lifesadogfight · 4 years
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Freshly Baked Bread
key words: warm, inviting, kindness. you are the definition of cooking as a loved language and are at your strongest when creating something. others find you soothing to be around and feel at ease due to your genuine warmth and nurturing nature. you can be a mix of gentle and passionate, but it's that intensity that lives at the centre of your spirit that draws people to you most.
compatible with: candle smoke, coffee, rosewater. 
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beastlyburden · 2 years
#7 [Reunions & Burials] - Tommy
Having healed enough for travel, and at the suggestion of Fenris, Tommy and the Companion headed to the Reach. The pair stopped at the inn where Ella, Tommy’s sister, was staying, and the two had an emotional reunion with one other. After briefly discussing plans for the future with his sister, Tommy and Fenris continued on the Moor home, so they could bury his parents.
Though seeing his parents in that state was very difficult for him, Tommy feels more at peace, and less troubled about their deaths. At least now he knows they have been given a proper resting place, though the visuals and memories of their deaths will never leave him completely.
*graphic advisory warning: detailed descriptions of decomposing corpses involved*
[[ Reunions ]]
There had been a weight on Tommy’s shoulders since he arrived at Jorrvaskr. That weight had seemed to grow heavier and heavier as his time there passed. Now that he was going to see his sister again, he had expected the weight to be lifted. At least a little.
But it only felt like it was crushing him more.
His stomach had knotted painfully, and he was starting to regret forcing himself to eat breakfast. Even his Wolf was restless, pacing in the back of his mind and letting out low grumbles of anxiety.
By the time he and Fenris had reached the inn, Tommy was clutching Griss in his hands with desperation, as if the bunny was the only thing keeping him on Nirn. As if its stuffed form was all that kept his heart beating.
When his sister’s soft face opened the door, the bunny fell from his hands and was replaced with her embrace. The siblings clung to one another, both sobbing with a mixture of relief at each other being alive and grief for their lost family.
Once they had calmed some, Tommy bent and picked up Griss from where he lay and held the bunny out to Ella. The sight of the plush brought fresh tears to the girl’s eyes, and Tommy embraced her again, gently running his fingers through her hair and shushing her.
The two sat for almost what seemed like simultaneous hours and seconds, not saying much of anything, mostly because they didn’t know what to say. Tommy couldn’t apologize for what happened, nor did he wish to share details and Ella didn’t want to pry or upset him any.
Ella spoke briefly about considering study at the College in Winterhold, and Tommy encouraged her to give it a try. His sister was equally encouraging when he mentioned thinking about staying with the Companions so he could provide for the both of them.
After more silence, Tommy let out a sigh, and decided to tell Ella why he and Fenris were passing through the area.
“Fenris and I are… going to the house,” Tommy said, unable to use the word ‘home’ when speaking of the place. It wasn’t a home anymore. He wasn’t sure it could ever be considered a home again. Not to him, at least.
“You are? But why? What if the Silv–”
“No, the Silver Hand won’t be there. They… they just won’t be,” he replied firmly, shaking his head. He felt guilty lying to her. He couldn’t be certain the Silver Hand wouldn’t be there. But he felt confident that if they were, it wouldn’t be he and Fenris who were killed.
“Why are you going, then?”
“…to bury ma and pa.” Tommy’s tone was quiet and soft, and Ella’s reaction was instant. Her concern bled to sorrow and tears sprung to her eyes, falling almost as soon as they formed. “I’m not asking you to go, Ella. I… you shouldn’t. But if there’s anything you need or want –”
“Ma’s clothes. And her jewelry. And some of pa’s shirts,” Ella replied, her voice shaking despite how quickly she answered. “I can wear some of ma’s clothes, and she… she wanted me to have her jewelry when I got older. I just… I don’t want it to sit there in that house, Tommy. I don’t want it to be forgotten.”
“Alright. I’ll get you all I can and if I have to make more than one trip, I will,” he said gently, pulling her into a hug and resting his chin on her head. Her shoulders began to shake and he held her tighter.
“Will you give them nice graves?” Ella choked out, her voice clouded with grief. Tommy clenched his jaws and focused on a boar head on the wall to keep himself from crying. He couldn’t make the words come out, but he nodded his head. Ella was still crying, but she had found her voice and couldn’t be stopped. She might not feel strong enough to go with him to bury her parents, but she wanted their resting place to be special for them.
“Plant some dragon’s tongue where momma is, okay? Cause those were her favorites, and I don’t care what pa said, he liked lavender, so plant some of those where he is, okay? There’s some flowers in momma’s garden that you can move. Make sure they’re next to one another too. Under that tree in the back where we used to have picnics? I think they’d like that.”
“Yeah, I think they’d like that too,” Tommy managed, nodding and mustering a small smile for his sister. He kissed her forehead, gave her another squeeze and then stood. “We have to go now. Before it gets too late. I’ll be back with ma’s things soon, okay?”
“Do you promise?” Tommy looked over at his sister, her wide eyes still red and wet from crying, full of desperation and hope.
“I promise I will come back, Ella.” The girl stood alongside her brother, giving him one last hug before he left. Already she was counting down the time from when he’d return, and ignoring the lump of dread in her stomach.
The last time he had left, he almost hadn’t come back. But he had promised then that he would come back with Griss and he had. Clutching the stuffed bunny in her hands, Ella had to believe that he would come back again. After all, he had promised.
[[ Burials ]]
The smell hit him first.
Tommy physically stopped walking, unable to move. He knew what that smell was. He and his father had come across an elk that had been killed and only partially eaten by wolves. It had sat in the woods for days before they found it. That smell was rot, decay, death. That smell was his parents.
After a moment, in which he assured Fenris he was fine, the Breton continued down the well worn path to his family house. Now there were flies in the air and the stench was growing stronger with each step he took. Breakfast was pushing at the back of his throat and he knew it was only a matter of time before it escaped.
The heads were where they had been left, but the corpses had been moved slightly, chunks of flesh missing from where animals had found a quick meal, maggots writhing in what was leftover, flies buzzing through the air. The only way to identify them now was by fur color and relative size.
Breakfast escaped Tommy through a bout of violent vomiting and the Breton had to take more than just a few moments to stabilize himself. Tears stung his eyes - from the sight itself and the stench that surrounded them. He felt as though he was going to pass out and he had to lean against a tree to keep from feeling as though he was spinning.
“We need to bury them first,” he said, though his vision was too blurred to see anything anymore. He wiped a sleeve across his eyes, but couldn’t bring himself to look at what was left of his parents. Tommy dry heaved again, and was thankful that nothing more came up.
Eventually, Tommy forced himself to look at the corpses again.
Most of what was left was fur, hide, bone, and liquids. Insects were still burrowing through what soft flesh they could find, but there was little left to feast on. The vegetation around the corpses had died, soaked in the juices that had leaked due to the decay, but there was new growth beginning to form.
It took most of the day for both Tommy and Fenris to dig graves deep enough and wide enough to hold both corpses and then to bury them. They placed sheets from inside the house next to the corpses, and used large shovels to move what they could onto the sheets. Fenris took it upon himself to remove the heads from the pikes and placed them with their respective corpse. Then they wrapped up the remains and lowering them into the graves.
The sun was setting by the time Tommy had finished planting the flowers over the graves. They makeshift garden was nothing like his mother’s had been, but he was sure the flowers would continue to grow.
After sweeping the house multiple times and taking what he and Ella wanted, Tommy locked the door to the house he had grown up in, the house he and his family have bonded in, the only home he had ever known. With a lighter heart, Tommy inhaled a deep breath, took one last look at his parents’ graves, at the family home, and then headed back with Fenris.
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ladyfrutillita · 7 years
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. . . mi niñita no es la misma de antes
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lifesadogfight · 6 years
⛔️ - How does your muse react to others breaking the law? If they would do it themselves, what is their reasoning? ⏰ - Does your muse feel like they need to do things quickly or do they take their time? 🍟 - How does your muse feel about their body? Would they change it if they could?
⛔️ - How does your muse react to others breaking the law? If they would do it themselves, what is their reasoning? 
Depends on which law, to be honest. Stealing is something Tommy can choose to ignore. Some folk just don’t have what they need in life, and he’s not going to judge them for it.Murder is not something he could ignore, and he would do his best to intervene.
Tommy is not likely to break the law himself, but if he did it would likely be due to a dire situation.
⏰ - Does your muse feel like they need to do things quickly or do they take their time? 
Living in a town - and now being depended on by others to get things done - makes him a little overwhelmed at times. He tries to do things quickly, but has been reassured countless times that he’s allowed to take his time.Now that he’s a little more comfortable around the rest of the Companions, and doesn’t feel the pressure of needing to Prove Himself so much, he takes his time with the tasks he feels he should take his time on.
🍟 - How does your muse feel about their body? Would they change it if they could?
Tommy used to be very comfortable about his body. After being held by the Silver Hand, however, he views some parts less than kindly, most severely the scarring he received from his time in the Silver Hand base. If he could change anything, it would be to get rid of that scarring as it only serves as a constant reminder of the family he lost, and how weak and helpless he felt (and still feels) about the entire situation.
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beastlyburden · 2 years
#6 [Homesick] - Tommy
Tommy has discovered a pattern with his Wolf: that being the Wolf continuously takes him further and further west during his runs. The only thing the Breton can figure is the Wolf is attempting to head home, or at least somewhere more familiar, and it pains him to think of that.
After a open-hearted discussion with Tortulja, Tommy took to practicing his writing and letting some of his grief out by writing to his family.
Ma? Pa? Rowley? Haren?
…a friend said that y’all could hear me, up there in the Grounds, ‘n I’d like to think she’s right. She might work at a Hall for Arkay, but he seems to know a good deal about the dead himself, 'n I don’t see why Hircine wouldn’t let ya hear me. Y’all were always good Wolves for ‘im. Shame ya can’t say anythin’ back to me, though, cause I could use some advice. Or a lot of advice, really.
It’s… it’s lonely now. Empty. And it’s hard. Y’all bein’ gone. I know you always told us that one day you weren’t gonna be there ‘n we’d be on our own, but… it never seemed like it was gonna happen… the… the way that it did.
Ella’s safe. I made sure of it. She’s with Una ‘n Greda out at the mill, but she’s been talkin’ about maybe going up to that mage College in Winterhold. I don’t like the thought of her being so far from me, but Greda said it’ll do her some good. Give her some confidence ‘n help her grow up ‘n be an independent woman. I suppose they’d know more about that kind of stuff than I would, but I still get worried when I think about it.
The ones that took ya from us, they’re… they’re dead. I… I wasn’t the one who did it. Someone else had to. It don’t feel right that it’s how it went down, but… I dunno if I’d would’a had the strength to do it myself anyway. Didn’t bring ya back, though. Didn’t make me feel any better knowin’ they were gone. I mean… sure, they ain’t gonna be the ones hurtin’ folk like us anymore, but there’s always more, ain’t there?
Cleaned up the house, locked it up too, but… I dunno if we’ll ever be able to go back inside. Maybe someday, but… but not anytime soon. It still hurts too much. It hurts just thinkin’ about it.
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beastlyburden · 2 years
#5 [Blood Worries] - Tommy
Tommy is well aware that his lycanthropy can be transferred to another via contact with his blood. His parents - especially his pa - were insistent on their children knowing this, and being conscious of the potential consequences.
As such, Tommy is very very adamant about not letting those who may be affected by his lycanthropy near his blood. Of course, someone getting his blood on their hands or on their clothes may not necessarily infect them, it’s still a possibility and a risk he refuses to take.
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beastlyburden · 2 years
# 4 [Companion Rescue] - Tommy
Tommy was rescued from the clutches of the Silver Hand by two Companions - and two fellow werebeasts - Fenris and Shadrach. Although concerned about his sister, and the safety of fellow werewolves in Hjaalmarch, he has traveled with them to Whiterun so he can heal under the watchful eye of Fenris.
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beastlyburden · 2 years
#4 [Silver Hand Capture] - Tommy
Tommy made it back home without any incident, but a heavy pit formed in his stomach when he entered the house and no one was inside. It wasn’t uncommon for his father and brothers to be out, but his mother rarely left the home.
Quietly assuring himself that they must have all gone out together out of caution, the Breton made his way into his sister’s room and picked up Griss, looking over the old worn bunny before tucking it inside his pack.
It was as Tommy was leaving that the heavy stench of blood caught in his nostrils and his heart momentarily froze. He turned his head towards the smell and saw a group of Silver Hand approaching, dragging two werewolf corpses behind them. The corpses didn’t need their heads for Tommy to know who they had been, and he let out an anguished cry of rage, his Wolf already starting to claw its way free from its human form before a net made of silver was flung over him.
No matter how hard he fought, the net cut and burned his flesh, keeping his Wolf from being released. After the Silver Hand propped up the corpses of his parents - sticking their heads on pikes - they dragged him away.
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beastlyburden · 2 years
#3 [Silver Hand Threat] - Tommy
Torban was the one who first discovered the threat of the Silver Hand. His hunting partner, Hjald, had seemed to vanish one night. Unlike the Nord to just up and leave without saying anything, Torban went looking for him. At the Nord’s hut was Hjald - beheaded in his wolf form - and two other corpses. Though the others were mauled beyond recognition, the silver weaponry, a shredded book on lycanthropy, and Hjald’s wolf head on a pike were all the clues Torban needed to know who exactly had a hand in Hjald’s death.
Once he reached home, Torban immediately instructed Tommy to escort Ella to the Bone-Bash inn, where the two of them would stay until they were called upon again. If they did not hear from either their parents or brothers, they were allowed to mourn, but not to return home.
Tommy did as he was told, and escorted Ella to the Bone-Bash inn. But he did not stay as he was instructed. As the two were getting settled into their room, Ella discovered she had somehow left Griss, the stuffed bunny that Camille had made her, at the house.
Knowing that the toy bunny would bring some much needed comfort to Ella, Tommy assured her that things would be fine and he would go retrieve the plush for her, promising his return.
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beastlyburden · 2 years
#2 [Wolves of the Reach] - Tommy
Tommy and his family lived in a secluded area of the Reach’s wilderness. They survived on what game they caught and traded with caravans for other supplies.
Despite sticking mostly to their small home, the Moors did make friends with a few people outside their little pack. Most notably, a pair of Nord women who own and operate both a lumber mill and a small inn, Una and Greda; and a fellow pack of werewolves in Hjaalmarch, the Blackmanes.
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beastlyburden · 2 years
#1 [Family] - Tommy
Torban: Father, Nord, 55. Born a werewolf, had a strong, warm personality and was a firm believer that actions and intentions mattered above race and social status. Killed by the Silver Hand. Camille: Mother, Breton. 53. Often joked that she was born to be a mother, Camille was always helping and fretting over others. She was a healer by trade, but also had the knowledge to use her Restoration talents against a person as well. She became a werewolf much later in life. Killed by the Silver Hand. Rowley: Eldest brother; Haren’s twin, 27. A hot-head, but fiercely protective of his siblings. More than likely to bite your head off for rubbing him the wrong way, but just as likely to apologize afterwards. Presumed killed by the Silver Hand. Haren: Older brother, Rowley’s twin, 27. Though just as protective as his twin, Haren was a bit more level-headed. Still, push him too far and he was just as liable to bite your head off as Rowley was. Presumed killed by the Silver Hand. Ella: Younger sister, 16. A quiet, curious girl with a gentle nature, frizzy hair and a soft build. The entire family was honestly unsure she had even received the beastblood. Currently living with family friends.
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beastlyburden · 2 years
Tommy’s original blog, lost to time.*
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lifesadogfight · 8 years
(TAKE THIS TEST for your muse)
You are not afraid of the sufferings and sorrows of other people, even when they are acted out in unappealing ways. Beneath even defensiveness and self-righteous behaviour, you know that deep down people need nurturing and consolation. One danger is being naive about people’s dark sides. But at your best you know you can be mean yourself, which helps you to sympathise. You bring strength and forgiveness where other people might panic.
Part of you is gripped by the fear that you’ll launch into something and completely mess it up. The upside of this is wise caution: people are indeed often too rash, whereas you know, by instinct, that holding back can save you. Probably, you feel shame and self-disgust a bit too much. But when you do feel in your element, you act with a wisdom and sensitivity never found in people with thicker skins.
You are good at seeing what’s funny, at relaxing and finding the pleasure of the moment. Play is random, whimsical, fantasy-driven behaviour which releases internal tension. Because it is detached from some pressures it allows you to act on weirder, perhaps neglected, parts of yourself. The downside is that it is no help in sticking with things that are not much fun but which need to be addressed. So it is well complemented by its opposite, Stoicism.
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lifesadogfight · 8 years
YOU GOT: Lawful Neutral
You’re motivated by tradition and you strongly believe in law and order. You put a lot of faith in process, and you’ll often follow orders without questioning them, as long as it doesn’t cause you to act immorally.
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