#too much stimulai
theredhairing40 · 6 years
too much stimulai= avoid at all costs?
The Blogger: Even if I was to socialize, why would I do it in a environment that is too much stimulai? What good would that do??
Strange Boy: I wonder the same thing sometimes... I guess I'll never know for sure ._.
The Blogger: No one will... they don't know what it's like to be us.
Strange Boy: Mainly because they never ask, they always assume.
The Blogger: Exactly!
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Week 7 - Initial Idea Presentation
After some independent research, the group combined all the information before class to develop the idea ahead of the presentation. We added some background information, for instance, I looked into Victorian methods of treating depression (then called ‘melancholy’) and how they actually tried to manipulate the senses too. They played with the senses, prescribing alcohol, immersing oneself in beautiful scenery, etc. In addition to this, we looked at psychological aspects of emotion, noting which parts of the brain are involved and how colours act as stimulai. The group member in charge of medical advertisements is a Film student and so managed to collate very fitting examples from the 1950s as a source of inspiration and the feedback on this was one of the better aspects. Our group’s Architecture student also brought in a small model as a visual aid for our final presentation’s doctor’s office. 
The idea was added to by adding a second layer in which a more futuristic generation was invented - mothers, during ultrasound scans, would have children rendered emotionless. This is sold as ‘for their own good’, as too much emotion is seen as unhealthy while buying them for short periods is acceptable. 
Feedback from the tutors was to make the idea more obvious in its political/social/economic/cultural intentions. 
The group was quite put off by earlier criticisms and while I originally agreed, I felt it was needed to refine the ideas. I was actually not keen on the idea of ultrasound scans for emotionless children for two reasons; firstly, it was only suggested by one member who was adamant on it, and secondly, it was over-complicating the palimpsest. What we needed to focus on was a product that has all four aspects (political, social etc) rather than a complex backstory that is more detailed than the final outcome.
In addition to this, I was beginning to feel my strengths were not being used as I was assigned the history of emotion management despite making it clear that I have a big interest in philosophy and could add some concepts from Stoicism (for example) which spoke of anger and fear of death. I also have an interest in figures such as Freud and Jung whereas nobody else knew of them to my surprise and yet someone else researched them, and not too well either.
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