#tomorrow is game night so i wrote a bunch of session summaries today
maydaymadier · 1 year
The Clouds and The Keys (session 7)
Welcome back to the Merano campaign!  All character names are in bold, spells are in italics.  Party members are tagged “merano: [character name]”.  Locations visited (cities, specific establishments) are tagged “location: [NAME]”.  Important npcs are tagged "npc: name." All posts for this campaign are tagged “campaign: merano”.
Failing to blend in with the crew of The Dapper, the party enters combat with the Storm Warden. He's a heavy hitter, dealing serious damage but the party puts together a plan to deal crowd-control damage and Control Water to punch a hole in the hull of his ship to force him to retreat and help his crew. Realizing that their enemies are using the token to track them, they toss it into the river. Though Captain Monpress is furious about this and has them locked in the hold, kicking them out the moment they dock in Feolinn. The party immediately notices that the city is preparing for a festival. So they decide to look around, try and find new clothes to blend in, keep an ear to the ground for the current rumor mill, and trade in their weapons for some new equipment.
After trading in their weapons, the party heads on to keep looking for festival outfits.  But more importantly, Marasmius is tired, so he’s gonna treat himself, have a little spa day, take some time to just chill.
The party heads further into the Clouds to go find festival outfits.
While in a shop, the party notices two people come in, a goblin and a dwarf, there to ask the shop clerk to collect their payment for a job and leave.  Though the clerk makes sure to mention that they don’t have any more work for them.  They should go check the board.
The party asks what board they’re talking about once the other two have left, and are pointed in the direction of the Leaf-in-the-Breeze Tea Shop.  While there, they also pick up a sachet of loose-leaf tea for Marasmius.
The board has a handful of job listings on it, some more formal than others, including:
INCREASED SECURITY NEEDED AT THE STONEHOME FORTRESS: Inquiries can be made at the Ozdemir watchtower, Upstream District. 50gp/day
WANTED: Session musicians for special performance at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Radiant Festival.  More shifts can be negotiated upon request.  Ask for the Crowsen Bardic Guild, Clouds District.  25gp each
NEEDED: Experienced deckhands for seasonal work, in preparation for the festival.  Contact Constantine Ocea at the Skytouch Port.  30gp/day
GRIFFINS ARE GETTING TOO CLOSE TO MY GARDEN PLEASE HELP, Anthea, Doors District.  Can barter for magical items
Lamia and manticores spotted prowling outside the Clouds, see The Unbroken Chain adventurer’s guild for more information, Clouds District.  100gp/proof of slain creature
The party decides over their little tea break to do one of the smaller jobs first, heading east towards the Doors to go see Anthea about some griffons.
Upon getting there, a frazzled tiefling woman, Anthea, meets them at the door and is relieved that someone’s here to try and help her.  For whatever reason, these griffons have been climbing over her fence and absolutely devouring her cabbages.
They don’t have to wait long for the griffons to make an appearance, three of them come up to the fence and the most adventurous of the three climbs over it.
Hugo approaches and tries talking to it but it just ignores him.
Delphie on the other hand, notices that the griffin is behaving exactly like a chicken and paying closer attention to her magical sight, these are chickens!  Someone transmuted chickens into griffons.
Delphie goes back to tell Anthea what’s happening and she is incensed immediately having someone in mind for who could have done this.  A neighborhood shitty teen sorcerer named Hocus.
The party go and lead the three griffons, renaming them Houdini, Colette, and Gerbers while they walk, Anthea leading the way.
Anthea knocks on the door and immediately starts to demand to see Hocus, that he needs to drop the Polymorph and APOLOGIZE for ruining her cabbages.
Hocus is being a little shit about the whole situation, hand-waving any concerns with ‘oh come on, they’re just chickens, it’s fine.’  Anthea reiterates that it is NOT fine, they DEVOURED her cabbages.  Delphie also chimes in to chew him out because chickens CAN be dangerous and turning them into griffons doesn’t change that.
Thoroughly cowed, Hocus drops the spell and awaits whatever punishment he’s going to get for his little escapade.
They stop back at Anthea’s house so she can pay them in magical items, though she does also promise to vouch for them if anyone asks if they’re good for a job.  She gives them three items, a jar of fey honey (they decide to hold onto it for Marasmius), a witch’s ring, and a bottle of Liar’s Breath potion.
With that under their belt, the party decides which of the bigger jobs they should look into next, briefly considering the position at the docks but Calypso is really the only one who knows the ropes and is good at heavy lifting.  So instead of splitting up, they head towards the Crowsen Bardic Arts Guild in Upstream.
Hugo gives Delphie and Calypso a marraca each so they can be backup musicians for him.
On their way through the Doors, they notice a large stone temple, the Temple of Storms and come to the conclusion that this must be where the Storm Warden is from.  Hugo flips off the building.
This is their first time in Upstream, and it immediately strikes them as a swanky uptown district, much wealthier than the rest of the city.  There are even rudimentary clockwork robots carrying out simpler tasks, couriers and the like.
The inside of Crowsen is a nice lounge on the first floor, though it’s too early to be properly open.  When asked about the job, the hostess at the front directs them upstairs.
When they get to the office, it’s with the stomach-churning realization that Hugo knows this man.  Renon Hetroux, a middle-aged purple tiefling man, hair graying at the temples, a broken horn replaced with an amethyst dupe.  He seems surprised to see Hugo, Hugo seems ready to burn down the building upon seeing him.
Renon explains that they just need more musicians for the opening ceremony of the festival though there will be more opportunities throughout.  If he’s interested all he has to do is audition, he’s listening.
Calypso and Delphie can obviously tell something is going on but for the sake of getting in and out of this interaction as quickly as possible, tell Hugo that if he wants out all he has to do is say “falseberry” and they’ll leave.
Hugo whips out his kazoo and proceeds to play notes that should not be possible on such an instrument, a jaw-dropping display of skill.
Renon is stunned, and tells the three of them to be at Keystone Island 3 hours before sunset in 2 days.
Once they leave, the party is able to get some information out of Hugo.  
The two of them ‘dated’ at one point, the problem being that Hugo was 19 and Renon was 40.  Agatha ripped his horn off when she found out.  He had no clue that he’s run off to Feolinn when he skipped town.
Calypso and Delphie don’t recognize the name, so he also tells them that Agatha is essentially his mom.  He shows them a little magical picture that switches back and forth between the two of them when he was a kid and him as an adult.
They quickly decide that they ARE NOT going to take up that job and if Hugo wants to they’ll gladly rip the guy’s head off.  At the very least they’re going to scare him.
In the meantime, they head back to the Clouds to find a place to stay while they’re in town.
They find an adventurer’s flophouse called The Rusty Blade, the rooms are two beds each and first come, first served, the top floor is the least busy right now and they do manage to find an unclaimed room.
They put together a plan for sleeping arrangements and agree to barricade the door since there aren’t any locks.
Hugo stays behind while Calypso and Delphie go find something to eat.
Hugo casts Sending to Agatha, telling her that he’s alright but Renon is in Feolinn.  In response: Love you, glad to hear from you, I’m gonna kill him. 
Calypso is determined to get Hugo A Little Treat (lassi and candied almonds).  They attempt smalltalk with Delphie but they both come to the sudden realization of how awkward it is, they haven’t really interacted one on one much so far.
The barricade backfires a little bit because it’s harder getting back into the room than expected.
Hugo thanks them for the Little Treat and everyone settles in to come up with a plan.
Calypso decides to teach them both knots so they’ll be prepared going down to the docks tomorrow to try and get a gig there.
The three of them spend the rest of the day diligently learning knots.
0 notes
blushingbarnes · 4 years
seven types of love (3)
Series summary: There are seven different types of love, and over the course of knowing you, Bucky experiences every single one.
warnings: boyfriends being toxic and verbally abusive. slow burn
~series masterlist~
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~agape- a universal type of love~
You look at the cup, then back at your phone, back to the cup, and back to the phone.
It had been 20 minutes since you’d gotten home, and you’d been debating texting the number ever since.
It wasn’t an unusual thing for a friend to give you their number, right? But then again, Bucky wasn’t exactly a normal friend.
You shake yourself out of your thoughts, and pick up your phone. You type the number into your phone, and hover your fingers over the keyboard.
You should be teasing right? Make a joke? You haven’t started a new text conversation in ages.
Wait, why are you thinking about this so much? It doesn’t matter, it’s not like you’re trying to flirt with him.
You decide to start with “You couldn’t have thought of a better joke?” Simple, and he would probably understand that it was you.
After sending the text, you created a contact. You saved the name as ‘B’. That way, Will wouldn’t freak out that you had Bucky’s number.
You check the time, it’s about 3:15. You decided to put a show on in the background while you wrote some notes for some of your upcoming sessions.
You put on Criminal Minds, and began to work.
About 15 minutes later, your phone dinged. You checked it, and read the message.
“I only had about 30 seconds to write the message sweetheart, I couldn’t think of a better one.” The message read. You laughed to yourself, and wrote something back.
“So are you sneaking your phone at work, or are you off now?” You asked, and set your phone down.
You attempt to get back to work, but soon realize that you can’t. Your mind was clouded, and you kept on checking your phone.
You hadn’t felt this way since high school, checking your phone obsessively to talk to a boy.
You chalked it up to just being excited to have a new friend. Recently, work has been eating you alive, and you haven't had much time for anything else.
Reminded that you haven’t had time to do anything else, you go to your fridge to see if you need to stock up on any essentials. As you are making a mental list, you hear your phone ding again.
You move embarrassingly fast back to the living room to check your phone.
Yet it’s not a text from Bucky, but from Will.
“Wanna hang out later” The text reads.
“Of course” You reply, locking your phone. Almost as soon as you do that, your phone screen turns on again, this time from two texts.
“Ok cool i’ll pick you up in like an hour” Will’s text reads. You reply with a simple okay.
Bucky’s text says ‘I’m sorry for the late response. I was driving home from work, so i guess that answers your question ;)’ This is followed up by another text. ‘Besides, how could i make all of the fancy drinks at the shop if i’m distracted by my phone?’
You smile as you text back, ‘That’s definitely true, the latte art you do is too pretty for you to be distracted.’
You see the typing icon almost as soon as you send the text. You can’t help but think that Bucky is also sitting there, with his phone open on the messages, expecting your text.
“What can I say doll, I’m the best of the best :P” Bucky types. “What are you up to this evening?”
“Just hanging out with Will, you?” After you send that message, you head to your bathroom to begin fixing your hair to see Will.
Your phone lights up beside you on your bathroom counter.
“Just a night in for me, might be with my buddy Sam.” Bucky replies.
“Nice, I probably won’t reply for a while, Will is probably going to be here soon. Don’t miss me too much.”
“I can’t promise anything darling :)” Bucky says.
You set your phone down, and continue getting ready.
Later, you’re in the car with Will. You guys are just going to get a quick bite to eat before you hang out at the house.
“All I’m saying is that aliens don’t exist. We are definitely the highest thing that there is.” Will says, one hand on the steering wheel, and one gesturing.
“Well now you’re just being ignorant, there’s now way out of all the planets and solar systems that we are the only things out there. Even the only survivable planet!” You exclaim, throwing your hands down in a fit.
“Nevermind, I’m not starting a fight over a stupid thing.” Will says, shaking his head.
“I’m just saying it doesn’t make sense for you to-”
“Shut up!” Will almost yells. “Goddamn, I say nevermind and you just keep going on.” He sighs.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” You say, standing your ground.
“Whatever, we’re going home.” Will says, switching lanes to turn around to go back to your house.
You sit in disbelief, and turn your head towards your window. You begin to pick at your fingernails, a nervous habit that you had picked up during childhood.
Will pulls up at your apartment building. “So.” He says, and looks at you in an expectant manner.
“What?” You ask, eyes wide with confusion.
“Are you ready to apologize?” Will asks, with clear arrogance on his face.
“What on earth would I have to apologize for?” You exclaim, in probably a too harsh tone of voice.
“I don’t know, maybe for calling me ignorant?” Will says, crossing his arms.
“I’m not apologizing.” You say, and pick up your bag, and begin to get out of the car. You halt for a moment, and slump slightly back into your seat.
“I love you.” You say, looking towards him.
“Love you too.” Will says, and looks out the window.
You sigh, and get out of the car to walk to your apartment.
You throw your keys onto the table, and head to your room. You flop down face-first onto the bed.
You lay like this for a moment, then you turn your head, and pick up your phone.
You go to your message thread with Bucky.
“Would you like to hang out sometime?” You ask, and then immediately put your phone face down, not wanting to read the answer.
The reply takes a few minutes, but it comes.
“I thought you’d never ask, when are you free?” Bucky asks.
You let out a sigh of relief. You check your schedule for the next day. ‘Tomorrow after work? I’m pretty much free after 4.”
“Sounds good. I’ll pick you up and then we’ll see what to do from there?” Bucky suggests.
You agree, and give him your address.
Bucky smiles as he sets his phone down next to him on the couch. He glances back to whatever game Sam had wanted to watch this time.
“Are you talking to that girl who has a boyfriend?” Sam asks, looking over at Bucky.
“No.” Bucky scoffs, and Sam looks at him, knowing that Bucky is lying. “Okay, fine, yes.” Bucky admits.
“You’re gonna get ya’self killed man.” Sam says, laughing and shaking his head.
“We’re just friends.” Bucky says, a blush covering his cheeks.
“Keep telling yourself that.” Sam teases.
The next day, Bucky is quite literally counting down the seconds until he gets off work. He makes the drinks faster, maybe in hope that that makes the day go by faster.
That is until you come in.
Peter switches, Bucky takes your order.
“Hot date tonight ma’am?” Bucky asks, taking in your appearance, but not necessarily in a creepy way.
“You wish Barnes.” You laugh. “Can I get a vanilla latte?” You ask.
“Of course darling, I’ll pick you up around 6, okay?” Bucky confirms.
“Sounds good.” You smile, and begin to take out your wallet.
“Don’t worry, it’s on me.” Bucky smiles.
“Oh, thank you.” You seem a bit flustered, but accept.
When you get your drink and are about to walk out of the shop, you wave to Bucky.
“See ya later doll!” Bucky waves.
“Did you finally get a date with that girl?” Peter asks him. Bucky looks at him with a glare. “Nah kid, she’s got a boyfriend. We’re just friends”
Peter rolls his eyes, “Okay…” Peter says, his voice laced with disbelief. Bucky hits him lightly.
Hours later, Bucky pulls into your apartment parking lot.
He texts you “I’m here :)” and waits patiently in his car.
Then, he sees you. Most of the other times he’s seen you, you are coming to or from work. He doesn’t get to see your casual wear too often.
But he loves it, the black jeans and blue graphic tee that you’re sporting.
He is torn from his thoughts when you open the door. “Hey Bucky!” You smile as you get into the car.
“Hey Y/n.” Bucky softly smiles.
“So, where are we going?” You ask as you buckle your seatbelt.
“I was thinking, there’s a little strip that I know of with a bunch of cool shops and restaurants, so we can sort of pick around there?” Bucky says, hope in his eyes.
“Sounds good.” You say, smiling.
In the car, Bucky asks for more details about your job, claiming you know so much about his.
He notices the way that your eyes light up when you talk about it, he loves it.
Bucky parks a good amount away from where everything is as it nears dusk.
“Cmon, follow me.” Bucky says, unbuckling his seatbelt. He would’ve opened your door, but you were already out of the car.
As you two are walking, you admire all of the cute boutiques and stores. Bucky notices that you’ve complimented many people, telling them you like their hair, and other things.
Bucky’s heart swells, and he thinks about how much you share your heart with the world, it makes him happy.
Bucky sees an ice cream store, and directs your attention to it. “Want to get ice cream?” Bucky’s points.
“Sure!” You say, and begin to walk towards the shop.
The bell rings as you enter, and Bucky sees your smile grow.
“I love the 50s!” You say, taking in the fact that the shop is 50s themed, with decor all around.
You walk up to the counter, and begin to order, “Can I get a medium german chocolate?” You say, smiling at the older man working the shop.
“Of course dear.” He smiles, and turns to Bucky.
“Just a medium cookie dough.” He smiles, and gets out his wallet. Bucky hands the man the card, and looks at you.
“You already paid for my coffee today, and now you gotta pay for my ice cream?” You ask, it being obvious that you’re fake offended.
“I‘ve gotta share the obvious wealth I have sweetie, us baristas make millions.” Bucky says, a smile on his face.
You playfully roll your eyes, and wait to receive your ice cream.
Once you do, you thank the man; and you and Bucky sit down on the chairs provided. You two get on the topic of Bucky’s younger sister, Rebecca, and all of the antics she used to pull. You bond over how your younger sibling used to do similar things.
Once you’re finished, you throw away your container, and walk out of the shop.
You’re drawn to the music that you can softly hear, and begin to walk towards it.
You reach the small amphitheater that the music is coming from. The small jazz band had their cases open, so you dropped a few ones in there.
You begin to sway to the soft music, and then turn to Bucky. “May I have this dance m’lady.” You ask, tipping an imaginary hat.
Bucky laughs, taking the hand you had outstretched. Bucky ends up taking the lead, because that’s what he’s used to.
He looks into your eyes as you dance, getting lost in them. He feels like he can see the rest of his life through your eyes.
He’s snapped out of the trance when you accidentally step on his feet. “Ahh, sorry, I’m not good at this.” You say, regret on your face.
“It’s okay, doll, I'll show you.” He says, and begins to show you the steps.
“There… you’re getting it.” Bucky smiles.
Bucky spins you, and when you turn back to Bucky, you’re awfully close.
You and Bucky’s foreheads are almost touching, and your eyes are locked.
Bucky’s head is racing, and he doesn’t know what to do. His eyes dart to your lips, and back to your eyes. He just wants to know what you’re thinking. He licks his lips almost on instinct.
You clear your throat, and Bucky steps away from you, clearing his throat as well.
“It’s getting late right?” He asks, checking the non-existent watch on his wrist.
“Yeah, it is.” You say, trying to hide your blush in the dim light.
“I’ll take you home, cmon.” Bucky says, letting you go in front of him.
Bucky tries to make conversation, but the rest of the way home is filled with awkward silence
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