#tomorrow!! we go some place like- completely different ajghbak
huffle-dork · 9 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 12: SepticHeroes
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix 
Read Swapboys | Read Septicheroes | AO3 Link
Prologue | Switch | Stitched | PNPT | Septicheroes Taglist: @brokentimewatch @di-diwata  
 The apartment building on 88 Parker Street was very tall, and pretty utilitarianism. But it's the correct address. Now Magnificent just needs to get into Room 1010.
Magnifcent smirks at the building. Simple... easy. He disappears and reappears in one of the hallways and checks the numbers on one of the doors. 1001- perfect.
He shifts his appearance- but doesn't go for his usual one. No- he shifts into a man in an orange and white costume, and a white cat mask. He laughs and changes the appearance more, to look like he's injured. He could still milk the burn on his side but covered his skin in his signature dark magic veins. A little treat for himself, imagining the same look on that troublemaker once he got his claws in him.
He limps down the hall, finally spying the right room and hurriedly bangs on the door, putting desperation in his voice. "C-Chase?! Chase!!" He cries, panic evident in his voice.
Inside the apartment, Chase starts as he hears the cry. That’s not Jackie, that’s—He immediately stops his editing. “Frosty?! Up!” Frosty steps up close and Chase grabs the leash, letting Frosty help him up. He hurries down the hallway with Frosty and unlocks and opens the front door. “Marvin, why are you—Whoa, what the hell?!” Burns? Veins?! “Holy shit, man, get in here.”
Mag Marvin stumbles into the room and pants like he’s ran a marathon. He staggers and finds the closest surface he can lean against, grunting in pain. “C-Close the door- hurry!”
“Okay okay!” Chase glances into the hallway. There’s no one there but there could be. He closes the door. “Let’s get you over to the sofa, man. You look like you need to lie down.” He gently takes Marvin by the arm and pulls him over. “Why didn’t you go to Schneep? This looks serious.”
Wait a minute. Frosty isn’t with him. He looks back and sees him still by the door. Okay? Sure? But why are his hackles raised?
Marvin grunts and let’s himself be led, shaking his head. “T-That new bitch… h-he found all of us- I… hnghh-!” He cringes as a wave of pain overtakes him. “I-I dunno how I outran him but I just- you’re the closet thing I thought of…” He glances at the dog and bares his teeth at it. Stupid mutt…
“Everyone? You were with them? Oh wait, yeah duh, you were all at the safe house.” Chase frowns. “That’s kinda far… but I guess you’re in costume so…”
Frosty growls back at Magnificent when he bares his teeth. “Frosty? Down. Sit.” Chase shakes his head as Frosty reluctantly sits down. “I’m sorry about that, he’s usually better behaved around strangers… kinda has to be, yknow? Wait, remind me, have you guys met before?” They’re at the sofa now, and Chase gestures for Marvin to sit.
Marvin makes a face at Chase, “Is now really the time for that?” He grumbles. He glances at the dog- hopefully it won’t cause much trouble. “I-I can fill you in more in a second just… I-I need a first aid kit… I dunno if we have a lot of time.” He takes off his mask, to show he has a bloody nose and scratched/burned face.
“Oh shit.” Chase’s eyes widen. “Yeah, I guess not, sorry bro. I’ll go get the kit, you rest up here.” He whistles and Frosty stands up and follows him down the hall. Where did they keep the kit again? Right, in the bathroom. On top of the medicine cabinet. He reaches up and grabs it, stumbling for a bit before Frosty rights him. “Uh, I dunno if we can treat whatever those veins are, but I got everything else!” he calls. Hopefully they have everything.
Mag smirks as Chase wanders off. He twitches his head and the tv in the living room flickers on and blares static. As soon as Chase comes over to help… Mag can’t help but laugh.
Chase walks back into the living room, confused. “Did you turn the TV… on…” For a moment, he’s entranced. Then he tears his eyes away. “Why is it static?”
Marvin watches Chase carefully then grumbles out, acting as if he just opened his eyes from slumping against the couch. “What? I don’t fucking know- can we not get distracted please?”
“R-right. God, Frosty, what the fuck?” Frosty is now growling at the static TV. “If you can’t be nice I’ll have you go in my room and I’ll whistle when I need you. Yeah. Go on.” He whistles and points down the hall. Frosty’s ears and curly tail droop, but he’s well-trained, and goes down the hall.
Marvin smiles a bit at seeing the mutt run with his tail between his legs.
“I’m so sorry about that,” Chase says, sitting on the sofa next to Marvin. “He’ll be back soon, of course, but this is better for both of you. Where’s that remote? No, wait, prioritize. We’ll turn the TV off after.”
Once Chase sits down next to him, Marvin reaches out and latches onto Chase’s wrist, bringing him closer to try to look into his eyes. Is it just Chase or are his eyes… swirling. “C-Chase.. I… I gotta warn you-“ He pants, looking at his enemy friend desperately.
“Wh—okay, a-about what?” Chase is a bit weirded out. Marvin isn’t usually this touchy-feely, what with the burns on his hands and all. And is something… different… about his eyes? … No. it can’t be.
Slowly, Marvin starts to grin and digs his nails into Chase’s skin, showing off sharp canines and glowing green eyes that spiral with purple. “…Your friends are next~”
And then Mag tries to pump his hypnotic power straight into Chase, seeing if he can overpower him.
The effect is instant. Chase is not expecting this. He is not defending himself. He shudders a bit, then his eyes glaze over.
Magnificent laughs and shifts back to his normal appearance and then cradles his claws under Chase’s chin. “Mmm there we go… so good to see you exactly where you should be, Chase Brody~”
“What do I do?” Chase asks, looking to Magnificent for guidance.
Mag leans back and then waves at the boy, “Call your friends- we have much to discuss!”
"Mm-hmm." He pulls out his phone and dials Jackie's number. After a few rings, it picks up.
"Chase? Chase what is it?" Jackie says. "Hang on, I'm putting you on speaker so everyone can hear." The others all crowd around.
Alt and Bro gather around with twin expressions of worry.
On the other side of the call, Magnificent slips Chase’s phone out of his hands and in a snap, traps the vlogger in suspended green strings, making him hang like a puppet. Then he giggles. He switches the call to FaceTime.
Alt’s heart drops, “oh no-“ he whispers.
Magnificent pulls himself into frame and makes sure to position himself so that Chase hangs in the background. “Well hello heroes! Hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time~!”
"Chase?! No!" Jackie grips the phone tighter. "You bastard!"
JJ jerks forward, almost shoving past Jackie, scanning the screen like he can't believe what he's seeing--or he can believe, and he doesn't like it.
"So you are this Magnificent!" Schneep says. "What do you want with Chase?!"
"Yeah, you bitch, are you too scared to face us without any bargaining power?!" Marvin adds. Jackie shoves him out of frame, too angry and concerned to even shout at him why that's such a bad thing to say in this situation.
Alt and Bro watch with wide scared eyes.
Magnificent laughs and then lets the phone hang in the air as he goes to prowl around Chase. He pulls Chase forward by his chin and digs his claws into his skin. "Careful careful what you say, kittens! I have dear Mr. Brody's life in my hands~"
He giggles and eyes the camera then appears in front of it, grinning from ear to ear. "Let's seee what do I want? Oh yes- I want that cat masked bitch's head on a spike" He suddenly growls, static almost fully taking over the screen as his eyes glow toxic green.
Marvin takes a step backwards as Magnificent threatens him. These strangers weren't kidding about him going after his other selves.
Then, on a dime Mag grins, "And well- I met someone who had their eyes on all of you as well! So we formed a- partnership~! And your darling Chase was first on the list!"
"Someone else...?" Schneep mutters. "Is it... that one...? They found Magnificent?"
A gust of wind rustles the curtains, but Jackie forces his face to stay calm. His eyes flick around the background. It's very familiar to him, but he doesn't give it away.
Mag hums and steps back, dragging claws back through Chase's hair and under his chin. "I'm not sure what i'll do what Mr. Brody yet though~ will I.... make him a pet of mine? I hear his memory is already shit- maybe it'll be a blessing to his poor damaged mind~!"
Alt suddenly shouts and glitches wildly as he shouts out, "NO! Magnificent, leave him alone!!"
"You're a sick fuck!" Marvin shouts. "No matter what you'll do, we're coming after you! You might as well let him go now before we fucking kill you." Jackie shoves him again, giving him a warning look and jerking his head towards Bro.
Bro gently pulls Marvin back and gives him a warning glare.
Then, with his hand that's not holding the phone--making sure it's out of sight of the camera-- Jackie makes a sign with his hand. Flat.
JJ's eyes widen. He steps out of view of the camera and quickly signs He's in Chase and Jackie's flat.
Both Bro and Alt's eyes widen as Jj tells them their location.
Magnificent laughs loudly and throws back his head, "Oh you naive kitten~ that's exactly what I want~!" He grins, "But, should we make it interesting? Maybe set a time limit? Some stakes? But, maybe not because~ As soon as you come to claim your friend, you will die~" He giggles with insanity.
Alt is stunned- Mag wasn't one to stray from killing sure, but he also wasn't one to go straight to killing. In a morbid sense- he liked to play with his food. But, either way this isnt good... Mag isn't targetting them for once- his eyes seem set on the people here so-
He suddenly shoves his way towards the phone and then as he touches the surface and turns to static. He glitches inside the phone- trying to rush through the connection to get to the other side.
"Alt!" Bro tries to shout after him.
As Alt glitches into the phone, he feels the rushing sensation of running down the circuits, glitching until he finds the connection. It is a bridge connecting two islands, and he glitches for the network, the other side getting brighter--and then it is like he hits a wall.
It feels like he is in a room. Electricity runs down the sides, lightning forming a cube around him. He is not really here. When he looks down at his body, it is not real. It is simply his brain processing what's happening into a familiar form.
Alt jolts as he's stopped and he looks around in panic. What the fuck? His heart starts going into overdrive- wondering if he's gonna get stuck- stuck in code and lose himself, nononono!
There is someone here. A figure of a man standing in front of him. Of course, it is not a man. It is simply a representation of a man. Alt perceives him as wearing a black costume, a hood pulled up over the head, dark armor that makes the man look less alive and more robotic. There is no face. There is simply a black screen, with glowing red eyes and a jagged, red smile. "What a unique power," says a voice. It sounds... almost like him. If someone made his voice into a Vocaloid. "As you can see, not unique enough."
Alt growls and shouts at the man, "W-Who are you?! What did you do??"
The smile widens. "I have asked Magnificent to call me Anti, so you should too, to make it easy."
Alt's blood runs cold. Oh... oh no. Another evil Anti. Fuckkkk.
The figure paces the length of the electric cube, body fizzling and glitching like Alt's own body does. "I have blocked you. I wish to talk, Alt. Or should I call you Anti? That's the name your phone is registered under. But judging by your web history, you probably had a different one long ago. Don't worry, I cannot find it, and have no intention of using it if I could. I am simply...observing you and your brother."
Alt bunches up like he wants to attack, body glitching even more than usual. "H-How can you look into my phone? My web history?? I-I'm not even from here!”
"It seems your phone is still able to use the WiFi and data here. And where there is a connection, there is a way in for me."
“You need to let me go- I can't just sit around chatting with some coward who won't even show his face!" Alt growls.
Anti laughs. "Show my face? This is not a space that will let that happen. Whatever you are seeing exists because your mind, even one so tuned to electricity as yours, cannot experience the digital world as it is. Besides, how would you know my face is real?" The face on the screen flickers, reflecting Alt's back at him, and then shifting to look like Bro, then this world's Jackie, then JJ, and then it returns to its simple red smile.
Alt's horror increases as Anti explains and steals his and his friends' faces.
Again, a laugh. "But if you wish to go, you can. I will simply warn you. I have no intention of harming you or your brother. Unless you threaten my plans, as those you associate with have. If you were to return home, I would even be willing to help."
Alt growls, anger spiking and making him glitch even more. "You-! You're the ones hunting them down- the reason JJ and Schneep can't even be out in the open! I don't need your fucking help, psycho! I can figure out this shit on my own!"
Anti tilts his head to the side. "Very well. If you change your mind, go to the North SepTech building. I will be there. No matter when you stop by. And with that, we have nothing more to discuss." The figure dissolves into red pixels, and the green lightning of the cube turns red.
Alt narrows his eyes at Anti and then looks around the room in panic as the light turns red.
Alt feels himself pushed back, back back, until he is forced out of the phone entirely and back onto the floor of the safe house. Alt is pushed back with such force he feels the breath knocked out of him. He crashes to the ground and skids slightly from the force, arcs of electricity bouncing off him. As he stops he spasms a bit with glitches and pixels, biting back whimpers of pain.
"Whoa!" Jackie jumps a bit. To him, it looks like Alt dived into the phone, and then immediately got pushed back out. Magnificent and Chase are still on screen, exactly where Alt last saw them. "Alt?! What happened?!"
Bro is next to him in an instant, trying to check him over, "A-Alt!" Then he glares at the phone and Magnificent, "What did you fucking do to him?"
Mag looks surprised though, "... I did not do that-"
Alt grits through his teeth and grunts out as he tries to get his muscles to stop, "G-Got stopped- b-by a-another A-Anti...!"
"Another--fuck, it's that bitch!" Jackie growls. "Of course! They're helping Magnificent, they wouldn't want Alt to get there right away!"
"Well it will not stop us from getting there through other means!" Schneep says.
JJ joins Bro by Alt's side, grabbing a throw pillow from the sofa as he does. He places it under Alt's head so that he doesn't give himself a concussion while spasming.
"Look, you motherfucker--and the other one, if they're still listening," Jackie says. "We are coming there. We are getting our friend back. And you, Magnificent, will regret it."
Magnificent only laughs, grinning wide, "I look forward to it, Jackie."
Then, as much as it pains him to leave Chase there, Jackie hangs up the call.
Alt's body eventually starts to still and he pants, gripping his hands into fists. But, he does look up and signs a thank you to JJ.
"Jeez, fuck, are you okay, Alt? Wh-what happened? They pushed you out?" Jackie asks, joining the others.
Alt stiffly pushes himself up and leans against Bro who helps him. He looks at the others, "I-I was trying to get to Chase- but i... i got trapped in- in this green room. With a man, who had like black armor and a digital mask on his face." He shudders, thinking of his impulse mask. "He said to call him A...Anti- he said he just wanted to talk... and that he was observing me and Bro." He looks back at Bro with wide eyes, "He... he knew my name. He said he could see our records through our phones..."
Bro's eyes widen, "What does he want? Did he say why he's working with Mag?"
Alt shakes his head, "H-He said... if we don't get in the way of his plans... he won't hurt us... he even offered to help us go home..."
Don't believe a word that man says, JJ says, looking a bit pale at the description of Anti's appearance. He does whatever he can to get what he wants. To fulfill... whatever secret goal he has, god only knows what that is. He is probably teaming up with Magnificent to get the rest of us out of the way.
"If Magnificent wants to kill Marvin, it would be easy for this... Anti... to nudge him towards that," Schneep says slowly. "And the rest of us, while he is at it."
"Coward. Fucking coward." Marvin grits his teeth so hard the others can practically hear the grinding noise.
"He always uses others to fight his battles." Jackie shakes his head.
Alt slowly nods and grips at his wrist, "...I can get why he wants to work with Mag then..."
"We don't have much time. We need to rescue Chase." Jackie emphasizes.
Alt looks at Jackie, his voice quiet, "... that's what they want though... we'd be walking right into a trap."
"I know, but what the fuck are we supposed to do?!" Jackie shouts. "I'm not going to let him turn Chase into a fucking pet!" Wind blasts the curtains open. Jackie takes a couple deep breaths, calming down.
"Personally I think this guy is underestimating us," Marvin says. "We know about his powers, so we can be prepared. He has Chase, but we have the numbers. And he did collapse pretty easily when I just grazed him with my solid-heat energy. Jackie, you've tanked a couple of those."
"Yeah, and they hurt like a bitch," Jackie mutters.
"Exactly!" Marvin says triumphantly. "I doubt he has infrared to see Schneep with, and your fucking air control is so much stronger than people think."
Bro nods, “Yeah! He’s used to us but the rest of you all are wild cards to him!” Alt looks away, still shaken from talking to Anti.
I'll come too, JJ says.
"Are you sure?" Schneep asks.
JJ nods firmly. It's different now that he has Chase. He looks at Bro and Alt. Which means... you should know what I can do. It... may disturb you. It disturbs some people. He pauses. Those strings that magician was using on Chase on the call... I believe mine are the same. The sign for 'same' is two fingers on opposite hands pressing against each other and drawing apart. As he signs it, a green string appears, connecting his fingers and extending as they separate.
The swaps look up at JJ. Bro doesn’t look too surprised, just a bit, his eyebrows raising up. But Alt jolts back like he’s been shocked and scrambles away from JJ slightly, a wild scared look in his eyes.
JJ puts his hands together again, the string disappearing. He's a bit saddened, but mostly, he accepts it. I told you I've done terrible things.
"It was not his fault," Schneep says defensively. "That Anti--they--h-he--I-I am still--I cannot believe that--" His voice is shaking.
It was never supposed to be used on people, JJ says. Just dolls.
Marvin, meanwhile, sees Alt's reaction and softens. "Hey," he says quietly. "I get it. It's scary. Same thing happened to me." He glances at JJ. "But now I know Jameson wouldn't do that again."
Seems I may have to, to rescue Chase, JJ says. But Alt, if you don't feel comfortable, I can indeed stay back.
Alt looks between the others as he tries to calm down. Eventually, he shakes his head and looks back at Jj with determination, “no no… you should be there. Mag…mag won’t expect someone with powers like him. We can give him a taste of his own medicine.”
JJ nods, looking relieved. Alright. If there's anyone who deserves that, he seems like the one.
"How do we get there fast then?" Schneep asks.
"Bro and I can fly and Alt can glitch," Jackie says. "We can go first?"
"Then we have less numbers, though," Marvin points out. "Look, I can call Kanchana. She can drive, and she can be here soon."
Jackie looks at Bro and Alt. "Do you guys have any ideas?"
Alt and Bro exchange looks. Bro raises an eyebrow at Alt. "Do you think you can glitch us all over there? You at least know how to get from here to the city now."
Alt furrows his eyebrows, "yeah... i.. i think so- honestly being in the... circuit whatever- it kinda gave me a boost once all the- shocking was over." Alt pushes himself to his feet then offers out his hands to the others, his eyes glowing. "If we link up- i can at least get us back to the city."
Schneep raises his eyebrows. "You can do that? Impressive. Teleporters here can rarely take more than two others."
"Well, sooner is better, so let's try it," Jackie says, taking one of Alt's hands. The others all hold onto him. "Try to aim for the apartment hallway, if you can, I don't want to take the stairs or elevator all the way up."
"If you guys can picture what the flat looks like- I think it'll bring us there... its- tricky sometimes. But, having a pull helps." Alt says.
As soon as the others are all linked up with Jackie, Bro grabs Alt's other hand and nods his head with encouragement. Alt slowly breathes and then closes his eyes. And then- all the boys dissappear in a flicker of static and pixels.
They form in the hallway, the septichero boys feel like their blood was replaced with pop rocks for a second- but it fades quickly.
Alt looks a bit dizzy as he sways but then shakes his head and keeps going. "Okay uh good- apartment hallway! good! Which one is it??"
Jackie takes a moment to recover. God--that sensation really threw him off. He shakes his head, forcing himself to recover, and points at Room 1010. "That's ours," he says. "Let's go!"
"Wait, we may need a pl--" Schneep starts.
"Jackie wait!" Bro calls out.
But it's too late, Jackie is already moving. Chase forgot to lock the door when he let "Marvin" in so Jackie's able to kick the door down and rush in. "Hey BITCH!"
As he opens the door a bunch of green glowing strings lash out to try to grab him.
Bro winces as the door opens. Alt quickly tries to glitch to help Jackie out.
"What the--hey?!" Jackie is moving too fast to stop even if he wanted to--momentum, and all that. He gets tangled up quickly, struggling against the strings but only making it worse.
"Jackie, for fuck's sake!" Schneep says, exasperated, and pulls out his knife. He disappears from sight--always good to have that advantage when it's possible--but the others see him walking up to the wall by the door, avoiding the trap by avoiding the doorway.
Meanwhile, Marvin rushes in, stopping just before the trap, and tries using blades of orange solid-heat energy to cut through the strings.
The strings try to tighten and yank Jackie forward- but Marvin's attack is too quick and slices through them easily. Magnificent yells in rage and tries to blast fire at the heroes.
Chase is still suspended behind him, nice and hypnotized.
Jackie recovers quickly and dodges the fire attack, while Marvin conjures a quick shield that just absorbs the heat of the flames. No one else is in range, unfortunately.
"God!" Jackie gasps. "Schneep, I know you can hear me, I'm sorry I didn't listen!"
"Yeah you are!" Marvin shouts. "What the fuck, Windstorm?!"
JJ quickly hurries inside and gets behind Marvin. Chase! he signs. Snap out of it! His hands move fast, too fast for anyone to notice the strings appearing out of nowhere and wrapping around his fingers.
Alt glitches in and tries to sneak up behind Mag, but Mag senses him and grabs by the throat and throws him across the room. "Stay out of my way! I'll deal with you once these troublesome heroes are dead!" The mad magician snarls. He throws green tinged lightning at Marvin's shield, trying to break it.
Marvin expands the shield, protecting both him and JJ. The lightning crackles harmlessly against it. "Ha!" Marvin grins. "It's not just energy you know!" After all, solid-heat energy is harder to break than ethereal magic. Behind Magnificent, one of the strings holding Chase snaps, seemingly on its own.
Magnificent is too focused on his revenge to even notice someone trying to free Chase. In feral rage, black magic crackles around him and then in an instant a black tiger- that is a tiger who's fur was black and stripes were purple, lunges at the shield, clawing and scraping and roaring.
The tiger hits the shield with such ferocity that it doesn't notice the way the energy burns and hisses against it. Marvin is surprised and loses his concentration, falling beneath the weight and claws of the tiger. JJ gasps. One of the strings loops around the tiger's chest. He pulls it off and it slumps to the ground, burned too much to move again. Marvin fares only slightly better, bleeding claw marks marring his shirt and skin.
"Asshole!" Jackie shouts, diving straight for Magnificent, aiming a punch fueled by wind.
JJ glances at this wild attack and decides he needs some support. He throws a second string at Magnificent, long like a lasso. One of them is bound to hit him!
Behind Mag, a couple more strings snap.
The tiger roars in pain, backing up and shaking itself out from burning its paws. The pain is so much Mag shifts back and falls to the ground, spitting curses in latin. The string wraps around him and yanks him up and he shouts in surprise only to then get a wind tossed punch directly in his face. He flies back and rolls on the ground, groaning.
Alt glitches to his feet. "H-Holy Shit-"
Bro flies over to try to help get Chase down, getting in front of his face and slapping his cheeks. "Hey hey! Other me! Snap out of it!"
"Yeah! That's what you get, asshole!" Jackie shouts, landing solidly on the ground. "Let Chase go!"
JJ lets go of his end of the string and it moves on its own, pinning Mag's arms to his sides. It doesn't wrap around his wrists, but one end is fairly close to his hand and could easily move.
Chase's eyes flicker, but he can't quite bring himself to shake off the trance.
Schneep flickers into visibility next to Bro, still holding his knife. "Keep going, one of us will succeed first," he whispers, and disappears again, resuming his cutting of the strings.
Bro nods and keeps trying to shake Chase awake.
"Never!" Magnificent snarls. He clenches his fist, and then- all the strings holding up Chase flicker and then disappear. Magnificent snaps and orders, "Brody! Dispose of your friends and anyone else who gets in your way!" If Chase needs it, Mag summons a green tinged knife for him to use.
"No!" Schneep reappears and grabs Chase from behind. "Chase, you do not have to do that!"
"I-I..." Chase pauses, breathing heavily, struggling. Then he shouts and stumbles, losing his balance and falling right into Schneep's arms, who quickly rights him. "Wh-what the fuck? What the fuck?!" He looks at Mag with horror in his eyes.
Magnificent yells in rage, tv static burning in the air around him as he attempts to snap himself out of JJ's strings, "Worthless fucking MAGGOTS! I'm gonna to tear each and every one of you apart!"
The strings break with an audible SNAP!
Magnificent pushes out and then in a blind rage, reaches out to grab JJ by the arm and attempts to drain him of his power.
This power is somewhat familiar, and yet so alien at the same time. It sinks into Magnificent's limbs, a petrifying power turning him to wood and plastic. He freezes up momentarily, and JJ yanks his arm free before he can get too much. What he managed to steal sits inside him, a stiff coating that converts slowly.
Magnificent stiffens and looks down at his arms with wide eyed confusion. "W-What is this?! Why is it hard to m-move?"
Alt hurries over and glitches JJ away, "Are you okay?"
I'm fine, JJ says, looking a bit shaken--more by the glitching than the draining, honestly. He looks at Magnificent. Not a very nice feeling, is it?
Bro helps pull Schneep and Chase back and doubles checks on Chase, "Hey other-me, you hanging in there?"
"I-I'm... I'm hanging, bro. Or I'm not, anymore." Chase laughs. "Honestly you probably would've won that fight anyway. I'm not... very capable."
Bro smiles sadly, "Let's get you somewhere safe then- maybe hiding in the bedrooms?"
Meanwhile, Jackie gasps and starts digging in his pockets. "I forgot I had these!" He pulls out a pair of metal circles--handcuffs, of some sort, though they look different than the models Alt and Bro are familiar with. More futuristic, somehow? With lights. "I-I don't want to use pow-sup but I don't think we have any choice here." He eyes Magnificent warily, then rushes forward, hoping to catch him before that strange paralysis wears off.
As soon as Jackie tries to handcuff Magnificent, the dark magician lashes out. Jackie gets one of his wrists but he digs his claws into Jackie's skin, trying to drain him. "Get out of my fucking way, Jackie!"
The power that he drains is a blast of air, he is standing in a wind tunnel buffeted by gust after gust and trying to breathe. But he manages to stay on his feet. A good portion of the wind funnels into him, where it stays, a swirling mass that slowly converts to his own.
Jackie cries out and jerks backwards, losing his balance and falling. "Wh-what...? Oh. H-how did you guys...?" he mumbles weakly.
Chase watches this happen with wide eyes. "I think you have bigger problems right now!"
"No!" Marvin thrusts out his hands, a red dome flickering around Magnificent--seems he's forgotten about the teleportation.
Magnificent is disoriented as he takes the power but at least he can move this time. He growls and teleports out easily, lunging to try to shove Marvin to the ground. "Fucking YOU! It'd be best for everyone if you just fucking died!"
Marvin cries out. He's injured so he's not able to get away, but he has enough strength to keep Magnificent from shoving him.
JJ gasps, forces himself to stand up, and lunges for Magnificent from behind. He grabs his wrists and a pair of red strings wrap around them from the point of contact.
The results are immediate. Magnificent feels a paralysis--like what happened when he drained JJ's power--creeping up from his arms.
Marvin takes the chance to run in the other direction.
Magnificent's furious expression is wiped off his face as the strings take effect. He slumps slightly in JJ's grip, eyes wide.
Alt backs up with wide eyes, "...oh my god you- you got him-"
JJ takes a deep, shuddering breath. He pushes Mag so he's standing upright, where he makes him stand there, not moving. It was luck, really. Put the cuffs on him!
Schneep moves first, helping Jackie to his feet and taking the cuffs from him. He walks over, probably less cautious than anyone else would be, and snaps the cuffs around Mag's wrists. "Jamie, I know you hate this, but please do not let him use his powers," he mutters. "We are not sure if this will work."
JJ nods. He drops most of his control, only making sure that Mag would freeze up again if he tried using his powers, fighting them, or running. Otherwise, he was free to do as he wished.
Mag shakes his head as most of the control is dropped. He growls at JJ and every attempt he uses to fight has him stiffening and stalling. He curses up a storm.
Alt sighs in relief and slumps down. His movement has Mag noticing him though. Hm... he did prefer to drown his puppets under his power. But, if he didn't have it... he always had one failsafe tucked under his belt. And since his blitz incident... the trigger should be very well kept. He grins and then snaps his fingers, calling out, "Anti! Say Goodbye."
Alt stiffens as his eyes widen and he gasps, limbs locking up. He grips at his head and cries out, "No no- nonono y-you fuc-!" And then, Alt's eyes get filled in completely with black and his head falls to his chest.
"NO!" Bro calls out.
Magnificent laughs crazily and then shouts, "Kill them, Anti!"
Alt's head snaps up, his expression blank as electrcity builds up around him. Then, he dives at Jackie and tries to pin him to the ground by his throat.
Jackie is still exhausted from his power draining, and cannot move fast enough to resist as Alt launches himself at him. He lets out a strangled shout and immediately tries pushing him off. Breezes flicker weakly around him.
JJ's eyes widen and he immediately tightens control again, making Magnificent back away and stand very still. He wants to help but he's not sure how! He doesn't want to puppet Alt.
"No!" Marvin shouts, diving for Alt and trying to pull him off Jackie.
Meanwhile, Schneep starts digging around in the backpack attached to his costume.
Alt builds up electricity to try to shock Jackie but he's pulled off by Marvin and shoved away. He stoically regards Marvin and then glitches a green -blue knife into his hand and tries to slash at Marvin.
Bro makes sure Chase is okay before flying down to try to help Jackie.
Marvin starts to conjure a shield, but hesitates, not wanting to accidentally burn Alt. Unfortunately he hesitates for too long, and gets one more slash wound to add to the tiger attack from earlier. He cries out and staggers backwards.
Alt just keeps going after hitting Marvin, advancing on him with his knife raised.
"Got it!" Schneep pulls something out of his backpack and throws it at Alt. It's a rope of some kind, aiming to tie up Alt.
Alt’s distracted by Schneep trying to throw the rope at him and he glitches out of the way, then dives to try to attack Schneep.
Schneep doesn't even move out of the way. The knife just goes right through him. "Chase! Bro-Chase! Can you snap your brother out of this?!"
"I-I can try!" Bro shouts and flies over and then pins Alt to the wall by his wrists. "Alt, cmon! Wake up!"
Alt struggles against him, breathing heavily, eyes twitching. Something in him is fighting.
Magnificent laughs, "Try all you want, heroes... I train my pets very well~"
"C-Chas-" Alt gasps, black flickering in his eyes.
Mag's smug smile fails and he yells in rage, only to be stopped by JJ's ropes. "No! You- You motherfuckers! I wont lose to you pathetic heroes!"
Alt slumps against the wall some, trying to break free and being able to slightly. It's a struggle as his mind is stomped on by the commands- triggers planted in his head over weeks of imprisonment. He gasps like he can't breathe.
I could... try to help? JJ suggests tentatively. If you are okay with that?
Bro looks at JJ and then back at Mag and slowly nods, "Y-Yeah... a-anything you can do to help! I... I don't think I can talk him out of this..."
Alt's mind is filled with nothing but abuse. Pet pet pet pet- pets do what they're told. Pets follow orders. Pets don't talk back. Pet pet pet pet. The glitch whimpers, digging nails into his scalp.
"You worthless cub! Obey me!" Magnificent screeches.
Alt's expression hardens slightly but he still seems like he's struggling.
JJ nods. He gives Magnificent a dirty looks and takes away his ability to talk. They don't need that right now.
Magnificent is basically a statue now, just with more rage in his eyes as he silently seethes.
JJ steps forward and gently takes Alt by the wrists. Strings appear, colored a gentle blue-green gradient, like the way Alt dyed his hair in his hero disguise. And JJ asks Alt to fight off Magnificent's effects. All of a sudden, Alt finds a boost of strength within him.
Alt blinks and almost jerks out of JJ's grip. But, then he feels a rush of strength and power in him and he glitches in response. And soon green-blue light flickers in the darkness in his eyes before it finally breaks like glass and Alt gasps. He heaves like he was just running a marathon and then looks at Jj with wide eyes. "...i... god- t-thanks JJ..."
Bro hurries over to Alt and puts a hand on his shoulder. "H-Holy fuck Alt... are you okay?"
"i...I think so-"
JJ lets out a breath of relief and smiles at him. No problem. The strings on Alt's wrists fade away on their own.
"Is everyone else okay, too?" Chase asks tentatively from where he'd been standing the whole time.
"Tired, but fine," Jackie says. "I think Marvin is the one to be most concerned about," Schneep points out.
Marvin looks down at the various slashes on his chest. "...yeah." He pauses. "Magnificent ruined my costume, that bitch. It's hard to get flame resistant material that actually looks good."
Alt glitches towards Marvin and is about ready to help stop his bleeding when he comments on his costume. Then, Alt can't help but burst into shaky laughter. "T-That's what you're concerned about?!"
Jackie laughs.
"Yes, it's what I'm concerned about," Marvin says. "I've felt worse pain than this, it'll fade." He hides how he winces when he moves. "This suit could've lasted for years without wear."
"I would doubt your comment about pain, but then I remember you plunged your hands into fire, so." Jackie sighs, and leans against the wall. "Honestly, though? I'm glad we didn't wreck the flat too much. I don't want to deal with the landlord on top of... all this."
Alt laughs quitely and then slumps against the back of the couch, mentally exhausted from all of that. He glances at the stock still Magnificent in the corner and then shudders. ... they should probably get him out of here soon... Then Alt finally registers Jackie's comment, "Wait- you plunged your hands into fire??"
"It's a long story," Marvin waves away Alt's reaction. "No really. It's a long story," Jackie repeats. "It took like fifteen minutes when he told the rest of us." "Basically I had to get rid of my fingerprints," Marvin sums up.
Alt blinks, "Oh... well- I guess that's one way to do it-" He answers.
"The first aid kit is out if you need it, Marv." Chase points at said kit on the coffee table.
Schneep hurries over and grabs it. "I think some of those slash marks may need stitches, but they are not bleeding too badly, so we can treat them for now until we get to my own kit." He pauses. "Although... there is a chance the safe house was compromised."
I'm sure Miss Yang or Soren could find us another, JJ says.
Schneep raises his eyebrows. "Oh, so Kanchana has her last name spelled but Soren gets a sign?"
Shut up, Schneep.
He just laughs.
"Hey Chase, where's Frosty?" Jackie asks.
"Oh shit!" Chase hurries off into the hallway. He returns not long after with Frosty in tow. "I told him to wait in my bedroom when this all started, I can't believe he didn't come running. But then again, he probably would've just been in the way, so I'm glad his training was so thorough."
Bro seems to relax seeing mostly everyone is fine and Mag is incapacitated. Then, he panics slightly with Chase about his dog but when he sees Frosty is fine, Bro squeals slightly and floats over to him. "Omg!! Pubby in person! Oh my god you are just the cutest!!"
Frosty seems to smile, his tail wagging. This guy looks just like his owner! Does he have two now?
Chase laughs. "He likes you."
Bro squeals in delight and touches down to give the good boy so many pets. "oh who's a brave boy! oh who's a fluffy good boy?? who's a boy??"
While Frosty is busy being showered in pets by the Chases and Marvin and Jackie talk with Alt, JJ and Schneep stare at Magnificent, uneasy. What do we do with him? JJ asks.
Schneep shakes his head. "If these three are staying here, we would have to get him to somewhere equipped for powerful supers... even though he is not one. But they have to leave eventually, so eventually, the answer is the same."
Alt watches the others warily and then he pushes himself up to talk with JJ and Schneep. "...as much as it'd be nice to stay... we gotta keep trying to go home... the longer we stay here- the more likely he can break out of this and try to hurt you guys again..."
JJ nods slowly. My power is not complete, even if it is pretty strong. And he's... as much as I hate to admit it, clever.
"I would not put it that way," Schneep mutters, glaring at Mag. "More like... squirmy. Wormy."
Alt nods to Schneep mutters, agreeing. "Yeah... he's.. a real tricky one."
The point is, he could probably find some way to get out unless I keep him frozen all the time, and that takes concentration. I have to sleep eventually.
Jackie joins the conversation. "It's impressive that sleep is the first thing that could break that concentration. I could get knocked out of the air if I let my thoughts wander, which is why you always take your ADHD medication, kids." He chuckles a little, then becomes serious again. "Do you... want to leave soon?"
Alt laughs wryly at Jackie's attempt at humor and then frowns. "... I don't want to force you to keep him like this... even if it would be cool to stay here a little longer... but its... its too risky."
Jackie sighs. "Yeah. I understand." He flashes a smile. "But hey, maybe you guys could come back some time in the future. When things are less tense for you. We could hang out. Do super stuff." He turns to Chase and Bro. "Did you guys hear all that?"
"Huh?" Chase looks up. "Something about risk?"
"Alt's saying it's too risky to stay here for too long," Marvin says. "Eventually JJ's hold on that bitch other-me is going to wane."
Bro stops his petting of Frosty and looks back out and then looks really sad. He flies over to be by Jackie and can't help but let his face fall a bit. "God... i know we need to but... this world is so cool! E-Everyone's super.... like us-" He holds his arms slightly and looks away. "I... I wish we could stay..."
Alt tries to smile. "Hey we'll... we'll mark this place down- we can try to come back when its safer, okay?"
Bro subtly wipes at his face and then nods slowly, "...right. ... we gotta take care of the bad guy. Hero work just... keeps on trucking."
Jackie gives Bro a sad smile. "I know, right? Sometimes it feels like it never ends. You guys better take a break when you get home. These guys are always going at me for never taking breaks, so I'm passing it on."
Bro chuckles lightly, "Here's hoping we can... I think our universe suddenly got allergic to us or something-"
"Do you want to keep the cuffs?" Schneep points to the pow-sup cuffs on Magnificent. "I know they may not work in your world, but... there's an equal chance they do."
Alt hums in thought and then shakes his head. "I don't think they will... you guys should keep those for someone it'll actually work on."
Jackie nods. "Alright." He takes the cuffs off, not looking directly at Magnificent as he does so.
JJ makes sure that his hold is tight--he doesn't want Jackie to get attacked again. Then he looks at Bro and Alt. It's guaranteed that my powers can't stretch into another universe. There IS a distance limit on them, it only encompasses the city or so. A universe is a bit farther than that.
Alt laughs, "Yeah I kinda expected that."
Schneep laughs too.
"Are we saying our goodbyes, then?" Marvin asks.
Bro and Alt share a look and then nod, "Yeah I guess it is..." Alt says quietly, looking up at the others. "...sorry for all the trouble." He says looking away and letting his hero markings fade back.
"It was no trouble at all," Schneep reassures Alt. "We have faced dangerous things before. This was a bit... unprecedented... but it was fine."
"Besides, it wasn't your fault, anyway," Marvin adds. "It's this bitch's. And... Anti, I guess. I guess that's his name."
"We have to find him sooner or later," Jackie mutters, then perks up. "Yeah, don't worry about the trouble. I'm a hero, I live for this stuff. If I wasn't getting in trouble for you guys, I would've been getting in trouble for some random people on the street, guaranteed."
Bro laughs and claps Jackie on the back. "Same! God- I hope someday my Jackie can meet you... when we come back we'll have to bring the whole gang!"
JJ smiles. It was nice to meet you both. I hope we can see each other again some day.
"Yes, I do as well," Schneep says. "I would love to compare universes."
"It's so cool that we even got the chance to meet you guys!" Chase says. excitedly. "I thought the multiverse stuff was all made up, crazy that it's real. And crazy that there are two heroes like you out there."
Alt and Bro both blush at Chase's compliment.
Alt looks bashful and mutters quietly, "...'m not a hero..." but then he sighs and looks up with determination, "...but i'm working towards it."
"I hope you guys figure out how to stop that Anti guy... we've barely been here a day and he already knows wayyy too much about us..." Bro grumbles. "I hope you kick his ass."
Alt laughs and then pulls out the TRVLR again, zipping his magic in and checking the coordinates.
Magnificent is silently trying to kill the others with his mind.
"Hell yeah, we will kick all of Anti's ass when we find him," Jackie promises. "And hey, Alt? Let me tell you something. Sometimes I feel like I'm still figuring out how to be a hero too. And I've been doing this for three years now." He smiles. "So don't worry about it too much, okay?"
JJ inclines his head. You'll do great, Alt. I know it. Seeing someone like Alt work so hard... made him feel like he could, as well.
Alt flushes more but he nods and smiles at Jackie and JJ. "..thanks guys... that means a lot."
Again, the past universe on the TRVLR is grayed out. Two UA prefixes and no sign of getting closer to home. Maybe it's time to try another. The first one Alt sees with a different prefix is UF-0606021FM. Might as well check it out.
Alt looks at Bro, "You ready?" Bro sighs and answers honestly, "Noooo- but yeah-" He grabs Mag's arm and then Alt takes Bro's hand. He waves to the others, "Bye then."
"Bye guys!! We''ll be back! I promise!" Bro grins.
And then, Alt clicks the jump button.
To the three of them, they fall for a split second, through a dark place filled with orbs of green light. And then they are gone.
"That's so cool," Jackie whispers.
Chase rolls his eyes. "Is this really the time? They just disappeared."
"Doesn't stop it from being cool." Jackie pauses. "I hope they come back. I want to hang out with other-Chase."
"I'd be offended, but I want to hang out with other-me too. And Alt. He seemed chill."
"Other-Chase said he could be a bit prickly, so be prepared for that."
"In any case." Schneep turned to Marvin. "You are sitting down on that couch so I can fix you up enough to get back to the safe house. Even if it may be compromised, that is where all my medical shit is."
"Alright, alright." Marvin makes a show of grumbling, but he sits down.
JJ laughs and sits down next to him. We'll have to clear all our stuff out, Henrik.
"Maybe you can call Soren for help," Schneep says teasingly.
"I can't believe you're on a name-sign basis with that guy," Jackie says.
He's a charming man.
"He was in prison, JJ."
So was I, that says nothing.
Jackie snorts and rolls his eyes. "Okay okay, you can fall for whoever you want, just be aware. I'm going to take a nap so I won't be able to say goodbye to you guys when you leave the house."
"Oh shit, right, I was editing," Chase says. "You guys use the space as long as you need."
It's not long before they all part.
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