#too much pretense shortens ones life span
tobaitfishwith · 2 years
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fur dogs
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03. Animals
AU Grace and Simon story. Takes place in the instance that they never got on the train, but crossed paths and became friends. But, for the sake of anyone who wants to view it as a series, I’ll number them. 2095 words TW: violence
Grace got out of the car and strutted to the music shop. She looked around thoughtfully until her driver left, then she left too. Simon was waiting for her at the train stop. Whenever her driver came back in an hour, no, she wouldn’t be there, but this adventure was gonna be worth it. Simon’s dad recently went back to the military and he had made sure his mom had everything she needed for a bit. He and Grace were going to go on a hike around the creek. 
Simon had a map and showed her the areas where there were certain animals, certain bugs and stuff to look out for. She had been hiking many times, just not out here. It was such a nice journey, too. The scenery was pretty and green. She liked water and she and Simon had a play fight where they splashed each other before she took off running and he gave chase. She picked some flowers for them and began tangling them around. “You know, whenever you pick flowers, you shorten their lifespan,” he said.
“I know that they’re just flowers and I don’t care about their life span,” she said.
He laughed, “There are people whose lifespans I don’t even care about, if I’m being honest.” She smiled and nodded. They didn’t need to elaborate. Adults were awful and their parents were the worst and nothing anybody could say would change that fact for them. 
“Here,” she said, and placed a flower crown on top of his head. He posed for her with a duckface and gave her a little shoulder action. “Dainty,” she said, with a smile. Simon plucked another flower and settled it into the side of her curls. Now, it was her turn to strike a pose. 
The sunlight made her skin glow and the flower was the least of the beauty for him. “Beautiful,” he whispered, solemnly. 
 She giggled and nodded, “I know. Just GORGEOUS, I’m sure.” She pulled out a mirror to check herself out, adjusted the flower a little and turned to check her entire face. “Oh! Let’s take a selfie!”  She grabbed her cell phone, and they began to pose together and snap photos. They took turns taking singles of the other too, and eventually stopped for lunch. 
Simon laid a thin blanket down and Grace pulled out the containers of food. They were laughing and talking when Simon froze and Grace turned to see a couple of guys come through the bushes. She raised an eyebrow at Simon’s reaction, then continued eating, electing to ignore them, for now. SImon wasn’t doing such a good job of that, himself.
“Hey. Who’s this?” One of them asked. 
Simon turned red in the face and Grace noticed his breathing increase, but she didn’t stop eating. Instead, she smiled at the guy and said, “The name’s Grace,” and popped a piece of honeydew melon into her mouth. She left off Monroe on purpose. There were times that she would mention it on purpose, but she felt like this was the kind of situation where it would do more harm than good.
The speaking bully came over to her, and she casually finished off her fruit, licking her fork while he moved into her personal space. Simon was furious. It was bad enough whenever they messed with him,  but if they were going to try to mess with Grace too, Simon wasn’t sure what he might do to them. 
“You ought not to be alone with this kid. Sometimes, girls don’t come back whenever they’re left along with him,” he said, reaching towards Grace’s face or hair or… something. None of them were certain what his plans were, but it was quickly looking like he was about to touch her. 
Simon was ready to respond angrily, but before he even had the chance to react, Grace had stabbed the boy in his supporting hand with her fork, then elbowed him in the face with a loud groaning yell. Simon froze for a moment, as did the other two bullies. Everyone but her gasped.
Grace leapt to her feet, effortlessly, reached for her bag, swung it several times and slammed it into the dude’s face. He was screaming and fell, with his head spinning, unable to get up. She withdrew her fork from his hand, and beckoned his friends to her, but they took off running. 
Simon came over smiling, as she reached for the head bully’s collar and pulled him to face her, “What you said about my friend was really mean. Do you see how that could be taken as mean?” He nodded. He was clearly confused and scared. She sounded super sweet in her tone, but what she had just shown him was that she was anything but... “Okay, cool! Then, you know that you did this to yourself.” The much larger boy began to pee on himself and cry. Grace and Simon started laughing at him. 
Grace stopped laughing first and the abrupt way that she did and the look in her eyes terrified the bully even more. “I hate bullies. My dad is a bully. My mom is a bully. If I could, I’d drown them in this creek and hide their bodies. But, I can’t. However… Here YOU are…” Her sweet voice was gone. Her pretenses down. She looked terrifying. Simon was proud to be near her.
“Please… please… don’t…”
“Oh? Does death now somehow mean something to you? It didn’t a moment ago when you so blatantly disrespected the memory of my friend’s poor baby sister who lost her life way too soon. Now, it’s serious, I guess?” He nodded, crying and apologizing. She reached into her bag and pulled out a tube of lipstick. She drew a DO NOT sign on his face and promised him, “If you ever mess with Simon again, I’ll come after you, and next time, it won’t be lipstick. It’ll be my knife.” She opened her knife and stabbed it into the ground beside his head. 
As soon as she let go of him, he crawled first, then pulled himself up as he ran. She watched and laughed. “Nice meeting youuuuu!” 
Her adrenaline was pumping, blood was racing through her system and her heartbeat was loud in her ears and oh so quick. She had never stood up for herself before and it felt stupendous. It was such a rush to FINALLY not be scared or weak. She felt like she could take on the entire world at this moment.
Simon hugged her from behind and she enveloped his arms with hers, coming down only a little at the realization that he was still there with her. Nobody had ever done anything like that for him before, and even though they had been friends, there was still something so moving about her jumping so quickly to defend him.
“Do you think he’ll spread the message, or should we track down the other two?” She wondered, turning in his arms to look at him. 
He looked super excited and they both knew in that moment that their hearts were in the same place. “I think seeing is believing, but experience gives it a little umph. We should track them down!”
She stepped back, took a few more breaths, with this maniacal smile that fit perfectly with Simons’s, turned, sputtered air through her lips, pointed her knife forward and said, “Let’s get them.” 
When Grace finally got back to the music shop, covered in dirt and sweat and a few specks of blood from taking turns punching in the face of one of those boys, the driver was upset, but relieved. She had texted him that she got sidetracked, hours ago, but he hadn’t been convinced that she hadn’t finally decided to run away until he saw her and Simon coming back. Simon had a little bit more blood on him and the driver put up his hand and asked, “Do we need to call in someone to clean up after you two?”
Simon laughed and asked, “That’s an option?”
Grace said, “No!” in her most dismissive voice to the driver and slapped Simon playfully, “Simon and I went hiking and whenever we were having a picnic, we got attacked by a few animals.” The way that she said animals was a different tone than the way that she said other things. “We defended ourselves and all is good.” 
Simon laughed, reminiscing. It felt good to finally get those guys back. He’d tried to fight them off before, but they were bigger and outnumbered him and he guessed that some part of him felt like maybe he must’ve deserved it. He fought back because survival instincts made him, but the thought that he didn’t deserve it didn’t even really occur to him until Grace told him so. And the thought of avenging himself probably never would have dawned on him. Grace was… a savior. He looked at her with a twinkle in his eye.
“We’re taking Simon home,” she said.
“We absolutely are not! It’s bad enough you’ve got animal blood on you. Simon has it all over him! He’s not getting into this car.”
“I’ll clean it out, myself!” She said.
“When have you ever cleaned anything?” the driver asked. 
“I shower, every night!” 
“That’s not the same!”
“Grace… I’m gonna be okay. Actually, I think I’m gonna walk home. Kinda feel like being with my thoughts a little bit.” He pulled his hoodie over himself and it covered up the blood, as most of it was on his upper body. “Goodnight.”
“Let me know when you get home safely!” She insisted.
“Will do.”
Whenever the driver opened the door for her, he said, “I find it hard to believe that you and Simon punched predatory animals. Whatever happened today… You need to be careful, Grace. It’s not like you to run off and come back looking like you’ve been in a bare knuckle brawl!”
“It’s not a brawl if they don’t get any shots, amirite? HEYOOOO!” She lifted her hand for a high five. He looked serious. “Look… Just… I’ll tell my parents that there was an impromptu concert, I made the bad decision to go, and I got knocked around in the mosh pit. I read it in a book, so it’s a thing. You don’t have to worry about me getting you into any trouble.” She got into the car and he shut the door. That wasn’t what worried him.
Grace opened her bag. She looked at a few items. A fork, a pair of glasses and an earring. She smiled to herself. Simon had given her two of those things that he snatched off of the boys… as tribute of sorts. She should’ve gotten something off of that big ox, too. The fork was gonna have to do. She was gonna keep these mementos in a special place. 
Simon shoplifted a blank journal. Yeah, he could’ve saved up for it, but also, the owner of the shop was a rich jerk who thought he was suspicious, so in Simon’s mind, might as well give him a reason to hate. He spent a long time in the shower that night. He was sore and filthy. He put everything in the laundry, peeked into his mother’s room. She was snoring and Samantha was practically sitting right on her face. How did Samantha even get in there? Oh well. 
He picked up the flower crown that Grace had made him. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to salvage it, but he took the flowers and wrapped them in wax paper. He’d be able to press them with an iron and have them last for a while. As for the stems, he started to strand them together with some twine and fashioned himself a little hair tie. He hadn’t actually brushed through his hair in a while, but he brushed it back and pulled it into a little tail. 
Most of his hair fell out of the thing, but he didn’t care. Maybe he’d make a bracelet instead? Ugh. Not tonight. He was tired, but... satisfied. He couldn’t remember the last time that he’d crawled into bed feeling so fulfilled. He brought his journal with him and began to write in it about today, but also about Grace, who he also was drawing on the pages, and he was doing so whenever he fell to sleep and had the first night’s peaceful rest that he had gotten in at least two years.
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nsorchidsociety · 7 years
Toward a Society
By Dr. William L. Pierce
I’VE SPOKEN BEFORE  about the intentionally destructive purpose of the mass press in Western society. I have talked about the psychology of liberalism, about that which makes liberals do the mad and harmful things. Today, though, instead of talking about the enemies of our society now, the enemies of our people, let us only speak about our folks and the type of society that we require.
You understand, a society is a really complex thing: it’s similar to a living organism. It reacts to discerning environmental forces, and it evolves. In past ages it was the battle of individuals to live, the competition of our individuals against other peoples, different races, which determined that the nature of our society. Societies which functioned nicely survived. Societies which did not work well perished. Historically, if some crazy liberal came along and could change all of the rules and structures in a society to suit some egalitarian dream of his, the society could sink like a stone, and its people might perish. And that is what is happening to our society now, although it might not be obvious to us due to this time scale. Following the experimenters complete their deadly work, it may take a society 200 years to disintegrate completely and sink from sight. That’s not long by a historical viewpoint, but it is long enough that the majority of the individuals involved never understand what is happening to them.
The society we had in Europe up until the end of the 18th century — or you can say, the many national societies, which really were very much alike when compared with any non-European society — that European society had evolved over a span of many, several generations of our people, and it’d fine itself to our special temperament; it had evolved its institutions and its ways of doing things which satisfied us as a public and allowed us to shape viable, efficient communities. And if we colonized North America and other areas of the world, we introduced the vital portions of our society together with us.
And what exactly were those vital components?
The very first crucial element was sequence. Everyone had a place within our society, whether he was the village blacksmith or even the king, and he understood what that area was. He understood how he fitted in, what his duties were, to whom he owed loyalty and esteem , and to whom he subsequently was not able to give guidance. It was a hierarchical society. There was no pretense that everyone was just as competent or equally as creative or just as brave or as appropriate for leadership as anybody else. People had social rank and social standing and social power commensurate with their societal responsibilities and with their contributions to society.
The second essential feature which our society had was homogeneity. Everyone had the same roots, the same history, the same genes, the same sensibilities. Or at least, there was sufficient genetic similarity, but there was a near family relationship among the individuals, so people knew each other. A village, a state, a nation was like a large, extended family. People felt a feeling of kinship, a feeling of belonging, and a feeling of loyalty and obligation which extended to the whole society. This feeling of belonging, this feeling of a common history and a common destiny, this feeling of individuality, has been that the glue that held the society together and gave it its strength. Plus it gave people their individual strength too. Just knowing who they were, in which they had already been, and where they had been likely made a huge difference in their sense of personal security, in their own ability to plan ahead and be fairly confident of what the future held for them.
This homogeneity and the resultant sense of family, of individuality, has been tens of thousands of years in developing, exactly like the hierarchical arrangement within our society. And we developed, we evolved, along with our society. The type of society we had became imprinted in our genes. Naturally, it was not a perfect society. It was filled with imperfections and problems. We were creating new technologies, by way of instance, and our society did not always have time to correct itself to these innovations before even more innovations came along. However, it was a society in which we were strong and confident and less or more spiritually healthy.
You know, the opponents of societal arrangement and racial homogeneity will attempt to confuse the issue by pointing out we now have a longer life now, our infant mortality rate is much lower, we don’t need to work as difficult to encourage ourselves, we can buy all kinds of shiny gadgets which our ancestors couldn’t, and so on. They want you to feel that these changes came about as benefits of this breakdown of order and the destruction of homogeneity. However, they did not. They are all the outcomes of technological innovation. Our medical scientists learned how to control the diseases which shortened our lives. Our scientists and engineers learned how we could work better. Plus they learned the way to make new tools and new toys for us.
But to be sure, not all of the degenerative changes within our society which have occurred in the past couple of centuries have been the effect of the destructive efforts of the Jews along with the liberals. The Industrial Revolution really was a enormous jolt to our conventional form of society. The Industrial Revolution took people off the farms and from the villages and packaged them into mill cities like sardines in a can. This is a fantastic strain on the old order. The new relationship between mill owner and mill workers was much less wholesome a person as had existed between landowner and employees on the land, nor was the newest, urban life-style as spiritually healthy as the village life-style.
Unrest and revolution have been fomented in the latter part of this 18th century and throughout the 19th and 20th centuries: egalitarianism, Communism, democracy, equal rights, no responsibilities, welfare applications, feminism. The old arrangement was drowned in blood. In France that the aristocrats and the landowners were butchered in response to this resentments which the liberals had stirred up one of the rabble. Afterwards in Russia exactly the same process happened, when the Jewish Bolsheviks eventually gained the upper hand and appeared maybe not only the aristocrats, but everyone who’d worked a little harder and been a bit more successful than the rabble. The   kulaks,the small farmers and landowners, were killed en masse, from the millions, in order to “equalize” Russian society and destroy the last traces of the older, hierarchical order.
And in the societal chaos of the 20th century that the enemies of our people could present their idea of racial equality alongside their idea of social prestige. We were told the descendants of our slaves are equally as good as we are — perhaps better — and so they should turn into our social equals. We should bring them in to our schools and areas, and we should intermarry with them, and we should buy Food Stamps for them with our taxes, and we should provide them preference in hiring and promotions. And we should start our borders to every one of the non-White wretched refuse of the Third World’s teeming shores. They also are our equals, we are told. The more diversity the better. Diversity is our strength. Et cetera. Et cetera. Blah, blah, blah.
We’re too confused and disoriented with the destruction of our social order to withstand this noxious propaganda. So here we are in the end of this 20th century. There are a number of men and women who will attempt to convince you that things never happen to be better. We surely have more equality and less order, more diversity and less homogeneity than ever before. And that clearly suits some individuals, as well as the liberals and the Jews who’ve been pushing for these changes.
Are these changes better for us?
The suicide figures, the medication figures, the crime figures, the divorce figures, and also the mental illness figures give us part of the response. The numbers should help us keep our grip on reality when the Jewish websites attempt to convince us that we need more of the same toxin they’ve been dishing out for long: greater equality, more insanity, more diversity.
And we should be able to check into our own souls for the rest of the response. We should understand we need again to get an ordered, structured society, in which all of us have a place and will probably be valued according to how efficiently we fill that location. We should understand we need again to get a society that is optional, in which we can truly feel a feeling of belonging. We should understand that we need a society in which we’ve got a feeling of permanence and stability, not turmoil and doubt. We should understand that we need a society in which everyone strives for quality, not for an imaginary equality. We should know that in order to become healthy again we desire a society in which we can truly feel a sense of rootedness and obligation, as opposed to the aimless, drifting, rootless, cosmopolitan, egoism which characterizes American society now.
If we are honest with ourselves we understand that we all crave a wholesome society again, we need it. But too a lot of us have allowed ourselves be persuaded by the enemies of our people that the type of society we desire is no longer attainable. Our enemies inform us, “We have destroyed the arrangement on your society. We have made everyone equal, and you dare not attempt and take that equality away. That would be like attempting to take candy from a child. We have opened the candy shop and told every one of the children they can get as far as they need, and it is all free. They all will fight you in case you attempt to change that, if you attempt to inform them they need to make their candies.” And our enemies grin in triumph when they see the way that demoralizes and discourages a lot of us.
Plus they tell us, “We have destroyed the homogeneity on your society. We have substituted your homogeneity with diversity. We have brought every non-White form on the face of the earth in your midst, we have brought them in by the millions, and we have forced you to combine with them. Currently there’s nothing you can do to restore your homogeneity.” And they grin and say, “What can you? Are you going to attempt to root out every non-White and every mongrel and ship all of them away or get rid of these? You don’t have the stomach for that. So you’d better just learn to live with every one of these non-Whites along with mongrels. Pretty soon you’ll be a minority on your land.” Plus they gloat.
And it’s correct, of course, that a lot of us do not yet have the stomach to do what should be done. And thus the suicide rate and the divorce rate and the abortion rate will probably keep rising. The government will keep on creating more prisons. The cults will keep on thriving. And the Jews and the liberals will continue telling us just how wonderful it all is, the way things have been better, how we should appreciate all of the diversity and equality.
But, you understand, all of the while the amount of us who really do have the stomach to do what needs to be achieved will be growing. Our numbers are increasing, since more and more of our folks are coming to understand that the only choice is death: departure for our society, departure for our children, death for our kind. What the Jews and liberals have done to our society is equally deadly. It cannot be sustained.
Order and homogeneity, a feeling of identity and belonging, are not just luxuries for us. They are very essential. Without them our society sickens and dies. The liberals might not be able to understands that, and also the Jews, with their media propaganda, so attempt to keep the rest of us by realizing it, but we may observe the proof of it all around us. And we are determined to do anything we must do to get again a society because of our own type, a society where we can really belong and feel a sense of obligation to, a society in which we have a location and are valued if we fulfill that place nicely, a society based on order and quality and construction and commonality. We’ll have it. We’ll do what’s necessary.
By Free Speech, May 1997, Volume III, Number 5
Video by Omniphi
from Society http://www.nsorchidsociety.com/toward-a-society/
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