#too often. and like sure FE has been pretty decent about having poc characters throughout its run
dmclemblems · 2 years
@themoomoorn replied:
The fact that fans really don't seem bothered by the extra racist baggage and implications that get thrown Almyra's way in exchange for frothing about Cyril and the fact that the route puts the onus of change on the church and Fodlan itself and excuses most of Claude's behavior...like dude
For sure, and all the comments I see that say Claude was fair and just, yadda yadda, always leave out how terrible Almyra gets portrayed in this game. I mean in Houses it wasn’t... totally great and there were still some unfortunate undertones happening, but it’s blown to extremes in Hopes.
Notably from what I’ve seen, it’s the people who support the actions in GW that never mention the Almyran problem, or the fact that it’s the poc characters who are doing the morally questionable things. I remember when the game script leaked and my first thoughts about GW were “oh great, of course it’s the only brown main character who does all the shitty things”. Then I got deeper into it with the Nader and Shahid stuff, Claude declaring war on all of the rest of Fodlan, and of course let’s not forget them trying to squeak the King of Almyra’s bullshit treatment of his own child by with lol he was half asleep.
Because to be frank, it’s pretty Not Cool to me when I see that the Almyran King specifically is one of the worst parents in the game. I’d even say what he does is borderline abusive. There are only a small number of other dads in the game that are actually scummy, like... you know, Mercedes’ father, who... you know, died because Jeritza looked at him and went “wow, scum of the earth who deserves to die”.
Part of why I didn’t like GW is because it felt so... icky seeing how Almyra and especially Claude and Nader got handled. I wish they just left the morally questionable things in Edelgard’s route like they did with CF instead of deciding their fandom’s waifu was more important than an unoriginal storyline about the brown people being invaders and all that. 🙃
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