#tomomi fujimori
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katsona-the-katsequel · 5 months ago
Personas' Unique Skills
All this talk of Maruki made me think of the special skills that individual Personas can have. These are clearly born from some strong aspect of the User. Something strong enough to define them as a person. So to determine what counts as a Unique Skill(tm) I consider the following:
No other Persona in their respective games is able to do it.
Almost never included among the skills you can use during normal combat.
Users can just use it whenever without needing to power-up or receive a boost.
It's related to the User's personality and/or journey.
Must have possessed it from the moment they awakened to their Persona. It was a package deal.
Users can or have been shown to use it passively in their daily lifes.
Off the top of my head, here are the Personas with Unique Skills, though feel free to add more if you remember any:
Belonging to Reiji, it possesses a fear aura. Unlike everyone else on this list, this actually made Reiji's life harder. Useful while trying to be an edgy teen, not so much as a salesman.
Belonging to Kenta, it can create desire in people. He used it to make himself a successful salesman. You gotta respect the hussle.
Belonging to Tomomi, it's less of an original power it had and more what it mutated into. By separating itself from Tomomi due to the Demon Mirror, the Night Queen could (potentially) bring an "eternal night" into the world. Maybe her original skill as a Persona was a weaker version of this. Maybe darkness/shadow manipulation. Something to go with her name.
Belonging to Tatsuya, they could slow down time and give him brief bursts of super strength. This made him ridiculously OP in Tatsuya's Scenario, soloing entire quests while the main plot was happening. Then again, he was running on NG+, so maybe it was a mix of both.
Belonging to Musubu, it could brainwash people like a parasite, with the infected spreading the brainwashing to other people and growing stronger as the number of infected grew. Strong enough to create pocket dimensions.
Belonging to Mitsuru, Penthesilea had some minor enemy-detection abilities. Just enough to know there's a threat. It also seems Mitsuru's ice skills go beyond what is normal for other Personas, manifesting in the physical world as well without the need to summon her Persona. That's a Unique Skill, alright.
Belonging to Fuuka, they have the Navi Package (get info on the enemies, sense the location of other beings, heal the party, etc). Navis might appear every game, but that doesn't make them any less unique.
Belonging to Chidori, it could fuck with Navis and, most importantly, heal. Chidori had one of the strongest healing powers, from people to plants to herself. Derived from this, she could also transfer some (or all) of her own life to heal someone else, even from the brink of death. Junpei would later inhereit a weaker version of this.
Belonging to Rise, all her Personas have the Navi Package, though a bit more active than Fuuka's, mostly due to her experience and training as an idol (having to know what people want and how to please them without letting them step on you is an art).
Belonging to Futaba, they also have the Navi Pack, though way more active than Fuuka and Rise's, reflecting Futaba's deeper understanding of cogniton and her experience obtaining information.
Belonging to Akechi, it could cause any being to go berserk, including himself. This power tells us that Akechi needs to get proper therapy.
Belonging to Maruki, they can alter a person's cognition of themselves and/or the world. The world-reaching powers he showed were the results of many shenanigans that had nothing to do with him, but it's still a pretty strong power, as shown with Rumi and Sumire.
Before anyone says anything, I count Third Eye as a gift by Yaldy rather than a natural skill. You can count it if you want, but for me its an extra thing. This also implies it's an AKIRA skill, not a PERSONA skill. Same with Minato's Great Seal. That's a MINATO skill, not a PERSONA skill (one born from having an embodiment of Death inside him for years). Both of them could still use those powers even if they didn't have access to their Personas, say, if they were reaped or something.
I truly believe every Persona has or is capable of having a Unique Skill, but either they aren't shown or the User doesn't know about it. Based on their Shadows, what unique skills would other characters have? For example, I would love to see Madarame's.
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nodutra19 · 1 year ago
Persona Stand Name Headcanons
Only for the stuff I'm familiar with tho, so the mainline games and PQ1. I'm ignoring doubles and ultimates tho.
Naoya Toudou - A Simple Game
Kazuya Toudou - Changeling
Maki Sonomura - Ojalá
Masao Inaba - Uknowhowwedu
Kei Nanjo - Reflections
Yukino Mayuzumi - Kurayami De Dance
Eriko Kirishima - SEARCHLiGHT
Hidehiko Uesugi - Slim Shady
Yuka Ayase - Turf Dancing
Reiji Kido - Sixteen Tons
Kenta Yokouchi - Shame
Yuriko Yamamoto - Guilty As Charged
Michiko Matsudaira - Rock the Casbah
Kumi Hirose - Suicide Lane
Takeda - Instanbul
Tomomi Fujimori - Elton John
Takahisa Kandori - Bitches Brew
Tatsuya Toudou - Stargazer
Maya Amano - Spanish Doll
Lisa Silverman - Nana
Eikichi Mishina - WOLF DOWN THE EARTH
Jun Kurosu - In the Wake of Poseidon
Joker - Starless
Tatsuya Sudou - False Start
Junko Kurosu - Triplicate
Anna Yoshizaka - 1200
Ginji Sasaki - All Hail the Crimson King
Takashi Hanya - ...Meets His Maker
Ixquic - Funky Motion
Youichi Makimura - Don't Stand So Close to Me
Yasuo Inoe - Sadist Tastes Copper
Hiroki Sugimoto - constellations
Tamaizu Nirasawa - Mysterious Traveler
Musubu Torikiri - Maze
Katsuya Suou - Hotel California
Ulala Serizawa - Waffle
Baofu - KRS-One
JOKER - Munshun
Philemon - Somewhere Far Beyond
Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki - The Mystery
Minako Arisato/Kotone Shiomi/FEMC - The 18th Letter
Yukari Takeba - Umbrella
Junpei Iori - Party and Bullshit
Mitsuru Kirijo - Bright Lights, Big City
Akihiko Sanada - The Moody Blues
Fuuka Yamagishi - Harvest Time
Aigis - Remember That
Koromaru - Canserbero
Ken Amada - Mature Opinion
Shinjiro Aragaki - Nobody Speak
Elizabeth - Final Home
Takaya Sakaki - completed nihilism
Jin Shirato - Evolution Rush
Chidori Yoshino - My Witch
Metis - Black Birds
Theodore - Extension
??? - Giving Up the Ghost
Yu Narukami - John Dope
Yosuke Hanamura - AMERICAN MUSCLE
Chie Satonaka - Warzone
Yukiko Amagi - Anger of the Earth
Kanji Tatsumi - Hit 'Em Up
Rise Kujikawa - Super Shy
Teddie - Inexplicable
Naoto Shirogane - Walk the Walk
Margaret - Yerbatero
Tohru Adachi - Radiologue
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker - The Offspring
Morgana - Rasputin
Ryuji Sakamoto - Apocalypshit
Ann Takamaki - Change the World
Yusuke Kitagawa - Imagination
Makoto Nijima - Under Pressure
Futaba Sakura - The Number Song
Haru Okumura - Breakdown
Goro Akechi - Keeping the Motion
Caroline and Justine - Duality
Sumire Yoshizawa - crushcrushcrush
Takuto Maruki - Don
Zen - Starch
Rei - Winter Lane
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naranchan · 3 years ago
I think Ms. Saeko should be included in P1 merch (same for Kandori)... YwY
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They have rep of the other adults (Adachi, Dojima, Sae, and Sojiro) why not add some very important adults of P1?
Decided to add a Young Saeko and Tomomi cause why not?
Outfits based on Persona 25th X Sega Cafe Collab ^^
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mariaantonnietta · 4 years ago
An Encounter
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A fleeting feeling, an old friend  you never met before...
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personaconcept · 4 years ago
Script Teaser
So I’ve mentioned several times how I’m WORKING on the script, but I don’t really have a lot to show for it, ya know? So I thought I could share little teasers of what I’ve got, just to prove that I’ve got ‘em. I’ve also got a bit of an announcement at the bottom, if you wanna look out for that.
Opening scene
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You’ll notice throughout this that everything that pertains to the male MC is bolded. This is guide home that this is really written with a female MC in mind, and the male is the extra.
Day 1
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As of this moment, you wouldn’t have been able to choose your name yet, hence the Girl/Boy usage. I might eventually do some minor rewrites to change this.
Day 2
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We have a moment between your father and Tomomi. I kinda really like both of these characters.
Day 3
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Day 4
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Day 5
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Day 6
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Day 7
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That’s all I’ve got for ya for teasers, but now onto my announcement!
I’m looking for help. That’s... yeah, that’s basically about it. That about sums it up. I went into this being like “Oh, it shouldn’t be too hard, right? Get the characters, write the script. We’ll just skim over battles and focus on story, make it a VN! It’ll be easy!” Guess what it’s not?
Okay, joke aside, there seem to be several people who are interested in this, and if it got any further, I’m sure the interest would grow. Hence, I don’t want to leave people disappointed. This decision to ask for help is influenced by two major things, both of which I had been pretty excited for at one point. 
The first is a certain game about a yandere we will not go into further detail about, but it fueled my desire to actually want to finish this... and not take ten years to get the first part out. That would be lame.
The other is, very specifically, a post I saw from someone who had complaints about the Yosuke romance mod for Persona 4 Golden. It talked about how the modder wasn’t listening to people, and how it felt wrong to have a straight person writing a gay romance. 
This got me to thinking about the different characters I have, and their mental illnesses. The only one I would feel completely okay with writing would be Miyako, who is ace and has depression, both of which I can understand. I can also understand insomnia, anxiety, obesity, and inferiority, having experienced all of those at one point in my life or another. But things ADHD, DID, anger issues, bulimia, physical disabilities... I have no clue, and I want people who have experienced those to have the best representation, so I think someone who does have those would be the best choice to write those characters.
Things I would still be doing if I got help in this matter:
- Writing, of course. I have some outlines for social links, and I would prefer that they were stuck to, but with communication, things could be changed around. An emphasis on communication so things don’t contradict.
- Getting art. I think like, actual emotions from each character is out of the question at the moment (will be gotten to eventually), but I want to get a basic lineup like I’ve done for previous characters for all the social links. Backgrounds would probably come next after that.
- After a while, I want to find a music composer to write songs for this. The ones I really want are the opening, ending, and themes for the two MCs. 
Things I have no idea how to do:
- Actually make a visual novel. I’m going to play around and keep people updated, but if I can’t figure it out... I may just end up finding someone to do the technical stuff for me.
- ...Actually work with a team to do this. If you do want to help me, know that I have no idea what I’m doing. Whenever I was given the option of working in a group project or working alone, I usually worked alone. So, uh, yeah.
Anyways, thank you for reading this far into my rambling, so thanks a bunch. Until next time!
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katsona-the-katsequel · 5 months ago
The fact that Maruki is an antagonist makes me forget he's one of the most powerful Persona Users. He actually managed to rewrite the world with only his Persona, a juice box and a dream.
Imagine if he had actually trained using it.
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katsona-the-katsequel · 1 year ago
At which age did they awaken their Personas?
Not the age they began fighting with them. Just the age of awakening. I'm trying to get an age range here. Shotout to Aigis for being the youngest user to awaken to her Persona, at the amazing age of "pre-installed upon activation".
So, from oldest to youngest:
Unknown. Adult
37 years old
Takashi Hanya
Takuto Maruki
Zenkichi Hasegawa
Junko Kurosu (assuming she had a Reverse Persona like the other admins)
33 years old
Ginji Sasaki
28 years old
Takahisa Kandori
27 years old
Tohru Adachi
25 years old
Katsuya Suou
24 years old
Ulala Serizawa
Unknown. Could have been a teen or an adult
Tatsuya Sudou
18 years old
17 years old
Yasuo Inoe
Makoto Niijima
Naoya Toudou
Maki Sonomura
Masao Inaba
Kei Nanjo
Eriko Kirishima
Reiji Kido
Yukino Mayuzumi
Lisa Silverman
Jun Kurosu
Anna Yoshizaka
16 years old
Hiroki Sugimoto
Haru Okumura
Hidehiko Uesugi
Yuka Ayase
Minato Arisato/Kotone Shiomi
Junpei Iori
Yukari Takeba
Fuuka Yamagishi
Yu Narukami
Yosuke Hanamura
Chie Satonaka
Yukiko Amagi
Naoto Shirogane
15 years old
Rise Kujikawa
Akira Kurusu
Ryuji Sakamoto
Ann Takamaki
Yusuke Kitagawa
Unknown. Between Ages 16-18
Kanji Tatsumi
Goro Akechi
Futaba Sakura
Sumire Yoshizawa
Kenta Yokouchi
Tomomi Fujimori
Kumi Hirose
Michiko Matsudaira
Yuriko Yamamoto
Unknown. Could have been a child, a teen, or an adult
Unknown. Could have been a child or a teen
Eikichi Mishina
Akihiko Sanada
Shinjiro Aragaki
Unknown. Could have been a child
Mitsuru Kirijo
Takaya Sakaki
Jin Shirato
Chidori Yoshino
13 years old
Maya Amano
Akari Hoshi
11 years old
Ken Amada
9 years old
Randolph Carter
8 years old
Tatsuya Suou
2 years old
The moment she was born
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personaconcept · 4 years ago
Persona 6 Concept: Death Card
All the wonderful art for this project goes to @ichigomaniac​ and many thanks for doing such an amazing job on it.
Master Post
Name: Miyako Fujimori
Birthday: October 16, 2003
Grade: High school 2nd year
Persona: Osias (will use curse and ailment spells)
Disorder: Depression
Melee Weapon: Dual sias
Ranged Weapon: Throwing knives
Trivia: - The first teammate that is not a third year.
- There is only one outfit she wears short sleeves in.
- Is consistently ranking in the top 3 of her class. Before Tomomi's death, the two of them and Jun would consistently fight for the top spot. When Masahiko comes, he joins the battle.
- She is the epitome of "Just because I'm good at something doesn't mean I want to do it." She can do anything for the theater; act, sing, direct, work with lights and sounds, costumes, ect. But she's just not interested in theater outside of Tomomi and Natsuki.
- While asexual is the only label she identifies by, she could technically be labeled as demiromantic because if you do it right, you can romance her.
- If you do, there will be no implications of sex scenes like there might be with the others.
- If you unlock her Rank 10, there might be a chance to change some of her Curse attacks into Bless attacks.
- The only reason she lives independently after her parents' death is because of their savings in case of this very possible occasion and the fact that extended family has no interest in her.
- Her design is lowkey my favorite.
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