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Well… I survived.
Actually, more than that. I feel at home already.
I glance over at the clock as the last of the men stumble their way out of the pub. I smile to myself as I hear them singing and laughing with each other, all the way down the street. Happy customers.
I poured the beer. I made sure there were no fights. Nothing was damaged or broken. I made chatted with the men and women, making them laugh as I tried to make sure I left my best impression on them. Incase the Shelby’s wanted to ask around about what people thought of me.
I felt like I had found my feet after only one night, but the relief doesn’t last long.
I know I haven’t gotten the job yet. In fact, the Shelby’s could walk in here right now and thank me for my time before sending me on my way. I try to push the thought of homelessness or having to clean peoples houses for a living out of my mind as I count up the last of the till. This is all I know. This is what I’m good at. I need this job.
I sweep and mop the floors, and wipe down all the surfaces, making sure everything is neat and tidy.
A peace of my heart has fallen in love with the Garrison already.
Earlier in the night, John Shelby and some of the younger Shelby boys and their friends had stopped in for drinks. It was Saturday night after all. The boys were hitting the town. They had their own private room, and I made sure they were tended to like kings. I was fast and discreet, remembering their orders and topping them up with fresh glasses any time they ran out before they even had to ask.
My only reassurance, is when John pulled me aside just before 11pm.
“Zoe, right?” He had asked me, as he joined me behind the bar and started helping me pour beers during a busy rush.
“You’re good at this, you know, like really good” He had smiled at me “Tommy told me to stop by-“
“To make sure I hadn’t burned the place down yet?” I joke, earning a laugh.
“I’m putting in a good word for you, I just want you to know that” he touches my shoulder reassuringly “Maybe it’s that I’m younger, more with the times than the others, but I think you would be good for the place. Bring some life back in here”
I smile at him warmly, turning my attention away from the beers I was pouring to make sure I have him my full presence. Him doing me this favour means more to me than he could imagine. Everything is riding on this. Ever since I gave up my fathers pub, I’ve felt so lost. Just one night at the Garrison and I feel like I’m back in my element. More than needing money, I think I need this job for my sanity.
“So you’re the softie of the Shelby’s huh?” I grin, handing him a beer “That means a lot to me John. Thank you” I add sincerely.
“See you tomorrow then hey” he smiles back, heading back to the others.
I knew from that moment that John and I would be friends. Similar in age. And he had looked out for me when the rest were ready to dismiss me at first glance. He even reminded me of my own brother.
Smiling to myself at the thought of the exchange with John, I head over to the front doors to lock them and close up for the night.
Right as I reach up to close the latch at the top of the door, it suddenly swings open.
And there he is. Thomas Shelby.
I take a few steps backwards, moving out of his way.
Like earlier in the day, he looks me up and down before giving me a firm nod. I guess that was his way of greeting me. So much for “hello”.
He brushes past me, and begins to make a lap around the empty Pub. It takes me a few seconds to realise he’s examining the place. Checking that nothing is out of order. I clasp my hands behind my back, wringing them tightly. I don’t want him to see my nerves.
“The till is balanced, place is clean, everyone is gone and safe and everything is prepped for tomorrow” I inform him, but he barely even notices. Despite my reassurance, he makes his way behind the bar to check that the money is all in order.
“I didn’t steal anything, before you ask” I say, slightly offended that he won’t take my word that I can manage the pub.
He counts the money in silence, and takes one last look around the Pub before finally turning to me.
When his eyes meet mine, they’re just as piercing as they were 12 hours ago when we first met. Something about them makes you stand still, frozen. They are crystal clear blue, but it is still impossible to read him. To know what is about to come out of his mouth.
“Good. You didn’t burn the place down”
Any nerves I had fall away, as I am overcome with frustration. That is all he has to say to me? Is he embarrassed that I proved him wrong?
“Thank you is generally the word that people go with” I retort.
“Thank you” he replies condescendingly, almost mocking me.
I sigh. I expected a lot of things. But I didn’t expect him to literally send me on my way without even giving me a fair chance.
“What’s it going to take?” I ask, exasperated. I’m tired. I’ve just worked all night. I’m beyond entertaining this man any longer “Just tell me what I have to do?”
But he doesn’t speak. Of course he doesn’t. He just studies me. It’s like I can see his brain ticking.
Until I get an idea.
“You know what. Sit down. I’m making you a drink”
“No,” he interrupts her immediately “I have to go and-“
“Come on,” I cut him off, with nothing left to lose “Appease me”
He takes a deep breathing, looking up to the ceiling as if he’s trying to gather patience “Fine. One drink”
I burst into a wide grin, feeling like I have a chance again. With a spring in my step, I make my way around the bar, concocting the same drink I used to make for my father.
When I place it down in front of him, he examines it, a disapproving look on his face.
“Oh come on I didn’t poison it”
“Not funny” he shakes his head, before bringing it to his lips hesitantly.
He takes a sip. And another. And another.
I got him.
He finishes the drink, and I smirk, waiting for him to admit that it was good.
“Okay so you can make a drink” I dismisses me, unimpressed.
This man is something else. I can’t pick him.
“Alright” I shake my head, giving up “Just tell me what you’re thinking”
He pauses “I don’t know if I trust you”
“I’m not asking to run your business” I reassure him “I’m asking to pour beer so I can afford somewhere to live”
“Well I don’t know anything about you” he retorts “I need to know who I’m letting into this family”
“You haven’t asked me anything”
He opens his mouth to reply, but closes it again. He knows I’m right.
“You’ve only jumped to conclusions about me. So go on, what do you want to know? I’m an open book”
He shakes his head, taking less time in between replying now. Like I’ve gotten him fired up and his normally carefully crafted responses are getting hastier.
“I don’t want to know your favourite colour, I want to know that you don’t have ulterior motives” He reveals.
“I do” I reply shortly “Who doesn’t?”
He glares at me.
“I want to live in the country. I want to save my money and buy a place. I want to live comfortably. I want to work and be treated like an equal. This may come as a shock to you, but I have no idea who you are and who your family is. I moved here one week ago. The only jobs going are for nanny’s and maids. I saw the ad. I put my name down because I’m good at this. And I don’t want to clean someone’s house for a living. So there…” I pause, letting my words sink “Not everyone has sinister motives you know”
And for the first time, he’s looking at me like he’s actually listening. Like he doesn’t have anything else to say. I search his face, trying to find some kind of indication. Did I go too far? Did I cross a line?
“And it’s purple” I add, trying to lighten the mood “My favourite colour is purple”
And all of a sudden, he laughs. Okay, maybe it was more of a scoff. But it is the most emotion I’ve seen on his face all day.
He shakes is head at me, like he’s astonished that I won’t give up.
“Lot’s of business goes down here. You do not utter a word of it to anyone” He says seriously, his face turning grave and serious.
“I get paid to listen, not to talk” I nod.
He nods back, and then, he holds a hand out.
Oh my god. He’s offering me the job.
I quickly take his hand, shaking it firmly to try and show confidence.
With that, he heads back towards the doors that he came in.
“See you tomorrow, Boss” I call out to him, unable to contain my excitement.
He looks back at me, shaking his head, but I swear I could see the faintest smile on his hollow cheeks.
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Time To Go
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x you
Summary: The sunlight began to stream in, the sign of a new day. A new day Tommy didn't want to begin. He'd just been called up to fight for his country in the war alongside his brothers, John and Arthur. And then there's the love of his life, how will he possibly say goodbye to her?
Warnings: slight fluff? Mentions of war and destruction/weapons, slight language.
A/N: This is my first imagine writing for this fandom! Full credit for GIF to whoever created it. I do not give consent for my works to be posted anywhere else or used without my permission, reblogs are very welcome though! I feel like this could be better but I really wanted to get something out there, I hope you enjoy it x
Tag list is here if you’d like to be added to it
Word Count: 2929
He'd hardly slept a wink.
'What time was it?'
He was aware of the sunlight slowly creeping in through his window little by little, making his small box room in the Shelby household glow. The dull wallpaper on the walls now had shadows cast upon it and he tried to decipher what item in his room each shadow belonged to. He'd hoped that it would help him drift off to sleep if even only for an hour. God knows he needed it. He slowly turned onto his side to check the time on his pocket watch that he kept on his bedside table. '5:30am. It would soon be time to leave for the train'.
He rolled onto his back letting out a sigh, fuck he was so tired. The night was spent tossing and turning, his mind wouldn't stop racing with thoughts of the unknown that he was soon to endure. His eyes felt like sandpaper was scraping past them with each blink, his mouth was so dry that it was an effort to lick his lips successfully in an attempt to wet them. He'd kicked the bed sheets off of himself in the night as they clung to his sweaty body and he found himself constantly turning the pillow over in a desperate attempt to reach the cold side.
He'd just been called up for the War.
He wasn't sure yet what his main duty would be, would he be called up to the front? Digging trenches? A sniper man, maybe? A tunneler? God he hoped he wouldn't be a tunneler, he'd hated confined spaces ever since he was a child. His older brother, Arthur, would often trap him in their mothers wardrobe whenever they were fighting over something or he just wanted some entertainment. The sound of his brothers pleas for freedom did nothing but make Arthur laugh even more each time a scream came from the young trapped Shelby lad until their mother set the poor boy free from his dark holding. She'd always be sure to give Arthur a swift hiding on the backside each time which he'd come to see as worthwhile if it meant he got to torment his younger brother.
Tommy could feel his throat closing up just at the memory, the air in the room suddenly appearing thinner as if someone had turned a dial and was slowly shutting off the oxygen. He brought his hands up to his throat and began clawing at it as if to try and remove an imaginary pair of hands he was convinced were squeezing it, tightly.
Don't think about it, Tom.
Trying to regain back some kind of control, he lowered his hands back down to his sides and slowly closed his eyes before making sure to take some deep breaths in through his nose and out through his mouth. His mother had taught him that trick as he was growing up, "the best way to get that breath of yours back!", she'd told him.
He'd soon come to find that it was also a neat little trick for when he'd been out stealing small rolls of bread at the bakers to help feed the family, times were hard, he couldn't let his mother see that he was out of breath from running away and then have to explain the reason behind it. He smiled at the memory and soon realized that he had gained back the control of his breathing, with each breath as smooth as the last.
He rolled over once more to grab a cigarette from his bedside table along with the lighter laying next to it. Lighting the end he laid back down on the bed with one arm rested behind his head, taking a drag of the cigarette that was now in between his fingers.
His mind quickly wandered back to everything that had kept him up all night and the thought of knowing he was about to enter a new chapter in his life. He knew that to begin with he'd have to go through some very basic training, how long this would be for he didn't know, he just knew he'd probably go on to do whatever job he was assigned very under-prepared due to the need for more men to help fight for their country, and fast.
His brothers, Arthur and John, had also been called up. His youngest brother Finn was still not old enough, a blessing he'd admit to being relieved by. If the three were all to die in combat then at least there would still be a male Shelby to carry on the family name.
He took another drag.
His mind raced then as he thought about all he'd be leaving behind. His beautiful white horse that was a gift from his mother, the freedom of being able to do what he wanted when he wanted, to go wherever he wanted when he wanted. The woods just past the cut that he'd often escape to, trying to relieve his mind of the pressures of the city. His mother. His father. Finn. Aunt Pol. You.
He felt a pang of sadness suddenly hit him in the chest and was surprised to feel a rush of tears enter his eyes but wouldn't allow them to spill out, no chance, if he started he was afraid he'd never stop.
The cigarette had now burnt right down nearly to the filter, his thoughts pretty much wasting the time he could have spent smoking it. He rolled over again and stamped the wasted nub out into the ashtray he kept on his bedside table before once again laying down, this time rolling over onto his left hand side.
A smile grew onto his lips as he saw you sleeping peacefully beside him. He brought a hand up and gently stroked the hair that had found itself covering your eye away so that he could see every inch of your face. 'So beautiful'.
You'd first met Tommy as a young girl whilst playing out on the dim dirty streets of Birmingham. The pair of you had soon become inseparable and it was a known fact that wherever the Shelby boys went, you went too.
You were often being told off for not 'acting like a girl' by your parents, when you'd rather skin your knee's climbing walls into places you weren't meant to go in, or sneak into the pub with Tommy and his brothers to try and drink whatever leftover alcohol people had abandoned in glasses on empty tables, you didn't see the need in making sure you looked presentable all the time.
Tommy loved that about you. Your carefree, determined attitude to do whatever you wanted to do instead of being trapped by other peoples thoughts and opinions about what they thought you should be doing. Even now you were a young woman, that attitude had never changed.
His eyes shifted as you began to stir from your sleep, his hand gently cupping your cheek.
"Morning", he smiled, happy that you'd finally woken from your slumber.
He'd watched you sleep throughout the night, the constant worries of leaving you behind plunging themselves into his thoughts. He'd had to fight them off each time and reassure himself that you'd be okay back here in England with his mother and aunt Pol. They'd make sure to keep you occupied and keep your mind busy to try and warn off any bad thoughts about Tommy's well being, as much as they could anyway.
You opened your eyes fully before squinting, the room now brighter than you'd expected it to be. You heard Tommy let out a chuckle as you pulled the duvet up closer around your chin and slightly nuzzled the pillow.
"Morning", you managed to murmur, "what time is it?"
"Just after 5:30, you can go back to sleep if you want to, you need your rest", his hand was now back to stroking your hair away from your face, each brief graze of his fingers sending the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on end. How did this man do it? Any time he touched you no matter how briefly was like it was for the first time all over again. Electric.
"No, I want to be with you, savoring every second before..." the realization hit you then. Today was the day he had to leave for God knows how long. Maybe forever.
As your voice trailed off he knew you were probably finding things just as hard as he was, he knew you didn't want to be apart from him either. What he didn't know was that you'd been in a constant stream of nightmares all night, terrible ones. Images of bombs going off, men being gunned down, tunnels collapsing... and you wasn't about to tell him either.
His hand was around your waist then, gently pulling you in closer as he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead. He didn't have the words to tell you just how much he'd miss you, how you'd be on his mind every second of every terrifying day. How even though he'd carry your picture with him wherever he went, he was so scared of forgetting each and every angle of your face, the way your nose slightly curved upwards at the tip, the way your lips would feel as they touched his, soft. So soft.
The thing he was most scared of though was forgetting the sound of your voice, how it sounded as you called his name in any capacity, and your laugh, God he hoped he didn't forget that. The noise was music to his ears every time even though you always said you hated the way it sounded.
He also didn't have the words to tell you just how scared he was. Not just scared, he was absolutely petrified. It was probably a good thing because he didn't want to make you worry even more, he had to put on some kind of strong front for the both of you. He was determined that he would be coming back home.Back home to the streets of Birmingham, the woods behind the cut, his family, you.
Neither of you spoke for a while, instead you lay holding one another in the perfect sanctuary of Tommy's bed. Though neither of you said it you both wanted this moment to last forever, you wanted to feel his breath gently brushing past your cheek, his slightly rough skin on the pads of his fingertips grazing every part of your body as if to tease you, his lips pressed to yours, bliss. One thing you knew for certain was that you’d miss it all while he wasn’t there.
But time was cruel and waited for no one, it was time to get up and get ready to leave for the station.
- - -
Once at the station neither of you could hold in the tears that were forming in your eyes. You let out another sob as you flung your arms around Tommy's neck, you didn't care if his uniform got a bit wet and creased, there was no way in hell that you weren't going to hold him for what could be the last time before he stepped onto that train.
Tommy had convinced his mother and aunt Pol to stay behind at the house, he knew his mother would be in pieces having to say goodbye to three of her four sons, watching them step onto the train one by one not knowing if she'd ever get to see their faces again.
John and Arthur had already gotten onto the train. With no one to say goodbye to at the station they couldn't bare to watch mothers and sons, families with children, men with their girlfriends getting to share that last hug before the men went off into the unknown, not knowing if their feet would ever touch the soil in Birmingham again. They'd rather block it out, just get on with it and deal with their emotions in private, they never wanted to be seen as weak.
A whistle blew on the platform, signalling that it was time to start boarding the train. Your stomach tensed up and you could have sworn that you didn't know how you managed not to throw up where you stood. This was the moment you had been dreading, or so you thought.
"Please, come home to me", your voice was shaky through the sobs, your hands cupping each side of Tommy's face, "I don't want to live a life where you're not in it".
Your words were like daggers to Tommy's heart and he brought his hands up to cover your own, "I will do everything I possibly can to come back to you, even if I have to dig a tunnel all the way back to Birmingham myself, I'd do it for you".
Your foreheads pressed together for a moment before Tommy released his hands from yours and gently lifted your chin with a finger. He placed a gentle, loving kiss to your lips. You silently begged for the kiss to never end but of course it did and as you both pulled away you could see the tears still running from his eyes, rolling over his cheekbones and onto the station platform.
Another whistle.
He bent down to pick up his bag that held the very few possessions he owned, the most important one being his photograph of you, it was a portrait he'd taken himself on a camera that he'd stolen from an upmarket shop on their visit to London one year. "The most beautiful girl to ever exist", he'd said.
"C'mon lad, time to go", shouted another man in a deep, burly voice as he walked past Tommy, giving him a slap on the shoulders as he did so.
"I'll write to you, I promise", he planted one last sweet kiss upon your lips.
Tommy’s eyes were still flowing with tears, he used the back of his hand to wipe his nose as he slowly started backing away from the love of his life, his feet aching to step forward, his arms screaming at him to reach out and grab your hand to run out of the station and into those woods behind the cut that you'd so often visit together. But he couldn't.
Before either of you knew it he was at the train door, a bustle of men all stepping on one by one. Tommy took one last look at you and tried his best to give you a smile before he too took a step onto the train.
The sobs that hadn't stopped since you'd left the Shelby household that morning continued, the sound blending in with what seemed to be the majority of the women's sobs on the platform. How could any of them ever stop? Their partners, dad's, brothers, uncles and so on were leaving to fight in a dangerous war, one that they knew wouldn't be forgiving. And God knows how long this war was going to last for, it could be months before the men, come soldiers, could even imagine the pure relief of being allowed to come home.
One final whistle.
The train doors were closed one by one by the conductor, a grimace on his face with every slam of the wooden frames, almost as an apology to the loved ones standing on the platform waving goodbye, as if he felt responsible for sending the men off into what could possibly be their death.
The steam started spilling from the funnel atop the train and the sound of the engine pumping as coal was being piled into the boiler at the front started to fill the air. Ever so slowly the trains wheels began to turn and as they did so the men all stuck their heads out of the windows, hoping to catch a last glimpse of their loved ones.
You saw him, clear as day. Tommy had his head poking out of a window, two men had also stuck their heads above his, trying to wave at their families. He waved at you, tears in his eyes, the smile that he'd tried to throw in your direction before stepping on the train now well and truly gone, instead a look of worry and sorrow was written all over his face. You were sure that the same was on yours too.
His features began to get less distinctive as the train crept further and further away until eventually you could no longer distinguish which face belonged to him, the distance too great. You continued to stand there until the train was nearly out of sight, and that’s when you realised, this was the moment you were dreading the most.
Tommy had gone to war and you didn't know if he was ever coming back.
#tommyshelby#tommy shelby#tommy shelby imagine#tommyshelbyimagine#tommy shelby x reader#tommy shelby x you#tommy shelby x y/n#arthur shelby#arthurshelby#john shelby#johnshelby#aunt polly#auntpolly#peaky blinder fanfic#peaky blinder headcanon#peaky blinder imagine#peaky blinders#michael gray#polly gray#thomas shelby#ada shelby#peakyblinders
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love makes us blind part 2
pairing: tommy shelby x reader
summary: tommy does everything to find you, but all his tries stay unsuccessful, until he meets you a few years later by coincidence
warnings: angst, curse words
part 1 part 3
authors note: thank you all so much for your support, i‘m so glad you liked part 1 so i hope you will enjoy part 2 as much <3 love you 💌 also you can text me or comment on my posts to be added to my taglist <3 and if you have anything in your mind, feel free to request!!!🤍 charlie, his son btw doens’t exist in this story
taglist: @itscheybaby @lenaskyler02 @dopeqff
tommy sat in his big leather chair, looking around the book stuffed walls of his office. he could not bring hisself to distract him with all the papers in front of him, wich were waiting to be filled out. in the last months tommy tried everything to find you. he contacted all your friends, your family even the old man who owned the little bookshop, you would sometimes spend hours in, if you maybe recently had stopped by to ask for any new books. but there was no trail to be find wich would lead to you. his hands were on his temple, while taking advantage of the calmness spreading through the arrow house to think once a again about your location.
tommy had left grace after he found out about the truth and told her, just like she did to you, that he would give her a taste of her own medicine if she ever showed up here again.
tommy rushed through the big doors of the arrow house. francis came into the hall to take his coat and put it in the wardrobe for him, but he told her off and hurried up the stairs quickly. he entered the bedroom to face his wife. grace looked up from her dressing table and a wide smile hushed across her face as soon as she saw tommy. „you are back so early i th-“ she started but stopped quickly as she saw the death stare in tommy‘s eyes. her smile fell and she looked confused. „what happened? you look at me like i killed somebody“ grace asked now raising to her feet.
tommy signed deeply, before approaching her slowly. „well grace, emotionally you did.“ he said now standing in front of her. she looked even more flustered. „tommy, what do you mean?“ grace asked. he looked at her for a few moments, before giving the answer for his behavior away. „you know curly was at the stables and he surprisingly told be, that you choked y/n nearly to death. on our wedding day.“ grace‘s face fell. tommy could see the shock in her eyes but he was even more shocked, as he heard what grace said next.
„tommy, she looked at you like she was the bride and you were the groom on my own wedding! i know you guys know each other for a while but we all knew at some point you had to make a decision. her or me, and since i‘m your wife i made that decision for you, as it concerns me as much.“ she said now turning around again to sit at her dressing table and fix her hair, thinking the conversation was over, as tommy grabbed her wrist.
„everybody warned me about you, but i was so blind i couldn‘t see how you hurt me and the ones i love.” he spat through gritted teeth and paused for a second. looking around their bedroom. “you pack all of your things and you leave my fucking house. if you are still here when i come back, i’m going to make sure that you leave and never come back myself.” tommy threatened now letting go of her wrist in a forceful movement.
grace face went flustered. she opened her mouth, but closed it again quickly, not knowing what to say. as tommy turned on his heel to leave the room, she stammered nervously: “what- tommy, i’m your wife! you choose this rat over me?” tommy froze and stopped his movements immediately. he slowly turned around and said in a low voice. “you are no longer my wife. you are fucking dead to me, now you heard what i said. pack your things and leave, i’m not going to repeat myself.” he now left the room and let the door fall shut in a loud bang.
a knock on his office door lead him back to reality. he mumbled out a “come” as the door opened. he saw francis face. “mr. shelby your aunt is here” she informed him. “let her in” he said, not looking up from his desk. he heard francis leaving the room and polly entering it a few seconds later. he already prepared himself about the comments he would have to hear about him being an idiot letting y/n go, as if he didn’t think that of himself. “for fucks sake tommy, you can’t just sit around here and do nothing. that won’t bring her back”
he signed loudly. “polly don’t you think it is in my interest to bring her back too? i searched fucking everywhere i asked fucking everyone and i couldn’t fucking find her okay?” he said not knowing what to do anymore. polly looked at him, like she was reading his mind. after a moment she broke the silence again. “what, are you going to give up now? thomas, she is the one who gave light to this broken family and i will not tolerate you letting go of this that easily. you will find her and bring her back to the shelby’s alright? i want to see my little girl again” polly said annoyed from tommy’s weak excuse.
y/n practically grew up with the shelby’s after her parents died and she stayed with her uncle, who lived next to the betting shop. y/n was like the daughter polly never had and it truly broke her heart, that she was gone, because her nephew was blindly in love with a spy. polly left his office as fast as she entered it, not giving him a chance to answer her demand.
tommy’s several tries to find you stayed without success for years and he really lost his hope finding you. you probably went to another continent started a new life there, leaving the dark birmingham behind you. at least that was was he hoped. you could also be dead, but he shook that thought away quickly banning it out of his head. he could never in a million years forgive himself, if you got killed because you left on account of him.
he was on his way to an auction of race horses. he wanted to start doing legal business, so he had something good to distract him from you. he sat in the cart with john, charlie, curly, arthur and michael, taking a long drag from his cigarette, closing his eyes and leaning back. arthur sat next to him and looked at his younger brother. a little bit of worry flashed over his face, but he decided to be optimistic. “common brotha, we are on our way to make legal buisness now. theres no reason to be mournful today.” arthur tried to cheer tommy up while giving his shoulder a pat.
tommy focused his gaze on arthur while bringing the cigarette to his lips. he blew the smoke out and said. “yes, you’re right.” he got interrupted by the cart, wich came to a stop. tommy looked around the men, who returned his glance. “alright boys” he started. “we’re here. remember: no fighting, no guns. we are just here to buy a horse okay?” tommy inhaled to smoke of the cigarette, before he continued “look for the grey mare okay? let’s go” they all got out of the car and tommy crushed the cigarette on the ground.
they entered the big riding area, the auction had already started. tommy looked around the place, there were a lot of good horses, but not the one he was looking for. he stayed patient and told the boys to wait until the grey mare was for sale. he lighted another cigarette as the auctioneer suddenly said a name wich made his blood freeze. “the next one is brutus. we’ll start the bidding at 800 guineas ” he said loudly, so the whole hall could hear him. tommy looked at the horse and there he was. the white stallion, you and tommy named brutus together. the stallion he gave you for your birthday ten years ago. tommy leaned over the railing and nodded to the auctioneer. “tommy what are you, doing that’s not her” charlie whispered to him in a low voice. tommy ignored his voice and kept nodding to the auctioneer.
“one thousand six hundred, do i hear seven?” the auctioneer asked, tommy kept nodding. “tommy you have to stop you that have that much money” charlie hissed. “yes i do, i’m having this horse” tommy said unimpressed. the bidding went to two thousand and fifty guineas, when the auctioneer knocked his hammer and officially sold brutus to tommy. “sold! to..” he said “thomas shelby” tommy finished, looking at the horse. the people chattered, while tommy walked out of the hall without a second thought. the boys hurried after him. “tommy what the fuck was this about, this wasn’t the horse we came for!” arthur shouted after him. tommy turned around. “listen this was the horse i gave y/n for her birthday, do you remember? if the auctioneer tells me who gave the horse to auction i could find her” tommy explained, his voice low but still loud enough for the boys to hear. he didn’t wait for any of the boys to answer and headed trough the building to get to the office, he would get the certificate.
he stormed into the office. “ah mr. shelby. you bought..” the man on the chair paused for a second. “brutus, right?” he adjusted his glasses and looked up to tommy. “yes i did.” answered impatiently before continuing asking the question he wanted to ask. “who exactly brought brutus here?” the man looked at him surprised. “uh we don‘t usually get ask for the sellers“ the man answered. tommy looked at him expectant, still waiting for an answer, but his opponent remained silent. „listen i really need to know, who brought him here, so either you tell me or i‘ll make you tell me, the first one is the safest option“ tommy said annoyed, lifting his coat up to show him his gun belt. the man started shaking as soon as he saw the gun and you could see the fear on his face. „mr shelby i-“ he started but stopped again, taking a moment to collect himself. „it was a woman, she came by just before the auction started and begged me to sell the horse for auction“ the man took a deep breath and continued „said it reminded her of someone and she couldn‘t handle it anymore as much as she loved it“ he swallowed hardly and looking nervously at tommy. „she left me a card with her adress for the payment“ she stuttered. the man was shaking, while looking through his drawers to find the card. he handed it to tommy, who took it and immediately left his office after.
the boys were waiting outside. tommy stopped in front of them, not wanting to waste more time so he shortly explained his next moves: “alright you are going to drive back home, i’ll go get my new horse and find y/n” he was about to go when charlie stopped him. “wait tommy what about the grey horse?” tommy turned around again. “we’ll find another race horse, but there are more important things right now. it’s not like we cared about legal buisness before.” he said, before going, leaving the men looking after him.
after tommy grabbed brutus he once again rode as fast as his horse could to the little town near the bidding hall, just like he did after curly told him the truth years ago. he searched through the town and stopped by a small, decent house on the edge of town. he tied brutus to the fence of your small front yard, collected all his breath and went to the door and knocked. after a few moments he heard steps nearing the door and almost lost it. the door opened and you stood in front of him. it was like the world stopped and everything was going in slow motion. you had a bright smile on your face, wich fell as soon as you saw tommy standing in front of you. a face you never thought you would see again. “tommy” you said not noticing you had held your breath until you said his name.
“y/n please i’m so sorry” he said still not believing you were actually standing in front of him after all those years. your mouth was dry, tears were about to fall from your eyes. “how did you find me?“ you asked stuttering, hoping this was a dream, you would wake up from soon. “i uh, saw brutus on a horse auction and i immediately bid for him as i noticed it was yours. the auctioneer gave me your adress” tommy answered truthfully. you just looked at him, not knowing what to say so he continued: “y/n please, i searched everywhere and tried everything to find you after you left” his voice broke a little. you looked at him, still shocked, but your face went skeptic. “well, i wasn’t the one who wanted me to leave” you said, stepping back a little bit, not really wanting to continue this conversation. “i know and i’m truly sorry, i should have never mistrusted you.” he said, once again getting the now familiar goosebumps all over his body, from the guilt, that rushed through him. “we all really do miss you, polly couldn’t sleep for months and ada searched in whole england for you. arthur and john threatened to kill me, if something happened to you and they sounded really seriously about” you let out a little chuckle. you missed them too, and you would kill to see them again, but that meant reconnecting with tommy and you still didn’t fully move on about the whole thing so you decided to bring this dialogue to an end. “it’s really nice you stopped by, but i’m busy so goodbye i guess” you said facepalming yourself in your thoughts, for you using such a weak excuse.
“wait, i know i really fucked up, but i really love and miss you y/n. i know i’m the last person on this world who deserves this but would you give me a second chance?” you eyed him up and down before you let out a scoff. “yes you’re right you are the last person who deserves a second chance. you know nothing about love. i’ve loved you for the past 20 years and now you pull up here telling me you love me too after you believed a fucking spy over me and calling me a whore for being choked by your wife? tell polly, ada and you’re brothers that i would love to see them again and that they can visit me anytime as long as i don’t ever have to face you again, thomas” you let out all the anger that had build up within the years. tears were daring to spill from your eyes and the only movement that came into your mind, was slamming the door close in front of him. you took a moment and were shocked that you even build a whole sentence after you saw tommy. you turned around and your back rested against the door and as soon as you heard him walking away, you slowly sank down, sitting on the floor allowing the tears falling from your eyes.
you slammed the door in front of him shut. he was surprised by your sudden mood change, but knew he deserved every single word. “fuck” he muttered under his breath. he stayed were he was, not being able to move. he wanted to knock again, he didn’t want to let any possibility to get you back untried, but he knew better and harassing you. it wouldn’t change your mind. he signed and walked back to brutus.
maybe one day you could forgive him, but today wasn’t that day.
authors note: i’m sorry i did them really dirty 😭 but i’m still mad at him for calling her a whore so i did not forgive him YET
let me know how you liked it and if you want a part 3 with a happy end or an alternative ending <3
also my requests are open so send me everything you’ve ever fantasied about and maybe i’m able to make it true
i love u all sm 💌
#tommyshelby#tommyshelbyxreader#tommyshelbyimagine#tommy shelby fanfic#tommy shelby#tommy shelby angst#tommy shelby x reader#tommyshelbyoneshot#tommyshelbyangst#tommyshelbyfanfic#angst#tommy shelby x you#tommy shelby imagine#tommy shelby oneshot#tommy shelby one shot#peakyblinders#peaky blinders#thomas shelby#thomashelby#peaky blinders fanfic#peaky blinders one shot#peakyblindersimage#peaky blinders angst#thomas shelby x reader#thomas shelby imagine#lovemakesusblind#angst imagine#fanfic#oneshot#angst oneshot
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Hi everyone! I am going to start publishing sneak peeks of my new fanfic chapters on this Tumblr. My Wattpad is linked here, I currently have two stories in the works. “golden” for Anthony Bridgerton, and “red” for Tommy Shelby. Let me know what you think and if you want me to start writing separate imagines as well on here!
#bridgeton#anthonybridgerton#netflix#benedict bridgerton#anthony bridgerton#thomasshelby#tommy shelby#thomas shelby#peakyblinders#peaky blinder fanfic#fanfiction#imagine#tommyshelbyimagine
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Tommy Imagine Requests Are Still OPEN!!!!
My Tommy Imagine Requests Are Still Open So SEND THEM!!!! I love doing them & the last one I completed was a great success so what are you waiting for???
Submit here
#TommyShelby#ThomasShelby#TommyShelbyimagine#Peakyblinders#PeakyBlindersimagine#tommy shelby x reader
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Hi 911 I need help. 😭🥵🤤
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Relax- Tommy Shelby (SMUT)
Hey guys,
First of all, I’d like to apologize for being so inactive for th past few months but with exams and then I worked for a month, my schedule was quite hard as I was working for kids and then I rested but I’m going to try and write as much as possible so here’s a Tommy Shelby SMUT, hope y’all enjoy it !
After finishing the last touches around the house, dusting off the shelves, I hear the door open and close with a loud bang. Understanding his mood without even seeing him, I bring out a glass with a bottle of whiskey and set them on the coffee table in front of the fire.
I hear a huff as he sits beside me, kissing my cheek while pouring himself a glass of whiskey. He puts his hand on my thigh, his hand slowly caressing the fabric:
‘Long day ?’
‘Felt like it was never going to end’ he sighs, his head laying on the back of the couch as he swigs his drink down his throat.
He puts his glass on the table, his elbows on his knees as his hands hide his tired eyes. I crawl behind him, my legs hanging on each side of him. I take off his jacket, his shoulders cracking under my touch. I place my hands on his shoulders, rubbing them through the fabric of his white shirt.
I feel him relax under my touch, he sighs heavily. My hands move from his shoulders to his head, his soft hair coming in contact with my fingers. He leans closer to my chest, his back pressing itself to it.
He sucks a breath, breathing it out with a groan as he keeps leaning into me, slowly but surely, until his body weight is on me. His eyes closed , is breath slow, he’s like an angel.
His eyes open, the blue piercing through my being. He lifts himself up, only to face me. He caresses my cheeks, my eyes fluttering under his touch until he kisses me softly. He sits on the couch as I straddle him, his lips finding mine once again, his tongue searching for mine.
I feel him bring up my dress, I put my hands on his as I slowly leave his lips:
‘Let me take care of you, Tom’
Whenever it came to sex, Tommy always wants to be in control but tonight, that’s going to change:
‘I know you want to show me how strong you are, but let me take care of you love, please’ I whisper, grazing his ear with my teeth as he sucks in a breath, his hands on my waist:
‘Alright, love’ he whispers as he looks at me with a smirk, his hands going up and down my arms.
I slowly unbutton his shirt, the fabric slipping though my fingers as my hands graze his toned chest. I lean down and kiss his tattoo, his chest heaving under my lips. I go up, my lips leaving a trail from his chest to his neck as I softly bite him, his hands gripping on me tighter.
I stand up and lift the bottom of my dress, only to sit on him once more as we embrace once again, his hands on my waist as they move to my back, only to unbutton the top of my dress as I feel the fabric fall off my chest.
He pulls the sleeves, it slips from my shoulders and my arms as my hand moves from his chest to his strained trousers. One touch and I feel his hands dig deeper in my back:
‘My poor baby is so tired’ I say in a childish voice, unbuttoning his trousers as I look at him through my lashes.
He licks his lips and bites the bottom one, his breath getting faster by the minute as my hand approaches his penis. It springs out of the fabric, a small sigh of relief coming out of him, making me wet by the minute. I slide my fingers on his dick, groans coming out of him as I look at him, his eyes closed and his breath uneven.
I graze his tip with my thumb, his eyes shutting once more. I start rubbing him, he jerks his hips up at my moves. I smile shyly, continuing my actions:
‘Keep going, baby’ he sighs as I go faster everytime he says that
‘Fuck, I’m-’ but stops when I stop.
‘Why’d you stop ?’ he asks
I slide towards him, holding him and bringing him to my folds:
‘Because I want you to cum inside of me’ I whisper as I slowly let him enter me.
He groans, I moan as he fills me up , my nails digging into his shoulders.
I wait to ajust to his lenght, he fills me up entirely, grazing that sweet spot. I start going up and down, his penis rubbing my walls. I go faster, his size taking my breath away:
‘Oh god, Tommy’ I moan as his hands slide to my waist.
I push them away, putting my hands on his abs:
‘I’m doing all the work, baby, you just relax’ I whisper in his ear as he growls in mine, making me wet by the minute. I go faster, my eyes closing shut as I moan, my hips rolling on his.
He groans, grunts and moans, encouraging me to go faster. My mouvements become more frequent as his hands go up to my breasts, his thumbs grazing my nipples, my breath hitching under his touch. My eyes flutter, seeing through my lashes his baby blue eyes filled with lust and adoration. I bite my lip, my hips rolling sensually.
His hands grab my ass, bringing me closer to him, his heaving and sweaty chest pressing up against mine as my hands slide to the back of his neck to get a better grip of his flesh. His hips move under mine, the mouvements bringing me to ecstasy:
‘Tommy, I’m-I’m-...’ but my sentence finishes with a loud moan, my guts untightening and my veins filling with relief as he and I finally cum. I heave, my breaths unstable as his are the same.
I pull him out of me, his penis dripping with his sperm and my cum.I bite my lip at the view, this man is all mine, this beautiful, breathtaking person is mine.
‘That was amazing’ he heaves , his fingers caressing my back.
I hum under his touch, his chin on my head, his lips leaving trails of kisses . I leave his chest, mine covered in our sweat:
‘I think we should have a nice calming bath before going to bed’
‘I like that idea’ he answers, kissing my neck as I stand up and walk away naked. I put my hand on the frame and turn around only to see him bite his lip, his eyes looking at me up and down. I wink and run upstairs, hearing his footsteps follow me to the bathroom...
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Here’s what I’ve learned in the 3 weeks that I’ve been working for the Shelby Family.
John is my closest friend in Small Heath. He warmed up to me the fastest, and I swear sometimes I have to remind myself that he’s not my actual brother. He laughs with me and tries his best to not make me feel like a complete outsider in Shelby Limited.
Arthur is a massive softie. He is by far the roughest looking of the Shelby boys, but he has the softest heart. He drinks a lot, sometimes too much, and I always know to look for the signs that its time to start watering down his Vodka’s with water. He’s usually too drunk to notice. Sometimes he stays so late that I walk him most of the way home just to be sure he doesn’t get himself into any trouble.
Polly, the most fierce and strong woman I have ever met, took a little longer to warm up to me. But one day when she caught me making sure Arthur got home safely, and invited me in fora cup of tea. Since then, she has been insisting that I start joining them occasionally for dinner. I’ve been declining because of one person.
That is Thomas Shelby.
Where do I start. If Thomas Shelby wants something, everyone around him will jump to make it happen. He instills fear wherever he goes. I’ve never known him to smile or laugh like the others do. He drinks a lot, I’m always bringing him a fresh glass to their private room in the Garrison, but he doesn’t lose his head like Arthur does. Tommy has a tight grip on everyone and everything, including himself.
On my rounds, making sure that everyone has been taken care of during their family meetings, he refuses to join in on any jokes and playful moments that I have with the others. In fact, when he sees me getting closer with the Shelby’s, his face grows even more sour. If that’s even possible.
And those eyes. He stares. A lot. Not longingly. Not anything. Just a thousand mile stare, straight through to my core. As much as I try to ignore that he’s there, I can always feel his eyes on me. Like I’m being watched. My every move being picked apart and analysed in his mind.
Today was different. Initially it was the same old. Bring them drinks, laugh with the boys, try to help them pick which horses are going to win in their races. And pretend that Tommy doesn’t despise every second of it.
After rushing around for an hour tending to the lunch time rush, I realise their drinks must be getting low.
“Alright boys, this rounds on the house” I joke as I walk into their private room. For the Shelby’s everything is on the house. Suits. Guns. Drugs. Drinks. Women.
“These drinks will be on you if I lose this bet Z” John teases back, listening to the radio intently to find out whether the Horse I told him to bet on has one its races.
“And I’ve never lost one yet have I!” I retort, topping up his Whisky and setting down a plate of bread and butter for them to snack on. Something to soak up all the alcohol.
I dare to glance over at Tommy, who unsurprisingly is already watching me with an extra disapproving look.
“Can I get you another drink Tommy?” I ask, pretending to not notice the daggers he’s shooting my way.
He nods in response, and I pour him a whiskey “I could make you that drink from a few weeks back…” I offer, trying my luck. Maybe today he will entertain me.
“Can I see you outside?” He snaps suddenly, and I swallow hard.
The last few weeks have felt like I was walking on a fine line with Tommy. I have proved myself time and time again. But he still despises the air that I breathe. Maybe I was getting too comfortable with the boys. Maybe he thinks I’m trying to manipulate and trick them all. God knows what he thinks I’m doing. Whatever it is, he doesn’t like it.
I follow him out of the room and into a quiet area of the Pub.
Without any warning, or lead up, he turns to me and looks me dead in the eye. “I know the boys like you. Trust you even. But I do not”
The words hit me like a freight train.
I knew he seemed different today. Like he was extra disgusted with everyone and everything. These words, he had been sitting on for a while. Keeping them inside as he watched me and scrutinised my every move for weeks. I could tell by the venom that he said them with.
I want to fight back.
I want to remind him of everything I’ve been doing for this place. The business I’ve been bringing in. The countless times I’ve looked out for Arthur and his alcoholic tendencies. Making sure he got home safe. And that no one took advantage of a drunken Shelby brother. The business I’ve heard them discussing that I’ve turned a blind eye to. That I’ve never uttered a word of to anyone. The things I’ve heard and seen, that have slowly been revealed to me about Shelby Limited that I’ve never questioned.
But instead I draw in a deep breath.
“Okay Tommy” I sigh. My brain goes back and forth frantically as I decide to let go of what I’ve been holding onto for weeks. “I don’t know how long it’s going to take. Or what I have to do. And to be honest I don’t care anymore. If you never trust me, then so be it. But you don’t have to be so cruel. I’m just here to pour the beer, remember?”
“Then how about you just stick to doing that, hey?” He spits back.
“I feel for you Tommy” I narrow my eyes, staring him down the same way he has been doing to me for weeks.
“You don’t know me”
“I’ve tried. But you won’t let me. And I’m starting to think I don’t want to anymore” I shake my head “But I see you. I’ve been watching you too, Tommy. You want to know what I see? I see a man who has everything, and a man who has nothing. You have everything and nothing”
He freezes. And there it is. The first time I’ve seen something in his eyes besides hatred. It’s still shrouded. Still unclear. But it’s something. Like he’s been exposed. Cut open. Like someone just dared to say the first real thing he has heard in a very long time. Someone made him feel.
“But hey, I’ll get back to pouring the beer, shall I?” I finish, brushing past him to continue serving customers.
I start taking orders and pouring drinks with a racing heart and trembling hands. I couldn’t believe what had just come out of my mouth. I don’t know everything about the Shelby’s, but I’ve seen and heard enough to know that people who speak to them like that do not last very long in Small Heath.
I dare to take a quick glance at him, to find him still frozen in place. Staring at the spot I had just been standing. As if he’s still reliving the moment. Reliving what I had said.
I expect him to turn around and fire me on the spot. Maybe even part of me hoped he would, so I wouldn’t have to face the wrath that I know is coming after I dared to peak back to Thomas Shelby. If I thought he hated me already, I could only imagine the hell he would rain down on me after that. I was prepared for him to make my life a living hell.
But instead, he adjusts the hat on his head, straightens his shoulders, and leaves the Garrison.
#thomasshelbyimagine#thomasshelbysmut#thomas shelby imagine#cillianmurphy#cillian x reader#peakyblindersimagine#peaky blinders#oppenheimer#thomas shelby x reader#peaky blinders smut#shelby#johnshelby#arthurshelby#michaelgray#cillianmurphyimagine#lilycollins#lilycollinsimagine#thomashelby#tommyshelby#tommyshelbyimagine#tommyshelbysmut#tommyshelbyfanfic#tommy
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love makes us blind part 3
pairing: tommy shelby x reader
warnings: angst, curse words, alcohol
summary: you gave in into ada‘s beggings to come with her to the garrison new opening, also if that means, that you‘ll see tommy again. tommy gets really jealous, when he sees you talking to a man all night and thinks of a way to finally prove his love for you.
part 1 part 2
authors note: i’m sorry you had to wait this long, it took me a while, but my heart can rest now and tommy is forgiven. it was so much fun writing this and have to thank y’all once again for your support, it really means the world to me <3 i also thought about writing for alex turner, since the arctic monkeys are my favorite band or maybe marvel? of course i’d still write for the peaky blinders but i’d love to hear your opinion on that anyway <3
also to be added to my taglist you can comment or write in my text box on my profile. you can also request imagines there if you want 💌
taglist: @itscheybaby @lenaskyler02 @dopeqff @bloomskater @50svibes
„ugh, ada i‘m not sure about this“ you said while standing in front of your body heigh mirror, worrying about this evening for the fifth time today, put differently: complaining to ada the fifth time today.
ada had begged you to attend with her to the garrison new opening for weeks now. you always said no, but she wouldn’t stop bringing the topic up in every conversation you two would have, until you eventually gave in and agreed to go with her. you wouldn’t have had a problem visiting the garrison with her, if there wasn’t this thing with tommy. you hadn’t seen him since he showed up on your doorstep, asking for your forgiveness. ever since then your thoughts wouldn’t leave you alone, always swirling about his surprising visit. seeing his face again reminded you how much you suppressed your feelings for him in the last years. you cursed yourself for feeling butterflies in your stomach, while thinking about him. if you could, you would not hesitate to grab a swatter and kill each of them. the flowers and letters he send to you regularly wouldn’t help keeping your mind off of him.
ada stood behind you, powdering her nose. she rolled her eyes at you. “y/n i know it’s hard for you to see tommy again, but you can’t avoid him forever. sooner or later you would see him anyway, so soon it is.” she said while putting the powdering sponge down on the table next to her. she came closer to you and fixed some loose hair from your bun. “tommy is a real idiot, i will not contradict, but don’t you think you could try to give him a chance? i know for sure that he is really sorry. ever since he found you i haven’t seen him eating or sleeping. he even neglected his work and you know his distinctive desire to work himself to death.” he paused for a second, now stroking over your shoulder with her hands, while looking at you in the mirror. “you have to talk to him.”
you returned ada’s deep gaze. you closed your eyes, thinking about what she said. you hated that she was right. you could not always avoid him and you started questioning yourself if that even was what you wanted. the pictures of tommy and you laughing together, running through the betting shop in the morning although polly forbad it, when you were little kids or the day you were sitting on the couch, crying with tissues in your hand, because some dumb boy messed around with your feelings, swirled in your head. tommy returned home with blood on his hands, one hour after he comforted and hugged you, until the anger on this boy took the best of him and he stormed outside to find this fucker.
you opened your eyes again, looking right into ada‘s and admitting quietly „you‘re right. i gue-“ you were interrupted with a relieved sigh from ada. „i‘m really glad you‘re saying this, because otherwise you‘d probably cancel our visit at the garrison“ she said, sounding very happy about your previous words. you turned around to face her, confusion written all over your face. “what do you mean?” you asked.
ada looked at you, then to the floor, trying to find words to explain herself. after a moment of silence she startet. „you know i only have a one passenger seat car and as i have a driver i organized a second car to pick you up.” ada said, now looking up to your face again. your expression went expecting, not believing she told you everything. “well it’s someone your not on good terms with right now” she confessed. you froze. you had a dark foreboding. no she didn’t, right? “ada no” you slowly said. already trying hard to think of a plan to get out of here. maybe through the back door?
ada grabbed her clock to check the time and looked at you prior to grabbing your shoulders and saying: “yes y/n and you can’t back up now, he is going to be here any second.” as if it was staged, the silence was broken with a knock on the door. “perfect” she said, while turning around hurriedly to grab her coat from the wardrobe and answering the door. “don’t mess up” were the words ada greeted tommy with. there he was. he wore a red tie with his usual white shirt and a dark suit. topped with a black coat, wich had a red velvet inside. on his head the typical peaked flatcap. it was like everything went by slower, like you saw him for the first time and you fell for him as soon as you locked your eyes with his’
ada looked back and forth between the two of you. she put on her coat and went outside through the door, while she said, that you’ll meet her at the garrison. although you knew you had to talk to tommy you were mad at ada for forcing you into the cold water without giving you a proper warning before. you made your way towards him until you stood in front of him. you didn’t know what to say, so you were glad that he spoke up first. “hello y/n”
you couldn’t move, still weren’t able to say a word. he took a step forward to close the distance between you and him. he took your coat off of the wardrobe next to the door and held it out, gesturing for you to turn around, so he could help you to put your coat on. you still couldn’t tear your gaze away from his icy blue eyes, but comply his offer after a moment. after he put on your coat you went to face the little highboy in your hallway to grab your purse to look in the little mirror above it, for the last time.
“you look wonderful” he assured you and held out his leather glove covered hand for you to take. you couldn’t help but smile at his comment. it was like all the anger, the urge to slap him across his perfect face and yell at him to let out all your frustration puffed up to smoke. your thoughts betrayed you, again. still you could not kill the butterflies, that were now tingling inside your stomach. “thank you” you said softly, not having the guts to look him in the eyes. you blew out the candle on the hightop and then took his hand into yours, to let him lead you outside.
you closed the door behind you and were faced with the gloominess of the night. your eyes weren’t adjusted to the dark yet, but you could make out the purple tulips, you had planted in your front yard a few days ago and tommy’s black bentley, wich was parked in front of it. you walked to his car and he held the door open for you. you sat on the passenger seat, while tommy walked around the car and sat beside you. a thick silence laid between the two of you, until he broke it by starting the engine. after a few minutes went by he decided to start the conversation.
“so i guess ada didn’t tell you about my visit?” he said with his deep voice. you looked out of the window, trying to see something of the landscape in the dark. “no not really, she mentioned it just a second before you knocked on the door” you answered, still looking out the window. you played with the thought of telling him, that you missed him and weren’t mad anymore. before you reflected the thought in your head a second time the words left your mouth. quietly, but he still understood them clearly. “i miss you”
his eyes went wide, not believing to heard you right. he missed you too, a lot, but didn’t ever think you’d return this feelings, thinking you’d hate hin for a lifetime now. he cleared his throat, before stumbling nervously. “i miss you too” tommy waited for you to answer, but as you didn’t say anything after a few moments, he continued the dialogue. “we all miss you, didn’t you think about coming back?” you squirmed a little bit in your seat after he said that.
of course you has thought about coming back, but as beautiful as it was, it was as scary. you didn’t know if you could just go back to your old life, acting like nothing ever happened. of course you’d love to just have to go to the next house to see polly or ada or finn, oh god you haven’t seen finn in ages, he’s probably all grown up now. you really were looking forward to see him today.
“yeah, actually i have been thinking about it” you answered and now moved your gaze away to look at tommy. he looked so calm. as he noticed, that you were staring at him, he turned his head to lock his eyes with you. you both got lost for a moment, but you lead the two of you in the reality again, by saying tommy he had to look on the road. his eyes were back on the road and cleared his throat, and he muttered a quiet “right” under his breath.
“i mean i’d be lovely to see you all again, but i don’t know if i could manage to move alone” you continued, your eyes were on the road now too. his head shot in your direction. “i could help you, my men will carry everything, you wouldn’t have to move a finger. you can move to the arrow hohse.” he said immediately. “tommy, the road” you warned, looking in his eyes. when he reluctantly turned his eyes back on the road, a smile creeped onto your lips, because of his eager for you to move back to birmingham.
you let out a deep breath. “i don’t know if it is a good idea i move in with you tommy” you said after a while. “you know about my feelings for you and i know about yours, but i think that’d be really hasty, don’t you think?“ you continued. he stayed silence for a moment. the car stopped. you stood in front of the garrison. you didn’t realize how fast the ride went by. tommy turned the engine off and looked at you.
“yes, i understand that. so what is your plan then?” he asked. you turned your head to him and met his deep gaze. you took a moment before answering with a counter question “friends?” his eyes still locked with yours. he nodded “friends.” he confirmed. your lips curled into a smile.
you got out of the car, he opened the door for you again and took your hand to lead you inside. you were greeted with people laughing, chattering and dancing. loud music was playing, when tommy and you went inside. you saw john sitting at a table with a woman next to his side, wich you guessed was esme, his wife. he told you about her when he visited you in your little house. opposite them was sitting a boy, looking a few years younger than john. he had blonde hair and the sides of his head were shaved down. he looked skinny and tall, you couldn’t exactly tell though, because they were sitting.
tommy lead you to them and as soon as john saw you he stood up and ripped you out of tommy’s grip to involve you into a deep hug. you couldn’t help but smile at the familiar scent. “y/n i’m so glad you came” he said while pulling back from the hug. “i’m really glad i’m here too” you smiled. “i missed you johnny boy” you said while pinching his cheek a little to tease him. he playfully rolled his eyes at you and turned around.
“y/n this is my wife, esme” john introduced you proudly. you smiled at her and she pulled you into a loving hug, telling you how much she’ve heard about you. after you let go of each other, your eyes went to the blonde boy, who got up now. “and this young man is mr. finn shelby” john said. your eyes went wide. you stormed toward him to hug him, he was surprised but returned the hug after a moment. you pulled back and had your hands laid on his shoulders. you gazed him from head to toe. “look at you, your all grown up now. it’s crazy how long i was gone” you said fascinated. he let out a little chuckle. “i’m glad you’re back” he told you, giving you a sweet smile.
tommy cleared his throat in the background to lead the attention to him. “i think we should get a drink, don’t you think y/n” he asked you. “oh, can you get me a whiskey?” finn asked, before you could answer. you turned your head to his and slapped his arm. you were shocked. he was 16! “no whiskey! you’re way too young. my god what did you do to him” the last part was very much dedicated to tommy and john. “we’ll get you water” you said to finn, while walking back to tommy.
you went to the bar, where tommy pulled out his pack of cigarettes. you declined the cigarette, he offered you, saying you’d only want to have one or two drags from his smoke. as you laid your eyes on the bar, you saw a familiar face. “arthur!” you yelled. his head shot up and a. big smile plastered his face as he saw you. “y/n! you’re here” you went behind the bar to hug him tightly. when you two pulled apart, you noticed that tommy sat on one of the golden bar chairs, lightning his cigarette. you took a look at all the bottles behind you and turned around again to face tonmy.
“what do you want to drink, mr. shelby” you asked him playfully. he raised his eyebrows, looking at you. his look shifted to arthur before he said “we’ve got a new barmaid, eh?” arthur laughed in response. you didn’t bother to answer and just looked at his expectingly, gesturing for him to tell you want you want. “whiskey, irish” he said, taking a drag from his cigarette. you turned around and grabbed three glasses from the shelf behind you and the bottle of whiskey tommy ordered. you poured some of the liquid into the glasses as tommy blew out the smoke.
the three of you took your glasses in your hand and arthur was the first to raise it. “to the garrison” he said and gave you the signal to drink. you drowned your drink, because of the thought that your optimism for the evening might fade soon. after you set your glass down, you took tommy’s cigarette from his hands and took a long drag. you closed your eyes, inhaling the smoke. the calming feeling the cigarette gave you was soon to be taken away as ada joined the three of you. “y/n! there you are. i thought you two had an accident” she said relieved.
you gave tommy the cigarette back as you blew out the smoke. “oh no, we were just talking to john, finn and esme.” you explained, your hand gesturing towards their table. ada nodded to you knowingly. you went to grab ada a glass as well, pouring the whiskey inside of it. she drowned it as well and when she sat it down, she held out her hand for you to take it and yelled “common y/n, let’s have some fun, that’s what were here for” you laughed a little bit at her tipsy behavior, but feeling your body reacting to the alcohol lightly too. you excused yourself to tommy and arthur and then went with ada to plunge yourselves in the crowd.
a while later you went back to the bar, to get yourself a drink. you didn’t see tommy or arthur anymore so you turned to harry and ordered a glass of whiskey. as you took the glass harry gave you, a man neared you from behind and said to harry. “her drink is on me” he yelled through the loud noises of the croud, so harry could understand him. you tapped his arm and made him look at you. “actually my drinks are on the house but thats very kind of you, thanks” you set to him. he raised his eyebrows at you, looking surprised. “oh, are you related with the shelbys? i didn’t know they had another sister” he said. “no, not exactly related i’m just very close with them” you answered smiling shyly. “thank god, i was a bit scared when i saw you walking in with mr. shelby but i thought why not try my luck” he chuckled. “i’m sorry i’m being rude, my name is aldwyn.” the man introduced while holding his hand out. you shook it while looking into his eyes and said “y/n”
after you let go, aldwyn collected all his courage and asked “well y/n do you maybe want to-“ “no she doesn’t” someone interrupted him. “what?” you and aldwyn asked at the same time. you turned around confused, just to look into tommy’s icy blue eyes. “tommy what-“ you tried to say, but were cut off by tommy again. “she is busy right now” tommy said not taking his strict eyes off of aldwyn. “i don’t see her doing anything right now” aldwyn answered boldly. you were surprised he’d talk back to tommy shelby, but before you could say anything tommy had grabbed your hand pulled you to the side.
“tommy what the fuck?” you said winding of his grip. “why did you talk to this arse?” he asked you angrily. “why did i talk to-“ you interrupted yourself, shocked, because he even had the audacity to ask that as if it wasn’t obvious. “well, i talked to him because he was kind and nice to me. he even wanted to pay for my drink” you answered him just as mad. “wow, bravo your drinks are on the house, i always pay for your drinks.” he said. you rolled your eyes at him and said “whatever i’m gonna find-“ you were interrupted once again, by tommy pulling you back to him and mumbling “no you’re not”
you were annoyed by tommy’s behavior now and squirmed in his grip “tommy stop” he looked down at you, before he muttered under his breath “alright that’s it” you looked at him confused, not understanding what he meant. “OUT!” he shouted. the pub fell in silence and all eyes were on tommy. “EVERYONE GET THE OUT!” he yelled again to clear his sudden shout. the people still looked at him confused. “tommy what?” arthur asked standing up from a table. “everyone get the fuck out of here, i don’t wanna repeat myself” tommy spat. after a few seconds the people started mumbling quietly, before everyone slowly made their way out of the pub.
you looked at him, still not understanding what he was doing. as everyone left the pub and it was only you and him left. “y/n i love you so fucking much i can’t even put it into words and seeing you talking to this bastard. it felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest” the worlds left his mouth before he could stop them. your eyes softened. of course you knew that, since he already told you but seeing him frighten off all the people out of the garrison just to tell you probably that he loved you made your heart melt. a small smile creeped onto your lips. “y/n please i know it’s really really fast, but i- i can’t stand seeing you talking other man, knowing i can’t do anything about it. since you left i could not take my mind of you for a second and i-“ you shut him up by pressing your lips onto his. he was surprised, but as soon as he realized what was happened he kisses you back. it was the most loving and passionate kiss you’ve ever shared with someone and you couldn’t help but smile widely when you pulled back.
“that means you stay?” he answered, out of breath, resting his forehead against yours. you couldn’t build any sentence right now, so you just nodded lightly. “forever?” he asked.
#peakyblindersimage#tommyshelby#tommyshelbyimagine#tommy shelby fanfic#tommy shelby#tommy shelby imagine#tommy shelby x reader#tommyshelbyxreader#peaky blinders imagine#thomas shelby#tommy shelby oneshot#peaky blinders#tommy shelby one shot#tommy x reader#tommy shelby angst#peaky blinders fanfic#peaky blinders one shot#tommy shelby x you#thomasshelbyxreader#thomas shelby x reader#tom shelby#peaky fookin blinders#peaky blinder fanfic#tommy shelby x y/n#fanfic#angst#angstimagine#oneshot#thomasshelbyimagine#thomas shelby angst
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love makes us blind
tommy shelby x reader
summary: tommy and the reader grew up together and were always really close. the reader always had feelings for tommy, but he only learns to return them when grace insults the reader and leaves the town.
warnings: angst, cursing,
important: request are open, you can send me anything you want <3 and no hate to grace, her character would never be this mean!!
authors note: part 2 💌 part 3
text me or comment if you want to be added to my taglist for part 2 <3
there you were. you stood in front of the big building your childhood best friend would celebrate his wedding in. sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? sadly you couldn’t be too happy for him, because you were not the person he would marry. the real ceremony was already over and at the thought of tommy standing there in his expensive suit, watching grace walking down the aisle with the biggest of smiles, could make you throw up.
you felt like the most selfish person on earth for not being happy for him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to put on a fake smile once again and acting like you wouldn’t want to slap grace across her face. you knew the two faces of grace. you had always suspected her, since she suddenly showed up at the garrison acting like the new barmaid. and you still couldn’t understand how tommy could trust her again after she betrayed him by spying on him.
luckily you were not the only person who mistrusted grace. polly couldn’t understand either why tommy once again collected all his trust and gave it to her, but she still forced herself to be nice to her on their wedding day, for tommy’s sake. you and polly always got a long really well. since you were close with all the shelbys from a very young age you were practically in the family. tommy and you always were the closest, you would play and laugh together, when you were kids, but you could also cry on his shoulder when some boy broke your heart, wich would be beaten up by tommy within minutes after he would see you wasting tears on that “bastard”
when the two of you were starting to grow up, your feelings for him would grow stronger. it was obvious to anyone but him and when he met grace, your whole world shuttered down on you. you were there for him when she left, when she betrayed him. comforted him, distracted him by taking him on horse rides like you would do as kids, you even made sure he ate enough, wich he never really did either way, but it got worse when grace left.
and now you stood just in front of the house, tommy would probably dance with grace right now, in. you felt like she was always jealous of your relationship with tommy, because whenever tommy was not around, she would make rude comments on how you look, “accidentally” knocking of your hot cup of tea over your dress and laughing it off with her clumsiness, when tommy would enter the room, but you never said anything to tommy, thinking it was just her jealousy.
as you heard the loud music leaving the house in loud sounds, you considered just to go home and go to bed, to forget about this awful day, it wasn’t like somebody would miss you here anyway. you were ripped out of your thoughts, as the big wood door opened and a face you were not pleased to see looked out of it. grace stepped outside and closes the door behind her. “why are you out here? you wouldn’t want to miss the brides first dance, would you?” she asked, smiling devilish. you took a deep breath before answering. “it’s over grace. you won, aren’t you happy now? why can’t you finally leave me alone?”
grace looked at her for a few moments. “is that even a question? i did not win until i removed you out of tommy’s life. you think i don’t notice your little crush on my husband, the way you look at him? i will not let you get through with seducing him this easily.” she said through gritted teeth. an angry expression on her face. “seducing him? grace i think you misunderstood, i never trie-“ you were cut of by grace wrapping her hands around your throat and squeezing it tightly. you were in shook. “you little whore listen to me: you stay away from my husband or i will make you leave myself. i do not want to see you around this town ever again, you understand me?” grace threatened in a low voice. her grip was so tight now, you couldn’t breathe and barely see anymore. “grace i ca-“ you tried to say, before he let go of your throat in an abrupt movement. “that was just a taste of what happens to you, if you disobey me” she spat, before turning her heel and disappeared in the big house.
you leaned against the wall of the house and tried to collect your breath. your throat hurt and your mouth was dry. you waited for a few minutes before you left the wedding, to go to your apartment.
on the next day you entered the arrow house, hoping for your life you wouldn’t‘t stumble upon grace. you went to tommy’s office immediately and got through with nobody seeing you. you knocked on the door and entered, after hearing his deep voice say “come in” you closed the door behind yourself and looked at tommy, who was deep into some paperwork. when he looked up he looked a bit surprised. “y/n?” you sat on one of the chairs in front of his desk. “where were you yesterday? i was looking for you.” tommy said as soon as you sat down. “i wasn’t feeling well so i left earlier to go to sleep” you lied, keeping your head down. “oh, why didn’t you-“ he stopped for a second, taking a closer look at her. tommy rose to his feet before asking “y/n, whats that on your neck?” you looked up and were met with his icy eyes. “i-“ you wanted to start but decided to take a deep breath first. “that’s why i’m here” you than said and took your coat of, so tommy could now fully see the dark, purple bruises grace left on your neck.
“what happened, who did that?” he asked, now walking over to you with a worried expression on his face. you once a agin took a deep breath and started questioning your behavior, maybe you should have just left. no, tommy deserves to know the truth, it would be selfish to leave him here with her. this thought gave you braveness, so you answered “grace”
his worried expression changed to a confused and sceptic expression. “what?” he couldn’t believe you. “tommy, i know this is hard to hear, but yesterday, i was outside your house to get some fresh air and then she game outside and threatened me what would happen, if i would talk to you again that i should leave the town. and then she did this” your hand gestured to your throat.
tommy looked at you for a few moments with an expression you couldn’t read, before he let out a chuckle. you looked at him confused. “where did you get this from y/n? do you even hear yourself talking? grace would never hurt anyone” he said now leaning against his desk. “yes tommy, she would. look at my throat” you told him, hoping he would believe you now. “y/n listen, i know my wife very well and i do know that she is not a fan of violence” he answered. you heard an undertone of annoyance in his voice.
“oh god tommy, this is what she does to you! she spied on you and you think she wouldn’t lie to you again? she shot a man in front of you didn’t she? i didn’t ever understand how you trusted her again anyway after what she has done!” you were annoyed and also hurt that tommy didn’t believe your words. you knew each other since they were babies and he trusts a strange woman, who spied on him more than you?
“y/n give me a fucking break! i know you and polly don’t like her but polly could bring herself to be nice to her on her fucking wedding day so why can’t you? how did you even get that bruise? did you have a hot night? is that what you are, a whore? i don’t know what went through your head to tell me this bullshit, but maybe you should think about what your imaginary grace tells you to do and leave!” he raised his voice at you. he never rose his voice at you before, so you were shocked and also a little bit scared. tears were daring spill from your eyes and your whole body was shaking.
“tommy i-“ you started, but he interrupted you soon. “was i not clear enough for you? leave!” he spat. you never saw him this angry at you and it really terrified you. tommy sat back down on his chair and continued his paperwork. you wordlessly got up from your chair and left his office. you made your way out of the house quit, so nobody would notice your presence, before you let the tears spill when you got outside. on your way home you thought about were you could go, but nothing came to your mind. tommy’s angry voice still echoed through your head. when you were at home you grabbed your most important belongings and quickly went to the stables to get your horse, that tommy had given you for your last birthday. you greeted the beautiful, white stallion. after you saddled up you took a look to the streets. thankfully it was already dark outside, so one one would see you leaving.
on the next day tommy went to charlie’s strong yard and was greeted by curly mucking out some hay. “tommy, how are you?” he asked with his usual smile plastered over his face. “i’m good curly” he answered and went to stroke the mane of the grey race horse, that stood next to curly. “i’m really sorry about grace” curly said while moving some hay out of the stable. tommy looked confused “what do you mean?” he asked. curly looked as confused as tommy looked. “didn’t you divorce?” he asked. tommy’s face went flustered. “what? no why would we divorce, we just married” tommy said. “oh it’s just, i saw grace and y/n at your wedding. i don’t know what happened between them, but i saw grace choking her. she nearly passed out. i thought she told you and you would have send grace away. i mean you were always so protective over y/n. but i probably misunderstood.” curly said. tommy froze. “i know, i would have helped her, i’m really sorry, but i’ve been guiding a guest horse to the stables and it was acting crazy. have you seen y/n? i wanted to apologize to her personally” curly continued.
tommy’s heart stopped beating. y/n didn’t lie to him. of course she didn’t why would she? why didn’t he believe her, he hadn’t had any reason to mistrust her, but he had every reason to mistrust grace. how could he be this stupid. a wave of guilt washed over him, leaving goosebumps all over his body, when he saw your teary gaze in front of his inner gaze. he called her a whore for being choked. he felt disgusting.
“tommy? are you okay?” curly waved his hands in front of tommy’s face. he blinked a few times. “yes, i’m okay. i have to go now” he said while walking towards his black stallion. tommy made his horse gallop as fast as it could to get to your apartment. when he got there, he rushed up the stairs and knocked on your door. “y/n? it’s tommy” he said and knocked again. “please open the door” he asked while knocking on the door once again. you wouldn’t open the door. tommy searched in his pockets for the spare key, you gave him when you moved in.
he unlocked the door and got into your apartment. he felt his heart in his chest breaking. the light was off, it looked so empty. the framed pictures you had all over your place were gone. he went into your bedroom to see your open and empty closet. he looked at your bookshelf. your favorite books were gone. “fuck” he said to himself.
you were gone.
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#peakyblinders#peaky blinders#peakyedit#Tommy shelby#tommyshelby#tommy shelby imagine#tommy x reader#tommy x y/n#tommy x you#tommyshelbyimagine#arthurshelby#john shelby#michael gray#polly gray#Tommy shelby edit
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tommy shelby x reader
summary: tom had an awful day and comes home to his wife comforting him.
warnings: fluff, a little bit of cursing, english is my second language
warmth spreads through the living room. the sounds from the fireplace going softly up to dust. y/n sits on the cream white couch, a jane austen book in der hand. a loud creak, coming from the door breaks the silence.
“tommy?” she asked while turning around to face her tired looking husband. he closed the door gently and slowly got out of his long coat. a smile creeped onto her face while she stood up to hug him after he put down his coat. she noticed how he relaxed into her touch. “hard day?” the question was almost unnecessary, the exhausted expression on his face gave the answer away. tommy just nodded lightly.
“c'mon sit down” she said softly after pulling back from the long hug to take his hand and lead him to the couch, she was sitting on just a few moments ago. tommy followed y/n and his head fell immediately onto her chest after they sat, hugging her waist tightly.
“do you wanna tell me about it?” y/n asked after a while of silence, just her stroking his hair gentle. he took a moment before he nuzzled even more into her embrace and answered “i wouldn’t want to bother you with my problems, my love” y/n softly took his head in her hands and took it off of her chest to make his icy blue eyes look into hers.
“tommy, you could never bother me with your problems. i want to hear about your day and i don’t care how horrible or bad or bored it might was. i want to hear about it okay? not only when it was a good one.” she said giving his cheek a light stroke. he slowly leaned forward so his lips could meet hers.
the kiss was slow and soft and full of love. they pulled back after a moment and now it was his turn to stroke your cheek. “what did i do to deserve you?” tommy said with a sweet smile on his face wich you wished to see more often. you smiled in return and hugged him again. his head on your chest and his arms around your waist. “nothing serious happened, it’s just” he paused for a second before he continued “a few of sabinis men attacked the garrison today. john, arthur and i were having a smoke so we could fight those bastards but it’s nerv wrecking to always do this shit” he adjusted his head softly “over and over again, i’m tired of it”he finished
you remained silence for a moment, waiting before answering. “that sounds horrible, my love. i’m glad you and your brothers are okay.” she said hugging him tighter, being thankful she was able to hold him. “i’m sure it will stop soon. sabini can’t keep having some men trying to kill you as if it would have his problem solved. i have no doubt, it will sort out soon, okay?” she continued.
“i really do hope it will” tommy answered, now lifting his head from her chest once again before looking deep into her eyes. “and when it will, we will move out of this dirty town. somewhere nice and calm to settle and maybe” he waited a second before he went on “raise our kids, hm?”
“i think that’d be wonderful mr. shelby” y/n answered with a smile on her face, leaning forward to kiss tommy once more.
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I don’t think many Peaky Fans follow me but if you do I’d be so grateful if you could check out my first imagine I’ve made for this fandom, I’ve pinned it to the top of my page! Thank you in advance if you do❤️
#Tommy shelby#tommy shelby imagine#tommy x you#tommy x y/n#tommy x reader#tommyshelbyimagine#peakyblinders#peaky blinder imagine#peaky blinders#arthur shelby#john shelby#michael gray
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REQUESTED Tommy Imagine
“Would you do an imagine where Tommy has a female best friend who had to move away while they were in the war & he loves her. He gets with Grace but the friend comes back & all his feeling comes back & he wants to win over the friend”
You are sat inside The Garrison having a smoke at the bar you know who owned it & that was your Best Friend from back before the war Tommy Shelby, you know when he got back you remember hearing about it in your town the town before you moved back to Small Heath.
You had not seen him since why would you when you was miles apart as you sat at the bar drinking whiskey, a thought crept into your mind did he still remember you from all that time ago no doubt you had both grown up since & sometimes looks can change.
You decided to move back as you missed Small Heath even if it was filled with smug, violence & smoke a lot of the time but it was where you grew up. But you had to move away for a little while to escape your mind when the guys had been sent to war.
You look over to see no other then Polly Shelby now stood at the bar a few steps away from you, she sees you looking at her from the corner of her eye.
“Well if its no other then Y/N” she scooted over to you taking the stool next to you.
“You OK Pol!?” you ask her as you take a sip of your Whiskey.
“Doing good you know, keeping an eye on the boys like I always have” The barman passes her a drink & she smiles at him.
“That you have, I am surprised they ain’t in ere yet, they used to be in ere loads”
“Ohhhh you have no idea do you ?”
She looks at you with that look in her eye.
“You don’t see Tommy in here often if that is who you are asking for, now he is married at least & has a strapping young boy”
“Did the war effect him much?”
Polly puts down her drink & looks at you with no surprise.
“Y/N the war changed them all”
“Sorry I did not mean it in that way” you look away from her.
“Don’t you worry Pet I know you meant no harm”
You both sat there sharing drinks & memories for a few hours until The Shelby Boys arrived, but there was no Tommy you sighed. Surely with the others remembering you Tommy would, but Tommy had different priorities now.
You are daydreaming when you hear Polly at the side of you even if The Garrison was crowded.
“Tommy look who’s back in town its Y/N” you turn to Polly & see that familiar face stood there looking in your direction his posture changed to nervousness, he looked the same a little at least which you was glad of.
You jumped up out of the stool & rushed to him as he opened his arms up to take you into his grip, he grabbed onto you tight & you could smell his cologne.
“Damn Y/N how long has it been!” he lets go of you then you back away a little as you had no idea how to react now.
“I heard from Pol your a married man now ey?”
“That I am that I am” you watched him as he gripped onto his flat cap.
Pol saw his reaction & passed him a large whiskey you watched as his lips touched the cool glass & he drank it in one, well somethings never changed you thought.
He took your hand without warning & took you into their private room telling the others not to join you both, your heart began to beat out of your chest as you watched him pace up & down the room as you sat.
“So So how long are you in town for?” he asks with anticipation in his breathe.
“For the future I moved back Tommy I moved back”
“FFFFUUUUKKKKK!” he yells gripping onto his hair then maintaining himself again.
“Tommy what is the matter ?” you look at him worried thinking was this a memory from the way or something.
He takes a deep breathe sitting next to you, he has still not told you what is wrong. He places his hand into yours & you look down as you feel the coldness of his hands.
“You You should of waited for me Y/N you should of waited!”
“I was sick of waiting for you to come back Tommy, my mind was going insane everyday I stood at the window waiting for Pol to run down the street in tears because......because you had been taken from us” you look away from him as tears fall down your cheeks.
He moves your face to look at him & his piercing blue eyes as he wipes a loose tear from your eye.
“I love you Y/N I always have even before the war, even when I was fighting the thought of you kept me going”
“But your married now surely you love Grace now?”
“I do Y/N I do but seeing you has brought all the feelings back of what I had for you, I put them behind my mind to forget but its all came back.”
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Requested by Anon
“Hi how about a jealous Tommy Shelby x reader ? Doesn’t like the attention she’s getting from men in the Garrison”
Tommy X Reader
Location- Garrison
You are sat at a table across the bar of The Garrison its a busy night as always in The Garrison, you have had a few drinks so you are feeling slightly tipsy & flirty but the thing is about that is your heart belongs to only one person & that is Mr Thomas Shelby.
You had only been dating a few months but you was both deeply in love & you hoped soon that he would pop the question to you, because you did not want your heart to belong to anyone other then him, but as per he was no where to be seen no doubt he was working late as he always did.
As the night went on you checked your watch which wrapped around your petite wrist it was 9pm & still no sign of Tommy, you sigh then you look up to see a gentleman smiling at you with two drinks in his hand.
“You are looking awfully lonely may I join you?” you catch eyes with the guy & you can see in them that he thought his luck was in with you, you was bored so you thought you would have a little fun with him seems Tommy was not going to turn up at all.
“Sure no one else seems to be wanting to keep me company” you flash him a big smile. He sits next to you placing the drinks onto the table then passing you one.
“So what is it Whiskey?” you ask him as you can smell it lingering from the tumbler.
“Yes, so your telling me you don’t drink whiskey?” he looks at you puzzled.
“Oh I do but only when I wish to” you take your attention away from him for a brief moment as you catch Harry watching you from the bar.
You grab one of the tumblers of Whiskey take a deep breathe exhaling then taking down the Whiskey in one gulp then grabbing the other then doing the same.
“I guess I need to get more drinks in now then lady?”
You wink at him “I guess you do” you watch as he gets up & heads just the short few steps to the bar where Harry was already pouring you both a few glasses of Whiskey.
“So whats your name?” he asks you as he sits back down passing you two tumblers of Whiskey & having two for himself.
“Its Y/N whats yours?”
“My name is Andrew” he takes your hand into his & kisses it you let out a giggle.
-A few drinks later-
You are both rather tipsy & you are both giggling & brushing each others skin while The Garrison is far more busy now, you do not even take notice of the time or even if Tommy will arrive or not at this moment in time you did not have a care in the world.
The doors flung open & everyone went quiet you looked towards the door & saw Tommy walk in & take his flat cap off then brushing his hair down you bite you lip, he catches you looking then sees you are sat next to a guy other then him who has his hand placed on your leg which you had not even noticed.
He did not even acknowledge you he just walked up to the bar has Harry passed him a full bottle of Whiskey, you watched him as he entered his private area at the right side of the bar after a few moments the bar came alive again, not sure why everyone acted that way whenever Tommy walked in.
“Y/N do you know Tommy?” he looks at you with intrigue in his eyes.
“Yes I do he’s he’s a friend” you smile at Andrew.
Andrew checks his pocket watch “Well it was lovely to chat to you pretty lady, but I must go” he kisses your hand one last time then you watch as he exits The Garrison.
You take a look at the private room doors as your heart pounds in your chest, do you go in or not you think to yourself. You notice Andrew has left a glass of whiskey so you pick it up then stand up take a deep breathe then head to where Tommy is.
As you enter who looks up at you as he pours himself a large whiskey, you sit across from him.
“So who was that Y/N?” he asks then places a smoke in between his soft lips
“Just a random guy that’s all”
“Well ya both looked rather comfy” you watch him as he inhales some cigarette smoke then leaves a little then exhales.
“He brought me drinks I could not say no Tommy”
“Yes you could of simple No would of done it, was he expecting to lay in bed with you?”
“Probably but I am yours” you feel the tension in the room building.
“I did not think you was going to come Tommy, it was getting late”
“You know me by now I always come to The Garrison I was in a late meeting”
“Well yes I gathered that” you roll your eyes & he spots you doing it.
He puts out his cigarette & moves towards you, he towers over you a little bit as he always do.
“Don’t you roll them eyes at me Y/N!’
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