#tommy x arabella x alfie
sighonahurricane · 4 years
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This is a rough Arabella Aesthetic
Also, her full name is Arabella Roslyn Asheton
She signs her letters as A.Roslyn Asheton
Everyone knows her as Roslyn but only Alfie and Tom call her Arabella
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liquid-reign · 3 years
Devil's Advocate
Tommy x Arabella
Word count- 1.8k
Trigger Warnings- None as such
A/N- It is kind of a rebuilt of a scene in S5 E1 when they all have a family meeting in The Garrison. I've included it just in the starting to form a base for writing the rest of it. I wanted to accommodate my OC in there because it felt right. And yes I always want Tommy to get some sleep. God knows he needs it.
The title is from "Devil's Advocate" by The Neighborhood. Felt good for a title to this. Though I wouldn't say the song itself fits in this scenario.
All settled in the old area of the Garrison when Lizzie spoke up "Can I begin this family meeting with a proposal? From now on we find somewhere else to meet?"
"Your boss believes that being seen mixing with the common people is good politics" said Ada
"Well if it's our campaign for socialism, perhaps next time, Polly, you won't wear earrings worth more than the pub" retorted Roslyn who found a place beside Polly to sit
Arthur occupied a table as well and Tommy took his place standing with a pillar, lighting a cigarette
"Right. Family meeting. First Item. This" Ada slammed a spent bullet on the table "Dug out of our Finn's arm yesterday by Aberama Gold, using your Gin and a razor blade"
"Finn?" asked Lizzie
"He says they were sent to Limehouse, Chinatown" Ada continued
"Sent by fucking who?" asked Lizzie, again.
"Sent by me" Tommy answered "I told Finn to stay outta this. He obviously didn't listen"
He was clearly annoyed
Roslyn just sat there and listened. It wasn't too surprising for her to see that her husband had sent his little brother to do something like that. But she hadn't known about this "What's in Chinatown, Tommy? What is going on?" she asked calmly.
Tommy sighed a little and answered "50,000 pounds, in cash"
"He said they were sent to Chinatown to kill somebody" Ada said
"The kid needs education Tommy, he really does" Arthur was irritated by his kid brother's inability to keep things confidential, ofcourse.
"It was a particular opportunity" Polly started
"A particular opportunity presented to me in confidence, I dealt with it in confidence" Tommy said as a matter of fact.
"How important was it?" Roslyn asked, her voice levelled
"Tommy told me there was a pimp in east London who sold kids" Polly defended
"Fucking kids, right?" Arthur came in
"This pimp was blackmailing a senior member of the house of Lords, a very wealthy man" Tommy tied to explain
"Now this pimp is lying in a ditch, covered in flies. The world is a better place" Arthur supported him, opening a bottle of whiskey
"Holy fuck so now your business is improving the world?" Ada scolded them, very mad that they had sent their little brother to do Blinder business.
"The man we did the job for is a high court judge. We received intelligence from a senior police officer in Scotland yard. I've made lots of friends in London, Men with influence. The Police felt the same way about this pimp as we did" he explained further, again, as a matter of fact "He wasn't worth a trial. The coppers cleared the streets for us. This work was commissioned by a High Court judge, by Scotland Yard and by the House Of Lords"
"It's a particular opportunity. It's not to be repeated" Polly defended him
"And it was the right thing to do" Tommy tried again
"Fucking right" Arthur joined him
"I can't be bothered with this shit" Lizzie muttered, irritated and mad, and left.
Roslyn was mad too, that they had been careless enough to send Finn for this job. But she knew this wasn't to be dealt with that easily "They're right, Ada" she glanced at Ada and then to everybody else as she spoke "If Finn is to take care of that side of the business he'll have to go out, witness and experience how it's done. Dangers and Bullets included, Isn't it?" she gave Tommy a side eye, talking in a dangerously calm tone "Anyway, he's a Shelby. Being afraid of bullets shouldn't be in him. It's only practical"
Tommy, Polly and Ada looked at Roslyn like she'd read verses from Satan's own holy book. Arthur nodded.
Roslyn got up "Now if you'll please excuse me, I am getting late for my train to London", she nodded once at Arthur and Tommy before leaving.
"What's wrong with her?" asked Polly, still a little in shock
The meeting went on till Tommy and Arthur were the only ones remaining, discussing bullets and Chinese
Tommy came home tired, straight from Westminster. The strange interaction with his son left him a bit more drained. Arthur had told Charlie it was in God's hands, the death of his favourite horse. If Tommy believed in God then maybe he would agree with this someday. But he didn't. Couldn't.
He asked for Roslyn the moment he came back inside. He wanted to talk to her about what she'd said in the meeting. It had left him angry and called-out.
He knocked on the door of her study. Walking in before she permitted him to, clearing his throat, found himself a place on the opposite side of the desk.
"Good evening, Tommy. How was your day?" she greeted him, without looking up from her papers.
"Why'd you say that in the meeting?" he asked, totally ignoring the greeting.
"Coming straight to the point, are we?" she said, still not looking up.
He just waited for her to answer.
Roslyn knew what he was here for and there was no use going around in circles.
Looking up, she started to speak, but for a second she noticed how tired he looked and almost wanted to take him to bed to just let him sleep comfortably in her arms. Oh how she wished, she could but they didn't work that way, did they?
"I meant every word I said in the meeting, Tom" she paused in case he wanted to react, but carried on when he didn't "If Finn is to handle that side of the business he will have to face the dangers. He can't sit here protected. No one comes out in one piece handling that side of affairs. You and Arthur, of all people, understand that don't you?"
He just stared at her. She shifted in her seat, leaning in, arms on the desk "Tommy, you and your brothers had to get into dirty business because you didn't have a choice. But Finn has a choice. He is very young and now his family is more than capable of giving him a better life than any one of us has had" she wanted to let it all out "I know you do not want him to get hurt, but if you keep pushing him he will get hurt it's inevitable. He's not like you or Arthur or John"
"What do you imply?" he asked, voice deep and low. Calm.
"I say we send him off to a good university. That's the only way to get him away from the bad side. I'm not saying we send him somewhere far away like America. I say we keep him in Britain. Oxford, Cambridge, London"
He hardly spoke but she could sense the gears of his mind working
"He will mingle with intelligent, brilliant and decent people there. See the world for what it really is. Away from all this dirt. He will take up Law or Commerce. Come back as an asset to the company. Tommy, it's not such a bad idea you know that" she knew he understood the language of profits better, so if she had to use that she would.
Now he nodded, his gaze had shifted down to the desk where her hands lay. He was thinking, gone in his mind.
"Think of him as an elder son of yours"
He looked up at her, hints of sudden anger but an overall understanding
She sat back. Roslyn had said everything she had wanted to. Now it was up to her husband to decide.
"We want people here" he quietly said "To keep the cash coming in"
"I know. But we have Mr. Gold and Isiah for that and we can hire more people. I can give you more of my business. We have alternatives" she said
He ran hand through his hair and face, fingers landing on his eyes. He was exhausted. Spent. From all the thinking.
"You're tired. Go get some rest we can talk about this some other day" she felt like she was talking too much anyway
He laid back in the chair, eyes closed, head resting on the back. Stayed there for a few seconds before getting up.
"I will consider this, Arabella" he said before leaving
"Mrs. Shelby, you could've called me if you needed anything" Frances said, a little worried, when she found Roslyn in the kitchen
"It's okay, Frances. You and the staff can retire for the day. Goodnight" She said with a polite smile. She liked Frances but also disliked her a tad bit because of how nosy she was sometimes. She was Tommy's personal informant in the house.
She nodded "Yes. Goodnight, Mrs. Shelby"
Roslyn had decided to make a calming tea for Tommy. She had it sometimes when she was too tired to sleep. The tea made her relax. She was hoping it would have the same effect on Tommy, though it was questionable.
She put in tea, some herbs she used, lavender and a dash of rum. She even made this tea for Alfie once and he slept like a baby for atleast two hours. A smile played on her lips when she thought of it.
She checked the library first. That was Tommy's sanctuary. She knocked before entering with the tray.
He looked up from his desk, confused, watching her as she kept the tray on the table in front of the couch.
"I made tea" she said, inviting him to the couch with a tilt of her head, while pouring the drink into her favourite cups.
Surprisingly he obeyed. He was a little taken aback because he didn't know she could make tea. Or be that homely. Or maybe he had completely ignored it till now.
He sat to her right. She shifted to the far left of the couch so they weren't too, at all, close.
"Here" she bent to hand him the cup.
They drank the tea in silence.
When they finished, she softly said, while getting up "I drink this tea to help me calm down. If you feel sleepy in a few minutes, just sleep, okay?"
Tommy looked at her get up, laying back on the couch.
She left, hoping Tommy would sleep a few hours atleast. Made a mental note to come check in an hour,
She immersed herself in work because she didn't want to sleep just yet. After fighting sleep for an hour, she finally made her way to the library, praying in her head for him to be asleep.
Much to her shock and relief, he had dozed off. He was sleeping, lying fully down on the couch. She was proud of her tea today because if it could make Tommy sleep, it could make anyone sleep.
She quietly left. Content that he'd atleast get some, if not much, sleep tonight.
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sighonahurricane · 4 years
So I wrote a really long side plot, ummm, a fic plot, for Peaky. Just mainly involves Alfie Tommy and OC character. (No there's no love triangle. They are related sooo differently in this) I mean it flows with the events of the show but it has main focus on Tommy and Arabella's relationship and how that influences a few things.
I have included tracks that I felt would fit in these scenarios.
Also, if someone wants to write a fic on anything related to this, go ahead. But just, like, tag me somewhere when it's written. I'd appreciate it.
Here are the links
1 2 3 4 5
I love this OC character of mine and I think Tommy really just needs someone like her.
Also. Here are the links of Arabella (oc character) aesthetics. This is what I think she would be like if she was. Arabella Aesthetic 1. Arabella Aesthetic 2
I want to write more on this story line and do more aesthetics and I will, as and when I get good ideas or something. But till then, this is all.
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sighonahurricane · 4 years
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Arabella Aesthetic
She likes sleek wrist watches with a bit of a design
Wears suits to work (Like the boss she is)
Dresses impeccably in boat neck or high neck dresses for occasions. She doesn't wear much deep neck dresses in general, but deep back, yes!!
Always has a gun (wears a gun holster) and a knife on her
Her long hair are usually tied in a low bun with no loose hair anywhere
In short, she's somewhat like Tommy. But. Has a better moral compass, coping mechanisms are definitely healthier than his and doesn't do much drugs.
She, in my opinion, is the only woman who can tame Tommy. Because he can actually see a bit of himself in her but much better. And she understands him like no one else.
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sighonahurricane · 4 years
Okay now, I have something in my mind for a Peaky Blinders alternative plot-line for a long time now. Like, there are a lot of -idk, unexplainable?- gaps in this story line but just maybe give it a read (it's gonna be long, so please bear with me)
P.s. I'm not a writer of any sort. This is just an idea I had. Just wanted to express.
So, there's this woman and she comes from a poor family. Her father and brother died in the war and her mother died after, because of the flu. She was a tough kid from the start and would fight with boys and knock them down. A fast learner. Interested in combat from the start. Wanted to enlist for the war but wasn't allowed (a girl, duh, and also by her parents) so she worked in an ammunition factory to earn some money to support her mother. There she developed an interest in ammunition in general and she was violent. She would knock down any man who would try to take advantage of her (she is beautiful af, a bit of a chubby face, otherwise well developed but skinny, brunette, long hair upto her waist, height almost like Ada) and she was always causing trouble at the factory. Alfie Solomons worked in the factory too and saw potential in her. He mentored her for 2 years, taught her gang stuff, how to fight how to shoot, how to be clever and judge situations. We can imagine how she must've been like if Alfie took her in. And then 2 yrs into the war and mentoring her, Alfie was called to the front to fight. So he left. She learned to fend for herself and developed a commanding air around herself. She saw horrors of people being badly exploited, including herself, at the factory, grenades exploding while still in production, guns exploding when not manufactured correctly,people dying, she being punished for not working faster and causing trouble. She could tame violent men and they came to her( often in shame) to seek her help when they couldn't fight for themselves.
And now, after the war, she runs a company where she provides protection to some elite people, some drug business at the side (doesn't do any herself), and is Alfie's partner in the rum business. She is good in making high-profile contacts (she looks very elegant if dressed properly) and wants to study engineering and she's saving money for that and a decent house.
Now she is sitting with Alfie in his office (S2 E6 starting when Tommy goes to make a deal with Alfie) and Tommy enters. First, he's a bit taken aback by the her beauty but not enough to be distracted from business. He threatens Alfie with the grenade and drops the pin on his table. She hasn't said anything yet and picks the pin up to check. She checks the pin and instantly knows there's no way he just planted a grenade. She catches his lie. Tommy is a bit taken aback and impressed. Alfie let's her take the meeting forward but being impressed by the guts Tommy has to threaten Alfie, they settle the deal doing no harm to anybody.
Now Tommy wants to be in her contact because those few minutes that she spoke were so commanding and powerful, he felt the need to know her. But obviously has too much on his plate rn and makes no obvious move towards her
This is really long 😂🙈 I'll continue in another post.
Thanks for reading <3
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sighonahurricane · 4 years
A really long Peaky Blinders side plot, continued (Part4)
They decide to marry. Now, the wedding is a short affair. Nothing too grand. Just Thomas's family, gypsies and the rest of the peaky blinders.
So when the party n all is done, Tommy and Arabella are in their room. Since Arabella commits to whatever she does, she says a vow to Tom that she will be a business partner to him before she's his wife so that they can always talk about anything and everything to each other and will try to be a good mother to Charles. And that she understands him (as they come from a similar struggle) and will stand by his side as his strength and that he doesn't have to reply to this because she knows why he married her. Tommy is a bit taken aback but doesn't say anything. (This scene is REALLY good in my head, someone write this beautifully please)
Now as a year passes Arabella grows close to Charles and he starts calling her mum which Tommy didn't like in the starting but is now accepting. Also her and Tommy still have a very professional relationship but they fuck often and both of them love the hell out of it and there is a mind blowing chemistry and passion between them but they don't express it much. She is gentle with Tommy and both of them believe in keeping their conversations to-the-point but calls the shit out of him at the things which are not acceptable. Tommy doesn't sleep out of this marriage at all and is loyal.
If someone looks at how they live, they wouldn't call it a very happy marriage as they hardly spend time with each other than discussing their businesses both mutual and each other's seperate. When Charles wants to spend time with both of them they come together and play with him for sometime. Usually Tommy wouldn't care, but Arabella asks him to so that his son doesn't have to grow up without good interactions with his father. Arabella considers Charles her own son. She takes time out almost everyday for him. Puts him to sleep whenever she can. Reads him his favourite bedtime stories. Charles loves his new mother. Tommy notices that Charles is very happy with her. He hadn't seen him this happy in a long long time.
They continue like this for more time and they develop a friendly relationship. After almost 3 years Tommy has just started opening up to her. One day he comes to her office (she has a small office at the Arrow Manor, too, and they usually sit in seperate offices all the time) and she out of habit thinks about any documents or paperwork between them that must've been pending because he wouldn't come to her otherwise. He just sits in a chair opposite to her, lights a cigarette and keeps looking at her which has never happened before. He gets up, puts some music on and pours them both some whiskey. She's confused, as they sit there in silence. Tommy's eyes never leaving her. When is drink is almost done he asks her to dance with him. Arabella is so goddamned surprised and gets up to dance. While dancing, she asks him what this is about. Tommy tells her that it's almost 12 at night and it's their 3rd year marriage anniversary. (They've never celebrated their anniversaries yet) He kisses her and wishes. She doesn't know how to react. That night goes pretty good. And the next day in the evening he tells her that they're going out for dinner. Now she's suspicious for why Tommy is being like this and asks him who they're meeting. Tommy is a bit surprised and lets out a little smile thinking how well she knows him but tells her that someone wants to meet both of them for a deal but originally he had planned the night just for them. They go out. Meet the man. The man eyes Arabella because she looks absolutely stunning and passes a comment which makes Tommy wind up the dinner real quick. They then spend the night nicely n all.
But then the Wall Street crashes and Moseley steps into their lives.
And that is a story for another post.
Note: Tommy loves her long hair which she usually keeps in a low bun. She only opens them when she's home. And he often asks her to keep them open and not tie them. He loves touching them and seeing her wear them down.
This has been really good. I missed a lot of details out because then it'd be tooooo long. So thank you for reading <3
And this is the song I imagine playing in the background when they share a good intimate moment.
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sighonahurricane · 4 years
A really long Peaky Blinders side plot (Part5)
Part4 can be found here
Part3 is here
Part2 is here
Part1 is here
Right so till now it's been 3 years that Tommy and Arabella have been married. He obviously hasn't forgotten Grace at all, he takes opium and he still keeps his internal conflicts to himself. Arabella tries her best to be there for him, but since she also has a business to look after, they don't spend much time together.
So now this is maybe 2 weeks before the Wall Street crash (and they have a friendly equation with each other), so Arabella storms into the library and tells him that her accountant has calculated and sort of predicted a sharp dip in the Wall Street Stocks and adviced her to liquidate all her stocks. She tells him he should do so too and he says he has predicted something similar and has asked Michael to sell. Arabella tells him to not trust Micheal, (she's smart and knows by his conduct how Micheal is) and take the matters in his own hands. He obviously doesn't listen.
So now finally the Wall Street crashed and Tommy is all enraged over Micheal not selling and Arabella looses just a little that she wasn't able to take out on time.
Similar to what happens in the show he finds other ways to maintain the cash income. Now it's the scene where they go to the Garrison for the family meeting where they discuss about Finn's bullet. Now Tommy told Arabella there was some business in Limehouse but didn't tell her that he was sending Finn. Now everyone is angry at him sending Finn and as a result him being shot and when asked what she thinks, Arabella has a very different opinion. She says "One learns on the field. Everyone of us sitting at this table is at a position of authority because we know how things work. We wouldn't be here if we hadn't gone to the field and worked on our own. It was just a bullet. Finn can take that much being a Shelby. It's just experience. Now if you'll excuse me, I've been called to another meeting" she leaves and gives Tom a slight nod before going.
Everyone is surprised at why she thinks that way and even Tommy is a bit angry at why she thinks Finn should prove himself.
At home that evening, Tommy goes to her office, sits across from her and asks why she said that. She says "If Finn is going to be an authority in that side of the business he'll have to prove that the least he can do is take a bullet. Tommy, no one can be untouched running that kind of a business. He has to have experience of every manner if he's to take charge"
Tommy sees practicality in her words. She continues "I know he is your baby brother but he's growing up. He will have to see and experience how the world works. Or you can send him to study to keep him away from this. It's the only other way"
Tommy is kind of uncomfortable at the thought of sending him away (idk how to take this forward, honestly 🙈, I mean he can send him away or he can argue with her that it's pointless. Idk. Many possibilities)
Idk if anyone is able to get what kind of character she is by reading these things, but she's pretty badass. And only brings her guard completely down when she's with Charles or a little down when she's chilling with Thomas (which VERY RARE) or fucking him.
Thanks for reading! <3
I'm working on an Arabella aesthetic. I hope I'll be able to do justice to her. I love her soooo much!
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sighonahurricane · 4 years
A really long Peaky Blinders side plot, continued (Part2)
The first part can be found here
Right so after this, everything in Tommy's life pretty much goes the same way, he marries Grace n all, continues the business with Alfie and Arabella (yes, I named her Arabella). She doesn't make an appearance in, say, the timeline of Season 3, even though Tommy does think of her more than he thinks about women generally.
Now, somewhere between S4 and S3 Tommy and Arabella hookup. Now, Arabella has a good enough house in London (she's living in London since the war), she has a personal office in the house and also has one at Alfie's bakery. She has expanded her business (idk into what, maybe exporting more Rum internationally and taking care of her and Solomon's enemies on her own, maybe more side businesses idk) (Note: she and Alfie share a brother sister kind of a bond, nothing romantic really happened) Again the house she has is pretty decent, not huge, not too small, bigger than Ada's but smaller than a mansion.
Now after her and Tommy hooked up, she didn't feel like that was right because she knew Tommy would never get over his dead wife so she told Tommy to keep a strictly professional relationship, though they share a subtle flirt here and there.
In S4 Tommy wants security for his family and she steps in, with no Alfie involved. Providing security even a bit to Aberama Gold. Polly has heard of her before as a business partner to Alfie Solomons but she meets her in S4 and instantly loves her due to her badass attitude. She notices the tension between her and Tommy but doesn't comment on it.
Tommy and her grow close in S4 and it's obvious that Tommy REALLY likes her and she has killed people for him (in business) and he loves the way she can shut anyone up. Also another important detail. She loves combat sports (wrote it in the previous part) so Tommy comes to know that she boxes almost everyday at a gym in London and he visits it sometimes just to see her fight.
Now let's assume Lizzie never conceives Tommy's child. So now, Tommy is moving into politics. He wants an image of a family man to be maintained. So he thinks of marrying Arabella. The reasons being this being a good collab business opportunity for him because she has high class contacts (Note: She has contacts everywhere, even in political circles but she doesn't herself like to be involved directly) and she is very much like Tommy. (More details coming).
Plus, Polly is really impressed with her and she actually plants the idea of marrying her into Tommy's head.
One more continuation coming up.
I promise it'll be the last one
Thanks for reading!
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sighonahurricane · 4 years
A really long Peaky Blinders side Plot continued (Part3)
Part2 Part1
Right, so now Tommy wants to marry her.
But let's take a look on what she thinks. She loves Tommy kind of. Developed feelings when they first hooked up. But she is a very strong character. Hard to comprehend. Her mind always on business and the right things. Very witty. But she feels more than Tommy does and has a better moral compass. But she keeps a no-fucks-given-exterior. So no one knows what she feels. She wants to focus on the business only. But here's how I think the marriage proposal would go.
She's sitting in her office one evening and Tommy comes in. She asks what she can do for him, since that's how business works and because he's there for work. Always. Never for anything else. So now Tommy tells her that he wants to marry her. She doesn't pay much attention and asks him to go home because he's drunk. But soon realises that he's not joking. Tommy puts a ring on the table between them. She asks him why he thinks she will marry him and why he wants to marry her. He tells her the business stuff and politics but not how he likes her. Not love. Just decently like her. She takes it in and asks for some time to think. (Note: She knows Alfie is alive but doesn't ask him because he's on medication and not alright) Polly comes to her office one day to tell her how Grace died and how Tommy was devastated and has never wanted a woman except fucking ever since but she tells her that she's right for Tommy and should marry him. She also tells her that she knows she knows he loves him. And that Grace was not suitable for him. She maintains an undisturbed exterior and again asks for time to think.
After 2 weeks, she comes up with a proposal. She meets Tommy in his office and tells him she wants a contract to be drawn stating the terms of their marriage, because from how he explained it to her, it sounded like a contract.
Now she agreed to marry him because 1) she wants to marry and settle down 2) she sees it as a secure business opportunity 3) she will have Charlie to call her son 4) she would like to have a family that likes her too 5) she secretly loves Tommy (which is the last of the reasons tbh) She thinks quite practically and doesn't get carried away by emotions. She thinks from all aspects. She knows Tommy will never love her because he somehow will always be stuck to the thoughts of his dead wife. But she sees a better opportunity than that in this. Of nothing else she'll have an amazing sex life. Because Tommy is, well, too good in bed. (Not degrading her here but it's a plus point)
Tommy is a bit surprised (and sort of hurt?) that she asked for a contract. So they fix a day and meet, with a lawyer from both of their sides to write the terms as discussed and Polly as a moderator and witness.
I will post the terms of contact, as I see them, in another post.
The contracts are officially drafted and signed after a week. They decide to marry two weeks after the signing.
This is going reaaalllyyy long.
But idk I love it😂🙈❤️
So I'm gonna write more.
Also, thanks for reading till here. REALLY appreciate it! 🥺
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