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wtf-a-psychoanalysis · 9 months ago
Karai: So is that samurai friend of yours single
Usagi: yeah Tomoe's single.
Karai: *flabbergasted bc he's right* How did you... What if I was talking about someone else
Usagi: All my other samurai friends are men. And you're gayer than Tomoe.
Karai: Oh
Usagi's gaydar is not always accurate tho
Usagi: I don't think Leo's into me, I doubt he's into guys.
Gen: Aren't you dating. With all the hugging the kissing.
Usagi: Ninja do that all the time. Doesn't mean anything
*Leo at home*
Leo: (in his head) I love my boyfriend.
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chouhatsumimi · 2 years ago
絞死 [こうし (koushi)] death by strangulation, ligature strangulation
弔い [とむらい (tomurai), とぶらい (toburai), ともらい (tomorai)] funeral, burial, condolence
衰弱死 [すいじゃくし (suijakushi)] death from prostration, death from emaciation
往生 [おうじょう (oujou)] passing on to the next life; death; giving up a struggle, submission; being at one's wits' end, being flummoxed; coercion
朽ち果てる, 朽果てる [くちはてる (kuchihateru)] to rot away, to crumble to dust, to decay completely, to fall to ruins, to rust away; to die in obscurity
七転八倒 [しちてんばっとう (shichitenbattou)] tossing oneself about in great pain, writhing in agony
問い切り, 問切り [といきり (toikiri)] last death anniversary for which there is a memorial service held (usu. the 32nd or 49th)
捨て所 [すてどころ (sutedokoro)] dumping spot, place to kill oneself
切り捨て, 切捨て, 斬り捨て, 斬捨て [きりすて (kirisute)] cutting a person down (without a second thought), sacrificing, throwing to the wolves, treating as sword fodder; omission, rounding down (e.g. fractions), truncation
生殺与奪 [せいさつよだつ (seisatsuyodatsu)] (having) life-and-death power (over)
死刑囚 [しけいしゅう (shikeishuu)] criminal condemned to death, convict on death row
野垂れ死に, のたれ死に [のたれじに (notarejini)] dying by the roadside, dying a dog's death
殉 English: martyrdom, follow by resigning
なすがまま (nasugamama) at someone's (something's) mercy
溺死 [できし (dekishi)] death by drowning
悲運 [ひうん (hiun)] sad fate, tragic doom, ill fate
不倶戴天 [ふぐたいてん (fugutaiten)] cannot allow (oneself) to live (with someone) under the canopy of heaven, cannot allow (the sworn enemy) to live in this world, irreconcilable (enemy)
扼殺 [やくさつ (yakusatsu)] strangulation
馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない [ばかはしななきゃなおらない (bakahashinanakyanaoranai)] once a fool, always a fool, idiots will only be cured when they die
戦死 [せんし (senshi)] death in battle
死す [しす (shisu)] to die
危める, 殺める [あやめる (ayameru)] to wound, to murder
生死 [せいし (seishi), しょうし (shoushi), しょうじ (shouji)] life and death; samsara (cycle of death and rebirth); death
垗 English: sacrifice [chou; hafuridoko]
形見 [かたみ (katami)] memento (esp. of a deceased person), keepsake, heirloom, remembrance, souvenir
今生の別れ [こんじょうのわかれ (konjounowakare)] final farewell
篤志家 [とくしか (tokushika)] volunteer, self-sacrificing person
行く末, 行末 [ゆくすえ (yukusue)] one's future, one's fate
危急存亡 [ききゅうそんぼう (kikyuusonbou)] life-and-death matter, an emergency or crisis where survival is threatened
虫の息 [むしのいき (mushinoiki)] faint breath, dying whisper, at death's door
九死一生 [きゅうしいっしょう (kyuushiisshou)] narrow escape from the jaw of death
絶体絶命, 絶対絶命 [ぜったいぜつめい (zettaizetsumei)] desperate situation with no escape, being driven into a corner, being cornered, last extremity
割創 [かっそう (kassou)] wound caused by a heavy blade
活殺自在 [かっさつじざい (kassatsujizai)] the power of life or death
大死一番 [たいしいちばん (taishiichiban)] exerting oneself to the utmost, prepared to die if necessary
転げまわる, 転げ回る [ころげまわる (korogemawaru)] to roll about, to writhe about
眠る, 睡る [ねむる (nemuru), ねぶる (neburu)] to sleep (not necessarily lying down); to die; to lie idle (e.g. of resources), to be dormant, to be unused; to close one's eyes
事切れる, こと切れる [こときれる (kotokireru)] to breathe one's last, to pass away, to die, to expire
跡を絶つ [あとをたつ (atowotatsu)] to wipe out, to put an end to
Death-related vocab
Hey, you read enough manga, sooner or later you get a collection of oddly specific death-related words
厭離 おんり, えんり departing from this world in disdain
厭魅, 魘魅 えんみ killing someone with a magical curse
餞, 贐 はなむけ, せん farewell gift, parting gift, viaticum
最期 さいご one's last moment, one's death, one's end / en el último momento, tiempo de morirse
生き身は死に身, 生き身は死身 いきみはしにみ all that lives must eventually die
介錯 かいしゃく beheading (as the ending to a seppuku), assistance, help
終焉, 終えん しゅうえん demise
瀕死, ひん死 ひんし (on the) verge of death
悶死 もんし death in agony
打ち首, 討首 うちくび decapitation, beheading
断頭台 だんとうだい (beheading) block, guillotine, scaffold / guillotina
命拾い いのちびろい narrow escape from death / lograr salvar la vida en el último momento, librarse por los pelos
致死 ちし lethal, fatal / letal, mortal
誅する ちゅうする to put to death
免れる まぬがれる, まぬかれる to escape (disaster, death, etc.), to be saved from, to be rescued from, to avoid (e.g. punishment), to evade (e.g. responsibility), to avert, to elude, to be exempted from / librarse, escapar, salvarse
投身 とうしん throwing oneself to one's death, precipitating oneself to one's death, leaping to one's death
身を挺する, 身をていする, 身を呈する みをていする to risk one's life (to do), to put one's life on the line, to step forward (to do), to give one's all
身罷る みまかる to pass away, to die
術中死 じゅっちゅうし death during surgery, intra-operative death, operational death
矢面��立つ やおもてにたつ to be in the firing line, to bear the brunt of (an attack, criticism, etc.), to face (e.g. questioning)
引導を渡す いんどうをわたす to perform the last rites over the deceased, to give someone their final notice (e.g. when firing them), to give someone the final word / ejecutar los últimos ritos sobre el difunto
謀殺 ぼうさつ premeditated murder, deliberate murder, willful murder, wilful murder
死因 しいん cause of death / causa de muerte
死に際, 死にぎわ, 死際 しにぎわ verge of death, brink of death / postrimerías, últimos momentos de la vida
人柱 ひとばしら human pillar, human sacrifice
首を洗って待つ くびをあらってまつ to wait for one's punishment, to wait before one gets what's coming to one, to wash one's neck and wait (i.e. for one's beheading)
首実検, 首実験 くびじっけん identifying a severed head, checking a person's identity
首級, 首 しゅきゅう, しるし decapitated head of an enemy
無駄死に, 徒死に むだじに dying in vain, useless death, meaningless death
刺し違える, 刺しちがえる, 刺違える さしちがえる to stab each other, to sacrifice oneself in order to harm someone else
手にかける, 手に掛ける てにかける to take care of, to bring up under one's personal care, to kill with one's own hands, to do personally, to handle (e.g. a job), to request that someone deal with (something)
[related] 手に掛かる, 手にかかる [てにかかる (tenikakaru)] to fall into someone's hands, to place oneself in someone's power
撥ねる, 刎ねる はねる to hit (e.g. to have a car hit someone), to run into, to reject, to deny, to refuse, to eliminate, to exclude, to leave out, to flip, to splash, to splatter, to decapitate, to behead, to jump up, to point or curl up (e.g. ends of hair) / curvear la punta hacia arriba, botar, sablear, atropellar
轢く [ひく (hiku)] to run over (with a vehicle), to knock down
腹を括る, 腹をくくる はらをくくる to prepare oneself for the worst, to strengthen one's resolve, to accept one's fate, to prepare oneself
のた打ち回る, のたうち回る のたうちまわる to writhe (in pain)
寝首をかく, 寝首を掻く ねくびをかく to cut off the head of a sleeping person, to assassinate someone while they sleep, to catch someone off their guard by setting traps
捨て身, 捨身 すてみ putting one's life on the line, giving everything one has got, acting out of desperation
今際, 今わ いまわ one's dying moment or hour / postrimerías de la vida, ocaso de la vida, últimos momentos de la vida de una persona
人身御供 ひとみごくう human sacrifice, victim
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vocaloidsauces · 6 years ago
Can someone snap that waste of oxygen for me please thanks
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affairesasuivre · 5 years ago
Meiko Kaji - Flower of Carnage - Shura No Hana - 1973
Paroles et traduction de la chanson «The Flower Of Carnage» par Meiko Kaji
Shindeita asa ni tomorai no yuki ga furu. La neige en deuil, s'effondre en ce matin mourrant. Hagure inu no touboe geta no otokishimu. Les aboiements d'un chien errant et les bruits de pas de Geta* percent mes pensées.
Lin na naomosa mitsumete aruku, Je marche avec le poids de l'univers sur mes épaules, Yami wo dakishimeru janomeno kasa hitotsu. Et il n'y a qu'un affreux abat-jour retenant l'obscurité.
Inochi no michi wo yuku onna, Je suis une femme qui marche à la veille de la vie et de la mort, Namida wa tooni sutemashita. On m'a vidé de mes larmes il y a des années.
Furimuita kawa ni toozakaru tabinohima, Il n'y a plus de temps, et la rivière s'éloigne. Itteta tsuru wa ugokasu naita ame to kaze. Sous la pluie et le vent, je marche avec ma douleur.
Kieta mizu mo ni hotsure ga miutsushi À la surface de l'eau, le reflet de mes cheuveux dénoués a disparu (1) Namida sae misenai janomeno kasa hitotsu. Et il n'y a qu'un parapluie rejetant mes larmes.
Urami no michi wo yuku onna, Je suis une femme qui marche sur le chemin de la rancoeur, Kokoro wa tooni sutemashita. On m'a enlevé mon âme il y a des années.
Giri mo nasake mo namida mo yume no Tout les devoirs, les larmes et la pitié, Kinou mo ashita mo henoo nai kotoba. Les rêves et Demain n'auront plus aucun sens.
Urami no kawa ni mi wo yudanete, Je m'abandonne dans la rivière de la rancoeure, Honma wa tooni sutemashita. Je n'ai plus d'espoir depuis des années.
Geta : socques traditionnelles.
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cemeterytenshi · 7 years ago
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Shindeita Asa ni Tomorai no Yuki ga furu Hagure inu no Touboe Geta no Otokishimu Iin na naomosa Mitsumete aruku Yami wo dakishimeru Janomeno kasa hitotsu Inochi no michi wo Yuku onna Namida wa tooni Sutemashita . . #depression #depressed #japanese #flowerofcarnage (at Salisbury, North Carolina)
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wtf-a-psychoanalysis · 9 months ago
Successor Au Mugshots
Guess who got them arrested lol
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wtf-a-psychoanalysis · 1 year ago
Gays and Lesbians
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wtf-a-psychoanalysis · 11 months ago
Happy 200 followers for me on Twitter so here's a WIP for my successor au
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