#tomadashi fanfic
Sunfire Part 1
It’d been three weeks since Tadashi’s death. Honey cried most of the time. Fred moped around, barely saying a word since the burial. Wasabi cleaned obsessively as if it’d bring Tadashi back if it were done enough. And GoGo . . . for a long time, she told herself to remain strong for her friends. God, she’d wanted to cry so many times, but she refused to. Her friends would always tell her it was okay to do so and that she was free to grieve. But she wouldn’t listen. Instead, she’d constantly scold and tell them that Tadashi would want them to be happy and move on with their lives whenever they were down. Her voice was full of confidence and conviction, but all she got were sad looks in return. After a while, she wasn’t sure if it was them she was trying to convince, or herself.
Soon enough, she stopped comforting everyone and tried forgetting everything instead. She tried forgetting the fact that a small part of her expected him to still walk into the lab in the mornings, that he wouldn’t be there to hold her anymore, he’d never tease her again, never say her name.
In fact, she was hurting so much, she did anything to try and forget him. Just for a second. She went to parties she never imagined going to and got high on whatever she could. She kissed and got numbers from guys whose names and faces she wouldn’t remember the next day. Honey, with a heavy heart, threatened to kick her out when she brought home some drunk dude who started yelling song lyrics to a heavy metal cover of some pop song.
“Where did you go?” Honey asked sternly, her arms crossed over her chest as she tried hard to keep her inner Latina in.
Leiko fell on the couch and gripped her dark hair. “Stop screaming. You’re giving me a headache.” She grabbed the beer the singing man left and took a swig from it.
“Maybe if you’d stopped drinking, everything wouldn’t be so loud.” The blonde sat next to her. GoGo rolled her eyes. “Why are you doing this to yourself?”
“I’m not doing anything.” She took another gulp.
“Seriously, Leiko, stop it.”
GoGo glared at her for a few seconds. Then she sighed and set the bottle back down on the coffee table. “Whatever.” She took her phone out of her pocket and started tapping the screen furiously.
“What’re you doing?”
“Deleting and blocking numbers,” she muttered. She then put a piece of gum in her mouth and began popping bubbles every ten seconds.
“How many—”
“Fourteen pervs. New record,” she replied before Honey could finish her question.
“Why do you get their numbers if you’re gonna delete them?”
Leiko smirked a bit. “One: it’s fun leading them on. Two: it’s not like they’re gonna remember me in the morning and vice versa.”
Honey sighed. “Why are you doing this to yourself, GoGo?” She asked again.
“Mm, what is it I’m doing exactly?” She looked up from her phone.
“Ah, this.” She waved her hand in a circle.
“You just gestured to all of me.”
“Exactly! You’ve been getting high, having one night stands with guys that aren’t good for you, you get drunk almost every night and ride your motorcycle anyway. God, are you trying to kill yourself?!” GoGo clenched her fist and looked away. Honey’s eyes widened. “Oh, come on, Leiko. You know Tadashi would want—”
“Tadashi’s dead, Aiko!” GoGo growled, standing abruptly. “It doesn’t matter what he would’ve wanted, or said, or done. He’s dead and there’s nothing we can do about it.” When she spoke the last sentence, she sounded angry. But she also sounded like the realisation was hitting her for the first time.
Honey sighed and shook her head. “Look, GoGo—where are you going?”
“Out,” the Korean girl replied as she walked to the door, stumbling a bit.
“What? No! You’re still drunk!” Aiko stood and went after her.
“This little converation sobered me up, so don’t worry.” Then she smiled while turning to face Honey. “I promise I’m not going out for a ride. Just need fresh air to clear my mind.” With that, she was already out of the door, leaving a slightly baffled Honey Lemon standing in the middle of the entrance.
Of course, Leiko lied. She got her motorcycle—not forgetting the helmet—and went out for a ride, not caring how reckless it was. She prayed the speed would put her now raging mind at ease and that it would some how get rid of the smothering depression hanging over her head. Instead, the things she tried to forget started coming back to her. She urged her bike to go faster, faster, faster. But with each second that passed, more thoughts and memories she’d pushed to the back of her head returned. No, she couldn’t let this happen. She needed them to go away. She kept tugging the right handle back to gain more speed, making her bike go faster than it had ever gone before. GoGo could hear him now, his laugh, the way he said the words “I love you”. She remembered that he wasn't going to be there for her anymore even after he promised he would.
"I'll always be here for you, Leiko."
Faster, faster, faster, . . . faster.
She hit a crack in the road and she was sent flying, landing a few feet away from her motorcycle. Leiko didn’t realise what had happened for a moment since it happened in less than a second. She was lying flat on her back, her body was aching all over, and she wasn’t sure if she’d broken something. At some point, she stopped caring about the intense ache, sat up, and threw her helmet on the ground while she cursed loudly, her head leaning against the cold concrete.
That’s when she broke down. Not from the physical pain, but from the emotional one. She now knew she couldn’t have him back. Nothing would ever bring him back. And so she cried and cried. Until her breath hitched and there was a sudden pain in her chest. She realised that she had in fact broken a few things and now a raging fire was spreading throughout her body.
There was a shriek and suddenly, she couldn’t breath anymore. Her vision began to blur and darken. There was a lot of comotion around her, but the noises were muffled. A shadow cast over her and asked for her name multiple times while trying to keep her awake.
“Leiko . . . Leiko Tanaka,” she had somehow miraculously replied. Her eyes tiredly examined the crowd around her though she could hardly see anyone. The last thing she saw clearly was Tadashi Hamada standing among the strangers before everything disappeared completely.
To be continued . . .
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amillionsmiles · 7 years
B & P! also, cute header:)
thank youuuu tico sisters content is too cute to pass up I love them so much aslgkhasl;dkhgsal;hg
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
ohhh yes indeedy.  the childhood best friends/long-distance tomadashi was heavily inspired by my relationship with my (former) next door neighbor; keith’s POV in my sheith spin class fic is like 90% what was going through my mind when I took a spin class; and the part in you’re deriving me crazy where pidge finds out she might be moving to arizona is actually taken from my life this year and was kind of a way to process my feelings towards potentially having to move! :) 
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an "architect" or a "gardener"? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
Definitely an architect!  If it’s a short prompt fill or drabble then I let things flow, but most of the time when I get an idea I’ll let it simmer in my head as I come up with concrete plot points and scenes, outline those, and then start writing :) 
send me a letter from the fanfic ask meme!
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A Plan Which None Can Escape (Tomadashi/GoGodashi)
Title: A Plan Which None Can Escape    
Fandom: Big Hero 6
Description: Honey Lemon knows she can tell Tadashi that GoGo has a blatantly obvious crush on him, and vice versa, but where would the fun be in such simplicity? Tomadashi/GoGodashi 
Honey Lemon was a rather perceptive person. While she was more than reasonably successful in her scientific pursuits, she was also extremely in-tune with human emotion and could easily empathize with those around her. In fact, on more than one occasion, she considered the possibility of a career in the realm of psychology which ultimately never manifested into anything beyond one semester long course entitled Intro to Psychology. (Which she got an A in, obviously) So she was hardly surprised when both Tadashi and GoGo confessed to her that each liked the other. Their relationship was defined by stolen glances, snarky exchanges that devolved into awkward fumbling, and a metric ton of blushing. Oh, the blushing. All it took was a slight brush of the hand or a mutual reach for an object and their faces would burn like Christmas ornaments. It was downright precious. The only problem that each, for distinct reasons, refused to make a move, obviously too petrified by insecurity and shyness to leap into the unknown. Tadashi was a gentleman among gentlemen and GoGo was about as level-headed and rational as a villain of a scary movie with an ear infection when it came to her crush. After they both confessed to her in the most delicate of circumstances of their blatant affection, Honey Lemon believed that was her signal to take matter into her own hands.
"Why are we here, again?"
"We are here, my apprentice, to help you prepare for when you pop the question to GoGo." Being the great friend she was, Honey Lemon vowed to help Tadashi muster the courage to ask out the woman of his dreams.
"We're not getting married."
She simply smiled in response. "If you say so," She found this a bit strange. The entire time she had known Tadashi, he was effortlessly confident and collected in more or less every instance. Sure, she knew that he turned into a lost puppy around GoGo, but it was still somewhat jarring to see him so nervous and despondent. It was kind of amusing, in a way, especially when she considered how fond GoGo was of him. If only he knew. "In any case, I am your friend, and I am bound by the rules of friendship to help you."
Tadashi ran his hands over his face and gave her a look of desperation. "I appreciate that, I really do, but I doubt there's anything on the planet that can motivate me to do what you're asking unless you have a gun you're going to place at my back."
Normally, Honey Lemon would say at this point that she had her work cut out for her, but her amazing planning skills all but assured victory. All that was required was a bit of careful timing. "Well, let's not get to that just yet. How about we start off with something easy? What's one thing you like about her? It could be anything."
That question alone was enough to make Tadashi's cheeks flush and force him to rub the back of his neck sheepishly. Honey Lemon couldn't help but smile. If that single question was enough to get that much of a reaction out of Tadashi, she could only imagine what the next few minutes would entail. The two might lose consciousness due to the amount of embarrassment. "Well, this might sound a bit strange, but…" Tadashi brought his fingers together and began a thorough examination of the floor. "I guess I like her...hair."
"Her hair?"
Tadashi responded like a child being interrogated by an indignant professor. "Yeah. It looks nice."
"There's nothing wrong with that," Honey Lemon knew that Tadashi needed encouragement instead of derision, and there was no denying that GoGo had great hair. "That's a good start. Now, as an exercise, let's pretend you're writing a poem about her hair."
"Pretend we're in English class and you have been assigned to write a poem about her great hair." She concluded without a modicum of irony.
Tadashi rubbed his hand on his chin and contemplated the thought for several seconds. "Uh, Leiko, your hair is like," He paused for a moment and glanced out a window for inspiration. "A purple haze of radiant beauty like that of the stars of the night sky."
Despite her intense willpower, Honey Lemon couldn't stop herself from bursting into a small fit of laughter. There was something perversely amusing the way GoGo was able to turn Tadashi from confident to painfully shy without even being present and vice versa. He looked away in embarrassment. "No! I'm not laughing at you, in fact, I think we're making great progress!" She checked the time with her peripheral vision. The hour of judgement approached. "So, we're going to take it to the next level. I'm going to pretend to be Leiko and you're going to pretend to ask me out."
Tadashi looked as if a gun had been placed in his face. "You can't be serious."
"Absolutely. It's the only way you're going to be truly ready, my student." Honey Lemon got into character by sitting down, placing her legs on an adjacent chair, and making several obnoxiously loud chewing sounds. Her acting skills were truly impeccable. "You got something to say to me, Hamada? Spit it out."
Tadashi's eyebrows shot up upon hearing Honey Lemon's disgustingly inaccurate impression of their mutual friend's voice. "Aiko, you can't be seri-"
"Uh, you're talking to Leiko, dumb-dumb. If you're gonna spill your feelings and admit you love me, you better make if fast." She snapped her fingers twice to hustle him along.
Tadashi ultimately conceded to Honey Lemon's plan as he shuffled his hands together to psych himself into it. Luckily, he was far too focused on forming a coherent sentence to notice the entrance of a certain someone who was also presently too flabbergasted to speak.
"Right on time." Honey Lemon's plan was going off without even the smallest divergence.
"Leiko, I know I'm about to embarrass myself here and destroy our friendship, but I need you to know something: I think you are the most wonderful person in the world. You're...funny, sweet, smart, beautiful, and I absolutely treasure every second I get to spend with you," Whatever remnants of the shyness that plagued him before were gone as he took on an air of seriousness that Honey Lemon very rarely saw in him. "And I know people say that I'm too young or this is just an infatuation or a crush, but whenever I need to motivate myself, I just have to remember that tomorrow is another day I get to spend with you. Even when I'm dreading the challenges of life, I just think of how you make me feel and all these butterflies that invade my stomach whenever you walk into a room, and suddenly I feel like I can take on the whole universe. Just talking to you or being near you...it makes me feel...giddy," His confidence wavered as he shut his eyes to focus. "Sometimes your sarcasm and your wit and all your little proclivities are just so charming and adorable that I just want to hug you and kiss your gorgeous face and tell you how I feel about you, but I know you're a person who prefers to keep people at arm's length, and that's okay. I'm so horrified of being rejected by you that a freaking simulation of asking you out is enough to make me want to crawl in a hole. I know this is kind of rambly, and I'm sorry about that since I tend to ramble when I'm really, really nervous, but there you go. That's it," He concluded with another hefty sigh. "So, uh, like me please?"
Honey Lemon found that her jaw had dropped at some point during Tadashi's confession and was stood in solidarity with the rest of her face in an obstinate refusal to move. She truly had no idea about the depth of Tadashi's feelings for GoGo. "Well, that...was...good," The normally talkative Honey Lemon was at a loss for words. She looked to GoGo standing a few feet away to find that the color had been drained from her face and her expression was a combination of abject terror and extreme pain. Now was the time to act. "Oh, hey, GoGo. I didn't see you there." She waved to her friend.
"Uh, hey." She squeaked out, unable to meet Tadashi's gaze.
Honey Lemon took that as her signal to leave the two to discuss the whirlwind of emotions presently storming through their emotional system. "Well, I better go. This seems like something you two need to talk about." She hustled out of the door as Tadashi pleaded with her not to leave.
"Aiko, wai-" But she was already out of the room. Unknown to the two, she remained within the immediate proximity to the site of the recent revelation to reap the rewards of her genius. GoGo meticulously made her way over to Tadashi with her hands in her pockets. After several interminable seconds of awkward silence, Tadashi shattered the quiet with a deafening statement.
"I assume you heard that."
"How much?"
"All of it."
Honey Lemon thought the two more closely resembled shy schoolchildren than indefatigably confident college students perpetually equipped with an endless repertoire of snarky quips.
"Leiko, before you say anything, I just want you to know that I totally get if you aren't comfortable with being friends with me anymore." The anxiety in his voice was palpable.
"I mean, this is completely on me. I know you play things close to the chest, or the vest, or however that goes, and it was stupid of me to overstep my boundaries like that, especially with someone like you."
"The only thing I ask is that you-"
While GoGo was the one known for taking things at a pace somewhere between lighting and blazing fast, she yelled at Tadashi and grabbed him by the shoulders in order to stop his rambling. He looked at her like a lost puppy. "Can you shut up for two seconds, please?" GoGo couldn't help but smile as she saw Tadashi's face burn a bright crimson. With a deep breath, she continued. "I heard what you said, and I just wanted to say that I...didn't really dislike it all that much."
His face immediately perked up. "Really?"
"Well, it was really cheesy. Like, bargain-bin-at-the-dollar-store romance novel cheesy, but that's par for the course with you, you freaking dork."
Tadashi gave a slightly embarrassed grin. "Hey, I was only being honest," He paused for a moment as the two realized that GoGo still hadn't let go of his shoulders. A look of dread took over her face as she moved her arms away from him. To clear up any potential awkwardness, Tadashi intervened with a question on both of their minds. "So, would you wanna do something? With me, I mean."
"I guess I could consider it. I mean, I can't just give anyone the honor of doing stuff with me, you know. I am funny, sweet, smart, and beautiful, after all."
Honey Lemon couldn't suppress her exuberant grin as she made her way for the exit secure in the knowledge that Tadashi and GoGo were officially in love.
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chubbymouth · 9 years
Point A to B: Chapter 6
Pairing: Tomadashi
Rating: T (for swearing sometimes)
Summary: Some people don’t think that GoGo and Tadashi are moving along fast enough.
Prev: Chapter 5
“Why can’t we just shrink-ray one of them down and have the other try to fix it?”
“Because Fred,” sighed an exasperated Wasabi, “One, this is not a rom-com sci-fi, and two, because, like we have said multiple times, a shrink ray is not scientifically possible.”
“That’s what the government probably WANTS you to think!”
That statement rang a little too loudly through the small boba tea shop the gang had decided to meet in, the only place they trusted to meet without Tadashi, GoGo or even Hiro walking in on them.
“Guys, can we focus?” said Honey Lemon, pushing her pink glasses up her nose. “While I do agree with Wasabi that Fred’s idea is a bit…cheesy and not sound in the law of physics, I do admire his creativity.”
“Creativity? He just stole that idea from one of his comic books!”
“Excuse me, but I ‘recycled and reworked the concept’ from a very popular movie. I didn’t steal.”
Wasabi rolled his eyes, but Honey persisted.
“Regardless! At least Fred has come up with ideas of how to get those two closer to one another. That’s more than either of us came up with.”
“I still don’t see why we just can’t let them figure it out on their own terms, learning about their feelings in due time.”
Honey’s laugh came so loud and fast she almost snorted. Just as quickly, he sighed and wiped her eye. “Please. I know GoGo. She’d sooner combust than admit to a friend she had feelings for him.”
“And Tadashi has had a lot on his mind since the accident. It might be too much for him to realize right now,” replied Fred sagely.
“Fine, fine.” Wasabi took a dejected sip from his blueberry bubble tea (no boba- those balls would definitely be a choking hazard). “But we can’t just shove them in a closet together and expect them to have a deep heart to heart like some teen movie.”
“I’ll have you know that many teen movies are considered modern classics and I find your tone condescending.”
“Fred, this time Wasabi also has a point.”
The large man this time triumphantly sipped at his drink, while the other visibly sulked. Honey pressed on.
“It can’t be something too obvious. We need it to grow organically. They are like…two chemicals that need to be added at the right time, because if we allow one to wait too long, one of them might corrode and then we are left with grey muck instead of pink plastic.”
The boys stared at her.
“…That might have been a bit too specific…but you get the idea!”
This time, the two nodded. However, as a period of sipping on their drinks and silence stretched out between them, its message became increasingly loud.
They were coming up with jack shit.
“So,” began Wasabi, “do you think Hiro knows at all?”
“I don’t know,” said Honey. “I love him like a brother but I’ve figured that he might not be particularly…observant? At least when it comes to people’s emotions.”
“Besides, if it’s his big bro,” Fred chimed in. “I doubt he wants to think about Tadashi getting it on with some chick.”
“GoGo is not ‘some chick’ Fred,” Honey clarified. “She’s our friend. But she’s also Hiro’s friend. You’re right, it could be a little weird.”
“But wouldn’t it be weird for all of us?” said Wasabi worriedly. “Sure, they are our friends and we want them to be happy. But what if they get all gross couply around us? What if they break up? What if it’s bad? What about then?”
“Then we worry about that when it happens,” declared Honey as a-matter-fact as possible. “Look guys, all sorts of things can go wrong. But all those things we are worried about? Those two are probably worrying about them twice as much. We need to at least indicate that we’re supportive of them taking chances, because otherwise, they won’t budge. Can’t we do that for them?”
Both still seemed stiff, fiddling with their drinks.
“Besides,” continued Honey “I always wanted to be matchmaker and now I finally have a chance! And can you imagine how cute they would be if they got together?”
Before either Fred or Wasabi could agree, they heard a voice from behind.
“Who would be cute together?”
All three heads snapped up to find Hiro standing in front of them, sucking light brown boba tea (probably almond) through a straw.
“Hi-Hiro!” exclaimed Honey. “How long have you been here?”
“The boba shop? I dunno, a few minutes. Didn’t think I was gonna interrupt a meeting. What’s going on?”
Wasabi began talking fast. “Nothing is going on! Why would you think anything is going on? We are just here getting some boba, nothing suspicious here, nothing at all!”
They all stared.
“Smooth Wasabi,” deadpanned Fred. “Smooth as gravel.”
“Look, now I definitely know something is up. Is it about Tadashi and GoGo?”
Now all three had their jaws hanging open.
“How-How did-I mean-why would…” Honey stammered.
“Please, I’ve noticed him making gaga eyes at her plenty of times. And they’ve been acting weird lately.”
“Right?” exclaimed Fred. “Like so many times they are obviously trying to not look at each other but then like, the other day they were so chummy?”
“GoGo was even humming. I didn’t know she had the ability,” said Wasabi, still in surprise.
“Yeah and then there was that time after they talked at Callaghan’s funeral. He just seemed off when he came home. Also, Tadashi has been murmuring in his sleep sometimes. I used to think maybe he was having nightmares about the fire or something, but I swear I’ve heard him say her name.”
“Wait,” Honey’s eyes went wide. “He’s talking about her in his sleep?”
“Yeah, I guess?”
She then pulled Hiro into the booth with them, eliciting a surprised gasp from Hiro. Honey then planted her manicured hands firmly on the table in front of them.
“Everyone, this is important information and I think that it is more vital than ever to get these two together,” she said, like it was an order.
She turned to Hiro. “Welcome, you are officially part of the mission.”
A/N: I, for one, would love to see additions to the rom-com sci-fi genre.
hmm I think I want to do a bit of the gang's perception here? I know people were expecting Tadashi's view point but I want to include other characters too. I suppose I could have just a little bit of prodding from Honey (again, mostly because it pains me that we saw so little of Honey and GoGo hanging out/interacting in the film) Everything I write is basically just wish fulfillment isn't it? Then again, isn't all writing like that, to some degree?
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry it took so long and that it is relatively short compared to the others.
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amillionsmiles · 8 years
for the trope: height difference!!
guilty pleasure af, especially since a lot of my favorite ships are in that awkward adolescent phase and when you add ~SUDDEN GROWTH SPURTS~ and the smugness that comes from a change in height difference to that mix: 🔥🔥🔥
pairings I’d most likely write it for: kainora, definitely; I think I’ve worked in jinora being taller than kai in their earlier years for their modern AU so when the tables turn you bet kai will have something to say about that. also, adrinette would be super cute with this. and then of course there’s tomadashi’s canonical height difference which I adore 
put a fanfic trope in my inbox!
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Don’t Shoot to Miss (Tomadashi/GoGodashi
Title: Don’t Shoot to Miss
Fandom: Big Hero 6
Description: Hiro is out for revenge, and he has a plan to expose Tadashi’s greatest secret. Tomadashi/GoGodashi.
Though he was a formidable mind, particularly for his age, Hiro Hamada regularly found himself outwitted by his brother. Of course, Hiro and Tadashi cared a great deal for each other, but their unbreakable bond did not preclude them from engaging in a bit of good spirited brotherly squabbling every now and again. In just about every scenario, Tadashi came out on top. Whenever Hiro was unintentionally gawking at an attractive customer of the Café, Tadashi was perpetually equipped with a sardonic comment on Hiro's lack of self-awareness. If Hiro ever found himself beaten by a mathematical equation or scientific problem, Tadashi always knew almost instinctively how to counter it before Hiro could even begin to formulate a solution. Even when Hiro was all but absolutely certain he had his brother's number, Tadashi effortlessly turned the tables at the eleventh hour. To shatter the cycle of defeat, Hiro concluded that he would have to conjure forth a plan so ingenious, so Machiavellian, that even Tadashi could not escape its intricate machinations.
Hiro believed that everyone, everyone, had some sort of dark secret to hide. Hiro loved his brother, but he needed something to hang over Tadashi's head for the rest of their lives. Sure, he was upstanding, kind, noble, empathetic, and always ready to stand up for his friends, but Hiro knew that there had to be something Tadashi was actively suppressing from the world at large. Hiro's first idea was to test his brother's patience when it came to his work. Luckily, Tadashi saved his current project on an easy-to-steal flash drive. The present problem, however, was that Tadashi was practically glued to his work space. Hiro, a master of tactical espionage, snuck his way into Tadashi's lab every so often only to find him hurled into his work.
"Hey, uh, Tadashi." Hiro tepidly entered Tadashi's lab, fearful to not make any sort of sudden movements just in case Tadashi deemed him an active threat.
It took Tadashi several moments to register that another living being had entered his immediate vicinity. He had to glance over in Hiro's direction more than once. "Oh. Sorry, Hiro, ultra busy. Feel free to get yourself ten dollars from my bag and grab something with the rest of the team if you're in the mood for dinner." He snapped back to his work immediately after concluding his sentence. Hiro felt like slapping himself in the face for such a poor attempt at subterfuge. He retreated to his desk to consider a new plot. He pressed his index finger to his temple and considered the possibilities. Lure him out with food? No, that would be totally ineffective. Inform him of a supervillain attacking the city? No, he'd seen through that in a second. Perhaps taking a walk around the campus and absorbing the cool night air would help clear his mind and let the power of vengeance guide him to victory. It was a gorgeous night out, anyway.
Just before Hiro could exit to the campus proper, he noted the subtle workings of machinery in an adjacent room. He assumed that the lab was only occupied by him and Tadashi, so out of sheer curiosity he investigated the noise to find GoGo.
"She must've come in when I wasn't looking." Hiro casually noted to himself.
Then, something struck Hiro's mind. He would tell GoGo that Tadashi needed to speak with her and use the distraction to swipe Tadashi's flash drive. It was perfect. The only minor obstruction in his brilliant plan was that GoGo was typically about as welcoming and forgiving as a keeper of a medieval oubliette. He would have to be extremely convincing to get her to go along with the plan. Carefully, Hiro entered GoGo's unapologetically unkempt workspace. While GoGo cared little for its upkeep, any intruder that foolishly dared to alter even the most minor element of its structure would soon face a wrathful retribution like no other. Despite that, one thing Hiro noticed in his time at the SFIT was that GoGo was actually fairly open to Hiro and Tadashi, at least relative to how she treated everyone else. It was true that half of their interactions involved her deriding his small stature and age, but Hiro got the sense that she enjoyed his company far more than she would ever reveal. At least, he hoped that was the case.
"Yo, Little Hamada." Hiro's eyes snapped up to meet GoGo's as a rush of nervous energy shot through him. Had to be extra attentive around her at all times.
"Oh, hey, GoGo. What's going on with you? You're working hard, I can see." Unphased by Hiro's pleasantries, she returned to her work.
"Your command of the blatantly obvious is astounding. I'm quite impressed." Hiro was well-acquainted with GoGo's razor-wit and acid tongue.
"So, I'll tell you why I'm here," He paced around her lab, the low temperature helping to relax his nerves. "Tadashi sent me here because he needs to talk to you about something. He would've been here himself, but he's super, super busy and that's why he sent me."
GoGo had completely forgotten about her work and shifted her gaze to Hiro's, eyebrow arched with piercing incredulity. "Did he say what exactly he needs from me?" Hiro didn't need to be a genius to detect the tentative skepticism in GoGo's voice. She wasn't exactly unnerved, but Hiro's query certainly had an impact on her.
"Something about his work. I think he said something like "only her expertise can help", or at least I'm pretty sure that's what he said. He seemed kind of distracted." That last part was the honest truth, at the very least.
GoGo contemplated the situation for several seconds. The wait was interminable. So far, Hiro had been lucky to avoid angering GoGo to any great degree, but this was taking a titanic risk. He hadn't predicted that this would be any more than an innocent conversation between two friends, but something about Hiro's request dug its way underneath GoGo's armor. Soon he would doubtlessly begin to perspire despite the low temperature.
"Alright. I don't know why he couldn't tell me this himself, but whatever." GoGo dropped her work and began making her way to Tadashi. Hiro breathed a sigh of relief as his nerves relaxed. The next step in his master plan was now in motion and GoGo suspected nothing. Hiro followed her.
As Hiro followed GoGo, something incredibly bizarre happened. Did GoGo...adjust her hair? Hiro assumed GoGo cared for other people's opinions of her the same way a whale cared for a single-celled eukaryotic organism sneezing on its tail, but something told him that GoGo was in fact adjusting her appearance. And this wasn't just slightly brushing it out of her eye; this was full-on meaningful adjustment mode. How curious. GoGo and Tadashi talked to each other all the time, what exactly was happening tha-
"Hey." GoGo turned around to confront Hiro in the midst of his venture into introspection.
"What's up?" Hiro was both genuinely serious and deathly terrified.
"If I remember correctly, Tadashi needed me."
"So why are you tagging along?"
A startling development. Hiro's whole plan was predicated on being in the same room as Tadashi and GoGo. He would have to act competently and swiftly.
"He, uh, also needs me. We're working together. On a thing. That's why I'm going with you." GoGo's eyes worked their way through Hiro's soul as she questioned the validity of his explanation. She waited a moment before continuing her march to Tadashi. Strangely, Hiro noted another subtle change in GoGo's behavior after she realized Hiro would be accompanying her. Her back was no longer arched to its maximum capacity, she walked at a more relaxed, slower pace, and she let her hands lazily hang out of her pockets. She was far more relaxed, for whatever reason. In any case, Hiro's operation was going off without so much as a minuscule divergence.
When the two arrived, GoGo held her arms to each adjacent end of the door into Tadashi's lab. Hiro used the opportunity and his small stature to slip through before GoGo engaged Tadashi.
"Hamada." While Hiro's attempt to gain Tadashi's attention went rather poorly, GoGo instantly knocked him out of his entranced state. He whirled around in place to face her.
"GoGo. What's up?" Tadashi stood up and paced forward, giving Hiro the opportunity to inch towards the hard drive, eyes set on his target. As a master of stealth operations with years of video game experience, Hiro knew waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike was the key to victory. He would have to watch GoGo and Tadashi with the utmost concentration.
"Tiny You says my presence is needed." She laconically shifted her gaze to Hiro.
Tadashi looked back at Hiro with an air of suspicion before returning his gaze to GoGo. "Well, it's always nice to see you, GoGo, but I don't think I need anything at the moment." Hiro shuffled to the terminal and grabbed the flash drive while the two were determined to annoy each other. Another important element of espionage and theft was actually escaping with the merchandise undetected. That would require knowing his targets and their movements.
A moment after Hiro had successfully completed the next step in his quest for revenge, GoGo's neutral expression shifted to a more uncertain one and she cleared her throat before continuing to talk. "Well, Little You said it was of the utmost importance that I come here to talk to you."
The normally collected and in-control Tadashi appeared to be taken aback by the present situation. "Uh…" He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "It's great to see you as always, but I don't think you're really "needed". No offense, of course."
GoGo, rather uncharacteristically, gave a smug grin. "You know, Hamada, these excuses are getting more and more pathetic by the day, and now you're using your poor brother as an intermediary. If you want to talk to me, come on down anytime. Never pegged you to be the timid type." She arched her eyebrow.
"I would love to continue inflating your colossal ego, but I really need to get back to work."
GoGo rolled her eyes before turning around and giving Tadashi a casual wave goodbye.
This already unusual day was becoming more unusual by the minute. Tadashi felt modestly uncomfortable in a social situation and GoGo gave an ever-so-subtle hint that she cared about someone's opinion of her. Perhaps more importantly, GoGo responded to Tadashi's good natured ribbing with a bit of her own well-meaning snark rather than the deadpan, vociferous derision she dispensed at regular intervals to the world around her. What a spectacle! What would happen next? Would Wasabi use mud as shaving cream? Would Honey Lemon dye her hair pitch black and indulge her latent proclivity for grunge and heavy metal? Was this a portent of the apocal-
"What was that about?" Hiro was knocked out of his mental ruminations on the possible end-of-the-world scenario he found himself in by a somewhat perturbed looking and sounding Tadashi.
"Erm…" Luckily, Tadashi was likely too distracted to deduce that Hiro had taken his flash drive. The end was near. Couldn't let all that work go to waste. "I'm really worried about you, Tadashi. You've been working extra hard these past few days and I really think you should take it easy for a bit before you combust. I incorrectly assumed GoGo would be able to convince you to at least take a five minute break." He despondently lowered his head, suddenly finding an incredibly fascinating quality in his shoes. As he hoped, Tadashi's anger relented and morphed into gratitude.
"You're right, and I appreciate it. It is pretty late, after all, so what's say we get out of here and grab something to eat? Just let me get my flash drive." Hiro mentally breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness he had been born with a massive brain and excellent acting skills. Now, it was time to reap the fruits of his labor. He watched with anticipation as Tadashi searched his terminal and desk.
"What's up? Can't find your thing? Oh man, doesn't that just fill you with rage? All that work for nothing." So many strange things were happening that Tadashi was guaranteed to explode in a storm of frustration. Finally, he would have his victory. Unfortunately, though, Tadashi only shrugged his shoulders in response.
"It's all automatically saved to my email. Can never be too careful." He patted the despondent Hiro on the shoulder before putting on his coat and heading for the door. "C'mon, I'm starving." Hiro squeezed his eyes shut. All that effort! All that struggle! All for nothing. Even if he never knew it, Tadashi was always ten steps ahead of Hiro.
But perhaps there could be another way to defeat Tadashi once and for all.
An idea jumped to the forefront of Hiro's mind. It was small and rather pedestrian, at first, but it germinated in Hiro's subconscious into something wondrous. Hiro separated his fingers which covered his eyes. There was no need for shame, this was time for action! Hiro knew Tadashi's big secret, and he was going to expose it to the world. Tadashi was totally into GoGo, and Hiro would prove it. All he needed was a bit of assistance from a close friend who wanted nothing but Tadashi's to live a long, healthy life. Of course he would want to help. However, this would take time, preparation, and the utmost care. He was almost absolutely certain in his assumption, but exposure without evidence risked damaging his relationship with Tadashi beyond repair. He would have something to eat, a good night's rest, and he would engineer the gears of destiny in the morning. He had all the time in the world, after all.
Hiro waited until his compatriots were away or otherwise predisposed and he was absolutely certain he had the lab all to himself for a significant amount of time. If even one person caught so much as even a hint of his plan, it would collapse in on itself. He couldn't afford any mistakes. He shuffled into Tadashi's lab, briefly attempting to recall whether or not Tadashi had any sort of surveillance system installed before giving a quick glance to the corners of the ceiling for any cameras. He then noted that perhaps he should take steps to mollify his overly obtrusive paranoia.
Here was the most difficult part of the operation: he would have to hurt himself to get Baymax out of his slumber.
"Wait," Hiro thought to himself. "What am I thinking?" He walked over to a desk and casually bumped his foot against the corner.
"Ow." Hiro put his heart into it.
Thankfully, that was all it took to get Baymax up and ready. This operation was running smoothly. Hiro just had to keep watch of his time table. Tadashi or anyone else could interrupt at any point. Baymax emerged from his dominion and waddled over a few feet in front of Hiro.
"Hiro," Hiro knew that monotone voice almost as well as his own. "I was alerted to distress based on your emission of: "Ow" Tadashi had apparently managed to implement voice recognition software. Genuinely impressive. "However, based on my initial assessment, it appears you have faced minimal physical damage. Do you require me for some other purpose?"
"I don't, but I know someone who does," While Baymax had no reason to doubt Hiro, Hiro nevertheless maintained his facade of wholesomeness. "I'm worried about Tadashi. I think something is happening to him, and I need you to help me figure out what's wrong with him."
Baymax, curiously, squinted at Hiro. "I have detected no physical or physiological abnormality in Tadashi recently. His health is in optimal condition." Baymax clearly still had quite a bit to learn about mental health. Excellent.
"Actually, buddy, I think this is a weirdly specific illness. Normally, he's calm and confident, but sometimes he gets really nervous and sometimes he even starts sweating for no apparent reason. He really, really needs to be as focused as possible on this huge project, so it's up to us to diagnose what's going on and cure him."
Although Baymax was not the most expressive robot in the world, it was clear he was highly invested in maintaining Tadashi's health and felt frustrated when he couldn't detect problems with his patients. "Based on what you have told me, I will take a more active role in maintaining Tadashi's health. Are there any other details you can provide which will help me identify scenarios that negatively affect Tadashi's health?"
Hiro placed his index finger and thumb on his chin and waited a few seconds before informing Baymax. "Well, this sounds a bit strange, but I think it tends to happen whenever he interacts with GoGo. I think if you make sure to scan Tadashi whenever GoGo is close to him, we could have an idea of what's wrong," This was perfect. Hypothetically, Hiro could've simply presented the idea to Tadashi, but having direct evidence that he had a thing for GoGo would make it impossible to deny the truth. "Oh! And it would really, really help if you scan Tadashi while he's speaking to GoGo. That would be great." Hiro couldn't help but smile.
"I will watch over Tadashi during his encounters with Miss Tomago. Should I report to Tadashi about my scans of his health?"
"No. No, definitely not. If Tadashi finds out…" Baymax probably believed what Hiro told him, but there was no way Tadashi could know that Hiro had duplicitously used Baymax to spy on him. "He'll be upset with me despite the fact that I'm being an excellent brother and going out of my way to make him healthier." Hiro self-righteously placed his fists on his hips and slightly pumped his chest forward. He really was being a good brother, in a way.
It had been about a week since Hiro had started on the path to victory. Since then, he bided his time, refraining from speaking with Baymax on the chance that it would expose his plan before he could crush Tadashi with the evidence. As any good scientist would, he allowed for some of his own input, once sleuthing into GoGo's lab when she wasn't around and dropping a wrench in a conspicuous spot in Tadashi's lab. GoGo hadn't murdered Tadashi following that incident, much to Hiro's surprise, but he made sure that would be the only time as there was a distinct possibility that GoGo would engineer some sort of bizarre and cruel contraption in order to prevent her tools from being stolen. Enough time had passed and the two hadn't destroyed one another, so that was already a success. Even better, Tadashi had completed whatever-it-was he had been doing concerning Baymax's upgrades and was taking an admittedly well deserved day off. He was sure in for a treat as a reward for all his hard work. The moment of truth drew ever closer. He slipped into his pocket, pulled out a pencil, and gently poked the side of his thumb and emitted yet another disingenuous "Ow" to bring forth his ever faithful companion. As certain as the tides, Baymax emerged right on time. The excitement that stirred in Hiro's stomach all weekend was prepared to coagulate and spill right out of him. Finally, his vengeance would be absolute!
"Hiro. Am I correct in assuming you wish to examine the results of my scans of Tadashi?" Hiro practically sprinted over to grab a rolling chair to bring himself up to Baymax's chest. A front row seat to the action.
"Yes I am, buddy," He rubbed his hands together in anticipation and considered the possibility of spontaneous combustion.
"I have scanned Tadashi and Miss Tomago twenty-five times, and based on my scans, I can conclude-"A bright screen popped up on Baymax's chest.
"Hiro!" Hiro unintentionally let out a yelp and fell out of his chair as Tadashi appeared on screen. He was clearly either a psychic or a supervillain. Before any other supernatural occurrences could disrupt Hiro's notion of the meaning of existence, he sprinted for the door as quickly as his legs could propel him only to collide with an object Hiro's overriding sense of danger failed to detect. Hiro's legs felt as if they would tear themselves from the rest of his being if he refused to move, so they sprung the rest of Hiro up and kept blazing away from danger. The only thing that stopped him was the same "Hiro!" that began his brief career as a track star. Only then had he realized that Tadashi was at the opposing end of the collision. His hypercharged nerves relaxed, if only slightly, as the prospect of facing an indignant Tadashi was only ever-so-slightly less horrifying that fighting a psychic supervillain who could somehow manifest himself in the digital world. Continuing to flee from fate would doubtlessly prove to be an exercise in futility, and Hiro was prepared to face his doom.
"So," Tadashi crossed his arms. "I'm curious, what were you attempting to achieve with using Baymax behind my back?" There was the vaguest hint of a smirk on his face. Hiro slipped his hands into pockets and sullenly began a thorough examination of the floor.
Hiro considered continuing a lie, but he knew that Tadashi could instantly dismantle anything as this point. "I was using Baymax to spy on you."
"I can see that. I found out the day after you snuck into my lab. The real question here is what specifically were you doing with Baymax?"
A layer of perspiration had developed on Hiro's hands and forehead. He was fairly certain that Tadashi was perceptive enough to put all the evidence together to reach a fairly logical conclusion and he was just toying with him at this point, but he was powerless to escape Tadashi's victory celebration. "I was testing to see if you had the hots for GoGo. I thought I could use your creation to get one over on you."
Tadashi gave a small chuckle. "Well, I give you credit for a decent idea, but I think you know that I know Baymax better than anyone, and I can tell when someone has tampered with him," He gave Hiro a light smack on the shoulder. "And, more importantly, I like GoGo because she's my friend, and I like all my friends. I'll admit that she keeps me on my toes, but I think you can empathize with me on that one," Tadashi seemed more disappointed in Hiro's lack of sleuthing skills than angry at his deception. Hopefully, he would dismiss the situation soon enough. "Now, I'm starving. Let me check up on Baymax and we'll get outta here."
Hiro, spirits somewhat lightened, went for the door. "Thanks, Tadashi. And I honestly wasn't gonna use Baymax for anything evil. Honest."
"I figured as much. You don't have that in you. Give me five minutes and I'll meet you outside."
As soon as Hiro was out of sight, Tadashi frantically slid a chair over to Baymax, who remained mercifully passive during the confrontation with Hiro. Whatever Baymax had discovered, Tadashi would have to go through now. He was eternally grateful that he had managed to discover Hiro's intrusion a mere 15 minutes before their confrontation. What luck! Discovering that Hiro had deduced his flame for GoGo was horrifying enough, but the fact that he would have tangible evidence made Tadashi feel as if a brick had been placed in his stomach.
"Baymax, I need you to bring up everything from your examinations in the last week," Tadashi had to work with a deal of haste. He could've left it for the morning, but anticipation would make sleep a Herculean effort. "Give me your diagnosis." Flashes of data, graphs, and medical journals covered Baymax's form.
"Based on my week long examination, I have concluded that you suffer from what is colloquially known in common parlance as a "crush". The recipient of your affection is most likely Miss Tomago." Tadashi reflexively winced. He accepted his liking for GoGo ages ago, but having it brought into the open was painful. Of course, he couldn't blame himself. Since they first became friends, Tadashi acknowledged that GoGo was an extremely good-looking woman who was also funny, intelligent, capable, and about a hundred thousand other awesome things, but it went much further than that. There was just some ethereal air, an energy, about her that enchanted him. She presented herself to the world without worry or concern for what other people thought. On more than a few occurrences, though he would sooner crawl through a mile of broken glass than admit it, his affection for GoGo became so powerful that he fantasized about hugging her with superhuman strength and telling her everything he thought about her. Of course, Tadashi knew he had a better chance of dodging raindrops in a hurricane that forging a romantic relationship with her. Additionally, he did genuinely appreciate their friendship. Though he loved each of his friends in their own way, he felt the most powerful bond with GoGo. He could be totally transparent and genuine with her. There was no need to worry about the weight of the past because she didn't care about his or her own. She was rather easy to fall for, he told himself. The combination of preventing Hiro's discovery and his musings about GoGo relaxed him to a degree. He would delete the information from Baymax's mainframe and leave it at that.
"Alright, Baymax, you can go ahead and get rid of all this."
"Are you sure? Would you like to hear my additional report on Miss Tomago?"
Tadashi heart leapt as if he had been directly injected with a syringe full of sugar. Had Hiro ordered Baymax to scan GoGo as well? He would be sure to thank Hiro at some point. Although, did he want to know? He was fairly certain he would have the energy to sprint to the end of the universe if she reciprocated his feelings, but with that came the risk of her rejecting him, a blow deadlier than any other.
Tadashi, despite everything, stood firm in his belief. He had to face the truth. Running from it wouldn't help anyone. "Tell me."
"These are the symptoms." Tadashi was too focused on the on-screen text to acknowledge Baymax's narration.
Increased heart rate Increased level of anxiety  Occasional stuttering  Frequent misuse of basic words, phrases, and idioms  Dilation of pupils  Restlessness, particularly the shuffling of feet Redness of the face, or 'blushing'
There was a bit more, but Tadashi had seen enough as he covered his eyes with his hands in shame. "I don't need to know how much of a fool I am around her." Tadashi was well aware of GoGo's ability to unnerve him with her mere presence. He didn't need any reminders.
"These are the symptoms of Miss Tomago's condition when she is in immediate proximity to you."
About a week later, Hiro found himself in quite a mood. He felt a spring in his step. What a day it was! Vindication was so very, very sweet. It was time to reap the rewards of his genius.
"Tadashi, my brother, my man," He swaggered into Tadashi's lab. "What's up? How have you been? I'm in a good mood. I'm in a great mood, actually, because I just found out a very interesting piece of gossip."
Tadashi knew this was going to happen at some point. It was pointless to fight it, but that didn't mean he was going to indulge Hiro's smug superiority.
"Do you actually need anything?"
"Oh no, I'm just here to find out if what I heard was true."
"And what would that be?"
"I hear, from a certain, extremely energetic someone who wishes to remain anonymous, that you're dating," He lightly punched his brother in the shoulder. "A certain someone that we both know quite well. I wanted to know if that was the case. I didn't want to be a victim of vicious rumors."
Continuing this chase was agonizing. Really, there was no reason to hide what once was Tadashi's worst kept secret. He wanted to shout it from the mountains.
"Yes? Yes what?"
"I am."
"You're whaaaaaaat? C'mon," Hiro was growing slightly impatient. "I want to hear you say it. Don't chicken out."
Tadashi turned to look at Hiro. "I'm dating GoGo. I asked her out two days ago and we're tentatively going out." He let the words hang in the air for a few seconds. "And I couldn't be happier to say that." He couldn't suppress his massive grin. He desperately wanted to inform the entirety of humanity that he, Tadashi Hamada, was dating GoGo Tomago, but he held back because that was clearly not the most mature way of handling the situation. Plus, he didn't want his Aunt to find out just yet. She might suffocate him with an exuberant hug as she liked GoGo quite a bit. After he first brought GoGo and the rest of his friends around the cafe, Aunt Cass would occasionally offhandedly ask him about his opinion of "that cute girl with the short hair". Each time, without fail, it made him blush, a problem he faced at present. A richly smug smirk overtook Hiro's face.
"Well, I'm happy. But did you ever think that you never would've ended up in that situation if it wasn't for me? Aren't you just so, so very grateful to have a kind, caring, empathetic brother like me?"
Tadashi did actually love his brother, even outside of his practical uses.
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chubbymouth · 9 years
hmm to finish up this chapter of ‘A to B’ or write smut hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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chubbymouth · 9 years
Pink (GoGo/Tadashi)
Pairing: Tomadashi 
Rating: Mostly G-just some light curses and sensuality 
Summary: You didn’t think GoGo would escape completely unscathed did you?  A sorta sequel to ‘Purple’
Why GoGo let herself be the guinea pig for one of Honey’s experiments was so utterly beyond her at this moment.
“I’m so sorryyyyyy,” she heard the other whine, though it was a little hard to hear as GoGo kept her head bent into the sick, running water over her hair.
She whipped her head back up, just to take a look at her reflection and to see if anything had changed.
No use. Her bangs were still a disgustingly bright shade of pink. A color she only wore if her gum managed to get stuck to her face.
“GoGo I told you. The hair dye is supposed to be practically permanent. No washing is going to get rid of it. And you can’t bleach it or dye over it, because it will result in a negative reaction and probably destroy your hair.” She reached out to put locks of wet hair back in place, in some kind of attempt to fix the mess before her. GoGo just brushed her hand away.
“You also told me it would be purple.”
“Ah, yes,” Honey said with a cringe. “I must have gotten the colors mixed up. Or maybe I just instinctively made the mix to be more pink…”
“And you have nothing that could wash this out.”
Honey blinked slowly behind her large pink frames. “Well…not yet.”
GoGo sighed. “I guess I’ll have to cut it then. I was just growing my hair to see what it looked like but now’s a good a time as any to--”
“No!” her friend suddenly yelled. “You can’t cut it!”
GoGo rolled her eyes. “Honey, it’s just hair. I know you have a thing about cutting yours but—”
“It’s not that!” And suddenly the blonde was pouting, her lower lip protruding so far you’d think it was going to fall off. “You said you’d help me test this. Can’t you just keep it for a little while, long enough to help me study it? I could even find a way to reverse the effects without cutting it. Please? Pretty pretty please? I really want to see how it works!”
The dark haired girl mulled it over in her head: yes, she said she’d test out Honey’s new hair dye. Yes, she owed her roommate a couple of favors which was mostly why she agreed, as well as genuine curiosity for the invention (a permanent hair dye would certainly free up all the time she spent on own her bangs and GoGo would try out almost anything that promised to cut time). Yes, of all the effects that could have happened, this certainly was not the worst.
But…did it have to be pink? Not just any pink, but Barbie-doll-Pepto-puke pink? She had no problem with her friend’s favorite hue, but never remotely enjoyed it on herself. Once she was old enough to dress herself, there was not any shade of the hue in sight—maybe the aversion had started off as a childish attempt to cement her tomboy status by rejecting anything “girly” because she used to think being seen as girl was awful. But even when she returned to the color years later, whether it was a laundry accident or just trying on a random outfit while shopping, she still couldn’t bring herself to keep it on.
It just looked wrong on her. It brought out the color in her cheeks in a weird way, making her look too flushed, and contrasted so much with her other dark features. It was a color made for other people—people who were more open, more light, more bubbly. Certainly not her.
What’s more, is that everyone would be sure to notice the change. And probably give her tons of crap for it. Especially Tadashi, who had just managed to get his hair color back to normal.  
But looking back at Honey Lemon’s apologetic smile, she realized she couldn’t back out now, regardless of her own weird hang-ups about a color.
She sighed. “…How long will you want to study it?”
Honey’s squeal was deafening, and she wasted no time in almost toppling GoGo over in a hug. She started blathering on about the chemical makeup of the product, what tweaks she could make, what tests she would have to run…all while GoGo looked over her shoulder back into the bathroom mirror.
The other girl seemed to notice, her chatter fading and instead following the other’s gaze.
“If it helps…” she began slowly. “I think it actually looks rather nice on you. A change wouldn’t hurt.”
GoGo grunted, not caring how bratty it made her sound. 
It’s just a color. It doesn’t mean anything. No need to act weird about it…and if anyone else acts weird, just clock them.
This was GoGo’s pep talk to herself. It wasn’t very peppy.
Ok, maybe don’t punch them. No one (probably) deserves that today. Unless Fred says something stupid. He ALWAYS says something stupid.
She had reached just outside the lab building, and glanced at her reflection in the shiny, tinted glass. The pink was still (unfortunately) there, as cotton-candy looking as ever.
How badly she wanted to wear a hat today. Why didn’t she wear a hat today?
And don’t you dare try to cover it up! I need to see how it reacts to different kinds of lighting! It could damage the results! She heard Honey’s voice in her head.
Oh right, that’s why.
GoGo took a deep sigh and walked inside.
To her surprise, the first person to respond was Wasabi, who seemed to be the first of their group to be in the lab that day.
“Hey GoGo,” he had greeted, barely glancing up. But soon he did a double take, his eyes bulging.
“What happened?”
“I’m helping Honey out okay?” she snapped. “And it wasn’t supposed to be THIS pink but it is and let’s not act like it’s a big deal alright?”
Wasabi stared at her for a bit, before breaking into a soft chuckle.
“What’s the problem GoGo? Afraid people are going to think you’re ‘pretty in pink’?”
“Ha, so funny,” was her monotone response. “Oh, by the way; I still have your screwdriver.”
“Oh! Thanks! I could really use—”
She then chucked it across the (thankfully empty) room.
“Whoops, I lost it.” She gave another solid deadpan stare, before turning back into her own station. She heard Wasabi mumbling about how “he should have known better” and “one time I make a joke” as he trudged across to retrieve his needed tool. 
Fred had been the second to make a comment as he wandered in around lunch time, taking a break from his mascot duties.
Or more like, he attempted to make a comment before GoGo gave him a withering stare half way through his surprised gasp. When she saw him cowering, she sighed.
“It’s a favor for Honey,” she explained. “An invention for permanent hair dye. But, as you can see, there was a little mishap.”
“Oh come on, it’s not like I was going to say anything bad! I think it’s healthy to switch things up.”
“Then why don’t you get Honey to change your hair,” was her retort. A strand from the offending shade fell in her line of sight, and she blew it off her face with more force than was probably necessary.
“Oh man I wish. How rad would permanently green hair be?”
“Great, then you can be her next guinea pig.”
She rolled her eyes and focused her attention back to readjusting the magnets on her wheels.
“So…” she heard Fred say, sliding up on the table of her workstation. “Have you debuted your new style to the your gentleman caller?”
God, she could practically hear him waggle his eyebrows.
“Why do you call him that? You know how weird it is when you talk like that.”
“Oh I’m sorry then. Allow me to rephrase: Has your manfriend seen your new locks yet?”
GoGo turned and leaned against her table. “Not much better. And no. No, he hasn’t.”
She then straightened up. “And hopefully he won’t at all.”
“What are you going to do?” came the incredulous voice from the corner of the room. “Avoid him until you get rid of it? Sure, that’s practical.”
“Did I ask your opinion Wasabi? Because I’m pretty sure you didn’t ask for a disc to the face but you’re about to get one real soon.”
This time, the large man hid behind his laser wall, though he still managed to mumble “can’t keep my damn mouth shut.”
Tadashi had classes until the late afternoon that day, and GoGo was sure she could sneak off before he would come into the lab.
Too bad Honey made her sit down for an extra 10 minutes so that she could “observe” her experiment and write down notes on laptop (a cute little thing the same shade that GoGo so desperately wished was not on her person).
“First full day and no adverse side effects. Exposure to sunlight and fluorescent light have yielded nothing out of the ordinary.”
GoGo rolled her eyes. “Ok ok, nothing bad happened today. Can I go now?”
Honey pouted. “I wish you’d have a better attitude about this.”
“I wish my hair wasn’t pink,” came the response through gritted teeth.
With a sigh and a close of laptop, Honey waved her hand, indicating that GoGo was free to leave.
But despite flinging her supplies into her bag and grabbing her bike as quickly as possible, she still managed to bump directly into Tadashi in the hallway, just outside his own lab.
“Whoa there what’s the rush?” he laughed, readjusting his cap. However, his eyes quickly fell to the pink strands.
“GoGo what—”
“—happened?” he managed to finish.
“Ugghhhh it’s all Honey’s fault. Well, maybe it’s my fault for agreeing to help with her experiment but she didn’t say it would be pink and I think she did this on purpose but I can’t get rid of it and I hate it.” It all came out in one breath, ending with her clutching at her hair, as if that would hide it somehow.
Tadashi raised a hand to his mouth, but his smirk and laugh were quite apparent behind it. “You must be having such a tough day.”
“You think this is funny don’t you?” she snapped. “Of course you would. You and everyone else.”
“Well…kinda?” he shrugged and gave a crooked smile. This was met with narrowed eyes and a tightened mouth.
“I’m leaving.”
“No no no come on GoGo,” he said, grabbing her arm before she turned completely. “Come in my lab and let’s talk about this.”
She gave a quick glance and crook of eyebrow before yanking her arm away, but walking inside ahead of him anyway.
Inside, they leaned against opposite tables.
“So…” he began. “What’s the real problem here?”
She sighed and crossed her arms. “I don’t like pink.”
Tadashi snorted. “That’s it?”
“What’s worst everyone knows I don’t like pink, and yet here I am, looking like an idiot.”
“You do realize you’re saying this to the boyfriend that you made have matching hair with you after losing a bet, right?”
“That’s different,” she said defensively.
“Really?” he said with a smirk.”How so?”
“Ok yeah, it wasn’t your regular style to have dyed hair but it didn’t look bad on you. And besides, you could just say you lost a bet and that was that.”
“Uh huh.” “But this…” and she gestured to her bangs. “This is clearly an accident. I never wear pink. At all. It’s fine if other people do. It looks good on them, like Honey. Her personality is practically pink. Even you look rather nice in it.”
“Aww thank you.”
“But me…it doesn’t work. It looks bad, out of place. People even give me strange looks when they see I have pink stinkers on my bike. Once people came to know me as this tough chick, pink just didn’t seem to make sense. Pink is for girls who liked princess stuff and Barbies and care about being cute. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it just isn’t me.”
Tadashi studied her for a moment, his dark eyes boring into her. As if she was some sort of puzzle to be figured out.
Then, slowly he walked over to her side, until he was in front of her, his height looming over her. He brought a hand to her face, his fingertips grazing upwards on her cheek, before reaching her forehead and pushing her bangs out of the way. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss.
“What I see,” he breathed against her forehead, “is a cool, tough chick who is incredibly cute and looks perfectly adorable in pink, regardless if she liked princess stuff or not.”
He tilted GoGo’s face upwards now so he could look directly at her widened eyes. “I hate to break it to you sweetie, but pink looks good on you.”
She herself flush, and Tadashi chuckled.
“Your face matches your hair now. Is that all it takes to get you to blush? Or am I just special?” he said with a grin.
“Shut up you smooth talker,” and with that, she grabbed him into a kiss. It was hard and fast, she pulling him down, and he taking the cue to lift her onto the table the two had previously propped themselves against. After a few minutes of their mouths wetly moving against one another, she broke them apart with a smirk.
“Oh look, your face matches my hair now too. Is that all it takes?” she said teasingly.
He laughed softly. “I guess it is.”
The gap between their giggling mouths was once against bridged and neither of them left the lab for the next hour.
After GoGo had left (with a bit of skip in her step), Tadashi sauntered in to the lab of his friends’ with a rather big grin. He went directly over to Honey Lemon’s station, sliding a 50 dollar bill on her work table.
“I honestly didn’t think you would do it, but it is worth every penny.”
“I should have made this reward larger,” she huffed. “I thought she was going to kill me right in the bathroom when it happened!”
“Hey, the terms of the wager were agreed upon. No changes now.”
Honey rolled her eyes with a smile. “Of course not. Getting to witness this payback has been pretty rewarding in itself. Ever think you’ll manage to win one where she does have to dress up?”
Tadashi grinned again. “Only time will tell.”
A/N: What’s this? Writing? From me??? I don’t know, I love writing about GoGo and hair dying. Probably because it reflects my own experiences/disasters in hair coloring. This was supposed to be short…and look where we are. 
As always, reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated.
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chubbymouth · 10 years
Purple (GoGo/Tadashi)
Pairing: Tomadashi
Rating: G
Summary: A little one-shot about what happens when you make a bet with GoGo.
Tadashi should have known better than to let GoGo touch his hair. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be staring at the bleach-blonde mess that it currently was.
“I…I thought you said you’ve done this before?” He lightly touched the still-damp yellow-ish strands that seemed so mismatched with his features.
GoGo shrugged. “I have. I just went a little overboard it seems. Besides, it will look better if you put color over it. Remember: purple.”
He rested his forehead on the bathroom counter and groaned. 
It had all started with a bet (doesn’t it always?). Though to be fair, he felt he should have known better than to be over-confident when entering any kind of competition with GoGo. Even if it was DDR.
“Tadashi, I’m gonna warn ya, I won’t go easy on you.”
“Pfft, I wouldn’t expect you to,” he said with a grin. He shrugged off his cardigan; clearly, things were about to get heated.
“Just don’t expect me to go easy on you.”
With a cocked eyebrow she blew and popped her bubblegum.
“Oh really? You think you can win?”
“I think I got a pretty good shot,” he chuckled. He didn’t mention he had been playing since he was 10, dominating the top score list at his local arcade for years. Last he checked, the old machine still had ‘TAD’ with the top score. It left him a little bit smug.
GoGo laughed through her nose, more a snort than anything (though coming from her tiny nose, it sounded more cute than anything to Tadashi).
“Then you won’t mind a little wager then?”
Suddenly, their friends who had been on the side, watching them wait for their turn at the machines, decided to butt in.
“Tadashi you might want to be careful about that,” Honey warned. “When GoGo wins a bet, she will make you follow through.”
He laughed again. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
He turned back to his soon-to-be-dance rival. “So what shall it be?”
“It shall be a fight…to the death!” said Fred with a booming voice. Everyone looked at him for a moment, before shaking their heads. Tadashi then got a brilliant idea.
“Ok, so if I win-”
“-you will have to ride around on campus on a Segway-”
“What? Those things go like, 4 miles per hour!”
“AND, you have to do it in costume. Princess costume.”
Everyone fell silent. Asking GoGo to travel with the slowest possible vehicle was one thing, but to ask her to dawn a puffy, sparkly gown was a whole new level. They would be impressed with his boldness if they were not cautiously waiting for the other participant’s reaction.
But all she did was take out her gum, and throw it behind her to land somewhere on the (already filthy) arcade floor.
“And if I win-,” she began, cool as ever.
“You have to have purple streaks in your hair. For a month. And no covering it with that hat.”
The group then turned to see if the offer would be accepted: Tadashi had something of a serious reputation, and colored streaks, well…they wouldn’t really help with that.
He took a moment to contemplate, before bringing on his crooked grin. He stuck out his hand.
“AND I’m the one that does your hair.”
A slight twitch came to Tadashi’s eye; trusting GoGo with chemicals did not seem to leave any remotely positive outcomes. But he kept his arm extended, and wiggled the fingers.  
“It’s a deal.”
She pushed her hand in his, shaking vigorously and with a fire in her eyes.
The two then climbed onto the dance-pads and picked the highest level of difficulty. 
It was almost no contest, at least appearance-wise. GoGo’s light feet and toned legs seem to be able to predict the moves before they even came onto the screen. She barely broke a sweat.
Tadashi, on the other hand, had given it his best shot, but once witnessing how swiftly his partner seemed to move, his awe and surprise threw him off balance. His moves became increasingly erratic, only getting the step at the last nano-second. He chalked it up to being rusty, but knew it was too late for excuses. However, the competition was stiff enough that a small crowd had gathered while the two danced.
Despite Tadashi’s slight lag behind GoGo, and a certain lack of the same grace, they had the same score for most of the game.  
That was, until the last minute. On a complicated combo she managed to not only nail it, but do a twirl before hitting the next one perfectly. The crowd burst into cheers. In his struggle to keep up, Tadashi’s feet were skidding a little too much. On one combo, his left foot slid so much it just barely missed the pad. He quickly attempted to stamp back on it, but the damage had been done: he had missed the step, and was late to the next one. He hadn’t lost by that much, but his face was red from more than just the physical strain.  
Barely looking at her screen that was congratulating her with flashing lights and little song, she stepped off the pad and reached into her pockets for gum. She was already chewing when Tadashi came to face her, rubbing his neck in embarrassment.
“Not a bad game Hamada,” she smirked.
“Alright fine. You win. I’ll do the streaks.”
“Oh no Tadashi, In case you forgot, I will be the one doing your hair. So there is no weaseling out of it.”
He groaned and rubbed his temples. The rest of the group giggled. 
When the two emerged from the bathroom, Hiro did a double take.
“Oh my god. You look like you dipped your head into one of Honey’s experiments.”
Tadashi winced and GoGo chuckled.
“That was the plan dude,” she said.
Hiro hopped off his chair to closer inspect his brother’s new look.
“Unbelievable. Remind me to never make a bet with you Gogo.”
“Duly noted.”
For what was probably the hundredth time that day, Tadashi groaned. No one, but certainly not Hiro was going to let him live this down. His brother was already taking pictures with his phone and (probably) sending it to all their friends.
“Well, as much fun as it was playing beauty shop with you Tadashi, I’m gonna get going.”
“Let me walk you down.” Anything to escape Hiro’s picture taking and snickering.
In front of her bike, he finally had the guts to ask.
“Why purple?” She had been pretty adamant about the color.
GoGo smirked, and stepped closer to him. With a swift grab of his shirt, she yanked him down to her level and kissed him hard on the mouth. When she pulled away, she slapped his butt, resulting in a slight yelp.
“So that everyone knows who owns you. In both senses.”
Tadashi blushed, but grinned. “As if there is any doubt.”
“You can never be too careful,” she said with a wink. She put on her helmet and gave her salute.
“See you at school dork. Don’t you dare try to wash it out.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
As she rode off, Tadashi touched his hair again: it had gone through a lot today. He sighed and turned to look at his reflection in the café window.
He knew he looked ridiculous, but laughed anyway. Yet another reminder of how he would always lose against his girlfriend. His gorgeous, talented, competitive, slightly possessive, girlfriend.
The entire month with dyed hair was full of endless teasing from Hiro and just about everyone else.
But whenever he looked over at GoGo, seeing her push back her own purple bangs and throwing him a smile, he didn’t really mind as much. 
A/N: I should be working on A to B but I had this idea for a one-shot and it kind of just...ran away from me? My Tomadashi feels have been a little more intense lately. As always, hope you like and reblog! This shall be cross-posed on ff.net.
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chubbymouth · 10 years
From Point A to B (GoGo/Tadashi)
Pairing: Tomadashi
Rating: T, mostly for curses. Don't tell me that GoGo doesn't curse, you know she would. 
Summary: In this chapter, GoGo and Honey have a bit of a chat...
Chapter 3
"Honey Lemon? You home?" Gogo called, hours after she had last seen her, carrying her helmet by her side while trying to take off her shoes at the door.
"I'm in the kitchen!" responded her cheery suite-mate.
GoGo sniffed the air, trying to pick out what treats were being concocted this time.
"Hmm definitely chocolate. And maybe some…strawberries?" she leaned on the little island in the middle of their small kitchen.
"Raspberries actually," said Honey, without looking from the pot she was stirring. "I got this amazing recipe for a syrup that I've been meaning to try out."
GoGo noticed that Honey had changed from her black dress to her at-home outfit: pink thermal leggings with yellow shorts and a flowy pink top, hair piled on top of her head. Even at home, baking, with little bits of flour on her arms and hair, Honey seemed to find a way to look like she was coming down from the world's cutest and girliest runway.
"Oh!" she suddenly exclaimed. "While the cake was baking I made some mint julep tea. It should be cold enough by now. Get it from the fridge please?"
"How do you ever have the energy to do all of this?" GoGo muttered, as she moved to get the pitcher. However, she was secretly thanking her lucky stars that she not only had as a friend but also a roommate one of the best damn bakers in the city. It certainly didn't help her sweet tooth, one that she often tried to satisfy with her never ending sticks of gum.
Though she wasn't going to say no to fresh iced tea and cake.
"Did you get lunch with the guys?" she asked while pouring the tea into two glasses, now sitting at one of the stools of the kitchen-island.
"Yeah," answered Honey. "It was pretty quick bite. I don't think any of us were feeling too festive. But get this: Fred paid for all of us!"
"With what money?" snorted GoGo. She was pretty sure their resident slacker-friend lived under a bridge, more than content to scare innocent passerby in his mascot costume (which she didn't doubt he wore for occasions beyond raising school spirit).
"I really have no idea. But when we talked about splitting the check, he went "tut-tut" to me and Wasabi and said it was his treat today. He even had a credit card on him and everything cleared before we could say anything."
Honey turned off the stuff and turned around to lean on the island. "That boy can be so strange," she sighed, before taking a sip of her tea.
"Tell me about it," said GoGo with an eye roll.
She took a sip of her tea, and the mint hint her senses immediately.
Face pushed against black fabric, rubbing against cheek, the feeling of being squeezed ,arms around back, the scent of mint lingering on a bare neck that was so close…
She quickly put her glass down.
"What's wrong? Do you not like it?"
"No, no Honey. It's delicious. I just…am not thirsty?" she offered, though it sounded kind of hollow.
However, Honey Lemon hummed, as if accepting the answer but not really hearing it. She shifted on feet a little, taking a few quick glances behind her at the cake in the oven and syrup on the stove. She started intensely at her tea, twirling the drink in her cup as she did so, as if mixing a new chemistry project. GoGo knew and dreaded what this little dance-of-nervousness was leading up to…
"Ok, so you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, but I saw Tadashi go after you when you left so I was wondering…"
Aaaand there it is.
GoGo sighed. "I bet this made a great conversation topic at lunch."
"We didn't-! It's not like that! I mean, not a lot…" A flustered Honey caught the raised, skeptical eyebrow of her friend.
"Okay, we totally talked about it," she said, dropping her shoulders, the jig being up.
The dark haired girl sighed again. Having such dedicated friends was great sometimes, but if often meant that any personal business wasn't really allowed to be such.
"Just please tell me you patched things up," she heard Honey saying. "Seeing you two not talk is weird. None of us really know what happened but—"
"Honey, it's fine. We're fine. I mean, me and him are fine."
"Wait… really?"
"Yeah…" she said, stirring her own glass now. "It's just that, after the fire…it was such a close call…I don't think neither me nor him knew how to process it exactly."
"Oh GoGo he must know that if it weren't for you who knows-"
"But!" she cut her off again. "We talked it out. We're ok, I think. I know he's my friend, he knows I'm his friend, and that we can count on each other. That's all that matters."
Just being friends.
"Well that's good," Honey breathed a sigh of relief. GoGo hummed in agreement.
"And…" Honey started slowly, eyes wide at her friend. "That's all you talked about? The night of the fire?"
"Well yeah. That's what we were fighting about. I mean, I wouldn't call it fighting. He can just be so damn stubborn sometimes."
"Who is saying this right now?" said Honey with grin.
"Wow, rude," but GoGo was already smirking. She couldn't really deny it.
"But I was just thinking," Honey continued. "Maybe there was something else you two were," she curled her fingers into air quotes, " 'not-fighting' about and that's why you were acting so awkward around each other."
She knows.
But GoGo pushed that thought away. "Dude, there was nothing else to talk about. Tadashi and I are friends. We just sometimes have our own ideas of…what's right at the end of the day."
"If you say so."
The blonde turned back around to check on her cake, but as she was bending down her suitemate could have sworn she heard some muttering.
"How can two people be so stubborn about their feelings…"
"What was that?" asked GoGo, narrowing her eyes.
Honey shot straight back up, her glasses obstructing the glance in her friend's direction.
"I didn't say anything," was the quick reply. Too quick.
"Are you sure? Because it sure sounded like you said something."
"GoGo I…I must have just been talking to the cake!"
"The cake," she deadpanned.
"Yeah, I do that all the time. Who knows what I'm actually saying. But whispering sweet nothings makes sweets even sweeter don't you know hee hee!" Honey was laughing at her own quip, but there was an awkwardness to it, a forcedness. She turned around again so she wouldn't have to face her again, and paid way too much attention to her stove.
GoGo stared at her friend's back, trying to bore holes. But the other remained steadfast, stiffly standing over the raspberry concoction and stirring her stuff a bit over zealously.
She dropped her stare. She knew what she heard, but if Honey wasn't going to woman up to admit it, not much she could do, now is there? She rolled her eyes internally at wondering what gossip the three must have gotten up to at lunch.
You know Honey is not dumb. She picks up on things, even when you don't want to. The others too. They know all about your cute little—
GoGo clenched her fist so hard she left nail indentations. To distract herself she went in for a big gulp of her still unfinished tea.
Mint. Skin. Face against your hair.
And just as quickly she started choking, coughing and sputtering out bits of liquid.
Even a smell makes you think of him. How cute. And pathetic.
"GoGo! Are you alright?" Honey asked in alarm, seeing her taking shallow breathes. The girl in question nodded, and took a small sip this time, trying to soothe her irritated throat.
"Jeez. Didn't anyone ever tell you to not just chug things down? Life isn't always a race!"
"Yes, mommy I know. Thank you." She got off her stool, pushing her glass to the side.
"Where are you going? The cake is almost done!" she said with a pout.
"I'm just gonna go take a shower. Feeling kind of grimy. I'll eat some after ok?"
GoGo was already at her room grabbing her towel before hearing any reply, if any, of Honey's.
After stripping and letting the water run, she stepped into the spray. She usually showered with cold water, but this time she cranked up the temperature to calm her nerves. She rubbed her face, feeling the steam coming off her skin and the heat soaking into her hair.
She leaned her forehead against the tile, just hearing and feeling the water fall around her.
I'm fucked aren't I? Not altogether sure who she was addressing in her mental landscape.
Woman, answered that little voice, sassy as ever, it's about time you realized it.
A/N: Please reblog and like! Any constructive criticism is appreciated! Especially grammar errors-I re-read things a million times and I always miss SOMETHING. I'm really going to try to update this once a week, but I am in middle of my senior year project and that takes priority (unfortunately). Honestly, writing about these losers awkwardly dance around one another is one of the few forms of stress relief I have that doesn't feel so utterly unproductive. And at least it's something that helps me to be creative while most of my other writing just feels like busy work for the academic machine.
That being said, the next chapter may take a little bit longer to come out. But this time it will have some interaction between Hiro and Tadashi, so that should be fun. I really love their relationship and feel bad that I couldn't have included more of it thus far.
This story is also posted on ff.net for those who prefer to read there. Toodles!
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chubbymouth · 10 years
Point A to B (GoGo/Tadashi)
Pairing: Tomadashi
Rating T: Mostly for cursing, maybe some sexual innuendo, who knows what else.
Summary: Tadashi lives thanks to GoGo, and their blossoming relationship after.
Chapter 2
The funeral for Callaghan was held a week after. While the official service was private (it appeared he didn’t have much family left), there was a vigil and ceremony at the university. Students gathered around the appointed spot, holding candles, laying flowers by a set-up picture. There was no way the amount of students that showed up had all been students of him, but the professor was well known throughout the university, his legacy alone able to break down the even more stoic members of the community.
GoGo had gone-despite having been close to the fire, she had managed no injuries, minus the bruises on her knees. It was a pain in more ways than one- her sore legs couldn’t be moving enough for use of her regular bike now, and thus had to take some time off from courier gig. She was getting around with her moped these days.
At the service, she saw all her friends, including Tadashi. She hadn’t spoken to him since that night. She still wasn’t in the mood to. Wasabi, Honey and Fred were all concerned about it, but had found that asking either of them individually over the phone what was going on proved to be fruitless. Thankfully, because of the somberness of the event it didn’t allow for much free discussion in the first place, and no one in the gang felt comfortable to question either of them when they were both present. However, the entire time, GoGo felt Tadashi looking at her.
When it ended and people started to spread out, she nudged Honey Lemon.
“Hey, I’m going to go take a ride. See you at home later?”
“Of course Gogo. But the guys and I were thinking about getting something to eat. Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Honey would have completely understood if her roommate went off for some alone time-it’s just what she did sometimes. But maybe now was the time to patch certain things up…
Gogo glanced past her to see Fred, Wasabi and Tadashi, huddled and talking lightly. She looked away when Tadashi glanced back at her.
“I don’t think so,” shaking her head.
Honey gave a sympathetic smile, looking a little disappointed but Gogo knew she wouldn’t force the issue.
She called out a quick goodbye and started heading over to bike-in the morning, she and Honey had ridden it. It was sometimes an awkward fit, Honey being so much taller than her short roommate yet having bend to cling to her properly. But even though she sometimes complained about helmet hair, both Gogo and Honey kind of liked this little part of their living arrangement, this occasional sharing the ride.
Gogo felt a little bad about dipping out then, but figured that Honey would be happier hanging out with their friends on a day like this. Everybody was different when it came to gaining energy-some people needed to be around people, and some people needed time to be alone.
“GoGo! Wait up!”
Not that it always mattered what somebody wanted.
She glanced back at Tadashi who had managed to catch up with her.
“How are you feeling?” was the first thing she asked, crossing her arms. She might have to act civil but hell if she was going to exchange false pleasantries.
“Oh! Uh, I’m alright. I didn’t really have any injuries. Just a bump on the head. You?”
“Just a few scrapes. Knees still hurt so I can’t bike too much.”
“That sucks. I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok. It’s not like I got burned.”
Tadashi winced but GoGo kept a straight face. She knew she was a bit notorious for not letting things go super easily, but she didn’t think anyone really ever let anything hurtful go. That could give people the impression they could mess with you again.
He rubbed his neck and looked around the campus. After several long moments, he glanced back at her and gave a shy, crooked smile.
“Do you want to take a walk?”
She gave a loud, dramatic sigh. “And by “walk” you actually mean we are going to talk and sort through our emotional bullshit?”
He chuckled. “Yes, I do.”
GoGo visibly grit her teeth. She hated talking about her feelings, but to be honest, she didn’t really want to keep this radio silence going on. After being so close to losing him, it would almost be stupid to not try to keep their bond close.
But wouldn’t you want that bond to be closer hmmm? Said that stupid, gross little voice inside her.
She threw her arms up as a sign of defeat. “Fine! We’ll do this walk/talk thing that seems so to be your style.” She walked past and ahead of him, and he followed.
The campus was absolutely dead---classes were cancelled for the week. So many people were rattled by the explosion and the loss of a prominent member that the administration just decided it would be in the best interest for everyone’s emotional state.
Still, there was no denying the modern beauty of the university. Despite the urban and brightly colored city surrounding them, the campus managed to be a modern and soothing oasis. The shiny campus buildings actually blended well with the campus design of lakes, gently curved sidewalks and greenery. A good reputation and plenty of wealthy benefactors tend to help with that.
They walked in silence for a bit. They looked straight ahead, ambling, never really deciding which direction to go, but managing to keep the same step.
It was GoGo that decided to speak first. She got in front, spun around and directly faced him to stop him dead in his tracks.  
“You wanted to talk. So talk.”
She studied him in that moment: wearing pants and a long sleeved shirt, all black It hadn’t been a formal service, but most students had shown up in funeral attire anyway. While GoGo regularly wore all-black ensembles, to her there was something unnerving about Tadashi wearing it.
He rubbed his neck again, and sighed. He then straightened up and looked directly at her.
“If it wasn’t for you, I probably wouldn’t be alive right now. I can never thank you enough and I’m sorry that I scared you.”
She almost wanted to say pft, I wasn’t scared. But she knew if she tried to say it aloud it would sound clearly like a lie.
“But—” he continued. “I really was only trying to do what was right. I still feel like I could have done something, anything. I think about how maybe, just maybe, I could have gotten inside and saved—”
“Tadashi you fucking idiot.”
He stopped mid-sentence, shocked at her snarl. Okay, maybe the cursing wasn’t necessary, but shecouldn’t believe she still had to deal with this guy with the puppy dog eyes and matyr complex. She was practically shaking, her chest was so tight.  
What’s your fucking deal? Why can’t you see past yourself for just one minute?
“Are you seriously telling me you feel guilty? That you’d rather have risked your life than be alive right now, with your family, with us?”
With me?
“GoGo that’s not what I said. I just—”
“Shut it.” And he promptly did.
To calm herself down (she couldn’t do that if she had to look at his shocked/concerned face), she looked down at the ground. After a deep breath she quietly said, “Look, I know it sucks to want to help but you can’t, to think about how if you did one thing differently, everything would be okay.”
Another deep breath. “And if hadn’t gotten to you in time, I would be feeling the same way. You were right. I was scared. More so than I have ever been in my life.”
When she looked back up, Tadashi’s brows were still furrowed upwards, the warmth behind them encouraging her to continue.
“Just…why?” She shrugged her shoulders, and shook her head sadly. “Why does it always have to be you? Why do you think you’re the only one that can save the world? You just can’t. And you can’t feel bad about that.”
Silence hung in the air. Tadashi shifted on his feet and looking everywhere except towards her. GoGo got the idea that maybe he had heard this before. She surely couldn’t be the first person that he confessed his survivor’s guilt to…
“Well, what about you? Why did you save me then?”
He took a step closer to her, now staring straight at her. “You say you can’t save everyone, but you tried for me.”
“I-I didn’t need a reason! I saw you about to go in and I knew I—”
“—had to help?”
Her face burned. Shit, he trapped her with his own line of reasoning. But like hell he was going to feel justified in his reckless actions.
“Look, you’re my friend, one of my best friends. I would do it for any of you. And I was saving you from yourself.”
Your damn, irritating, charming, beautiful self.
“And FURTHER more,” she said, blocking the inner voice. “It was one person. One person I care about. I know I can’t save everyone, but if I could do it for someone I’m close to and definitely knew I could reach them in time? Well, that’s a different story.”
He looked at her, neutral expression on his face. He then broke into a chuckle.
“I suppose it is,” giving her a warm smile.
A different story indeed, mused the voice.
GoGo chose to ignore it, along with the little thump she felt in her chest. Instead, she lurched forward and caught Tadashi in a tight hug. He gasped, and his body language didn’t hide his surprise, but soon enough he had his arms around her back and was squeezing her just as hard.
“I’m glad that you’re okay,” she said against him, practically breathing it against his chest.
He tilted his head against her hair, feeling it tickle his cheek. “I’m glad I’m okay too.”
The two held onto each other like that for a bit, basking in the comfort that is physical reassurance. They soon pulled apart, a little misty eyed but smiling. GoGo was quick to wipe her eyes, of course wanting to hide any evidence, and Tadashi laughed; it was so typical of her. She responded by punching him in the shoulder, but with her trademark smirk.
They walked back to her bike, his being parked in another lot. He waved her off and she gave a two finger salute before putting her helmet on.
On the ride home she suddenly remembered how he smelled from the hug, clean and just a bit minty.
A different story could lead to something else you know…
She revved her engine, taking a sharp turn.
Get a grip girl, she thought, letting that be her last clear thought before she focused on barreling through the narrow streets of San Fransokyo, pretending that her rapid heartbeat was just the adrenaline rush.
A/N: Comments, questions, thoughts, concerns are super appreciated! Thank you to everyone who reblogged and said nice things!Also, for those you prefer to read there, this is also cross posted on fanfiction.net, same title and username.
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