#tomorrow i have to visit my grandma plus family which is gonna be insanely stressful i dont even have a gift yet
lilhawkens ยท 6 days
i know the whole "oh no. my disability! it's disabling me!" is incredibly funny
and i agree, but sometimes it really just hits me like. i have a chronic illness that does disable me and makes me unable to do even the most basic stuff
i hate how dynamic the whole thing is i hate that i have good and bad days and that on good (and sometimes even on bad days) my brain just tries to convince me that i'm making it all up in my head and i hate that on bad days i can't even get out of bed i can't use the stairs i can't make myself food i can't even fucking think
i hate that i'm just expected to figure it out i hate that i'm expected to just go on
i hate that the most normal things will make me flare up and i hate people making jokes about not calling in sick cuz it doesn't count and i hate that i can't just do things anymore
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