#tony stark camping imagine
idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #129
In an AU where everything is the same except Tony survived the snap in Endgame, MJ and Ned are both very aware that something is up with their memories. Huge, overlapping chunks of their lives are gone. And Spider-Man has something to do with it.
The only public figure Spider-Man has ever been closely associated with is Tony Stark. In need of answers, and not the types to just let something like this go, the kids hack and heist their way somehow onto Tony Stark's secret lake house property. It's weird that no alarms go off when they get close, but they manage it. They're about to knock, when Tony Stark, savior of the universe, opens the door.
He does not look great. Aside from the general post-battle healing and the fact that they have literally caught him at home, there's just something...off. It doesn't take long for them to realize that it's the same thing that's off with them, too.
Something important has been taken from all of their lives. Someone.
After Tony calms down from his initial freak-out, MJ and Ned (though mostly MJ) manage to convince him pretty quickly. The fact that FRIDAY never alarmed because they're in her system already is a huge point to their side. 
And, the fact that he agrees with them. He survived the battle, everything should be fine. But something is so, very wrong. He's grieving someone he doesn't even know.
So, a new team is born. A trio united to find their shared missing person, the eraser mark in their memories none of them can bear to lose, all for different reasons.
They don't have much to go on, but Tony agrees with them on one thing: Spider-Man is involved somehow. And that's a good place to start.
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emmis15 · 6 months
Bucky Barnes Birthday In The Country
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―I never imagined seeing the Winter Soldier, the greatest and deadliest assassin of the last 50 years, wearing a plastic crown at a children's party― I heard a sweet and amused voice behind me.
I was trying to pour myself more vodka juice from the kitchen and taking the opportunity to catch some fresh air outside the circle of Avengers and parents I didn't know, besides small children running around everywhere.
―Neither did I, this wasn't my original plan for my day off― I replied, looking at her with a small smile as I leaned against the sink.
Cass had her arms crossed over her chest as she leaned against the door frame, a smile on her face and a glass in her hands.
―I didn't tell you before, but thank you for coming. Lila was very happy to have you here― she said, approaching me slowly with a slight smile.
I sighed with a smile on my face as I listened to her. She had dragged me to a birthday party for Barnes' daughter at the farm, and instead of taking the opportunity to stay alone in the complex reading or listening to quiet music without having to listen to people passing by or arguing, I had knelt before Cass, and now I was at Clint's farm lifting children with my metal arm, wearing a plastic crown on my head.
―I'm sure she was― I sighed, looking down at my feet.
She placed her glass next to mine, and her hands tangled behind my neck with a slight smile. The scent of the perfume I liked was very close to me, almost like a mist on my face, enjoying her smile and the shine of her lips that had nagged me so much to drive slowly below the speed limit.
―Thank you, really. I promise I'll make it up to you― she whispered against my lips, looking into my eyes.
―It's not necessary. I'm just tired and needed a breather― I said, my hands reaching for her waist, feeling her skin goosebumps as she felt my cold metal arm.
―¿Do you want me to leave you alone?― she asked, uncertainty in her eyes.
―No, I never want to be alone if I can be with you for a moment. I just want to be here for a few minutes― I said, looking at her with a slight smile before giving her a small kiss.
She stayed looking at me with a small smile, and I don't know what she was looking at, but I really believe I had the best view. The sunset light hit her face through the window of the house, giving her such a homely and tranquil view that the idea of going somewhere just the two of us reappeared in my mind.
Having a house and living hidden from life, just the two of us quietly leaving behind the Avengers, Hydra, superheroes, or the society on our shoulders, staying in the quietest place in the world alone with our house.
―I would like to have something like that― I whispered, looking into her eyes while playing with her hair.
―¿A children's party or more time together?― she asked, confused.
―A house far from everyone and everything, just the two of us, letting ourselves be carried away by time.
―It would be nice to have some alone moments on a farm and the American dream.
She gave me a small smile, joining her left hand with my metal hand as she reached for a jug of juice since she couldn't drink alcohol due to medication.
―Not just a moment, a lifetime, in secret, and sometimes having missions, but instead of staying in the complex waiting for the next mission or training useless people to waste time, both of us sharing hobbies together without hiding― my flesh hand touched her chin to make her look into my eyes.
―We can't even let my father see us less than 40 meters apart, and you want me to pack my things and go to a house in the countryside? It's very nice, Buck, really, it sounds like something we could really live someday, but it's very difficult. I need medical attention all the time, and I'm always with my father― she said with a sad face, and I looked at the floor.
I let go of her chin to touch the star on her chest. I could see the faint red light coming from inside her chest, her body full of cables and constantly receiving medical attention and medication. It was a reality for her that even though we both wanted to show ourselves, we couldn't, and it would be very unfair, in addition to the increased life risks for her if we separated so much from the complex.
And then there was her father, Tony hated me, and although indirectly Cass tried to make him stop hating me, she only managed to make his sarcastic comments about my past in Hydra, giving me nicknames for my arms, and trying to leave the subject behind or hidden under the rug, but not much more. If he were to find out that I am with his daughter, the least he would do would be to banish me from the Avengers and the complex.
―¿Why is everything with us so difficult?
―Because it shows how strong we are― she touched my chin with the tips of her fingers. ―But I'm aware that the whole situation surrounding us sucks.
―Just a place where we both can be, where we can see each other and just be without the fear on our shoulders.
―We can create moments, we can do things to have a normal life within the parameters, but the idea of a house in the countryside or living alone together is very unlikely― she gave me a sad and melancholic smile, and it hurt my soul to know that as long as we were together, we would live in the shackles of Hydra, my past, and her father.
―I love you― I whispered as I carefully ran my fingers through her hair, looking down at her.
―I love you too― she whispered back with a smile, showing her teeth.
We heard the sound of a conversation nearby, so we quickly separated, me leaning against the countertop and her looking into the fridge with feigned doubt.
―¿What were you doing? Your father is looking for you― Lauren's voice broke the awkward silence.
She looked at us for a moment with a raised eyebrow before walking over to Cass and taking out the birthday cake.
―Tell him I'm coming now― she said tiredly, sighing.
―¿What were you doing?― Lauren asked.
―I was looking for something that doesn't have alcohol but also doesn't have too much sugar. Your husband said there was only orange juice in the fridge― she poured some of the orange liquid.
―¿And your sergeant?
―He needed some time away from sticky hands and loud songs― she sighed, looking at the floor.
She looked at us with a raised eyebrow before tilting her head, ready to leave.
―I don't need you to answer because you'll deny it, especially you, Cassady, but I know you two are up to something, I see it and feel it in the air, but the situation is difficult from what Clint told me, so I won't say anything, and you better both be there for the family photo― she sounded stern as she walked away with the white cake box.
We stayed silent without looking at each other before hearing her laugh.
―¿You wanted a normal couple life? There you have Lauren laughing at us and mocking because we can't hide anything― she said with a smile as she started walking back outside.
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Hi elle! I was wondering if you could do some angst in where reader is tony's daughter but shes the forgotten one and tony shows a lot of affection to peter and one day she just loses it. Its ok if you don't want to.
Stay safe and drink water!
i’ve never felt so motivated to write something–
content warnings (18+) — immense swearing, mentions of insecurity and negative outlook, yelling, author possibly projecting?, maybe too many italicized words/phrases.
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You knew your dad loved you. He had to. He said it to you a million times before, and made it a point to remind you of it once a day. However, there were moments nowadays where you began to question it. You didn’t really question whether he loved you or not, but rather, whether he loved Peter Parker more than you.
Tony had referred to Peter as the son he’d never had. He’d taken Peter on retreats and to expos when he hadn’t taken you out on a trip since you were nine years old. He’d bought things for Peter, and fixed things for Peter, and every meme or video or cat picture you found on the internet to show to your father would automatically get the response: “send that to me, i want to show it to Peter.”
Peter this and Peter that. It sent you into a spiral of insecurity that you’d never known existed. You truly felt like Tony was trying to tell you something subliminally. You tried to drown yourself in coursework, go to engineering camps, and help out with the Avengers just to try and gain a better understanding of their bond. Of what you lacked. Nothing seemed to help. It jabbed at your feelings like a knife to the back, presumably left by Peter Parker himself.
And the worst part? You’d never even met the guy. You’d never been introduced to Peter Parker, despite how many times Tony mentioned the fact that he’d “love for you two to meet,” and “you two would get along great.” Yeah, sure. And he’s probably some gross ass dude with an untamed beard in his mid–twenties that your father took pity on. So much pity, in fact, that he’d invited Peter to stay over for the weekend in your penthouse apartment.
It was such a sudden proposition, and a last second invite, but it happened. And Tony insisted, despite every protest you attempted to give, that you’d both greet him in the lobby.
So when you were face to face with a surprisingly attractive boy your age who had the deepest brown eyes you’d ever seen and barely packed a duffel bag, you were thrown off your rocker. You hardly had the composure to speak. Thus, your father did for you, smiling wider than you’d ever seen him smile before.
He was barely showing teeth, but you hadn’t seen your father this excited about something in a while. “Kid, this is my daughter, Y/N.” He stated proudly, grasping Peter’s shoulder as he started introductions. “And sweetheart,” Tony addressed you, turning his full focus to you as he gave Peter’s introduction. “This is Peter Parker.”
There was something about him that caused for you to detest him. It wasn’t seen on his clothes, or in his eyes. It wasn’t dangling in the tension between you, or whispered through his silent stares, but it was there. Perhaps, it came from the depths of your subconscious, and the land of your imagination. You shoved that proposition deeper into your subconscious, too.
Because you were certain that you had a hatred for Peter Parker, and his little staycation with the Stark’s would prove it.
The first night was fine. Your dad didn’t make you do any activities together, thank God, but he did surprise you with the news that he had to leave the next morning for a last second Avengers emergency. He didn’t know when he’d be back, but Tony assigned you and Peter with the task of rewiring a circuit board in his lab before he returned.
Being the daughter of Tony Stark, you’d taken the initiative to finish the project yourself. It was your house, anyways. It was a request that your father had made to you, so you intended to do it. You just hated the fact that Peter persisted in being with you in the room while you finished it. You hated the silence he left in the room, and the way he kept checking over your shoulder. God, you just hated him. You were sure of it.
You could feel his presence watching over your hands as they worked. You could feel the weight of his judgment, his breath catching in hesitation. You could smell the fumes of his cologne, and the aroma of his hair products. It was infuriating. It was pressuring. It felt mocking, taunting.
He stepped closer, hands reaching over to where yours were tinkering, yet they didn’t dare to touch your project. “A–actually, you should move the circuit focus closer to the–”
The audacity he had to question you. The nerve he struck with his comment, it filled you with rage.
Wrench and wire were thrown to the table, clanking and clamoring as they caved to gravity’s pull. Their sound was the only thing keeping you and Peter from shared silence. The shared silence of your anger. You turned your head to look at him, hoping that you weren’t physically exhaling flames like you imagined you were.
“Can you just.. not?” The question almost came out as a laugh. You nearly laughed, in disbelief that Peter Parker thought he had any say in how you built a robotic contraption. “Can you just fucking not?”
Walls had been building up inside you, livid and rageful feelings clouding your judgment as you glared at him. You couldn’t see just how shocked he was, thrown off at your irritation. You couldn’t see how puzzled he was, or panicked that he’d done something to upset you so much. You just stared into the eyes of what felt like your replacement. You felt empty, worthless, as your figure reflected back at you through the glistening of his eyes.
“Can I not what? Did I– Did I upset you?” Just the sound of his voice crawled beneath your skin. It felt worse than the sleek of humidity, or nails on a chalkboard. It sounded teasing, coy.
It was the final straw.
Nails dug into your palm as your hands formed fists. One fist pressed to your forehead, almost speaking as a warning to tell you to keep composure, but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t fucking stand it anymore. “Can you stop being so fucking perfect all the time?” The words slipped out before you could stop them.
There were several things that you’d been wanting to say to Peter Parker. You’d wanted to tell him off for a long time, but you’d never gotten the chance. Now, you’d given yourself the opportunity to let the floodgates open and your tongue run wild.
“You’re always making shit competitive and iT’S NOT OKAY. It’s not my fault that my own father loves yOU MORE THAN ME! Doesn’t mean you have to fucking rub it in my face every gODDAMN FUCKING HOUR!!” God, this felt good. “You can just do my job for me!! Fucking move into my rOOM at this point, Tony won’t know the difference!!” You scoffed, “In fact, he’d probably be tHRILLED that you FINALLY REPLACED ME!!”
Peter Parker blinked a few times at you. His mouth hung agape, too scared to say anything and interrupt what looked like things you had been needing to say. The look infuriated you.
“Build the circuit board by your goddamn fucking self and leave me the fuck alone!!” And as you made the final statement, you turned to make your leave. The subtle breeze caught your face, and you felt the air hit your cheeks cold; you hadn’t noticed that you’d started crying.
You also hadn’t noticed the fact that your dad entered the room. You froze dead in your tracks at the sight of him, tears brimming your eyes again when you saw how upset he looked.
It wasn’t your intention for him to hear all of that, but you couldn’t take back the truth once it’d gotten out. You took a staggered breath, choking back a sob as you rushed out. You didn’t know which hurt more: to hear your father’s footsteps tread further from you, or to hear him ask Peter about what was happening rather than you directly.
Either way, it was an added punch right to the gut.
It felt like ten minutes of sobbing in your room went by before a knock was placed on your door. You were about to answer, but you weren’t given the chance; your father opened the door as soon as he’d placed the knock, a solemn look coating his face as he looked at you from the doorframe. It was a solemn look that resembled disappointment.
He was disappointed in you.
Your dad was disappointed that you’d blown a fuse in front of your house guest. Disappointed that you’d ruined your chance at a good first impression. Disappointed that you’d shown such weakness. He was disappointed that you didn’t meet his expectations. He was disappointed in you for not making his honorary son feel more welcomed. Your father was disappointed in you for fucking it all up. You could tell.
Tony took careful steps towards your bed, sitting next to you as you stifled your sobs down a bit. “Do.. You want to talk about what happened back there?” His tone was softer than you’d anticipated for someone who was disappointed in you. It almost sounded apologetic, sympathetic; you were certain that your mind was reaching for a false reality.
A sniffle caught your breath as you looked at him, fresh tears framing your face. “How much of that did you hear?” You were almost too scared to ask, but you needed to know. You had to know which bit of air to clear first.
“All of it.” Tony started, “From the part where you asked Peter not to be so fucking perfect all the time..” His tone got a little sharper, almost witty. It sounded like he was trying to make humor of your meltdown. As though he were trying to find a way to cheer you up, or tell you to grow up and get over yourself. You couldn’t tell.
You averted eye contact for a moment, trying not to blow up again. Luckily, most of the anger in your system was boiling down to melancholia. Your tears ran rivers down your face as you tried to find the words to say. “I just don’t understand..” You started, keeping your voice from breaking.
Every speck of humor fled from his face at how upset you were getting. Tony’s brows pressed together, graveness and concern bleeding through his tone of voice. “Don’t understand what, honey?” The gentleness of his tone reminded you of when he’d comfort you in childhood. It took you back to when he’d snapped at you and wanted to apologize, or when you’d scraped your knee and he rushed to patch you up. It started to ease the narrative in your head that Tony was angry with you for your little tantrum.
“I, uh.. I don’t—” A shaky breath cut you off. You weren’t sure how to communicate this feeling lightly. It’d been bottled up and growing inside you for a couple months now. You knew you’d have to tell him at some point, you just despised how raw it was. It was pure vulnerability. “I don’t understand what I did to not be good enough–” You couldn’t even get through the sentence before your lip quivered.
That was when Tony looked at you like the entire world shattered. His entire world shattered. The disappointment flooded his expression once again, but it hit you that it was never directed at you — Tony was disappointed in himself. His eyes held the weight of failing as a father, of making you feel this rejected. He failed by making you feel rejected in the first place. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a suffocating hug; you weren’t sure if he’d ever actually be able to let go of it, yet it was the kind of hug you didn’t want to part from. A hug that shielded you from the entire world.
His lips pressed to your temple, along with a few stray tears he couldn’t catch beforehand. It was rare to catch your father tearful, yet you seemed to lower that guard when you started the conversation. He held you close, letting you cry out the feelings you’d locked away for so long.
“Y/N, you’re more than enough..” He lulled, voice breaking ever so slightly, “It’s my fault you ever felt like you weren’t..” His words were everything you’d hoped to hear. You’d began to believe the possibility that actually hearing them wasn’t actuality. This insecurity had driven you beyond wild, to the point where you believed that your father’s intentions were pinned against you.
They never were.
Tony held you in his arms for the next hour, letting you talk out your growing anxiety. You talked about everything from your fomo towards their retreats and trips, to how thrown off you were that Peter was your age.
“I actually think you two would make a cute couple.” Tony started, laughing at how quick you were to throw a punch at his bicep. The melancholy had worn off both of you, and the room started to fill with laughter. “I’m serious!” Tony threw his arms up to mock defeat before changing the topic a little. “But really, I think he wants to apologize to you for what happened.”
Your face drew a blank, mixing shock and confusion as you blinked at your father a few times. “Parker wants to apologize to me? For my meltdown?”
A shrug caught in your father’s posture. “You two are more similar than you think, hon.” His tone was light and sincere as he chuckled, quietly, “You both put the weight of other people’s mistakes on your shoulders.” His words draped a blanket of guilt over your body. Your own words from said meltdown began to replay through your brain like a broken record; the blame you’d thrown at Peter was wrongfully served.
You knew you needed to apologize.
After rebuilding trust with your father, and mentally rehearsing how to apologize to Peter, you made your way across the apartment to the guest room.
The door was already open, and gave you the perfect view of Peter seated on the edge of the bed. He was reading, fidgeting fingers at the edge of his pages, and chocolate curls shadowing his focused expression.
Now that you’d been able to release the steam of your self–consciousness, you realized that hatred wasn’t the actual feeling you had towards Peter; it was envy. And once you had talked things out with your father, the clouds of your judgment cleared from your vision and you could finally see Peter Parker for who he really was: a boy. A boy your age who needed a place to crash for the weekend.
You felt guilty for interrupting his reading, but at this point, the feeling was a tiny speck to add to your growing pile of culpability. The knock was gentle, and immediately pulled his eyes to meet yours.
“Mind if I come in for a minute?” You had to croak the words out, but still managed to keep a softness to your tone. You didn’t want to yell at him again, or come across like you were about to.
The look he gave you wasn’t one you weren’t expecting; he eyed you like he’d committed an unforgivable crime, or like you’d break if he didn’t hold you together. It gave you reassurance that this apology definitely needed to come out sooner than later.
Peter book–marked his place without looking, keeping his stare fixed on you while he nodded. “Please,” He gestured to the foot of the bed beside him, “Sit. I– uh, I was planning to find you and see if you were alright, but I didn’t want to interrupt your space.”
As you sat down beside him, a smile touched your lips at how thoughtful he was. “I appreciate that, but I–I owe you an apology, Peter..” You never broke your eye contact, but the look in your eyes grew more urgent, pleading. “I am so sorry for speaking to you that way, and–”
You cut yourself off at the sight of Peter waving his hands in dismissal. He mirrored the look in your eyes, “No, Y/N, I’m sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way. I don’t want you to feel like I’m here to replace you.” His words held a direness that yours should have. Your dad was right, Peter really was putting the gravity of this into his hands.
To stop his spiral, you touched his arm for a minute, “Peter, that wasn’t your fault. It was mine for assuming and unloading all of that shit onto you. And I’m sorry for that.”
His eyes alone begged you to let him win the argument. “I still could have–”
You cut him off, “Peter, it’s not your fault.” You tried to emphasize your point, noticing the way he read your expression. His eyes scanned every inch of your face, searching for what looked like a sign of your uncertainty. His lips parted to contribute his side of the argument, but one look from you shut his trap pretty quickly.
Peter’s shoulder’s eased, but his eyes still glistened with ambition. He wanted you to understand his perspective a little. “Did your dad tell you how nervous I was to meet you?”
That wasn’t what you were expecting. Your eyes widened a little, shaking your head in response. Peter Parker? Nervous to meet you? The way your dad talked about him didn’t set him up to be that way. Of course, seeing him in front of you changed your perception a little. “No, he didn’t.” You were honest.
He wet his lips, parting them with the warmest smile you’d ever set your eyes on. The laugh that spilt from them was melodic, laced with a bit of nerves. He rubbed a muscle on the back of his neck, suddenly choking up. “Yeah, I was pretty nervous.” His brow arched slightly, complimenting his grin photogenically. “I was nervous ‘cause Mister Stark’s always talking the world to me about his amazing daughter.” Peter’s smile grew in your direction, stirring a hurricane of butterflies through your stomach.
It felt like the two of you were in the midst of a staring contest; though, instead of the intense anticipation glistening in each other’s eyes, you mutually stared at each other in security. You’d both had the immense pressure of making good impressions toward the other on your shoulders.
Peter repositioned himself on the bed, now seated facing you. His legs were crossed beneath him, his knee a hair from touching yours. “You, Y/N, are not only his greatest accomplishment, but you’re his best friend.” His words spread like butter over every worry you’d had, melting away that crippling insecurity with it. “I think he wants to be you when he grows up.”
The laughs that bubbled up your throat brought attention to the tears brimming your eyes. You blinked them away, mirroring Peter’s earnest expression. “I can tell why my dad’s always talking about you.” You told him, “And here I was thinking you’d be some old ass dude living in his mother’s basement, but here we are.”
“And here I was thinking you wouldn’t be drop–dead gorgeous.” His cheeks were ablaze with crimson, sending a pink glow of your own to your complexion. “But, here we are.”
Your smile grew, rolling your eyes playfully at him. “Alright, casanova. Save it for the love letters.” It felt nice to share laughter like this with Peter. You were glad that you gave him a second chance. Not breaking eye contact, you slid off the bed and rose to your feet. “I’ll let you get back to your reading”
Peter watched you get up to go, looking a little disappointed. You were almost surprised, but likewise, both you and Peter hid the honesty of your feelings behind the curtains of a smile.
“You don’t have to. You could stay if you want.” He started, but a look flashed behind his eyes that was rather telling; he seemed to panic over his eagerness for your company. “Unless you don’t want to–”
Biting the inside of your cheek hurt, but it was the only way to hide how wide your smile grew. “I’d love to, but I need to finish that circuit board.” And thus, the idea struck you. “You doing anything later though?”
His brows pressed together in a curious way. “Not really. You planning something?”
“Yeah. My dad and I usually have movie nights tonight.” You took paces backwards towards the door, but stalled from the moment you’d have to part ways. “You should join us! It’s my turn to pick.”
The sight of his dimples made you realize just how much you’d grown fond of his smile. It was already getting difficult to leave his presence; you knew if you didn’t leave now, you probably never would.
“Well, then you better pick a good one, just for me.” He challenged. You’d make it your goal to satisfy his request.
If even possible, it felt like your grin grew. “I plan to.”
And that said, the three of you met in the home–theater and watched Jurassic Park together. You had Tony on your left geeking out over the CGI technology from the 80s, and Peter on his left geeking out about how accurate the movie was from the book. It made your film decision that much better. It also was the best movie night you’d had in a long while.
Perhaps your dad was right: you and Peter Parker really would get along great.
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marksbear · 1 year
It’s been a while since I done one of these, but I think it’ll be good for me to practice more at writing different characters and such so enjoy!
The fact is I had more tags to share 😭
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-Miguel O’Hara biting your neck harshly to get your attention when he feeling jealous. Or marking you as his.
-Izzy Hands always lightly taking your hand and helping you either up the steps or down the steps. He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it most time. Everyone in the ship always notices it but doesn’t say anything.
-Bob taking off his glasses and putting them on you then starts to compliment you how good and cute you look.
^^Top gun!
-Matt Murdock tracing your face in morning when he thinks your still sleep. He also traces your face anytime your two are arguing because he wants to see your emotions.
-You and The Corinthian driving around during late nights with his hand on your thigh as he drives you around.
-Tony stark buying you whatever you want or even dream of. It can be jewelry all the way to new houses and cars.
-Bruce Wayne and you being a power couple throughout Gotham. Lots of magazines and headline about you two.
-Teaching Adam Warlock about feelings about like having a crush or being in love.
-You and Doom head being an unstoppable duo anytime you two are paired up in a game.
^^Rob Zombie movie 31
-You and Richard Madden making fun of each other accents in interviews for the newest movie you two are in.
-You and Hobie Brown making out in a middle of Miguel’s rant.
-Homelander wrapping his arms around you as you two makeout and he slowly rises from the ground bringing you in the air with him.
^^The Boys
-You we’re very close with Love to the point all lot of people thought you two were dating. Joe was furious so he started to stalk you planing to murder, but all that stalking for weeks slowly became to months and he slowly started to catch feelings.
-Benedict Bridgeton being so in love with you, but he so scared that his family would disown him as well as everyone around town.
-You and Benedict sneaking off during ball’s and random events to be with each other alone.
-Imagine sitting down in the bleachers waiting for Mark to be done with his track meet.
^^Author/ Me
-Playing with Dutch Van der linde hair during a camp meeting and he tries to stay focus but he can’t.
-You and Larry smoking as you two listen to Sal play the guitar.
^^Sally Face
-Ted feeling ashamed after he realized that he caugt feelings for you even though your a player.
^^Ted Lasso
-When Dean first met you y’all both were very young. You were reckless and carefree while Dean was taking care of Sam and brought him along while you two hanged out. And he caught feelings, but he was confused about why he had feelings for a man so he kept it to himself.
-Helping Mark walk without his leg brace or crutches.
-Stu Marcher giving you neck kisses in the middle of class. And most of the time teachers sees him and gives you both detention.
-Hannibal Lecter leaving bite marks all over your neck and shoulders.
-Roy Kent being soft spoken and quiet anytime he’s with you.
^^Ted Lasso
-Larry Trainor slowly warmed up to you being his boyfriend so he lets you touch his skin underneath the bandages.
-Anytime before a fight Arthur asks you to hold his hands. He says it’s for a good luck, but he’s just really stressed and tense.
^^Peaky blinders
-Steven Grant still being so shy and quiet with you even though you two has been dating for years.
-Bringing Namor gifts like flowers, jewelry and even little things like a picture of yourself or a padlock necklace. He cherishes all of them and keeps them safe.
-Meeting Namor on the beach at night almost every night.
-Bobby and Athena inviting you into their relationship. They both didn’t cheat on each other to find about their feelings for you they just kinda knew one day and talked it out and for a while and a lot of thought they asked would you be willing to date them.
-Being a rich man while Steven is your trophy husband.
-Dying your hair with mark.
-Watching Mark stay up all night writing just for him to randomly stop to watch a movie.
-Lee and Maren catching you eating a person right in the middle of a dark and empty road.
^^Bones and All
-Being a different love interest for Elio and being heartbroken once he chose Oliver over you.
^^Call me by your name
-Imagine rejecting Derek Shepheard after finding out he has a wife.
^^Greys anatomy 
-Rue hugging and crying on you tight after she relapsed.And you being her favorite person ever since what happened with Jules and Elliot.
-Being a father figure to Rue.
-Imagine being Maddy Perez brother and finding out Nate pulled a gun on her so you pulled up to his house barged in and looked for him and beat the shit out of him.
-Billy Hargrove acting like he hates the nickname “Curls.” Or “Curly.” But when you say it he loves it.
^^Stranger things
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winterspiderpurrs · 9 months
Okay but Imagine Peter messing with the timezone during the whole no way home.
He ends up in New York during the time of the Stark expo were Bucky just made sergeant and he was visiting Steve.
Maybe he runs into Bucky. Maybe Peter steals Bucky away from where he was looking for Steve when he wondered off from the double date.
Peter knows he can't mess with the time line. But maybe he shocks Bucky. Pulls him into a big kiss. And tells him something.
" Your name is Bucky. You are from Brooklyn. Your best friend is Steve Rogers. Don't get on that train" He kisses him in-between each sentence.
Bucky is just to stunned, wondering who this pretty doll is, why was he so open with homosexuality; doesn't he know they could be arrested, and why was he stating facts about him and just who is he?
Then he is gone.
But those words are something Bucky keeps thinking about. They keep him going on cold nights during the war. When he was captured in the concentration camp. When he was tortured by Hydra. And even as he falls.
It's one of the reasons he was able to break through the Hydra brain washing.
Then after the snap, after coming back, after Tony Stark saved everyone and Steve left.
Bucky was walking home in the snow after a mission with Sam.
He runs into someone, the same someone who all those years ago that kissed him. But it couldn't be could it?
He stops him and stares at him.
" My name is Bucky, I'm from Brooklyn, Steve Rogers was my best friend.... and I got on that damn train."
" My name is Peter, I'm from Queens, Tony Stark was like my father... and I fucked up time with Dr. Strange and to fix it... no one knows me anymore..."
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strawwritesfic · 1 year
Avengers Guys Taking Care of You When You're Sick Imagines
Hello! I caught some sort of very fun disease doing work-related things last weekend, so I came up with these imagines! I thought I'd post them for funises and because making you think of the dialogue yourself is way easier when there's very little oxygen entering my brain.
Disclaimer: I don't really do imagines, so I'm not even 100% sure that's what these are. They might just be headcanons? Listen, man, I'm an old person on the Internet. I don't know what I'm doing.
Also, I wrote these starting in the middle of the night after having only eaten marginally for three straight days and sleeping about a total of two hours over the course of 48 hours. Also, I didn't proofread them on account of the cinderblock shoved up my nose being very distracting. (But if there's something wrong, do feel free to bring it to my attention, and I will change it.)
Pretend these are in a world where COVID isn't a concern. I didn't feel like dealing with masking and isolation.
Let me know if you'd like to see later phases or groups!
EDIT: I forgot Clint. I blame the cinderblock. He's been added.
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Tony Stark
Let's face it. This guy is not in any position to play nurse. He hardly knows how to take care of himself; you're a different person entirely! Plus, he's not exactly into the idea of catching your cooties. Once you've got the ick, he is out of the bedroom and camping in his lab until you're no longer showing symptoms.
But that doesn't mean you're facing this alone. If this is before Pepper takes over Stark Industries as CEO, Tony's got her and Happy running around making sure you have anything you want--anything. More cold medicine? Done. A house call from your doctor? Called them 20 minutes ago; they're on their way. An authentic pizza directly from Italy? It's yours. If it's after, he will go get everything for you himself; it's just going to take a lot longer, and it'll probably take him five trips to actually get the right thing.
He won't leave you completely alone either. He'll call you up on one of the tablet phones and talk to (or at) you for hours. Heck, if you're bored, he might even set it up so you can watch him tinker on the suits from bed.
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James Rhodes
You don't want Rhodey to find out you're sick. He's a busy guy, whether he's working with the Air Force or the Avengers. But he's gonna find out. Maybe he isn't able to call you as often as he'd like, but as soon as he makes contact, he's going to know you're sick from the word "hello."
He hates that you're often sick when he's quite literally half a world away. He doesn't want you to deal with your illness alone--and you won't. If he's still working primarily at the Air Force, you're on base with loads of fellow military officers and their spouses, and soon you've got more casseroles than you know what to do with. If he's with the Avengers, things are a little trickier. He can't ask Dr. Cho to fly in from Korea for a cough, and it's not like FRIDAY can answer the door for Uber Eats. Pepper and Tony aren't going to let one of their best friend's SO suffer, though! They love you, too. One or both of them is going to make sure you've got a house call from a doctor very soon.
As soon as Rhodey is off work, he's back with you. He'll cook dinner--something healthy that he knows you like. Then you'll both head to the couch or bed, snuggle up under a big blanket, and watch old movies until you fall asleep beside him.
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Thor Odinson
Asgardians don't get run-of-the-mill illnesses, and any illness they do get is way more spectacular than what Midgardians deal with. Because of this, Thor finds your run-of-the-mill illness fascinating. Like, almost annoyingly so. Although he's fine to leave you to go on missions or the like, he is otherwise right there with you, delighting in every cough, sniffle and sneeze. If anyone on the team points out that you're, you know, sick, Thor is quick to remind them how incredibly tough his SO is. He knows you'll pull through!
Still, he doesn't want you to feel awful, so he's going to seek out advice on what he can do to help you. The results that come from this depend on who Thor decided to ask. Dr. Strange? Probably earn you some decent medications and/or treatments, even if Thor isn't 100% sure exactly how to use them. Loki? Then you're probably going to end up with Thor trying a dozen different things that don't make you feel worse but definitely don't make you feel better either. Hey, Loki's got no vested interest in helping out his brother's SO.
At the end of the day, at least you won't be left alone very often, and there is something endearing about a guy who thinks it's cute when you're so full of snot you can't think.
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Loki Laufeyson
Loki is a much less...obtrusive companion than his brother is. Sick Midgardians are boring. They just lay around all day, producing the most horrible liquids from every part of them. He's got better things to do than sit around all day watching that...
...is what he wants everyone to think. He knows you don't like be smothered either. So Loki does go about his day as usual for the most part, but that doesn't mean he isn't checking in quite regularly. He'll slip into your room every few hours or so just to make sure you're resting. He won't wake you if you are. And the things you need have a funny way of appearing on your bedside table whenever you wake up: the remote control, a container of hot tea, even clean pajamas if you aren't feeling capable of walking to the bathroom for a shower.
But just because you don't like being smothered doesn't mean you want to be alone the entire time. Loki knows that. He's probably not going to crawl into bed next to someone who is coughing and sneezing and already warmer than they want to be, but he's perfectly content to pull a comfortable chair over to your bedside and sleep there. And when you get bored of watching TV or just need something quiet to fall asleep to, he's always happy to read aloud to you from whatever book he's reading.
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Steve Rogers
Steve may no longer have the ability to get sick, but he remembers being sick when he was skinny, and he knows it's no fun. He also remembers the things that Bucky did for him that helped, and he'll try all of that on you. This leads to a bit of quarreling when Tony reminds him that they live in the 21st Century and have better ways of helping people with sore throats and coughing. But Steve eventually relents, and you get a good combination of things that make you feel better.
He's good at compartmentalizing, so he can put worrying about you aside when he needs to lead the team. The second they don't need him anymore, you're back at the forefront of his mind, and he's headed right to wherever you are. Even if you don't need anything he can provide you, he wants to make sure you're okay.
Since Steve doesn't get sick, he's 100% ready to cuddle. This is great when you have chills, and not so great when you're having hot flashes. He respects you if you ask him to please get the hell out of the bed. He lets you rest when you need rest, and is perfectly happy to just hang out in the room with you, quietly drawing in his notebook so he's there if you do need him.
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Bucky Barnes
If Steve remembers getting sick, Bucky remembers being the one to take care of Steve when he was sick (after Steve's mom died). He does not handle seeing you sick well. At all. He cannot stop worrying about you at all. Never mind that all you've got is a stuffy nose and a cough, he's pretty much convinced that you are going to die on him any minute.
He's very reluctant to leave your side when you're sick. Even if there's some world ending-crisis that the team needs him for, he'd rather stay with you. Oh, he'll go to help with the world-ending crisis, but he's going to be thinking about you the entire time. Everybody on comms is going to get real tired of him using any downtime to wonder aloud if this will make [Name] feel better.
If you're lucky, Natasha or Sam or Steve might take pity on you and insist that Bucky take some time away and quit worrying so much. But unless they take him on outing to get you something (food, flowers, medicine, etc.), he's not going to want to go. Unless he's directly looking at you and confirming that you're okay himself, he's just not going to be able to settle. Until your fever breaks, don't expect Bucky to leave your side for very long, if at all.
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Clint is a very normal guy wen it comes to his SO being sick. He's not too pushy or too distant. When you wake up with a sore throat, he makes you a cup of hot water with lemon juice in it, brings you a small breakfast in bed, and checks the medicine cabinet before he leaves for work. If there's anything you're low on, he'll make sure to pick it up on the way home. He'll call you at lunchtime to check on you, and if you say you need anything then, he'll pick that up on the way home, too.
If he has to go far away for work, of course Natasha is there to run errands and check on you. And if they're working together far away, you might get a very rare, very strange visit from Director Fury delivering cough syrup. Coulson pops by, too. Clint's got a pretty big support network willing to fill in any gaps he can't when he's working.
When he's at home, Clint mostly leaves you alone. He knows you need rest. There's plenty of work for him to do around the place anyway. But whenever he takes a break, he'll pop into the bedroom and ask you if you need anything if you're awake. He's always quick to tell the streaming service you're still watching, too, just so it's still going when you wake up. And he buys loads of your favorite takeout to tempt you to eat.
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carsonian · 9 months
Carsonian's 2023 SteveTony Fics [Masterpost]
In 2023, I wrote a total of 244,222 words spread across 32 fics. That's uhh a lot.
Open the envelope below for a comprehensive fics recap.
"No Return, No Return" | 18,231 words | T | 5 Feb
In many ways, Tony Stark has spent his whole life waiting to meet something real enough to test himself against. He hadn't planned on it being Steve Rogers. (A re-imagining of Steve and Tony pre-/post-Avengers (2012) with a spotlight on their relationship.)
"Who's Gonna Love You, Baby?" | 1,814 words | M | 13 Feb
"It's Valentine's Day today." Steve says, hand fanning out in a stilted, explanatory gesture to a storefront decorated with bouquets of red and pink flowers. A glossy "Happy Valentine's Day" is sprawled in an elegant font across the window. "...Yeah? Didn't you—" Tony looks Steve over, "Oh. You didn't know." (Steve forgets about Valentine's Day. Tony reassures him that there's still plenty of time to celebrate.)
"A Wish Your Heart Makes" | 2,041 words | M | 22 Feb
The absolute last thing Steve's expecting is Tony Stark, and so it's fairly in character for the man to be standing on the other side of the door. "Hi." Tony looks impatient, greeting barely out before he's walking past Steve and into the apartment. 
"Fed Love From A Spoon" | 1,319 words | M | 4 Mar
Steve wakes up slowly. (Or, The accidental moments that move a relationship further, make its foundations stronger.)
"Since We've Been Together" | 1,788 words | T | 13 Mar
"Marry me." On his life, he couldn't tell how the words came out. Whether they were loving or demanding or whispered. He only knew that once they left his lips, the following breath came as easy as his first one right after receiving the serum. (Steve proposes to Tony, right after a battle.)
"Never Let You See (Baby, What You Mean To Me)" | 12,881 words | M | 15 Mar
Steve Rogers' life was the kind of romantic comedy that most people would find themselves cringing out of watching after the first twenty minutes. (A.K.A. the summer camp fic where Steve is a pining mess, Tony is an unrepentant brat, and there's a game of prison break to be won.)
"We Tell You, There's No Substitute!" | 2,911 words | T | 19 Mar
Steve pulled the door open. "I didn't know where else to go." Tony said brokenly. Steve promptly shut the door. 
“Ain’t It A Shame, Too Bad?” | 4,505 words | G | 8 Jun
On his twenty-fourth birthday, Tony was saved from drowning by a man he has yet to find. In other news, Tony’s fallen hard for the mute, scrawny blond that washed up on his kingdom’s shoreline two-and-a-half days ago. These two things can’t possibly be related, can they? (Spoiler(s): They’re related.)
“One Final Surprise” | 1,588 words | G | 18 Jun
Tony accidentally calls Steve from the flip-phone after his wedding gets called off.
“Take Two: It Takes Two” | 1,234 words | G | 18 Jun
Steve and Tony navigate the ups and downs of their first date. (Post-Endgame!AU)
“Forgive The Winters, Keep No Records” | 8,833 words | T | 18 Jun
Tony recovers from his twenty-three days in space. Guess who volunteers to help him through it?
“You Can Never Get Enough (Enough Of This Stuff)” | 3,554 words | G | 25 Jun
“No effing way.” Tony deadpans. “Tony!” Steve wheels around, arms thrown out in splendiferous delight, “Hey, everybody, it’s Tony!” (A.K.A. Steve gets drunk off Asgardian liquor and broadcasts his feelings towards Tony in the most ridiculous manner. This is incredibly confusing for Tony.)
“Sees You The Same As Before” | 2,886 words | T | 3 Jul
Tony’s been dating Steve for five months and thinks he’s got their relationship totally worked out when Steve starts bringing up random moments from their past. Tony has a very normal reaction to it. For the prompt fill: things you said after we fell in love
“Such A Feelin’ That My Love (I Can’t Hide)” | 2,765 words | G | 5 Jul
Steve’s birthday wish is to go on a date with Tony. He has to win him over first. For the prompt fill: AvAc Steve’s birthday
“Be Their Own Star Witness” | 9,017 words | M | 14 Jul
Leading up to their wedding, Steve and Tony make a pact not to start any arguments with each other. This is a problem. Tony finds a unique solution, and Steve reaps the benefits. For the prompt fill: things you said when you thought I was asleep.
“Transcendental Blues” | 1,177 words | G | 17 Jul
The best place to be after an argument with your partner is in the collapsed ruins of a building. Having said partner as your only company and being mortally wounded is an especial bonus. For the prompt fill: trapped together while one of them is injured
“I Can See Clearly Now The Blindfold’s Gone” | 3,577 Words | M | 1 Aug
“Then, without further ado, I’d like to offer my sincere congratulations to the two of you for winning the all-expenses paid date.” “What?” Steve straightens. “Pass.” Tony says at the same moment. (A.K.A. Modern, No Powers AU where Steve and Tony go on everyone’s favourite internet shitshow, “The Button”.) For the prompt fill: blind date au
“Just Wanna Feel Your Touch (When It’s Cold)” | 1,339 words | M | 16 Aug
Steve’s got a press conference to deal with but he’s more worried about Tony’s cold hands. Stony Bingo 2023 Round 2: “Rescue Me”
“'Cause It’s You and Me (and All of the People)” | 8,945 words | T | 19 Aug
Steve and Tony discover that they’re soulmates in their senior year of high school. As they wrestle with this realisation and try to build out a genuine relationship in the backdrop of high school nonsense and college admissions stress, they’re met with a ridiculous number of hurdles in the form of every friend in their circle recruiting them as “fake dates”. (A.K.A. the high school soulmates AU where they keep getting pulled into fake dating schemes for other people, told in a chatlog / texting format) Stony Bingo 2023 Round 2: “WTF”
“We Just Keep Going” | 1,829 words | M | 23 Aug
A coda to “Here I Am & Here You Are” where Steve and Tony go and visit the Chip 'n Dale duo in New Orleans. (A.K.A. Established relationship, banter-y nonsense.)
“Must Admit I’m Out of Bright” | 2,606 words | T | 25 Aug
Steve’s got a handful of bullets in his abdomen and Stark’s looking at him all funny. Stony Bingo 2023 Round 2: “Pain”
“The Remarkable People Initiative & The Zugzwang Dilemma” | 64,297 words | E | 6 Apr-1 Sep
Steve Rogers and Tony Stark first met as promising candidates of The Remarkable People Initiative when they were children. Twenty-four years later, Tony shows up at Steve’s doorstep. (The Mysterious Benedict Society AU.)
“Only Natural to Harden Up” | 33,575 | E | 19 Sep-5 Oct
As they’re settling into their new relationship, Steve opens up to Tony about a fantasy he’s long had of Tony in lingerie. This awakens some new insecurities in Tony, and he’s left weighing how to indulge Steve’s interest without ruining their hard-earned intimacy. (Post-Endgame, Everyone-Lives-AU; established but developing relationship.)
“Stupid Mouth Shut” | 16,473 words | T | 13-29 Oct
Tony invites Steve out for a coffee, and during their conversation, Steve starts to suspect that Tony’s going to confess that he has feelings for him. This freaks Steve out, seeing as he’s never even thought of Tony in that way, and is now going to have to reject him, possibly ruining their friendship forever. But when Tony confesses that he’s got feelings for Thor, Steve’s surprised to find that instead of being relieved, he’s actually kind of… disappointed? For the prompt fill: accidental love confession and jealous Steve Rogers
“In Love with a Strict Machine” | 12,809 words | M | 31 Oct
After an honourable discharge from the War, Steve is relocated to a suburban neighbourhood where he stands out as the only Monster around. Soon after, T0ny, a Cyborg he knew briefly during the War, moves in next door. Steve’s long carried a hidden flame for the man, and decides to take their paths reconnecting as a sign to finally make a move. (A.K.A. the Halloween fic where Steve is Frankenstein’s monster, Tony is a cyborg, and they are pathologically drawn to each other.)
“Got So Much Honey, the Bees Envy Me” | 1,891 words | G | 4 Nov
Tony takes a hit in a battle, and comes out of his surgery a little confused. Thankfully, his husband, Steve, is there to talk him through it.
“Just About Starving Tonight” | 3,080 words | M | 14 Nov
Tony is just trying to get through an evening of courting and dancing when Steve, the new Alpha in town, approaches him for a dance. Tony tries to turn him down, thinking the Alpha’s mistaken him for an Omega, but is taken aback when Steve assures him that Tony’s exactly who we wants to dance with. (A.K.A. a non-traditional A/B/O meet-cute.)
“The More Things Seem to Change” | 2,123 words | T | 16 Nov
The prince comes to their base in the twilight hours of the night, asking to talk to Steve. Bucky already knows where this is going to lead. (A.K.A. Medieval-cyberpunk fusion AU where Tony is a prince, Steve is a gang leader, and they used to date.) Stony Bingo 2023 Round 2: “Historical”
“The More They Stay the Same” | 1,088 words | G | 21 Nov
Bucky was meant to take Tony back to the station twenty-five minutes back. (A.K.A. Medieval-cyberpunk fusion AU where Tony is a prince, Steve is a gang leader, and they’re dating.)
“Hyperballad” | 2,339 words | T | 29 Nov
Steve’s going through something. Tony tries to talk to him about it. (A.K.A. Established relationship, Depressed!Steve Rogers, Recovering Alcoholic!Tony Stark, and a decent amount of emotional hurt/comfort)
"I'm Jealous of Your Neck (It Gets to Hold Your Head)" | 5,789 words | E | 6 Dec
Steve's going through a rut fever. His vampire roommate, Tony, is very worried about him. (A.K.A. "oh my God they were roommates" ft. werewolf!Steve and vampire!Tony.) Stony Bingo 2023 Round 2: "KINK: Multiple Orgasms"
+ one more fic from the 2023 Captain America/Iron Man Holiday Exchange. Will reblog with the addition once reveals go public.
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wack-ashimself · 7 months
Know what I never want to hear again, not even ONCE, the rest of my life?
"Our government would never do that."
If we could also include to avoid: "Our government never did that" and "Our government COULDN'T do that*" It would be much appreciated.
During #JFK: They wanted to do a #falseflag, and blame it on #Cuba. During #Nixon: Crack to the blacks.
In the 70s, the #CIA OPENLY admitted they had a gun with a dissolving bullet that could cause an undetectable, natural looking heart attack. NOW, they have radar dishes they can point at people to give them execrating pain, making them nearly immobile.
We started with a genocide to fund the #usa, had slavery for far too long, made concentration camps for Japanese-Americans during #WW2 where we stole BILLIONS from their houses and assets, and today? Today we have the largest #prison#slave population in human history; yes, more than when we actually had legalized slavery. The biggest military EVER, which, historically, has killed more than any other military with new age weapons. Yeah-can't deny the whole white phosphorus, regular ole bombs, and of course, NUCLEAR WEAPONS. What's ironic? Japan actually hates us more for the firebombs we used on them (more suffering instead of instant death). Didn't know about the #firebombs? MOST DON'T.
And then we get to 9/11. Ya know. When our government shut down all airports, but let a FEW special planes go out of #Florida just after it happened, containing some very unique individuals (proven). Or how about how not 1, not 2, but 3 buildings fell down perfectly straight, which is basically impossible from being hit on ONE side. Oh, and the 3rd building, building 7, which contained a lot of classified government documents was never HIT by anything!? Or how JUST before all this happened, the pentagon announced (not for the first OR last time**) they lost trillions of dollars, and had no idea where it went? OR how the guy who owned the #twintowers insured them for terrorist attacks just months before it happened?
Finally, today....where our #DEMOCRATIC president, brain dead #biden, is openly funneling guns, weapons, and worse to a terrorist colonizing state called #israel, against a nearly completely defenseless people in #Palestine? A #genocide, in real time, for MONTHS now, funded by our government. They're trying to pass another funding bill of billions as I type. Over 12k children killed in cold blood. MULTIPLE RAPES have been proven done by the israelis. You literally can not imagine a worse thing to happen due to a government (outside adding cannibalism).
SO PLEASE, never fucking god damn say again "Our government would never do that" when they have done it EVERY-FUCKING-TIME! <Forgot to mention the experimentation on their own citizens. That's a whole other post!>
Because when you live in an #oligarchy, you got to assume the rich in control will do ANYTHING IMAGINABLE AND UNIMAGINABLE to maintain their wealth and power. Historically, they always fucking do. WAKE UP!
*The technology they hold back and use against us may not come out to the public for DECADES. We have proven weather modification is real AND works. Not a debate. And Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) have been documented to being real just recently...You really think they can monitor, categorize, AND filter ALL THE DATA we say and do without AI? No. And they've been doing that for HOW long? Over 20 years? And when did we get access to AI? Side note-pentagon RIGHT NOW strong arming their way thru congress, trying to force them to allow the military to turn on AI's capabilities to choose what it kills. So that's...#terminator fun.
**The #pentagon, aka, the military, losing money has been a tried and true method of filtering money to the bad guys. It's kinda like how Tony Stark found out he was arming terrorists in Iron Man. You forget we helped for Al-Qaeda and #Isis? WE DID. Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset! Why? To fuck with everyone in the Middle East all the way to Russia. Look it up if you didn't know.
<When we do physical or mental labor for taxes to be taken away, they usually go to murder. When you do your job, your taxes pay mostly for the rich to get richer and murder. Nothing else. If I'm wrong, look outside at how great it is, how free everyone is, and all the happy smiles. We allowed this to happen. We can create something better without them. What's the harm in trying? It can't get worse, sadly. But at the same time, inspiringly: we can only go up from here. :)>
No war but the class war.
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hollow-dweller · 4 months
@abcd-em gave me one (1) iota of encouragement, so:
Why Tony Stark's Death Was A Good Narrative Choice, Actually
my thoughts about this fall into two camps, basically: the utilitarian reasons why his death was a good choice, and the character-based reasons why his death was a good choice.
on the side of utilitarianism, if there is any single character who is the Protagonist of the first three phases of the MCU (not just his own stories, but the MCU as a whole), it is Tony Stark. his growth defines the overarching narrative, and our primary antagonist (Thanos) is positioned as his foil. you could take away virtually any other character in the MCU (except maybe Steve) without having to make many if any changes to the overarching storyline, but you couldn't do that with Tony Stark. i'm not making any arguments about whether that is a good or a bad thing (because it depends), but functionally what this does is give the audience a hand-hold for the shared universe. if you don't want to keep up with everything going on in the MCU, you can elect to only pay attention to the Tony Bits and still get a relatively complete and coherent picture of what's going on.
that's a double-edged sword in a shared universe, because the problem becomes what to do with Tony when he's not on-screen. especially as the MCU progressed, it became increasingly more difficult to justify Tony's non-involvement. moreover, his character became so essential to the universe that when he was present in other characters' stories, he sort of inevitably took them over (which yes, is also to do with behind-the-scenes/actor fuckery, but keeping things strictly in-text here). the most egregious example of this is of course Civil War, which is a Captain America movie in name only, but also Homecoming and Far From Home. at that point, your options for dealing with the elephant in the room ("Where Is Tony Stark?") become pretty limited: even if you were to write in that he retired, every large-scale or crossover event moving forward would have had to have written around his absence, in ways that would have been inevitably unflattering to his character. if they wanted to continue with the MCU in a way that was decoupled from Tony's narrative, their only real option was to kill him. (whether they succeeded in doing that is another story, but. the point is they had a lot more options in moving the narrative forward without Tony as a possible fallback, than if they had simply written him off as being Somewhere, Vaguely Off-Screen.)
obviously utilitarianism alone is not a good enough reason to kill off a character; something can make complete narrative and structural sense and be a dog-shit writing choice (Natasha Romanov when will you be avenged). there are a lot of things that go into what makes a character death a Good Choice, from a character-based perspective, and it's one of those things that tends to have an exception for every rule. the death of Gwen Stacy would be a prime example here: her death becomes a retroactively better narrative choice in the way it has informed and molded the other characters, and in the way her character has been re-examined and re-imagined in subsequent years, than it was on its own (because while i love me a girl who haunts a narrative, she was still fridged at the end of the day).
so for Tony, i think his death is a strong character choice because it is both a culmination and reflection of his established character traits. it takes a specific kind of arrogance and hubris to do what Tony (or any of these characters, frankly) does: to take your innate, cultivated, or acquired talents or abilities and use them to enact what is essentially vigilante justice. i'm not condemning by saying this, to be clear; i think this exact hubris is something Peter and Tony have in common, and both of them are characters that i love. but practically speaking, a genius and billionaire is always going to do more good putting his money and brains to work than physically getting involved in the fight on a personal level, and yet it is that exact thing that Tony does, again and again. this is because Tony is in many ways myopic: going back all the way to IM1 and repeatedly throughout the MCU, he has needed to see the consequences of his actions (or inaction) in order to fully grasp them. the myopia and hubris are complementary and fascinating aspects of his character, and add so much depth to the decisions he makes throughout his tenure in the mcu.
taking these aspects of his character into account, his sacrifice feels motivated, not just by the external circumstances, but by his established traits as a character. often a sacrifice play in a narrative can feel cheap or contrived because it becomes clear that the story was written in order to back the character into a corner where they have no other option but to sacrifice themselves (again, Natasha Romanov when will you be avenged). Tony's sacrifice manages to strike the balance of not being contrived (there WERE other options), while still being justified by the stakes (something had to be done otherwise Thanos was going to destroy the universe, again), and all the while, still making sense from the character's perspective--of course Tony would not have wanted to leave it to anyone else to make that final sacrifice. partly because he has always valued his loved ones more than himself (another fascinating and complicated part of his character), but also because at the end of the day, Tony doesn't really trust anyone other than himself to get the job done.
to me, it is a good character death because it is justified by the stakes, motivated from the character perspective, and has narrative utility.
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Five Hypotheses Peter Had about Germany
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52099951 by sabertoothhousecat .... and one conclusion. Or: Tony Stark tells Peter they're going to Germany but doesn't explain why. Cue wild theories and some minor confusion. Words: 3740, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Tony Stark, Ned Leeds, Happy Hogan, Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Relationships: Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Happy Hogan & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Movie: Captain America: Civil War (2016), During Canon, Peter Parker Being an Idiot, 5+1 Things, Conspiracy Theories, Peter Parker is a Mess, Good Friend Ned Leeds, Mentioned Michelle Jones (Marvel), Training Camp, but not really lol, Peter just makes a lot of wild assumptions, Assumptions, Peter Parker Meets the Avengers, Germany, peter's imagination goes wild, Mentioned Steve Rogers read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52099951
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maverickthepup · 1 year
What I write, who I write, and what you can request!
Hi! This is where I have info on what I write, who I write, and what I am comfortable writing/what you can request! If you have any questions feel free to ask me!
What Maverick writes…
I write fanfiction, oneshots, and imagines, and headcannons!
These will of course include age regression or pet regression in some way, wether you the reader are a regressor, or a character is.
I will write for the fandoms/characters I have listed below. If you want a different character and don’t see them down there, you may ask if I will write for them but I won’t make any promises.
What Maverick is comfortable writing…
This is a 100% SFW blog, so no NSFW writing at all. I’m not comfortable doing that for age/pet regression.
I am perfectly fine writing relationships like dating or being married, with hand holding, cuddling, kissing, etc etc. But I will not do smut, kinks, or heated make outs.
Basically just cute fluff is what I’ll do!
I can write the following:
Âge regressor reader or character
Pet regressor reader or character
Caregiver reader or character
Platonic! (Like just friends and stuff like that)
Poly relationships
Male, Female, and gender neutral readers!
I will usually write in second person point of view that way I can use ‘you’ instead of y/n.
I write a mixture of genders for
“Y/n”, I write male, female, and gender neutral that way everyone can hopefully enjoy my writing!
If you make a request and do not specify gender for “y/n” then I will just do gender neutral by default.
I will always specify before each writing piece what gender “y/n” is, and give a little summary of what the writing plot is! I will also try to put any warnings there too, so if I miss anything just let me know and I’ll add them!
Fandoms/Characters Maverick writes…
Here they are! Again if there’s a character you specifically want but don’t see then feel free to ask if I would write for them, but I won’t make any promises.
If you don’t see a fandom on here you can ask if I write for that fandom but it’s likely I’m either not in it or I don’t write for it.
Horror movies/slashers:
The Lost Boys 1987:
Michael Emerson
House of Wax 2005
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Friday The 13th
Jason Vorhees
Michael Myers
Rob Zombie Michael Myers
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Randy Meeks
Gale Weathers
Dwight “Dewey” Riley
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
The Boy
Brahms Heelshire
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Reginald ‘Belch’ Huggins
Vic Criss
Yautja’s/Predators (if you have a specific one just let me know!)
Tony Stark
Clint Barton
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Steve Rodgers
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Peter Parker
Stephen Strange
Matt Murdock
Peter Quill
Detroit Become Human:
Hank Anderson
Gavin Reed
Mystic Messenger:
Monster Prom/Camp:
Damien LaVey
Vera Oberlin
Poly Geist
Miranda Vanderbilt
Liam De Lioncourt
Scott Howl
Milo Belladonna
Dahlia Aquino
Aaravi Mishra (And Hex)
Joy Johnson Johjima
Moss Mann
The Narrator
The Wolf Among Us (video game):
Bigby Wolf
Bloody Mary
Red Dead Redemption:
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Dutch Van Der Linde
Javier Escuella
Sean Maguire
Charles Smith
Lenny Summers
Tilly Jackson
Abigail Roberts
Karen Jones
Sadie Adler
Miss Grimshaw (platonic only)
Hosea Matthews (platonic only)
Heathers: (movie or musical, just specify which one you’d prefer! Even though there probably won’t be much of a difference in my writing… but I will try!)
Heather Chandler
Heather Duke
Heather McNamara
Veronica Sawyer
The Breakfast Club:
John Bender
Alison Reynolds
Claire Standish
Brian Johnson
Andrew Clark
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I'm surprised no billionaires have ever tried to build Captain Nemo's Nautilus to live a self-sufficient life at sea. It could never work, but that's the exact kind of mad project that someone like Elon Musk would cook up to waste money if space travel weren't in vogue right now. Nuclear reactors can run for years before needing to refuel, and modern subs can make their own oxygen from seawater, so they can stay submerged for as long as their supplies last (the record is 111 days set by the HMS Warspite in 1982-3). I don't think a sub could stay underwater forever by fishing for all its food, but then again I'm a rational adult with common sense and the ability to recognize the impossible, while a billionaire just wants his neat toy to work no matter what. It's like that Australian guy who wanted to build a replica of the Titanic and a "real" Jurassic Park with lifesize animatronics, and gave up after he realized they would take a lot more time and money than he imagined at first impulse.
Thing is, as funny as it would be to watch someone like Musk try snd fail to build the Nautilus, there's no incentive for him to do it. All his half-baked ideas are designed to fail from the start because the failure is the point; there's always a benefit to his failures. The hyperloop was never really supposed to exist, he only hyped it up so California would cut funding for high speed rail. SpaceX rockets explode more often than they succeed so they're not really gonna take anyone to the moon or Mars anytime soon, this program is just a blank check from the government so the US could hypothetically launch military supplies anywhere on Earth within a couple hours. A real life Nautilus would have to be some scam, a cover for something heinous like a prison camp for the homeless straight out of some 80s sci-fi dystopia movie, or a cartoonish distraction from horrors of war like an underwater drone program or American terrorists privateers attacking fiber optic cables and gas pipelines owned by eastern companies.
The eccentric billionaire is a myth designed to make the worst human being you could possibly imagine look like benevolent innovators who want nothing more than to Propel Humanity Into the 22nd Century Today™!
Tony Stark isn't real. Nobody alive is like him, nobody ever was, nobody ever will be.
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dontcallmecarrie · 1 year
For anyone wondering what’s going on with BDEL, Darth Calamity and...basically 99% of my AUs: every time I write, stuff going on in my life keeps coming out. Which normally isn’t bad, but we’re talking soap opera levels here. Like, ‘any more and I might as well write a biography’, and that’s Not Fun on a number of levels.
So, status update/ my internal narration on what keeps running through my head on the AUs you guys may or may not be wanting to hear about. Heads up for some minor spoilers, but way less than the outlines linked on my pinned post.
By Dawn’s Early Light:
...I have all of one (1) scene I’m eager to see, and that’s Howard Stark getting punched by Bucky in front of Steve Rogers. And maybe reassess how realistic this AU is, but tbh that feels more like something to tackle in the Coding Nightmare Fic I Have Yet To Finish because like hell I’m rewriting this fic.
By Myself But Not Alone:
look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair! Sing, oh muse, of the hubris of the fool who thought they could make their overly-complicated vision into a reality while only knowing the bare-bones basics of HTML.
...okay, but really, my main problem is that I’ve got several dozen pages of handwritten notes and outlines of potential Bad Endings to spice things up, but. Completely and utterly blocked on actually writing it out. Kinda debating on just posting what I’ve got and calling it a day because my brain refuses to expand on anything right now.
Live Through The Rain AU:
First off, I really want to brush up on Welcome to Night Vale to make sure I’ve got the tone right. Secondly, this one’s slated for Howard Stark redemption/character development boot camp via ‘yeah your world was just completely upended by one of the people you trusted most, no, that was just the first of many curveballs coming your way’, which I write when I’m trying to tackle a sympathetic and nuanced perspective of a very, very complicated man with a lot of issues.
...which means I have to be in the frame of mind to be sympathetic. Which, right now, I am not.
Incidentally, if you’ve noticed a sharp uptick in the levels of family drama in NHDD, this is why. Justin’s father is what happens when I am not inclined towards trying to be sympathetic towards parents who don’t have their shit together and insist on dragging everyone else down with them, Howard Stark is what happens when I’m not venting my issues onto fictional characters. [...apologies, btw, for anyone reading this. I try to keep personal stuff personal, but. This stuff keeps leaking into everything I touch, no matter how hard I try.]
Blurred Lines:
...this was my first fanfic, really. I’m kinda torn on how to approach it, really, because I started it out as an exhausted aspiring pre-med student who was not in a great place.
It’s been years since then; I am not where I’d once expected to be. It’s been over a decade since I’ve been up to date on what’s going on in Doctor Who, and noped out of Sherlock after the hot mess that happened after Season 2. On top of that, my writing’s all over the place because my teenage self had a long way to go when it came to storytelling, and part of me wants to go back and edit but the rest of me can’t help but think, ‘no, this fic has literally grown with you,’ even if it sounds cheesy as all get out.
All I know is, I want to finish this fic. I have a bullet point outline, next to no knowledge of Doctor Who lore and probably need to do a lot of research to do it, but it is going to happen. Eventually.
Ere The World Falls/The Lullaby of Obliteration:
Writer’s block hit me like a battering ram because ETWF was supposed to be finished in a week.
Look, this is what happens when all you have is a single scene you desperately want in the next chapter, but absolutely nothing else. Specifically, this snippet:
“Oh, I like you,” Hela laughed, something as cold and sharp as the rest of her and Tony didn’t know if he was imagining the goosebumps he felt right now.
Also, ETWF’s meant to be chaos incarnate and found family and end with hope for a better future for everyone, but... I kinda wrote myself into a corner on some things, and found a great way to tie Norse mythology and Marvel comics lore that would require either a lot of heavy editing, or a grimdark remix that I don’t actually have the energy to tackle, because I really kinda need happy endings right now.
Darth Calamity/The Man Who Sold The World:
you know what? I’ve been up to my ears in rl family drama, I am not up to writing fictional angst right now. The remix with more identity shenanigans? Maybe, but first I have to wade through Skywalker family drama to get there. Hmm. Where’s inspiration when you need it?
No Hero [Downward Descending]:
yes, I know Justin Hammer doesn’t come across as being good at this supervillain thing. No, I don’t know how we got here either, this was supposed to be my stab at writing a SI-OC [emphasis on the OC] that got a tad bit out of hand. Especially when it came to the family drama, because I originally had zero intention of expanding on it beyond ‘Justin’s life went on Hard Mode from an early age, and it’s part of why they are Like That now’, but turns out Hammer Senior is a great heat sink for some things. Apologies for that, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ turns out I really needed to vent.
...in retrospect, I missed a golden opportunity for said OC to make a comment about vaguely expecting to see everyone running around in spandex, and that is one of the few regrets I have. Just as a metacommentary on how desaturated the movies got later on, compared to what little I know of the comics.
Beyond that, though, I’m having a lot of fun with a protagonist who accidentally weaponized the power of friendship.
The War is Far From Over Now AU:
Main fic’s finished, still too burned out to consider tackling the sidefic.
The plan currently is to take all the ‘Stuff I Couldn’t Quite Fit In’ posts I made- aka all the plot points that ended up getting cut for my sanity, because my heart had been set on finishing TWiFFON before graduating undergrad and even that ended up going sideways- and playing by ear from there.
Specific plot points I’d once been eager to tackle had included stuff like ‘The Curious Case of James ‘Bucky’ Barnes’ [aka SI Legal’s freakout over the files they end up having to sort through in the aftermath of the Civil War arc], and ‘Vision’s Adventures In Trying To Become a Psychiatrist’ because multiple commenters basically went ‘wow JARVIS really needs therapy, and no one on Earth really is equipped to help Skynet here’ and I remember thinking, “lol yeah, that’s kinda the point, but also that’s a great idea!!!” and had been planning to write something to that effect. Only, things hit the fan in my life not long after, and then burnout on top of that, and next thing I know it’s been years since I last touched this AU but still feel no inclination to do so.
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themculibrary · 2 years
Camp/Camping Masterlist
And I Would Drive 500 Miles (ao3) - Nickies_Nonsense steve/tony, harley/peter N/R, 10k
Summary: After endgame Tony decides the team needs a break from saving the world. What follows is a two week long road trip told through the eyes of each avenger. Sam doesn’t know if being stuck in the car for two weeks counts as a break. Steve wants to give Harley a shovel talk. Peter is just happy to be there. Team bonding, cuddling, and lots of really bad singing ensues.
- Thor’s road trip snacks - a mixed playlist with all the avengers favorite songs - a team of underpaid babysitters
A Particular Style (ao3) - sinuous_curve steve/tony E, 3k
Summary: “The erotic tale of one camp counselor’s descent into lesbian madness?” Toni rattles off the summary, pressing the back of her hand to her forehead in a swoon that Steph can’t see. “I can’t fault your taste. It was always one of my favorites.”
Bunk Cuddles and Campfire Kisses (ao3) - WaywardKeener harley/peter T, 776
Summary: Peter and Harley are bunkmates.
Camp Counsellors (ao3) - accidentallyonpurpose steve/tony T, 1k
Summary: Based off the prompt: Imagine your OTP as counselors at a summer camp who sneak off when all the kids are asleep to go make out.
Camping (ao3) - camwolfe steve/bucky G, 2k
Summary: They go camping. Steve loves it, Bucky doesn't.
Camping (ao3) - Narsil5 G, 1k
Summary: “Are you ok Mr. Stark?” Peter asked, laughing his head off.
“No. I have been beaten by a tent. A tent.” Tony said, trying to untangle himself. Peter just snorted and watched with some degree of amusement.
“What, no pop culture references?” Tony asked, lying on his back with his legs still entangled.
“You’ve fallen and you can’t get up.” Peter said calmly, drinking some water.
“Isn’t that from a senior citizens’ ad?”
“I am taking nothing back.”
Camping and Ghost Stories (ao3) - WaywardKeener harley/peter T, 1k
Summary: Peter is terrified of ghost stories. Luckily he has Harley to protect him from the nightmares.
Camping Blues (ao3) - chvotic G, 7k
Summary: Vomit splattered onto the ground as he tumbled outside into the darkness, but most of it went down his front and soaked his sweater and pants.
Inside the tent, Flash could be heard complaining. “Ew, ew, EW! Oh my god- he fucking puked on me!”
Or, in which, Peter gets sick on his school camping trip.
Half Dome (ao3) - spiderfire steve/bucky G, 1k
Summary: Steve, Bucky, Clint and Sam go on a camping trip. Steve and Bucky get up early one day and take a hike.
roasting s'mores by the campfire (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor sam/bucky G, 714
Summary: Sam and Bucky are joining Clint and Kate on a camping trip. When Sam gets cold, Bucky lends him a sweater.
Into the Woods (ao3) - Tonight_At_Noon bucky/darcy M, 4k
Summary: A rivalry born in the snowy New York winter comes to a head every summer at a camp in southern Virginia.
I Remember You (ao3) - AlyKat clint/phil T, 11k
Summary: Prompt: Imagine your OTP meeting as kids at a summer camp and becoming best friends. At the end of the summer, they are sad because they think that they will never meet again. Imagine them as teenagers, going back as camp counselors and falling in love.
I seem good on the surface (ao3) - whothehellisbuckles sam/bucky G, 3k
Summary: When Sam came home in the spring, he did everything he was supposed to: made a routine, spent time with loved ones, kept himself busy, and didn’t talk about it. Now it’s the end of summer, and Sam’s afraid he lost himself somewhere along the way.
Showing Up (ao3) - Bear_shark sam/bucky G, 6k
Summary: Sam, Bucky, and Steve lead their scout group on a weekend camping trip. Shenanigans ensue.
Or: Sam bonds with his son and realizes he has feelings for another troop leader.
Stuck(y) In the Woods (ao3) - FluffySax steve/bucky M, 27k
Summary: “They wouldn’t have just left, right?” Steve asked.
“They can’t be far, if they did leave,” Bucky spoke softly.
“Do you even know which way to go? I don’t have a compass, map or phone on me.”
“I…I don’t know, Steve.”
Fucking great. Steve was stuck in a forest he didn't know, with a guy he didn't know and only one tent and one sleeping bag. Really fucking great indeed.
Cue Steve and Bucky going on a school trip, getting lost in the woods, lots of fluff and two boys growing intimate faster than either one would have thought it possible.
summer has never been more good (ao3) - OhHelloFandoms123 sam/bucky T, 1k
Summary: Bucky and Sam work at a Summer Camp where they educate and do activities with greasy teenagers, little did they know their feelings for each other have grown.
Tonight, You're Fuel For My Fire (ao3) - JustLuckyStan bucky/steve/natasha/sam E, 7k
Summary: He's quite pleased with how things have come along, but knows now is the time to ask the most important question of the evening.
"I'm ready to move this party to the huge king in our bedroom, but I want to make sure everyone is on board."
Bucky just smiles against his lips, breathing a soft yes that has the smile returning to Steve's face. Sam offers a hearty salute, and Steve swears he hears a Hallelujah choir playing somewhere in the distance when Nat stares right at him and flashes that smirk that has had him hooked from the day they met.
"Guess we're all in."
Who Likes Nature, Anyways? (ao3) - Writer_Lethogica sam/bucky T, 1k
Summary: Nine Short Dates with Sam and Bucky, Date Three: Camping
“I think I went camping twice before going into the air force,” said Sam, helping set up the camp fire, “Once, it was two steps away from glamping, I think. My Tití – she got huge tents with mattresses like this, she brought a portable TV, one with a built in VCR, and a little generator, let Sarah, Gideon, and I eat Slim Jims and watch Die Hard as she made popcorn. The second time, I was on some trip with friends in college and it was probably the worst night sleep I had before I got into the army. It was a complete disaster. Didn’t pack the right kind of food, the tent was run over by another car when we were out on a hike, just bad experience all around.”
“Someone ran over your tent when you were on a hike?” asked Bucky, his eyebrows raised, “They could have run you over.”
“I know, right?” said Sam, the sun crawling behind the mountains in the distance, Bucky sparking the fire, “Lucky we weren’t taking an afternoon nap or something.”
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rightouesgg · 4 months
I feel like I’m watching the office with my emo bf
We r kinda emo like in different ways. U more anime emo. I rlly like this shirt and hat. It’s sporty like comp sci jock attire. U should wear this during sex one day if u want
Ahh anime emo sounds cool asf. Yeah I embody KH fashion fr. And yes proving comp sci majors are jocks !! LMAO. How do I wear it during sex ? Won’t it come off ?
I feel like I’m in high school typing back n forth lol. It might come off but then I’ll wear it or put it back on u. It’ll be a prop. this was a good trip overall yeah?
Ah prop I understand. Yeah this trip was cool! It feels like it was a moment to intimate together outside of the AUC so it was nice to experience. Ofc some folks noticed but idc.
Yeah there’s nothing like being with a person like that in nyc. I kept thinking that. It rlly is a romantic city, & I just romanticize it. It feels like fake life, being with u here. My apartment feels like fake life sometimes. But school is real life
Yeah I agree. I want my cookies now! Also I read it and heard your voice it was crazy
You are soooo funny. Kicking my feet at hearing your say ty. You look like a nerd!!
It’s the glasses I got these and my ones before it to look like Tony starks. Engineer glasses I said. When I take them off I become my cool self. When u kick ur feet or swing ur legs or shii like that it makes me wanna fuck u (in heat…?)
That’s crazy🫡 yeah I feel like a cute Black guy when I dress like this and have girly reactions. I be feeling like I can just be me (slight neuro) when I get high sometimes. I would have a crush on me if I was my younger self. Wah. Is this a kpop wolf fanfic reference? Trying to think of a response but would you mind by Janet Jackson just came on so imma day dream rq
It’s funny how different ur typing voice is than your spoken one. I like talking this way. You are a very cute black guy n if we went to summer camp together ida made u fall in love wit me. Do I touch u 2 much? I said I always think ppl are looking at me anyways, n they almost always are - so I don’t think about being affectionate sometimes or how it would draw attention cuz I feel like there’s already attention. Does being w me make u feel like there’s more attention? I’d hate that
I feel like our typing voice is our souls communicating with each other fr cause if I was a boy n you were girl or wtv we would sound different. But this the voice I actually feel like I have! To me it sounds more masculine. I’m very new to affection in general but yes pubic affection is new. I don’t hate it because of the attention, but I am getting used to affection. It’s nice! I really enjoy it. Imagining being a black guy you knew in summer camp sounds so awesome. I def would’ve fell in love too
Yeah you sound different in typing!! But I can hear it. I wish I could draw so you could see how I see you. Maybe I��ll make a collage like a tumblr edit. I imagine this whole convo in the tumblr chat interface. I get that about affection. I’m very in & out with it but I’m more even now and think I’m in an affectionate phase w all my people which is good I think. You know you can touch me whenever? Not in that way,, but yk. or you can at least ask since Ik u like 2 b sure. At summer camp, I’d make fun of u a lot to start - in a super playful way where I’m kinda mean but it’s just an excuse 2 talk 2 u and sit across from u at lunch
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cool-in-lakes-fl · 6 months
The Elliott in Land O' Lakes, FL
The Elliott has notably luxurious three bedroom apartments near Connerton location these days. Well, it’s the reason many people find it easier to discover a perfect living space. Aside from that, their neighborhood is amazing. Then, the community features include pool lounge with bar area, televisions, refrigerator and grills, refreshment station with coffee bar, Premium fitness center with virtual classes, free weights, cardio equipment and more, private mirror workout system room and individual cycle rooms, and more. Regarding apartment amenities, they have luxury wood-style flooring throughout, ceiling fans in all rooms, USB and USB-C outlets, 10' ceilings in select units, high-end stainless-steel appliances, In-unit washer/dryer, gooseneck faucet, Keyless entry, and more.
Land O' Lakes, FL
At the present time, looking for pre-scheduled events is essential to enjoy your next vacation. As such, there are future events in Land O' Lakes, FL area, that are posted online. First, there will be Goat Yoga Tampa lakeside @ In the Loop Brewing in Land O Lakes this coming Saturday, March 23, 2024, at around 10:00 AM at In the Loop Brewing. Second, the Land O' Lakes Music Festival is scheduled on Saturday, March 23, 2024, at around 4:00 PM at Land O' Lakes Heritage Park. Lastly, you can also opt to attend the Build Your Real Estate Toolbox on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at around 8:30 AM at Brunchies Breakfast, Brunch & Lunch.
Tiki Cove
The Tiki Cove in Land O' Lakes, FL is popular for many years. Aside from that, seasoned travelers go there to learn more about the said place. In addition, many people also prefer to have fun there. Well, many people are fortunate since they can come enjoy this piece of paradise nestled away in Land O’ Lakes; with a day of great food, drinks, and fun. With an island vibe inspired by Key West and a beautiful lake view, you are transported away from the city. Additionally, it allows you to enjoy some time stranded in paradise. Lastly, they are both kid and pet-friendly.
WWE champ Big E and artist Jonathan Davenport celebrate Black heroes with new animated TV show
There are several news reports in Land O' Lakes, FL area. In a recent news article, it was mentioned that the idea for "Our Heroes Rock!" started something like this: "What if we did Schoolhouse Rock for important black figures?" And turned into something like this: "Imagine the Smithsonian, but it was designed by Tony Stark." As such, when WWE champion Ettore "Big E" Ewen and local artist Jonathan Davenport get together, wild wonderful things happen. As a result, the report made many people excited about it. Big E shared, "I always have these harebrained ideas, and Jonathan always finds ways to execute them.”
Link to maps
Tiki Cove 2700 Land O' Lakes Blvd, Land O' Lakes, FL 34639, United States Head west toward Land O' Lakes Blvd 154 ft Turn right onto US-41 N/Land O' Lakes Blvd 5.7 mi Turn left onto Roachs Run 410 ft Turn left onto Camp Idlewild Blvd Destination will be on the right 220 ft The Elliott 20191 Sabal Palm Ct, Land O' Lakes, FL 34638, United States
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