#too lazy to individual tag rn so sorry
hongluboobs · 8 months
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Various lobcorp/ruina images I’ve had lying around and like :)
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leyfin · 3 years
Your job sounds really interesting do you get to learn more about different works of art or artists? Whay exactly do you do? Sorry but it sounds interesting to me lol I've always wanted to work in a muesem
i dont work in a museum hehe I work with a digital art database attached to my university (I am at work rn but I'm the only person in the office so I'm just sorting shit and being lazy). however part of the art history degree involves studying museums and the current art market and my professors looooove talking about this shit too. a lot of museum work is unfortunately deeply bureaucratic unless you land specific departments though the bigger ones have a lot more room for curatorial and educational opportunities, but they're also way more competitive and scare the shit out of me -_- art archives are really nice though! I do get to learn more about individual works (the formal art history education is much more focused on broader trends and movements over individuals) because part of the job involves metadata and tagging, so most things require research to tag properly. also they're soooo much chiller than museums
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trensu · 4 years
Tagged by @kailmursher! i honestly don’t remember if i responded to this already /facepalm
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
Name: trensu or xio
Gender: nb
Star sign: virgo
Height: 5′4″
Time: 23:17
Birthday: September
Favorite bands: ...i’m completely blanking out. honestly, i have pretty eclectic taste in music? more often than not i like a song as an individual than for the artist or genre.
Favourite solo artists: see above^^
Last movie: We Can Be Heroes
Last show: working my way through The Wolf and am being horribly reminded how little patience i have for Heterosexual drama purely for Xiao Zhan. And I binged Cherry Magic a couple days back, which i LOVED
When did I create this blog: Sometime in 2011. April maybe?? idk.
What I post: anything that catches my interest tbh. there’s no rhyme or reason to my posts and my blog definitely doesn’t have any theme lol.
Last thing I googled:
Other blogs: @xiao-zhans-waistline and it’s all @theuntamednarrator‘s fault!! now THAT blog i’m attempting to keep to a theme. the theme being xiao zhan’s beautiful face. it’s been hit or miss so far bc i keep stumbling onto other attractive actors’ pics (xuan lu, zhu yilong, etc etc)
Do I get asks: hahaha *guiltily kicks unanswered asks under a rug* um, no? I’M SORRY, I’LL GET TO THEM EVENTUALLY, I WILL!!
Why I chose my url: okay so i was on a doctor who and star trek kick back in, like, ‘08 (’07 maybe??) and i had found “vulcan dictionary” on a random fansite. supposedly trensu is “master” in vulcan (i actually have no idea if this is accurate or not, it’s been over a decade, okay?) and the master is my favorite dw villain, so here we are.
Following: too lazy to check lol
Followers: i don’t bother checking this bc i’m pretty sure at least 60% of them are spam/porn bots.
Average hours of sleep: 6
Instruments: i played the flute in highschool but i was AWFUL at it.
What I am wearing: night shirt and boxers bc i should be sleeping rn
Dream job(s): anything that pays enough to allow me to quit my second job and not have to worry about affording groceries and medical bills. Ambitious, i know.
Dream Trip: i’ve made a few friends in the untamed fandom that i’d like to visit who live in other countries! so that would be a fun trip, i think. like a world tour lol
Favorite food: my mom’s pozole and enchiladas, but my stepdad’s chili and spaghetti is a close second
Nationality: *sigh* do i have to? ugh, American unfortunately.
Favourite song: see previous response to music questions
Last book I read: The Disasters by MK England
Top 3 fictional universes I'd like to live in: TARDIS, Etheria, and the X-men universe
...i’m not tagging 20 ppl, that’s too many and i don’t think i actually know that many people lol. But I’ll tag a few. As always, don’t feel obliged to reply!
@livenarrator, @elvencantation, @dying-redshirt-noises, @absolutelynogravitaswhatsoever, @theoldwalkingsong, @bookbutterflies, @hildahuffle, @ibijau, @sagiru,
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lgbtqpixelart · 4 years
if you want this url for non-pokemon pixelart lmk
also if i use a flag by an asshole absolutely let me know, especially if you requested it
hi ^^
i make those for fun while listening to uni stuff, so just take them and use them for whatever tbh
i do take requests ^^
you could request a flag to be done, or a pokemon to be done, or other pixel art (tho i’d appreciate a blank form of the latter or even better one with colours so i know what im working with ^^ )
update: tag system
(oh btw if you see an error or mistake in something like a shading not being the darker colour or me forgetting to change one colour or something just lmk, my eyes are kinda shit lmao)
i make sprites now instead of pixelart, yeet (can still do pixelart tho if you want)
pixel art i’ve already done or am currently doing or have planned would be too much for the pinned post, but i might do separate posts and link them later, so i'll just keep the cut and the category names but there's nothing there
(well now i moved old portions of this post there so there's not a huge pinned post cause oof)
already done
am currently working on: (okay honestly lmao if i start working on them i either finish them immediately or they got lost in the void that is my mind and never will be finished so why bother listing them kdsfjg)
requests: (okay honestly i do these like the moment i get them lmao i love requests i don't get too many)
i am
far too lazy to make these lists rn sorry dskfjlg
old portions of this post i wanna cut but don't wanna cut lmao:
if you need a single charmander or whatever i did lmk i can copy it from my file it'll probably be better than cropping the image i upload (edit: this only goes for like the first four or five i did cause those were all in one file, now i upload them individually anyways, hence why i moved it below the cut lol)
UPDATE: i can now make transparent ones and it has gotten way easier and faster to do them for me cause i found a neat af site and i can make basically any existing pokemon sprite (i can also make them be pixel art like the first charmanders, but im going to work with sprites much more from now on i think cause now i can do those and they're easier than the pixel art rn)
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bomnun · 3 years
check in tag
(sorry for doing these in one go lmao)
alicia @ggunight​ tagged me in this! thank you so much ily!! 💕 💞
1. Why did you choose your url?
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i have never been this happy to see a picture of someone’s eye and sparkly eyebrow in a teaser image, since bbc did not confirm anything about her participation prior to this (for The Hype, i get it), and even though we knew she had been at the dorms and practice for months...we had no idea this was coming!
2. Any side blogs? If you have them name them and why you have them
this is a sideblog. i made it because i remade my tumblr at the end of last year. my main blog is @vydumaj​. i used to run a lot of sideblogs but for different reasons i’ve abandoned them all except this one now.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
i started reading some tumblrs in 2013 i think, and made my first account in 2014? i think.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
nope, i don’t really see the point of queueing post on my own “talk as much about kpop as you want(or not)”blog. i don’t queue posts on my main blog either, because i’m just not that active rn.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i made this blog specifically to when i felt myself falling deeper into the pit that is listening to kpop (last november/december), and know i’d annoy the hell out of a lot of people if i talked this much about kpop on main, and i promised myself i can talk as much as i want to myself here (but i don’t keep it up anymore...laziness and shyness! through the internet!) i think i made my original tumblr to ask the astronaut scott kelly questions when he had a tumblr ask thing in 2014 (mint lore...)
6. Why did you choose your icon?
because haseul is back :’)
7. Why did you choose your header?
because i love shinwon!!!!! i love how much shinwon loves his unnamed guitar!! love seeing him happy playing the guitar!! would love to hear him play the guitar!! look at him feed the guitar like its a person and not just an inanimate object!!
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
probably me reposting vivi’s birthday post last year, or uploading haseuls individual & teasers because no one else had yet! when i wanted to. (because no one was expecting them.) oh, wait, no, it’s probably this...
9. How many mutuals do you have?
how does one even count that? i have no idea how many, but i treasure them all.
10. How many followers do you have?
91! which is roughly 89 more than originally anticipated. impressed since i don’t even really create content sdjkjsfd or am an intellectual song reviewer. if you unfollow me because you don’t want to be associated with someone with such a low number of followers i don’t mind because i am way too tired to care <3
11. How many people do you follow?
167 because i’m so picky picky picky yeah yeah on my old blog before i remade i followed 1700 blogs...do not recommend.
(there are some good blogs that i dont follow but check out often though! when it comes to kpop i might like some of your stuff but you post too much of groups i...don’t like, which is fine! i understand if you feel the same about me!)
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
i think this blog might be bordering on a shitpost
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
way too much. the university semester which i dropped out of has ended and i don’t have a job right now... or a lot of energy in general, so i’m here a lot.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
nope shdkjdf maybe with some sideblog years ago, though
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
not my favorite phrasing, but if it’s important information or something of the like i’ll share to the (not so many) followers i have.
16. Do you like tag games?
yeah! weeekly are the best. i really do, i’m just lazy and take a long time to respond unfortunately.
17. Do you like ask games?
yeah! i do, i’m just lazy and take a long time to respond unfortunately.  (1)
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i think a couple of them are hsfdjksfd not that they’d consider themselves that
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
no.....but i love you all
20. Tags?
i have absolutely no idea of who has done this (aside from alicia) but i’ll tag @yootaeyanq​ @dearvivi​ and @yejiswife​ to begin with! if anyone else sees this adn wants a go go ahead
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