#too hot for tux tuesday
too-antigonish · 2 months
I've been reliably informed that it's too hot today to put Morse into a tux.
Perhaps a t-shirt instead?
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shaun-evans-fanblog · 2 months
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jessieren · 5 months
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Starting your weekend with a new mini fidget
You’re welcome 😇
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oeuvrinarydurian · 2 months
The “It’s Too Hot For Tux Tuesday” Tux Tuesday edition.
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Endeavour: Canticle
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librawritesstuff · 2 months
Tux Tuesday: One Thousand Degrees on the Kelvin Scale edition
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Yeah it’s hot in here, too
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geraskierbrainrot · 2 years
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This is a collection of Alternate Universe fics that happen in coffee shops where Jasier or Geralt are baristas
the wallpaper inside my heart by @echo-bleu | T | 6k
Jaskier is unfailingly kind, unfailingly cheerful, and unfailingly talkative. And he never, ever says anything about himself.
(not technically a coffee shop AU but this is my list so I do what I want)
Jitters by @lovelyrita1967 | T | 7k
Jaskier is an aspiring musician working in a coffee shop. Geralt is a fancy lawyer in expensive suits. It could never work between them… right? Jaskier turned and found himself looking up into the face of the most beautiful human being he had ever seen in his life. He felt his jaw drop, his cheeks flush a fiery red, and, had he been a cartoon, his eyes most certainly would have done that “boing-oing-oing” thing.  “Good morning!” Jaskier announced, perhaps a little too loudly, eyes a little too wide. “What can I get for you, sir?”  The man met Jaskier’s gaze, and he felt his cheeks burn even hotter. What was happening to him?  “Double espresso, to go. Please,” he rumbled, in the deepest, sexiest voice Jaskier had ever heard.
→ Follow The Sun | M | 7k
Jaskier is an aspiring musician working in a coffee shop. Geralt is a fancy lawyer in expensive suits. Against all odds, they have been dating for 4 weeks. Most of this fic is a flashback to Part 1 (“Jitters”), but this time it's from Geralt’s perspective, plus a little bit of his lawyer world with Lambert and Eskel. And then finally, we see where Geralt and Jaskier are now as their relationship gets a little more serious. (Hint: check the tags!) I would highly recommend reading “Jitters” first! Jaskier was standing at the floor-to-ceiling windows of Geralt’s penthouse condo, high above the lights of Kaedwen, admiring the view. Geralt was admiring the view, too, all long lines, sharp jaw, soft brown hair... Jaskier turned away from the window suddenly to look at him. “You look really fucking hot in that tux,” he said, voice low.
#blessed by aiyah | T | 7k
Sure, the pay at Yeast Meets Zest is great and all (and the food's even better, in Jaskier's opinion), but there's just one thing nipping at his nostrils: being allergic to the unfairly attractive customer who comes every Tuesday and Thursday. In hindsight, Jaskier should've applied to work at Starbucks instead.
Café Morhen series by musicalgalaxy1000 | 21k and ongoing
→ A Fine Night For A Song | G | 3k
Café Morhen is hosting an open mic night. A few new customers could be what keeps them afloat should the land lord raise the rent. Not too many people show up, but one new face in particular seems to want to stick around.
→ Can't Tune You Out | G | 1k
As tired as he is from closing the café from the Open Mic, Geralt can't fall asleep. There's a song stuck in his head.
→ Unexpectedly Sweet | G | 1k
Sometimes the only saving grace of working a minimum wage job was the consistency. Geralt should be fed up with Jaskier's increasingly insane drink orders, but he carries on anyway, learning to expect the unexpected.
The one day Jaskier tells Geralt to make him "whatever's easiest," he just can't bring himself to break the newest consistency in his life. So he makes the sweetest drink he can reasonably muster for a more than just regular customer.
→ Teasing and A Cup of Tea | G | 5k
Two oblivious men are pining for each other and are teased about it while also given reassurance. What are loved ones for?
→ A Call, A Confession, A Kiss | T | 9k
Geralt works up the nerve to text Jaskier, who had gotten a little tipsy while waiting for his crush to reach out. Geralt makes sure Jaskier gets home safe. And Jaskier finally gets to make a move.
i like you a latte (warning: hot contents) by rcfthns | Not Rated | 28k
“It’s not satisfying,” the man states, as he places the coffee on the counter and pushes it back to the barista. I can be satisfying!, Jaskier is about to say in response but bites his tongue at last. “Is there anything missing?” he asks instead.  “There is,” the man answers, shaking his head. He glances at the drink again, displeased. The look doesn’t suit him at all.  He deserves to be pleased. “Ah,” Jaskier acknowledges. The “ah”-s are very fitting around the man. Although “oh”-s would be even better. “I’m sorry, I’m just out of it today. What’s missing?” The man grins, leaning over the counter. “Your number.” Jaskier is a barista at a coffee shop and he isn’t (for sure isn’t!) in love with a customer.
Show love to all these authors by leaving kudos and comments, and happy reading!
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romyowusu · 2 years
task three. ↳ get to know you, (but through cursed uquizzes)
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gif credt in the source
which member of the mystery gang are you daphne you're slaying, you're serving, you're girlbossing, etc.
what type of timeless space are you the week between Christmas and New Year You have eaten well and been merry. You are surrounded by gifts from your loved ones. People come and go from your house. Calories don't count here. You don't brush your hair here. Children live here, in this space. Imagination is the key to the passage of this week. You're in your pajamas. It's Tuesday, or Wednesday, you check the calendar, it says Date Currently Not Available, Please Try Again Later. The present rolled from your hand, you dropped it, it's somewhere under the fridge but you can't quite reach it. The future looks on, eager for its time to play. You've worked hard this year. You've made it: it's happening again. This week is for you, not for Time. Time is on Holiday. Eat, drink, and be Proud for making it this far.
which unhinged female character are you Needy Lesnicki (Jennifer's Body) you're a little bit too sensitive and probably cry a lot. you became unhinged after years and years of trying to keep it together, but everybody else's bullshit just got to be too much. you're not afraid to get creative when it comes to keeping yourself safe, and you have a habit of pining after the wrong people. i love u though <3
what frog are you silly fella woah dude… ur rlly shiny. interesting nose u got there. u definitely look like you’d tell killer jokes tho. rock on little man
how will you kill god god thought you were so annoying he killed himself impressive. admirable. i love your work. which gay shakespeare character are you beatrice (much ado about nothing) congratulations!!! you're the coolest person on this list. you're a bisexual spitfire who loves/tolerates one (1) man. you'll always stick up for your gal pals and you will wear a tux to prom and look hot as hell in it. you're smart and a little stubborn and you come up with the SICKEST burns. what is your inner stuffed toy knitted mouse you're talkative and intelligent, a chatty friend who people feel like they could talk to for hours! you make an amazing friend and always manage to say the smartest things. people admire you for your wit and quick mind!
if you were a witch from pseudo-medieval times, which animal would be your familiar Fox Foxes can be real tricksters! They like to crack jokes, and they tell stories that leave you asking questions they only ever answer cryptically. Underneath all that cleverness though, foxes are brave and industrious. They’re good at thinking on their feet. A fox would have bonded with you because you're willing to put real effort into projects and you persevere when things get difficult. You're also creative, experimental-- you enjoy trying new things and taking some risks. And perhaps most importantly, you also have a good sense of humor, which a fox values in all their friends. Together, the two of you are some of the most famed prophets of your age. Are your prophecies always intelligible? Who’s to say. What riddle is a riddle if it’s clear?
choose some spooky things and i’ll tell you what cryptid you are fresno nightcrawler
how would you be perceived if you were a fictional character hot antagonist that everyone makes edits of i know they murdered innocent people... but look at that smile (character egs - klaus mikkaelson, tom riddle, loki, crane)
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mendesficsxbombay · 4 years
your boyfriend is...(II)| s.m
part 1 here
I had received requests for a part two of this fic which happens to be the most loved one so far so here you go! I hope you like it!
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He sees white. 
There’s white sand, he thinks it’s sand, and curtains billowing over it. He sees a large wooden cabana, steps leading up to it, the steps are white, the pillars are white. He hears the sound of water somewhere. 
Turning around, he sees waves crashing into the sand, can water be white? The sunset is almost as beautiful as the day he saw her the first time, splatters of pink and violet and orange. The sky is the only pop of colour he thought he needed. 
There’s a carpet leading up to the cabana, white, of course, and large vases lined along it, there are white flowers - petunia, daisy, wisteria, large streams of flowers hanging from the ceiling of the cabana. He sees his friends dressed in white suits, his dad in a white tux, too and he smiles thinking of how perfect it all looks. His mother stands with her mother, both wearing white flowers in their hair, it looks beautiful on them. A hand touches his back, and he knows it’s her. 
He turns around to take her in his arms, he could look at her forever. Glowing, flushed and smiling up at him. He leans down to kiss her but she pulls away, “Wake up, baby.”
“Wake up, Shawn it’s 9 and you have to be in the studio in an hour.”
He sees white again, but this time it’s the comforter wrapped around him, it’s her silk dress shirt and the headband she chose for the day, it’s her laptop case she is currently packing away and the large photo frame behind her, holding a photo of theirs. 
“Wow, you did sleep well, huh? It’s Tuesday, babe you need to be at the studio at 10 and you asked me to wake you up before I leave.”
He checks for the rings on her hands, just the set of gold bands she always wore. Huh. She must’ve taken off the ones he gave her. 
“I don’t know what time I’ll be back today so please don’t forget your keys, actually you know what I’ll just,” she links his house keys with his car keys, “there, now you won’t forget it.”
Pleased with herself she walks over to him again, she kisses him lightly on the cheek, mindful of the deep marsala shade of lipstick she is wearing, “I love you, have the best day at work,” she pulls away smiling. 
“Babe, where’s your ring?”
She looks at him in confusion - “What ring?”
“You know, the ring?” 
She looks down at her hands in confusion - what ring? Oh, wait, he’s probably asking about my mom’s ring, she thinks to herself. What a thoughtful boy. 
“Oh, that’s tucked away in our closet, don’t worry. I gotta leave now, bye bubs!”
And she’s gone. It looked like a flash of white, his mind still hazy. Was it because he got high before sleeping last night? That couldn’t be it, right? 
He sighs while moving sluggishly to sit up, rubbing his eyes and willing the sleep to go away. He slept for over 10 hours and still felt exhausted, it worried him to think about what it would be like when he they actually get down to planning the wedding - god forbid that coincides with planning for his tour. How would he do it all? It seemed impossible, he should’ve proposed a long, long time ago, should’ve done it as soon as the last tour got over, no wait he should have proposed in the middle of his tour, and got married as soon as tour got over. Then they would already be married right now and she would wear the ring all the time. He’s just stupid thats all he is, really. 
He pulls himself over the side of the bed, laying his feet into the plush white, faux fur carpet she insisted on getting when they moved in. The carpet was one of the better decisions she had made and he silently thanked her each time he walked over it. We should have carpets like this at the wedding. 
In no time he was carried away with thoughts about the wedding again, the location, the invitations, her outfits, his outfits, the honeymoon, but the dull vibrations of his phone on the nightstand pulled him to reality. It was her. 
“Hi baby”
“Did you shower yet?”
“You are going to be so late, please go shower, please.”
She acted like such a wife already. The wife of his dreamiest dreams. “Yes ma’am,” he grinned into the phone, getting out of bed and heading to their en suite. 
He pulls himself up to the door after yet another strenuous day at the studio. He had to FaceTime his label executives in New York and LA, scheduling meetings for the coming week and still having to figure a way to finish the day’s task list. He unlocks the door and steps inside, a dull headache working its way in. Shawn toes his shoes off and lightly kicks them in line with hers to make them look neat and finally walks into their living room. 
She’s cuddled into the blanket they thew over the couch for times when they needed a binge watch, her hair pulled into a loose braid and glasses perched on her nose. She notices him walk in slowly, pulls the blanket off herself, getting covered by him instead. Smiling to herself she pulls the blanket over both of them again, her hands weaving through his curls softly, aware of how many times he must’ve tugged and ran his hands through it during the day. 
“How was it today?” She asks, careful of how soft she spoke. 
He mumbles something along the lines of being tired and getting 3 songs finished and having ideas for a few more. He moves on top of her, turning his head and adjusting himself so he could face outwards, lightly taking in her post shower scent. Vanilla and roses. Roses remind him of the floral arrangement for their wedding again. He figures he should let her decide this bit. 
“What do you think about wisteria and white roses for the wedding?” He mumbles, she only gets the names of the flowers, nothing else. 
“As flowers? I think they’re great! There’s dinner in the kitchen, I can heat it up if you want.”
“I’m thinking of lots and lots of wisteria, what an underrated plant…”
“baby did you smoke up again? I hope you didn’t drive in this condition.”
“No I didn’t, why’d you ask that?” He’s so sleepy he can barely get the words out but she hears him, shushes him because if he gets worked up now he won’t be falling asleep anytime soon. 
“Okay I’m sorry, but do you want food right now though? Or do you want to wake up in the middle of the night again when you’re hungry?”
“I want cocoa.”
“It’s kinda hot to be drinking cocoa, bud.”
“Turn up the cooling then, and please make me some cocoa, I love you.”
She had to bite back a laugh. Sleepy Shawn wasn’t too far off from Drunk Shawn except when he was sleepy he liked the quiet, and when he was drunk he absolutely needed to scream everything, all wide eyed and overly gesticulative. She had her fair share of experience with both, and asking for hot chocolate the way her mum makes it was basically code for exhaustion like he hadn’t felt in a while. She slowly picked both of them up from the comforts of the couch and led him into the kitchen. She welcomed the feeling of cold marble under her feet, like she said it was summer and her snacks usually included ice creams and popsicles these days. 
He sat himself by the kitchen island, propping his head on his hands and watching her putter around putting together his favourite drink, her body nearly working on out pilot when she mixed the cocoa powder and brown sugar, he’s convinced she could make it with her eyes closed. 
“baby,” he called out, still just as soft, he didn’t have the energy for anything more than a whisper now. She hummed in response, not paying much mind, because he often called out to her out of habit, not purpose. 
“Listen, please,” he pouted because she hadn’t turned around to see him yet. 
“I’m listening, baby.”
“We should have cocoa at the wedding.”
“I said, we should ha-”
“No, I heard you but hot chocolate isn’t exactly a wedding drink, I’ve never had it at a wedding?”
“Who cares about others? It could be our wedding drink.”
She felt a spark of heat starting in her chest and working towards her cheeks. Our wedding? She loved how casually he spoke about their future, like it wasn’t something he had to give too much of a thought to - it’s just a thing that’s meant to happen. She silently crushed some pieces of chocolate onto both their mugs as a topping, they weren’t the biggest fans of cream of any sort in their drinks and thought of how she would never want them to change, and how there’s no one else she’d rather make cocoa for at midnight on a Thursday. 
He was the purest person she had had the pleasure of knowing in her life, barely any malice and a heart full of respect and love for anyone that came across him. It hadn’t been easy, loving him, she’d been burned before and who’s to say he wouldn’t do the same to her? But now that she thought of the years they’d spent together and the moments they created in this very house and multiple places across the world, she wouldn’t mind being burned again if it meant she still got to keep him. Forgiveness didn’t come easy but with him it came like second nature. 
She turned around to place both their mugs on the island letting out a silent laugh at the image of her very tall, very lanky boyfriend passed out on the platform, head supported by both his arms. She wished the album would wrap up soon, the creative process had really taken a toll on him and he looked more and more worn out everyday. As much as it was his job, it was her job to look out for him too.  
Softly running her hand over his hunched back on her way out, she picked up his phone from where they it on the couch. Swiping it open, she pulled up his group chat with the writers and producers he was currently working with, shooting them a text that he wasn’t feeling too well and they should hold off recording for the next 2 days. 
Feeling accomplished, she looked back at where he was now snoring on the counter, she thought of if and when he would choose to slow down his career if they wished to be married. Maybe it was too early for her to be thinking so, hell, they hadn’t even proposed to each other yet. And if and when a wedding successfully goes through, they would still have a whole life ahead of themselves to plan things. To date, he’d gone above and beyond to make sure she was alright with the pace at which he was moving, and where they stood as a couple and just making sure that she was okay, and she knew for sure that he would continue doing the same for as long as they were together, it’s just a part of who he was, especially around her. 
She walked over to him, gently prodding him awake and watching him chug down the hot chocolate like his life depended on it. She smiled the whole time they went back to their room and finished their night routines and snuggled up in bed. If this was what the rest of her life looked like, she wouldn’t even mind running at the same pace as him. 
He has a Pinterest board dedicated to their wedding. They’re nearing the end of his fourth studio album fast, and each time they take a break he is glued to his phone and Saving and Moodboarding things for the ceremony. Teddy warned him that if he asked her to pick between an arched altar and a slightly more arched altar, she would leak his album. It’s not her fault they all look the same no matter how much he wanted to fight her on it. 
He’s currently swiping through decor options for their afterparty when he sees it. He’s not sure what a dress is doing in the middle of photos of rounded tables and helium balloons but he swears his mouth goes dry thinking of her in that dress. It’s a vision in gold, intricate embroidery on the sleeveless bustier, two tuck lines running down the front and a cinched waist that flairs out into the most beautiful ball gown he’s seen till date. And he’s seen a lot of them, he has a board to show for it. 
He takes a screenshot and sends it to her. 
From Shawn: Hi, I hope you’re having a good day at work so far, I saw this dress and I think it’d be perfect for the afterparty (attachment: 1 image)
Halfway across the city, she was on her break at work, deep in conversation with Tiffany, yes Shawn’s stylist Tiffany, about outfit choices for the GRAMMYs in the coming few days. Shawn wasn’t performing this year, so it wasn’t as stressful of a time as it would’ve otherwise been. She had shortlisted 2 outfits with Tiff earlier, now wondering if she even needed 2. Tiffany said she’d need an hour or so to figure how she could layer her evening gown and then use the same for the afterparty, she hated having to go back and change even if Shawn wanted to.    
She was about to resume work when a notification lit up her phone.  Reading Shawn’s texts, she paused in confusion, wondering why he was sending her dress recommendations when she was already talking to Tiffany. Tapping on the link anyway, she is led to an ethereal gown, the kind that she’s convinced only exist online and not in real life. She may have even let out a blissed out sigh, the aesthetic experience running sparks through her heart and mind, imagining herself in a dress so god sent, but where would she wear it? 
The realisation cuts her supply of serotonin real quick, reminding her that absolutely no occasion she had been invited to thus far was worth an outfit like that. 
To Shawn: Hi baby, I miss your face, only 4 hours till I see you! 
  very pretty dress. where would I wear it?
Meanwhile he’d returned to piecing random chords on his guitar together. Shawn perked up to see her reply. He quickly held his pick between his lips, picking his phone up to text back. 
From Shawn: afterparty??
4 hours 2 go. . see u soon 
* see you at home 
Why would she wear something so good to a GRAMMY afterparty? Like yes, don’t get her wrong, they’re important and all, but just like Bong Joon-Ho believed the Oscars were very local, she thought the GRAMMYs had limited taste when it came to artists. Yes, the world would be watching, and this would be her first ever appearance with him as his girlfriend but she didn’t want to stress herself over how she looked or acted. The show hadn’t awarded her man’s album with the recognition it deserved, she hadn’t forgotten. And so, she was treating the GRAMMYs like no big deal, just a slightly big deal. 
She wanted the night to be about him. Even if it would be their first time on a red carpet together, she would not be stealing his spotlight in any way, thank you very much. And if that meant rejecting this gorgeous gown that would make her look like a bronzed angel that descended straight from heaven, then so be it. 
She looked around her office, people returning to their desks from all over, lunch time coming to a close and her time to get back to work coming closer, she needed to tell him why the dress was not happening when Tiffany finally texts her back. 
Dress is sorted. Sending you photos once I put it together, found a way to only give you one outfit for the night :) 
The smile growing across her face should be worrying, really. She messages a quick thank you, you’re the best, Tiff!!! before opening up her chat with Shawn. 
Afterparty dress is taken care of bubs, nothing to worry xx
See you at home 😘
When Shawn calls her giddy and breathless, she drops all her work immediately. 
The album, baby it’s done! We just cut the final- yeah it’s my girlfriend hold on- baby we just cut the final song I needed and it’s over just - no we’ll all go out in a few days, yeah? I just really need to be home with her tonight, thanks man, yeah so I was saying, it’s done I’m wrapping up and I’m coming home, jaan. I love you.
 Her good credit in her company allowed her to immediately intercom her boss and say there’s a family emergency, nothing too serious but she needed to head home right away. On the way she picks up whatever she can remember she needs for their meal, a bottle of Cliquot, Rosé, of course, a few slices of his favourite cheesecake and a bouquet of fresh flowers - a colourful mixture Carnations and Lillies and she smiles just thinking about a bouquet so similar given to her when he asked her to be his. 
It’s not until she’s back to the house does she realise that he passed up on drinks with his music friends (yes she does still call them that) for an immediate post album celebration and chose to spend the night in with her. God, could he get anymore perfect. Tonight felt like the night, the night, and if she did manage to pull through with the plan she put together in the short 20 minute drive, it would definitely be a night to remember. 
Entering their home she gets to work quickly, setting the flowers up on their dining table and stowing away the champagne and cheesecake in the refrigerator to cool down. She doesn’t know exactly how much time she has till he gets home, and the dish she felt most prepared to make was Pesto Chicken, having the side dishes in mind already, and body working on auto pilot from there on. 
While her meal bakes in the oven she brings out the fine China, determined to make the real thing look and feel as perfect as the image in her mind. Once the table is set up she moves around the couches in the living room for when they will inevitably end up there to watch something, anything, to end their night, or continue their night, if you know what I mean. 
As she’s fluffing out her blanket next to his, the lights running low and candles lit all over the place, he unlocks the door to let himself in. The smell of a slow roast hits him before anything else, his eyes running over the place to see her as soon as they could. 
She hears him come in before she sees him, hears the sound of his keys jingling and the soft pad of him taking his trainers off. She whips around and practically flies across the room into his arms. He’s more prepared, though, immediately swinging her up and spinning her around laughing freely as she squealed incoherence into his neck. Once he hoisted her up and round his waist he finally grabbed her face to kiss her like she deserved. She hummed into his mouth, wrapping herself around him tighter and finally getting a taste of what she missed these last few days. He smelled like cinnamon and tasted like happiness and love and warmth and she couldn’t seem to get enough. 
In a bit he sets her back on her feet but refuses to pull away from her. She’s giggling against his lips about dinner and a celebration and he’s never felt more loved. He does still manage to keep her in place and kiss her a bit longer, though, and she lets him because it’s what he deserves. 
When she asks why he did not go out with the boys tonight he just shrugs. She offers for him to meet them wherever they are after dinner he just says no again. When she asks why, he says the album they just finished was about her and he needed to spend this night with his muse because it was the only thing that felt right. She was too giddy to bother arguing back. 
She’s already set the table, ready to bring out the food when he shyly asks her if they can go change into their pyjamas. When she says yes and is about to run up to their room to change, he further asks if they can sit on their living room floor instead of their dining table. A small voice in her head reminds her of the time they made out on his living room floor the first time she came over and got drunk. Nothing else had happened that night, and he initially refused to even kiss her for fear of taking advantage of their sobriety or the lack thereof but she convinced him that it would be compensation. In retrospect, she’s thankful that they didn’t take things further because that was definitely a night to remember, the memory still makes her blush. 
When he goes to freshen up in their washroom, she’s changing into her fluffiest pair of pyjamas and an old t-shirt of his. Her pyjamas thankfully came with pockets, and she quickly went over to her vanity and stuffed a tiny packet in. She’d had it for nearly two months now, but tonight was it. 
When they go back down and stuff their faces with chicken, the best in all of North America, babe, as he says, she keeps looking over at him. He finally looks relaxed after months, he’d been frustrated trying to write new songs on the road and when he thought he had things figured out, he jumped straight into the studio to bring them to life. Essentially, he hadn’t given himself a break, which had led to a fight between the two of them. She’d been patient and tried to talk things out so as to not resort to a screaming match, but he refused to listen. Probably the Leo in him. 
The most she could convince him to do was be home before 1 AM. His girlfriend imposed a curfew on him, and he darn well follow it if he still wanted to have a girlfriend. 
Seeing him eat his meal while happily chatting about his day, she kept thinking of how perfect her life felt at the minute. When they popped champagne and he insisted they drink straight from the bottle, she thought of the few flaws of his she’d learned over the years and how she could bear to romanticise them if it meant she got to keep him forever. She couldn’t think of anyone else she’d rather be sat with on her living room floor, tipsy off the bubbly and munching on fresh cheesecake, stealing kisses in between. It felt right. 
He looked away from her to check his phone, text his friends back and she sets her phone on the closest console table to record the moment. Crawling back to him, she takes his fork and plate out of his hands and he smirks thinking she’s about to have the first round of the night right there. 
“Starting already, then?” He mumbles as he leans in to kiss up her neck when she scoffs and pushes him away lightly. “chill, horndog, I need to talk to you about something.”
He immediately straightens up, bracing himself for whatever is about to come. She runs her hand through his hair while his eyes cross the length of the room, knowing she sometimes needs a minute to collect her thoughts. When she inhales sharply, he knows she’s ready. 
He turns towards her so she knows she has his full attention, their hands intertwined and hanging between them. She purses her lips, sends a prayer up to God and begins.
“So um, the first time we spoke, I thought you were the dreamiest boy I’d ever seen. Um, I still think you are.” His heart warms at her being nervous, knowing she doesn’t have to be around him and tries to ignore the heat in his face. 
“See, we didn’t really know each other did we? So whatever little image I had of yours in my head was based on small talk and your devastatingly good lo- stop smiling, your below average looks, and how you desperately failed at trying to hit on me, but it it was only a matter of time till we got talking more often when you went away for tour - and I think I really appreciate it sometimes that your tours, like, no matter how long or short they are, they give us a chance to talk, you know?”
He’s not sure where this is going. The confusion is visible on his face but she keeps going. It’ll all be worth it. “Other couples don’t get to have that, Shawn. I know they’re always with each other and I know we’d both appreciate more time together when we’re physically together but being away from you makes me… introspect. It makes me want to learn things about you, it makes me want to know you because there’s never enough things to know about you, and the more I know, the more I love.” She moves closer now, cupping his cheeks and he leans into her hands, still confused as ever but letting her take what she needs from him. 
“After you came back from your first full length tour after we got together, I wrote in my journal that I would never take my time with you for granted.” His heart fluttered a little, writing in her journal meant making promises to herself, and she never went back on them. He’d never read any of her journals, he was nosy, yes, but not invasive. He wouldn’t break her trust like that. He also knew she wrote about him, he’d seen her peaking at him while writing, thinking he wouldn’t notice, but he did, he always did. 
“I’d never really had a serious relationship with anyone before you, you knew that. I mean, I just didn’t think I was special enough to hold someone down, or have my person, it just wasn’t plausible, right? And you know how Khalid said I never had someone to call my own, that was me pretty much my whole life, but then you swooped in with your guitar and you wanted to take me to all your favourite places and make me meet your friends and then you wanted to meet mine and by our third month together you started writing songs about me and I couldn’t believe that someone would want to write a song about me you know? Cause like I’m just me? But you did, a-”
“That was a lie.”
“I didn’t write about you for the first time in our third month. I only told you that because I didn’t want to come off too strong, we were still pretty new to each other. But the first song I ever wrote about you was after our first date. Well, I started writing it after our first date but it was completed after you so painfully rejected me after the second one. I moped for a week straight, babe, you were pretty heartless.”
She doesn’t speak for a second, she doesn’t know what to say, really. Her speech that she prepared for this occasion was pretty self derogatory, she realised. And now he was throwing her off kilter, making her forget the script in mind.  “You wrote a song about me after the first time you took me out?” 
“Yeah,” he said resting his hand by her neck now and running his thumb over her cheek. His gaze grew softer, “And now I’ve written two whole albums about you. But they don’t feel enough. I don’t think they ever will be, honestly. I could write a thousand songs about you and they wouldn’t do you justice. I love you more than anything, I think I always have.”
And all of a sudden, she’s forgotten everything she wanted to say. She always did think she got lucky with him, she had a loving, caring boyfriend who respected her wishes no matter what and worked hard come hell or high water to make himself better at his art. She thought about how she was a part of his art, she thought about the one time he said that each time she proved to be his muse, the result was somewhat a tribute to their love. How fortunate could they be to have each other? And now, looking at him in the softest sleep shirt he had, a little loopy because of the champagne after a long day of working hard, there’s so much she wants to say. But the words don’t make themselves known, instead she blurts out - “Marry me.”
He smiles lightly, “Okay.”
“No for real, hold on,” she holds his shoulder to lean up, then steadies herself on one knee, pulling out the Carbon Fibre ring that had her heart since the first time she saw it, a solid black with two thin gold lines weaving around it. Her hand is held up between the two of them so he can see the ring, “Shawn Mendes, will you make me the happiest girl in the world, and marry me?”
Holy shit. He hasn’t proposed. 
It finally pieces together in his head. In this midst of finishing the album and planning the next step for his music, he’d forgotten to propose to her. But he swears he remembers doing it - or was it all in his head? He rushes to stand up mumbling no no no to himself and her eyes follow follow him around, her hand lowering as the fear of the worst takes over. No?
At once his head looks upwards, where their room is, and he runs off. She can’t quite grasp what just happened. She flips the ring over in her hand, finding the tiny engraving of their initials on the inside of the 22K band, thinking of the day she was so happy to have found it, and how it was probably for nothing now. Why would he say no?
They’d talked about marriage so openly, he was the one who kept bringing it up - so why run away now? Was he not ready? Or had he changed his mind? Was it too soon? Or too late? Did he not want marriage anymore? She felt tears sting her eyes - did he not want her anymore? That wasn’t possible was it? He literally just told her he loved her - or did he not actually mean it? Why would he say it if he didn’t mean it? Did this mean they were over now?
She looked over to where she had propped up her phone earlier, the video still recording. She had plans of adding this clip into her next video, after their trip to the Portugal next month. She had wanted to record her proposal instead she may have just recorded their breakup, now that would get her some views, huh?
Upstairs, Shawn let out an aha! finally finding the small velvet box that he had stored away carefully - so carefully that he needed to empty out half his drawer to find it again. He bounded down the stairs, screaming BABY THIS WAS WHAT I WAS FORGETTING only to find her kneeling on the floor right where he left her. She looked small and sad, stray tears finding their way down her cheeks. 
“Baby w-what’s wrong?”
She didn’t notice the velvet box in his hand till he kneeled down in front of her. “I thought you said no… I thought you didn’t want this - what’s that, Shawn?”
He claps a hand over his forehead, frustrated with himself for upsetting her so much and so quick. “I just happen to be stupid, babe, I’m sorry, I forgot to propose.” Then he’s flipping open the box, throwing it back to let it land somewhere on the carpet after having taken the diamond ring out. It’s the exact width she likes, the exact cut she likes, and it is so beautiful. 
“How do you forget-”
“But! I am doing it now! I may be stupid but you’re the one who chose to stick by me so that makes two of us! Please marry me?”
“I asked you first.”
“God, yes that’s all I ever wanted, yes yes - a thousand times, love,” he rushes to kiss her, and she smiles into it again, pulling away and slipping the ring onto his finger. 
He’s the one who’s teary eyed now, a wet smile growing bigger and bigger. “It’s so beautiful, doll, I love you.”  She kisses him again, once, twice, she would’ve done more but he pulls away again. “Okay, your turn now - what’s the answer?”
“Hmm… I don’t know I mean you did forget to propose after all…” he stares at her for a second before saying humming and attacking her with tickles. She squeals out falling to the floor in a fit of giggles, trying and failing to fight him off. “Not gonna stop till you say yes, doll.”
He’s laughing, too, clearly enjoying her misery. He hears her let out a breathy little yes while he’s still running his fingers up her sides. “What’s that? Did you hear something? Because I didn’t!”
“Yes, sheesh YES I WILL MARRY YOU, SHAWN! Please stop!” He pulls her up, quickly slipping on the ring and gathering her in his arms, burying his face into her neck, finally crying out freely. Everything felt complete, finally, he couldn’t wait to start this new stage of his life with her. He was going to be a married man soon, nobody pinch him. 
“Wait,” she speaks, pushing him away a bit so she can see his face, “Is this why you kept talking about the wedding? You were talking about our wedding this whole time?”
“Yes, I know I get it I’m forgetful! I guess, I was so caught up in what was happening and what I wanted that I mixed the two.” He sighs, a little hazy after the sharp turn of events in the night. “Wow, I wish we had recorded this, I can’t believe you thought I said no to you, baby who do you think I am?”
“Already one step ahead of you - say hi to the camera!” She grins, pointing to her phone next to them. He lets out an of course you would and she only laughs in response and he decides that he needs to hear that for the rest of the life if possible. He looks into the camera and sees an image of them both looking like a hot mess, kneeling in the middle of their living room, faces flushed and eyes bright because of the cry fest that just took place. 
“Hi guys, we’re engaged!” And she lets out a yelp showing off her hand to the screen. “Shawn Mendes isn’t my boyfriend anymore, he’s my fiancé! There should be a new filter!”
“Wait, does this mean we get cocoa at our wedding now?”
taglist: @shawnwyr​ @mendesstories​ @lanallaa​ @sleepybesson​ @rulerofnocountry​ @luvluvxx​ @wholesomemendes
dm to be added or removed ♥️
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Will You Accept This Rose? Chapter One (Queen and Beatles Crossover/Bachlorette AU!)
Word Count: 2K
A/N: Hello! She’s up! I know this idea has been done with BohRap so I thought it would be fun to try my hand! The Bachlor/ette is my ultimate guilty pleasure show!! I got a lot of inspiration from @freddiesaysalright​;s Bachlorette AU and the @bohrapbachelorette​ blog, so check them out and their beautiful writing too! Enjoy!
Warnings: swearing and some drinking.
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 Heels clicking, you took a deep breath and walked downstairs. Right outside the doors, Chris Harrison stood in his tan suit with a big smile that wrinkled at the ends of his tan skin. His large eyes sparkling as he saw you in your blue evening gown that slinked to the floor.
“Well, Y/N, are you ready for tonight?” he asked, rubbing his hands.
“I…I’m so nervous!” you confessed with a laugh. “Actually…I’m shaking I’m so nervous!”
You took out your hands to show the tremor. He took them in his and he smiled.
“You have nothing to be afraid of. The guys are all wonderful. It’s a smaller group…I’m sorry. The last Bachelorette made her decision and she is now happily engaged. Thank you so much for popping in last minute…This is a lot, but it will be fun. Do you feel ready for this?”
Taking in a deep sigh, you admitted, you did not feel ready. But honestly, when would you ever be? There was a cold breeze, and you felt a shiver despite the balmy California air.
“I…I am…” you made yourself say.
“Have you ever been in love?” Chris asked, he shepered you to walk around the rose bushes to get out the nervous evergy you had left.
“I…I honestly don’t know! Maybe a couple times, but never…never passionately. Deeply.”
“Well. Y/N. I’m about to help change all of that. In fact, your husband might be here in less than an hour. Are you ready to meet him?”
“As I’ll ever be!”
Meanwhile in Garden Lodge, Freddie let out a yelp as the credits rolled. Jim hurried in with his bowl of popcorn to see what the matter was.
“It’s on! Already! Oh-it…it’s time!” he muttered, gathering his things.
“Oh! Darling-look at her-she’s glowing!” he commented.
They got the blanket ready and sat on their places on the couch, well-reserved for Tuesday nights and The Bachlorette.
“I was so excited they announced her! Pass the popcorn, Fred…” Jim said. He made sure the wine bottles were pre-opened and ready to be poured at the right moment.
“She’s so beautiful I got chills seeing her walk out-here you go…” Freddie said, smiling proudly as Y/N beamed on the screen with a happy, hopeful smile.
“Thanks love” Jim stuffed kernels in his mouth as Miko hopped beside him, purring loudly.
The first limo pulled out slowly. You stood still, hands propped before you. Trying to slow your breathing, you made yourself look then try to flee from nerved.
The door opened. You could feel your heart pounding a mile a minute and your breathing shallowed.
You were ready to see a man, not a little boy. But at least he was cute.
Then out stepped a little boy with auburn hair and a pale, smiling face with round cheeks. He wore a small tux and held one red rose in his hand.
Behind him walked a taller man, slender, with auburn hair, hazel eyes, and a gentle smile.
“OH, hello there?” you asked, squatting down to be at the boys height.
“Will you accept this wose?” he asked, showing you the rose in his chubby, grubby hands.
“Of course! Thank you!”
“Awwwwwww,” Fred and Jim said in unision. Delilah meowed as if in agreement.
“What do you say, Rob?”
“You’e welcome!”
“This..is this your son?”
“Yes, this is Robert Deacon!”
“Hello Robert!”
“Hello Y/N! Are you gonna marry my daddy?”
The man turned the color of the rose and pushed him to the side.
“Ah…a little esoon for that, I think…
Luahing yourself, you reached out to hug him.
“I’m Y/N”
“And I’m John Deacon. It’s lovely to meet you, Y/N.”
He gently handed him away to a young assistant from the camera who guided the little boy back to the limo to go home.
“I’ll see you soon, Rob!” the man waved. He gave him a kiss on the forehead before sending him off.
Hmm, he’s already a good father… you noted.
The next limousine pulled up and you heard the strumming of a guitar. A voice with a slight twang, but light and playful sang along to it.
“Love me tender, love me sweet
Never let me go
You have made my life complete
And I love you so”
A handsome young man with long dark hair, stark eyebrows, and high cheekbones walked out, singing along to the Elvis ballad. When he smiled, you could make out slight fangs. But nonetheless, he gave you a grin you could not resist.
Cheering, you applauded and he took a playful bow before walking up to you.
“That was wonderful!”
He placed the guitar over his head, putting it away. He pulled you in for the softest hug you had ever received so far in your life.
“Nice to meet you, I’m George, George Harrison. Like the song?” he asked, gesturing to his guitar.
“I’m Y/N and I love it! You play guitar!?”
“I have for years!”
“That’s amazing!”
“Not half as amazing as the sight in front of me” he said with a wicked grin again. 
“Alright, time for the wine…” Jim announced, pouring it into the glasses.
“You know what they say about a man with a big guitar, eh?” Fred laughed before his first sip. “Y/N might be a lucky woman if she takes him to the fantasy suite, darling.”
You smiled and glanced at your folded hands, feeling yourself get hot.
“That was lovely! Please play for me some more during the party!”
“Well, if Y/N asks me, who am I to say no?” he replied with a wink. “I will If you’ll give me a snog on the cheek…”
Obliging, you pecked his soft cheek.
He then walked out, strumming a chord here or there.
The next limo that pulled up had an odd noise. You turned to the side to a camera person.
“Is…is that a bark?”
You were right. Out popped a large English Sheepdog walked over, wiggling in a happy dance as it wagged its tail in front of your gown.
“No! No Martha! Don’t get dog hair all over that gown!”
You laughed, reaching a hand down to scratch her head “She’s fine! It’s just a dress! I don’t mind a bit of hair!”
“Oh, well…that’s good.”
Looking up, you saw the prettiest pair of green eyes you had ever seen. His hair was brown and soft and his lashes were so thick, long, and dark you wondered if he used a mascara and where you could get it.
He reached down and kissed your hand gallantly, “I’m Paul, Paul McCartney. And I see you met me dog already!”
“She’s lovely!”
“She is-“
“And I’m Y/N Y//N!”
“Well, it’s pleasant to meet you. And I hope to see you in there soon…”
“Martha’s a sweetheart!”
She sat in front of you as you scratched her head.
“Martha can tell a good heart when she senses one, but I think mine has room for another lady in me life” he said with a wink.
The next man walked out. Another young man with brown hair and a square jaw and bright eyes that sparked with intelligence. His pants looked a little tight around his thighs and he smiled as soon as he saw you.
“Hello there, Y/N. I’m John, John Lennon.”
“And I’m Y/N.”
He took your hand into his and lifted it up to his lips. He then cupped yours with his other hand and kissed it so tenderly it made you melt on the inside.
“Are you enjoying your evening so far?” he asked.
“I…I am a lot more now,” you answered back.
“Well good, and Y/N….you look really beautiful tonight. Right from even when I peeked at you from inside the car, you were glowing like the sun…”
“Oh, that’s…that’s beautiful! Thank you!”
“Mind if I ‘ug you?”
He wrapped his arms around you, then lifted you up and twirled you around, you burst into laughter.
He hugged you one more time and then headed over to the party.
The next limo arrived and out walked another man. He had dark hair with a slight white streak but bright blue eyes and soft, puffy lips that burst into a charming smile when he saw you.
“Hello there!”
“Hello! And you’re…”
“I’m…I’m really Richard. But you can cuse me stage name, Ringo…”
“Oh, sure! Hello Ringo-I’m Y/N”
You naturally hugged him.
“Y/N, I hope you don’t mind but…I bought you some gum. Thought you might like it after all that drinking-alright?”
He pulled out a packet of your favorite gum. You gasped as you accepted it.
“Why…yes! Yes I do!”
“Not exactly roses, darling”
“Well, it is a little early, Fred. And she’s the one giving roses.”
“But the song isn’t fucking ‘Chewing Gum is a Girl’s Best Friend’ for a reason!” Fred huffed, downing half of his glass.
Next appeared another car and out stepped another guitar with one of the prettiest boys you had ever seen. His blonde hair glowed like sunbeams and his eyes were the color of the summer sky. He strummed his guitar and sang in a rasp that thrilled you:
“I…just wanna testify!
Whaaaat Y/N does to meeeee!”
Changing up the rhythm enough to sing your name. He then added a bunch of “doo wops” with an impressive falsetto “yeeeeeeah!”
“That’s amazing! You play and sing!”
Jim kept his face down in his hands for a solid minute.
“Doesn’t take much! You’ve already seen another guitarist!” he complained.
“Yeah-write too. I’m Roger-Roger Taylor.”
He gave a half-lidded look that made your stomach churn.
“And I’m…I’m Y/N! I mean- you know I- I am Y/N!” you began giggling out of nervousness and hugged him.
Then in drove a car…or it sounded like one. But there was a Rocketship constructed over the car like a parade float. And the door read “YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND.”
Laughing, out stepped a space suit with a different flower: a tulip. He handed it to you and you laughed.
He removed his helmet and revealed a mane of curly, dark hair. His cheekbones were high and his eyes hazel and soft. Despite the largeness of his hair and height there was a gentle demeaner on him.
“Hello there!” you said with a laugh “are you my future husband?”
“I…I mean, I hope I might be” he said with a little blush in his cheeks. You hugged each other, he was warm and soft and smelled of fresh deodorant.
“That was amazing! Who are you?”
“I’m Brian, Brian May…”
“Wonderful, I’m Y/N…”
You walked over to the main living room of the mansion, happy and a little overwhelmed. Already they were all wonderful. Though George and Roger stared at each other with fire in their eyes at the two acoustic guitars. Roger gently put his down and shoved his hands in his pockets. George took a deep breath and held onto his carefully.
You walked in, each with your own glass of wine to begin with.
“Gentlemen, to finding love!”
“To finding love!” they raised their glasses and clinked them.
“Ey Y/N, let me steal you for a minute…” Roger offered, he slinked forward, eyes bright and confident.
“Oh, sure!”
You found out that Roger had written songs before. They were all lovely. His lyrics bright and honest. Your favorite was one about being in a small town, of laziness, frustration, and ambition and hope. It made you teary eyed.
“A guitar competition…would be interesting this season….no, Lily! That’s not cat food!” Fred said, shooing her away from the bowl.
John showed you a card his kids worked on. He was a single dad, widowed. His heart had been broken by the sad passing of his dear wife, but he was ready to move on and was sure he found new love.
George strummed you a few songs he found out were your favorite. You tapped your feet and sang along. George himself smiled.
“Thanks Y/N, it’s wonderful to play for you!”
John walked over. They both began playfully “fighting” over you. Dancing each other around, doing a couple silly “fight” moves.
“Well, y/n can decide, can’t she?” John said, turning over.
“I, uh, of course!”
John then took you away as you caught your breath.
“There boys are like me brothers! What you saw was natural, was all but…Y/N, you like to read, don’t you?”
You gave your honest answer. You both wound up chatting about books and television. He was well-read, could give opinions on plot holes and the best actors, and even told you about the poetry he wrote. You both walked back inside the mansion holding hands naturally.
Brian noticed a record player in the corner and walked to it.
“Hmph, feels a little quiet…”
He placed the needle on the record and soon some jazz was crooning around the room. In a flash, Ringo was on your side.
“C’mon Y/N, let’s dance!”
He took his hand in yours and you moved away to the music, forgetting everything. He spun you around, you shook and kicked your legs and laughed so hard. You hardly cared how silly you look.
“Look at all the other blokes, they’re ready to punch him in the gut any minute!” Jim chuckled.
Fred nodded, hypnotized. He poured another glass of wine as Delilah settled on his lap for cuddles.
Brian took your hand and walked you out.
“See there, the stars are out tonight…” he said, pointing up.
“Oooo, beautiful!” you sighed. “There’s Orion!”
“Yes! He’s the easiest one! I still see him!”
“Yes! Well, he’s like my old friend: always there.”
“That’s cool Brian, that you have a friend who’s always there in the stars.”
“Pretentious, darling.”
“That way, when you look up, imagine I’m there. Even if you send me home or whatever, I’ll be there, your friend, looking after you, protecting you.”
“Bloody stalker!” Jim hissed.
It was indeed a beautiful night. He led you back as you sat on the couch with the other gentlemen.
“Oh, what did you do?” Lennon asked, sipping his wine carefully.
“It’s a starry night! You should see it-it’s beautiful!” you said.
Martha stood on the corner, panting happily as Deaky and Roger petted on her. Though you noticed Paul was looking at you. Your eyes went over to him and he paused, batting his eyelashes in false innocence, and tilting his head.
“Wha-what is it, Paul? You’re quiet?”
“Nothing, it’s just you’re looking beautiful tonight, that’s all. Can you blame me for wanting to have a look at you?”
Giggling more, you leaned your head down and smiled. The others stared daggers in Paul.
Chris Harrison walked in.
“Hello lady and gentlemen, enjoying your evening?”
You noticed he had a plate, and you froze.
The couple screamed at their television.
“Oh, now the shit starts!” Freddie declared with a wicked laugh.
“Yes, yes we are!” Paul said with a pleasant smile. “You know, drinks, a fine night, a dog, a pretty lady-what could be better?!”
He then saw the plate and his charming smile dropped.
“Well, it’s now the part of the evening where Y/N must make her first decision…”
He set a short, red rose on a silver plate before you. Looking around, you saw them swallow nervously or smile despite the anxiety in his eyes.
There was clever John, adorable Ringo, sweet Paul, dashing John, romantic Brian, hot Roger, or soft Deaky to consider.
But only one could get the first impression rose.
Reaching down, you placed it between your thumb and forefinger, other hand cupping the petals gracefully, and thought about your options before settling on the right one.
    Who should get the first impression rose? Vote in the Google Docs Poll below!!
Taglist:  @queenlover05​ @youcanbemyhoneychile​ @seraphicmercury​ @ewannmcgregor​  @gwiilymslee @cherry--coke @queen-paladin @yourlocalmusicalprostitute @isitstraightvodka @coincidence-ithinknots-blog @rhapsodyrecs
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The Proposal Proposition
Summary: Tim knew getting involved with a scheme that required him to be in any form of pretend romantic relationship with Jason Todd was a terrible idea. He'd had a crush on him since they'd met during his first year of college and now they were going to get married to win more financial aid. Tim was an idiot for doing this and he knew the fallout would kill him when it came but he was finding it hard to care when it meant he got to have Jason pressed against his side as they walked across campus and matching rings decorating their fingers.
A/N: My prompt fill for day four of jaytimweek: vegas wedding/college. I had a lot of fun smashing these prompts together and have wanted to write a fic with this premise for a long time so I'm happy to finally share it with all of you!
Also on AO3!
Jason: Okay, so I know this may seem kind of weird and I know you don’t exactly need the money, but have you ever considered those schemes where people get married to get extra help with their financial aid?
Tim stared at his phone, eyes wide and trying to make sense of the text that he’d woken up to. The text that was timestamped at 3:45 that morning.
He didn’t even bother typing out a response and called Jason instead. He didn’t know if he would be up, but he didn’t have a class, so any loss of sleep was his own fault because you didn’t just text people talking about getting married for financial aid and in the middle of the night no less.
He tapped his finger against the back of his phone as he walked across campus, mug of coffee held tightly in his hand. The air had a bit of a chill to it. The cooler fall weather would be coming soon. He’d need to remember to unbox his countless hoodies that he’d managed to collect over the years to keep warm on his way to class.
“Hello?” Jason finally answered, sounding groggy. “Is this…? Tim? Why are you calling so early?”
“Maybe because you decided to text me in the middle of the night asking about people who get married to get additional financial aid benefits for college,” he answered, taking a sip of his coffee. “And I have one question in response to that: what the fuck?”
“Oh that,” Jason said, sounding more awake and Tim could almost imagine him flopping onto his back in bed, one hand resting on his stomach as he stared at the ceiling with his phone pressed against his ear. “Yeah, I found out that you can get added financial aid if you’re married and I know you don’t really need it, but I’ve kind of been struggling with finances and figured that the less debt I have to pay, the better.”
Tim froze, coffee halfway to his mouth. “Jason,” he asked slowly, “are you asking me to marry you for financial aid?”
“Kind of?” he said. “I mean, I guess, yeah. There’s no one else I can really ask, and I know it’s kind of stupid, but I thought…I mean if you don’t want to that’s fine…”
“Okay here’s what we’re going to do,” Tim said, fighting down the butterflies in his stomach. “I’m going to go to class and you’re going to go to class. And then tonight when we’re both done with class, we’re going to order a pizza and sit in your dorm room and talk about this because I’m still really confused.”
“Oh, sure,” he agreed. “We can do that. You want pepperoni and mushroom?”
“Duh,” Tim said with a grin as he rolled his eyes. “And don’t forget the breadsticks.”
“What kind of monster do you take me for?” he scoffed. “We can’t order pizza and not get breadsticks.”
“Is five good?”
“Not today. I have to meet with my advisor after my afternoon class. Make it six?”
“Sure, works for me,” Tim said, finally getting his feet to move again.
“Cool. See you later.”
“Later,” Tim said, ending the call. He slipped his phone back into his pocket and adjusted the straps of his backpack on his shoulders. Today was going to prove to be an interesting day and he knew that his curiosity over what Jason was proposing was going to make his classes nearly insufferable to sit through.
“So, what you’re saying is that you want me and you to get married so that you can get more financial aid benefits for college?” Tim asked around a mouthful of pizza.
“Yeah, basically,” Jason said, finally getting over his initial embarrassment at having to explain the whole situation.
Tim nodded and continued to chew. He was a little amazed at how much work Jason had put into the whole idea and the research that had gone into it. It also explained why he’d gotten the text in the middle of the night and not a more reasonable hour.
The idea wasn’t terrible, and they could get a divorce once college was taken care of. They’d been friends for years so getting along wouldn’t be a problem, even if Jason kind of deplored Tim’s living habits when he didn’t clean for a few weeks.
The only hiccup that could happen would be Tim’s problem. Which could prove to be difficult if he was in close proximity to Jason for a long time.
“You do realize we’re going to have to live together to make this work, right?” Tim asked, trying to make Jason reject the idea instead of him since he liked the thought of them being married a little too much.
Jason shrugged, and Tim squinted when he thought his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “Yeah, I thought about that. But I don’t have a roommate right now, so you could always move into my dorm with me. I’m sure it won’t be too difficult to work around with housing, especially when we show them our marriage certificate and all that,” he explained, reaching over to swipe a breadstick from the box.
Tim nodded. “Our friends are going to lose their shit.”
Jason nodded. “Yeah, I assumed as much.”
“The media probably will, too. Are you prepared to deal with what comes with being with a Drake?”
Jason shrugged. “I’m sure it’s nothing I can’t deal with.”
Tim nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Jason asked. He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. “You’ll do it?”
He nodded again, trying to push down the sour feeling that none of this would mean anything to Jason, but it would mean the world to him. “Why not? It’ll help you and I’ll get some benefits, too. And I think it could be fun. We just have to figure out who’s doing holidays.”
“We’ll probably have to do Christmas with your parents since they throw that big party every year,” Jason said, finally sitting back to munch on his breadstick.
“Yeah,” Tim sighed, rolling his eyes. “Plus, all of the socialites are going to want to see my new husband.”
“Am I allowed to scandalize them?” Jason asked with a grin.
Tim grinned. “Stumble out of the coat closet with our clothes rumpled to make them think we were doing things?” he asked.
“That’s not a bad idea,” he mused. “I was thinking more of sticking my tongue down you throat under the mistletoe.”
“That would give them the chance to take more pictures, but the closet would really get them talking. So, if you want to be the hot topic of all the gossip circles, that’s how it’s going to be done.”
“Sounds good to me,” Jason said, snagging another breadstick. “And for Thanksgiving we can chill here and watch ridiculous movies while we eat takeout in our pajamas.”
Tim groaned. “That sounds so much better than the four-course meal my family usually sets up for the holiday. I have to wear a suit. There’s three of us and I’m expected to wear a suit. It’s ridiculous.”
Jason made a face. “Ew. I’m surprised your parents don’t host a whole charity gala since it’s the perfect time to be thankful and help others be thankful too or some shit.”
“That’s Bruce Wayne’s thing,” Tim said, waving his hand. “And my mother and father don’t want to seem like they’re copying or trying to compete with him. Even though everyone who’s rich is actually competing with each other to hold the best parties and have the best houses and belongings, there’s this unspoken rule that it can’t look like they’re competing. Although we might win Christmas this year thanks to you.”
“We could probably win Thanksgiving too if the media scandal doesn’t die down enough.”
“Speaking of,” Tim said, straightening. “When are we doing this?”
Jason hummed and twisted around, grabbing his planner from his bed. He flipped open to the current month. “We’ve got fall break coming up. We could fly out then and make this happen if you’re good with that.”
“That’s just a couple weeks away, right?” Tim asked, pulling his laptop from his backpack.
“Yeah,” Jason said with a nod.
“Let me pull up flights to Vegas to see what we can do…”
Jason chewed on another slice of pizza while Tim skimmed the flight times and prices to get out there.
“Hey Jay?” Tim asked, looking up with a smirk pulling at his lips.
Jason raised an eyebrow in silent question.
“How do you feel about flying first class?”
Jason grinned. “I think it’s only appropriate for a pair of newlyweds.”
“And the honeymoon suite?” he asked, pulling out the credit cards his parents had given him to keep him occupied and out of their hair.
“Could we really stay in anything less?” Jason scoffed.
Tim snickered. “We can fly out there on a Tuesday morning and fly back on Saturday so we have time to settle in. We’ll have to start working out the legal stuff as soon as we’re back though.”
“Sounds like a great vacation,” Jason agreed. “Do we have to make reservations at Vegas chapels?” He opened the lid of his laptop and started on a quick search of Vegas wedding chapels. He grinned when he clicked on the first service that popped up. “Hey Tim, how do you feel about getting married in a Gazebo at sunset?”
Tim raised an eyebrow. “Fancy.”
“We can get the cheapest package since we’re not going to have any guests. What are we going to wear?”
“Tuxes, duh,” Tim mumbled, reading over something on his computer. “We have to make it look good.”
“Oh my god,” Jason breathed, feeling glee fill him.
“What?” Tim asked.
“You can live stream other people’s weddings,” Jason said, mirth shining in his eyes.
Tim frowned and set his laptop to the side, crawling over to him so he could look at his screen. “You mean you can just watch a complete stranger get married?”
“Yes,” Jason said, laughing. “We should totally do this! The media would go crazy!”
Tim grinned. “I can tweet out the video link before our wedding.”
“We even get roundtrip limo service to the venue from our hotel through this package,” Jason continued.
“What do they have open?”
Jason hummed and clicked on the dates for when they’d be in. We could do that Wednesday at 8?” he asked, looking at Tim who nodded.
“Sounds good. Let me get my wallet and we can reserve it.” Tim grabbed his wallet from where he’d been sitting and leaned against the bed next to Jason, their thighs pressing together as Tim took Jason’s laptop and continued to the booking page.
He typed in his personal information and paused when it asked for a phone number. “Do you want this under your name or mine?”
“Do you know anything about wedding decorations?” Jason asked.
“No. Do you?”
“Nope,” Jason said, crossing his arms. “But you do have more experience with fancy parties and shit.”
“Okay,” Tim sighed and shrugged, putting in his phone number. He waited as the screen refreshed and their package page was brought up. “Do you want to change any of these details or are you fine with the default?” Tim asked, scrolling down the page.
“How do you feel about red roses?” Jason murmured.
Tim shrugged, changing the color scheme and the rose petal choice to red. “Works for me. Anything else? We aren’t exactly going to have any guests unless a sudden influx of reporters show up.”
“What about a cake or reception?” Jason asked. “We can’t not have wedding cake. You only get married so many times.”
Tim chuckled. “We can order champagne and dessert from the hotel. I’m sure they’ll have lots of options that are ten times better than whatever grocery store cake these people buy.”
“Fair enough,” Jason agreed.
“We don’t need their tuxedo rental either,” Tim said. “I have my own and I know a place here in Gotham we can get you fitted at.” He clicked through the rest of the options, confirming the details before he was brought to a payment page. He selected to pay in full and pulled his credit card out of his wallet, filling in his information.
The mouse hovered over the ‘Pay’ button and he looked up at Jason.
“Last chance to back out,” he said.
“Do it,” Jason agreed.
Tim hit the button and the screen changed, wedding bells and confetti floating down over the screen as a large ‘Congratulations!’ flashed.
“You are the one who’s going to carry the bouquet, right?” Jason asked.
Tim rolled his eyes and shoved at Jason’s shoulder as he laughed. “I’m so going to be the one who proposes the divorce,” Tim muttered.
“Damn, we haven’t even gotten married yet and you’re already planning on pulling the plug.”
“I would say I’m marrying you for your money, but you don’t have any,” Tim said, sticking his tongue out at Jason.
“Why you little…” he grabbed Tim around the waist as Tim screeched, kicking out his legs to try and get away from the merciless dig of Jason’s fingers into his sides.
He dissolved into giggles, bucking and squirming in Jason’s arms during the relentless attack.
“Jason noooo,” he cried around gasps for air. “Let me go!”
“Haven’t you realized it yet, Tim?” Jason said, voice low and dangerous in his ear. “We’re about to be married. You can’t get rid of me that easily anymore.”
Tim hoped his shiver was hidden while he continued to try and extricate himself from Jason’s grasp. He didn’t need the lick of heat in his stomach to get the better of him and make him do something stupid.
But he was already doing something stupid. Because he’d agreed to marry his best friend for financial aid when he was already practically in love with him.
School helped to keep Tim’s mind off the countdown to the wedding. What sent him spiraling back into horrified acceptance as he tried to deal with his little problem was the phone calls from the wedding chapel.
“Hello?” he asked, picking up his phone that was vibrating for attention in his pocket.
“Hello is this Tim Drake?” a woman asked.
“Yes,” he hedged.
“Hi Tim, this is Debbie with Chapel of the Flowers. I’m going to be your complimentary wedding planner as we approach you and your fiancé’s big day,” she explained brightly.
Tim’s steps faltered. “I thought that everything was already taken care of through the booking on the website.”
“Oh most of it is,” she reassured. “But in case you want to change any arrangements we can take care of that over the phone. And we’ll also confirm your hotel details to make sure the limousine picks you up at the correct place and time. Now, I noticed that you didn’t include a wedding cake or reception in your service. Is that correct? Because I can assure you the cakes we supply are absolutely to die for.”
Tim smiled wryly at the statement. “We’ll keep that in mind, but at this point we weren’t planning on a reception. This…ceremony,” he said carefully, “is more of a private matter between my fiancé and I. We don’t have any other guests who will be attending the wedding.”
“I see,” Debbie said, sounding unhappy. “Well, if you do change your mind, we have a staff that can come and act as guests for your wedding if you do decide you would like other people present.”
Tim practically gaped, trying to find something to say. “Um, thanks,” he said slowly. “I’ll let you know if that’s an offer we’d like to take you up on.”
“Of course the pricing for that arrangement is dependent on how many guests you would like, but we can work out the details of that later.”
Tim nodded even though he couldn’t see her and rubbed his finger against his temple, wondering what the hell he’d gotten involved in. “Well, if that’s all…” he hedged.
“Right, of course!” she said. “I will mark down that you would like everything as you’ve already specified. I’ll give you another call when we get closer to the date of the wedding and if there’s anything you’d like changed before then or if you’re anxious about the big day you’re more than welcome to call me back at this number.”
“What do you mean anxious?” Tim couldn’t stop himself from asking.
“Oh you know, we have some couples who’ve had anxiety with something that’s such a big commitment and they might have a little bit of doubt after making the deposit. Small cases of cold feet and things like that. I help counsel couples through it.”
“Okay, well if I need to talk to you about any of that I will certainly let you know,” Tim said, starting to feel a little uncomfortable.
“Certainly! Have a good day, Tim!”
“You too,” he mumbled before hanging up the phone. He shook his head and shoved it into his pocket, hurrying up the steps to the dining hall where he was meeting Jason for dinner.
He swiped his student ID as he walked in and slipped around the corner to get to the back corner of the dining hall. The table he usually occupied with Jason was empty. He dropped off his bag and made for one of the food stations, grabbing a burger and fries for dinner.
Tim sat sideways in the chair closest to the wall so he could lean against it and prop his foot up on the chair next to him. He swiped a fry through his ketchup and looked up to find Jason stomping over towards him, fists clenched at his sides and scowl gracing his face like he was on the verge of murdering someone.
“You okay?” Tim asked.
Jason dropped his backpack in the free chair across from him and held up a finger. “I need food first. Maybe dessert before anything else.”
“Grab me a brownie if you’re going over there,” Tim called as he spun around and made his way to the meal lines.
Tim managed to finish his burger and was almost done with his fries before Jason made it back with his own bowl of stir-fry and a generous plate of desserts in tow. He set the plate in the middle of the table and angrily scooped up a bite of stir-fry with a spoon, shoving it into his mouth.
“What happened?” Tim finally asked.
Jason glanced up at him and sagged against his chair. “My fucking science professor has a paper due next week and we were supposed to get the assignment for it two weeks ago and he expects all of us to write this eight-page paper with graphs and an appendix by Monday even though he just gave us the assignment. And that doesn’t even count the fact that he hasn’t returned our last papers so none of us have any idea if we’re on the right track with what he wants as far as writing style goes.”
He huffed and stirred the food in his bowl. “I wouldn’t even be in this class if it wasn’t required. I don’t know anything about science,” he mumbled, finally losing steam.
Tim frowned. “So, he’s making this paper, that he just gave you, due right before Fall break?” he asked.
“I know.”
“Good luck.”
Jason smiled ruefully. “I’m going to die.”
“I’ll mourn you.”
“You’re going to be a widow.”
Tim smirked and swiped a brownie from the plate. “Can’t be a widow if we’re not even married yet.”
“Hopefully the police won’t come after you.”
“If they do, I’ll just tell them what happened: you had a heart attack from the stress of having to write a paper.”
Jason raised an eyebrow. “So, you already know how I’m going to die? That’s not suspicious at all.”
Tim grinned, his teeth glinting dangerously underneath the dining hall lights despite the flecks of brownie stuck between his teeth. “I know how to make things look like an accident.”
“You’re evil.”
Tim shrugged. “Maybe a little bit. But I can’t be that evil if I agreed to marry you for a scam to get more federal loan money.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jason said, some of his good cheer returning. “It’s not a scam. We’re actually getting married. We’re not lying about anything.”
“Except our undying love for each other,” he muttered, even though it wasn’t exactly a lie for him.
Jason waved his hand. “That’s what marriages of convenience are all about. By the time senior year rolls around, the stress will have become too much for us and made our marriage fall apart.”
“Now who’s being suspicious and planning things ahead of time?” Tim asked.
Jason scoffed. “You love it.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” He swiped another brownie from the plate just to make a point.
Tim carefully cradled one of the two coffee cups in his elbow to free his other hand to knock on the door. He heard a muffled groan come from inside before something creaked. A shout sounded and a loud thump.
Tim stared at the door when the lock and handle started to rattle. It was pulled open to reveal an exhausted and messy Jason in the doorway. He fought to keep his gaze off how Jason’s hair stuck up in four different directions, wondering how it would feel to run his fingers through it and comb it back into place.
“Oh my god, is that coffee?” he asked, staring at the drinks in Tim’s arms. “I fucking love you if one of those is mine.”
“One of them is,” Tim said, holding out the right cup. “I didn’t buy two coffees for myself.”
“You have before,” Jason mumbled against the lid as he proceeded to chug half the cup. He stepped to the side and let Tim inside. He walked over to the beanbag in the corner of the room and sat down while Jason closed the door behind him.
The coffee table was covered with books and papers, Jason’s laptop sitting open in the middle of it all. Jason sat down in front of it, legs splaying out over the carpet.
“What was that thump earlier?” Tim finally asked when Jason was slowing his coffee intake.
Jason coughed and wiped the back of his hand over his mouth, cheeks turning pink. “I um…I tripped and fell.”
Tim stared at him for a minute before he broke out into hysterical giggles, hand clutching his side as he fought to keep from spilling his coffee.
“Oh my god,” he gasped when they finally started to subside. “How tired are you that you tripped in the middle of your own dorm room?”
“I’m exhausted okay?” Jason snapped, setting his cup down on the coffee table. “I’ve been working on this paper all weekend and haven’t even touched the reading I have to do for my three literature classes.”
“How much do you have left?” Tim asked, taking a sip from his cup.
“I just told you I hadn’t started on it! It’s 600 pages of-“
“Not the literature reading,” Tim said with a roll of his eyes. “How much of the paper do you have left.”
“Oh,” Jason said. He grinned, and it looked as manic as he was probably feeling after foregoing sleep and busting his ass to write a paper over the weekend. “I just have the conclusion left to write and then I need to slap together a works cited page.”
“Then don’t let me stop you,” Tim said, waving his hand. “Get it done.”
Jason looked at his computer and grimaced. “I think I’ll finish my coffee first.”
“Yeah, but the sooner you get done, the sooner you can nap,” Tim pointed out.
“This thing isn’t going to get edited.”
Tim snorted. “Do college papers ever?”
He grinned. “Nope.”
Tim kicked off his shoes as Jason bent over his computer and started typing. It wasn’t long before the last paragraph was done and he was flipping through the articles he’d borrowed from the library to take down his source information.
“There,” Jason said, clicking something on his computer before he sat back. “I’m finally done.”
“Time for a nap?” Tim asked.
“I think I might be too wired from sleep deprivation and caffeine to sleep. Movie?”
He shrugged. “Sure. I don’t have anywhere else I need to be.”
Jason pushed himself to his feet and grabbed his computer. He climbed onto his bed, pushing all the pillows against his headboard as he pulled up Netflix on his computer. Tim didn’t hesitate, climbing into bed next to him and fluffing the pillow behind his head as Jason rested the computer on both of their thighs.
Tim sighed, relaxing into the unforgiving university-distributed mattress as best he could as they settled in for what was probably going to be a t.v. show binge or mini movie marathon as Jason fought to forget the horrors of the past few days.
Jason pushed through the door to Tim’s dorm room, stomping angrily across the floor. Tim raised an eyebrow where he was seated on his bed, shoving a handful of cheeseballs into his mouth while sitting around in one of Jason’s hoodies that he’d stolen and his boxer briefs.
“What’s up?” he asked, setting his business ethics textbook to the side.
“So you know how my professor assigned that stupid paper that he made be due today and I busted my ass all weekend to get done?”
Tim felt his stomach sink. “Oh no.”
“Oh no is fucking right,” Jason snarled, staring down at the floor. “He decided to postpone the deadline until after fall break so now I’ve got this monster paper done and haven’t done any of my literature reading for my classes today or tomorrow.”
“On the bright side…at least it’s done?” Tim offered, knowing nothing he could say would be enough to cool the fury that was consuming Jason. And which had every right to consume him when it was caused by shitty professors and a stupid educational system.
Jason deflated and walked over to his bed, leaning against the edge next to him. “Yeah,” he sighed. “You’re right, but it’s still so frustrating.”
“Cheeseball for your sorrows?” Tim asked, holding out the bag.
Jason gave him a soft smile and reached into the back, pulling out a handful.
“And on the other bright side,” Tim continued. “Tomorrow night you get to leave on an awesome fall break vacation with me that’s going to let us fool the student loan system so we can get more money.”
Jason laughed as he chewed on his snack. “Yeah, you’re right. And at least I don’t have to worry about interrupting our vacation with stupid homework troubles.”
Tim’s stomach twisted at the word ‘our.’ “See?” he asked, trying for a smile that didn’t feel like it was concealing his rolling emotions. “Now you’re thinking!”
“What are you doing anyway?” Jason asked, finally changing the topic.
“Some class reading for business ethics for tomorrow,” he said with a shrug. “It’ll be my last class of the day and I know it’s going to drag, especially with the topic.”
“Which is?”
Tim smiled, knowing it was as ugly as it felt. “Ethical management systems of course.”
Jason made a fake gagging noise and Tim nodded, completely in agreement.
Tim took a shaky breath and held up his phone, his camera open.
“You ready to do this?” he asked, glancing around at the few people in the seats around them at their departure gate.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Jason said, scooting closer despite the armrest separating them. He threw an arm around Tim’s shoulders and pulled him against his side.
“Smile,” Tim said, holding up the camera. He tilted his head towards Jason and snapped a picture of them leaning close, obviously in the middle of the airport.
“Is that going on Instagram or Twitter?” Jason asked as Tim lowered the phone to inspect the picture.
“Both,” he answered, opening Instagram first. “Might as well cover all the bases.”
He typed out a quick caption. “At the airport with the fiancé! Can’t believe we’re finally headed to Vegas to tie the knot. Been waiting for this for so long.”
He swallowed and added a bunch of heart eye emojis.
“Seems kind of cheesy,” Jason commented over his shoulder.
“Then it’s perfect for you,” he shot back.
“Hey…” Jason said, pulling Tim against his side.
Tim chuckled and switched to Twitter, posting the same photo and message. It had barely been posted before his notifications started to climb.
“What the hell?” Jason asked, looking at the bottom of his screen.
Tim bit his lip, thumb hovering uncertainly over the icon before he opened them. A string of likes and frantic comments appeared. There was a mixture of incredible excitement and shock. More than one person was desperate to know if it was true or not.
“You’re going to have so much damage control to run,” Jason muttered.
Tim smirked, trying to feign more confidence than he actually felt. “Don’t speak too soon. You’re going to have to deal with as much of this as I do. Be glad I didn’t tag your accounts or your stuff would be blowing up. Although they’re probably going to track you down anyway.”
“You can’t be serious?” Jason asked. “That’s kind of creepy.”
Tim shrugged. “Check your phone.”
“I swear to god, I’ll never forgive you if you basically ruin my social media experience.”
Tim laughed. “What experience?” he asked. “You barely post and even when you do it’s pictures on Instagram. You hardly use Twitter.”
“Shut it,” Jason grumbled. He sighed after checking both of his accounts. “Okay, I’m safe for now,” he said, sagging back in relief against his chair.”
“Now boarding for flight 2335 for Las Vegas, Nevada.”
“Well, that’s us,” Tim said, standing up. “Time to get hitched.”
“Don’t sound like you’re dreading it,” Jason said, pulling him over to the gate.
“Are you kidding?” Tim scoffed. “Being married to you is probably going to be a nightmare,” he said, the statement going soft because of the grin pulling at his lips.
Jason laughed and pulled out their tickets, both of them completely unaware of the pictures some of the other travelers were sneaking of them as they passed.
The heat of Las Vegas smothered them when they stepped through the door to the line of taxis waiting outside the airport. The air was cleaner than what they were subjected to in Gotham, but the humidity pressed down on Tim’s chest.
“Are we sure an outdoor wedding was a good idea?” Tim asked as Jason helped the driver load their suitcases into the trunk of the taxi.
“We’ll make do,” Jason said. “If anything, it’ll prove to be a very interesting ceremony.”
“Ah, you two are getting married, how splendid!” the driver interrupted with a grin. “I’ve had many, many couples ride in my car and all of them have stayed together many years! My taxi is very good luck.”
Tim and Jason shared a skeptical look as they climbed into the back of the car, both knowing there was no way he could know the people who’d come here to get married were still together.
“Now, where am I taking the beautiful couple?” he asked, looking in the rearview mirror.
Tim rattled off the name of their hotel, glad it was immediately recognized. He squinted against the bright sunlight when they pulled out from underneath the overhang. He took a deep breath, his heart gaining speed in his chest now that the wedding was on the horizon.
He hoped he wasn’t about to destroy his life with a colossal mistake.
Tim fell back heavily on the mattress of the resplendent bed of the honeymoon suite. The air conditioning was a sweet relief from the few seconds of oppressive heat they had to walk through to get through the sliding doors of the hotel. He could feel the beads of sweat pressing into his back, making a face at the ceiling.
“So,” Jason said, falling onto the covers next to him. “What are we going to do until tomorrow?”
“Hell if I know,” Tim said, rolling his head to the side to look at Jason.
Jason grinned. “Think we can fuck with the concierge?”
“Isn’t there a pool here too?”
Jason nodded. “Think so. Did you bring swim trunks?”
“Nope,” Tim said. “Shopping?”
“Meh,” Jason said.
“Yeah,” Tim agreed.
Tim tugged at Jason’s tie, securing it around his neck as he shifted in front of him. “Stay still,” he admonished.
He let out a long-suffering sigh. “I feel like I’m being suffocated.”
“Well get used to it,” Tim said. “You’re going to have to wear ties at least every other month from now on.”
“Only if you promise to take them off for me,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.
Tim rolled his eyes. “Keep that up and you’re sleeping on the couch over there.”
“Not even married yet and you’re kicking me out of our bed.”
Tim felt himself flush and didn’t say anything. “Let’s just…get going,” he muttered. “The limo is going to be waiting downstairs for us and we don’t want to be late for our own ceremony.”
Jason chuckled and slipped the hotel key into his pocket. Tim stalked past him, valiantly trying to keep his mind off what was coming. And that his first kiss with Jason was going to happen because they were getting married for financial aid and not because Jason harbored any sort of feelings for him.
“Hey, you need to tweet out the link to the livestream, right?” Jason asked as they stepped into the elevator.
“Oh shit, yeah,” Tim said. He pulled out his phone and pulled up the wedding chapel website on his phone, scrolling through the weddings from that day until he got to his own. He copied the link and opened Twitter, typing out a quick message for all his followers before hitting send.
He let out a shaky breath before he shoved the phone into his pocket, knowing he’d have a million notifications before the ceremony even started.
They stepped out of the elevator when it reached the first floor and strode through the lobby. A white limo was waiting in front of the steps of the hotel. A man in a suit holding a sign with Tim’s last name on it smiled at them.
“Welcome,” he said, pulling open the rear door. “Are you excited for the big day?”
“You have no idea,” Jason said genially, placing a hand on Tim’s lower back to guide him into the backseat.
“There is champagne and snacks in the fridge and you’re welcome to help yourself, although I would recommend waiting until after the ceremony in case your nerves get the best of you,” he said with a lowly chuckle.
The statement left Tim knowing that he’d probably witnessed more than one couple spew chunks before or during the ceremony.
Tim took a shaky breath as the driver climbed into the front seat and pulled away from the curb. Jason’s hand found his on the seat and gave it a squeeze. He looked over at him and Jason offered a small smile that Tim returned.
“We can still back out if you want to,” he whispered.
Tim shook his head. “No, we…we already agreed to do this, and I wouldn’t want you missing the chance to get more financial aid. Besides, it’ll be fun. An adventure of sorts.”
Jason chuckled and squeezed his hand again. As they drove through the streets, Tim belatedly realized that Jason didn’t pull his hand away.
Tim was valiantly trying to keep his breathing under control and stave off a panic attack as the officiant made it to the vows. Jason was holding his hands in a death grip as they stood under the wooden canopy of the gazebo. White string lights wrapped around the rafters and the sky was pink and purple above their heads because of the sunset.
He hoped the camera that was carefully sweeping around them to capture the video from all the right angles wasn’t picking up on his inner turmoil because he didn’t need hundreds if not thousands of people picking up on his panic and questioning what he was doing getting married to Jason if his heart wasn’t really in it.
Jason met his eyes, gaze soft and supportive and Tim knew if they were anywhere else, he would’ve been asking Tim if he rally wanted to go through with this. Tim gave him a small nod, hoping the reassurance would be enough to counter the panic in his own eyes.
Jason squeezed his hands tighter as he began to repeat the words the officiant said to him. He released one of Tim’s hands to reach for the silver band resting on a velvet pillow on the pedestal beside them.
Tim swallowed, straining to hear over the blood rushing through his ears and discern the words being said aloud.
The kiss of metal that slid over his finger was shocking and Tim looked down, hoping it didn’t look as jerky as it felt. He wiggled his finger, catching the movement of the light from the string lights as it wiggled and waved over the curved top of the band.
“Tim?” the officiant prompted.
Tim swallowed and nodded, slowly repeating the words that Jason had just said. He picked up the other ring, holding it tightly between his shaky fingers. Jason’s hand was warm under his touch and he slid the band on his ring finger, leaving it to settle into its new home.
As soon as his hand fell away, Jason gripped his hand, linking their fingers together.
The officiant smiled at them both, closing the book in front of him.
“I now pronounce you, husband and husband. You may kiss the bridegroom.”
Tim tried to smile but knew it was shaky. Jason lifted his hand and cupped Tim’s cheek, stroking the soft skin with his thumb. He stepped forward and ducked his head, pausing long enough that Tim’s thoughts started to run in a panic. This was his first kiss with Jason and it was because they were getting married, not because they were actually in love.
It made his heart ache.
The ache didn’t last long when Jason’s lips pressed against his. His eyes slid shut, but they broke apart quickly, Tim mourning the loss of contact. Their first kiss was their wedding kiss. Their first kiss was their wedding kiss that had just been livestreamed over the internet to an unbelievable number of people.
“Congratulations Tim and Jason. I wish you the best in your marriage.”
Tim smiled. “Thank you.”
Jason squeezed his hand and the man held out his hand, directing them back into the main building. Tim was glad to see the camera had been lowered and they were given their privacy once again.
“We can take a few wedding photos inside now that the ceremony is complete,” he continued, walking behind them.
“Sounds great,” Jason said, and Tim wondered if he was imagining the tightness in his voice.
Tim swallowed then the photographer arranged them in front of a tasteful backdrop, directing Jason to keep an arm around Tim’s waist which he apparently had no trouble doing. They were arranged in five different poses, subjected to the click of the camera as they smiled, trying to seem as relaxed as possible.
“Now kiss for me,” he said with a grin.
They both froze.
“Just one little kiss,” he prodded.
Jason was the first to move. He turned to face Tim, placing a warm and comforting hand on his hip. He cupped Tim’s cheek with his other hand, giving the camera an open view of their profiles. Jason’s eyes searched Tim’s and Tim rested a hand on his chest.
Jason ducked his head and then they were kissing again. It was different from the first kiss and he knew in the back of his mind he’d have to get used to this if they were going to make everyone believe they were ridiculously in love.
Jason’s lips were soft, and the kiss lasted longer than the one during the ceremony, the shutter clicking several times as the photographer took their pictures.
Jason pulled away and it took a minute for Tim’s eyes to flutter open. He met Jason’s sharp gaze watching him intently, searching his face for…something.
“That looked wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. If you’d like to head to the front of the building, your limo should be waiting to take you back to your hotel. I can have these developed tomorrow and delivered to your hotel before the day is over.”
“Thank you,” Jason managed since the words stuck in Tim’s throat. He was still watching the side of Jason’s head, trying to capture every moment and movement and feature of him.
He knew they’d be stuck together for three years at least. They had to get through the rest of college and he wasn’t sure how long they had to stay married after they graduated to make sure it stayed legit, but once that day came and they were no longer tied together, Tim was sure he wasn’t going to be the same.
He’d break, coming apart at the seams. He just hoped that Jason could stand to be around him and stay friends once it was done. Because torturing himself for three years was one thing, but torturing himself and then losing one of the few good people in his life would drive him insane.
“Tim, you okay?” Jason asked, meeting his gaze when Tim hadn’t made a move.
Tim forced a smile on his face, aware the photographer was still standing close by, listening to their conversation with intense interest.
“Of course,” he said, making his voice light and airy. “I was just wondering how I managed to snag the best man in the world for a husband.”
He saw the photographer grin out of the corner of his eye and Jason’s expression softened but he could still see the question lurking behind his eyes.
“Come on,” Jason said. “We should get back to the hotel and start celebrating.”
Tim grinned, his stomach tightening as he wished that he was actually going to get a true wedding celebration.
“So,” Jason said as he clacked away on his computer while Tim sat next to him and fiddled with his phone since his Twitter notifications hadn’t slowed down at all. “I’ve already emailed housing to let them know what happened. Once they get back to me you’ll probably be moving in with me in the dorm. Unless they decide to make special arrangements. Now we just need to take care of the financial aid paperwork to get this finished.”
“Do you know what we need to fill out?” Tim asked absentmindedly as he scrolled through several tweets that featured screenshots of the wedding ceremony. Most of them included their kiss.
“Yeah, I’ve got all that pulled up. We just need to change our marital status and submit the forms for review to get more aid. It shouldn’t take too long and if they need proof, we can scan our marriage certificate and send them a copy when we get back on campus and can access a printer.”
Tim nodded. “Okay. You want to get your stuff done first and then I can do mine?” he asked.
“Sure,” Jason said, clicking and typing in the silence between them.
Tim glanced up at him and found all his attention on the computer where he was reclined on the bed of the honeymoon suite that was eagerly provided for them. Although knowing Vegas and this hotel, there were probably a hundred more just like it so everyone could experience their honeymoons at once.
He pursed his lips and looked back at his phone, clicking the link to one of Gotham’s online tabloids that was constantly posting stories about him. They had several screenshots of the wedding video and were making their own suspicions as to the purpose of the wedding, but no one had tried to get in touch with him for a comment and he was more than a little grateful.
He’d already been put through a major emotional step the night before and he wasn’t ready to play the part of the newly married husband yet. He’d get enough of that when they returned to school. The isolation that came with their hotel room was the biggest comfort he had.
Tim’s phone vibrated in his hand and he swallowed when his dad’s name flashed across the screen. He winced and slid his thumb across the screen.
“Hello?” he croaked.
“Timothy, we need to have a talk,” his father said, voice low and stern.
“Yeah, sure Dad. What’s up?”
The sounds of Jason’s typing stopped, and Tim glanced at him. His eyebrows were drawn down in concern and Tim grimaced, catching his thumbnail between his teeth to chew on it lightly. Jason sat up, setting the computer to the side so his focus was on Tim.
“I’m…concerned,” he started.
“Oh?” Tim asked, hoping he sounded innocent.
“Is there a reason that the tabloids are covered with pictures of you getting married and that I’ve gotten calls from more than one socialite asking why you haven’t introduced your now husband at any of the social functions you’ve attended in the past year?”
Tim swallowed. “He’s not exactly partial to social functions and we were aiming to keep things discreet,” he lied easily.
Tim wasn’t sure where his ability to lie was coming from. Maybe from the years of distance he already had with his father. He could say anything, and it would probably sound believable. Most of his antics were overlooked because his father failed to pry into his life, they never came because he needed to make up an excuse for what he was doing.
“And it never occurred to you, or him, to share the little bit of information that you were engaged? He never thought to ask for my blessing or I don’t know, meet me in person before you decided to fly off to Vegas to tie the knot?” his father asked, voice filled with disappointment and what Tim was sure was anger for the trouble their recent nuptials were sure to cause.
Tim winced, trying to pick his next words very carefully. Jason’s long fingers wrapped around his free hand, pulling it from his mouth so he wouldn’t do even more damage to his nails.
“Look, Dad. I’m sorry that this seems sort of backwards and confused. This wasn’t a spur of the moment decision as much as it seems to be. We didn’t want to make a big deal out of it and getting married in Vegas seemed like the best option,” Tim explained, his fingers wrapped tightly around Jason’s hand to try and ground him.
“And you didn’t think that I might want to be there for this? You only get married once if you’re lucky.”
Tim blinked. His relationship with his dad hadn’t always been the best one. There had been times when they’d gone days without talking simply because his dad hadn’t taken an interest in his life. It had never occurred to him that his dad might feel hurt over not being included on such an important day.
“I’m sorry, Dad,” he admitted, a potent sense of guilt weighing down his stomach. “I’ll introduce you as soon as we get back to Gotham. We can go out for dinner and you can sufficiently question and threaten Jason since you missed out on all those opportunities in the past.”
Jason huffed a snort and Tim glanced up at him, offering him a small smile.
There was a pause on the line. “I’d like that. When are you set to get back?”
“We’re flying back on Saturday. Does Sunday dinner work for you?”
“I’ll make the reservations,” he agreed.
Tim nodded even though he couldn’t see him. “Okay. See you then.”
“Bye, Tim.”
“Bye, Dad,” he said, ending the call. He sighed and dropped his hand to his lap.
“You okay?” Jason asked.
“Yeah,” Tim sighed. “Yeah,” he said again, voice stronger. “Dad wants to have dinner with us when we get back. Sunday dinner. He wants to meet with you since we kind of bypassed all of that.”
“Meeting my father-in-law already. We’re moving fast, aren’t we?” Jason asked, raising an eyebrow. “We’ve been married less than a day.”
Tim huffed a laugh, feeling himself relax. Things were going to be fine. Jason was his friend and they were going to work through all of this together. Tim might struggle with his feelings and Jason was completely oblivious to it all, but they had each other.
“Moving’s going to be a bitch when we get back,” Tim mused.
Jason squeezed his hand where he was still holding it. “You’re the one who has to move, but I guess I can help you to make it more bearable.”
“People might question it if you didn’t. We wouldn’t want to seem distant in our relationship,” he drawled, rolling his eyes. “You done with that paperwork yet.”
“Oh,” Jason said, pulling his hand away to turn back to his computer. Tim missed the warmth of their hands together. “Almost,” he said, typing a few more things on the computer. “There. Now it’s your turn.”
Tim took the computer and set it in his lap, logging into his account. Jason waited patiently next to him as he went through the necessary forms, getting everything filled out.
“You haven’t heard back yet from housing, have you?” Tim asked as he skimmed over his information to recheck the necessary changes. He’d never get used to being listed as married. And certainly not being listed as married to Jason.
Jason leaned to the side and pulled out his phone, checking his email while Tim was using the computer.
“Nope,” he sighed. “I just emailed them a few hours ago so should hopefully be hearing back soon. It’s break so I would think they wouldn’t have too much on their plate. Unless they’re making special arrangements for us,” he muttered.
“I don’t know why they’d need to. I’m perfectly fine moving into your dorm room. It’s not like we need our own apartment or anything.”
Jason shrugged. “Who knows? We’ll find out soon, so no use worrying about it.”
Tim nodded and saved the changes in his information as he submitted the new forms for financial aid. “There,” he said, passing the computer back to Jason. “Now, we wait.”
Jason grinned and closed the lid of his computer. “What do you say we have some fun?”
“Might as well. We have the rest of the week.”
Jason slipped off the bed and held out a hand to Tim. He swallowed, trying not to focus on the silver band wrapped around Jason’s fingers as he let himself get pulled to his feet.
“Oh hey, I got a response from residence life,” Jason said as they lounged on the deck chairs next to the pool.
A large umbrella was keeping the sun off Tim and despite the layer of sunscreen he put on earlier, he was glad to have the added protection.
“Really?” Tim asked. “What did they say?”
“They said that they can put us in one of the on-campus apartments if we’d like that, but you can also move into my room. Normally they wouldn’t allow a room change in the middle of the semester but considering we have pretty specific circumstances, they’re allowing it with no added charge. We can get you moved within the next week. I’m sure it’s going to take more than one day to get everything packed up and moved over,” Jason said, typing out a reply email on his phone.
Tim sighed, thinking about everything that would have to get packed up and then he’d have to unpack it again. “I’m not looking forward to this.”
“Don’t worry,” Jason said before locking his phone and tucking it away. “I’ll help you out and it won’t be that bad. At least you’re only moving from one room to another.”
Tim groaned. “That almost makes it seem worse. I won’t even get to ignore the boxes for a few days because I’ll need everything that’s packed up.”
Jason hummed. “You could always put the essentials in a duffle bag to make it easier to live out of and get the rest unpacked as you go.” He smile turned into a smirk that immediately put Tim on the defensive.
“What’s that look for?” he asked, crossing his arms.
“You could always share my bed if you don’t want to make your own.”
Tim huffed even as his chest tightened at the thought of getting to be wrapped around Jason as they slept. They were kind of already doing that, but this would mean it wouldn’t have to end.
“I doubt the two of us could fit in one of the twin beds we get blessed with by the university,” Tim muttered instead.
Jason shrugged. “People do it all the time.”
Tim swallowed, trying not to think about all the implications that statement held.
“Excuse me, sir?”
Tim looked up, blinking in surprise at the hotel waiter that stood in front of him, holding a tray.
“Yes?” he asked.
“I have a bottle of champagne and two glasses for you and your companion. They were purchased as a gift from the pair across the pool.”
He set down the drinks without another word and Tim looked across the pool to see two men with their chairs pushed together. They had their own bottle of champagne and one of the men raised a glass towards them, his other hand twined together with the man next to him.
Tim caught the glint of gold on their fingers. He cleared his throat and tried to ignore the flush that flooded his face as Jason had no issue pouring them each a glass.
“Cheers,” Jason said, handing Tim one of the glasses.
Tim clinked their glasses together before taking a large gulp of the champagne.
“I don’t know how I’m going to get this all packed,” Tim groaned, scrubbing a hand over his face. He was surrounded by piles of clothes. His bed had already been stripped of its bedding and Jason was nice enough to take that back to his room and make Tim’s bed for him.
“You’ll get through it. You have a couple of days to get everything moved over so just worry about the most important things first,” Jason said, rubbing Tim’s shoulders where he was standing over his kneeling form.
Tim swallowed and glanced over at his roommate who was studiously working at his desk and ignoring them. He hadn’t had much of a reaction when Tim had told him he was moving out and Tim didn’t know if it was because of the photo of his wedding that was plastered everywhere on the internet that kept him from being surprised, or because he was never the type of guy to put up much of a fuss.
Tim’s gaze dropped to the piles of clothes in front of him and the suitcase he was valiantly working to stuff them with. He knew that some of his added stress was because he’d be going to dinner with Jason the next night, but nothing could make packing up his life much better.
Especially when it was because he was getting ready to fool the federal loan system with Jason for the next few years to make college expenses easier on them.
He grabbed a stack of clothes and shoved them into the last available space in his suitcase before he let the lid fall shut and yanked the zipper around the edge.
“I’ll take this over,” Jason said, reaching over him for the handle.
“Do you mind taking my backpack too?” he asked, looking up at him and trying not to jerk back at their proximity.
“Sure. Is it ready to go?” Jason said, straightening and navigating the suitcase around where Tim was sitting on the floor.
Tim nodded. “Yeah. It’s got my computer and my schoolwork and books inside. Well, most of my books. I’ll have to shove the other ones that don’t fit into another box.”
Jason slung Tim’s backpack over his shoulder. “I’ll be back in a few. Try to have some more stuff packed by then. We might be able to get this done tonight if you keep going like you have been.”
Tim pursed his lips as they twisted into a smile. “If I do get this done, don’t expect me to have all of this unpacked by tonight.”
Jason chuckled. “Wouldn’t dream of it. I’d have to seriously bribe you with something and since we’re having dinner with your dad tomorrow, I don’t think there’s anything I could use.”
Tim watched as the door shut behind him. He checked the heavy sigh he wanted to heave when he glanced over at his roommate. He went back to studiously packing and was glad when the piles started to shrink and his side of the room looked less like a warzone.
Tim tried not to pace across the floor of Jason’s dorm, but he knew it was futile. Having moved to a new dorm in the span of a day and now being faced with dinner with his father was wearing him down. His nerves were on edge and he’d seen more than one man with a camera hiding out in the bushes on campus.
“Tim, it’s going to be fine,” Jason huffed from where he was sitting on the edge of his bed, tracking Tim’s movement across the floor.
Tim sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He wasn’t ready for this. He wasn’t ready for anything even remotely close to this.
Jason stood from his bed with a squeak and stepped in front of Tim. He wrapped his hands around Tim’s wrists and kept him in place. “Look, I know you’re worried about how your dad is going to react, but it’s going to be fine. He’s met me before and liked me well enough. This isn’t going to be the end of the world.”
“I know, but we’re going to meet him and have dinner as a married couple and he’s already hurt enough that he didn’t know about the wedding let alone that we had to supposedly date before this and I just…I don’t know how this is going to go.”
Jason sighed and threw an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug. “It’s going to fine, alright? I promise. And if it all blows up then we don’t have to worry about having dinner again and we can just come back here and goof off and watch movies before we have to go back to class tomorrow.”
Tim slumped against him, his head coming to rest on Jason’s shoulder. “Okay,” he muttered. “I hope you’re right about this.”
“Just trust me on this. What could possibly go wrong?”
Tim made a noise in the back of his throat and Jason chuckled. “I could list about ten different things that could go wrong,” he muttered.
“Think positive, Timbo. Think positive.”
Tim bit his lip as they stepped out of his car in front of his father’s house. He shut the door and Jason walked around to meet him and grabbed his hand, linking their fingers together. Tim jolted and stared down at his hand.
“Married couples hold hands,” Jason murmured next to him.
Tim swallowed. “Right,” he agreed, squeezing Jason’s hand as he took a steadying breath.
Jason took the lead while Tim reluctantly followed and knocked on the door.
It was pulled open moments later to reveal one of the manor staff in all black.
“Welcome home, Tim. Your father is waiting for you in the dining room,” she said, standing to the side as they stepped in.
“Thank you,” Tim said as she shut the door and walked away. He led Jason through the hall to the dining room, surprised to the find the door had been propped open.
His father was sitting at the head of the table with the two adjacent spots having waiting place settings for them both.
“Welcome home, Tim,” his dad said, standing. “I’m eager to hear all about your trip. And Jason,” he said holding out a hand. “Nice to see you again.”
“Mr. Drake,” Jason said, shaking his hand politely.
“Let’s have a seat and we can get our evening started,” Jack said, taking his seat again.
Tim and Jason slipped into their chairs and Tim took a sip of water to steady him as the first appetizer was brought in and set before them.
“So,” Jack started. “How long were the two of you dating before you decided to run off and get married?”
Tim checked a sigh and picked at the vegetables on his plate with his fork.
“We’d been dating for about a year,” Jason supplied smoothly, punctuating the sentence with a bite. He watched Jack as he chewed, and Jack did the same.
“And why didn’t you think to tell me about this little arrangement? The fact that you were dating or that you’d decided to get married?” Jack asked, gaze sliding to Tim.
“I wasn’t sure how you’d take it,” Tim hedged. The statement wasn’t a complete lie but would give them something to work with.
“Were you afraid I’d react badly? Because of how soon it’s been or were you worried because Jason’s a boy?” Jack asked.
Tim hesitated, it was the perfect opportunity. The only opening that would make sense in the grand scheme of things.
“We never really talked about my sexuality or the other politics surrounding the queer community,” Tim said slowly, keeping a careful eye on his father. “And I always thought there was a part of you that would prefer me to marry a socialite who was prominent in Gotham’s business venues.”
Jack sighed and when Tim looked at him he was startled to see he looked older than he’d ever seen him before.
“Tim,” he started, sounding exhausted and hurt. “I know that my views on business have always been intense. But I never wanted you to feel forced to have to comply with my life in who you married. Sure, I had dreams of you marrying someone prominent who attended our fundraisers and that you’d take over the family business one day, but I never would’ve wanted that at your own expense.
“Now I see that I probably should’ve talked to you about other options, but I’d hoped that you never would’ve felt the need to hide something like this because you were afraid of how I might react.”
Tim swallowed, losing his appetite as guilt coiled in his stomach. “I’m sorry, Dad. I didn’t realize how important this was to you.”
A little bit of sadness cleared from Jack’s eyes as he looked between Tim and Jason.
“Thank you, Tim. But I’d like to see you both more often. We should have dinner once in a while,” Jack said.
“I wouldn’t mind having dinner once a week,” Jason broke in. “I know that I’d like to get to know you better now that you’re my father-in-law.”
Jack smiled softly. “Then I’ll expect you here next week at the same time.”
“Sure thing, Dad,” Tim said, meeting Jason’s gentle gaze across the table. He couldn’t help but smile and ducked his head to stare at his food.
“Tim! Wait up!”
Tim looked up from his phone and glanced over his shoulder, finding Jason running after him. He grinned and turned to face him.
“What are you doing here? I thought you didn’t have class until later.”
“I have to get to a meeting with my advisor. I have a few questions about the courses being offered next semester and want to make sure I can take what I want,” he said, falling into step beside Tim.
Tim opened his mouth to reply when he saw a couple of people watching him on the other side of the quad, looking inquisitive. Before he could second guess himself, he shoved his phone into his pocket and moved his coffee cup to his left hand. He grabbed Jason’s hand and linked their fingers together.
Thankfully, Jason kept from looking down at their hands and gave him a curious look instead.
“A group of people are watching us,” Tim whispered. “We have to keep up appearances.”
Jason chuckled and squeezed his hand. The warmth of his palm and the slide of Jason’s callouses across his skin made his stomach swoop and Tim quickly took a drink of his coffee to hide the smile that pulled at his lips.
He was in deep shit with their idea to get married, but he couldn’t find it in himself to really complain while he was walking across the quad to class.
“Are we still on for lunch later?” Jason asked as they reached the main cluster of academic buildings.
Tim nodded. “Yeah. Meet in our usual spot after class?”
“You know it.”
“Cool. Since I get out an hour before you, I’ll probably head to the library to get some work done on my research paper.”
“Don’t work too hard,” Jason muttered. “I don’t need to come and drag you out of the library because you forget to eat.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, don’t worry about it. It’s only October, there’s no reason for me to fall down that hole yet.”
Jason narrowed his eyes. “I wouldn’t be so sure. You’re always on the verge of pushing your boundaries even when you don’t need to.”
Tim huffed and tried to pull his hand back, but Jason tightened his grip. “Are you going to let me get to class?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Jason hesitated, looking a little uncertain as he glanced to the side. Before Tim could follow his gaze, Jason ducked his head and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“There are a couple people staring at us,” Jason murmured.
“Oh,” Tim said, hoping it didn’t sound as forced or strangled as it felt.
“See you later?” Jason asked, looking like he was about to be drop-kicked across the quad for offending Tim.
Tim let his expression relax and smiled. “Yeah. Meet you at lunch.” He squeezed Jason’s hand and let it go, turning towards his academic building. His eyes did a sweep of the quad and he saw the people who were watching them, clearly interested in their relationship.
He didn’t look back as he hurried up the steps and pushed through the double doors to the building. Several gazes followed him through the hall and Tim was really starting to regret the huge media spectacle he’d made of their marriage.
Tim slipped into his classroom and made his way to one of the tables in the back. He set up his computer in front of him and curled up in his chair, eyes flicking around the room to gauge the reaction to his presence.
People kept glancing in his direction while talking to their friends and Tim ran a hand down his face, feeling the cool metal of his wedding band. He just had to trudge his way through class and in a couple weeks, no one would even remember that he was married to Jason. And if they did, they would probably stop caring.
He hoped they would, anyway. He really hoped they would.
The door to his private study room burst open and it still took Tim another five seconds before he was able to tear his gaze away from his computer screen.
“Jason?” he asked, brow furrowing. “What are you doing here?”
Jason huffed and crossed his arms. “We’re supposed to be meeting for lunch remember?”
“Yeah, but don’t you still have class?” Tim asked, gaze flicking down to the time in the corner of his computer screen. “Oh,” he said softly.
“Yeah, oh. I knew you wouldn’t be able to pull yourself away from your work once you got started.”
“Sorry,” Tim said, rubbing the heels of his palms against his eyes. “Guess I lost track of time.”
“What am I going to do with you,” Jason muttered. “Let’s go. I’m sure you’re starving and just haven’t realized it yet.”
Tim nodded and packed up his things, tossing them into his backpack with less grace than he normally would. He slipped his arms through the straps and Jason pulled him through the door, keeping an arm around his shoulders as they walked.
Tim fought down a shiver, wanting to lean into Jason’s warmth and plaster himself to his side. Anyone looking at them wouldn’t question it, but he wasn’t willing to have that conversation later when Jason inevitably called him out on it.
“Are you cold?” Jason asked as they crossed the quad from the library towards the dining hall.
“Not really,” he mumbled, burrowing further into his hoodie. The temps had only dropped slightly so it wasn’t bad enough that Tim was at the point he couldn’t get warm no matter what he did.
“You get cold when the temps drop though, don’t you?” Jason asked, tugging him up the steps to the dining hall.
Tim ignored the warmth that spread through his chest that Jason knew that. It was from their years of friendship and not because he cared enough to remember that.
“Yeah…” he muttered.
Jason directed him inside and he relaxed at the warm air that surrounded them. He pulled out his student ID and handed it to the woman working the sign in for the dining hall. Jason did the same and they slipped through the lines of students towards the back where they usually sat.
He caught sight of a few glances that were shot in their direction but ignored them. They would go away soon enough and he didn’t have the energy to worry about it.
“Grab me a soda?” Jason asked once they set their backpacks down in the extra chairs.
“As long as you get me dessert,” Tim countered with a grin.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jason said, throwing an arm around Tim’s shoulders as they moved back towards the lines of food. They split off, going to their favorite food stations. Tim grabbed his food quickly, glad to have missed the lunch rush because of his focus on his homework.
He gripped his plate tightly in his hand and stopped by the soda fountain, filling a cup for him and Jason. He pressed one into the crook of his arm and carried the other one. He made it back to the table before Jason did and set the second drink in front of Jason’s seat.
Tim tucked into his burger, glad for the warm food. Jason offered him a smile when he set the dessert plate between them both and started in on his own food.
“Follow my lead,” Jason hissed next to his ear.
“What-“ he started when Jason pressed a quick kiss to his lips. He kept the shock off his face when Jason pulled back, keeping his head tilted up towards Jason, letting the question seep into his eyes.
“Paparazzi,” Jason explained.
Jason put on a small smile despite their conversation and let his features soften. “Behind you,” he said, the geniality from his expression not seeping into his voice. “They can’t see your face, but other people are watching too since it’s not a small group of people toting cameras around.”
Tim nodded, snaking his arm around Jason’s waist. “Are they following?”
“Not right now. I think it helps that it’s late. Although we are headed back to our dorm so that’ll get them talking.”
Tim sighed, ducking his head against any possible scrutiny. Jason’s arm tightened around his shoulders and pulled him tighter against his side.
“Almost there,” Jason whispered.
Tim nodded and smiled. “You know, you’d think from your attitude, you’re the one with experience dealing with the cameras instead of me.”
Jason chuckled. “Yeah, but I’ve been around you long enough that I know how to handle it without making it into a big deal. We just have to put on a show for them.”
Tim nodded even though his stomach sank at Jason’s words. He didn’t need another reminder that for Jason this was still just pretend and something he was only doing to make sure he didn’t suffer crushing debt for years to come.
Jason trotted up the steps to their building quickly, pulling Tim along until they were safely inside the doors of their building.
“You okay?” he whispered, pulling him into the stairwell.
“Fine,” Tim said, feeling more exhausted then he had in a while. “Just tired.”
“Sounds to me like a night of Netflix in bed is just the thing you need.”
“You know what? I think you might be right,” Tim said.
Jason grinned and pulled his arm from around Tim’s shoulders to unlock their shared room door. He pushed inside, and Tim shut the door behind them. Jason pushed Tim’s backpack from his shoulders much to Tim’s amusement and dropped his own on his chair.
He pulled out his laptop and shoved Tim onto his bed, grabbing his own pillow before he settled down on top of the covers with him.
Tim watched as Jason pulled up Netflix and pulled up a show they’d both been watching, loading the next episode.
Tim wiggled around on the bed as it started, getting comfortable. After a moment of hesitation, he rested his head on Jason’s shoulder, curling into his side slightly. Jason pulled his arm out from in between them and shoved it under Tim’s head, giving him another pillow to lean against.
Tim smiled and lost himself in the show, ready to enjoy an hour or two of relaxation time before he’d be forced to return to the realities of his life and school.
“Tim. Hey, Tim.”
Tim groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, curling into the warmth against him.
A chuckle washed over his head, warm breath ruffling his hair.
“You have to get up Tim. You’re going to miss your class if you don’t get out of bed.”
“No,” he grunted. “Fuck class.”
“You’ll miss breakfast. You won’t get any coffee once breakfast is over.”
“Lies. The dining hall always serves coffee and if they didn’t I could just go to the campus Starbucks.”
Jason heaved a sigh, causing Tim to be jostled where he was suddenly very aware he was leaning against him.
“You can’t stay in bed and avoid class all day, Tim. If I have to go to class, you do too.”
“Noooo,” he whined.
“You can stay if you want to, but I’m getting out of bed.”
Tim made a strangled sound in the back of his throat as Jason pushed him off his shoulder. The bed shifted as Jason swung his legs over the side and stood up.
Tim tried to find a comfortable position and settle back in for a longer bout of rest, but he tossed and turned, rearranging the blanket over him and the pillow under his head, unable to relax now that the warmth against his side was gone.
He huffed a sigh and stared at the ceiling for a moment, listening to Jason in the bathroom brushing his teeth before he shoved off the covers and climbed out of bed.
“So, you’ve finally decided to join the land of the living?” Jason asked behind him.
“Shut up,” he grumbled. “I couldn’t get comfortable.”
He pulled out a change of clothes and was about to push into the bathroom when Jason stopped him with a hand.
“You going to the library later?”
Tim nodded. “Yeah. I’m going to get some work done on my paper later this afternoon after lunch.”
“Mind if I join you when I get out of class?”
Tim raised an eyebrow. “Since when do you need to ask? You usually just come and sit down and tell me to deal with it.”
Jason shrugged, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “Sorry, just thought I’d ask.”
Tim cleared his throat and slipped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He took several breaths to calm down his heartbeat as it hopped and skipped joyfully.
This was bad. This was so very bad.
Tim didn’t look up when the chair across from him was pulled out and someone took the seat across from him. He assumed it was Jason but when no books were set on the table he paused his own work to look up.
He blinked at the strange, smiling woman sitting across from him.
“Uh…can I help you?” he asked eloquently.
Her smile widened into a grin. “How’s married life treating you?”
Tim raised an eyebrow. “And why would I tell you that?” he asked. “I don’t even know you.”
She rolled her eyes. “You can’t blame someone for being curious. You’re the talk of all the tabloids. Everyone’s dying to know all about your new husband and the things you do together.”
Tim narrowed his eyes and shut his laptop. “None of that is any of your or anyone else’s business,” he said, grinding his teeth as he shoved his computer into his backpack.
“Look, you really don’t need to leave,” she stared, putting up her hands.
“No, I really think I do,” he growled, shouldering his backpack.
Her gaze slid past him, face lighting up with delight. She slapped her hands on the table and stood up.
“Just the person I was hoping to see.”
Tim turned and found Jason standing behind him, eyes narrowed at the woman.
“I really think I’m not who you want to see,” he said. “It looks to me like you’re bothering my husband.”
“I wouldn’t really say I was bothering him,” the woman said, raising a hand.
Jason rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around Tim’s shoulders. He guided him away from the table even as the woman called for them to wait.
Tim glanced up and saw Jason’s face set in a scowl. They were out of the library before Tim worked up the courage to say something.
“Are you okay?” Tim whispered.
Jason stiffened before he let out slow breath, the tension seeping from his shoulders. “I think I should be asking you that. She wasn’t too much of a nuisance, right?”
“She was just searching for information about us. Wanted to know more about you and our relationship. I’m thinking she was probably a reporter posing as a college student,” Tim explained.
“Sorry,” Jason muttered.
Tim shook his head. “How about we just go back to our room? We can worry about this later.”
“Aren’t you hungry?”
“At this point I’d rather order in than deal with all of the stares we’ll get otherwise. Not to mention the paparazzi that are going to be hanging around campus. Especially after that last encounter.”
“Sounds good to me,” Jason agreed, dropping a kiss onto the top of Tim’s head.
Tim’s heart stuttered, and he forced himself to keep walking and stay calm. Jason was relaxed beside him and Tim glanced around trying to find any paparazzi or students that might have been watching them but couldn’t find any overt gazes staring at them.
He swallowed and forced his feet to keep moving.
Tim’s stomach grumbled as Jason unpacked the bag of Indian food that had been delivered minutes ago. The floor was covered with books and papers and both of their laptops sat open with half-written papers on the screen.
Tim pulled up Netflix and scrolled through the list of movies he had saved that he hadn’t gotten to watch yet.
“Does this look good?” he asked, turning the computer to face Jason.
He glanced up and nodded.
Tim left it to play and took a spoon and the container of curry he’d ordered. Jason pulled two sodas from the mini fridge next to his bed and crawled around to sit next to Tim, their sides pressed together as they leaned against Tim’s bed.
After a moment, Tim let himself relax against Jason, soaking up his warmth and the comfort that came with being together.
Jason stared into his food, stirring it around.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
Tim froze and looked over at him. “What?”
“This is all my fault. People are bugging you because of my stupid idea.”
Tim shook his head before Jason even finished talking. “I didn’t have to go along with it. I chose to do this with you. It’s not your fault that people can’t keep their business to themselves.”
“Are you sure?” Jason asked. “I’d understand if you wanted to call it quits and stop.”
The thought made his stomach turn. “Do you want to?” he asked instead.
Silence fell between them. It stretched on, the only sound was the soft dialogue from the film.
“No,” Jason finally admitted.
“Then I’m okay with keeping this going,” Tim agreed, looking down at his food. “Besides,” he said trying for a smile as his tone lifted, “my dad already approves of you.”
Jason grinned. “He hasn’t seen me at any of his fancy parties yet, though.”
“I might never forgive you depending on what you’re planning,” Tim said.
“So what would you forgive me for then?”
“I don’t know. It depends on what you’re planning and how much entertainment I get from it.”
“I will start plotting with gusto.”
Tim chuckled and scooped up a spoonful of his curry, shoving it into his mouth. His earlier anxiety was gone. He was happy. As happy as he could be while trying to pretend his feelings weren’t so real.
“What do you think about a rainbow tuxedo?”
Tim choked and coughed, trying to clear the food from his throat he’d just inhaled. Jason thumped him on the back and offered him his soda.
“What?” Tim asked.
Jason chuckled. “A rainbow tux. It would make any black-tie event I go to with you more fitting for the two of us.”
Tim grinned. “Only if I get to wear one that’s hot pink.”
“I knew there was a reason I married you.”
Tim kept his grin steady even as his heart skipped a beat. The words felt too true to be meaningless, but beyond that Tim knew Jason couldn’t mean he held anything more for him than friendship. Life didn’t work out for him like that.
Tim skirted around the refreshments table. He’d been pulled away from Jason twenty minutes ago and although both of them were wearing black, they’d still been stared at by Gotham’s elite because of their newfound reputation.
He had no idea where Jason had gone and was hoping that being around him would offer a reprieve from the questions being directed at him and the sadness that the parents had exuded over him not being able to marry their daughters. Not that that was ever an option anyway.
He jumped when an arm wrapped around his waist and a low voice chuckled in his ear.
“Looking for someone?”
Tim sighed, relaxing into Jason’s hold. “Just you, you ass,” he grumbled.
He grabbed Jason’s hand that was around him and tugged him towards an array of potted plants, hiding behind the leaves. He glanced back over his shoulder to make sure no one had followed them.
“I swear I need a break from being paraded around this ballroom.”
Jason hummed. “I think I could offer a pretty ample distraction.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as he turned to face Jason. “By doing what?”
Jason grinned, and Tim blinked, his heart jumpstarting from a mixture of arousal at the heady look in Jason’s eyes and slight fear at what he was about to do.
Jason looked around before walking him backwards. Tim swallowed, feeling heat lick underneath his skin when his back hit the wall. He sucked in a breath and Jason cupped his face. He tilted his head back and covered Tim’s mouth with his own.
Tim grabbed Jason’s shoulders, nails digging into the soft fabric of his suit jacket. Jason bit down on Tim’s bottom lip before he swiped his tongue over the soft skin.
Tim unconsciously parted his lips, letting Jason’s tongue into his mouth. Tim’s eyes closed in bliss and he sucked greedily on Jason’s tongue, earning a low groan from Jason.
Jason pressed closer, covering Tim’s body with his. Their proximity made him squirm as he tested the boundaries and learned how little room he was given to move.
A throat cleared, and Jason pulled back harshly. Tim’s eyes flew open and he tightened his grip on Jason to keep him from moving away. His father was standing a few feet from them.
“Sorry to interrupt but you were drawing quite the audience from your antics Timothy,” he explained.
Tim’s face flamed, and he saw several older women behind his father’s shoulder who were watching them curiously and one camera that had snuck into the mix.
“Sorry, Dad,” he mumbled.
He smiled. “Socialize for a bit longer and I’ll let you leave early if you’re that impatient.”
Tim slowly dragged his gaze up to meet Jason’s eyes. Jason grinned at him.
“Care to dance?” he asked.
“You know how to dance?” Tim asked, quirking an eyebrow as the heat in his veins started to dissipate.
Jason chuckled and tugged Tim away from the wall and towards the couples dancing along to the string ensemble.
Tim sighed and opened his eyes when his alarm went off. He stretched his arms over his head and groaned as his muscles tensed and relaxed. Something heavy was draped over his waist and Tim reached down to shove it away.
He froze when his hand touched skin and became aware of the warmth pressed against his back.
“Jason?” Tim asked, voice soft.
“Go back to sleep,” he groaned, burying his face in the back of Tim’s neck.
Tim forced himself not to shudder at the feeling. This early in the morning, Jason had stubble prickling his chin and cheeks, giving Tim beard burn on the back of his neck.
“Jason, I have to get up for class.”
“Since when do you care about going to class. Sleep. Sleep is good.”
Tim couldn’t help himself, he giggled. The change was so different compared to the other morning they’d woken up together. Jason’s grip tightened around his waist.
“Come on,” Tim said, patting his arm. “Let me up and we can go have breakfast before my class.”
“Fine,” he huffed, pulling his arm back.
Tim pushed himself up but Jason didn’t make any move to get out of bed. Tim rolled his eyes and made to climb over Jason, but an arm snaked around his back and pulled him down. He sprawled against Jason’s chest, arms splayed out to the side.
“What are you doing?” Tim grumbled, his face smashed against Jason’s chest and muffling his voice.
Jason heaved a sigh and pulled his arm back, releasing the pressure on Tim’s back.
Tim felt his face heat up and climbed off the bed. He kept his gaze away from Jason and dug around in his dresser, pulling out a fresh pair of jeans and a tee. He slipped into the bathroom and shut the door behind him, shivering as the warmth in his limbs started to dissipate.
He stripped out of his pajamas and shoved his legs into his jeans, jumping in place to tug them up his thighs until he could button the front. He threw his shirt on and quickly brushed his teeth.
Tim stared at his reflection and met his own gaze. He took a deep breath, trying to center himself when all he really wanted to do was throw himself back in bed with Jason. The pull to him never waned and one of these days it would become too much and he’d crash.
He nodded and forced himself towards the door. He pulled it open and blinked when his eyes met Jason’s chest.
“Aren’t you-“
Jason made a noise in the back of his throat and shuffled around him.
“Give me a minute and I’ll go with you to breakfast,” he said, shutting the door behind him.
Tim blinked and shook himself. He stuffed his books and laptop in his backpack and tugged a hoodie over his head.
The toilet flushed in the bathroom before the door was pulled open.
Jason sighed as he stepped out. “Much better,” he said, sounding more awake than he’d been a minute ago.
“Ready to go?” Tim asked, shouldering his backpack.
“Yup,” Jason said, shoving his feet into his shoes. He plucked his leather jacket from the back of his desk chair and grabbed his backpack, following Tim out of their room. They’d barely made it a step before Jason’s arm settled around his shoulders and pressed him close to his side.
Tim smiled and settled into his warmth.
Tim groaned and buried his head in his crossed arms on the table in the study room he’d snagged. The research paper he was working on was killing him even with the head start he’d gotten.
The door opened to his room and he expected someone to splutter out an apology for walking in on an occupied room.
He huffed and raised his head, finding Jason standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.
“Time for a break?” Jason asked.
“Only if I get to take a break from the rest of this semester. This research paper is killing me,” he sighed, letting his eyes slide shut.
“Come on,” Jason said, resting a hand on his shoulder. “Pack up your stuff and let’s head back to the room. You’re going to feel like shit if you fall asleep at this table.”
Tim grumbled but did as Jason suggested. He shoved his things into his backpack and lethargically pushed his chair back, getting to his feet.
Jason grabbed his hand and linked their fingers together, pulling him from the room.
Tim felt heat flood his cheeks and ducked his head, hoping to hide it. Jason squeezed his hand, looking perfectly content as they walked through the main doors of the library.
Tim shivered at the sudden chill of the late autumn air. He stepped closer to Jason, hoping to steal some of his warmth. Almost as though Jason was on the same wavelength as him, he pulled his hand from Tim’s and draped his arm around Tim’s shoulders, pulling him tight against his side.
Tim smiled, finding comfort in the silence between them. Whatever was going on between them, Tim was finding it less heart-wrenching then he had when they’d first gotten married. He was starting to think that maybe he could make it through the next couple years of their marriage regardless of the paparazzi and the other people who made their relationship into a spectacle.
Tim hesitantly slipped his arm behind Jason’s back. Jason tightened his hold on Tim’s shoulders and he slipped his fingers gently into Jason’s back pocket.
He let Jason direct him towards their dorm. He caught sight of a few people giving them curious looks, but he was starting to think their attention was beginning to wane.
They climbed the stairs sluggishly and Jason unlocked their door before manhandling him inside. Tim pulled away from Jason once they were inside and let his backpack drop to the floor next to his bed. He stared at his rumpled sheets, wanting to toss himself onto it, but a hand on his hip stopped him.
He furrowed his brow and turned to look up at Jason who stood over him.
“Jason?” he asked.
Jason pressed their chests together, fingers tangling in the strands of hair at the back of Tim’s neck. He ducked his head and covered Tim’s lips with his own.
Tim gasped, eyes going wide as Jason kissed him. Jason’s tongue slipped between his lips and a high noise sounded in the back of his throat. Jason groaned and wrapped his other arm around Tim’s back and Tim clutched at his shoulders, nails digging into the fabric of his hoodie.
Jason broke the kiss with a sigh, pressing their foreheads together as Tim sucked in desperate breaths, trying to calm his pounding heart.
“Jason?” Tim asked, feeling more raw and vulnerable than he thought he’d ever be with him.
“Sorry,” Jason apologized. He stepped back, releasing Tim from his hold and Tim felt cold.
He turned on his heel and stalked towards the door.
“Jason, what-“
Before he could finish the question, Jason pushed through the door to their room and disappeared. Tim stood frozen next to his bed as he tried to figure out what had just happened.
The door slammed shut with a finality that chilled Tim to his core.
It took him too long to snap out of it before he was crossing the floor of their room. He threw the door open and looked up and down the hallway, but Jason was nowhere in sight.
“Fuck,” he cursed under his breath.
He slipped back inside and the let the door shut behind him, pulling his phone from his pocket. He dialed Jason’s number, pacing back and forth across the small floor space they had around their furniture.
It rang five times before going to voicemail. Tim growled and ended the call before he redialed. The same thing happened and he huffed, waiting for the beep to come.
“Jason, I don’t know why you decided to kiss me like that and walk out but you need to get your ass back here right now.”
He hung up and tried calling him again. It didn’t even make it to the second ring before he was sent to voicemail.
“You fucking idiot,” he hissed under his breath.
Tim opened their text message thread and angrily tapped against his screen.
Tim: Jason get the fuck back here.
Tim: Jason I know you’ve got your phone and you’re seeing this.
Tim: We need to talk about what just happened so don’t fucking ignore me.
Tim: Jason I need to talk to you.
Tim: Answer me you asshole!
He stared at his phone, waiting for a reply even as the read receipts kept coming back to him. But Jason never started typing.
“He has to come back sometime,” Tim fumed, gripping his phone so tightly that if he was thinking clearly he almost would’ve worried about breaking it. “And I’m going to be ready for him.”
Tim made sure his ringer was on so he wouldn’t miss any text or call, as unlikely as they were. He tried to find a comfortable spot on the floor and pulled out his homework, determined to get something done while he waited for Jason to get back.
He managed to last through five frustrating minutes of homework before he gave up and pushed it away, too distracted by what had happened and the lack of response from Jason. He pulled up Netflix and left something to play, not really focusing on what happened on the screen, mind still too preoccupied with thoughts of Jason but needing the background noise.
Tim stared at the door, eyes locked on it as he waited. He crossed his arms. He’d outwait Jason. He could do it. He would do it. And when he did, he was going to get to the bottom of whatever the fuck was happening.
Tim groaned when he woke up. He blinked his eyes open and found his face smashed against the floor. He’d fallen to the side after passing out. He straightened and stretched his arms over his head, feeling his muscles and neck pop from sleeping in such an awkward position. He rubbed the back of his neck, wincing at the kink and the soreness.
He didn’t feel rested at all and going to class was the last thing he wanted to do, both because of how awful he felt and being away from the dorm would give Jason a chance to sneak in and out without him knowing about it.
He sighed and pushed himself to his feet. He grabbed a change of clothes and slipped into the bathroom, turning the water on as hot as it would go in the hopes of washing away the gross feeling that was overwhelming him.
Tim stared at his reflection before the steam eclipsed the mirror. He had bags under his eyes and looked exhausted, face and hair rumpled. He sighed and stripped out of yesterday’s clothes, leaving them in a pile next to the door.
He stepped into the shower and braced his hands against the wall, letting his eyes shut as the hot water beat against his back. He could get lucky if he went to breakfast and Jason ended up being there too. It wasn’t a guarantee that he would catch him, but there were so many places on campus that Jason frequented that there was no telling where he’d be hiding out.
Tim reached for his shampoo and lazily popped the cap, squeezing some into his palm to wash his hair. He didn’t come back during the night which meant Jason had no intention of coming back to the room while he was here.
But most of the time Jason was a stickler when it came to class. There had been more than one day when Jason had dragged Tim from his room to make sure he got his ass to class and got his homework done.
Tim tilted his head back and let the water run through his hair, washing the soap down his back until it swirled down the drain. He was going to fix this. He was going to make it better even if Jason decided to be an idiot about it.
Tim felt like his skin was too tight. He was seated in the middle of the dining hall for once, giving him a view of both entrances. He did a walkthrough of the hall when he got there to make sure that Jason wasn’t already there and found their usual spot empty. His eyes kept shifting, waiting for Jason’s familiar figure to walk through the door but he hadn’t shown up yet.
It was getting close to the start of Tim’s class and breakfast continued for another hour after he’d have to leave. Jason would have plenty of time to sneak in after he was gone to get something to eat and the knowledge that Jason was avoiding him made his stomach twist.
“Hey, aren’t you Tim Drake?”
He stopped chewing and glanced away from the door he’d been watching to find a boy standing in front of his table.
“Yeah?” he asked, raising an eyebrow and fighting not to let his eyes flit to the entrances of the dining hall again.
“Didn’t you just get married or something? Where’s your husband?” he asked, bracing a hand on the table across from Tim.
“He’s got class,” Tim lied, pushing his chair back. “Which is where I need to be in five minutes.”
He slipped his backpack on and grabbed his dirty dishes, heading for the return line as the boy spluttered behind him and tried to call after him.
Tim tossed his dishes onto the belt with little care what happened to them. His stomach was twisting in on itself and his heart felt tight. He swallowed, trying to clear his throat but something was stuck, lodged there and making it difficult to breath.
He glanced behind him and when he didn’t find anyone giving him much attention he slipped around the corner from the doors and into the blessedly convenient single stall bathroom. He locked the door shut behind him and pressed back against it before sliding down to the floor.
Tim tried to even out his breathing, but everything hurt. He wanted it fixed. He wanted Jason.
He hugged his knees close to his chest and tried to let his breath out, but it hitched and stuck, sounding on the verge of a sob.
Tim’s eyes burned, and his vision became blurry. He buried his face in his knees, heart clenching with every hitch in his breath and the first few tears that slid down his cheeks.
“I hate you so much, Jason,” he whispered into the tile around him. “I hate that I love you so much.”
Tim stayed in the bathroom until someone came knocking on the door asking if it was free.
“Just a minute,” he croaked, voice sounding raw.
He pushed himself onto shaky feet and stumbled over to the sink. His eyes looked red and sunken, irises dull in the low light of the bathroom and his cheeks adorned with a splotchy flush. He turned on the tap as cold as it would go and cupped the water in his palms, wiping it over his face to cool his overheated skin.
Tim patted his skin dry with a paper towel and tossed that into the trash. He was steadier on his feet when he moved to open the door.
“Sorry I took so long,” he apologized, unable to meet the next person’s eyes.
“No worries,” she said, voice bright as Tim moved out of her way.
The door snapped shut behind him and Tim wrapped his arms around his stomach. He felt drained and was already late for class. He didn’t have the energy to show up late to his first class and couldn’t even contemplate going to his second one.
What he needed was Jason. Jason, who’d consumed his every waking thought for months. They’d laughed over movies and eaten takeout together and worked to fight off the stress that came with school. And now he was going to lose him.
Tim bit his lip, twisting his wedding band around his finger.
He took a shaky breath before finally forcing his feet to move. He was sluggish at first as he made his way down the stairs to leave the dining hall, but his desperation made itself known when he hit the sidewalk and started sprinting towards the academic building Jason had his morning class in.
Tim checked his watch. He had ten minutes before Jason’s class started and if he was lucky, he could catch him before he went inside. If he wasn’t lucky, maybe he could convince Jason to step out of class to talk to him.
Unless he was done pretending, they still needed to look convincing in front of other people and Tim knew Jason wouldn’t want to jeopardize that my ignoring his supposed husband when he came to talk to him.
Tim took the stairs two at a time and reached the second floor in seconds, bearing a sharp right and barely managing to avoid a couple of tired college students on their way out of their early morning classes. He caught a few looks of pity from them and they were most likely thinking that he was incredibly late for class.
Tim turned the corner, his breath catching in his throat when he spotted Jason stepping onto the second-floor landing. He looked exhausted, hair disheveled and bags under his eyes, movements sluggish as he shuffled along.
He glanced up and froze and Tim took that as his chance, barreling down the last distance between them until he skidded to a stop in front of Jason, chest heaving. Jason’s hands instinctively reached for him to keep him from crashing into something or tripping over himself.
They retracted a moment later as Jason’s eyes became guarded and he stepped back.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, voice cold and accusatory.
“Looking for you, you dumbass,” Tim huffed.
“I…what?” Jason asked, his defense falling away.
“You’re a dumbass,” Tim said. He stepped into Jason’s space and wrapped his fingers around the back of his neck and pulled him down, smashing their lips together.
Jason made a sound in the back of his throat, arms snaking around Tim’s waist to pull him close.
Tim broke the kiss and Jason made a low sound in the back of his throat, trying to follow him.
“Why did you run off last night?” he asked.
Jason blinked his eyes open, processing Tim’s words before he sighed, looking tired. “I thought you wouldn’t want me like this,” he admitted, voice low.
Tim huffed, feeling the anxiety that had lingered in his frame since the night before finally disappear. “Jason, I’ve had a ridiculous crush on you that’s probably bordered on love for at least two years now. I’ve been dying to kiss you since I first saw you. I agreed to marry you. Of course I wouldn’t be against this.”
Jason’s eyes widened, and his lips parted as he struggled to find something to say. Tim laughed and pressed closer, wrapping his arms around Jason’s shoulders.
“So, does this mean you’ll finally come back to our room tonight?” he asked.
“Why wait until tonight when we could go back now?” Jason asked instead, grip tightening around Tim’s waist.
“Aren’t you concerned with missing your class?” Tim asked.
“Nope,” Jason said. “I’d much rather be with you.”
Tim chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to Jason’s lips, stepping back and forcing Jason to release his hold on him before he could get any ideas.
“Go to class,” he said, keeping a hand pressed against Jason’s chest when he tried to close the distance between them. “I’ll be in our room when you’re done. You made me stress since last night. It’s your turn to agonize over being separated and you only have to struggle through an hour.”
“An hour and fifteen minutes,” Jason grumbled.
“Well too bad,” Tim said, smirking at him. “Time for you to learn some self-control.”
“I have plenty of self-control,” Jason argued, trying to get closer even as Tim took a step back for every step forward he made. “I’ve kept myself from kissing you senseless for months. And then from ravishing you in bed these past few weeks.”
Tim grinned. “Go to class. And you can ravish me all you want when you get back.”
He turned on his heel and walked away as Jason groaned behind him. Tim glanced over his shoulder and shot a wink at Jason where he pouted after him.
He felt so much lighter than he had since the night before. He was happy. And he could finally enjoy himself and everything he was going to be lucky enough to have.
Tim bit his lip as he started down the stairs to the first floor. He was giddy and couldn’t wait for Jason to get out of class. There were so many things he could do now. So many things he could do with Jason that he’d wanted to do for so long. And now he finally had the chance.
Tim scowled at his computer when he heard the room door open. He clicked several times, trying to get the program for one of his classes to work properly instead of what it was currently doing shitting all over his efforts to get his homework done.
His laptop disappeared from under his hands and he opened his mouth to shout something accusatory at the culprit when Jason’s smiling mouth pressed against his.
Tim made a happy noise in the back of his throat, arms automatically going around Jason’s shoulders as Jason crawled onto the bed, forcing him backwards.
Jason swiped his tongue along Tim’s lower lip and he parted his lips eagerly, letting his tongue slide inside to brush against his own.
“And to think we could’ve been doing this for years,” Tim grumbled when Jason pulled back to kiss across his cheek and down under his chin.
“Well we’re doing it now,” he mumbled into Tim’s skin, dragging his teeth along his pulse.
Tim shuddered, tightening his hold on Jason’s shoulders.
“You better not try and leave again,” he said, voice low and serious despite the arousal that was starting to flood his veins and cloud his mind.
Jason pulled back, meeting his eyes and Tim wanted to mourn the loss of contact but Jason’s gaze held him in place.
“I agreed to stay by your side in sickness and in health, Tim,” he said, reminding him of the vows they’d shared in Vegas mere weeks ago. “I meant those words with every fiber of my being even if you didn’t think I was serious. I’m not going to leave you again. Not now that I know you feel the same. You’re stuck with me the rest of your life so you better get used to it.”
Tim beamed, smile nearly painful as his eyes crinkled in happiness. “I wouldn’t want it any other way,” he whispered before he pulled Jason’s lips back to his.
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skeletorific · 7 years
@ut-stuff !
(also wanted to try my hand at writing G do hey side benefits)
You had been lying on your bed, innocently scrolling through your phone and minding your own business. You should’ve known by now this was an invitation for trouble to start.
There was a faint, familiar crackle of magic right behind you, but before you could turn around to look, a large bag was pulled over your head and body before you were lifted in the air. You yelped in surprise and got a mouthful of burlap for your trouble.
For anyone else, this would be disorienting, maybe a little terrifying.
For you, it was basically an average Tuesday.
“Guys!” you said, spitting the fabric out.
There were fierce whispers on the other end but suddenly you felt the tight pressure you’d come to associate with shortcutting. G must’ve been with them too. The bag was upended and you tumbled out onto the floor.
“Guys, there are better ways to get me places,” You say, rubbing your eyes and sitting up
“I TOLD YOU THEY WOULD KNOW IT WAS US!” Black said, crossing his arms.
“Ah, well...” G crouched down next to you and offered you a hand up. You took it, rising to your feet and looking around you.
“A....clothing store?”
“Was Blue’s idea”
“YES. AFTER YOU TOLD US YOUR MOTHER’S...UNFORTUNATE POSITION ON THE ISSUE...” He looked like he was choosing his words carefully.
“...are you serious?”
G shrugged, that slow, almost imperceptible smile spreading across his face. “Well, the thought of you in a tux was somethin we couldn’t get out of our minds. Couldn’t let an opportunity like that slide.”
“SO WE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUN TO TAKE YOU SHOPPING!” Blue said, clearly trying to avert Black from getting into a lengthy rant.
“Guys...” You could feel your eyes starting to get slightly damp. G spotted this and you think he was hiding an amused chuckle. Instead, he nudged your shoulder.
“Come on. Go pick some out.”
You nodded, blinking back tears as you rushed towards the racks.
There was a surprising variety. In addition to the standard black tie prom standards, there was blue, something that looked like red velvet, flower prints, glitter suits, stripes, plaid, a couple steampunk looking ones. Even a butler costume, complete with waistcoat, that G passed down the line to you.
Blue and Black also aided in the selection process. Blue picked out a couple of the floral ones and a baby blue one with a white ruffle front that he thought would look good with your hair. Black favored sleek black and gray three pieces, either pinstripes or just matte colors. G meanwhile picked out a couple of dapper looking ones and a couple of weird ones. Aside from the butler costume, there was also a rainbow colored one that made Black groan and you smile.
You loaded up on as many as the changing rooms would let you take inside and started the process of fitting. They all looked incredible, and despite Blood’s constant fussing about tracking down a tailor to make sure the fit was perfect, they were more comfortable than you’d expect. Not to mention you got to watch your boys get increasingly flustered by your appearance.
G was the hardest to crack, but after walking up in your butler costume and saying “Let me know if you need anything, sir~” he had to duck to hide the golden tint to his cheekbones.
They got into it too. Black wore a dark violet single-breasted suit that made a tight fit across his ribcage. (You had a feeling that was intentional on his part). Blue decided on a light brown two-piece paired with a tie the same color as his magic.
G tried on an evening gown for a joke.....and kind of rocked it. Long black, deep v neck that revealed most of his sternum, long slits up his legs.....He took one look at your face and didn’t stop smirking for the rest of your trip. He bought it pretty much immediately.
You didn’t want to be greedy, obviously, so you tried to limit your selection to just one, surreptitiously checking price tags. Black snatched them out of your hands the second he caught you doing that.
“JUST PICK WHAT YOU LIKE” Black insisted.
“Not to mention we’ve got ways for you to pay us back later~” G murmured behind you.
You felt your cheeks growing hot and you pushed his face away. “Fine, fine...”
In the end, you settled on three that you really liked. You’d pick which one you wanted to wear for prom later. It was agreed you would store them at Blue’s house so your mom wouldn’t find out, and you could change into them after you left the house.
“Guys, I can’t believe you did this, this was so insanely sweet.” You said, once outside the store.
“WELL, OF COURSE!” Blue said.
“And hey, what are we here if we’re not trying to reduce the number of times you feel like shit?” G said, his own bag slung over his shoulder. Like a fuckin anime Cool Boy.
Fuuuck why was he hot.
“Well, still. Present cheeks, this deserves kisses.”
Blue smiled wide and did so, tilting his chin slightly. Black flushed and mumbled something about skeletons not having cheeks, but accepted it. G remained still until your lips got close enough and then snapped his head around to catch your mouth with his.  In your surprise, you didn’t pull back, and his long fingers hooked under your chin to draw you in deeper.
After a minute of this Blue cleared his throat. G broke off and winked at your flustered face. “So, dinner?”
“I CAN COOK-” Blue and Black spoke at the same time and then made eye contact.
G nudged you to start walking and you followed behind those two as they continued to bicker. Despite the yelling, your heart felt light, the sun was shining, birds were singing, flowers were blooming. And your boyfriends were pretty cool dudes.
Things just might be okay.
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valdomarx · 7 years
All the times Steve nearly kissed Tony
More Avengers Assemble fluff, because AA really is the good verse <3 This can be read as a continuation to Touch if you like.
The first time Steve nearly kissed Tony was during a team movie night. Tony had, as usual, curled up on the sofa next to Steve and promptly fallen asleep on his shoulder. Any attempts to move or readjust him where met with the sort of whining growls one usually heard from a particularly grumpy cat, so Steve decided against antagonizing him further.
They and the rest of the team had been watching Some Like It Hot. The 20s setting had made Steve nostalgic, but the charming comedy of errors had made him laugh out loud. And that Marilyn Monroe - she really was something, he’d said to Clint, who had enthusiastically agreed.
After the movie had ended and the team had departed to go to bed, Steve gently nudged Tony. “Hey, sleepy,” he’d said softly. “You missed the movie.”
Tony looked up from Steve’s shoulder and opened one eye. “Worth it,” he said with a dozy smile. “You’re very comfy.”
For a moment, their eyes met, and Steve realized that he could lean forward a few inches, turn his head, and brush their lips together.
Just as Steve was wondering where that thought came from and what he should do about it, Tony snuggled his face back into Steve’s shoulder and promptly fell asleep.
Huh, thought Steve. That was odd.
The next time was on one of his and Tony’s Tuesday get-togethers. It wasn’t clear quite how it happened, but Tuesday night had become their hang out time, when every week they’d go explore the city or see a show or cook dinner together. It didn’t help Steve’s awkward feelings that Sam insisted on referring to it as their ‘date night’ with a cheeky grin.
This Tuesday, he and Tony had been eating snacks and having an involved conversation about who would win in a fight: the Hulk or Godzilla. Godzilla had been the subject of a previous movie night, and it was safe to say that Steve was a fan.
“I can’t believe you’d disrespect our team mate in that way,” Tony teased. “Didn’t you know that the Hulk is the strongest there is?”
“I’m just saying, no offense to the green guy, but Godzilla levelled an entire city. He’s the king of the monsters! And he’s big, even bigger than the Hulk… Hey, that’s the last strawberry!”
Tony had taken up the one solitary juicy strawberry that was sat on a plate between them and he eyed Steve mischievously. Tony knew that strawberries were Steve’s favourite.
“Yeah?” Tony said with a grin, bringing the strawberry up to his mouth and taking a cheeky bite. “And what are you going to do about it, old man?”
Steve was seized by a moment of pure insanity, wanting nothing more than to push Tony back against the sofa cushions and lick the taste off his lips. His pulse raced, his fingers twitched, wanting to pull Tony closer and taste the strawberry on his tongue.
He must have been staring, because before he could gather his thoughts into any kind of coherence, Tony laughed and stood up. “Don’t worry, Cap, there are plenty more strawberries in the fridge,” he said lightly.
“Oh good,” Steve said, trying not to sound too disappointed.
This was silly, Steve realized. He could try to ignore it or deny it to everyone else, but it was time to come clean to himself at least: he really, really wanted to kiss Tony.
That didn’t have to be so bad, did it? Maybe Tony would even… like it? Maybe he’d actually enjoy kissing Steve?
Except it wasn’t as if Steve had much to offer a guy like Tony. Steve thought, at his lowest moments, that he was nothing more than an outdated relic, and certainly not someone who Futura’s cover star would ever be interested in.
But then… sometimes, Steve would look up and Tony would quickly glance away, as if he’d been looking at him. Almost as if he might enjoy watching Steve.
Something needed to be done. And he was Steve Rogers, man of action, hero of the people and scourge of evildoers everywhere. No more excuses.
He’d walked out of his bedroom and down to Tony’s workshop. Tony was, as usual, half buried beneath a pile of complicated-looking electronics and armor components. He was working on a panel with his tongue stuck out the corner of his mouth in concentration, brow furrowed as he tightened a loose nut with a spanner.
“Hey,” Steve called, trying to sound confident.
“Cap!” Tony sounded genuinely delighted. “Good to see you.”
Tony extricated himself from the electronics and ambled over to Steve. He was wearing loose track pants and an old and somewhat holey tank top, and he had engine oil streaked across his face. He took Steve’s breath away.
“What can I do for you today, Steve-o?” he asked cheerfully. “I’ve been working on this compressor, trying to up the efficiency cause it’s burning through too much power, I’ve changed the fuel intake three times already but it’s still not working so I thought I’d try adjusting the manifold-” And he was off, talking far too fast for Steve to follow but still captivating him with his usual charming enthusiasm.
Without thinking too much, Steve reached out to rub a smudge of dirt off Tony’s cheek. Tony snapped his mouth shut in the middle of his rambling and Steve had a momentary panic. But as he cupped Tony’s cheek, Tony surprised him by leaning into his hand. For a moment, they stood together, Tony’s eyes sliding closed and Steve vibrating with anticipation.
Steve hesitated. What if he was reading this all wrong? The last thing he wanted was to ruin his closest friendship. He paused, the seconds stretching out between them.
And then Tony had pulled away and was back to talking a million miles an hour about what he was working on, eyes barely meeting Steve’s as he bustled around the workshop.
He’d missed his moment again, darn it.
Then there was the gala debacle. It was a intimidatingly swanky benefit for the Maria Stark Foundation, the sort of event which Steve would normally have avoided at all costs. But Tony had invited him to come along, and he’d been so quiet about it, insisting that it was fine if Steve didn’t want to. Steve had never seen Tony sounding so shy, and he was powerless to resist.
So here he was, standing awkwardly by the buffet in a rented tux which didn’t quite fit across his broad shoulders. He’d been doing to best to make small talk with the donors in attendance and to tell them all about the wonderful philanthropic work that Tony did. At least that part was easy to talk about. Perhaps fortunately, a large percentage of the attendees were older women who apparently found Steve rather charming.
“Anthony!” the woman he was talking to called out to Tony when she spotted him across the room, gleaming in a perfectly fitted black tie ensemble. He smiled his best indulgent socialite smile and came over to join them.
“Ethel, dearest, you are as radiant as ever.”
“And you’re as much of a charmer as always, and I love it. Now tell me, Tony dear, where have you been keeping this little gem?” Steve’s new friend pinched his cheek. “He’s just scrumptious!”
Steve blushed and Tony grinned broadly. “That he is,” Tony said. “Steve here has been a wonderful asset to the team.”
Ethel’s raised eyebrow suggested that wasn’t quite what she had meant.
“And he’s been a gem for the Foundation too. You should see him with the kids from the schools program, they can’t get enough.”
“Mmm, I’m sure they’re not the only ones,” Ethel said with a gleam in her eye.
Tony appeared unruffled. “May I steal him from you for a dance?”
“I wouldn’t dream of stopping you. Dance well for me, my darling boys!”
Tony took Steve’s hand and lead him to the dance floor. This was going to be a problem. Steve may have been the mostly highly trained of soldiers and a superhuman athlete, but dancing was quite beyond him.
“Umm, Tony, I’m not sure this is a good idea-” he began.
Tony waved him off. “It’ll be fine. We can’t disappoint Ethel, can we? Here, follow my lead.”
Tony put his other hand around Steve’s waist and stepped a little closer.
That was nice.
Tony nodded at Steve’s shocked expression and swayed them back and forth.
“There you go,” he said lightly. Steve let himself be swayed, feeling the slow beat of the music, Tony holding him close as they moved back and forth.
“I knew you’d be good at this,” Tony said, and Steve thought he must have been joking except for the fond expression on his face. He carefully shuffled his feet and let Tony lead.
The warmth of Tony’s hand in his thrummed and the steady rhythm of the music washed over him. The swanky ballroom and the noisy guests all receded into the background, until it might as well have been just him and Tony in the whole world.
Tony gave him one of those soft smiles, the type that were so different from his dazzling press smiles, one of those real smiles that went all the way to his eyes and made his whole face light up. Steve couldn’t help thinking that he’d do just about anything to see Tony smile like that more, and he must have been beaming back at him, and they were holding each other ever so close-
Then, of course, Steve had stepped squarely on Tony’s foot, and Tony had jumped away from him with a yelp.
“Ohmygosh Tony I’m so sorry, are you ok?” Steve could feel the flush rushing across his cheeks.
“No worries,” Tony said with a wry grin, “my toes are still intact. We might need to work some more on your dancing though.”
Steve could have kicked himself. His experience with romance may have been limited, but he was aware that this was not exactly how it was supposed to go.
Steve didn’t like to think about the battlefield incident. It had started with the team taking on a small army of magical sewer monsters, because that was a typical Thursday in New York.
Clint and Natasha were tag teaming a large and angry but not very smart rhino-like monster that was oozing green slime across the sidewalk, while Sam and Thor swept up any of the beasts that were flying on sticky wings. The Hulk was corralling the smaller monsters towards Steve, who was methodically knocking out each one with a firm shield to the skull.
So just your standard Avengers mission.
Tony had zipped off to investigate the source of the beasts, and had called over comms that he’d found the sewer grate where they were spawning.
“Eww.” Tony’s disdain was clear even over the comm channel. “These creatures are definitely mystical in origin. Also, they’re gross and slimy.”
“We noticed that, thanks, Stark.” Natasha’s voice was flat but Steve knew her well enough to hear the fond teasing behind her tone.
“Hmm. There’s a machine here that seems to be powering the portal that’s letting these guys out. I’m going to take it out.”
“Wait a minute,” Steve said over the channel, watching as Tony flew up and hovered in position high above the device. “Don’t you think we ought to investigate before blowing anything up-”
But it was too late. Steve heard the whine of Tony’s repulsors and a beam hit the sewer grate below him. The monsters surrounding them squealed and fizzled into nothingness as the portal collapsed.
Just as they were starting to relax, a burst of green lightning shot out from the collapsing grate and up into the sky with a shuddering crack. There must have been some kind of booby trap on the device, Steve realized. The energy arced across the sky and slammed into Iron Man, and Steve only had time to hear Tony’s shocked “Oh.” before his comms went out.
Steve looked up in dismay as all the lights from Tony’s suit went dead and he plummeted to earth, landing on the sidewalk with a sickening crash.
Steve didn’t even register that he was moving until he was halfway across the battlefield, feet carrying him across the uneven ground towards Tony in huge strides.
“Iron Man!” he yelled. “Status report. Are you okay?”
Tony didn’t reply, and Steve felt his stomach roll with horror.
Steve skidded to a halt by Tony’s side, trying not to imagine the worst as he took in the twisted pieces of armor and the deep crater caused by his impact with the ground.
“Tony!” Steve pushed back a wave of nausea and terror at the sight on Tony unresponsive on the ground and shook him by the shoulders. “Tony, wake up. Tony. Please.”
For a long, hideous moment, nothing happened. Steve felt utter terror roiling within him and burning through it all was the ridiculous, inappropriate thought But I never got to tell him how I feel.
Then, miraculously, Tony stirred beneath him, his fingers twitching against the fractured concrete.
“Ughhh.” Tony sat up with a groan. He pulled off the now depowered helmet and tossed it to the side with a sigh. “That was unpleasant.” He looked grouchy and bruised but whole, and undamaged, and alive.
Steve threw his arms around him, even though he couldn’t quite reach all the way around the armor’s bulky shoulders, and pulled him into a desperate hug.
“Hey,” Tony sounded ever so gentle for someone who had just fallen through the air and smashed into concrete. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m okay.”
Steve tried not to cry. “I thought. God, Tony, I thought-” He clung to Tony tighter.
Tony stroked a gauntleted hand down his back in comforting circles. “I know. It’s okay.”
Steve realized that he was being ridiculous and tried to pull himself together. He loosened his death grip around Tony and leaned back to give him some air.
“Sorry,” Steve mumbled, feeling guilty for making Tony’s injury all about him and his worries.
“Don’t be,” Tony said, and he was smiling at Steve with a kindness that made his heart hammer in his throat once again. “I’m lucky to have you looking out for me.”
And god, Tony was right here and he was alive and he was smiling and Steve had nearly lost him and now all he wanted was to take Tony’s face in his hands and kiss him and do everything he could to make sure that he was always safe and happy.
But they were in the middle of a battlefield, in front of all their teammates, and Tony was almost certainly suffering from at least some minor injuries that must have been causing him pain. So Steve wrapped him up in another big hug instead.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” he murmured into Tony’s neck. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Tony wandered into the kitchen a few days later, hair mussed, pajama pants slung low around his hips, eyes crinkled sleepily, adorable as ever.
“Morning,” he mumbled as he passed Steve, making a beeline for the coffee machine.
“Good morning, beloved,” Steve said warmly. Then, realizing what he’d just said and that he’d admitted his feelings far more than he meant to, he snapped his mouth shut and tried to look casual. Tony probably hadn’t noticed. He was half asleep anyway, right?
Tony poured himself a cup of coffee and took a sip, regarding Steve over the rim of his mug. Steve made an effort not to squirm as Tony eyed him. Even through the haze of morning fog, he had the uncanny feeling that Tony saw right through him.
Tony took another sip of coffee, narrowed his eyes, and placed the cup down on the sideboard with a firm clink.
He strolled over, casual as anything, and stood on the tips of his toes to press a quick kiss to Steve’s lips. Then he smiled at Steve’s stunned expression and went back to preparing breakfast.
Steve’s eyes widened and his heart raced. This was… Tony had…
“Wha?” he managed.
Tony rolled his eyes good naturedly. “I’ve been waiting for you to kiss me for months,” he said and gave a shrug. “I got bored of waiting.”
“You… you kissed me.” Steve was still struggling to wrap his head around what just happened.
“I did,” Tony said with a smile.
“Um. Well. Gosh.” Steve just knew that he was blushing all over. “Do you want to do that again?” he asked in a breathless rush.
Tony rounded on him, backing him up against the kitchen counter until there were only millimeters between them, and grinning like Steve was the most delightful thing in the world. “Very much so.”
And Steve would have panicked at that, would have been freaking out and overthinking everything and fretting about whether this was all just in his imagination - but Tony was right there, warm and soft and sleepy and just a breath away, and every thought other than kissing him flew right out of Steve’s head.
When Steve wrapped one hand around the base of Tony’s neck and hauled him in, their lips met and he could feel Tony smiling against his mouth. Kissing Tony turned out to be even better than he had imagined, all gentle and delicate but promising ever so much more. 
Tony tasted like coffee and home, and for once Steve felt like he was right where he was supposed to be.
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linuxgamenews · 4 years
Humble Conquer COVID 19 Bundle helps aid relief
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Humble Conquer COVID 19 Bundle releases with games for Linux, Mac and Windows PC and also books. Thanks to the creative efforts of the Humble Bundle Team. Not that this bundle is a surprise. Let's face it, we all knew it was coming. But what does it have in store. Humble Conquer COVID 19 Bundle just released this bundle. And will also be running to Tuesday, April 7th. Which also comes in the wake of COVID-19 and its effects around the world. The Humble team have teamed up with a team of developers. Including both publishers and creators alike. Dishing out a unique bundle or care package. While funds go to support organizations responding to the pandemic and its consequences. This is a special one week bundle though. Featuring over $1,000 in incredible games for just $30 USD. There are a few for Linux, but mostly Windows PC and some Mac too. And get this, 100% of the proceeds from your bundle purchase go to support organizations responding to COVID-19. For example, delivering protective gear to safeguard healthcare workers. And also providing medical care to infected patients. So this will be an ethical purchase.
Humble Conquer COVID 19 Bundle (Linux, Mac, Windows PC)
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Since Linux Game Consortium is a Humble Partner. We are here promoting this special bundle. Since Humble Partners normally get a cut of bundles and purchases. We will not receive a cut for the Humble Conquer COVID 19 Bundle. So your purchase will support those in need.
Tips to help recover and keep healthy from COVID-19:
Make sure to wash your hands with soap and water for more than 20 seconds.
Use hand sanitizer as an alternative method to keep your hands clean
Wear protective gloves when out in public
Avoid touching your face in public (the virus can survive in various surfaces)
If you have a cough, fever, difficulty breathing, or pneumonia AVOID taking ibuprofen
Drink hot tea, coffee, or even hot water to keep you lungs clear
Eat fresh fruit and vegetables to help flush out the body
Humble Conquer COVID 19 Bundle is available now. So you can help others in need with your purchase of this bundle. With games available for Linux, Mac and Windows PC. Including a few books as well. Stay Safe and share that Tux Love.
0 notes
fanfiction-for-me · 5 years
James’ Girlfriend
The motherfucking paparazzi left after five days. Five days. Five days without being able to see James or talk to him because I couldn't speak or sing for the next two weeks. Do you know how boring it is to be sitting on your supermansion without being able to chat or see your potential boyfriend? Well, maybe I'm exaggerating, our humble house did had some things that kept us pretty entertained, but still- I'm in love and I can only think about James! We texted, but it wasn't the same; I needed to listen to his voice (and hearing his albums only made me more nostalgic).
That Friday was a really peaceful day though. Lila went with Davie to get his stitches off and Sass and I stayed home video chatting with My Chemical Romance and 30 Seconds to Mars, but of course, Sass was doing all the speaking.
"Hello?" Sass tried when the MCR guys appeared on the screen.
"Hey, what's up Sass? Hi there Michelle" they greeted, and I saluted them weakly.
"What is wrong with your friend?" Frank asked Sass.
"She rasped one of her vocal strings screaming"
"Ooh, that hurts. Happened to me once. Drink some hot lavender tea; it will help you heal faster. It hurts like a bitch at the beginning but after a few mugs you will feel better, I promise" Gerard advised me. I gave him the thumbs up and immediately went down to the kitchen to make some tea. Sass stayed in her room talking with the guys.
I took my phone out of my pocket only to see I had a new message. It was James.
"Hey love, how r u feelin? I rly dont want to do this, but I have bad news for u :/."
I sighed and typed. What could it be? "Feelin the same :S what is it?"
My phone buzzed. "Production just told us we'll be shootin the first half of season 3 this week. That means I will probably wont see u until the next week "
"Damn, that's a lot of work :S I'll be fine Jamesy; just bored, but we will see each other someday, right?"
"Yeah, I'll make it up to you ;)"
That sounds interesting. "Make it up to me? How? ;)"
"I can't tell you now because I still don't know, but you'll see ;) g2g now, love you Chelley"
"Bye, luv u too "
I sighed heavily. One more week? God, give me strength. At least James was going to probably take me on my first date with him after it is over.
I heard Sass calling me from upstairs then. "Chellita! 30 Seconds to Mars want to speak with you!"
I ran up the stair as fast as I could run with a cup of hot tea on my hand. Sure, I wasn't going to be able to talk, but I could at least see them. I got to Sass' room and Jared, Shannon and Tomo were already on the camera. I smiled at them and waved hi. Seeing them always cheers me up.
"I heard the baby screwed her throat" Jared started.
"Yeah, and in a very stupid way -.-" I typed on the type box. "Gerard prescribed me some tea."
"That works" Jared agreed.
"So, how are you guys?"
"We're perfectly fine, thank you. About to start touring the UK in a week" Tomo said.
"How about you?" Shannon interrupted, "How's your boyfriend?" he questioned. Of course he had to ask.
I rolled my eyes. "He is not my boyfriend :P"
"Oh really, because we saw you dance with him that night and it was a pretty good show you put on" Shannon smirked.
"You saw? :$"
"Yeah, and no friends do that!" Tomo cackled.
":$ :$ :$ :$ :$"
Jared looked at me apologetically. "Guys... Let's not bother her because then she won't want to tell us how pretty boy asked her out" and he winked.
I smiled at him for that. Afterwards they finally let go the topic of James and we conversed about other things until Lila and Davie came back from the hospital a couple of hours after.
That weekend went kind of slow. We had nothing to do and we were still stuck in our house even if the paparazzi had already left. Everyone on the house was doing their thing. We sometimes talked with Davie's cousin Natalie, but I still think she is weird. Lila has told me she definitely doesn't like her that much; she thinks that Natalie wants to steal Kendall from her or something like that, I don't know. All I know is I can't wait to hear how James is going to make it up to me.
Next week started with another boring Monday. I got ahead on some new sketches for my stage outfits and went to bed super early. Tuesday was okay, Davie and I baked an apple cheesecake from scratch and it turned out pretty good, we even made up a song as we cooked. I didn't sleep that night because I had already slept a lot the night before, so I never really woke up Wednesday, which was the laziest day of my life probably. I spent the whole day in my pajamas, eating cheesecake and drinking tea on the bed while watching the whole two seasons of Big Time Rush, plus Big Time Movie. I think I fell asleep around 6 am, only to be awakened by a text at 7 pm (and yes, I did overslept).
It was James. He had been too busy the past five days, so much that one day he didn't text me at all. I never texted him first that week (even though I was dying to do so), only because I didn't knew if I would be disturbing his work, and I really didn't wanted to seem like the needy type before we even dated.
I tiredly opened my phone and read. "How's it going Chelley? IMU loads! But guess what? I'm taking u out tomorrow to make up for torturing u haha... It's a very special date though; I'll give you a clue: I'll be wearing a tux. I trust u know what to do ;) Xoxo, JM"
Oh my heavens! James is going to take me on a fancy dinner with him tomorrow and I am so fucked because I slept way too much! I'll probably won't sleep today either and look horrible tomorrow! But wait, he invited me to a fancy dinner... That is so romantic! Oh no, I'm not good with romantic. I don't know what to do; I'm excited and terrified at the same time! This is my first formal date ever and I really love this guy with all of my heart, so I don't want to screw it up being sleepy or not romantic enough. I definitely need some help, or advice.
Just as I was sitting with my legs crossed on the middle of my bed, thoughts lost in panic, the door of my room opened.
"Knock knock Sleeping Beauty... You up?"
"Mhm... Davie? Come here please" I tried to speak up, but I barely whispered loudly. The sudden nerves plus the grogginess were affecting my voice, which was recovering thanks to the  tea that Gerard advised me to drink. I could talk already, but I wasn't that improved to sing like I normally do when I'm healthy.
"I know it's like, nighttime, but...! I brought you some brekkie!" Davie sing-songed as he moved near the bed "... Are you okay?" he asked quietly as he placed the tray on my lap, probably because he saw my worried face.
I nodded. "Tell me that you love me, please"
"What? What is wrong with you? Are you catching some fever or something?"
I slapped Davie's inspecting hands off my face; I wasn't sick, just pissed at myself that I'm frozen nervous about a date with James. I've known him for almost seven months now; I shouldn't be reacting like this! "Just tell me!" I insisted, my voice breaking.
"Okay, but don't hurt yourself, God... and you probably already know this, but: I love you. There" Davie spoke dryly.
"Davie... Say it like you mean it"
His eyes were questioning, but he looked at me with a serious expression and murmured sweetly "I love you".
I blinked for two seconds and then I looked into his eyes "I love you too". After that I put my tray aside and cuddled on Davie.
"Oookaaay... That was weird-" I shushed him. Davie just patted my hair and wrapped his long arms around me.
I was trying to see how I would react just in case James told me that sort of thing tomorrow. Sure, Davie was a friend and I have no romantic feelings towards him, but I tried to visualize James. For some reason, being able to answer Davie made me calm, even though I knew it wasn't going to be the same if James did it.
I pushed Davie aside to eat my food- I was starving. He left with the plates after I finished my meal and thankfully he didn't question the reason why I had asked him to do that. He must've thought I was still half asleep or something. With that, I went back to bed because, surprisingly, I felt drained (of sleeping too much?) and in two hours or so, I fell asleep again.
My cell phone buzzed and lit up my dark room. I picked it up to see what time was it and almost gasped out loud. 1:00 pm? How come I'm sleeping so much? Am I turning into a bat? Well, I have no time to deal with that right now; I had to get ready for my date with James, which was in four hours or so.
I saw none of my bandmates on my way out of the house, so I guess they had all left with Sass to get her cast off. I grabbed my car keys and drove to the beauty salon. I got my legs waxed; my hair washed and blow dried, my face exfoliated, plus a manicure and a pedicure. After the salon I took off to my favorite dress boutique to find a perfect outfit for my date. An hour and a half of trying on over twenty dresses later, I found the perfect one. It was a sexy red with black lace, fitted on the top and loose from my hips down. The best part was I already had matching shoes home. Now I just had to get there because I had only less than an hour left to get ready. Note to self: get several assistants ASAP.
When I got home, I assumed the guys had arrived because Davie's car was parked on the garage, but I didn't saw them on the way up to my room; I don't care really, I am in a rush to get ready.
Thirty minutes later, I was ready just in time. I stared at myself on my huge closet mirror. I looked totally gorgeous! I really hope James likes it and doesn't think I exaggerated because I was feeling like I overdid myself a little. It was worth it though, because I sure looked striking.
A minute later, the doorbell rang and Lila screamed up to me (she must've opened). My stomach filled up with butterflies and I took a deep breath to calm myself up; with that, I went down the royal staircase only to see James standing there. He was wearing a tux just as he said he would, looking dashing and sexy with it, and was carrying a small bouquet of bright red roses on his hands.
James took a long breath as he assessed me with sparkling eyes "You are so- wow- stunning..."
"You too Jamesy" I smiled shyly at him and went over to hug him. He then kissed my cheek and gave me the bouquet, smiling brightly. God... He was too perfect, ugh!
My moment got interrupted by a slight cough. "Long time no see" Lila said, looking a little taken aback at James and I. I had forgotten I hadn't told anyone, and I didn't notice Lila standing there the whole time.
"Oh, yeah, hi... Sup?"
"What's up with me? What's up with you! You know what? Explain later because if Davie sees you guys likes this he'll probably freak out and we don't want anyone throwing punches again, right?" Lila chuckled as she looked at James. He put his hands up defensively.
"Okay, okay, bye Delilah" said James, and then he offered me his arm "Shall we go, my dear?"
"Of course" I answered as I put my arm over his. We walked to his car and James started the engine. He had been driving for five minutes when I started to really grasp what was happening "So..." I started "where are you taking me?"
"It's a secret, because I'm kidnapping you. No one will ever see you again... only me" James threatened with a playful naughty smile.
"That doesn't sound that bad actually; but seriously, where are we going?" I was curious. We were driving to the direction of the beach, and with the shoes I was wearing I don't think I'd be able to walk over sand.
"You'll see. Just relax... and listen to Big Time Rush" he turned on his car stereo and Boyfriend started playing. How convenient. "Common, join me" James said.
"I can't, as much as I want to, my throat is fucked, remember?" what a bummer.
"Damn, you're right. Guess I'll have to serenade you then" James started singing, his loud smooth voice filling the small space of the car. I was getting pretty comfortable, lulling myself with the sound of James' voice (was I seriously getting sleepy again?), when I heard the engine cut off. We had arrived to wherever James was going to keep me hostage.
I got out of the car and when I saw what was in front of me my mouth almost fell slack. Day had suddenly turned into afternoon, and in front of me I had a flaming pink and orange sunset, with tints of purple and deep blue higher up in the sky. James -still silent- took my hand and led me into a pier-looking structure, built probably a few meters into the sea. It was decorated with lots of white candles on the floor, and right at the center there was a table for two.
I sat down on the very fancy chair, facing James, but I could only see the beauty of the scene around us. "Whoa" I finally gasped.
"I know right? It's pretty breathtaking. But I'd rather look at you". I turned my head to look at James, snapping back into reality.
"Oh really? Why?" like I didn't knew...
"You know why; you look amazing"
"Thanks, you look really good as well" I smiled and sipped a little out of the wine that was served. How did James set this all up? I bet the other guys helped him or something because it looked a detailed, especially the candles; there were probably more than 200 candles.
"Lila looked surprised to see me when she opened the door" James spoke up.
"Oh, that. I kind of hadn't seen her or the rest of the guys in two days"
James' eyes widened a little "What? That's what happens when your house is that big!" he laughed.
"Other than the fact that I stayed in my room those two days" I explained.
"I don't know; Wednesday I watched BTR all day long, fell asleep and then woke up at seven PM next day!"
James snickered "Were you trying to be Sleeping Beauty?" I shrugged. "What about the food though? Did you just stay there in a hibernation state?"
"No, I had some tea and cheesecake the day before, and then the next day Davie cooked me some breakfast" I made air quotes around the last word and sipped from my cup again. I'm no wine drinker, but this one was pretty good.
James looked at me pensively "Davie cooks?"
"Really good" It was true. I don't know how but that boy was better than us three girls combined in the kitchen!
"Interesting" James responded, and drank half of his wine in two chugs. A random guy appeared out of nowhere then, with two trays of food. That's when I realized I was hungry; I hadn't eaten something since Davie came in my room yesterday night.
"Fancy much?" I asked James with a smirk. He smirked back.
"I told you it was going to be formal"
I ate a mouthful of the Alfredo sauced fettuccines before speaking again "James, do you dislike Davie?"
He stared at me through narrowed eyes, and for a moment I regretted bringing up the topic; I don't know why did I even asked him that. After a long pause he answered "Of course not Chelle; why would you ask that?"
"Because you kind of punched him."
"Well, he messed with my hair; you know that my hair is a sensitive spot for me!" I rolled my eyes and laughed. It was ridiculous because hair doesn't even have nervous terminations... "Also, I think I'm jealous of him"
Okay, what? "Jealous? How come? You do know he is the one that's jealous."
"Yeah, but if you think about it well, he spends most of his time with you. And the other girls, of course."
"You're right... But we will work it out somehow."
"We will" James brought his cup up and clanked it with mine. We ate and chat between bites, letting off the awkward topics such as Davie forgotten, cherishing the beautiful moment we had for us both alone, at the beach, having a great meal under the night sky.
James and I went to stand by the corner of the small pier after we finished eating, his head over my shoulder and arms around my waist. He quietly hummed Boyfriend, rocking softly as he shifted to the rhythm of his hums.
"We might as well dance" I suggested with a light smile, still looking at the numerous bright stars.
"You wouldn't think I forgot the music..." James moved over to another corner and held up a CD case. "Exclusive BTR acoustic performances" he winked. "And the first one" James closed the lid of the small stereo with a click, "is our song".
Boyfriend started playing for the second time that evening, only this time, it was acoustic.
"That's a really good version of that-"
"Shhh.." James pressed his finger softly against my lips. "Come here"
He pulled my arm and held me close to him. His hands were cold and I could practically feel his heartbeat. Must be nervous; the poor thing, but that made me feel better in some way; knowing that I wasn't the only one.
This time we danced without speaking a word (or kissing). James and I looked at each other boldly, saying more words with our eyes than we could say with our voices. I love him, I realized. Love him a lot. There was another part that was going so this is what it feels like..., but most of my brain and body was just overwhelmed with happiness, because even though he hadn't said anything, I knew he loved me too; it was written all over his eyes.
We were so caught up in our "dancing", that we didn't realize the CD had started repeating, and it had reached the third song.
I think we noticed at the same time.
"Are you gonna-" "Just let me go and-" we stared at each other and laughed as we tried to talk at the same time. "I'll go get that"
James took his hands off my hips and moved towards the direction of the CD player, only that he was still standing in front of me. "What's wrong?" I asked him.
He looked up at me with an anxious expression "I think I'm stuck".
I looked down and saw the front of his pants was stuck in the lace of my dress, in a pretty awkward way, if I'm allowed to say so. "Okay James, don't move, I'll get us untangled". I started to fumble with my dress and his jammed zipper, but it wouldn't give in, in fact, I was just making James more uncomfortable. He was starting to squirm and that made it even more difficult and even worse when his phone buzzed once. He tried to move to get to it, but lost his balance by pulling me in a little too rough.
"Shit!" James cussed as he hit the ground with the back of his head, me falling on top of him instantly, cus we were still glued together.
"Oh lord, are you okay? That sounded like it hurt!"
"Don't worry I'm... fine" He looked up at me, just inches away from his face. There was no space between us, my own chest rose and lowered to the rhythm of his breaths.
"... James-" I was at a loss for words. He was so gorgeous on the candle light; on any light.
James kept staring at me mesmerized, his facial features gentle and passionate; with just a whisper, he melted my heart. "Be my girlfriend Michelle... Please."
Sweet baby Jesus, is this happening? Oh god, where's my voice so I can tell him yes? Heck, I wasn't going to be able to speak, so I might as well demonstrate him that I want to be his girl. I grabbed James by the sides of his face and kissed him hard. Yes, yes, yes, yes, of course I'll be your girlfriend!
When I pulled off to see his reaction, James lay with his hair blown back from his face, expression shocked with his mouth hanging open in awe, looking like he was about to drool. I giggled at his face; his cheeks were even redder than before, he looked so adorable.
"Is that a yes?" James muttered, just an inch from my mouth. I nodded enthusiastically; he grinned brightly and without any warning, crashed my lips against his again.
So, there I was: lying on top of James on the floor making out with him. Wearing a new dress, which was stuck on his pant's zipper, and probably ruined? Yeah, I pretty much didn't care. Breathing was getting harder by the second too, but I wanted to kiss him forever. He held me tight, brushing my back with his hands now and so, and I knotted my fingers gently round his soft hair. It was heaven. I was making out romantically with the sweetest most handsome man ever, and he was mine.
I don't know how much time did we lay there, just kissing, but the sound of footsteps made us stop. I looked up to see it was the waiter that has brought us the food, removing the empty plates and wine cups. "I-I-I'm sorry; I'm just cleaning up" the guy muttered nervously, as James and I both stared from the floor. "Excuse me, Mr. Maslow" he uttered quietly and started to go.
"No, wait! Would you mind helping us? My zipper is stuck in her dress and we can't move apart without ruining it"
"S-sure sir" the guy moved quickly but awkwardly between us. Poor him. Poor James and I. It was embarrassing not knowing how to explain to ourselves how the hell did his zipper got stuck in my dress, but in a way, I thank that zipper.
At the end of the night, we saved my dress and James' zipper, and soon it was time to get home. I had been too stuck in spending a nice time with my new boyfriend, that I couldn't believe it when James' clock read midnight.
"Jamie, take me home please?"
"Aw, don't tell me you've still got curfews... another drink?" James offered, already pouring more champagne into my glass.
"No, thanks, I think I've had enough of those tonight. If I didn't know better I'd think you want to get me drunk" I laughed. "Just take me home, please, before Davie acknowledges my un-presence. The girls can't keep him distracted that long"
I could tell that bothered him "Fine... Whatever you want, love" James said gallantly. I loved it when he called me sweet things.
The ride home was short because there was no traffic, so we got home in no time. I opened the door and the lights were on, but there was no one in sight.
"Want to come in for a while?" I asked James with a smirk. He just looked at me with pursed lips and in a rush he picked me up and carried me. I giggled in surprise, but then panicked when he started to run up the stairs.
"James! Stop! We're gonna fall again!" I warned between laughs. He soon stopped and landed me carefully on my heels, taking my hands on his and kissing me again, only this time we weren't thrown on the floor, but standing at the top of the royal staircase. I was pressed tight against him, wrapping my arms around his neck. For some reason, I knew kissing James would be a problem, because once we started, it was hard to stop; it just got better by the minute.
Ah, Davie! We stopped but James still had his arm wrapped around my shoulder. Lila and Sass were standing behind Davie, who was practically blowing sparks from his hair. Damn.
"Davie... chill and-"
"Yeah, I'm her boyfriend now!" James said cockily.
"James!" Lila, Sass and I yelled at him in dread.
Almost simultaneously, Davie did a double take. "What?"
I stared at James with crossed arms. He shrugged and offered a lame "oops?"
"Run." I told him, Davie was already going up the stairs two at a time and I didn't want a beaten-up boyfriend. Sass and Lila ran behind him, probably to stop him; he tends to exaggerate a lot.
James and I got to the second floor; we were running across the hall, searching for a place to hide. I looked ahead and found it: my room. I was the only one that had the access to that place.
"Here!" I pulled James inside and locked the door. Phew, finally safe.
"Damn, he sure looked pissed" James breathed. We were standing against the door, as if we could hold it up in case Davie tried to break through it.
"Yeah... You shouldn't have said you are my boyfriend."
"Then when were you planning on telling him?"
"I don't know; when it got more obvious?" I shrugged
James rolled his eyes. "It couldn't have been more obvious, don't you think?"
I pursed my lips. "You're right. We screwed it." James laughed softly, moving to face me. He placed both his hands against the door, keeping me trapped between his arms.
"I believe we were not done yet..." James whispered in my ear. He started pecking my jaw lightly, traveling to my cheeks and finally to my lips. I stood paralyzed, surprised at how different this kiss was from the others. It was deeper; I could taste the champagne we had drank on his mouth. I leaned back on the door, and James moved closer to me, his hands still trapping me. They were so amazing, his lips. I know nothing about kisses because James is the only guy I've ever kissed (believe it or not), but he sure was really good at it, it made you want to keep going forever, and believe me, I would've stayed there if the door hadn't opened.
"Ouch!" Together, we fell to the floor again, only this time James fell on top of me, and damn, he is pretty heavy! Also, I think I was bleeding.
I have no idea how the door opened, but there was a furious Davie and a very amused Lila staring down at us. "Get. Off. Her. NOW." Davie growled.
James carefully lifted himself, taking me up with him. He turned to apologize but gasped when he saw my face. "Oh my goodness, I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to!"
"Huh...?" I had no idea. The kiss left me a little dumb.
"Mate" Lila snickered, "your lip is bleeding!".
"BLEEDING?" God, I hate blood!
James looked at me with concerned eyes, regret all over his face. "I'm so sorry baby, I shouldn't have-"
"I know! I know James! Don't worry, I think I'll be fine" I tried to calm him down by acting relaxed, but truth is I feared I might puke anytime soon.
"You!" Davie pointed at me. I rolled my eyes. "Come with me if you don't want me to kill your boyfriend" he sneered. I sighed and moved over to Davie, but to my surprise, the lace of my dress was ripped off because part of it was stuck on James' zipper. Again.
Lila started laughing like crazy when she saw that and Davie's face grew redder. James was blushing just like me, trying to un-stuck the dress. Thankfully, it was easier to unlatch this time. I hurried and grabbed Davie from his shirt so that he couldn't kill James.
"Guess I have to go now" James spoke.
"Yes!" Davie yelled, but we ignored that.
"Tonight was amazing. See you some other time?" I tried to smile without getting blood in mouth.
James took my hand and kissed it "Yes. Goodbye love". He said goodbye to Lila and Davie (tried to, at least) and then left, still looking guilty for my split lip.
After I cleaned up my wound, I couldn't really care less about it, or even about my ripped up dress. James was my boyfriend. Mine! Just in my wild fangirl dreams I dreamt about it and now it was my reality. I must be the luckiest girl on the planet, I thought. I was member of the rock band of the moment, doing what I love to do the most which is singing, with Davie, Sass and Lila, whom I love. I met my idols and my celebrity crush, who turned out to have a crush on me too, and now he is my precious boyfriend.
I spent over one hour talking with Sass and Lila that night, telling them how imperfectly romantic James had asked me out. Finally I slumped over my bed and prepared myself to sleep, when my phone buzzed.
"I forgot to tell you something: I love you. I'm so glad you're my girlfriend, beautiful; JM"
I smiled to myself and texted him back. "I'm really glad too. I love you, my boyfriend; Chelle"
0 notes
crysj88 · 4 years
Phylax Part1 ch.1 Young
Three months later.
“You ready for this kid?” Tony’s voice rang through her earpiece. 
“Go big or go home, boss,” Bennett smiled, answering over her com. It was the grand opening of the Stark Expo and Tony planned on making it the event of the century. Even with 90 years left in this century.
“You sure this isn’t too extreme?” he questioned. 
"For anyone else, yeah. For you jumping out of a plane might be a bit lowkey,” the blonde pressed herself against the wall of the small changing room as another of the “dance team” girls bumped her. This one too was wearing next to nothing. That makes 5 in the last half hour. They might have been comfortable in the small changing room, stripping in front of each other but it was completely out of her comfort zone. 
Tony insisted they had to have a member of the security team in the room at all times as well as posted outside the doors. As there was only one female member of the security that job got handed to Bennett. “The twenty “Rockettes” running around me and stretching out before your big show, that might qualify as extreme."
“Not enjoying the show? I chose that job especially for you. We could trade spots.” Tony's voice held a touch of laughter in his tone. “Seriously not one of them is hot in your book?”
“Not the time, boss.”
“There is one?” He perked up. “We will compare notes after the show.”
“Just get ready to jump,” she said, checking the time. “Alright ladies. Showtime.”
Bennett, Pepper, and Happy stood backstage as the show started. Music blared and the girls began their routine. Tony touched down on the rotating platform with perfect timing. The suit started to remove itself piece by piece. By the time it finished a few rotations, Tony stood in a tux with his trademark smile as the girls struck their final pose. 
After Tony’s speech welcoming everyone to the Stark Expo people began to mix and mingle. Finally pushing through the press to his car with Happy’s help they made it outside. “So kid how was it?”
“Your speech?” He nodded. “It was great except that whole part about no one being man enough to go toe to toe with you. If I remember right last time we went toe to toe you ended up face down on the canvas with my knee in your spine.”
“Coming from anybody else, that might sound kinky,” Tony quirked an eyebrow, then let out an involuntary shutter. 
“Look what we got here, the new model,” Happy nodded toward the car with a too bright smile.
Tony looked the car over but also the woman leaning against it, “does she come with the car?”
“I certainly hope so. Hi,” Happy introduced himself. Tony followed immediately after, 
The woman was a U.S. Marshal and was there to make sure Tony was at his hearing the next morning. He had to be in D.C. by 9 a.m. 
“Happy you wanna take Tony or go brief Pepper?”  Bennett asked, preparing for a long night babysitting Tony. 
“No, no, no, you have to be at this club,” Tony pulled a business card from his jacket pocket, “in 45 minutes.” He reached in the back seat of the car. “Your Ducati is waiting for you at the south entrance.” He handed over her helmet, keys, t-shirt and leather jacket. “Some guy named Jax said he would meet you there?”
“Are you sure it was Jax?” Bennett asked. Tony gave a nod in reply. “Did he say why? Are you sure you don’t need me boss?” she flipped the visor on the helmet back and forth as she spoke. 
“Happy and Pepper can handle this one. Stop that, you’re gonna break it,” he swatted her hand to stop her fidgeting. “When I get back though we need some Tony and Benn hang time. I have something to show you in the lab.” He climbed in the car.
“Yes sir,” she gave a two finger salute before heading toward her bike.
“Benn?” He called and she turned, “be safe.”
She sent a “Stark smirk” back “always am. Drive safe.” With that he and Happy sped off. Why would  Jax want to meet her? They might still be friends but she wouldn’t expect it. After...
She made her way around the corner unbuttoning the stuffy white shirt and blazer, stripping down to the tank top underneath. She pulled on the t-shirt and the matching button up. After getting to the south entrance she threw on her jacket. Her bike was sitting in the closest parking spot, polished and gleaming. A custom Ducati, red with black and silver trim. A birthday present from Tony, which meant he had customized it even more than from the factory. She wadded up the shirt and blazer and shoved them in the storage compartment under the seat.  
The engine roared to life at the first kick. She revved the throttle a couple times, catching the attention of a brunette a couple cars down. Bennett slid on her helmet, giving the woman a shy smile before peeling out of the parking lot speeding up town to the club. 
The music pulsed and the lights flashed as she approached the entrance for the private club. She had to wait in line for a few minutes before she got to the bouncer at the door. “Party name?” He asked.
“Jaxon Hennings.” Bennet replied fidgeting with her helmet.
“Mr. Hennings,” the man gave a broad smile, “yes, a party of six. Your name?”
“Bennett Lancaster.” He gestured, her through directing her to one of the more private booths in the back. 
Bennett met Jaxon Hennings on their first day of college. Co-ed dorms. They had private rooms that unfortunately shared a bathroom. As might be expected when rooming two 18-year-olds of the opposite sex that close, the first thing he did was try to flirt. She tried to let him down easy by telling him he wasn’t her type. He didn’t take it as easy as she had hoped. A small fight over the shared space of the bathroom broke out the first weekend of their college experience. It quickly escalated to an all out war. 
The adversity between the two was palpable. He “accidently” walked in while she was in the shower so in return she taped the sink faucet to squirt him in the face. He put honey on the door knob. She superglued his toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving cream to his drawer in the vanity. It only intensified when classes started and they shared most of their classes. Pranks became more vicious and spread to the others bedroom not just the shared space of the bathroom. A month into the school year found most of Bennett’s wardrobe shredded and Jaxon’s meals for a week laced with something. Melatonin was the nicest, laxatives were a given. 
Jaxon shuffled across the quad after Intro to Economics one afternoon at the beginning of October. It had been a hard class that day, he could feel the headache coming on.  The sound of giggling came from the steps in front of the cafe. He looked over to find Bennett talking to two other girls. Bennett wore a lopsided smile as they talked. Bennett focused most of her attention on her blonde companion rather than the brunette. The blonde reached out brushing the short bangs out of Benn’s face. Even though the locks were too short to actually fall in her face and her hair was gelled to perfection. She took long enough in the mornings. Especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays, when she had Latin class. 
He looked the girl over trying to remember the girl's name. It took a few minutes but he remembered, Alex, a senior. As they sat talking several people stopped to greet Bennett. She seemed to attract people without trying. She, however, was focused solely on Alex. Jaxon walked to their dorm with a plan, a plan that would be mutually beneficial.
That evening Bennett entered their dorm only to find Jaxon sitting on her bed a smug smile on his face. “So, not your type? What exactly is your type?”
“I don’t have time for your crap today, Jaxon. We take the same classes, don’t you have as much homework as I do?” she dropped her bag by the edge of the desk.
“Of course, that doesn’t mean I am going to do it,” he followed her sitting on the desk. “So how do you feel about redheads?” The blonde rolled her eyes and pulled out her psych book. Trying to block her roommate out. “Nah, I bet you are into blondes. Yeah blonde hair and green eyes.” He hopped down and walked a few paces back and forth behind the girl. “Shorter side, I think. Curls.” Bennett turned to face him. He looked like the cat that ate the canary. “Nice rack? Am I warm?”
“I...”She shot him a glare, “what’s it to you?”
“I have seen you talk to Alex several times but I wasn’t sure until today, upperclassmen nice.” He stopped as if distracted by a thought. “Is that why you took that class, more upperclassmen?”
“A basic concept of Latin roots can help you in several fields of study. All the medical fields, for instance. Bonus is that you don’t take it.” She turned back to the book on her desk.  
“But we both know you aren’t going into medical, you are getting a degree in general ed. And only because you have to, to stay in that security school,” he put his hand over the page she was reading. 
Bennett slammed the book closed on his hand, “Latin also tends to make you sound smart. Headed to Latin sounds a whole lot better than headed to burger flipping 101 or whatever you take.”
“Hey I was gonna help with your Alex problem but if that's how you're gonna be?” Shaking out his hands as he began walking toward the door.
“I don’t have a problem,” her voice came out soft. 
He took that as his invitation to start the conversation again. “Then why haven’t you asked her out?” When she didn’t respond he continued. “Scared? Don’t know how? She wants you too.” A devious smile crossed his face “I can help you.”
Bennett looked him up and down, “what’s it gonna cost me?”
“For some reason it’s starting the conversations that I have problems with, I have been told I come off as abrasive.”
“Can’t imagine why,” she rolled her eyes.
He shrugged as if it truly were a mystery. “But everyone seems to like you, so you teach me  your charm and I will teach you mine. Be my wingman, I’ll be yours. Truce.” He held out a hand.
Reluctantly she shook his hand, “Truce.” Within three days Bennett had a date with Alex and  she was helping Jaxon get rid of his first one night stand. 
From that point on Jaxon and Bennett were inseparable. They quickly became best friends. Their morals and opinions didn’t always line up but that was understandable. 
His parents were overjoyed when he told them he was bringing a girl home for Thanksgiving break their junior year. He thought it was fun to only refer to her as his best friend, to his parents, or Benn or Bennie. Never by a gender specific pronoun.
The drive, although short, was exhausting. Jaxon had been teasing her the whole time about this guy at school that could not take a hint. By the time they arrived she had had enough. As soon as he killed the car she tackled him, pushing him out his door. They rolled across the yard laughing and calling each other childish names. Throwing leaves in each other's faces and wrestling, until the girl finally locked in a chokehold making him tap. “Okay, Benn, you win.”
“Always do,” she held a hand out helping him up. As they dusted off their attention was drawn to the front door of the mansion, they had an audience. There on the front porch steps to the massive mansion stood Jax’s mother, father, and little sister, Emily.
Bennett made her way through the throng of people to the private tables toward the back of the club. Tucked the corner she found Jax, bleached blonde hair, purple button down shirt, silver tie. Over the top. How do I attract the eccentric types? She questioned herself. First Jax and now Tony. 
“Bennie," he practically jumped over the table. Picking her up in a bear hug. “I am so sorry, Benn. I know Emily. I should have seen the signs. I just really hoped she would be different with you.” 
“It’s not your fault, Jax. I missed all the signs too.” They shared a smile, “so still friends?”
“Are you kidding,” he smirked, “you can’t get rid of me if you tried.” He turned back to the table, pushing one of the other guys there out of his seat so she could sit.  
Of the four other people sitting at the table one was Jax’s wife, Jordan. She had wrapped Bennett in a warm hug, no words just a hug of understanding. As they hugged Bennett felt an influx of several hormones that were high, she searched her friend for a reason, finally finding it, a second heartbeat. 
Caleb, another of their friends from college, greeted her sitting directly to her left. Jax’s friend and business partner Martin occupied the next seat from him. 
The seat directly across from Bennett was occupied by a woman with dark hair and even darker eyes. She was attractive by anyone’s standards. She had smiled when Jaxon introduced them, a thousand watt smile. Mariam, the head of marketing for the software division of Advanced Idea Mechanics. She was interested to hear that Bennett worked closely with Tony Stark. 
Stories were shared around the table and Jax never let anyone’s glass sit empty. “So here we are, all just turned 21 at the strip club,” Jax continued the story. Bennett buried her face in her hands. “We all decide that Benn needs to experience more of life. She has refused to pay attention to any of the women there. Now as an older brother with her talking to my little sister I respect that. As her best friend I can’t let her leave without having some fun. So me and the other guys shell out a ton of money for Benn to have a private dance. They are back there for a solid 30 minutes so we are all glad that she is finally enjoying something. We watch the hall closely to see when she comes out. Benn and the stripper come out of the room, the stripper wearing Benn’s jacket. She leans in, gives Benn a hug before giving back the jacket and walking the other way. Benn gets back out to us and tells us they talked the entire time. We paid for a private dance and instead Benn spends 30 minutes making sure the woman is comfortable and discussing what this woman wants to do with her life and future.” 
“I will have you know, her name is Holly not “the stripper,” and she is currently studying to be a surgeon.” Bennett smiled as she took another sip of her drink. 
Martin left after a few hours claiming a business meeting in the morning to be the reason, not the busty blonde by the bar that he had been eyeing all night. Caleb went to the dance floor to try his luck with a group of college girls. 
When Mariam left to get a fresh drink Jaxon turned serious. “So Benn, Jordan and I wanted to tell you something,” She knew what was coming. “We’re pregnant.” Their faces were beaming. The sodas and waters Jordan had been drinking all night had solidified what she had felt earlier.  She was thrilled for them, even if it did sting a bit. 
If she were different, if Emily were different, if things had just worked out different; they would be hearing this news together and she would be looking forward to being an aunt. Now though she would just be “dad’s crazy friend,” if she even got to be there. 
“We still want you around. We want you to be involved in the baby’s life.” Jax continued almost as if he had read her mind. “You were my wingman and my best friend long before Emily screwed up. I saw you first.”
She let out a soft laugh, “I will be there as much as I can. I am so happy for you guys.”
He reached out grabbing Jordan’s hand giving it a gentle squeeze. 
Mariam came back to the table with a drink in hand for herself and a refill for Bennett. 
Jaxon and Jordan went to dance leaving Bennett and Mariam alone. 
“So how many of those do you need for me to convince you to dance?” Mariam’s smile was bewitching. 
Bennett could have easily been ensnared by the sight if not for her recent clash with reality. “I am afraid there isn’t enough alcohol in the world to convince me to dance.” Mariam’s shoulders fell and her smile faltered before she forced a fake in its place. “But I am open to some conversation and maybe a new friend.” 
She met Bennett’s eyes again, “a new friend might be nice.” Her smile diminished in size slightly but it was genuine again. “Especially if this new friend has connections to Tony Stark,” the playfulness in her tone made Bennett laugh.
“I refuse to be a part in any sort of espionage against my boss or his company.” 
Mariam joined in the laughter, “I guess I will just have to settle for friendly banter then and find another partner in crime against Stark.” 
Friendly banter was the course of the evening. A great deal of the night was spent with the four of them at the table talking and trying to embarrass one another. Periodically it would be just two at the table as the others went to dance. 
At last call Bennett found a taxi for Jaxon, Jordan, and Mariam. She made sure they were all loaded and the drivers had the correct addresses before cranking her bike to head back to Stark tower. 
The last three months had been hell. Today though had been a good day. She hadn’t lost everything with Emily. She wasn’t going through it all alone. She still had Jax, her best friend, and Tony. Everyone needs a Tony.
0 notes
nxfury · 4 years
Linux Tales of Woe: Part 2
Due to the sheer enjoyment of writing about enabling support for old Broadcom cards back in the day, it's time to share another horror story- Another fiendish story of what caused me to leave Fedora Linux, never to return. For the Dante afficionados, let's enter the proverbial "9 Circles of Dependency Hell".
But I Just Wanted to Play Quake 3!
Too bad, so sad. I had the official Return to Castle Wolfenstein CD and the .run file to install the data to my Linux system, and wasn't aware of what it's dependencies were. For those who are unaware, a dependency is a bit of software that is needed by your program to run. Oblivious to what was needed, I mounted the CD and ran the installer. Little did I know that I would be in for days of work. The game launched and I was enjoying the WW2 Prison-Breakout glory of Wolfenstein.
No Games For You
So Fedora uses a package manager to aid in installing updates to software. The hitch is that it used to (and may still) upgrade everything without ensuring the possibility of being able to revert back to the previous state. My game depended on old versions of software to work, unbeknownst to me at the time.
I had automated the installation of updates for once a week and forgot about it months prior. Little did I know that the following Sunday morning, I would not be able to launch Wolfenstein because it was missing critical libraries.
Enter Dependency Hell
After doing some research about the packages I needed to launch Wolfenstein, I wound up downloading the rpm files that were of the correct version since I had known about what dependency hell was previous to this fiasco. But would it strike me? No, I was a sysadmin- I knew my way out of this! Squeezing my stuffed Tux- I mean penguin- I proceeded to install the rpm files using the rpm -ivh command. Little did I expect what would happen next...
Even the rpm package installer removed the pre-existing binary that I updated! So now, I couldn't launch my File Manager, VLC, LibreOffice, or GIMP- apps that I used regularly began crashing.
I ran yum -y update to revert the downgraded software and then Wolfenstein wouldn't start again. This is why I can't have nice things...
Doing The Unspeakable
I wanted to play Wolfenstein bad at this point, and realized I hadn't tried compiling from source with the old version. This involves taking the source code, performing some voodoo magic on it, and producing a binary. Generally, this is not supported by package managers and as a result is often ignored. So I thus embarked on a saga of making my Core 2 Duo (at the time) CPU scream bloody murder.
Tell Me More About Compilation!!! Fine... It's not voodoo magic, GNU Make automates the execution of various compilers in a specific order. A compiler in a nutshell is just a program that translates source code into another language. In most cases it translates into machine language- producing binary programs. Compilation is CPU-intensive, and just great for warming a home in the winter.....
Highway to (s)Hell
So after taking inventory of the various versions of software I needed to compile, from libSDL to Xlib, I started downloading the specific versions of source code for each application I needed. 2-3 hours later, I had a folder full of source code. Since I wanted this project over with, I used a while loop in bash to automate the extraction of all the tarballs into their own separate folders.
"You Could Roast a Marshmallow on That Thing!!!"
I made the willful choice of compiling the software I needed from source, and was going to see my project to completion. I would proceed to enter the first folder, run ./configure to generate the Makefile custom tailored to my hardware, then run make, followed by make install. For each application, this took about 30-45 minutes given the speed of the CPU, and the majority of the time was spent waiting on the computer to finish it's prescribed suffering- I mean compiling.
By the time I was done compiling, it was Tuesday morning, and my laptop was so hot I had plugged in an external keyboard and mouse to use it, with the device propped up on 2 textbooks to retain airflow for cooling.
Wasted Time
By the time I was completed, I grabbed a bag of my favorite chips- Jalapeño Flavored- and launched Wolfenstein. To a nerd's delight it launched and I muttered "IT'S ALIIIIIIIIVE!!!" to myself. When I began playing the game, however, my excitement was rendered useless- the audio was stuttering and the video was horribly choppy. I didn't meet the RAM requirements and would have to wait for an upgrade... :(
The Upgrade
In just a couple days, the RAM arrived!, I tore open the packaging and quickly added the RAM to my laptop. The game finally worked, in all it's glory! I was running, shooting 'em up, and defeating Nazi officers in a valiant attempt to save the world. However, the power brick that charged my laptop wasn't powerful enough to charge the device with the added RAM, so I waited on a close friend to snag me a spare charger from his old job, as they were closing the office and liquidating old hardware (I would later receive my second laptop from this closure).
Multiplayer Not-So-Awesomeness
As it turned out, multiplayer on Return To Castle Wolfenstein was widely considered one of the best parts of the entire game. So naturally, I wanted to try it out. However every time I attempted to join a multiplayer server I would get errors about "PunkBuster not working". On Linux at the time, there was a lack of documentation on how to resolve this issue. I tried modifying the PunkBuster configuration, to no avail. On top of this, I even reinstalled Wolfenstein. Still, I couldn't play multiplayer until a patch for the game was released. I missed out on the peak of the multiplayer action because of this.
Nowadays, the multiplayer servers are down and the game is widely considered a good old game- one of the best video games ever made. And I missed my shot at enjoying it while it was still fresh because Fedora just wouldn't play nice. As a result, I wound up leaving Fedora Linux, never to return. Back then I left for Ubuntu but would later migrate over to Arch Linux. Little did I know I would even leave that for Gentoo, Slackware, and BSD for security... Which would later become a passion of mine.
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