#tons of good info and tips and full timed walkthroughs of practice tests :)
siriusstudies · 30 days
heyy congrats on your alevel grades !! and do u have UCAT tips and resources? also love your feed
aw thank you so much :)! and yeah for sure <3
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here's some small tips i wrote back when i had just done it, but my biggest recommendation is a ton of reviews - review everything you do, even what you get right. make sure you know how to get to the answer OR figure out what questions you'll pass on, so if you're faced with one of them you don't waste time realising that you can't do it. its a brutal game of triage and efficiency, essentially.
specifically for VR, its about being able to quickly extract information - so make sure you understand whatever random passage you read through. read it once, read it again. they will try to trick you, don't let them!
also, aim high! i was aiming for 3000 and got slightly over that two days before my test, but ended up with 2860 - the stress and panic WILL set in and you will probably end up doing slightly worse than practice, but that just means that you should shoot a little higher than what you actually need. and if on the day, you ace it, then its more celebration for you :)
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