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selflovewitme · 2 years ago
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My newest to the fleet..
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seakclauswinkler · 3 years ago
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German artist SEAK Claus Winkler, became a surprise Sponsoring from his back in the 1990s artist homie ( spraypainting on trains, painting on walls, going to HipHop jams,) . Homegrowing plants from his homie‘s family young plants family business plantation @biojungpflanzen for his cologne suburbs Artiststudio garden. A good way reconnecting with nature, his long farming family lineage ( migrant mix Slesian, English, Lithuanian, Hunsrück Hessian Germans, Austrians, Eastprussians) going back to traceable till the church book burnings during the 30year war. The artist is harvesting everyday the good plants from biojungpflanzen. The artist family after worldwar2 being refugees again, dirt poor, had to self grow food for at least 2 decades although to make it through. A good healthy way connecting with natural living. The tomatoes although look like the paintings from the artist. They although are a reflection from the artists focus on the redpill, deepening his understanding about practical female psychology. In the past the artist had although sponsorings, supporting him, like friends for @nike , @ecko_unltd Marc Ecko, Southpole, Sir Benni Miles, @tribalstreetwear , @funkeyewear , where courted by @adidas_de and @puma.de , gravis, @gshock_casio_official , @eastpak , @molotowheadquarters , just to name a few. Having a food support this summer like this is super awesome. #harvestmoondaily #Trakhener #milchpferd #Tomaten #artistlife #EveryEverydayiamtomatoereaping #Homegrowntomatoes #selbstversorger #Spatendienst #Eastprussianblood #lihuaninablood #schlesischesblut #tomatoes #tomatoegrower #campesino #Scholle #Acker #huntergatherer #ostpreussen #biojungpflanzen #SEAK #artistsponsorship #artistsponsoring #artistsupport #künstlersponsoring #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #Farminglineage #wateringplants #wereapwhatwesow (hier: Cologne, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChuWgQDofkg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seakclauswinkler · 2 years ago
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Thanks to @Biojungpflanzen for the sponsoring/ endorsement. Harvesting from the finest pedigree everyday. #stammbaum #pedigree #tomatoeporn #tomtatenporn #Homegrowers #Homegrowerporn #Tomatoesummer2022 #reicheernte #harvest2022 #Tomatenpflückenmachtzufrieden #Dergeruchvontomaten #tomatengeruch #tomatenaroma #tomatoearoma #SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #Biojungpflanzen #tomatenpflanze #tomatoegrowers #homegrown #homegrownfood #tomatenanbau #Künstlerabendbrot #capresesalad #tomatensalat #tomatenernte2022einfachrießig #TomatenErnte2022 #tomatoeharvest2022 (at Mönchengladbach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cifj_M6IxFG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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