#too bad my grandma always made the tight plaited ones I’m lucky I’m not tender headed because that shit HIRT
fregget-frou · 2 years
Na’vi oc with the whole “draw with you’re own culture” so here’s Eamon who’s inspired by Irish celts!
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I got a bit of history that i know of so some stuff i included in his design:
A life tree brooch, both incredibly important to me and Celtic symbols as it shows the connection to Mother Earth and life, and it’s important to Na’vi culture with their similarities in focus
More traditional braiding styles, I used mostly feminine braids and very loose and messy but in reality hed have Celtic knots on his forehead where the brass hair brooch is at, and his braid having a more plaited look. Here’s some examples of what I mean, there are more intricate but this is what I drew Eamon wearing currently
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His clan would be more wealthy in resources with their ability to gain brass/the equivalent in pandora and are mostly found in the plains and mountains with the horses. Personally I think Eamon would be a more spoiled and less violent type than his brothers and would focus more on material gain they glory, he still is a trained warrior as was pretty common as sons of a chieftain.
Fun fact! The white streaks are from a water/limestone mix that bleached and stiffened hair. Kinda like an early hair spiker/gel! I would’ve drawn aLOT more tattoos but I’m tired and I really didn’t wanna draw celtic knot’s because I’m dumb and they’re very hard to draw
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