but this time its 3 patients at the same time. vcalled with kris. bought some snacks in hypermart. exercised a bit and played badminton with renata. watched 3 eps of nanno. 
3 - my body aches and it will be wonderful to sleep again but its already 6:40. usila today. the ac in kamar jaga was no longer cold. finally finished moms box of brownies from like 2 weeks ago. read dear benjamin. got to enjoy some silence because i napped before maghrib and the others slept early. 
4 - vaccine in GCD with teh fitri, teh fany and teh rahmi. about 440ish patients. gossiped about cibeber lmao. watched the hitman’s bodyguard. samuel and ryan was hilarious. 
5 - morning walk with renata. saw cilegon’s cfd. cleaned up the room accompanied by howl’s soundtrack. made spaghetti with instant bolognese sauce, egg and cheese. o seven with tri nagita. just saw prof’s email from 2nd sept, shit. tried to get some headspace to do ppt.
6 - bp with nessa (originally kia/ugd). except therere some patients in ugd lol. did excision for clavus (1st timer!) and hecting. fried tempe (1st timer!) using someone’s leftover oil lmaooo
7 - BP with zihan. had spaghetti combined with cheese egg and mom’s chicken for lunch. instant bloating :). drank hot matcha to curb the bloat. planked. ate muesli lol. did not do anything significant today :( started the origin of species. 
8 - vaccine today except it starts at 10:30 since we’re waiting for the mayor. so i hung out on the screening table since the doctor room was hot. vaccine with dr lutfi. watched homcha and nanno. fell asleep
9 - vaccine with bang esa and other staffs in smp 8 cikerai. its apparently the highest point in cikerai. finished at 12-ish pm and we ate buffet lunch lol. made matcha latte again. this time with almost 1 spoon of sugar so it tastes good. i missss matcha. read 1 webinar ppt so i guess thats a little but its something. rip attention span
10 - usila. tried A BIT of duren from bu Tur for dr isip but its enough to make me retch lmao. was given labbaik chicken by bu oo. Some exercise. rly tried to make some progress but my brain just cant seem to muster
11 - kia/ugd. Some ugd patients. Spaghetti for lunch yay. Originally intended to go to cafe but i ended up falling asleep :) tried to get some progress for PPT. Involved a lot of staring into nothing. Slept at like 00:30ish am
12 - morning walk slash jog. The jogging track was finally open. Went to jannor. Ordered kopsus and meatball potato dish with gofood takeaway promo (spent a total of 30k) . The staff kindly asked whether i want to eat there or to actually takeaway lol. The meatball truly tasted like meat. The mashed potato was a bit dry. The weather was grey and cloudy, exactly my favorite. First time cooking kangkung
13 - vaccine today. 20-ish patients. Alone in kamar jaga since nessa went to mass vaccine. Zoom call with Prof. Dyed my hair blue in flow salon (1200K). got free manicure, It took 5 hrs 😅. another firsts in life. both the nail tech and hair tech said my hair was dry lmao. arrived in mess at 9ish pm. ordered nasgor in front of mess
14 - mi rebus for bfast. not too much patients for vaccine so i finished at like 10 am. napped at kamar jaga. got free rice box from dr arief etc yay :)))) got mochacinno at jannor. tried to do sumn useful but cannot. still no ppt progress aaa. watched homcha ep 6 together
15 - vaccine in al hanif. tried chicken-cakwe porridge near the school. the school was an all girls school, with ppl wearing long veils. tried to fit the placement test from cakap (12-1 pm) during the vaccination lol. had to excuse myself to the ssaem during photo sesh. napped so i could see the 17 pm cakap class but i ended up napping until close to 18 :) saw the 19 am class with lukas ssaem
16 - spaghetti for bfast. usila today. this dumbass forgot to wear komin and wore her rubber slip ons. turns out theres some money from al hanif vaccine. which is great bcs there’s literally no paper money in my wallet lmaoo. rested a bit. dr eva called and she gave me a ppt and chapter book job. sheeet theres no progress yet of Prof’s ppt. a wake up call. whatsapped with frends that planned to go to cilegon this weekend, but it ended up being the next weekend. thank god, because dr eva’s ppt deadline is 24th sept. set myself up on a spot in the vanity table so i can work in a chair (i frfr find it difficult to work on my own bed)
17 - some patients in UGD. Slept while waiting for 2 pm. Held off my sleepiness for zoom with dr Eva. 5pm cakap class. Matcha latte. 7pm zoom w dr eva. Fell asleep after that
18 - bp. Turns out teh imey also dyed her hair. cakap class abt bts' spring day lol. Worked on dr eva's ppt
19 - jogged a bit. had kopsus (20K) and fish fillet rice (27K). finished dr eva’s ppt with the given material so far. napped in mess. dr eva also revised the ppt on the same day so there’s 2 slides left (patient clinical profile and conclusion). took some time for me to get the headspace to work on ppt so i started prof’s ppt at like 7-ish. only got 1 slide. stayed awake until 11ish but i basically stopped doing useful stuff at 9 TT TT
20 - vaccine today, finished at 10 am. lounged around. went to bni to check on m-banking, still system error. transferred 3mil from my BNI atm to muamalat. tried nasi goreng roa and cakalang with added chicken shreds (20K). so goood. conversed with nessa zihan. did not open my laptop at all :) stopped by at rodalink bcs nessa wanted to buy a bike. drank matcha latte in an effort to curb sleepiness. worked on Prof’s ppt. fried the frozen kebab (35K) i bought from teh Rahmi. 
21 - vaccine P3K w teh yeni teh rahmi mas oim. 3 patients. Ate some gorengan and talked lol. Did the abstract and ppt for dr eva. Worked on Prof's ppt.
22 - usila w mas oim. Had banana, bolu and protein for bfast. Ordered nasgor roa cakalang from bakuku for lunch. Felt suuuuper sleepy afterwards. Wanted to sleep again in mess but couldnt. Washed my shitton of clothes with washing machine. Heavyyy. Worked more on PPT. Too much denial this week
23 - picked some groceries @ bu rum. Kia/ugd today. Its been a while since i last checked DJJ. Successful first attempt but fail in the 2nd bcs the baby is still floating. Cooked meat and veggies with nessren. Jannor and kopsus again. Worked on ppt til my head hurts. Its a little bit more to gooo.
24 - bp. Made myself bento with nugget and left over veggies. Finished the smol details of the ppt and finally sent it. Watched shangchi @ transmart w chillegone. The film was fun! We cooked soup at mess and tri made perkedel. Watched homcha ep7. Slept
25 - Vaccine but there was no vaccine, so I went to UKK @ villa ternak cikerai with pkm peeps. its like opening a clinic but somewhere in hills area. got treated to bakso and tempe mendoan afterwards. lazed around in my bed, with no info from jkt friends who wanted to visit but suddenly they arrived lmao. went to amaris to catch up with them. thankfully it was not hourly parking. ate at saung bonang near the billiard place with heri joining us. total bill for five was 126 lmao its rly pocket friendly. heri borrowed my motorbike bcs his friend’s place doesnt have car park. thank god we brought the bike
26 - me and racheel went downstairs to get the hotel bfast. packed fruits, tempe and bread upstairs lol. put our stuffs in royal krakatau. took maxim to pulau kecil. turns out pak asep changed his number. it was raining there, so we sat a bit and got mie rebus. had lunch at amirang (my treat). there was only us inside. the food was okay but the meat was rly overpriced for its amount. went back to the hotel. went to indomaret and mess with racheel to get my stuff. my stupid impatient ass dropped atikah’s brand new iphone while pulling the hotel towel from the bathroom rack. im sorryyyyy. racheel and i swam until maghrib. atikah told us abt her boy “friend”. slept early at like 9-10ish with the usual width but longer leg space
27 - and suddenly its time to go to puskesmas. asked nessa to bring my shoes. said goodbye to friends. BP. there were a lot of patients. kanayam for lunch. i bought shades lol bcs i commute against the sun in the morning. cakap club. watched homcha. fell asleep
28 - vaccine. finished at like 10:30. tried to go to bni to install mbanking but the queue was like 20 ppl. did the outline for the red book. liqo with kak kartika. zoom meeting with dr eva. fell asleep again
29 - vaccine in sma 3 cilegon (cikerai) with bang esa and others. finished at like 2-ish pm. got 750K hehehe. mentoring with dr. Arnadi about KKD and HHS. bought rotbak with nessa. showered and cleaned and fell asleeep
30 - cooked tempe with leftover kanayam chili sauce. bp again. saw interesting cases today, such as fixed drug eruption. bought phd from gofood promo. went to jannor and got the usual kopsus with added espresso (since the min amount for gofood pick up promo was 25k). tried to do prof’s script but cannot, so i searched the literatures needed for dr eva’s project
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