#tom holland propose
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marvelwitchergilmore · 1 year ago
A Moment Of Everything
Summary: Peter Parker x Fe!Reader -> You and Peter have never gotten along, but can two nights in Florence change things for good?
Disclaimer: Swearing, fluff, angst. Mentions of blood and wounds. I was watching The Proposal last night and got inspired. Enemies to Lovers. See this for whichever Spider-Man you wish. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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You knew things had to change eventually. 
Yourself and Peter couldn’t go your whole lives hating one another. 
You just didn’t expect it to change quite so much. 
It had all started one night when you were on a mission with each other. 
Two days in Florence, Italy. You were both sent to monitor a suspect. And, like usual, Peter was off with you. He didn’t seem too happy about having to share a bed at the hotel. And, even though he didn’t particularly like talking to you, he would still do it. Only, that night, he didn’t. 
When he didn’t have to talk to you, he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t even look at you. 
So, the night before you were expected to fly back home, you called him out on it. 
He didn’t listen to you. He simply walked away from you. He followed the guy and you had to go with his plan. Whatever his plan was, you had to guess. 
Only, the suspect got away. 
“We’ll find him again.”
Peter just grunted. 
Again, nothing.
“Jesus Fucking Christ! Peter!” He finally slowed down and looked at you. “What the hell is your fucking problem?! I get you don’t like me, but we’re meant to be together in this!”
“We are together in this.”
You couldn’t help but scoff. “Bull-shit. You have done nothing but ignore me this entire trip. If you have a problem with me, you can just say it. Where are you going now? Or am I not allowed to know that either.”
“Back to the hotel. Not like you’d tell me.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
You tried running to catch up with him. 
“No, go ahead. Tell me.”
Soon enough you both made it back to the hotel and inside the room before the conversation continued. 
“Tell me, Peter. I can take it.”
“No, you can’t.”
“You don’t know me-”
“You’re right! I don’t!” Peter turned around and looked at you, forcing you to stop in your tracks. 
“I don’t know you! I don’t know anything about you! Because you don’t share anything.”
“Well, excuse me for wanting to keep my life a little private.”
“A little?!” Peter raised his eyebrows and scoffed. “A little private is not telling your co-workers where you're going when you say you’re going on holiday. A little private is not showing them a thousand pictures of your new puppy. Your life is anything but a little private.”
Clearly, he had more to say so you waited. And you didn’t have to wait long. 
Sighing, Peter rubbed his forehead for a moment before looking back at you. 
“I have known you for almost ten years and you have told me less than three things about yourself. And yet, an hour before we leave to come here, Hank from the Biology lab does…what? Flirts with you for five minutes, tells you his coffee order and you’re practically marrying the guy!”
“Peter, that’s none- Is this what has been bothering you since we left? This?! Just because I decided to talk to a guy and tell him about my day…why does it bother you so much that I don’t talk about myself?”
“Because I am meant to be your teammate. You have known me for almost ten years and never once have I hid anything from you. We are meant to trust one another. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like me or if I didn’t like you, what matters is that you trust me, and that I trust you. This partnership is meant to go both ways.”
You didn’t know what to say. You just kept looking at Peter. It looked like the world had been lifted off his shoulders whilst he also started beating himself up over what he just said. His chest was heaving and for a moment, you thought he was gonna walk towards you but instead, he took a step back. 
“I’m going for a shower.”
When the door closed behind him, it took you a moment to gather yourself. 
You couldn’t deny that he had a point. Maybe you hadn’t told him as much as you could have done, especially for being teammates for almost a full decade. But it wasn’t like he didn’t have his faults in it, too. 
Maybe instead of ignoring you and only talking to you when he needed to, you might have warmed to him more rather than seen him as a stand-offish person who you would trust to save your life, but wouldn’t trust to put it on the edge first. 
After twenty minutes, Peter emerged from the bathroom, freshly washed, clothed and ready for bed. He put away his dirty clothes and put his wash bag back in his bag before climbing under the covers that lay at the bottom of the bed. 
He hadn’t said anything when you both arrived at the hotel late at night. Just took some sheets out of the cupboard and put them on the floor. When you entered the room, you said he was being ridiculous.
He just said the bed was too soft for him and that he wouldn’t sleep. 
After an hour of back and forth over you telling him just to get into the bed, since it was big enough for a family of five, never mind two, he still decided to stay on the floor. 
As you lay in bed, listening to the distant noises of the city, you tossed and turned before settling on your back. But you still couldn’t sleep. 
Then you heard Peter. 
He was tossing and turning, too. 
Eventually, you heard him sigh in annoyance of sleep not taking over him. 
So, wrestling with your own mind, you spoke up. 
“I like Greek Mythology.”
A few seconds passed and then; “What?”
You faltered for a moment before speaking up again. 
“I-I like Greek Mythology. I always have.” you said before explaining, taking your time. “When I was five, my grandmother gave me some of her old books. In the pile was a kids illustrated version of Greek Gods and Goddesses. I was obsessed. And I mean, obsessed.” 
You laughed a little as you explained your obsession with Greek Mythology to him. Meanwhile, from the floor and out of sight from you, he smiled. He couldn’t even think of when he’d heard a smile in your voice. Never mind a laugh. 
It was once of the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard. 
“For three halloween’s in a row, I went as a different Goddess.”
You fell silent for a moment in the memory before you started to speak again. 
“I hate coffee. I try it once every year and it’s always the same. Absolutely disgusting.” you chuckled a little. “I spent every summer away from home at Camp where I ran a book club. I watch Rom-Coms when I’m sad because they make me feel better. My favourite flowers are blue tulips. I don’t watch thrillers because they remind me too much of work. And, I haven’t told anyone this much…ever.”
Only as you finished did you realise how much you had told him. And you felt a pang of anxiety in the pit of your stomach as Peter remained silent. 
“Are you still there?”
Peter swallowed thickly and nodded his head, despite the fact you couldn’t see him. “Y-yeah. I’m here. Just…processing.”
That conversation had been just over eight months before you got a knock at your apartment window one evening. 
You had taken a couple weeks off work since you hadn’t taken any vacation days…ever. Barton had practically banned you from the building for two weeks. 
The rain had been pouring over the city and, with all your work finished, you had rushed out and got some supplies before sitting in front of your TV, watching one of the many rom-coms your DVD collection provided before pulling a few books from your shelves and reading through them. 
At some point, you had fallen asleep, still fully dressed, under your blankets, listening to the quiet silence of your apartment as the rain hit the windows outside. 
Only, rather than continuing to sleep throughout the night, you heard a continuous tapping. 
So, leaning up with tired eyes, you looked around. The loose braid you had stuck your hair in had fallen out, your bobble being lost between the cushions somewhere.
The apartment was shrouded in darkness, save for the street lights outside still lighting small sections of your apartment.
Along came more tapping until finally you turned towards the sash window that lay by the fire escape. 
You furrowed your eyebrows as you saw him through tired eyes. 
Making your way over, you pushed the window open and Peter made his way inside. 
“Sorry for waking you.”
You just grumbled and closed the window to stop the rain from flying in, though it didn’t stop the small puddle made by Peter who was practically soaked to the bone from the rain. 
“Ah, so this is who I lost you to.” Peter said with a slight smirk as he spotted one of your Mythology books. 
“Barton said I was banished from HQ until my vacation days were finished. What are you doing here at this time of night? What even is the time?”
“I didn’t know where to go, and you’re the only one who I trust to do the job well.”
“What job?”
Finally looking at Peter, you saw it. 
His body, and his clothes, were splattered with blood. You couldn’t tell how much of it was his and how much of it could be somebody else's. 
“You didn’t kill anyone did you?”
“No.” Peter answered. “They’re alright, just at the police station getting booked.”
You sighed as you took in even more of his wounds. “Alright. Meet me in the bathroom in two minutes. Give me your jacket.”
Peter removed it and you took it from him, including his grey hoodie. 
“Down the hall and to the right.”
Peter nodded and walked down whilst you headed into the kitchen and shoved his jackets into the washing machine and pressed start. Then, from the top cupboard, you pulled down your first-aid kit that contained everything from princess plasters, from when you had been looking after your neighbour's kid for two days, to a stitching kit.
Twenty minutes later, you had a basin full of warm, blood stained water, a once-clean face cloth covered in stains of blood and a grown Avenger sat on the edge of your bathtub, wincing every now and again and you cleaned him up. 
“Remind me again why you came to me?”
You turned Peter’s head to face over your right shoulder as you cleaned a graze and cut just above his eyebrow. 
“Because I trust you. And I didn’t feel like getting another lecture from Laura.”
“Ah,” you nodded and Peter laughed a little. 
Then he hissed. 
“Sorry, I'm almost finished with this one.”
“It’s okay.” Peter flicked his gaze to you a couple of times. “T-thank you for doing this.”
“What else would I have done? Kicked you back out of the window?”
“You could have done it. I did wake you up. Clearly I didn't learn my lesson from the first time.”
You chuckled. “Yeah, I guess I did nearly beat you up.”
What Peter meant was just over two months ago. You had both become friends of sorts. But, you had fallen asleep at your lab desk one night and Peter came in to wake you up and you nearly cursed him out so much that you even had him convinced he was an intruder trying to break into your home. 
“But, if you hadn’t come to me, I probably would have cursed you out when I found out, anyway.”
“Found out?”
“You can’t hide anything from me, Peter. I know everything,” you joked. 
“But do you?”
Peter’s question slipped from his tongue before he could stop himself, but you didn’t know what to do. So, your eyes turned from his and you tried your best to remain calm until you saw a large spot of blood coming through his black t-shirt. 
You tried your best to get to the wound that was beneath it without him removing his shirt, but you both knew it was no use. 
So, awkwardly asking him, he stood and you looked to him only to find him looking back. 
Slowly, he removed his shirt, trying his best not to stain the rest of his body from the blood you had just cleaned away and for a moment, you were met with his body in front of you. 
Most of the blood was coming from that one wound but the top of his arms now showed a little bruising, as well as his torso, though it was more healed than you thought it would have been. 
Finding yourself staring for a little too long, you forced your gaze back to his face where he’d removed the shirt from over his head and lowered himself back down onto the edge of the tub, opening up his legs for you to stand between them once more. 
Though, it was in that moment that you realised how close you had been standing to him this entire time. 
“Th-This might sting a little.”
Peter nodded and you watched as he clenched his jaw and tried to suppress the grunt that tried to escape from him as you cleaned out the wound. 
“You might need some stitches.” you mentioned. “I can do them here, though they might not be Laura standard.”
“I think I’ll survive.”
You nodded and tried your best to ignore the fact that Peter was looking at you as you looked for your stitching kit and began working. 
In your peripheral vision, you could see some of his bruises already starting to heal, though some might take more than a couple hours.
Even with his adapted DNA. 
“If you want, you can stay here for the night. I have a spare set of pyjamas if you need them.”
“You sure they’ll be my size?”
You laughed a little. “My, uh, my neighbour gave them to me. She bought a set for her husband but when they came they were too big for him. She told me to keep them in case I ever had someone…stay the night. They might be too big for you, too but they have a drawstring so…”
You looked at him for a split second and then looked back to his wound with a small nod. 
Soon enough you finished and stepped back to grab the face cloth before dipping it into a fresh basin of warm water to clean off the rest of his wounds that would heal soon enough. 
“Thank you.”
As you looked at Peter when he stood, there was a moment of…everything. 
Neither of you were moving, yet his eyes and your own spoke a thousand unspoken words between their gazes. 
Without thinking, Peter lifted his hand to meet your own, allowing you to place the cloth down before he pulled you a little closer. 
Your name left his lips in a small whisper, a plea, a wish of permission.
You felt yourself stand a little taller as his other hand came to your face, brushing the loose hair from your face, behind your ear. 
His eyes continued to flick from your eyes to your lips, as yours did the same with him. 
There was time for you to stop. For you to say no. And if you did, he would have stepped away and, most likely, would have apologised and left. 
But you didn’t want that. 
Each tantalising moment that passed, you wished for time to hurry up. For his lips to finally meet yours. 
And once they did, there was no turning back. 
At first it was soft, until you both became hungry for more. 
Leaning in, your hands came to his neck to pull him closer to you. 
Eventually, the kiss broke apart for a moment, your heads resting together, your eyes partly closed. 
“Was that-”
“Just shut up and kiss me again.”
Peter chuckled a little before feeling your lips connect to his, allowing his hands to pull your body flush against his.
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jahayla-parker · 2 years ago
Happily Ever After: Tom Holland x Reader
Description: Blurb/headcannon and small fic for Tom Holland based on the Happily Ever After character series of fics coming, This covers topics such as the proposal, wedding planning, who is in the wedding party, etc. leading up to -and including- the wedding day!
Warnings: anxiety/nerves, proposal, weddings, marriage, budgeting/finances, family
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“Mates are you sure?” Tom asked nervously, rubbing the back of his stiff neck with his now clammy palm.
Sam chuckled and patted his older brother on the shoulder with a soft nod, “extremely certain, Tom”.
Harry smirked and pretended to debate the answer but switched tones as he rolled his eyes and hung his arm over Tom’s shoulder, “we are, but I don’t suggest you ask her that question”.
Sam laughed and nodded, “agreed, when she says yes, don’t question it; just go with it”.
“If” Tom said, laughing softly with his younger brothers.
“When” Harry argued, playfully shoving his brother after he removed his arm from around Tom’s shoulder.
“When what?” Their mum, Nikki, asked as she approached her two birthday boys and her oldest son.
“Umm” Sam mumbled, glancing around, “oh, I ought to go check the oven”.
As Sam dashed off, Harry smirked as he looked between his mom and Tom.
“Do I want to know why Sam just rushed off like that?” Nikki said with a slightly teasing tone.
“Nothing bad mum” Harry smiled, winking at Tom before he excused himself to get another beer.
“Come here” Nikki said, pulling her oldest in for a hug.
Tom laughed and held onto her tightly as he tried to regulate his breathing, “thanks mum”.
“Now, what’s got you so worked up?” She asked, guiding him backwards and towards the seating area of the patio.
“How do you know I’m worked up?” Tom asked, his voice dripping with panic.
He quickly lifted his arms and checked for any sweat stains before looking back at his mum.
Nikki gave him a knowing smile and shook her head, “I’m your mum Thomas, I know when my boy is nervous”.
“Is it really obvious?” Tom sighed, plopping into the patio chair.
Nikki hummed softly and shook her head, “not if you just calm down. What’s happening Tom?”
“I… okay… well.., you can’t say anything” he blurted, taking a deep breath before resuming his rambled explanation.
“You remember how I asked for your help at the jewelers awhile back?” Tom mumbled, looking around to ensure no one was listening.
Nikki beamed brightly, her cheeks rising until her eyes scrunched closer together.
“Yes, of course! Are you asking tonight?” Nikki quietly exclaimed.
Tom nodded and bit the left corner of his bottom lip, “I’ve been trying to find the right time for months but…”
He shrugged, “I know tonight we’ll actually have privacy from the media, we’ll be with family, and I know it’s Sam and Harry’s birthday but it’s also Valentine’s Day and they said they’re okay with it, and-“.
“Thomas, honey, I think it sounds wonderful” Nikki interrupted as she sensed he’d continue rambling for awhile if she didn’t.
Tom blushed and thanked his mum before quickly telling her his plan before y/n got off of work and made it back to the house.
Y/n hummed and placed her head on Tom’s shoulder as she smiled peacefully, her eyes closed.
It had been a couple hours since she arrived to celebrate the twins’ birthday.
Tom craned his neck and kissed her temple, “having fun, love?”
She hummed again, arm slipping around his back until her hand rested on the opposite side of his waist, “yes”.
He smiled and felt his nerves calm infinitesimally, fingers brushing her hair from her face as he sighed “perfect”.
“Tom?” She whispered, eyes fluttering open and head raising off his shoulder unexpectedly.
He nodded, one eyebrow raised in question at her behavior.
“Can..” she began, looking around at the group before back at him.
“Here, come with me love” Tom said, standing up and holding his hand out for her.
She did as he suggested and let him guide her to the garden Nikki had begun.
Once they were out of earshot, Tom motioned for her to continue her thought.
She smiled shyly and looked at Tom’s family a few yards away.
When she faced him again, she bit her lip and motioned for him to look where she had been.
“Can we have more nights like this? I mean I know I’m not part of the family, so I don’t want to intrude, but I just…, I don’t know, this is just so calming and-“ she began but stopped when she noticed he wasn’t next to her anymore.
“Tom?” She asked nervously, afraid she’d overstepped.
But as her eyes found him, she nearly burst into tears.
Tom was suddenly kneeling before her, ring box propped open in his hand as he gazed up lovingly at her.
“Y/n, my love” he began, making her sniffle quietly as she tried to compose herself, “there is nothing I would like more than to grant you that. I’d love to have more nights like this, only with you officially being part of the family now”.
Both of their eyes watered, a few stray tears dripping down their cheeks nearly synchronously.
“I have been meaning to ask you this for ages now, but I feel we’re both in a good position to truly promise each other everything that comes with such a commitment. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, making you feel as happy, loved, and cared for as you make me feel every day. Will you marry me?” Tom asked, holding the ring box closer to her.
She didn’t even bother loooing at the ring, her eyes never even left him for a second.
Instead, she blinked away her tears as she gazed into his patient but nervous stare and nodded rapidly.
She knelt before him, cupping both sides of his face with her hands.
“Yes, forever yes” she whispered, pulling his face to hers for a kiss.
Tom smiled into the kiss, his hand awkwardly bracing her back without dropping the ring.
When they pulled back, he grinned widely as he removed the ring from the velvet pad and slowly slid it onto her ring finger.
“It’s perfect” she whisperered, glancing down briefly before back at him.
“Yeah, it is” Tom agreed, watching her intently.
To say Tom’s family was excited would be an understatement. They were all beyond pleased to be having y/n become part of their family.
Y/n and Tom’s friends (both mutual and individual friend groups) were cheerful and supportive as well. Most were wondering who would get the honor of being part of their bridal party.
Best Man
Tom didn’t want to have to chose between his brothers when it came to who would be his best man.
He also wanted it to be his best mate Harrison.
Fortunately y/n encouraged him to choose whomever he wanted and that they’d handle any disappointment from his brothers if need be.
Tom knew choosing Haz was the right choice as he’d been there for both Tom and y/n from the start and remained close to them both throughout the years that had passed.
Bachelor Party
For Tom’s bachelor party (or stag), Harrison invited Tom’s closest friends and reserved a local golf club lounge.
Tuwaine, Harrison, Harry, Sam, Paddy, and Tom spent the night playing darts inside the private lounge, enjoying high quality food and drinks, and playing a round of golf on one of the nicest courses in town.
Wedding Planning
Tom would let y/n pick out any items she wanted, no matter the cost
Y/n would of course disagree and suggest she find a cheaper or more reasonably priced alternative.
But Tom would be firm about it, stating he wanted her to have everything she wanted
He’d assure her that he wasn’t worried about the money
Y/n kept asking to set a budget but Tom didn’t want to as he didn’t want that pressure to be associated with their big day
He just wanted them to have the wedding of their dreams and they’d manage the finances of it afterwards if need be.
Other than refusing to set a budget, Tom was otherwise very helpful in the planning; often providing his opinions, choices, and guidance
Wedding Day
The couple was very fortunate as the day was everything they could’ve imagined.
They both looked stunning and elegant.
Their friends and the venue staff helped them set up an incredibly romantic but elegantly classic atmosphere.
Tom of course cried as y/n walked down the aisle to him; which was of course playfully yet simultaneously supportively brought up during Harrison’s best man speech.
Just as Tom had promised during his proposal, the couple spent their wedding with their closest loved ones.
It was the perfect first night to spending the rest of their lives with their joined families and each other.
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Tom Holland Tag List (to be added please comment here): @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifey @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @laylasbunbunny
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allthegothihopgirls · 5 months ago
i'm at peace every day that goes by without news of "silk: spider society" being picked up for release.
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zendayaupdates · 2 months ago
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Zendaya & Tom Holland’s engagement is now confirmed by Tom’s father, Dominic Holland in a newly shared Patreon blog post:
“Tom, as you know by now was very incredibly well prepared. He had purchased a ring, he had spoken with her father and gained permission to propose to his daughter. Tom had everything planned out. When, where, how, what to say, what to wear.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year ago
Come See About Me
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Synopsis: Tom realizes he got you all wrong and slowly falls as he learns more about you during the press tour
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“Oh shoot. I’m press with Y/n all week.” Tom said as he read an email from his team.
“Is that a bad thing?” Harry asked him.
“Not necessarily. I just don’t really know her that well. She was super reserved on set for the few days I shot with her. I wonder why they paired me with her.”
“Well, you’re the same age, right? The movie team probably just want to start romance rumors for publicity.”
“I don’t think that will happen. I barely got to know her during filming. I doubt anyone will see chemistry between us.” Tom replied. He started pacing around his hotel room and felt uncharacteristically nervous for the day ahead.
“Well for your sake, let’s hope you don’t see chemistry between you either.” Harry snorted.
“How do you mean?” Tom frowned.
“You know how messy relationships in the public eye can be. Just don’t go falling in love with this girl, okay? I do not want to watch you pine after your dark and mysterious costar.” Harry warned him.
“Psh. I won’t fall in love with her. That would never happen.” Tom scoffed and continued scrolling through his phone. He ended up on Instagram and saw that you had recently posted a photo. It was just a simple selfie in your hotel room which was probably just a few doors down from Tom’s. He found himself smiling and gave the photo a like. He may not have gotten to know you on set, but there’s no reason he couldn’t get to know you now.
“But if I did, why would that be bad?” Tom asked as he deep stalked your Instagram.
“The way I see it, there are two outcomes if you choose to pursue her. Option one is you get swept up in the excitement of promoting the movie and start reading into every little interaction between the two of you because that’s what the public is doing. So you convince yourself you’re in love with her and maybe she’ll even convince herself of the same thing. But once the press tour is over and you get to be with each other without any reason or purpose, you realize you never actually liked each other. And that’ll just end up breaking both your hearts. Even worse if only one of you realizes you never actually liked the other. God. That would be a nightmare.” Harry shivered.
“Okay.” Tom said slowly. “That was oddly specific. So what’s the other outcome?”
“You fall in love with her on this press tour and then it ends before you get a chance to tell her. So she flies off to film another movie and you’re stuck kicking yourself for not being honest with her sooner. And I’m stuck watching you whine about it.” Harry said simply.
“Or, hear me out, secret third option.” Tom proposed. “I fall for her and she falls for me and we have a great relationship. And maybe it lasts and maybe it doesn’t. But at least we gave it a shot. That could happen, right?”
“Maybe. But either way, she’s getting on a plane at the end of this press tour. And you can’t fall in love with someone who’s worlds away. Remember that.” Harry reminded him.
“I’m not gonna fall in love with her.” Tom insisted.
“Promise?” Harry asked skeptically.
“Yeah. Promise.” Tom said weakly. He looked at your picture one more time before shutting his phone off.
The next morning, Tom got into a black van that was going to take the cast to the building where the interviews were taking place. You got into the car shortly after with a huge smile on your face that Tom had never seen before. You were in a nice dress and full glam already, unintentionally earning yourself Tom’s full attention.
“Good morning.” You said enthusiastically as you sat in the seat beside him. He was slightly taken aback by how friendly you were being since he had only ever seen you being quiet and reserved.
“Oh, hello.” He smiled in surprise. “Good morning to you too, darling. How are you doing?”
“I’m really excited for today.” You admitted. “I haven’t done a big press tour like this before. I know they can be a little boring and repetitive but I can’t wait.”
“Yeah. These tours are pretty crazy. You get to see a lot of amazing places which is really cool. But you also get to answer the same question 100 times a day for a month straight. You’ll learn the highs and the lows pretty soon.”
“I’m ready for it all. But thanks for the warning. I appreciate any tips I can get.” You chuckled.
“You’re welcome. And don’t worry. You’ll get used to waking up at the crack of dawn and having a bunch of people you’ve never met poke you with makeup and hair stuff.”
“When?” You asked through a yawn. “Because I have a full face of makeup on before my brain is fully awake and it feels so very, very wrong.”
“Not soon enough.” He sighed. “I’ve learned to stay half asleep while the nice ladies apply my concealer.”
“Oh, so this complexion isn’t natural?” You teased and pointed to his face.
“Nope. You’re not the only one in full glam right now, darling.” He humored you, making you laugh.
“Careful. You don’t know if you can’t trust me yet. I might sell that piece of bad boy information to a news site and get you exposed.” You warned. It was Tom’s turn to laugh and he felt amazed that he had never seen this side of your personality before.
“I hope you don’t. I was just about to say that I’m glad I can share your first big press tour with you but now I feel we may have begun an enemies arch.”
“No. We can’t be enemies.” You whined playfully. “Because I was gonna say that I’m glad you’re here too. You always seem so relaxed and funny in interviews. I’m really hoping I don’t come off as nervous as I feel today.”
“Don’t worry. You won’t. It’ll feel just like a conversation.” He assured you. He was pleased to know you were a watcher of his interviews and wondered what else he’d uncover about you that day.
“Thank. I really appreciate you helping me with all this.”You said sincerely.
“It’s no trouble. If you have any other questions, just ask. I’ll help wherever I can.” He told you.
“Thanks, Tom.” You smiled at him. He smiled back and suddenly remembered what Harry had said the night before about not falling in love with you. Tom was just one conversation in and already struggling to keep his promise.
Once the van arrived at the building, you and Tom had makeup touch ups and were then sent into the junket room.
“Wow. I haven’t seen the poster yet.” You gasped and touched the poster with gentle fingertips. Tom watched you admiring it and smiled when he saw how proud you looked.
“You look good up there. I hope to see you on more posters.” He said and nudged you slightly.
“Like in Playboy?” You asked and looked insulted.
“What?” Tom gulped. “No, no, no. I didn’t-“
“I’m just messing with you.” You cut him off and nudged him back. He felt his hearts too racing and cracked a smile.
“You really had me for a second there, darling. I didn’t realize you had such a sense of humor. I guess I never heard you say much on set.”
“Thats because I found it hard to shake my character after filming all day. I guess I’m not used to separating that yet. I loved my character and all but I’m so glad to be done shooting her. She’s so dark and dramatic. It really affected my mood on set.” You told him as you both sat down in your chairs.
“Oh, wow. So you’re not quiet? You were just in character?”
“Quiet? I’ve never been described as quiet.” You laughed. “I was just in my emo phase on set because the material I was shooting was so dark. It bummed me out all day.”
“But you’re not bummed out today?” He asked with a coy smile.
“Fuck no. I’m ready to party.” You whispered to him just as the journalist came in. He burst out laughing at the unexpected expletive and earned himself a look from the journalist.
“Well alright then.” He chuckled.
That was the first of many times you made Tom laugh that day. The more interviews you did together, the more he learned about you and your personality. He paid attention to every anecdote and personal story you shared and was more and more fascinated each time.
When it came time for day two of the press tour, he could not wait to get back in there with you. The interviews were in the hotel that day and Tom got to the junket room first. When you got there, you handed him a hot cup of tea.
“For you.” You smiled and sat beside him. Tom looked at you curiously and you gestured for him to sip it. He took a sip and widened his eyes when he tasted it.
“This is exactly how I take my tea.” He said incredulous.
“I know. I was listening when you ordered at breakfast yesterday.” You said proudly.
“Thank you, darling. I really appreciate that.” He smiled fondly at you before taking another sip.
“Well I wanted to thank you for all your help yesterday.” You smiled shyly. “I was really nervous yesterday until we talked in the car. You made my first press day really memorable. So I did the normal courtesy of eavesdropping on you and brought you your favorite tea.”
“That was very kind of you. And you made my day yesterday a lot better than I was expecting so I should be thanking you too.”
“Then I’ll loudly tell someone else my favorite way to drink tea so that you can eavesdrop and surprise me.” You joked as the journalist walked in.
“How are you guys doing today?” The journalist asked to start the interview.
“I’m doing really well now that Y/n brought me tea.” Tom answered and took another sip.
“I’m also doing really well but because Tom didn’t bring me tea.” You said and looked at Tom to see if he found it funny.
“Why would that make you happy?” He laughed.
“Because I hate tea.” You shrugged.
“What? Don’t you know that is the worst thing you can say to an English person? And you just told me you had a favorite tea.”
“That was a joke. I actually hate tea.” You admitted.
“How can anyone hate tea?” Tom asked in exasperation.
“It’s just like hot, flavored water. I don’t understand what’s good about it. I hate soup too.“
“Soup too?” Tom gasped and pretended to clutch his petals.
“I think soup is so nasty. Why would I ever want to eat hot blended food?”
“If you hate soup and you hate tea, then what do you do when you’re sick?”
“I watch Fantastic Mr. Fox under my covers like a normal person.” You answered, making him laugh.
“This is very disturbing information to learn so early in the morning. You’ve surprised me, darling.”
“I’m sorry you had to find out like this.” You shrugged with a laugh.
The next day, Tom was pleased to see you already waiting in your chair for the interview to start. You were texting on your phone but looked up when he came into the room. Your makeup artists was touching up your lipstick so you couldn’t smile at him and opted for a wink. He found himself blushing at the wink and sat beside you.
“Morning, darling.”
“Good morning. No tea today?” You teased.
“I’ve already had my tea, for your information. I chugged it while I got my makeup done.”
You laughed but he wasn’t actually kidding about getting his makeup done. He was just happy that it made you laugh. Your makeup artists finished up and you checked your makeup in your phone camera.
“You look pretty.” Tom said before he could stop himself. You looked over at him in surprise before smiling.
“Why, thanks. So do you.” You said and shot him another wink. He blushed and looked down at his lap at the compliment.
“God, I’m gonna be thinking about lunch this entire interview.” You whispered to him.
“You didn’t eat at the craft service table?”
“I can’t eat that early in the morning.” You waved your hand. “It makes me nauseous. Now I’m wishing I did though. My kingdom for a cheese stick.”
“I hate cheese.” Tom grimaced.
“What? Even in stick form?” You asked him.
“Even in stick form.” He humored you. “And you can’t judge me because you hate the two most comforting foods on earth.”
“I’m judging you so hard right now.” You mumbled. Tom laughed as an idea came to him.
Before your next interview, Tom made a quick stop at the bakery across the street. You were already in the room waiting to start by the time he got back. He quickly fixed his hair before holding out a little brown paper bag.
“For you.” He said with a bashful smile.
“What is this?” You asked as you took the bag.
“Open it.” He said as he sat beside you. You gave him a curious look before opening the bag.
“Scone?” You gasped and looked up at him.
“Scone!” He smiled proudly.
“You got me a scone? Why?” You wondered and took the stone out of the bag.
“Because it was easier to find than a cheese stick.” He chuckled.
“I love you.” You cupped his chin before taking a bite of the scone. Tom froze and felt his face turn bright red at your words. You realized he had gone quiet and looked over at him.
“Sorry. Was it too soon to say that?” You asked with a mouthful of scone.
“I think so. Aren’t you supposed to wait three months?” He chuckled and touched a cold hand to his burning face.
“Too bad. The introduction of the scone sped up our relationship and now we’re in love.” You shrugged and took another bite. Tom laughed again and looked down at his laugh.
“So, uh, speaking of our relationship. Have you seen the way fans have been shipping us since our last few interviews hit the Internet? How weird is that?” He said and forced a laugh. He didn’t actually find it weird, he just wanted it see how you felt about the possibility of a relationship.
“I was actually deep into the fan edits last night to be perfectly honest with you.” You said through a laugh.
“Were you?” He asked in surprise.
“I was. And I heard that we’ve been secretly dating since May. Did you know that?”
“I did. I forgot to tell you. I’m sorry, darling. It must’ve slipped my mind.” He played along.
“That’s okay. I can’t be mad at you since you blessed me with a scone.”
The journalist came in once you had finished your scone and the interview began. Tom was barely paying attention to the questions and only focused on hearing your answers. He loved that he wasn’t getting to learn new things about you that he was too shy to ask.
“Unpopular opinion?” The journalist asked.
“A lot of people think cats are girls and dogs are boys but the real take here is that all seagulls are boys.”
“Woah, what? What makes all seagulls boys?” Tom asked you.
“A girl would never act like that.” You said simply, making Tom laugh.
“My unpopular opinion is that Y/n’s best movie is Look Mom, No Hands.” Tom said, making you burst out laughing.
“I know you did not just bring up my Disney Chanel original movie from when I was 11.”
“Yes I did. Because I watched it last night and I cried when you made the winning goal even after your glasses broke from the soccer ball hitting you in the face.”
“Oh my God.” You laughed. “The drama.”
“It was! The opposing team totally kicked it into your face on purpose because they knew you were the underdog. But nevertheless, she persisted. You made the winning goal and your team won the championship.”
“Wow. Way to spoil my movie from 15 years ago. And why were you even watching that?”
“Because I needed to know who I was working with everyday. It’s a part of your lore. Now that I know you’ve starred in a DCOM, I know I can trust you.”
“I was not the star. Bridget Mendler was the star. I was just the quirky best friend.” You reminded him, making Tom laugh.
“Well you were the only one I was looking at, okay darling? You were the star for me.” He said as he looked over at you. You smiled at his answer and nodded your head.
“Good answer. Favorite snack?” The journalist asked.
“Oh no. You’re gonna think I’m weird.” You smiled sheepishly.
“What? I could never, darling. What is it?” Tom asked and turned in his chair to face you.
“I put mustard on popcorn.” You grimaced.
“What the hell?” Tom’s nose scrunched in disgust.
“See! I knew you’d think I was a little freak.”
“Mustard? On popcorn? Why would anyone do that?”
“You’re thinking it’s worse than it is. Yellow mustard on lightly salted popcorn is really good, okay? Don’t knock it until you try it.”
“You’re gonna have to make it for me. Because I cannot imagine it’s good.” Tom shook his head.
“If I can get my hands on some mustard during this press tour, I will be at your door in a heartbeat.”
“It’s a date.”Tom replied, making you smile.
“It better be.” You answered, and he returned the smile.
Tom was fully in it now. Every second that he wasn’t with you, you were the only thing on his mind. You started spending your evenings together and grabbed dinner every night after your interviews. He was falling fast and getting worse and worse at hiding it. He posted a photo of the two of you that the paparazzi had taken while you were out to dinner and captioned it “I’d wait out in the cold all night just to take pictures of her too”. He tagged you and it wasn’t long before you were in his comments saying “he’s so obsessed with me it’s honestly embarrassing”. He smiled at the comment and wrote back “yes, and?” before going to bed.
The press tour was coming to an end and on the last day, Tom walked into the junket room to find only one chair in the room.
“Oh. No Y/n?” Tom asked his manager.
“Nope. Solo interviews today.” They replied. Tom faked a smile and sat in his chair. He hoped his disappointment wasn’t as obvious as it felt as he gave the interview alone. He did a few more solo interviews throughout the day and eventually got to his last one. It wasn’t long before the door opened up and you walked into the room with Tom’s water bottle.
“Hi. I’m crashing. Sorry.” You smiled sheepishly and walked into the room.
“That’s quite all right. Do you want a chair?” The journalist asked you.
“I’m good.” You smiled politely and sat on Tom’s knee. He immediately blushed and looked up at you.
“What are you doing here, darling?” Tom grinned.
“I finished early so I brought you juice.” You said and handed him the water bottle.
“What? No way.” He smiled in appreciation and opened up the water bottle to see apple juice inside.
“Juice!” You cheered.
“Juice!” He echoed. “Thank you, darling. What a nice surprise.”
“Well I had to get you back for the scone.“ You told him.
“So Tom, I have to ask about your Instagram post from yesterday. You tagged Y/n in an interesting place, Tom. Care to comment on that?” The journalist asked now that you had joined the interview.
“He tagged me there because it’s where you can usually find me.” You chuckled.
“Wait, I’m lost? Where did I tag her?” Tom asked. You and the journalist exchanged a look before you pulled out your phone to show Tom his own post from the night before. He had accidentally tagged you right on his crotch, making him turn red when he saw his mistake. And when he pieced together what you meant by what you had just said, he turned even redder.
“Oh my God. I swear, I’m just Instagram stupid. I didn’t mean to tag her there.” Tom explained.
“Yes he did. He tagged me in my location. Because that’s where I am.” You kept up the joke just to tease him.
“Where?” The journalist laughed.
“On Tom’s dick.” You shrugged. Tom covered his red face with his hands as you and the journalist laughed.
“People know that about me. If they can’t find me, they don’t ask “hey where’s Y/n?” because they already know where I am. It’s my happy place. My sanctuary. My home away from home.” You continued.
“No. No more. My mum watched these.” He playfully scolded you.
“Hey, you started this.” You reminded him.
“And I’m ending it.”
“Actually, I’m the one who has to end it. That’s all the time we have. Thanks guys.” The journalist said. The last interview was done, meaning the press tour was officially over. You stood up and adjusted your skirt before looking at Tom. He smiled softly but felt his disappointment return. The tour was over which meant today was his last day with you. He knew you’d keep in touch, but it would never be like this again, and that’s made him sad.
Instead of wallowing in his sadness, Tom did something about it. He stopped by the corner store before making his way to your hotel room. In his way there, he ran into his brother Harry. Harry took one look at the bag of popcorn in his hands and knew what was happening.
“You fell in love with her, didn’t you?” Harry snorted.
“Shut up.” Tom groaned. “I can still fire you.”
“You did the one thing you said you wouldn’t do. Now look at you. One your way to eat the most American combination of foods I have ever seen. You’re a disgrace to your homeland.”
“I couldn’t help it, okay? She made me fall for her. It’s all her fault, really. Now leave me alone. I have a girl to surprise with a disgusting snack.” Tom said and went on his way. He took a deep breath before knocking on your door. You opened your door for him and he held up his bag of supplies.
“Hey, you. What’s this?”You raised an eyebrow.
“Mustard and popcorn. You little freak.” He said with a teasing smile. Your lips curved into a smile as you stared at him.
“Get in here.” You instructed.
He went into your room and shut the door behind him as you poured the bag popcorn into two bowls. He did his best to hide his disgust as you squirt mustard over them both.
“Here. You’re gonna love this.” You said as you handed him his bowl.
“It smells like mustard.” He grimaced.
“Well, that’s 50% of the ingredients.”
“Okay. I’m doing it. I’m eating one.” He said and popped a mustard covered piece of popcorn into his mouth. You watched him as he chewed it and could tell he hated it.
“Well?” You asked.
“I’m gonna throw up.” He answered.
“Spit it out.” You laughed.
“No. You like this so I’m gonna force myself to like it too.” He said a begrudgingly swallowed the popcorn. You laughed at him but your smile slowly faded and you looked a little upset.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked you.
“I don’t know. I’m feeling kinda down tonight.” You told him.
“You are? What’s bothering you?”
“I guess I’m just sad the tours over. I don’t like when things end.” You admitted with a sad smile.
“I’m sad it’s over too. They usually exhaust me but I don’t know. I particularly enjoyed this one.” Tom replied sheepishly without meeting your eyes.
“You did?” You asked as you ate your popcorn.
“I did. Mostly because I enjoyed getting to know you.” He admitted and finally looked up at you. You smiled in surprise and scooted closer to him. Tom gulped and looked down at his lap. The tour was officially over so if he didn’t want you to get on a plane without ever knowing how he felt, he was gonna have to speak now.
“You know, before the tour started, my brother made me promise that I wasn’t gonna fall for you.” Tom admitted.
“What?” You laughed softly. “Why would he make you promise that?”
“I don’t know. He said it would only end in two ways.” Tom said and looked into your eyes with a sheepish smile.
“Which were?” You wondered.
“We get caught up in the excitement of the movie so we start a fling and then breakup when the tour ends.”
“Well that didn’t happen. So what was the other option?”
“I fall for you and never tell you. And the tour ends and you get on a plane and I regret it for the rest of my life. But I guess that option didn’t happen either since I told you.” He said as he never dropped your gaze. You stared into his eyes for a moment as you processed what he had just admitted.
“Well, what if there was a secret third option?”
“Secret third option?” Tom asked with intrigue.
“I mean, just because the tour is ending that doesn’t mean it has to be the end of you and me, does it?” You said and leaned in even closer.
“It doesn’t?” He gulped at your close proximity.
“I don’t think so. And look. You bought me food. That makes this is our first date.” You explained as you held up your bowl of popcorn.
“Well I’m happy to hear that but don’t expect a kiss with your mustard breath.” Tom mumbled out of the corner of his mouth.
“What was that?” You played along.
“I said you’re so pretty and I have a giant crush on you and want us to be together.” He said quickly.
“Much better.” You smiled and popped some popcorn into your mouth.
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
@imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @eridanuswave​ ​
@solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant
@quaksonhehe @lovelessdagger
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom
 @officialsimppage @peterbenjiparker @itsemohours
@freakofmusic25 @tomholland85
@olixerwxxd @leilanixx
@whereismytelephone @so-very-asleep @white-wolf1940
@spideyspeaches @hihiweezing
@dhtomholland @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @prancerrparkerr
@hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @blackwidowisthebest @imawhoreforu
@nellabellaa @pinklxmonade @boogywoogywoogy
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tinas1469 · 2 months ago
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entertainmenttonight: Newly engaged Zendaya flashed her engagement ring at another public event! 💍⁠
After the ring made its debut at the Golden Globes on Sunday, the actress joined director Luca Guadagnino for a special screening and discussion of ‘Challengers’ in West Hollywood.⁠
The event comes after a source confirmed to ET that Zendaya and Tom Holland are officially engaged and are "ready and excited for this next chapter.” ⁠
“Tom wanted to propose to her over the holidays,” said the source, adding that the 28-year-old actor is looking to start a family with his 'Spider-Man' co-star. “He really wants to have kids and to settle down.”
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destinyc1020 · 2 months ago
Awww....I was kind of thinking that maybe Tom proposed to Zendaya over the Christmas/New Year's holiday. 😊 He probably bought the ring a little while ago, but wanted to propose over the holidays. How sweet!! 🥹 Finally! 🤧🥰
Love this for them!! 🥰❤️💕
Our babies are getting MARRIED!!! 😁😁👏🏾
Tomdaya wedding here we come!!
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homeofthelonelywriter · 1 year ago
Celebs - Masterlist
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Tom Hiddleston:
🌺 Take the Stage: While once again sneaking out of the Palace, you meet an actor...let’s just say there is something between you two. (Royal! Reader)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31
Romeo to my Juliet: You are a student and a teacher at a college in Lodon, which is the same place a very handsome acting professor is employed. Discontinued for now.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
🌺 New Beginning:
(Part 1) | Part 2 | Part 3
HC - Tom Hiddleston x clumsy!Reader
HC - Tom helps Reader deal with anxiety and stress
HC - Tom loves Reader’s boobs
Forgotten Fears - The Reader had some bad experiences with her ex-boyfriend when he was drunk and is still traumatised by that. What happens when Tom forgets about that fear of hers?
Kinky Surprise - pure smut
Application - When you loose a bet, you are forced to send an application for Loki’s love interest. Who would have thought that they actually want to meet you?
Jealousy - Tom is insecure because of your age gap. What will happen when he sees you with one of your co-workers who is about your age?
Hidden - As an artist, you find a way to tell Tom that you’re pregnant
Bun in the oven - Pregnany reveal and a proposal. What could go wrong?
Drunken Start - After a night out with his buddies, Tom calls you, neither rembering you, nor how he got your number
Trick or Treat - Halloween Special
Best boyfriend in the world - You have trouble sleeping, so Tom decides to help you out
Dance with me - Reader and Tom slow-dance in Paris
Diary - Tom finds your diary while you’re moving and reads it
Christmas Surprise - Christmas Drabble
Let it snow! - Christmas Drabble
Drabble #75
Drabble #3
Imagine while on vacation with your BFF you catch Tom Hiddleston during a photoshoot. Your BFF makes sure he remembers you.
Imagine tagging Tom Hiddleston in a meme and actually getting a reaction.
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Benedict Cumberbatch:
Drabble #69
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Sebastian Stan:
Drabble #46
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Shawn Mendes:
🌺 Better that way: When Shawn’s girlfriend finds out that she is pregnant, she decides that she can’t burden the superstar with a child. She makes decisions which may seem stupid, but she knows that it’s Better that way.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
🌺 Surprise: Walking a Victorias Secret show was an honour already, but being able to see your boyfriend while doing so? Pure bliss. Especially when he has a little surprise for you.
Part 1 | Part 2
🌺 Fan Mail: Writing to Shawn every so often paid off when he asked you to come to one of his shows.
Part 1 | Part 2
When you’re ready - Inspired by his song
Guard my heart - You are a part of the security at one of Shawn’s shows and he notices you
Nervous - Inspired by his song
One more chance - Filming an explanation video why Shawn and you broke up, leads to some interesting realisations
In my Blood - Inspired by his song (Triggers)
Late Late Show - You are present during your boyfriend’s appearance on the Late Late Show with James Cordan. Let’s just say it was disgusting.
Sad song - Shawn finds out you can sing during a very sad occasion
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Tom Holland:
Migraine - rl!friend has a Migraine and Tom wants and tries to comfort her
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Back to the Master-Masterlist
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siriustaylorsversion · 1 year ago
Nevermind (Taylor Swift x reader) She has always owned my heart pt.4
finally got over my writers block so this is a little long <3 thankyou so much @karsonromanoff for the idea!!
part one, two and three
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enews does anyone hear wedding bells? singer yourname.official seen wearing an ENGAGEMENT RING in a new interview... what news do her and taylorswift bring??? liked by tomhalland2013, y/n_sink and 4,205,600 others.
conangray my mothers are doing what now??
oliviarodrigo oh my god yourname.official SO HAPPY FOR YOU
siriustaylorsversion NOT #mymothersaremarried TRENDING ON TWITTER WHAT 😭😭😭
blakelively oh wow
tay.y/nforevermore WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WOW'?????? y/n.sink MOM WHAT'S HAPPENING
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y/n_sink it's yourname.official's new story AND OH MY GOD MY PARENTS ARE MARRIED IM DEAD liked by woodvaleisreal, y/n_sink and 100,309 others.
y/ntourupdates but her story is so real 😭😭😭
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yourname.official IM OPENING FOR THE LOVE OF MY LIFE (and the highest grossing tour, I could not be prouder) liked by tomhalland2013, blakelively and 7,208,600 others.
taylorswift could not be more excited, my love 🥹🩷🩷
blakelively my favorite girls, oh my god <3
folkmore.forevermore CONGRATS ON THE ENGAGEMENT
y/nandsadie.forevermore YOU'RE MARRIED????????
conangray CONGRATULATIONS, MOTHER (why didn't you tell me??)
yourname.official what's up with the comments?
tomholland2013 i might've accidentally liked a post... yourname.official uh huh.... tomholland2013 it might've accidentally been about your nonexistent wedding, nevermind... yourname.official you're dead, spidey. folkmore WAIT WHAT IS GOING ON??
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taylorswift we got married? looking at all the fake wedding drama like 😦 liked by yourname.official, blakelively and 7,208,600 others.
yourname.official it was fun while it lasted 💘
zendaya wait, what drama??
tomholland2013 nothing, nothing at all. i- zendaya you good?? yourname.official got him mid-sentence... rest in peace, holland
y/n_sink i have never been this heartbroken, why.
folkmore.forevermore WHAT NOOO??????
blakelively i thought you didn't tell us </3
taylorswift you'd be the first one to know when it does happen tomholland you'd say yes to her? why?? yourname.official shush, you're dead.
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jimmyfallon we're gonna have yourname.official talking about the eras tour, the wedding rumors and should she "pull a monica" for a surprise proposal? don't worry, blondie can't see this post liked by yourname.official, blakelively and 3,200,600 others.
comments on this post have been limited
yourname.official i should go do it...
blakelively best of luck, darling <3
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tmz We are not coming to you with fake news this time, that time was in yourname.official's words... "all Tom Hollands fault". On the Jimmy Fallon show, the singer revealed that all the comments by the fans made her reflect on her relationship and said that "I couldn't be happier being with my girlfriend and I just think maybe we should get married. Taylor was scared at first that the people would believe the news and we'd have to get married when I'm not ready but.. it's like that one f.r.i.e.n.d.s. episode, maybe I should pull a monica and ask her." We could not be happier for the couple, now it's up to Ms. Swift to follow her own lyrics and baby just say yes. liked by zendaya, blakelively and 5,060,700 others.
gracieabrams they both have such a way with words, I'm actually crying.
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yourname.official NEVERMIND, SHE SAID YES liked by taylorswift, blakelively and 11,060,789 others.
yourname.official YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY AGAIN
gracieabrams FINALLY 🥹💖💖
tomholland13 to think i made this happen
yourname.official shUSH tomholland2013 congratulations and you're welcome 🙄💕
oliviarodrigo CONGRATS GUYS!!
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taylorswift of course i said yes, there is no other answer when it comes to her 🩷🩷�� liked by yourname.official, blakelively and 13,000,000 others.
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had a lot of fun writing this, maybe I'll make the wedding a part 5? stay happy and hydrated!
234 notes · View notes
jahayla-parker · 2 years ago
Happily Ever After: Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Description: Blurb/headcannon and small fic for Harrison Osterfield based on the Happily Ever After character series of fics coming, This covers topics such as the proposal, wedding planning, who is in the wedding party, etc. leading up to -and including- the wedding day!
Warnings: family, wedding, proposal, bachelor party briefly mentioned, related topics.
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“I still can’t believe it. It is just so beautiful” y/n mumbled, clinging to Harrison’s arm as she stared up at the metal structure before them.
Harrison smiled down at her, pressing his lips to the top of her head as he hummed in agreement.
They’d been here before.
Harrison had taken her here to confess his feelings to her years ago, wanting to do it somewhere special as it was a big thing to change their closeknit friendship into something more.
They’d been here between then and now as well.
Harrison often had photo shoots and fashion shows he was cast to walk in that took place in the city.
So, he often invited her to go with him and they’d make a trip out of it.
They both loved the whole town.
But, the Eiffel Tower, in particular, held more sentimental value to them because of it was directly in front of it that they’d changed their relationship.
Hence why he started their trip here tonight.
Each time they came to Paris they’d see the tower; of course.
But, they didn’t usually start it that way given the crowds and other things they’d have planned to do when in the city.
Yet, they’d only checked in to their hotel before heading here tonight.
Y/n lifted her head off of his shoulder to look up at him, smiling widely, “I love this place”.
Haz smiled and laughed, one hand around her waist to keep her close.
He lifted his other hand to tuck a few whisps of hair behind her ear, gazing into her eyes lovingly.
She bit her lip before leaning up to kiss him.
Harrison hummed as they parted, cupping her face with his hand.
“But I love you more” she whispered, looking up at him with a shy smile.
Haz blushed and grinned widely, “I love you so much y/n/n”.
She nodded, “I know!”
Haz laughed as she stepped back and spun around.
He silently took his phone out to take a few pictures and a short video of her little happy dance.
“I’m in my favorite city, with my favorite person, at my favorite spot” she cheered flaring one arm up and into the air next to her as she finished her spinning/dance.
She pursed her lips and lifted an eyebrow at him as she stopped and saw he’d recorded her actions.
But as he simply smiled and slid his phone back into his pocket, she brushed it off with a smile.
“It’s your favorite place in the city, still?” He asked, holding onto her hand upon reaching where she was standing.
She hummed and nodded definitively.
“Why is that, love?” He asked softly as he walked with her, guiding them to where he wanted her.
“Because of you” she giggled, smiling up at him, “this is where you admitted to me how you felt, ya know?”
He blushed and nodded, “that was here, huh?”.
She nodded and looked around before pointing a few feet from her after getting her bearings, “we were right there”.
Harrison chuckled tenderly, “where?”
She huffed and dropped his hand before practically skipping to the spot she was pointing at.
Haz smirked to himself at how she made it even easier for him to set it up and knowing she would pick up on the sentiment behind the precise spot for what he was about to do.
As she hopped onto the spot she was trying to reach, she looked up at the tower, “right here”.
Haz stayed silent as she spun around to face him, watching as her eyes widened upon seeing him kneeling one knee a few feet from her.
“A-are you..-“ she gasped, hand flying up to her mouth in shock.
He smiled delicately at her, hoping to calm her mind some before he began.
“Y/n y/m/n y/l/n,” he started, his voice tender and loving, “I’ve loved you from the moment you came into my life”.
She moved her hand upwards slightly to rub the tears from her eyes.
“First as my best friend and confidant, then as my crush, then my girlfriend, and now I’m hoping as my fiancé and soon wife” he declared, blinking through his watery eyes.
“I want to spend my life with you, if you’ll let me. I promise to you to always communicate with you, keep you happy, support you in all your endeavors, and fight to be the husband you deserve. Will you give me the chance to do that?” He asked, his fingers slightly shaking but he held his wrist steady to make it less noticeable
“Y/n, will you marry me?” He finished, taking a deep breath of air as he waited for her answer.
She dropped her hand from her face and used it to tug his wrist upwards and towards her.
Harrison stood and neared her as requested.
Y/n smiled widely, stroking his face with her other hand, “oui. Yes, Haz, of course I’ll marry you”.
Harrison chuckled softly as he let out his held breath and pulled her in for a kiss.
“Wait, I learned this” he said pausing as he went to slide the ring on her finger.
“Learned what?” She giggled.
He smiled shyly, “veux… Veux-tu m'épouser?”
Y/n bit her lip, “that was really pretty Harrison, but I don’t know that much French”.
He chuckled and nodded, “I know, that’s why I decided against asking it that way”.
“Wait, you learned how to propose to me in French?” She asked mouth petting slightly
He nodded, fiddling with her fingers as they rest in his hand.
Yn smiled and shook her head, “je t'aime beaucoup Harrison”.
He smiled widely as he pulled her in for another kiss.
His mother was so excited, having been the one he relied on for feedback on his proposal plan as his father wasn’t around to be able to.
His sister, Charlotte, had been asking him why he hadn’t proposed for months now; so, she was very excited when she learned of the engagement.
Tom was beyond happy as he was friends with both Yn and Harrison and supported them beyond words.
Y/N’s family was very supportive as well, having seen how well Haz treated her over the years.
Their friends were happy for the couple and excited to see what they’d plan for the wedding as they knew it’d be elegant.
Best Man
Tom was of course Harrison’s best man.
Not only was he friends with both the bride and groom, he was also Harrison’s best friend from when they were young.
He was also the one who introduced them years ago
Bachelor Party
Tom wanted to, and kinda did, go crazy with the bachelor party.
He went all out for his best mate and didn’t spare any expense on the party.
That being said, he was very respectful to Harrison, y/n, and their relationship; respecting any restrictions and boundaries the couple had set for their bachelor/bachelorette festivities.
Wedding Planning
Haz helped with the planning as much as he could.
There were things he couldn’t do of course, like choosing a wedding dress.
Or things that weren’t his to choose/didn’t need to have a say in, such as bridesmaid gifts.
But he helped with any area he could.
He loved it and was very good at is, which wasn’t a surprise given he was always great at design and styling/fashion.
He also was a major help in that his friend was a major clothing designer and offered to do custom clothing for the couple.
Wedding Day
They opted for their wedding to be in Paris.
While it meant both their families and friends had to travel, it was worth it to them.
The city meant more to them than they could have ever explained
And, it meant it wasn’t only one persons’ guests having to travel so it seemed more equitable.
They helped with the costs of traveling for their guests who couldn’t afford to fly /otherwise wouldn’t be able to make it, but also planned it far in advance so people had time to plan and save.
They held it at Palais Garnier, where they’d had their first date year ago.
The ceremony was held in archway of the Salon du Soleil.
The couple stood at the entrance to the small room, between the empty room -allowing a beautiful background of the Salon du Soleil- and their guests watching from the adjacent room as it was was large enough to fit them all.
The coloring of the Salon du Soleil worked aesthetically with the custom made tuxes for Haz and his half of the bridal party.
The lighting also worked flawlessly with Yn’s wedding dress and the bridesmaids dresses.
Tom had pulled some strings to help the couple reserve the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, where they’d continued their first date years ago.
They were thrilled to have their special spaces filled with memories they shared with friends and family now.
Toasts were done by Tom, Y/N’s best friend and maid of honor, both of their mothers, and Harrison’s sister.
During the dinner portion of the evening Harrison made it his responsibility to make sure y/n was given time and space to eat; politely asking people to come back up to their ‘sweethearts table’ later after she’d had time to eat dinner instead of bothering the couple endlessly and preventing her from eating.
Their night was full of dancing, laughter, and other sweet private moments together.
Taglist for Haz: @galaxyholland @mcushvft @raajali3
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jechristine · 2 months ago
Hi! I know we’ve probably all moved on, but I am only now getting to all the engagement confirmations and wanted to investigate what details we actually learned and where we likely learned them from.
I think these were all the firsthand reportings. Let me know if I missed any.
First to confirm was TMZ:
TMZ 1/6/2025 8:27 AM PT
Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... the "Spider Man" star popped the question between Christmas and New Year's ... dropping to one knee in a very intimate setting in one of Zendaya's family homes in the United States.
We're told Tom didn't make a huge show of the engagement -- it wasn't a big, over-the-top proposal -- instead, it was very romantic and intimate.
Our sources say the family wasn't there ... it was just a sweet moment between Tom and Zendaya.
We get the rough timing (between Christmas and New Years), details about the place (one of Zendaya’s family homes in Cali), info about who was present (just Tom and Zendaya), and details about what the engagement was like (very romantic and intimate).
TMZ lists “sources close to the couple.” These were among the most concrete details we got.
TMZ 1/6/2025 9:45 AM PT
Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... the 'Spider-Man' star met with the "Euphoria" actress' dad, Kazembe Ajamu Coleman, "months ago" in order to ask for Zendaya's hand in marriage.
We're told this was an important step for Tom ... as he's very traditional and felt it was important to secure Kazembe's blessing first.
Kazembe, obviously, accepted ... and we're told Zendaya’s family is very excited for this next chapter in her relationship with Tom. In fact, sources say Zendaya's family just loves Tom ... and thinks he's "a class act."
For those wondering, we're told Tom waited months to actually propose as he was waiting for the right moment.
We learn a concrete detail that Tom asked Kaz’s permission a while ago and then a bit about Tom’s traditional mindset. We get a direct quotation about Tom: “a class act.” I think this had to have come from Kaz, right?
PEOPLE Published on January 6, 2025 01:32PM EST
After news of the couple's engagement broke, a source told PEOPLE that the Crowded Room star, 28, had been "wanting to propose [to the Challengers actress] for a while now."
"He's always been crazy about her. He always knew she was the one," the source said, adding, "They have something very special.
The source said "everyone close to them knew the engagement was happening," just not when. After Holland got down on one knee over the holidays and asked Zendaya to marry him, he was eager to share the news, telling friends about the engagement around New Year's.
As for their future wedding plans, the source said the two want to take some time to simply enjoy their engagement first.
"They will just enjoy things for now and won't rush a wedding. They are both busy with work projects," the insider explained.
The source said Holland could not be happier, noting, "Tom's always had this sweet way of letting the world know that Zendaya is his. Now, it's official — she really is!"
Most of the details here are what I would consider fluff. There’s nothing new about timing, setting, or the actual proposal. The article gestures to “over the holidays,” but that detail is not inside the quotation marks and seems to mimic the wording of the TMZ article, suggesting it’s transposed from there. We get something about not rushing the wedding, but that sounds kind of vague and generic to me. Most of the rest of details are about Tom’s mindset (what he’s been wanting, what he’s known), which could have been sourced to Tom’s previous interviews or just like, observation. They’re generic and not really verifiable. They list “a source.”
What we learn from People here is that Tom told friends over New Year’s.
Then People revised a bit:
PEOPLE Updated on January 6, 2025 01:33PM EST
The Spider-Man costars, both 28, are engaged, a family source confirmed to PEOPLE. TMZ was first to report the news. According to the outlet, Holland proposed at one of Zendaya's family homes over the holidays.
A separate source told PEOPLE that "everyone close to them knew an engagement was happening" — just not when. The source said Holland had been keen to propose to Zendaya "for a while."
“He's always been crazy about her. He always knew she was the one. They have something very special," the source said, noting that Holland shared the happy news with friends around New Year's.
In the meantime, the pair are soaking up the special moment. "Tom's always had this sweet way of letting the world know that Zendaya is his. Now, it's official — she really is!" the source told PEOPLE.
It sounds to me that People has a second source now, “a family source,” who simply confirmed the news of the engagement. I have to mention that the vague comments about the future wedding are omitted, the only other detail to have been changed in this update (👀).
US Weekly January 6, 2025
“Tom figured the holidays were the best time to propose in a very low-key way,” a source exclusively told Us Weekly shortly after news of the couple’s engagement broke on Monday, January 6. “She didn’t want anything over the top.”
According to the insider, “Zendaya tried to keep it a secret but was very excited to show off her ring. She didn’t think people would notice but didn’t care either way.”
The source went on to note that both felt the timing was right. “Tom wanted to propose because he feels he is at the right time in his life and feels ready to settle down.” The insider said. “They had many conversations over the years, but there was never any pressure. Zendaya is giddy and excited. She knew it might have been coming but never put pressure on it.”
Here we get a bit of Zendaya’s mindset (what she wanted the proposal to be like, that she wanted to keep it a secret, and that she was excited to show off the ring but DiDn’T thInK aNyOnE woULd NoTiCe.) We also get the same info about Tom’s mindset, and we learn that Tom & Zendaya have had many conversations without pressure. This is another set of “details” that are super fluffy and generic. They apply to just about every engaged couple who’s dated for years prior to their engagement.
Tom Holland and Zendaya are engaged to be married and are “ready and excited for this next chapter,” a source tells ET.
“Tom wanted to propose to her over the holidays, says the source,” adding that the 28-year old actor is looking to start a family with his ‘Spider-Man’ co-star. “He really wants to have kids and to settle down.”
First bit is fluffy, generic padding. Everyone who gets engaged is “ready and excited.” Second part is more on Tom’s mindset that could have been sourced to previous interviews he’s done.
PAGE SIX Published Jan. 6, 2025, 3:39 p.m. ET
Tom Holland managed to surprise Zendaya when he popped the question, a source tells Page Six exclusively.
“Tom and Zendaya had discussed marriage over the years, but Zendaya had no idea he was planning to propose,” the insider says.
“They both value their privacy, so the proposal was something Tom wanted to keep private as well.”
The “Spider-Man” star “asked Zendaya’s dad for permission to marry her, but also asked her mom as well,” according to our source.
“Tom and Zendaya’s families are ecstatic,” the insider tells Page Six. “Zendaya’s mom and sisters can’t wait to start planning with her.”
We’re told “there is no wedding date or plans set yet,” with the source adding, “It’s far too soon to start thinking about any of that yet. They’re still celebrating the exciting news.”
More details re: privacy, now from Tom’s mindset. We learn that Tom asked Claire for permission, too, and how Claire and “Zendaya’s sisters” feel, albeit the fact that they’re excited is fluffy and generic, too. This is sounding to me like it came from Claire?
DAILY MAIL UPDATED: 17:25 EST, 7 January 2025
When reached for comment about his reaction to Zendaya, 28, getting engaged to Tom, Kazembe told DailyMail.com that it was 'a bunch of crap' that was reported.
That was a bunch of crap dealt out by TMZ,' he said before adding, 'I don't know what you're talking about.'
When pried by a DailyMail.com reporter for more answers, he refused to comment further.
All we get here is that Kaz refutes TMZ’s reporting, and the Daily Mail implies with its headline that Kaz is refuting the part about Tom asking dad’s permission. But if you look at the actual quotation, it sounds like Kaz is just saying “TMZ is full of shit. Bye,” with an emphasis more on the fact that TMZ didn’t have insider info rather than on the content of the story itself.
What do you all think?
I think that there were three “sources” total. First one was Amy Pascal or someone like her/from her team, going around to the tabloids to push out the engagement story to gin up interest in her cash cows. She didn’t have many concrete details, so she just said some generic, obvious stuff from previous Tom Holland interviews. She may have thought the engagement just happened, or was told as much, so that’s what she passed on.
I think the second, “family source” was some combination of Kaz and Claire. Kaz confirms the engagement to TMZ and gave some details that he thought he had. Kaz or Claire confirms to People. Claire tells P6 that Tom discussed the proposal ahead of time with her, too, because Kaz isnt the only special parent or whatever. And Kaz refutes TMZ on the record to the DM so that he can save face or rectify his mistake after Zendaya told him he was acting like a fool with his initial leaks.
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zendayaupdates · 2 months ago
Except it’s a lie. Tom never asked her dad’s permission. Kaz said so himself.
It really isn’t!
First off I’m not the only blog who’s been posting about this and I’m saying that because I’ve literally been attacked in my inbox for this topic, like are y’all okay?? Chill out. Please.
Anyway, moving on with the topic. Tom HAS asked her dad’s permission already a few months ago and this isn’t only coming from ‘TMZ’ since that seems to be such an issue, but many other famous pages too, you can easily look it up on google.
Also in regard to the other messages in my inbox, to all the people who keep telling me to stop spreading fake info/rumors that they are “not engaged yet”, please stop, you’re desperately seeking attention and have nothing better to do in ur life, funny how not even a few days ago I was warned about this happening very soon.
Continuing. Zendaya has NEVER worn a ring on her ring finger before this years Golden Globe and to add to that she went out for a Challengers interview with Luca Guadagnino where she was seen wearing her ring, the same exact one from the Golden Globes carpet !!! I’ve shared photos on my blog of that day and you can see it on her hand, plus if you watched the interviews, all she does the entire time is play with her ring and stare at it, she’s such a happy woman right now, let her be.
Y’all will never be satisfied until you see them post something about it on social media, which I pray will never happen if this is the reaction I’m getting/seeing as a blog/fanpage. Tom’s dad already said what happened and how things went so please stop it now. It’s getting so childish.
Her and Tom deserve the happy ending more than any other fake Hollywood couple. Now cut me some slack and relax. Get your proper sleep and I’m sure y’all’s lives will turn back to normal, as if this “impacted” your daily life in any way.
If this may not be enough I’ll leave a few links down below! Now breathe. Have a beautiful day.
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foxysgirl · 2 months ago
Tom Holland's proposal to Zendaya was months in the making ... TMZ has learned the Marvel star scored an important family member's blessing long before he got down on one knee.⁣
Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... the 'Spider-Man' star met with the "Euphoria" actress' dad, Kazembe Ajamu Coleman, "months ago" in order to ask for Zendaya's hand in marriage.⁣
We're told this was an important step for Tom ... as he's very traditional and felt it was important to secure Kazembe's blessing first.⁣
Kazembe, obviously, accepted ... and we're told Zendaya’s family is very excited for this next chapter in her relationship with Tom. In fact, sources say Zendaya's family just loves Tom ... and thinks he's "a class act."⁣
For those wondering, we're told Tom waited months to actually propose as he was waiting for the right moment.⁣
TMZ broke the story ... Tom proposed in one of Zendaya’s family homes here in the U.S. over the holiday season, sometime between Christmas and New Year's. We confirmed the engagement after Zendaya rocked her new bling at the Golden Globes.⁣
They had a very intimate engagement ... their respective families were not there.⁣
Tom and Zendaya first met while co-starring in "Spider-Man: Homecoming," playing on-screen love interests Peter Parker and MJ. While there were countless rumors about their relationship, their romance wasn't confirmed until 2021 ... when they were spotted locking lips in a car.⁣
The rest, as they say, is history!!!⁣
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itsagentromanoff · 2 months ago
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Zendaya and Tom Holland are taking their relationship to the next level!
The Spider-Man costars, both 28, are engaged, a family source confirmed to PEOPLE. Tom Holland proposed at one of Zendaya's family homes over the holidays.
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tinas1469 · 2 months ago
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Just Jared: Zendaya is stepping out for the first time since news of her engagement being confirmed!
The 28-year-old actress was seen wearing her engagement ring while heading to a screening of her movie Challengers on Monday night (January 6) in West Hollywood, Calif.
Zendaya was dressed in a black leather outfit for the appearance.
After Zendaya was seen wearing the ring at the Golden Globes on Sunday night, speculation spread that she was engaged to longtime love Tom Holland. The news was confirmed by news outlets just hours later and we've already learned details about how Tom proposed.
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destinyc1020 · 8 days ago
Lol how is it that an article about Jacob and his fiancée's engagement ends up just turning into an article about Tom and Zendaya's engagement? 🤣 😂
The article said more about Tom and Zendaya as a couple than it said about Jacob and his girl lol. 😅
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