#too bad it’s too dark to see anything 😌😉
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nongnoopran · 3 years
Thoughts on Bad Buddy Finale
I loved that Inkpa we’re together and so open and accepted by Pa’s parents 🥲, I love that for them. I’d like to think that Pa and Pat teamed up to wear their parents down to accept them, even if begrudgingly.
I like that Pran still went abroad to work even though he was still in a relationship with Pat. Pat and Pran’s relationship has never been about holding each other back.
I wish Pat hadn’t taken on the family business. He doesn’t seem to have any passion for it and works while avoiding his dad. I wish he was able to explore and find something to do that didn’t tie him to the family business which is a thing that has a lot of difficult memories attached to it.
Pran was lowkey getting hit on at his job in Singapore 😂
I like that the last scene was Pat and Pran in their home. I think it might of been just Pat’s apartment, but they’re married as far as I’m concerned 😌… and apparently Pran is still wearing Pat out in bed 👀😂.
I liked all these things, but Bad Buddy’s finale is still my least favorite episode of the series. But I don’t have a problem with it to the point that it affects my whole view of the show. So I’m very relieved about that cause I want to continue enjoying this gem of a show forever!
What I didn’t like is the fake break up they teased us with in the previews and then they stretched that out for two whole parts of the finale. I think it was a waste of time, a waste of the audience’s emotions, and a waste of the story they had built up so far. There was also a bizarre tonal shift from when Pat and Pran were literally distraught at the front of their gates when they returned from the honeymoon trip to when they walked in the house and were lying to their parents. I don’t understand why they would be smirking like that when it’s actually such a sad and tragic situation. And not one to feel like they’re getting the upper hand because they really aren’t.
I don’t understand why they had to lie to their high school classmates who they rarely see. It’s one thing to not tell them you’re in a relationship, but why actively pretend to still dislike each other? Oh yeah… it’s cause the writers needed an excuse to keep the audience in the dark about the status on Pat and Pran’s relationship at the beginning of ep12 😒
Although how the parent’s conflict was semi-resolved was underwhelming, it was also believable imo. When Dissaya was up in Pran’s room looking at Ming down on the street… she just seemed tired. Like you just put something burdensome down because it’s heavy and you’re tired. Not because you are wrong or forgive that person. And Ming… we’ll he still just sucks and is a cowardly human being and I totally understand why Pat still doesn’t get along with him well and can’t look up to him anymore.
From my own experience, I think coming to terms with your parent’s faults is a sad part of growing up. I think Pat and Pran ignoring their parent’s fued while compromising a bit is still them refusing to take on the responsibility for their parent’s problems. Like they decided they weren’t gonna fix Dissaya and Ming’s problems. Sure they’ll encourage them with gifts from the “other side,” but it’s Dissaya and Ming who gotta figure it out while they hear their children laughing together and crossing over their roofs to visit each other. After all, they’re “just friends” 😉 Ming and Dissaya are in-laws in denial. It was a compromise, but Pat and Pran didn’t lose their relationship or their family.
Waikorn?…. What was that? Are they secretly dating each other? 🤡 seems like the writers were confused because they heavily implied them as a couple, but then kept talking about them dating other people and having girlfriends… did they date in college and broke up? They became business partners? What was the point? Idc too much cause I didn’t care for them as a couple tbh. But that was unnecessary provocation from the writers when they know the audience literally will ship anything especially when the story hints at it. Very bizarre… I’m still confused like maybe I missed something and didn’t understand what I watched…
I really loved that Pat and Pran stayed together. I was shocked by ep12 preview because I did not read anything in ep11 as them officially breaking up when I first watched it. I thought ep11 was them emotionally dealing with the fallout of everything that happened in ep10, the fights they had with their parents. I thought everything in ep 11 reaffirmed their love and commitment to each other to take on whatever came next.
I knew that obvs Pran wanted to go home, but for the life of me I could not understand how “going home = breaking up,” which is what a lot of us were saying. My dumb butt was like… nope. “Breaking up = breaking up.” How does one break up by reading through the lines? How does one break up by saying thank you for sticking with me and fighting along side me? Definitely would’ve been a poetic break up, but I really didn’t get it. I read so many theories and tried to retroactively make them make sense to what I saw in ep11. I think.. tbh the writers had a lot of brilliance in the ep10-11 arc, but they didn’t know how to handle it or resolve it and so us fans ended up theorizing and in some cases argueing over something that did not make sense to begin with (that thing is ep12 preview and parts of ep12)….. then I try to give the writers the benefit of doubt, and think maybe they realized these issues with the script but wanted to force all the important and deep discussions we’ve been having about parents and family life and how it affects us, but they also didn’t want to make Pat and Pran break up? Does that even make sense?
…Anyway I’m very happy Pat and Pran stayed together 😊.
I’m so glad I had the experience watching Bad Buddy Series live. It’s been a blast and it’s definitely my fav BL of 2021 and one of my fav shows of all time. I’ll definitely be rewatching it many times 🧡🧡🧡
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